SuperStrings v 1.99 : String Manipulation Utility Functions

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SuperStrings v 1.99 : String Manipulation Utility Functions

Post by rolliebollocks »


added StrReplace

*Searches string for key clump of characters and replaces it with new characters.

I wanted to consolidate all my string theory functions under one thread for ease of repeated updates. So here goes:


Code: Select all

#include once ""
#include once ""
'                  Contact:  RolliBollocks2009
declare function isDelimiter ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer 
declare function isPunctuation ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
declare function isInStr ( strbig as const string, strlittle as const string ) as integer
declare Function IsInStr_BCM (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer = 0 ) As Uinteger
declare Function IsInStr_Naive ( strbig As String, strlittle As String ) As Integer
declare function isInStr_FZZY ( byref strlittle as const string, byref strbig as const string, fzzy as single = 0 ) as uinteger
declare Function IsInStr_OCC (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer ) As Uinteger
declare function isInStr_WORDIDX ( Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String ) as uinteger
declare function Reverse ( instring as string ) as string 
declare function RemChr ( instring as string, remasc as string ) as string
declare function RemWord ( indialog as string, byeword as string ) as string
declare function RemWordIdx ( indialog as string, index as integer ) as string
declare function GetWord ( inDialog as string, index as integer ) as string
declare function PutWord ( indialog as string, index as integer, newword as string ) as string
declare function ParamSwap ( byref instring as string, element as integer,  newparam as string ) as string
declare function CutLeftFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
declare function CutRightFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
declare function CutRightFrom ( instring as string, wordindexbgn as uinteger ) as string
declare function CutLeftFrom ( instring as string, wordindexend as uinteger ) as string
declare function CAR ( indialog as string ) as string
declare function CDR ( indialog as string ) as string
declare function StrReplace ( instring as string, old as string, newstr as string ) as string
declare function scramble ( instring as string ) as string
declare function WordCounter ( inDialog as string ) as integer
declare function GetCount ( inDialog as string, delim as ubyte ) as integer
declare function ArrayToLine ( inarray() as string ) as string
declare function GetLineCount ( filename as string ) as integer
declare function LoadFileAsString( byref filename as string ) as string
declare function Zleft ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function Zright ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function zAsc ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as ubyte
declare function zChr ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function zstrTOstr ( s1 as zstring ptr ) as string
declare function strTOzstr ( byval s1 as string ) as zstring ptr  
declare function zstrIndexReturn ( s1 as zstring ptr, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string 
declare sub Print_Center ( instring as string, box_x as single , box_y as single, c as integer )
declare sub Make_Box ( inChr as string, box_x1 as single, box_x2 as single, box_y1 as single, box_y2 as single, c as integer )
declare function Stagger ( instring as string ) as string 
    _TK_NULL        = asc("")
    _TK_TAB         = 9
    _TK_CR          = 13
    _TK_ENDOFLINE   = asc(!"\n")
    _TK_ENTER       = asc(!"\r")
    _TK_SPACE       = asc(" ")
    _TK_AMPERSAND   = asc("&")
    _TK_COMMA       = asc(",")
    _TK_STRING      = asc("$")
    _TK_INTEGER     = asc("%")
    _TK_PERCENT     = asc("%")
    _TK_AT          = asc("@")
    _TK_POUND       = asc("#")
    _TK_DOT         = asc(".")
    _TK_RPAREN      = asc(")")
    _TK_LPAREN      = asc("(")    
    _TK_PLUS        = asc("+")
    _TK_MINUS       = asc("-")
    _TK_ASTERISK    = asc("*")
    _TK_MULT        = asc("*")
    _TK_DIVIDE      = asc("/")
    _TK_FSLASH      = asc("/")
    _TK_BSLASH      = asc("\")
    _TK_UNDERSCORE  = asc("_")
    _TK_LBRACKET    = asc("[")
    _TK_RBRACKET    = asc("]")
    _TK_EQUAL       = asc("=")
    _TK_COMMENT     = asc("'")
    _TK_APOSTROPHE  = asc("'")
    _TK_LSET        = asc("{")
    _TK_RSET        = asc("}")
    _TK_PIPE        = asc("|")
    _TK_GREATERTHAN = asc(">")
    _TK_LESSTHAN    = asc("<")
    _TK_DBLQUOTE    = asc($"")
    _TK_QUESTION    = asc("?")
    _TK_EXCLAIM     = asc("!")
    _TK_COLON       = asc(":")
end enum
' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
function isDelimiter ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
    if inchr = _TK_ENDOFLINE _
    or inchr = _TK_TAB _
    or inchr = _TK_NULL _
    or inchr = _TK_CR _ 
    or inchr = _TK_SPACE then
        return -1 
        return 0
end function
'? isDelimiter(32)
'? isDelimiter(78):sleep
' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
function isPunctuation ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
    if inchr = _TK_ENDOFLINE _
    or inchr = _TK_SPACE _
    or inchr = _TK_DOT _
    or inchr = _TK_RPAREN _
    or inchr = _TK_LPAREN _
    or inchr = _TK_APOSTROPHE _
    or inchr = _TK_AMPERSAND _
    or inchr = _TK_TAB _
    or inchr = _TK_NULL _
    or inchr = _TK_CR _
    or inchr = _TK_QUESTION _
    or inchr = _TK_EXCLAIM _
    or inchr = _TK_COLON then
        return -1
        return 0
end function 
'Searches strbig for strlittle, and returns position (fastest)
function isInStr ( strbig as const string, strlittle as const string ) as integer
     Dim As Uinteger ll=Len(strlittle)-1, lb = Len(strbig) - 1, i=0,ii=0, position=0
     if strbig = strlittle then return 1
    For i   = 0 To lb
        If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
            if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
                if i+ll <= lb then
                    For ii   = (i) To i + ( ll / 2 )
                        if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _
                        or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then 
                            position=0:Exit For
                    Next ii
                If position Then Return position
            Next i
                Return 0
end function
'? isInStr ("dhfjkshlfjkdhsfjkhdsjkhfdjkshfjkldshjkfhdskjlhfdkjlshfjkdshlfds", "jkhdsjkhfdjkshfjkldshjkfhdskjlhfdkjlshfjkdshlf" ):sleep
'Searches strbig for strlittle
Function IsInStr_Naive ( strbig As String, strlittle As String ) As Integer
    dim as integer ll = len(strlittle)-1, lb = len(strbig)-1
    Dim As Integer OK = 0
    For i As Integer = 0 To lb
        If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
            if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
                OK = i+1
                For ii As Integer = i To i+ll
                    If strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] Then OK = 0:Exit For
        If OK Then Return OK
    Return OK
End Function
'Searches strbig for strlittle, allows for a bad character max which will return
'a false result as true if enough of the characters are similar
Function IsInStr_BCM (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer = 0 ) As Uinteger
    Dim As Uinteger position, bcm
     Dim ll As Uinteger=Len(strlittle)-1
     Dim lb As Uinteger=Len(strbig) - 1
     Dim As Uinteger i,ii     
     if strbig = strlittle then return 1
    For i   = 0 To lb
        If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
            if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
                if i+ll <= lb then
                    For ii   = (i) To i + ( ll shr 1 )
                        if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _ 
                        or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then 
                            if bcm > BADCHARMAX then
                                Exit For
                    Next ii
                    bcm = 0
                If position Then Return position
            Next i
                Return 0
End Function
'Searches strbig for strlittle, wherein strlittle is a whole word separated by a
'space, and it returns its position in reference to other whole words
function isInStr_WORDIDX ( Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String ) as uinteger
    dim as integer i
    for i = 0 to GetCount ( strbig, _TK_SPACE )
        if GetWord ( strbig, i ) = strlittle then return i+1
    return 0
end function
'searches strbig for strlittle and returns how many times the word occurs in the 
'strbig string
Function IsInStr_OCC (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer ) As Uinteger
    Dim As Uinteger position, bcm, occ
     Dim ll As Uinteger=Len(strlittle)-1
     Dim lb As Uinteger=Len(strbig) - 1
     Dim As Uinteger i,ii
     if strbig = strlittle then return 1
    For i   = 0 To lb
        If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
            if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
                if i+ll <= lb then
                    For ii   = (i) To i + ( ll shr 1 )
                        if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _ 
                        or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then 
                            if bcm > BADCHARMAX then
                                Exit For
                    Next ii
                    bcm = 0
                If position Then occ+=1:position = 0
            Next i
                Return occ
End Function
'searches for the occurence of a word backward in a string, returns position
function IsInStrRev ( strbig as string, strlittle as string ) as uinteger
    strlittle = Reverse ( strlittle )
    function = isinstr ( strbig, strlittle )
end function
'returns the string written backward
function Reverse ( instring as string ) as string
    dim outstring as string = instring
    dim as integer l = len(instring) - 1
    for i as integer = 0 to l
        outstring[ l - i ] = instring[i]

