Another sliding puzzle

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Another sliding puzzle

Post by badidea »

Back to basics, no classes used.
- Mouse click on tile to rotate tile
- Mouse click on arrow to rotate a row / column
- Escape key to quit

Code: Select all

const SCREEN_W = 640, SCREEN_H = 480
const IMG_SIZE = 400
const IMG_XO = (SCREEN_W - IMG_SIZE) \ 2 '120
const IMG_YO = (SCREEN_H - IMG_SIZE) \ 2 '40

const as ulong WHITE = rgb(255, 255, 255)
const as ulong GREEN = rgb(0, 200, 0)
const as ulong RED = rgb(255, 0, 0)
const as ulong YELLOW = rgb(255, 255, 0)
const as ulong BLUE = rgb(0, 0, 255)
const as ulong BROWN = rgb(150, 75, 0)
const as ulong LGREY = rgb(191, 191, 191)
const as ulong GREY = rgb(127, 127, 127)
const as ulong DGREY = rgb(63, 63, 63)
const as ulong BLACK = rgb(0, 0, 0)
const as ulong MAGENTA = rgb(255, 0, 255)

const as single PI = atn(1) * 4
const DIR_RI = 0, DIR_DN = 1, DIR_LE = 2, DIR_UP = 3
const NUM_DIR = 4

const NUM_TILES_XY = 5

'--------------------------- TYPES & ROUTINES ----------------------------------

type grid_type
	dim as integer tileID, tileDir
end type

type int2d
	dim as integer x, y
end type

'vector add
operator + (a as int2d, b as int2d) as int2d
	return type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
end operator

type mouse_type
	dim as integer res
	dim as int2d p 'position
	dim as integer wheel, clip
		dim as integer buttons
			lb : 1 as integer
			rb : 1 as integer
			mb : 1 as integer
		end type
	end union
end type

union rgba_union
	dim as ulong value
		dim as ubyte b, g, r, a
	end type
end union

sub clearScreen(c as ulong)
	line(0, 0)-(SCREEN_W - 1, SCREEN_H - 1), c, bf
end sub

sub thickline(pTarget as any ptr, p1 as int2d, p2 as int2d, c as ulong)
	for x as integer = -1 to +1
		for y as integer = -1 to +1
			line pTarget, (p1.x + x, p1.y + y)-step(p2.x, p2.y), c
end sub

sub pointyline(pTarget as any ptr, p1 as int2d, p2 as int2d, c as ulong)
	for x as integer = -1 to +1
		for y as integer = -1 to +1
			line pTarget, (p1.x + x, p1.y + y)-(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y), c
end sub

sub drawLeaf(pTarget as any ptr, p0 as int2d, dp1 as int2d, dp2 as int2d, c as ulong)
	thickline(pTarget, p0, dp1, c)
	pointyline(pTarget, p0 + dp1, dp2, c)
end sub

