added StrReplace
*Searches string for key clump of characters and replaces it with new characters.
I wanted to consolidate all my string theory functions under one thread for ease of repeated updates. So here goes:
Code: Select all
#include once ""
#include once ""
' Contact: RolliBollocks2009
declare function isDelimiter ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
declare function isPunctuation ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
declare function isInStr ( strbig as const string, strlittle as const string ) as integer
declare Function IsInStr_BCM (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer = 0 ) As Uinteger
declare Function IsInStr_Naive ( strbig As String, strlittle As String ) As Integer
declare function isInStr_FZZY ( byref strlittle as const string, byref strbig as const string, fzzy as single = 0 ) as uinteger
declare Function IsInStr_OCC (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer ) As Uinteger
declare function isInStr_WORDIDX ( Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String ) as uinteger
declare function Reverse ( instring as string ) as string
declare function RemChr ( instring as string, remasc as string ) as string
declare function RemWord ( indialog as string, byeword as string ) as string
declare function RemWordIdx ( indialog as string, index as integer ) as string
declare function GetWord ( inDialog as string, index as integer ) as string
declare function PutWord ( indialog as string, index as integer, newword as string ) as string
declare function ParamSwap ( byref instring as string, element as integer, newparam as string ) as string
declare function CutLeftFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
declare function CutRightFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
declare function CutRightFrom ( instring as string, wordindexbgn as uinteger ) as string
declare function CutLeftFrom ( instring as string, wordindexend as uinteger ) as string
declare function CAR ( indialog as string ) as string
declare function CDR ( indialog as string ) as string
declare function StrReplace ( instring as string, old as string, newstr as string ) as string
declare function scramble ( instring as string ) as string
declare function WordCounter ( inDialog as string ) as integer
declare function GetCount ( inDialog as string, delim as ubyte ) as integer
declare function ArrayToLine ( inarray() as string ) as string
declare function GetLineCount ( filename as string ) as integer
declare function LoadFileAsString( byref filename as string ) as string
declare function Zleft ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function Zright ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function zAsc ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as ubyte
declare function zChr ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
declare function zstrTOstr ( s1 as zstring ptr ) as string
declare function strTOzstr ( byval s1 as string ) as zstring ptr
declare function zstrIndexReturn ( s1 as zstring ptr, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string
declare sub Print_Center ( instring as string, box_x as single , box_y as single, c as integer )
declare sub Make_Box ( inChr as string, box_x1 as single, box_x2 as single, box_y1 as single, box_y2 as single, c as integer )
declare function Stagger ( instring as string ) as string
_TK_NULL = asc("")
_TK_TAB = 9
_TK_CR = 13
_TK_ENDOFLINE = asc(!"\n")
_TK_ENTER = asc(!"\r")
_TK_SPACE = asc(" ")
_TK_AMPERSAND = asc("&")
_TK_COMMA = asc(",")
_TK_STRING = asc("$")
_TK_INTEGER = asc("%")
_TK_PERCENT = asc("%")
_TK_AT = asc("@")
_TK_POUND = asc("#")
_TK_DOT = asc(".")
_TK_RPAREN = asc(")")
_TK_LPAREN = asc("(")
_TK_PLUS = asc("+")
_TK_MINUS = asc("-")
_TK_ASTERISK = asc("*")
_TK_MULT = asc("*")
_TK_DIVIDE = asc("/")
_TK_FSLASH = asc("/")
_TK_BSLASH = asc("\")
_TK_UNDERSCORE = asc("_")
_TK_LBRACKET = asc("[")
_TK_RBRACKET = asc("]")
_TK_EQUAL = asc("=")
_TK_COMMENT = asc("'")
_TK_APOSTROPHE = asc("'")
_TK_LSET = asc("{")
_TK_RSET = asc("}")
_TK_PIPE = asc("|")
_TK_GREATERTHAN = asc(">")
_TK_LESSTHAN = asc("<")
_TK_DBLQUOTE = asc($"")
_TK_QUESTION = asc("?")