    return outstring

end function
'returns the string minus the character specified by remasc
function RemChr ( instring as string, remasc as string ) as string
    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = 0 to len(instring) - 1
        if instring[i] <> remasc[0] then outstring &= chr(instring[i])
    return outstring
end function
'returns the string minus the word specified by byeword
function RemWord ( indialog as string, byeword as string ) as string

    dim as string outstring = ""
    dim as string text = indialog
    for i as integer = 0 to WordCounter ( text ) - 1
        if GetWord ( text, i ) <> byeword then
            outstring &= GetWord ( text, i ) & " "
    return outstring

end function
'returns the string minus the word's index (position in string) specified by index
function RemWordIdx ( indialog as string, index as integer ) as string

    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = 0 to WordCounter (indialog) 
        if i <> index then
            outstring &= GetWord ( indialog, i ) & " "
    return outstring

end function
'gets a specified word in accord with specified index
function GetWord ( inDialog as string, index as integer ) as string

    dim as integer wordcount = 0
    dim as string word = "" 
    indialog &= chr(32)
    if index = 0 then 
        for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
            if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then 
                return word
                exit function
                word &= chr(inDialog[i])
    for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
        if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then 
            wordcount += 1
            if wordcount = index then
                for ii as integer = i+1 to len(inDialog) - 1
                    if isDelimiter ( inDialog[ii] ) then 
                        word = RemChr (word," ")
                        return word
                        word &= chr(inDialog[ii])
    return ""
end function
'inserts a word at specified index
function PutWord ( indialog as string, index as integer, newword as string ) as string
    dim as integer wordcount = 0
    dim as string edit1 = indialog
    dim as string edit2 = indialog
    if index = 0 then
        edit1 = newword & " " & edit1
        return edit1
        for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
            if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then 
                wordcount += 1
                if wordcount = index then
                    edit1 = zstrindexreturn ( strtozstr(indialog), 0, i ) 
                    edit2 = zstrindexreturn ( strtozstr(indialog), i+1, len(indialog)-1 ) 
                    edit1 &= " " & newword & " " & edit2
                    return edit1
end function
'swaps a word with new word at specified index (element)
function ParamSwap ( byref instring as string, element as integer,  newparam as string ) as string

    instring = RemWordIdx ( instring, element )
    instring = PutWord ( instring, element, newparam )   
    return instring

