AES encrypt file, decrypt file

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AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by gerry »

This library has aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt.
Please add : aes_encrypt_file, aes_decrypt_file.
Thank you in advance.

I need exactly this library

Don't give me the others

Example : aes_encrypt_file(input, output, key), aes_decrypt_file(input, output, key)

Code: Select all

' AES Encryption Implementation by: Chris Brown(2007) aka Zamaster
' -Takes plain text and converts it to encrypted ASCII
' -Keys must be 128 bits in size, or 32 hex places/16 char places
' -Set ed in RIJNDAEL_Encrypt to 2 for decryption, 1 for encryption
declare function aes_encrypt (Text as string, Key as string) as string
declare function aes_decrypt (Text as string, Key as string) as string

Sub RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey(index As Integer, ekey() As Ubyte, tkey() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Ubyte x,y,b
    b = (index-1)*4
    For y = 1 To 4
        For x = 1 To 4
            tkey(x,y) = ekey(b+x,y)
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Function RIJNDAEL_InverseS(v As Ubyte) As Ubyte
    Static As Ubyte RSBOX(0 To 255) = {_
    &H52, &H09, &H6A, &HD5, &H30, &H36, &HA5, &H38, &HBF, &H40, &HA3, &H9E, &H81, &HF3, &HD7, &HFB, _
    &H7C, &HE3, &H39, &H82, &H9B, &H2F, &HFF, &H87, &H34, &H8E, &H43, &H44, &HC4, &HDE, &HE9, &HCB, _
    &H54, &H7B, &H94, &H32, &HA6, &HC2, &H23, &H3D, &HEE, &H4C, &H95, &H0B, &H42, &HFA, &HC3, &H4E, _
    &H08, &H2E, &HA1, &H66, &H28, &HD9, &H24, &HB2, &H76, &H5B, &HA2, &H49, &H6D, &H8B, &HD1, &H25, _   
    &H72, &HF8, &HF6, &H64, &H86, &H68, &H98, &H16, &HD4, &HA4, &H5C, &HCC, &H5D, &H65, &HB6, &H92, _
    &H6C, &H70, &H48, &H50, &HFD, &HED, &HB9, &HDA, &H5E, &H15, &H46, &H57, &HA7, &H8D, &H9D, &H84, _
    &H90, &HD8, &HAB, &H00, &H8C, &HBC, &HD3, &H0A, &HF7, &HE4, &H58, &H05, &HB8, &HB3, &H45, &H06, _
    &HD0, &H2C, &H1E, &H8F, &HCA, &H3F, &H0F, &H02, &HC1, &HAF, &HBD, &H03, &H01, &H13, &H8A, &H6B, _
    &H3A, &H91, &H11, &H41, &H4F, &H67, &HDC, &HEA, &H97, &HF2, &HCF, &HCE, &HF0, &HB4, &HE6, &H73, _
    &H96, &HAC, &H74, &H22, &HE7, &HAD, &H35, &H85, &HE2, &HF9, &H37, &HE8, &H1C, &H75, &HDF, &H6E, _   
    &H47, &HF1, &H1A, &H71, &H1D, &H29, &HC5, &H89, &H6F, &HB7, &H62, &H0E, &HAA, &H18, &HBE, &H1B, _   
    &HFC, &H56, &H3E, &H4B, &HC6, &HD2, &H79, &H20, &H9A, &HDB, &HC0, &HFE, &H78, &HCD, &H5A, &HF4, _
    &H1F, &HDD, &HA8, &H33, &H88, &H07, &HC7, &H31, &HB1, &H12, &H10, &H59, &H27, &H80, &HEC, &H5F, _
    &H60, &H51, &H7F, &HA9, &H19, &HB5, &H4A, &H0D, &H2D, &HE5, &H7A, &H9F, &H93, &HC9, &H9C, &HEF, _
    &HA0, &HE0, &H3B, &H4D, &HAE, &H2A, &HF5, &HB0, &HC8, &HEB, &HBB, &H3C, &H83, &H53, &H99, &H61, _
    &H17, &H2B, &H04, &H7E, &HBA, &H77, &HD6, &H26, &HE1, &H69, &H14, &H63, &H55, &H21, &H0C, &H7D}
    Dim As Integer x
    x = RSBOX((v And &HF0) + (v And &HF))
    Return x
End Function

