Search found 128 matches

by Aave
Oct 16, 2012 19:09
Forum: Projects
Topic: MyDDDungeonsGL free 3D mod of DDDungeons
Replies: 24
Views: 8166

Re: MyDDDungeonsGL free 3D mod of DDDungeons

The lines between the blocks are very likely due to linear filtering i.e. texture bleeding in from the adjacent tile in the tileset. One way to fix it would be to use GL_NEAREST texture filtering. I think with such low-res resources, the pixelated look would also look nicer than the current blurry o...
by Aave
May 11, 2012 19:01
Forum: Community Discussion
Topic: FreeBASIC website & Search engines
Replies: 12
Views: 3918

Re: FreeBASIC website & Search engines

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
That disallows all robots. :/
by Aave
Feb 28, 2012 9:07
Forum: General
Topic: How to kill a Thread
Replies: 5
Views: 1316

Re: How to kill a Thread

Generally speaking killing a thread is considered dangerous, unsafe operation that should not be done (and FB library doesn't provide a way to do it). The way these are normally handled is that a blocking function has a timeout after which it returns, so with threading, you would call a blocking fun...
by Aave
Jan 25, 2012 8:44
Forum: General
Topic: Is FbGfx a software renderer?
Replies: 7
Views: 1898

Re: Is FbGfx a software renderer?

Yes it is.
(Although it can create an accelerated OpenGL context for you, you must then do all drawing yourself, as fbgfx's drawing won't work.)
by Aave
Jan 13, 2012 8:52
Forum: General
Topic: Threading does not free handles
Replies: 12
Views: 1942

Re: Threading

I didn't really understand much of your post but here's a couple of pointers: * All threads of a process have the same PID (Process ID), creating new threads within a process won't create new PIDs * You must not run 98k threads at the same time * If you are doing a lot of small tasks in rapid succes...
by Aave
Dec 29, 2011 8:35
Forum: Community Discussion
Topic: I will not let die Basic4GL.
Replies: 66
Views: 16944

The next unic feature are the GL slang inside the main program. I never saw this feature in any other language. Technically you can have shaders in main program in any language by wrapping them in strings. But I guess that's a bit cheating, since you need to add manual line endings and there's no p...
by Aave
Dec 01, 2011 14:09
Forum: Libraries & Headers
Topic: Simple Physics Engine wrapper for FreeBASIC
Replies: 7
Views: 4440

Hadn't heard about SPE before. I checked their (linux) demo and it seemed nice. However, there are a lot of free and open source physics libraries: Bullet, Newton, ODE... (that are commercial game quality, even feature films). Do you happen to know any advantages with SPE and how did you end up choo...
by Aave
Nov 26, 2011 20:55
Forum: Projects
Topic: Procedural block world project
Replies: 310
Views: 122540

Checked this out after a while. Great performance, awesome effects (like objects waving in wind and distance blur). As far as I can tell, runs perfectly on Linux through Wine. As always, points from me for using shaders.
by Aave
Nov 16, 2011 21:53
Forum: Windows
Topic: How to get My Documents and My Pictures paths?
Replies: 14
Views: 2905

@sir_mud: The Linux part assumes English language and as such, will fail miserably with localized systems. I think the way to obtain the localized paths is desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, XFCE etc.) specific, and as such not an easy task to implement. Also, after a quick glance it seems to me that ...
by Aave
Nov 15, 2011 9:07
Forum: Linux
Topic: How to get home directory path?
Replies: 5
Views: 1818

Modern distros use "~/.config/ApplicationName/" for configuration files. And for data such as save games and screenshots: ~/.local/share/ApplicationName And for cache files that can be regenerated automatically: ~/.cache/ApplicationName This intends to avoid polluting the user's home dir ...
by Aave
Nov 07, 2011 18:52
Forum: Sources, Examples, Tips and Tricks
Topic: OpenGL shader examples
Replies: 11
Views: 4646

I've also added a bit to make sure those constants get defined if they are not present. I think I got them all :-) Not quite :P test4.bas(510) error 41: Variable not declared, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT in 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, .fbo_depth)' test4....
by Aave
Nov 07, 2011 11:01
Forum: Sources, Examples, Tips and Tricks
Topic: OpenGL shader examples
Replies: 11
Views: 4646

I get compile error form all tests: OpenGL_Shader/inc/ error 41: Variable not declared, GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS in 'glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS, @opengl_info.fbo_attach)' If I hard code that into an arbitrary value, I can build and run tests 1-3. However test 4 gives: test4...
by Aave
Oct 21, 2011 15:32
Forum: Game Dev
Topic: Voxel game - is it hard to make?
Replies: 18
Views: 16921

by Aave
Oct 18, 2011 18:28
Forum: Sources, Examples, Tips and Tricks
Topic: OpenGL experiment
Replies: 3
Views: 1576

Re: OpenGL experiment

dodicat wrote:For Linux users, please shell some other editor, other than notepad, for the saved file (mygl.txt).
Amusingly it actually works out of the box on Linux since I have Wine installed and it seems to also install notepad (or a notepad clone).
by Aave
Oct 17, 2011 12:57
Forum: Sources, Examples, Tips and Tricks
Topic: OpenGL shader examples
Replies: 11
Views: 4646

Great to see some newer OpenGL examples. Extra points for using VBOs and going beyond the old OpenGL 2.0 and using GLSL from OpenGL 3.1 (note for people with 2.0 only: see the readme). EDIT: Examples run fine on Linux, but I needed to add a definition of NULL to #Ifndef NULL #Define NULL ...