end function 
'returns a new string with old string's characters all shuffled up (requires
'randomize to be initialized)
function scramble ( instring as string ) as string
    dim as string outstring = space(len(instring))
    dim as integer i = 0, r = 0, l = len(instring) - 1
    do while isinstr ( outstring, " " )
        r = rnd * l
        if outstring[r] = 32 then 
            outstring[r] = instring[i]
    return outstring
end function
'searches instring for old and replaces it with newstr
function StrReplace ( instring as string, old as string, newstr as string ) as string
    dim as integer spot = 0
    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = 1 to isinstr_OCC ( instring, old, 0 )
        spot = isinstr_naive ( instring, old ) - 1
        outstring &= cutleftfrom_char ( instring, spot ) & newstr
        instring = cutrightfrom_char ( instring, spot+len(old) ) 
        spot += len(old)
    return outstring & instring
end function
'returns all the characters left of index idx
function CutLeftFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
    dim as string outstring
    for i as integer = 0 to idx - 1
        outstring &= chr(instring[i])
    return outstring
end function
'returns all the characters right of index idx
function CutRightFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
    dim as string outstring
    for i as integer = idx to len(instring)-1
        outstring &= chr(instring[i])
    return outstring
end function
'returns all words left of word index wordindexbgn
function CutRightFrom ( instring as string, wordindexbgn as uinteger ) as string
    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = wordindexbgn - 1 to WordCounter( instring )
        outstring &= GetWord( instring, i ) & chr(32)
    function = outstring
end function
'returns all words right of word index wordindexbgn
function CutLeftFrom ( instring as string, wordindexend as uinteger ) as string
    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = 0 to wordindexend - 1
        outstring &= GetWord( instring, i ) & chr(32)
    function = outstring
end function
'returns first element in a string list 
function CAR ( indialog as string ) as string
    return GetWord ( indialog, 0)
end function
'returns all elements except the first element in a string list
function CDR ( indialog as string ) as string
    return RemWordIdx ( indialog, 0)
end function
'counts words in a string
function WordCounter ( inDialog as string ) as integer
    dim as integer wordcount
    indialog &= !"\n"
    for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
        if isPunctuation ( indialog[i] ) then 
            if NOT isPunctuation ( indialog[i-1] ) then 
                wordcount += 1
    return wordcount
end function 
'counts words in a string by specified delimeter
function GetCount ( inDialog as string, delim as ubyte ) as integer
    dim as integer wordcount
    indialog &= !"\n"
    for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
        if indialog[i] = delim then 
            wordcount += 1
    return wordcount
end function 
'Makes an array of words from any given sentence
#Macro Str_LineToArray ( instring, varname )
    dim as integer wc##varname = GetCount ( instring, _TK_SPACE )
    redim as string varname ( wc##varname )
    for i as integer = 0 to wc##varname
        if GetWord ( instring, i) <> "" then varname(i) = GetWord ( instring, i)
'Makes an array of strings into a single string
function ArrayToLine ( inarray() as string ) as string
    dim as string outstring = ""
    for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inarray)
        if inarray(i) <> "" then
            outstring &= inarray(i) & " "
    return outstring
end function   
'Makes a multiline string into an array of lines
#macro Str_ToLineArray ( inscript, varname )
    dim as integer varname##linecount = GetCount(inscript, _TK_ENDOFLINE)
    dim as string varname##newline
    dim as string varname(varname##linecount)
    inscript &= !"\n"
    varname##linecount = 0    
    for i as integer = 0 to len(inscript) 
        if inscript[i]  <> _TK_ENDOFLINE _
        and inscript[i] <> _TK_TAB _
        and inscript[i] <> _TK_CR _
        and inscript[i] <> _TK_NULL _
        and inscript[i] <> _TK_COLON then
            varname##newline &= chr(inscript[i])
            varname(varname##linecount) = varname##newline
            varname##newline = "":varname##linecount += 1
        if varname##linecount >= ubound(varname) then exit for
'///////////////////////////File Stuff//////////////////////////////////////////
'Returns the amount of lines in a file
function GetLineCount ( filename as string ) as integer
  dim as integer f = freefile
  dim as integer count = 0
  dim as string nil
  if fileexists(filename) then
      open filename for input as #f
         while not eof(f)
             line input #f, nil
             count += 1
      count = -1
  close #f
  return count
end function
'takes a file and loads into an array line by line
#Macro File_ToLineArray ( filename, varname )
    dim as string inscript = LoadFileAsString ( filename )
    inscript = RemChr ( inscript, chr(_TK_CR) )
    Str_ToLineArray ( inscript, varname )
'loads a file into a string
'Borrowed from Jeff Marshall
function LoadFileAsString( byref filename as string ) as string

	dim x as string

	if( open( filename for input access read as #13 ) = 0 ) then
		close #13
		if( open( filename for binary access read as #13 ) = 0 ) then
			x = space( lof( 13 ))
			get #13,,x
			close #13
			'print "Unable to open '" & filename & "'"
		end if 
        'print "File not found '" & filename & "'"
	end if

	function = x

end function
'returns all characters between index v1, and v2
function StrIndexReturn ( byval text as string, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string 
    if v1 = v2 then return chr(text[v1])
    if v1>v2 then 
        dim as string result = ""
        for i as integer = v2 to v1
            result &= chr(text[i])
        return result
    if v1<v2 then
        dim as string result = ""
        for i as integer = v2 to v1
            result &= chr(text[i])
        return result
    return ""    
end function
'///////////////////////////Zstrings to strings functions///////////////////////
'Inspirational Quote:
'The end of the string is marked by a character 0 ASCII, this is automatically managed by 
'the FreeBASIC string handling functions. A character 0 ASCII must never enter in the text 
'of a Zstring or it will be truncated, as no descriptor exists. -FBWiki
function Zleft ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
    dim as string res = ""
    dim as zstring ptr temp = s1
    temp[idx] = 0
    res = zstrTOstr ( temp )
    return res    
end function
function zRight ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
    return zstrTOstr (s1[idx])
end function
function zAsc ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as ubyte
    return asc ( zleft ( zright ( s1, idx-1 ), 1 ) )
end function
function zChr ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
    return zleft ( zright ( s1, idx-1 ), 1 ) 
end function
function strTOzstr ( byval s1 as string ) as zstring ptr    
    return cast ( zstring ptr, @s1 )
end function
function zstrTOstr ( s1 as zstring ptr ) as string
    return s1[0] 
end function
function zstrIndexReturn ( s1 as zstring ptr, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string 
    if v2 <= len(*s1) then
        dim as string ret = zstrTOstr ( zleft ( zright ( s1, v1), v2 ) )
        return ret
        return ""
end function
'----------------------------Bonus Functions------------------------------------