Function RIJNDAEL_S(v As Ubyte) As Ubyte
    Static As Ubyte RSBOX(0 To 255) = {_
    &H63, &H7C, &H77, &H7B, &HF2, &H6B, &H6F, &HC5, &H30, &H01, &H67, &H2B, &HFE, &HD7, &HAB, &H76, _
    &HCA, &H82, &HC9, &H7D, &HFA, &H59, &H47, &HF0, &HAD, &HD4, &HA2, &HAF, &H9C, &HA4, &H72, &HC0, _
    &HB7, &HFD, &H93, &H26, &H36, &H3F, &HF7, &HCC, &H34, &HA5, &HE5, &HF1, &H71, &HD8, &H31, &H15, _
    &H04, &HC7, &H23, &HC3, &H18, &H96, &H05, &H9A, &H07, &H12, &H80, &HE2, &HEB, &H27, &HB2, &H75, _
    &H09, &H83, &H2C, &H1A, &H1B, &H6E, &H5A, &HA0, &H52, &H3B, &HD6, &HB3, &H29, &HE3, &H2F, &H84, _
    &H53, &HD1, &H00, &HED, &H20, &HFC, &HB1, &H5B, &H6A, &HCB, &HBE, &H39, &H4A, &H4C, &H58, &HCF, _
    &HD0, &HEF, &HAA, &HFB, &H43, &H4D, &H33, &H85, &H45, &HF9, &H02, &H7F, &H50, &H3C, &H9F, &HA8, _
    &H51, &HA3, &H40, &H8F, &H92, &H9D, &H38, &HF5, &HBC, &HB6, &HDA, &H21, &H10, &HFF, &HF3, &HD2, _
    &HCD, &H0C, &H13, &HEC, &H5F, &H97, &H44, &H17, &HC4, &HA7, &H7E, &H3D, &H64, &H5D, &H19, &H73, _
    &H60, &H81, &H4F, &HDC, &H22, &H2A, &H90, &H88, &H46, &HEE, &HB8, &H14, &HDE, &H5E, &H0B, &HDB, _   
    &HE0, &H32, &H3A, &H0A, &H49, &H06, &H24, &H5C, &HC2, &HD3, &HAC, &H62, &H91, &H95, &HE4, &H79, _
    &HE7, &HC8, &H37, &H6D, &H8D, &HD5, &H4E, &HA9, &H6C, &H56, &HF4, &HEA, &H65, &H7A, &HAE, &H08, _
    &HBA, &H78, &H25, &H2E, &H1C, &HA6, &HB4, &HC6, &HE8, &HDD, &H74, &H1F, &H4B, &HBD, &H8B, &H8A, _
    &H70, &H3E, &HB5, &H66, &H48, &H03, &HF6, &H0E, &H61, &H35, &H57, &HB9, &H86, &HC1, &H1D, &H9E, _
    &HE1, &HF8, &H98, &H11, &H69, &HD9, &H8E, &H94, &H9B, &H1E, &H87, &HE9, &HCE, &H55, &H28, &HDF, _
    &H8C, &HA1, &H89, &H0D, &HBF, &HE6, &H42, &H68, &H41, &H99, &H2D, &H0F, &HB0, &H54, &HBB, &H16}
    Dim As Integer x
    x = RSBOX((v And &HF0) + (v And &HF))
    Return x
End Function

Sub RIJNDAEL_SubBytes(T() As Ubyte)   
    Dim As Ubyte x,y, temp
    For y = 1 To 4
        For x = 1 To 4
            temp = T(x,y)
            T(x,y) = RIJNDAEL_S(temp)
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes(T() As Ubyte)   
    Dim As Ubyte x,y, temp
    For y = 1 To 4
        For x = 1 To 4
            temp = T(x,y)
            T(x,y) = RIJNDAEL_InverseS(temp)
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows(T() As Ubyte)
    Swap T(1,2), T(4,2)
    Swap T(2,2), T(1,2)
    Swap T(3,2), T(2,2)
    Swap T(1,3), T(3,3)
    Swap T(2,3), T(4,3)
    Swap T(1,4), T(2,4)
    Swap T(3,4), T(4,4)
    Swap T(1,4), T(3,4)
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows(T() As Ubyte)
    Swap T(1,2), T(2,2)
    Swap T(1,2), T(4,2)
    Swap T(3,2), T(4,2)
    Swap T(1,3), T(3,3)
    Swap T(2,3), T(4,3)
    Swap T(1,4), T(2,4)
    Swap T(2,4), T(3,4)
    Swap T(3,4), T(4,4)
End Sub