_TK_EXCLAIM = asc("!")
_TK_COLON = asc(":")
end enum
' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
function isDelimiter ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
if inchr = _TK_ENDOFLINE _
or inchr = _TK_TAB _
or inchr = _TK_NULL _
or inchr = _TK_CR _
or inchr = _TK_SPACE then
return -1
return 0
end function
'? isDelimiter(32)
'? isDelimiter(78):sleep
' Checks for the listed elements at a given point in any string, and returns -1
' for true, 0 for false
function isPunctuation ( inchr as ubyte ) as integer
if inchr = _TK_ENDOFLINE _
or inchr = _TK_SPACE _
or inchr = _TK_DOT _
or inchr = _TK_RPAREN _
or inchr = _TK_LPAREN _
or inchr = _TK_APOSTROPHE _
or inchr = _TK_AMPERSAND _
or inchr = _TK_TAB _
or inchr = _TK_NULL _
or inchr = _TK_CR _
or inchr = _TK_QUESTION _
or inchr = _TK_EXCLAIM _
or inchr = _TK_COLON then
return -1
return 0
end function
'Searches strbig for strlittle, and returns position (fastest)
function isInStr ( strbig as const string, strlittle as const string ) as integer
Dim As Uinteger ll=Len(strlittle)-1, lb = Len(strbig) - 1, i=0,ii=0, position=0
if strbig = strlittle then return 1
For i = 0 To lb
If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
if i+ll <= lb then
For ii = (i) To i + ( ll / 2 )
if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _
or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then
position=0:Exit For
Next ii
If position Then Return position
Next i
Return 0
end function
'? isInStr ("dhfjkshlfjkdhsfjkhdsjkhfdjkshfjkldshjkfhdskjlhfdkjlshfjkdshlfds", "jkhdsjkhfdjkshfjkldshjkfhdskjlhfdkjlshfjkdshlf" ):sleep
'Searches strbig for strlittle
Function IsInStr_Naive ( strbig As String, strlittle As String ) As Integer
dim as integer ll = len(strlittle)-1, lb = len(strbig)-1
Dim As Integer OK = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To lb
If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
OK = i+1
For ii As Integer = i To i+ll
If strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] Then OK = 0:Exit For
If OK Then Return OK
Return OK
End Function
'Searches strbig for strlittle, allows for a bad character max which will return
'a false result as true if enough of the characters are similar
Function IsInStr_BCM (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer = 0 ) As Uinteger
Dim As Uinteger position, bcm
Dim ll As Uinteger=Len(strlittle)-1
Dim lb As Uinteger=Len(strbig) - 1
Dim As Uinteger i,ii
if strbig = strlittle then return 1
For i = 0 To lb
If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
if i+ll <= lb then
For ii = (i) To i + ( ll shr 1 )
if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _
or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then
if bcm > BADCHARMAX then
Exit For
Next ii
bcm = 0
If position Then Return position
Next i
Return 0
End Function
'Searches strbig for strlittle, wherein strlittle is a whole word separated by a
'space, and it returns its position in reference to other whole words
function isInStr_WORDIDX ( Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String ) as uinteger
dim as integer i
for i = 0 to GetCount ( strbig, _TK_SPACE )
if GetWord ( strbig, i ) = strlittle then return i+1
return 0
end function
'searches strbig for strlittle and returns how many times the word occurs in the
'strbig string
Function IsInStr_OCC (Byref strbig As String,Byref strlittle As String, BADCHARMAX as integer ) As Uinteger
Dim As Uinteger position, bcm, occ
Dim ll As Uinteger=Len(strlittle)-1
Dim lb As Uinteger=Len(strbig) - 1
Dim As Uinteger i,ii
if strbig = strlittle then return 1
For i = 0 To lb
If strbig[i] = strlittle[0] Then
if strbig[i+ll] = strlittle[ll] then
if i+ll <= lb then
For ii = (i) To i + ( ll shr 1 )
if strbig[ i+ll - ( ii-i ) ] <> strlittle [ll-(ii-i)] _
or strbig[ii] <> strlittle[ ii - i ] then
if bcm > BADCHARMAX then
Exit For
Next ii
bcm = 0
If position Then occ+=1:position = 0
Next i
Return occ
End Function
'searches for the occurence of a word backward in a string, returns position