function round ( inint as single ) as integer
    dim as single outint = inint - int(inint)
    if outint >= .5 then 
        outint = int(inint + 1)
        outint = int(inint)
    return outint
end function
' splits a string in half
#macro Zenoctomy ( instring, varname )
    dim as string varname(2)
    varname(0) = instring
    if len(varname(0)) = 1 _
    or len(varname(0)) = 0 then 
        'Pick nose
        dim as integer varname##length = len(varname(0))
        'Find Middle
        dim as single varname##middle =  ( varname##length / 2 ) ' or divide by 2^N
        'Odd or Even?
        if varname##middle = int(varname##middle) then
            varname(0) = zleft(varname(0), varname##middle )
            varname(2) = zright(instring, varname##middle )
            varname(1) =  zChr(varname(0), Round( varname##middle ) )
            varname(0) = zleft(varname(0), Round( varname##middle ) -1 )
            varname(2) = zright(instring, Round (varname##middle) )
'-----------------------------Cosmetic Routines---------------------------------
'center text according to the diagonal opposite 0,0
sub Print_Center ( instring as string, box_x as single , box_y as single, c as integer )

    draw string ( box_x shr 1 - ( len(instring) shr 1)*8, box_y shr 1), instring, c

end sub
sub Make_Box ( inChr as string, box_x1 as single, box_x2 as single, box_y1 as single, box_y2 as single, c as integer )
    dim as integer widstr = (box_x2 - box_x1) / 8
    dim as integer lenstr = (box_y2 - box_y1) / 8
    for i as integer = box_x1 to box_x2 step 8
        draw string ( i, box_y1 ), inChr, c
    for i as integer = box_x1 to box_x2 step 8
        draw string ( i, box_y2), inChr, c

    for i as integer = box_y1 to box_y2 step 8
        draw string ( box_x1, i ), inChr, c
    for i as integer = box_y1 to box_y2 step 8
        draw string ( box_x2, i ), inChr, c

end sub
'Turns every other character upper/lower/upper/lower
function Stagger ( instring as string ) as string 

    for i as integer = 0 to len(instring) step 2
        if chr(instring[i]) = lcase(chr(instring[i])) then 
            instring[i] -= 32
        elseif chr(instring[i]) = ucase(chr(instring[i])) then 
            instring[i] += 32

    return instring
end function

'-----------------------------Console Functions---------------------------------
'print and get input from the console while in graphics mode
sub ConsOut ( byref Msg as string )
    open cons for output as #99: print #99, Msg;: close #99
end sub
function ConsIn () as string 
    dim as string msg
    Open cons For INPUT As #99:line input #99, Msg:Close #99
    function = msg
end function
Last edited by rolliebollocks on Jun 09, 2009 14:23, edited 11 times in total.
Posts: 2655
Joined: Aug 28, 2008 10:54
Location: new york

String Theory 1:

Post by rolliebollocks »

A demonstration of Zeno's Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise.

Of interest to chaoticians and mathematicians.

Code: Select all

#include "rb_strings.bas"
'Zeno's Paradox - A demonstration...

'If you remember the race between Achilles and the Tortoise, Achilles loses because
'(for whatever reason) he's only capable of halving the distances between himself
'and the sluggish beast.
'We know by logic he loses, and yet it defies all expectation, knowing that if he
'is faster, he must win.
'Here we have our first instance of a parable which deals with infinite sets in
'finite spaces. 