Function RIJNDAEL_Gmul(Byval a As Ubyte, Byval b As Ubyte) As Ubyte
    Dim As Ubyte p, i, hi
    For i = 1 To 8
        If (b And 1) = &H01 Then p = p Xor a
        hi = a And &H80
        a = a Shl 1
        If hi = &H80 Then a = a Xor &H1B
        b = b Shr 1
    Next i
    Return p
End Function

Sub RIJNDAEL_MixCollums(T() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Ubyte a(1 To 4), b(1 To 4), i, q, hb
    For q = 1 To 4
        For i = 1 To 4
            a(i) = T(q,i)
            hb = T(q,i) And &H80
            b(i) = a(i) Shl 1
            If hb = &h80 Then b(i) = b(i) Xor &H1B
        Next i
        T(q,1) = b(1) Xor a(4) Xor a(3) Xor b(2) Xor a(2)
        T(q,2) = b(2) Xor a(1) Xor a(4) Xor b(3) Xor a(3)
        T(q,3) = b(3) Xor a(2) Xor a(1) Xor b(4) Xor a(4)
        T(q,4) = b(4) Xor a(3) Xor a(2) Xor b(1) Xor a(1)
    Next q
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseMixCollums(T() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Ubyte a(1 To 4), q, i
    For q = 1 To 4
        For i = 1 To 4
            a(i) = T(q,i)
        T(q,1) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&H9)
        T(q,2) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HD)
        T(q,3) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HB)
        T(q,4) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HE)
    Next q
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_AddKey(T() As Ubyte, K() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Ubyte x,y
    For y = 1 To 4
        For x = 1 To 4
            T(x,y) = T(x,y) Xor K(x,y)
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_ExpandKey(K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
    Static As Ubyte RCON(1 To 10) = {&H01, &H02, &H04, &H08, &H10, &H20, &H40, &H80, &H1B, &H36}
    Dim As Integer i, q, a, opt4, opt4m1, opt4m4, o4, om1, om4
    K2(1,1) = K1(1,1) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,2)) Xor RCON(1)
    K2(1,2) = K1(1,2) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,3))
    K2(1,3) = K1(1,3) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,4))
    K2(1,4) = K1(1,4) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,1))
    For i = 2 To 4
        For q = 1 To 4
            K2(i,q) = K2(i-1,q) Xor K1(i,q)
        Next q
    Next i
    For i = 2 To 10
        opt4 = ((i-1) Shl 2) + 1
        opt4m1 = opt4 - 1
        opt4m4 = opt4 - 4
        K2(opt4,1) = K2(opt4m4,1) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,2)) Xor RCON(i)
        K2(opt4,2) = K2(opt4m4,2) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,3))
        K2(opt4,3) = K2(opt4m4,3) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,4))
        K2(opt4,4) = K2(opt4m4,4) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,1))
        For q = 2 To 4
            o4 = opt4m1 + q
            om1 = o4-1
            om4 = o4-4
            For a = 1 To 4
                K2(o4,a) = K2(om1,a) Xor K2(om4,a)
            Next a
        Next q
    Next i
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_TextToState(Byref texts As String, T() As Ubyte, dirc As Integer)
    Dim As String text
    text = texts
    Dim As Ubyte x,y
    If dirc = 1 Then
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                T(x,y) = Asc(Mid$(text,(((y-1) Shl 2) + x),1))
            Next x
        Next y
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                T(y,x) = Asc(Mid$(text,(((y-1) Shl 2) + x),1))
            Next x
        Next y
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_Rotate(K() As Ubyte)
    Swap K(1,2), K(2,1)
    Swap K(1,3), K(3,1)
    Swap K(1,4), K(4,1)
    Swap K(2,4), K(4,2)
    Swap K(3,4), K(4,3)
    Swap K(2,3), K(3,2)
End Sub

Function RIJNDAEL_StateToText(T() As Ubyte) As String
    Dim As String s
    Dim As Integer x,y
    For y = 1 To 4
        For x = 1 To 4
            s += Chr$(T(x,y))
        Next x
    Next y
    Return s
End Function

Function RIJNDAEL_StrToHex (Byref s As String) As String
    Dim As String convstr
    convstr = s
    Dim As Uinteger i
    Dim As String ftext
    For i = 1 To Len(convstr)
        ftext += Hex$(Asc(Mid$(convstr,i,1)),2)
    Next i
    Return ftext
End Function

