Simple Miner Game Demo

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Simple Miner Game Demo

Post by BasicCoder2 »

This is just a simple start to coding a miner game.

The character can only move tile to tile there is no in between positions.
This makes it easier to position the sprite to move between tile sized obstacles.

You need to load each .png image into a paint program and save them as .bmp
The tiles and background may look simple but more artistic versions will follow if I keep working on the program.

Code: Select all

screenres 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls   'white paper, pen black

dim shared as any ptr minerSheet
minerSheet = imagecreate(128,288)
bload "minerSheet.bmp",minerSheet

dim shared as any ptr background
background = imagecreate(640,480)
bload "background.bmp",background

dim shared as any ptr dirt
dirt = imagecreate(32,32)
bload "dirt.bmp",dirt

dim shared as any ptr nugget
nugget = imagecreate(32,32)
bload "nugget.bmp",nugget

dim shared as any ptr ladder
ladder = imagecreate(32,32)
bload "ladder.bmp",ladder

dim shared as integer frameCount
dim shared as integer frameTimer
dim shared as integer GoldTotal

const TMAPW = 20   'size of tile map array
const TMAPH = 15

const TILEW = 32   'size of tile
const TILEH = 32

dim shared as integer TILEX, TILEY

type agent
    as integer x         'current pixel position
    as integer y
    as integer dx        'change in pixel position per frame
    as integer dy
    as integer d         'image number
end type

dim shared as agent ag   'create an agent

ag.x = 4*TILEW  'start at tile(4,2)
ag.y = 2*TILEH

dim shared as integer TMAP(0 to TMAPW-1,0 to TMAPH-1)

for j as integer = 0 to 14
    for i as integer = 0 to 19
        read TMAP(i,j)
    next i
next j

dim shared as integer GMAP(0 to TMAPW-1,0 to TMAPH-1)
for i as integer = 0 to 20
    GMAP(int(Rnd(1)*20),int(rnd(1)*10)+3) = 1
next i

sub drawTiles()
    for j as integer = 0 to 14
        for i as integer = 0 to 19
            if TMAP(i,j) = 1 then
                put (i*32,j*32),dirt,trans
            end if
            if TMAP(i,j) = 2 then
                put (i*32,j*32),ladder,trans
            end if
            if GMAP(i,j) = 1 then
                put (i*32,j*32),nugget,trans
            end if
        next i
    next j
end sub

sub display()
    put (0,0),background,trans

    put (ag.x,ag.y),minerSheet,(frameCount*32, ag.d * 32)-(frameCount*32 + 31, ag.d * 32 + 31),trans

        frameTimer = frameTimer + 1
        if frameTimer = 8 then
            frameTimer = 0
            frameCount = frameCount + 1
            if frameCount > 3 then frameCount = 0
        end if

    line (TILEX*32,TILEY*32)-(TILEX*32+31,TILEY*32+31),rgb(255,255,0),b
    locate 2,1
    print " GOLD =";GoldTotal
    print " Press [d] key to DIG"
    print " Press [b] key to make LADDER"
    print " cursor keys move miner"
end sub

dim as double start
start = timer


    dim as integer onTile
    onTile = 0
    'test if ag.x,ag.y is in the center of a tile
    if ag.x = int(ag.x\TILEW)*TILEW and ag.y = int(ag.y\TILEH)*TILEH then
        onTile = 1  'yes on center
    end if

    TILEX =  int(ag.x\TILEW)
    TILEY =  int(ag.y\TILEH)
    'when on tile check for next move
    if onTile = 1 then
        if GMAP(TILEX,TILEY)=1 then
            goldTotal = goldTotal + 1
        end if

        if multikey(&H20) then
            if ag.d = 0 then
                ag.d = 5
            end if
            if ag.d = 1 then
                ag.d = 6
            end if
            if ag.d = 2 then
                ag.d = 8
            end if
            if ag.d = 4 then
                ag.d = 7
            end if
            'do animation
            start = timer
            while (timer-start) < 1
                sleep 2

            if ag.d = 5 then ag.d = 0:TMAP(TILEX+1,TILEY)=0
            if ag.d = 6 then ag.d = 1:TMAP(TILEX-1,TILEY)=0
            if ag.d = 7 then ag.d = 4:TMAP(TILEX,TILEY+1)=0
            if ag.d = 8 then ag.d = 2:TMAP(TILEX,TILEY-1)=0
        end if
        if multikey(&H30) then
            TMAP(TILEX,TILEY)=2  'build ladder
        end if
        ag.dx = 0
        ag.dy = 0
        if multikey(&H4D) then 'move right
            ag.d = 0
            if TMAP(TILEX+1,TILEY)<>1 then
                ag.dx = 1
            end if
        end if                
        if multikey(&H4B) then 'move left
            ag.d = 1
            if TMAP(TILEX-1,TILEY)<>1 then
                ag.dx = -1
            end if
        end if

        if multikey(&H48) then 'move up
            ag.d = 2
            if TMAP(TILEX,TILEY) = 2 and (TMAP(TILEX,TILEY-1) = 0 or TMAP(TILEX,TILEY-1)=2) then
                ag.dx = 0
                ag.dy = -1
            end if
        end if
        if multikey(&H50) then 'move down
            ag.d = 4
            if TMAP(TILEX,TILEY+1)=2 then
                ag.dx = 0
                ag.dy = 1
                ag.d  = 2
            end if
        end if
        if TMAP(TILEX,TILEY+1)=0 then
            ag.dy = 1
            ag.dx = 0  'no side movement
            ag.d  = 3
        end if
        if TMAP(TILEX,TILEY+1)<>0 and ag.d = 3 then  'stop falling
            ag.d = 4
        end if
        if ag.dx = 0 and ag.dy = 0 and ag.d < 5 then frameCount = 0

    end if
    'make move to next tile
    ag.x = ag.x + ag.dx
    ag.y = ag.y + ag.dy
    'check for out of boundary
    if ag.x < 0 then ag.x = 0
    if ag.x > TMAPW*TILEW-TILEW then
        ag.x = ag.x - ag.dx
    end if
    if ag.y < 0 then ag.y = 0
    if ag.y > TMAPH*TILEH-TILEH then
        ag.y = ag.y - ag.dy
    end if

    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)

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Last edited by BasicCoder2 on Mar 17, 2020 23:37, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2591
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Simple Miner Game Demo

Post by badidea »

I had to rename miner-Sheet to minerSheet
Better change to multikey for digging and ladder building. If I press "D" for several seconds, the miner keys drilling until the keyboard buffer is empty.
Posts: 3908
Joined: Jan 01, 2009 7:03
Location: Australia

Re: Simple Miner Game Demo

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Thanks for the suggestion. I have changed it all to multikey.
Not sure why the image was renamed miner-Sheet. I uploaded minerSheet.png to Perhaps it was in conflict with another image that had been uploaded.
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