function IsInStrRev ( strbig as string, strlittle as string ) as uinteger
strlittle = Reverse ( strlittle )
function = isinstr ( strbig, strlittle )
end function
'returns the string written backward
function Reverse ( instring as string ) as string
dim outstring as string = instring
dim as integer l = len(instring) - 1
for i as integer = 0 to l
outstring[ l - i ] = instring[i]
return outstring
end function
'returns the string minus the character specified by remasc
function RemChr ( instring as string, remasc as string ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = 0 to len(instring) - 1
if instring[i] <> remasc[0] then outstring &= chr(instring[i])
return outstring
end function
'returns the string minus the word specified by byeword
function RemWord ( indialog as string, byeword as string ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
dim as string text = indialog
for i as integer = 0 to WordCounter ( text ) - 1
if GetWord ( text, i ) <> byeword then
outstring &= GetWord ( text, i ) & " "
return outstring
end function
'returns the string minus the word's index (position in string) specified by index
function RemWordIdx ( indialog as string, index as integer ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = 0 to WordCounter (indialog)
if i <> index then
outstring &= GetWord ( indialog, i ) & " "
return outstring
end function
'gets a specified word in accord with specified index
function GetWord ( inDialog as string, index as integer ) as string
dim as integer wordcount = 0
dim as string word = ""
indialog &= chr(32)
if index = 0 then
for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then
return word
exit function
word &= chr(inDialog[i])
for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then
wordcount += 1
if wordcount = index then
for ii as integer = i+1 to len(inDialog) - 1
if isDelimiter ( inDialog[ii] ) then
word = RemChr (word," ")
return word
word &= chr(inDialog[ii])
return ""
end function
'inserts a word at specified index
function PutWord ( indialog as string, index as integer, newword as string ) as string
dim as integer wordcount = 0
dim as string edit1 = indialog
dim as string edit2 = indialog
if index = 0 then
edit1 = newword & " " & edit1
return edit1
for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
if isDelimiter ( inDialog[i] ) then
wordcount += 1
if wordcount = index then
edit1 = zstrindexreturn ( strtozstr(indialog), 0, i )
edit2 = zstrindexreturn ( strtozstr(indialog), i+1, len(indialog)-1 )
edit1 &= " " & newword & " " & edit2
return edit1
end function
'swaps a word with new word at specified index (element)
function ParamSwap ( byref instring as string, element as integer, newparam as string ) as string
instring = RemWordIdx ( instring, element )
instring = PutWord ( instring, element, newparam )
return instring
end function
'returns a new string with old string's characters all shuffled up (requires
'randomize to be initialized)
function scramble ( instring as string ) as string
dim as string outstring = space(len(instring))
dim as integer i = 0, r = 0, l = len(instring) - 1
do while isinstr ( outstring, " " )
r = rnd * l
if outstring[r] = 32 then
outstring[r] = instring[i]
return outstring
end function
'searches instring for old and replaces it with newstr
function StrReplace ( instring as string, old as string, newstr as string ) as string
dim as integer spot = 0
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = 1 to isinstr_OCC ( instring, old, 0 )
spot = isinstr_naive ( instring, old ) - 1
outstring &= cutleftfrom_char ( instring, spot ) & newstr
instring = cutrightfrom_char ( instring, spot+len(old) )
spot += len(old)
return outstring & instring
end function
'returns all the characters left of index idx
function CutLeftFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
dim as string outstring
for i as integer = 0 to idx - 1
outstring &= chr(instring[i])
return outstring
end function
'returns all the characters right of index idx
function CutRightFrom_Char ( instring as string, idx as integer ) as string
