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by xlucas
Feb 16, 2024 18:44
Forum: General
Topic: Uncompressed Game Graphics
Replies: 4
Views: 1475

Re: Uncompressed Game Graphics

I made a little Targa library to load and save graphics files natively, that is, in pure FreeBasic. I frequently use it when I don't want to incorporate 3rd party libraries into my programs, especially small programs for which so much code doesn't make much sense to add. I've posted this library som...
by xlucas
Feb 16, 2024 18:33
Forum: General
Topic: Console window during graphics
Replies: 4
Views: 1342

Console window during graphics

Hi, folks In GNU/Linux and Windows, when I make a graphics-based program and at some point, my program calls a shell, a new window pops up somewhere on the screen with the output from my commands. I'm wondering if it's possible to either keep this window minimised or hidden during execution or if it...
by xlucas
Jan 05, 2024 21:41
Forum: Libraries Questions
Topic: Trying to use an FB static library in a C program
Replies: 5
Views: 4611

Re: Trying to use an FB static library in a C program

I didn't expect the solution to be so simple! And thanks for the details about the name. I had a big confusion with that. I see that, if my function calls graphics functions, I get a lot of undefined references when I try to call it from C. Is FBGFX not compiled into the library by default? Is there...
by xlucas
Dec 25, 2023 21:47
Forum: DOS
Topic: Blinking text
Replies: 1
Views: 5574

Re: Blinking text

Neat! I remember having used this interrupt many times for the opposite purpose. Since real DOS normally defaulted to blinking, I would call the interrupt function to enable bright backgrounds. This was in real mode, though. Nice to see it can be called via DPMI in FreeBasic
by xlucas
Dec 25, 2023 21:42
Forum: DOS
Topic: How to check if running in DOSBOX
Replies: 4
Views: 6182

Re: How to check if running in DOSBOX

I don't remember the exact details, but I vaguely remember there was a way to check whether a program was running under DOSBox by calling a function of int 2Fh (multiplex)...
by xlucas
Dec 25, 2023 21:33
Forum: Libraries Questions
Topic: Trying to use an FB static library in a C program
Replies: 5
Views: 4611

Trying to use an FB static library in a C program

I've been able to run functions in a C library from an FB program just fine (static), but when I try the other way around, there's something I'm doing wrong. My FB libary has the following code: Function Duplicate(v As Short) As Short Return 2 * v End Function So I do this: fbc -lib dupli.bas and I ...
by xlucas
Oct 17, 2023 17:31
Forum: Linux
Topic: Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon
Replies: 2
Views: 4580

Re: Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

Uhm... nope. That seems to be about the icon changing for some configurations. What I'm saying here is that, when you run a program compiled with FreeBasic, the icon that shows in the program bar is empty. If you run programs that have not been compiled with FreeBasic, you do see their icon. If you ...
by xlucas
Oct 08, 2023 17:09
Forum: Linux
Topic: Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon
Replies: 2
Views: 4580

Program icon not showing at least in Cinnamon

Hi, guys. I've been compiling my programs with fbc and adding an icon for a long time and never had a problem with my previous distros, but now, since I've been using Linux Mint on Cinnamon, I've noticed that, when I run my compiled programs, the program icon doesn't show. Instead, in the panel, I'm...
by xlucas
Apr 03, 2023 18:38
Forum: General
Topic: Line style not working properly?
Replies: 4
Views: 1009

Re: Line style not working properly?

Oh, I see it now... uhmm... nothing I can do then. I have to write my own assembly base line routine. Good thing is I only need to draw horizontal lines
by xlucas
Apr 03, 2023 17:59
Forum: General
Topic: Line style not working properly?
Replies: 4
Views: 1009

Line style not working properly?

Hi, guys. I'm trying this: ScreenRes 800, 600 Line (0, 100)-(500, 100), 15, , &H5555 GetKey What I'm getting is a horizontal line where the first 16 pixels display the style &H5555. The rest of the line is solid white. I'm using the newest version of FB, installed a few days ago, under GNU/L...
by xlucas
Jun 04, 2022 22:00
Forum: General
Topic: Release date metacommand?
Replies: 3
Views: 810

Re: Release date metacommand?

Great! Thank you so much!!
Where can a find a least of these definitions? I didn't find them when I was looking at the wiki. Surely not looking at the right place
by xlucas
May 30, 2022 6:02
Forum: Linux
Replies: 3
Views: 3706


I confirm it crashes on my end too. I am getting:

Code: Select all

Quit (core dumped)
I'm running Linux Mint 20.3 64bit
by xlucas
May 30, 2022 5:58
Forum: Linux
Topic: OpenSSL? Making an e-mail client
Replies: 5
Views: 3964

Re: OpenSSL? Making an e-mail client

Thanks, guys. Well... I really want to build my own. I would like to have total control of how it looks, so I wouldn't want to use a widget and I wouldn't want to make a mod for an existing one because I like programming. There are several e-mail clients that I like enough and are acceptable for me....
by xlucas
May 30, 2022 5:54
Forum: General
Topic: Release date metacommand?
Replies: 3
Views: 810

Release date metacommand?

Not sure if something like this already exists, so I am either asking if there's something to do this or otherwise, I'm making a feature suggestion. The thing is, it would be very useful if there were a metacommand or pre-processor macro that would return a string containing the date (and maybe the ...
by xlucas
Feb 08, 2022 0:25
Forum: Linux
Topic: OpenSSL? Making an e-mail client
Replies: 5
Views: 3964

Re: OpenSSL? Making an e-mail client

Hi! Thank you! This looks good. But this is C++ based, right. Is there more or less the same thing in C (non-OOP)? Anyway, this gives me a good place to start reading. Just for couriosity, which features do you miss in existing solutions? I want to do this mainly to acquire the knowledge and become ...