sub createScene(pImg as any ptr)
	const NUM_LEAVES = 6, NUM_STEMS = 5
	dim as integer i, x, y, r
	dim as ulong c
	dim as int2d root = type(IMG_SIZE \ 2, IMG_SIZE - 20)
	dim as int2d dp1, dp2, flower
	dim as int2d leafNodes(NUM_LEAVES - 1, 0 to 1) = { _
		{ type(80, -30), type(70, +20) }, _
		{ type(60, -40), type(60, +40) }, _
		{ type(20, -30), type(20, -10) }, _
		{ type(-70, -40), type(-90, +30) }, _
		{ type(-40, -30), type(-100, +30) }, _
		{ type(-30, -10), type(-20, +10) }}
	dim as int2d stemNodes(NUM_STEMS - 1, 0 to 1) = { _
		{ type(-20, -70), type(-50, -140) }, _
		{ type(-40, -80), type(-50, -70) }, _
		{ type(-10, -150), type(-20, -120) }, _
		{ type(+20, -140), type(+20, -90) }, _
		{ type(+30, -80), type(+40, -50) } }
	'blue sky
	line pImg, (0, 0)-step(IMG_SIZE - 1, IMG_SIZE - 1), rgb(70, 70, 255), bf
	line pImg, (0, 85)-step(IMG_SIZE - 1, IMG_SIZE - 1), rgb(50, 50, 255), bf
	line pImg, (0, 110)-step(IMG_SIZE - 1, IMG_SIZE - 1), rgb(0, 0, 255), bf
	line pImg, (0, 200)-step(IMG_SIZE - 1, IMG_SIZE - 1), rgb(40, 40, 255), bf
	for i = 0 to 2
		circle pImg, (IMG_SIZE \ 2 - 300 - i * 10, IMG_SIZE + 70 + i * 10), 500, rgb(180 - i * 10, 170 - i * 10, 180 - i * 20),,, 0.6 , f
	for i = 0 to 2
		circle pImg, (IMG_SIZE \ 2 + 350 + i * 30, IMG_SIZE + 80 + i * 20), 500, rgb(127 - i * 10, 127 - i * 20, 127 - i * 20),,, 0.7, f
	for i = 0 to 2
		circle pImg, (IMG_SIZE \ 2 - 350 - i * 30, IMG_SIZE + 100 + i * 20), 500, rgb(127 - i * 10, 127 - i * 10, 80 - i * 20),,, 0.6 , f
	'brown ground
	for i = 0 to 2
		circle pImg, (root.x, root.y + i * 10), 400 - i * 40, rgb(150 - i * 20, 75 - i * 10, 0),,, 0.2 + i / 40, f
	'ground leaves
	for i = 0 to NUM_LEAVES - 1
		drawLeaf(pImg, root, leafNodes(i, 0), leafNodes(i, 1), GREEN)
	'flower stems
	for i = 0 to NUM_STEMS - 1
		drawLeaf(pImg, root, stemNodes(i, 0), stemNodes(i, 1), GREEN)
		flower = root + stemNodes(i, 0) + stemNodes(i, 1)
		for j as integer = 0 to 6
			x = cos((j / 7) * PI * 2) * 25
			y = sin((j / 7) * PI * 2) * 25
			pointyline(pImg, flower, type(x, y), rgb(255, 200, 0))
			circle pImg, (flower.x + x, flower.y + y), 10, RED,,,,f
		circle pImg, (flower.x, flower.y), 10, YELLOW,,,,f
	randomize 123
	for i = 0 to 19
		x = rnd * IMG_SIZE
		y = rnd * 20
		r = rnd * (40 - i) + 40
		dim as ubyte comp = rnd * 50 + 200
		c = rgb(comp, comp, comp)
		circle pImg, (x, y), r, c, ,, rnd / 2 + 0.3, f
end sub

function toChar(value as single) as ubyte
	if value > 255 then return 255
	if value < 0 then return 0
	return cint(value)
end function

function colorMix(c1 as ulong, c2 as ulong, factor as single) as ulong
	dim as rgba_union cu1, cu2, ret
	dim as single r, g, b
	cu1.value = c1
	cu2.value = c2
	ret.r = toChar(csng(cu1.r) * (1 - factor) + csng(cu2.r) * factor)
	ret.g = toChar(csng(cu1.g) * (1 - factor) + csng(cu2.g) * factor)
	ret.b = toChar(csng(cu1.b) * (1 - factor) + csng(cu2.b) * factor)
	return ret.value
end function

sub rotateImage(pImgSrc as any ptr, pImgDst as any ptr)
	dim as integer wSrc, hSrc, wDst, hDst
	imageinfo(pImgSrc, wSrc, hSrc)
	imageinfo(pImgDst, wDst, hDst)
	if pImgSrc = pImgDst then exit sub
	if wSrc <> hDst then exit sub
	if hSrc <> wDst then exit sub
	for x as integer = 0 to wDst - 1
		for y as integer = 0 to hDst - 1
			pset pImgDst, (x, y), point(y, (hSrc - 1) - x, pImgSrc)
end sub

sub dimEdges(pImg as any ptr, dimColor as ulong, dimFactor as single)
	dim as integer w, h
	imageinfo(pImg, w, h)
	dim as ulong c
	for x as integer = 0 to w - 1
		c = point (x, 0, pImg)
		pset pImg, (x, 0), colorMix(c, dimColor, dimFactor)
		c = point (x, h - 1, pImg)
		pset pImg, (x, h - 1), colorMix(c, dimColor, dimFactor)
	for y as integer = 0 to h - 1
		c = point (0, y, pImg)
		pset pImg, (0, y), colorMix(c, dimColor, dimFactor)
		c = point (w - 1, y, pImg)
		pset pImg, (w - 1, y), colorMix(c, dimColor, dimFactor)
end sub

sub createTiles(pImg as any ptr, pTile() as any ptr)
	dim as integer iTile = 0
	for y as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
		for x as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
			for iDir as integer = 0 to NUM_DIR - 1
				pTile(iTile, iDir) = imagecreate(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)
				if iDir = 0 then
					get pImg, (x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE)-step(TILE_SIZE - 1,TILE_SIZE - 1), pTile(iTile, iDir)
					dimEdges(pTile(iTile, iDir), BLACK, 0.25)
					rotateImage(pTile(iTile, iDir - 1), pTile(iTile, iDir))
				end if
			iTile += 1
end sub