dim as string outstring
for i as integer = idx to len(instring)-1
outstring &= chr(instring[i])
return outstring
end function
'returns all words left of word index wordindexbgn
function CutRightFrom ( instring as string, wordindexbgn as uinteger ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = wordindexbgn - 1 to WordCounter( instring )
outstring &= GetWord( instring, i ) & chr(32)
function = outstring
end function
'returns all words right of word index wordindexbgn
function CutLeftFrom ( instring as string, wordindexend as uinteger ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = 0 to wordindexend - 1
outstring &= GetWord( instring, i ) & chr(32)
function = outstring
end function
'returns first element in a string list
function CAR ( indialog as string ) as string
return GetWord ( indialog, 0)
end function
'returns all elements except the first element in a string list
function CDR ( indialog as string ) as string
return RemWordIdx ( indialog, 0)
end function
'counts words in a string
function WordCounter ( inDialog as string ) as integer
dim as integer wordcount
indialog &= !"\n"
for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
if isPunctuation ( indialog[i] ) then
if NOT isPunctuation ( indialog[i-1] ) then
wordcount += 1
return wordcount
end function
'counts words in a string by specified delimeter
function GetCount ( inDialog as string, delim as ubyte ) as integer
dim as integer wordcount
indialog &= !"\n"
for i as integer = 0 to len(inDialog) - 1
if indialog[i] = delim then
wordcount += 1
return wordcount
end function
'Makes an array of words from any given sentence
#Macro Str_LineToArray ( instring, varname )
dim as integer wc##varname = GetCount ( instring, _TK_SPACE )
redim as string varname ( wc##varname )
for i as integer = 0 to wc##varname
if GetWord ( instring, i) <> "" then varname(i) = GetWord ( instring, i)
'Makes an array of strings into a single string
function ArrayToLine ( inarray() as string ) as string
dim as string outstring = ""
for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inarray)
if inarray(i) <> "" then
outstring &= inarray(i) & " "
return outstring
end function
'Makes a multiline string into an array of lines
#macro Str_ToLineArray ( inscript, varname )
dim as integer varname##linecount = GetCount(inscript, _TK_ENDOFLINE)
dim as string varname##newline
dim as string varname(varname##linecount)
inscript &= !"\n"
varname##linecount = 0
for i as integer = 0 to len(inscript)
if inscript[i] <> _TK_ENDOFLINE _
and inscript[i] <> _TK_TAB _
and inscript[i] <> _TK_CR _
and inscript[i] <> _TK_NULL _
and inscript[i] <> _TK_COLON then
varname##newline &= chr(inscript[i])
varname(varname##linecount) = varname##newline
varname##newline = "":varname##linecount += 1
if varname##linecount >= ubound(varname) then exit for
'///////////////////////////File Stuff//////////////////////////////////////////
'Returns the amount of lines in a file
function GetLineCount ( filename as string ) as integer
dim as integer f = freefile
dim as integer count = 0
dim as string nil
if fileexists(filename) then
open filename for input as #f
while not eof(f)
line input #f, nil
count += 1
count = -1
close #f
return count
end function
'takes a file and loads into an array line by line
#Macro File_ToLineArray ( filename, varname )
dim as string inscript = LoadFileAsString ( filename )
inscript = RemChr ( inscript, chr(_TK_CR) )
Str_ToLineArray ( inscript, varname )
'loads a file into a string
'Borrowed from Jeff Marshall
function LoadFileAsString( byref filename as string ) as string
dim x as string
if( open( filename for input access read as #13 ) = 0 ) then
close #13
if( open( filename for binary access read as #13 ) = 0 ) then
x = space( lof( 13 ))
get #13,,x
close #13
'print "Unable to open '" & filename & "'"
end if
'print "File not found '" & filename & "'"
end if
function = x
end function
'returns all characters between index v1, and v2
function StrIndexReturn ( byval text as string, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string