Function RIJNDAEL_HexToStr (Byref s As String) As String
    Dim As String convstr
    convstr = s
    If Len(convstr) Mod 2 = 1 Then convstr += "0"
    Dim As Uinteger i
    Dim As String   f
    For i = 1 To Len(convstr) Step 2
        f += Chr$(Val("&H"+Mid$(convstr,i,2)))
    Next i
    Return f
End Function

Sub RIJNDAEL_BlockEncrypt(T() As Ubyte, K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Integer i
    Dim As Ubyte TempKey(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
    RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), K1()
    RIJNDAEL_Rotate T()
    For i = 1 To 9
        RIJNDAEL_SubBytes T()
        RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows T()
        RIJNDAEL_MixCollums T()
        RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey i, K2(), TempKey()
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
    Next i
    RIJNDAEL_SubBytes T()
    RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows T()
    RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey 10, K2(), TempKey()
    RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
End Sub

Sub RIJNDAEL_BlockDecrypt(T() As Ubyte, K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
    Dim As Integer i
    Dim As Ubyte TempKey(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
    RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey 10, K2(), TempKey()
    RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
    For i = 9 To 1 Step -1
        RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows T()
        RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes T()
        RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey i, K2(), TempKey()
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
        RIJNDAEL_InverseMixCollums T()
    Next i
    RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows T()
    RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes T()
    RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), K1()
End Sub

Function RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Byref pptext As String, Byref Key As String, ed As Integer) As String
    If ed < 1 Or ed > 2 Then
    Dim As String ptext, ctext, mtext
    ptext = pptext
    Dim As Integer lt
    lt = Len(Key)
    If (lt Mod 16 <> 0) Or (lt Shr 4 <> 1) Then
        Return "ERROR - INVALID KEY"
    Dim As Integer pmod, i
    lt = Len(ptext)
    pmod = lt Mod 16
    If pmod <> 0 Or lt < 1 Then
        pmod = 16 - pmod 
        For i = 1 To pmod
            ptext += Chr$(0)
        Next i
    lt = Len(ptext)
    lt = lt Shr 4
    Dim As Ubyte State(1 To 4, 1 To 4), KeyT(1 To 4, 1 To 4), EXPKey(1 To 40, 1 To 4)
    RIJNDAEL_TextToState Key, KeyT(), 2
    RIJNDAEL_ExpandKey KeyT(), EXPKey()
    Select Case ed
    Case 1
        For i = 1 To lt
            mtext = Mid$(ptext, ((i-1) Shl 4) + 1, 16)
            RIJNDAEL_TextToState mtext, State(), 1
            RIJNDAEL_BlockEncrypt State(), KeyT(), EXPKey()
            ctext += RIJNDAEL_StateToText(State())
        Next i
    Case 2
        RIJNDAEL_Rotate KeyT()
        For i = 1 To lt
            mtext = Mid$(ptext, ((i-1) Shl 4) + 1, 16)
            RIJNDAEL_TextToState mtext, State(), 1
            RIJNDAEL_BlockDecrypt State(), KeyT(), EXPKey()
            RIJNDAEL_Rotate State()
            ctext += RIJNDAEL_StateToText(State())
        Next i
    End Select
    Return ctext
End Function

function aes_encrypt(Text as string, Key as string) as string export
    if len(Key) <> 16 then
        exit function
    end if
    dim encrypted as string
    encrypted = RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Text, Key, 1)
    return encrypted
end function

function aes_decrypt(Text as string, Key as string) as string export
    dim decrypted as string
    decrypted = RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Text, Key, 2)
    return decrypted
end function
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by dodicat »

Hi gerry.
Try this at the bottom of your file

Code: Select all

'============================== ++ ADD ON  ++===============================

Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String) export 'optional
      Dim As Long f=Freefile
      If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #f)=0 Then
            Put #f,,p
            Close #f
            Print "Unable to save " + filename
      End If
End Sub

Function loadfile(filename As String) As String export 'optional
      Dim As Long  f=Freefile
      If Open (filename For Binary Access Read As #f)=0 Then
            Dim As String text
            If Lof(f) > 0 Then
                  text = String(Lof(f), 0)
                  Get #f, , text
            End If
            Close #f
            Return text
            Print filename;" not found"
      End If
End Function
sub aes_encrypt_file(infile as string,outfile as string,key as string) export
      dim as string content=loadfile(infile)
      dim as string EC=aes_encrypt(content,key)
end sub

sub aes_decrypt_file(infile as string,outfile as string,key as string) export
      dim as string content=loadfile(infile)
      dim as string DC=aes_decrypt(content,key)
end sub