'Let's Imagine That we have a Line:

dim as string theline = "123456789"

'The first thing we want to do is find the center of the line. The center of the 
'line can be described as the point on the line at which we can bisect it to form
'two lines of equal size...
'In an infinite set this is super easy: Any point on the line can be taken as the
'center... But there would be no way to determine the magnitude of the infinity
'vector in either direction... :(
'In a finite set, the problem of the center is equally frustrating.
'Take our line for example. We can easily intuit that the center of the line falls
'at 5. But what happens if we add a 0 to the end of our sequence? The point no 
'longer falls on our line, but rather between elements 5 and 6.
'We can say the center of the line is 5&6...
'In this universe we have only integers. These integers are "atomic" in the Olde
'sense of being "uncuttable", "irreducible". They signify themselves and their
'meaning is gleaned from the sequence in which they fall. Certainly "1234098765"
'is no less of a line than our variable "theline" is... They signify a space in 
'a sequnce, and the one which is more familiar, our number line, confuses the
'fact that this sequence can be "anything".
'Godel invented a way to number "anything" via a 1:1 correspondence between element
'and number.
'Back to Zeno's paradox. Forget the outcome of the race, the key here is the bisecting:
'the halving of the distance between Achilles and the Tortoise. 
'Firstly. How do we find the center of any line without relying on our eyes?
'The equation is this:
' center = len(str)-1 shr 1 = (len(str)-1) / 2
'This equation will produce the center of the line at which the two halves have 
'an equal length. But what about the center of that line? Well wait a minute!
'There are two lines! We can call the left hand line L1, and the right hand line
'R1. Further more, we can determine the center for the Nth iteration of our line
'through our equation. Therefore
'L(N) = len(str)-1 / 2^N
'R(N) = ( len(str)-1 - L(N) ) / 2^N
'Now we cannot return 2 strings from a function, so we need to pray to the chaos
'gods of the preprocessor by invoking the name of their Archon: Macro!EndMacro
'the caretaker and patron of all Macros.
'Now, the thing you need to understand about the Macros is, they're frowned upon by 
'the demigods who invoke them (only) as a last resort. But the Macro also likes
'living in the shadows where it is free to create as it pleases and is the keeper
'of one of the Seven Great Secrets of Everything. Firstly, we need a function to
'properly deal with the possibility of fractional results. In fact, we need to 
'force our little strings into a world, which is (perhaps) less real. 

'#macro Zenoctomy ( instring, varname )
'    dim as string varname(2)
'    varname(0) = instring
'    if len(varname(0)) = 1 _
'    or len(varname(0)) = 0 then 
'        'Pick nose
'    else
'        dim as integer varname##length = len(varname(0))
'        'Find Middle
'        dim as single varname##middle =  ( varname##length / 2 ) + 1' or divide by 2^N
'        'Odd or Even?
'        if varname##middle = int(varname##middle) then
'            varname(0) = cutleftfrom(instring, varname##middle -1)
'            varname(2) = cutrightfrom(instring, varname##middle - 1)
'        else
'            varname(1) =  Chr(Asc(varname(0), varname##middle))
'            varname(0) = cutleftfrom(varname(0), varname##middle -1 )
'            varname(2) = cutrightfrom(instring, Round (varname##middle) -1)
'        endif
'    endif

'The left cut:
Zenoctomy ("0123456789", h)
? h(0), h(1), h(2)
Zenoctomy ( h(0), hh)
? hh(0), hh(1), hh(2)
Zenoctomy ( hh(0), hhh)
? hhh(0), hhh(1), hhh(2)
'The right cut:
Zenoctomy ("0123456789", g)
? g(0), g(1), g(2)
Zenoctomy ( g(2), gg)
? gg(0), gg(1), gg(2)
Zenoctomy ( gg(2), ggg)
? ggg(0), ggg(1), ggg(2)

Zenoctomy ("fudgeround", z)
? z(0), z(1), z(2)

Zenoctomy ("fudgeround2", z2)
? z2(0), z2(1), z2(2)

'So you see, what has happened here... is the equations...

'LcenterN = len(str)-1/2^n
'RcenterN = ( (len(str)-1)-(len(str)-1/2^N ) / 2^N
'Are being translated into an extremely efficient repeatable process...

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Post by rolliebollocks »

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Location: new york

Post by rolliebollocks »



CutLeftFrom_Char ( instring, index )
CutRightFrom_Char ( instring, index )

These functions use string indexing to replace MID$ They cut from any place in the index, while the originals cut from an entire word...


Print a string in reverse

IsInStrRev ( strbig, strlittle ) as uinteger

Search for a string backward... Depends on isinstr, and StrReverse

Print_Center ( instring as string, box_x as single , box_y as single, c as integer )

Cosmetic function to center a string in a defined box.