sub showTiles(grid() as grid_type, pTile() as any ptr)
	for y as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
		for x as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
			dim as integer iTile = grid(x, y).tileId
			dim as integer iDir = grid(x, y).tileDir
			put (IMG_XO + x * TILE_SIZE, IMG_YO + y * TILE_SIZE), pTile(iTile, iDir), pset
end sub

sub createButton(pImg as any ptr, cFg as ulong, cBg as ulong)
	dim as integer w, h
	imageinfo(pImg, w, h)
	dim as int2d p1, p2, p3, p4
	p1 = type(5, 11) 'left top 
	p2 = type(w - 6, h \ 2) 'arrow point
	p3 = type(5, h - 11) 'left bottom
	p4 = type(w \ 2, h \ 2) 'center
	line pImg, (0, 0)-step(w - 1, h - 1), cBg, bf
	line pImg, (p1.x, p1.y)-(p2.x, p2.y), cFg
	line pImg, (p2.x, p2.y)-(p3.x, p3.y), cFg
	line pImg, (p3.x, p3.y)-(p1.x, p1.y), cFg
	paint pImg, (p4.x, p4.y), cFg
	dimEdges(pImg, BLACK, 0.25)
end sub

sub createButtons(pButImg() as any ptr)
	pButImg(DIR_RI) = imagecreate(TILE_SIZE \ 2, TILE_SIZE)
	pButImg(DIR_LE) = imagecreate(TILE_SIZE \ 2, TILE_SIZE)
	pButImg(DIR_DN) = imagecreate(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE \ 2)
	pButImg(DIR_UP) = imagecreate(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE \ 2)
	createButton(pButImg(DIR_RI), DGREY, GREY)
	rotateImage(pButImg(DIR_RI), pButImg(DIR_DN))
	rotateImage(pButImg(DIR_DN), pButImg(DIR_LE))
	rotateImage(pButImg(DIR_LE), pButImg(DIR_UP))
end sub

sub showButtons(pButImg() as any ptr)
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
		put (IMG_XO + IMG_SIZE, IMG_YO + i * TILE_SIZE), pButImg(DIR_RI), pset
		put (IMG_XO - TILE_SIZE \ 2, IMG_YO + i * TILE_SIZE), pButImg(DIR_LE), pset
		put (IMG_XO + i * TILE_SIZE, IMG_YO + IMG_SIZE), pButImg(DIR_DN), pset
		put (IMG_XO + i * TILE_SIZE, IMG_YO - TILE_SIZE \ 2), pButImg(DIR_UP), pset
end sub

'rci = row or column index depending on direction 
sub rotateGrid(grid() as grid_type, rci as integer, direction as integer)
	dim as integer ubx = ubound(grid, 1)
	dim as integer uby = ubound(grid, 2)
	dim as grid_type tempTile
	select case direction
	case DIR_RI
		tempTile = grid(ubx, rci)
		for x as integer = ubx to 1 step -1
			grid(x, rci) = grid(x - 1, rci)
		grid(0, rci) = tempTile
	case DIR_DN
		tempTile = grid(rci, uby)
		for y as integer = uby to 1 step -1
			grid(rci, y) = grid(rci, y - 1)
		grid(rci, 0) = tempTile
	case DIR_LE
		tempTile = grid(0, rci)
		for x as integer = 1 to ubx
			grid(x - 1, rci) = grid(x, rci)
		grid(ubx, rci) = tempTile
	case DIR_UP
		tempTile = grid(rci, 0)
		for y as integer = 1 to uby
			grid(rci, y - 1) = grid(rci, y)
		grid(rci, uby) = tempTile
	end select
end sub

sub initGrid(grid() as grid_type)
	for y as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
		for x as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
			grid(x, y).tileId = y * NUM_TILES_XY + x
			grid(x, y).tileDir = 0
end sub

function checkGrid(grid() as grid_type) as integer
	dim as integer countOk = 0
	for y as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
		for x as integer = 0 to NUM_TILES_XY - 1
			if grid(x, y).tileId = y * NUM_TILES_XY + x then
				if grid(x, y).tileDir = 0 then countOk += 1
			end if
	return countOk
end function

sub rotateTile(x as integer, y as integer, grid() as grid_type, clockDir as integer)
	if clockDir = 1 then
		grid(x, y).tileDir += 1
		if grid(x, y).tileDir >= NUM_DIR then grid(x, y).tileDir = 0
		grid(x, y).tileDir -= 1
		if grid(x, y).tileDir < 0 then grid(x, y).tileDir = NUM_DIR - 1
	end if
end sub

sub mutateGrid(grid() as grid_type)
	if rnd > 0.5 then
		rotateGrid(grid(), int(rnd * NUM_TILES_XY), int(rnd * NUM_DIR))
		dim as integer x = int(rnd * NUM_TILES_XY)
		dim as integer y = int(rnd * NUM_TILES_XY)
		rotateTile(x, y, grid(), 1) 'clockwise only
	end if
end sub