if v1 = v2 then return chr(text[v1])
if v1>v2 then
dim as string result = ""
for i as integer = v2 to v1
result &= chr(text[i])
return result
if v1<v2 then
dim as string result = ""
for i as integer = v2 to v1
result &= chr(text[i])
return result
return ""
end function
'///////////////////////////Zstrings to strings functions///////////////////////
'Inspirational Quote:
'The end of the string is marked by a character 0 ASCII, this is automatically managed by
'the FreeBASIC string handling functions. A character 0 ASCII must never enter in the text
'of a Zstring or it will be truncated, as no descriptor exists. -FBWiki
function Zleft ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
dim as string res = ""
dim as zstring ptr temp = s1
temp[idx] = 0
res = zstrTOstr ( temp )
return res
end function
function zRight ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
return zstrTOstr (s1[idx])
end function
function zAsc ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as ubyte
return asc ( zleft ( zright ( s1, idx-1 ), 1 ) )
end function
function zChr ( s1 as zstring ptr, idx as integer ) as string
return zleft ( zright ( s1, idx-1 ), 1 )
end function
function strTOzstr ( byval s1 as string ) as zstring ptr
return cast ( zstring ptr, @s1 )
end function
function zstrTOstr ( s1 as zstring ptr ) as string
return s1[0]
end function
function zstrIndexReturn ( s1 as zstring ptr, v1 as uinteger, v2 as uinteger ) as string
if v2 <= len(*s1) then
dim as string ret = zstrTOstr ( zleft ( zright ( s1, v1), v2 ) )
return ret
return ""
end function
'----------------------------Bonus Functions------------------------------------
function round ( inint as single ) as integer
dim as single outint = inint - int(inint)
if outint >= .5 then
outint = int(inint + 1)
outint = int(inint)
return outint
end function
' splits a string in half
#macro Zenoctomy ( instring, varname )
dim as string varname(2)
varname(0) = instring
if len(varname(0)) = 1 _
or len(varname(0)) = 0 then
'Pick nose
dim as integer varname##length = len(varname(0))
'Find Middle
dim as single varname##middle = ( varname##length / 2 ) ' or divide by 2^N
'Odd or Even?
if varname##middle = int(varname##middle) then
varname(0) = zleft(varname(0), varname##middle )
varname(2) = zright(instring, varname##middle )
varname(1) = zChr(varname(0), Round( varname##middle ) )
varname(0) = zleft(varname(0), Round( varname##middle ) -1 )
varname(2) = zright(instring, Round (varname##middle) )
'-----------------------------Cosmetic Routines---------------------------------
'center text according to the diagonal opposite 0,0
sub Print_Center ( instring as string, box_x as single , box_y as single, c as integer )
draw string ( box_x shr 1 - ( len(instring) shr 1)*8, box_y shr 1), instring, c
end sub
sub Make_Box ( inChr as string, box_x1 as single, box_x2 as single, box_y1 as single, box_y2 as single, c as integer )
dim as integer widstr = (box_x2 - box_x1) / 8
dim as integer lenstr = (box_y2 - box_y1) / 8
for i as integer = box_x1 to box_x2 step 8
draw string ( i, box_y1 ), inChr, c
for i as integer = box_x1 to box_x2 step 8
draw string ( i, box_y2), inChr, c
for i as integer = box_y1 to box_y2 step 8
draw string ( box_x1, i ), inChr, c
for i as integer = box_y1 to box_y2 step 8
draw string ( box_x2, i ), inChr, c
end sub
'Turns every other character upper/lower/upper/lower
function Stagger ( instring as string ) as string
for i as integer = 0 to len(instring) step 2
if chr(instring[i]) = lcase(chr(instring[i])) then
instring[i] -= 32
elseif chr(instring[i]) = ucase(chr(instring[i])) then
instring[i] += 32
return instring
end function
'-----------------------------Console Functions---------------------------------
'print and get input from the console while in graphics mode
sub ConsOut ( byref Msg as string )
open cons for output as #99: print #99, Msg;: close #99
end sub
function ConsIn () as string
dim as string msg
Open cons For INPUT As #99:line input #99, Msg:Close #99
function = msg
end function