Bug in GetWord that would choke on numeric strings...
Posts: 1253
Joined: Nov 06, 2005 5:19

Post by stylin »

rolliebollocks, good job, looks like you have some useful stuff there ! Since you seem interested in string manipulation, have you thought about contributing to fbext ? It has a couple of strings modules, with some of the same functionality too (one general-purpose and the other an attempt to replicate some of PHP's string API; links are below). Anyway, keep up the good work ! ... xt/strings ...
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Post by rolliebollocks »

Thanks, yeah, I'd love to.

I'm still working out the kinks in some of the procedures here and there as I test them, but I'll definitely contribute.

I took a look at the fb extended library to see if I could write some of those on my own (as a challenge to myself).

One issue you may have is that the functions are extremely interdependent. That is to say, you can't take out one without inheriting 6 other ones.

I'm going to be doing more testing today. There is weirdness happening with some of the macros. And I removed the function which makes the Zeno Paradox thing work for a better one.

I'll get back soon.

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Post by rolliebollocks »

How does one go about submitting, exactly, and what would I have to do to get the string lib ready?

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Post by rolliebollocks »


File_ToLineArray ( inscript, varname )

Now functions according to specs. The Macro loads any file into an array of lines...

Is that cool or what?

Posts: 1284
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Location: the Netherlands

Post by AGS »

I've changed the implementation of one of your functions (isDelimiter) and tested it's performance against my implementation.

Code: Select all

    _TK_NULL        = Asc("")
    _TK_TAB         = 9
    _TK_CR          = 13
    _TK_ENDOFLINE   = Asc(!"\n")
    _TK_ENTER       = Asc(!"\r")
    _TK_SPACE       = Asc(" ")
    _TK_AMPERSAND   = Asc("&")
    _TK_COMMA       = Asc(",")
    _TK_STRING      = Asc("$")
    _TK_INTEGER     = Asc("%")
    _TK_PERCENT     = Asc("%")
    _TK_AT          = Asc("@")
    _TK_POUND       = Asc("#")
    _TK_DOT         = Asc(".")
    _TK_RPAREN      = Asc(")")
    _TK_LPAREN      = Asc("(")   
    _TK_PLUS        = Asc("+")
    _TK_MINUS       = Asc("-")
    _TK_ASTERISK    = Asc("*")
    _TK_MULT        = Asc("*")
    _TK_DIVIDE      = Asc("/")
    _TK_FSLASH      = Asc("/")
    _TK_BSLASH      = Asc("\")
    _TK_UNDERSCORE  = Asc("_")
    _TK_LBRACKET    = Asc("[")
    _TK_RBRACKET    = Asc("]")
    _TK_EQUAL       = Asc("=")
    _TK_COMMENT     = Asc("'")
    _TK_APOSTROPHE  = Asc("'")
    _TK_LSET        = Asc("{")
    _TK_RSET        = Asc("}")
    _TK_PIPE        = Asc("|")
    _TK_GREATERTHAN = Asc(">")
    _TK_LESSTHAN    = Asc("<")
    _TK_DBLQUOTE    = Asc($"")
    _TK_QUESTION    = Asc("?")
    _TK_EXCLAIM     = Asc("!")
    _TK_COLON       = Asc(":")
End enum
' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
Function isDelimiter1 ( inchr As Ubyte ) As Integer
    If inchr = _TK_ENDOFLINE _
    Or inchr = _TK_TAB _
    Or inchr = _TK_NULL _
    Or inchr = _TK_CR _
    Or inchr = _TK_SPACE Then
        Return -1
        Return 0
End Function

' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
Function isDelimiter2 ( inchr As Ubyte ) As Integer    
		Select Case inchr
			Return -1
		Case Else
			Return 0
		End Select
End Function

Sub main()

Dim As String input_ = _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n" _
!"Hello  		how do you do	   	\n" _
!"there is much   whitespace                       \r"_
!"      in this                	 	 			string\n"

Dim As Integer hits = 0

Var t1 = Timer()
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(input_) - 1
	hits += isDelimiter1(input_[i])
Next i
Var t2 = Timer()
Print Using "Time isDelimiter1 = ####.######";t2 - t1
Print hits
Print Len(input_)

hits = 0
t1 = Timer()
For j As Integer = 0 To Len(input_) - 1
	hits += isDelimiter2(input_[j])
Next j
t2 = Timer()
Print Using "Time isDelimiter2  = ####.######";t2 - t1
Print hits
Print Len(input_)

End Sub

isDelimiter1 is the original version.
isDelimiter2 is my version.

Run the program a couple of times and notice the timing indications (execution time isDelimiter1 versus execution time isDelimiter2).