'' ==============  test only =====================
dim as string infile,outfile,final,key
infile="Badidea.txt"  '<< ----------------YOUR FILE TO ENCRYPT HERE------------------<<

print len(loadfile(infile))
print len(loadfile(outfile))
print len(loadfile(final))

print loadfile(final)=loadfile(infile) 'check 

(My test runs OK here)
Posts: 70
Joined: Oct 04, 2021 7:29

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by gerry »

dodicat wrote:Hi gerry.
Try this at the bottom of your file

Code: Select all

'============================== ++ ADD ON  ++===============================

Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String) export 'optional
      Dim As Long f=Freefile
      If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #f)=0 Then
            Put #f,,p
            Close #f
            Print "Unable to save " + filename
      End If
End Sub

Function loadfile(filename As String) As String export 'optional
      Dim As Long  f=Freefile
      If Open (filename For Binary Access Read As #f)=0 Then
            Dim As String text
            If Lof(f) > 0 Then
                  text = String(Lof(f), 0)
                  Get #f, , text
            End If
            Close #f
            Return text
            Print filename;" not found"
      End If
End Function
sub aes_encrypt_file(infile as string,outfile as string,key as string) export
      dim as string content=loadfile(infile)
      dim as string EC=aes_encrypt(content,key)
end sub

sub aes_decrypt_file(infile as string,outfile as string,key as string) export
      dim as string content=loadfile(infile)
      dim as string DC=aes_decrypt(content,key)
end sub

'' ==============  test only =====================
dim as string infile,outfile,final,key
infile="Badidea.txt"  '<< ----------------YOUR FILE TO ENCRYPT HERE------------------<<

print len(loadfile(infile))
print len(loadfile(outfile))
print len(loadfile(final))

print loadfile(final)=loadfile(infile) 'check 

(My test runs OK here)
Thanks. :)
Posts: 4308
Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that the code uses AES-ECB mode, which should not be used any more. AES-CBC is much better.

With AES-CBC "each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted".

Of course, with the first block we don't have a previous ciphertext block, so we use an Initialization Vector (IV). If not provided, Microsoft uses a null vector. It is better to use a random IV and include that in the header of the output. This means that for each encryption, we use a different IV.

I cannot see an IV being used and why I reckon AES-ECB is being used.

For IV I would use FB's FB_RND_Real (5).

The opening post can be converted from ECB to CBC fairly easily.

Added: I found Zamaster's code, and it uses ECB, mentioned here by tinram. Read Zamaster's post two posts on.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by dodicat »

Hi deltarho
What exactly is
FB_RND_Real (5) as in your suggestion: "For IV I would use FB's FB_RND_Real (5)."
Posts: 4308
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Location: UK

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Hi dodicat

Check out Randomize, Description section, in the manual. CoderJeff changed the names when he made other generators available a little while back.
Posts: 4308
Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by deltarho[1859] »

BTW folks the padding used in the opening post just adds null bytes to the message. This is OK for ASCII messages, as indicated in the code's header, but not for anything else.
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Re: AES encrypt file, decrypt file

Post by deltarho[1859] »

I came back to this intending to change from ECB to CBC.

I also wanted to try out a padding scheme called 'Ciphertext stealing' which does not pad the message to a multiple of the block size, so the ciphertext is the same size as the plaintext.

However, before doing that, I wanted to see the code working on a 100MiB file using dodicat's savefile/loadfile add ons.

The surprise was it took over 41 seconds to load the file, from a HDD, encrypt it and save.

I then dropped the file onto my Encrypternet application in home encryption mode; where the receiver is the sender. For those of you not familiar with Encrypternet, it encrypts a file using Windows AES128 in CBC mode, hashes the ciphertext with SHA256 and then signs the hash with EDSA256. We have then authenticated encryption. It also generates its key and that is encrypted using RSA3072. A lot more work is done compared with just encryption.

Encrypternet did the same job in 710ms.

I am on Windows 10 and my CPU has AES-NI (hardware encryption) but pushing 60 times faster than the opening code put me off doing any work on it.

Of course, the opening post is not OS-dependent, but I make no apologies for being only a Windows hobbyist. Image
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