function getGridIndex(mPos as int2d) as int2d
	dim as int2d tilePos
	dim as integer dx = mPos.x - IMG_XO
	tilePos.x = iif(dx > 0, dx \ TILE_SIZE, (dx \ TILE_SIZE) - 1)
	dim as integer dy = mPos.y - IMG_YO
	tilePos.y = iif(dy > 0, dy \ TILE_SIZE, (dy \ TILE_SIZE) - 1)
	return tilePos
end function

function validTilePos(gridPos as int2d) as integer
	if gridPos.x >=0 and gridPos.x <= NUM_TILES_XY - 1 then
		if gridPos.y >=0 and gridPos.y <= NUM_TILES_XY - 1 then
			return 1
		end if
	end if
	return 0
end function

sub printText(byval x as integer, byval y as integer, text as string, cFg as ulong, cBg as ulong, center as integer)
	if center = 1 then
		x -= len(text) * 4
		y -= 8
	end if
	draw string (x - 1, y), text, cBg
	draw string (x + 1, y), text, cBg
	draw string (x, y - 1), text, cBg
	draw string (x, y + 1), text, cBg
	draw string (x, y), text, cFg
end sub

'------------------------------ MAIN -------------------------------------------

screenres SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, 32
width SCREEN_W \ 8, SCREEN_H \ 16

dim as any ptr pImg = imagecreate(IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)
dim as any ptr pTile(NUM_TILES - 1, NUM_DIR - 1)
dim as any ptr pButImg(0 to 3)
dim as grid_type grid(NUM_TILES_XY - 1, NUM_TILES_XY - 1)

createTiles(pImg, pTile())
showTiles(grid(), pTile())

for i as integer = -1 to +1
	printText(SCREEN_W \ 2, SCREEN_H \ 2 + i * 16, str(2 - i), YELLOW, BLACK, 1)
	sleep 1000, 1

'Random shuffle & tile rotation
for i as integer = 0 to 99
	showTiles(grid(), pTile())
	sleep 15

printText(SCREEN_W \ 2, SCREEN_H \ 2, "GOOD LUCK", YELLOW, BLACK, 1)
sleep 1000, 1
showTiles(grid(), pTile()) 

dim as string key
dim as mouse_type m, mPrev
dim as int2d gridPos
dim as integer quit = 0

while quit = 0
	mPrev = m
	m.res = getmouse (m.p.x, m.p.y , m.wheel, m.buttons, m.clip)
	if m.res <> 0 then
		m = mPrev
		gridPos = getGridIndex(m.p)
		if ( = 1 and = 0) then 'MOUSE_LB_RELEASED
			'rotate tile clockwise
			if validTilePos(gridPos) then
				rotateTile(gridPos.x, gridPos.y, grid(), +1)
			end if
			'check buttons left / right
			if gridPos.y >= 0 and gridPos.y <= NUM_TILES_XY - 1 then
				if gridPos.x = -1 then
					rotateGrid(grid(), gridPos.y, DIR_LE)
				end if
				if gridPos.x = NUM_TILES_XY then
					rotateGrid(grid(), gridPos.y, DIR_RI)
				end if
			end if
			'check buttons up / down
			if gridPos.x >= 0 and gridPos.x <= NUM_TILES_XY - 1 then
				if gridPos.y = -1 then
					rotateGrid(grid(), gridPos.x, DIR_UP)
				end if
				if gridPos.y = NUM_TILES_XY then
					rotateGrid(grid(), gridPos.x, DIR_DN)
				end if
			end if
		end if
		if (mPrev.rb = 1 and m.rb = 0) then 'MOUSE_RB_RELEASED
			'rotate tile counter-clock
			if validTilePos(gridPos) then
				rotateTile(gridPos.x, gridPos.y, grid(), -1)
			end if
		end if
	end if

	showTiles(grid(), pTile())
	if checkGrid(grid()) = NUM_TILES then quit = 2
	key = inkey
	if key = chr(27) then quit = 1
	sleep 1

select case quit
case 1
	printText(SCREEN_W \ 2, SCREEN_H \ 2, "QUIT BY USER", YELLOW, BLACK, 1)
case 2
	put (IMG_XO, IMG_YO), pImg, pset
	printText(SCREEN_W \ 2, SCREEN_H \ 2, "WELL DONE", YELLOW, BLACK, 1)
end select


'todo: image cleanup
Too difficult? Start with the clouds, else lower NUM_TILES_XY value.

Edit: Full image displayed on completion.
Last edited by badidea on Jul 07, 2019 21:55, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 8586
Joined: May 28, 2005 3:28

Re: Another sliding puzzle

Post by D.J.Peters »

Good job :-)

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