Do you see what I see...? (or is it just that my PC 'likes' a select case statement better than an if statement?)
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Post by KristopherWindsor »

.00001 seconds doesn't really matter. :o
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Post by rolliebollocks »

I was informed by several knowledgeable that select case is often slower and that if then's are preferable when speed is an issue. Select Case is prettier and easier to work with, and for that reason, I would use it. It may be that the OR/AND operators slow down the process, and under normal circumstances IF/THEN is faster.

I'm not really knowledgeable about such things... I go by what I hear.

But now that I tested it, you're right, select case is faster on my machine too by .00005 seconds.

My theory on optimization still seems to hold here:
the fewer the lines, the more optimized it is... except (of course) when its not true, like when you're weeding out with extra checks.

For the record, the difference in speed between the naive version of isInStr is not appreciably different from the optimized version. Also, if you check 2, 3, 4 characters at a time, it slows it's time through the string array, effectively. The naive function is still the best for everyday searches primarily because there are so few lines of code. The optimized version of the Fuzzy and BCM variety work for needles which are over 300 characters... But the BCM has the added power to do hackish pattern matching, and the FZZY version works by only checking a percentage of the characters.

I need to comment them better...

Thanks, though... you're right, in this instance select case is faster.

Praise be to string indexing...

Posts: 2556
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Location: SK, Canada

Post by 1000101 »

Both methods are slow.

The If/Then statement can be changed from "Or" to "OrElse" so the first hit it will return -1 instead of doing equality checks on them all, then combining them all via or and finally checking for zero equality (jnz).

The Select/Case can become more efficient with the "As Const" operator forcing fbc to generate a jump table so it will go to the proper response directly from the input value.
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Location: the Netherlands

Post by AGS »

rolliebollocks wrote: Praise be to string indexing...
Changed another function and got some nice timing results. StrReverse is your version, StrReverse2 is mine.

Code: Select all

Function StrReverse ( ByRef instring As String ) As String
    Dim As String newstring = ""
    For i As Integer = Len(instring) - 1 To 0 Step -1
        newstring &= Chr( instring[i] )
    Return newstring
End Function

Function StrReverse2 (ByRef instring As String) As String

	Dim As Integer l = Len(instring) - 1
	Dim newstring As String
	newstring = String(l+1,69)
	For i As Integer = 0 To l
		newstring[l-i] = instring[i]
	Next i
	Return newstring
End Function

Sub main()
	Var test = String(10000,65)
	Var t1 = Timer()
	Var test2 = StrReverse(test)
	Var t2 = Timer()
	Print Using "Execution time StrReverse  = #####.########";t2 - t1
	t1 = Timer()
	Var test3 = StrReverse2(test)
	t2 = Timer()
	Print Using "Execution time StrReverse2 = #####.########";t2 - t1	
End Sub

Testresults (test done on my very old and very slow PC (celeron 1ghz))
Execution time StrReverse = 0.03024183
Execution time StrReverse2 = 0.00024137
If you use a very long string (Var test = String(100000,65)) performance of StrReverse degrades dramatically. That is, on the old PC I'm using.

How much the results of my benchmark are worth is debatable. Looking at the results of the program I posted before the one above I'd say my PC is a piece of .... when compared to, say, the PC KristopherWindsor is using. The numbers looked like this (difference in runtime between Select Case and If... Then):

.0003 (me)
.00005 (rolliebollocks)
.00001 (KristopherWindsor)

The difference between .00001 and .0003 is huge.

And a .00001 seconds difference in runtime is nothing. Clearly KristopherWindsor and rolliebollocks are using machines that perform very differently from the PC I'm using.

I agree with 1000101 that Select Case As Const is the best. It performs better than Select Case (tried it myself :) ).
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Post by rolliebollocks »


It looks like CHR is slowing things down. If you didn't have to fill the string before rewriting it, yours would be even faster. Anyway, kudos on a creative solution.

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Post by vdecampo »

Is it too late to get in on the algo speed check?

Code: Select all

Function _StrRev (Byref instring As String) As String
Dim As Integer lenstr = Len(instring)
Dim As Byte ptr newstring = Callocate(lenstr+1)
   For i As Integer = 0 To lenstr-1 
      newstring[i] = instring[lenstr-i-1]
   Next i
   Return *Cast(ZString Ptr,newstring)
End Function

Print _StrRev("The cow jumped over the moon")

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