Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

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Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Dez »

Hi, first time on this forum and first day getting to know freebasic. I'm very familiar with Qbasic and SmileBasic(DS/3DS Petite computer app).

I'm sure this is simple to do but the solution eludes me. I can use the old Qbasic graphic commands i remember from long ago, however it's now easy to use the mouse as input. What I'm trying to do is get simple drawing output from the mouse, not a bunch of dots that space out more as you move the mouse faster. I'm thinking PSET is not the way to go here. Is there a command to use for simply drawing with the mouse ? Will i have to use the line command to connect as i go. I'm not confident this will give a nice smooth output. Hope this is an active forum.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by gothon »

Hi Dez, welcome to the forum!

If have working mouse drawing code based on PSET and you find that it is producing a dusting of spaced out dots, this is normal. Mice usually don't have very high sample rates. Use of the LINE command to connect them is indeed the typical solution. Most drawing programs will do exactly this. Although many drawing programs are also able to use thicker anti-aliased lines depending on their brush settings. If you still think the output looks jagged after using the line function, with a little math we can try using a B-Spline curve to smooth it out.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by BasicCoder2 »


Code: Select all

screenres 640,480,32
dim shared as integer mx,my,ox,oy,btn   'mouse variables

print "mouse button down do draw will exit on release"

getmouse mx,my,,btn
ox = mx
oy = my
'setmouse mx,my,0     'turn off windows pointer image
'wait for mouse press
while btn<>1
    getmouse mx,my,,btn
    ox = mx
    oy = my

while btn=1
    getmouse mx,my,,btn
    if mx<>ox or my<>oy then
        Line(ox,oy)-(mx,my),rgb(0,255,0)   'green color
        ox = mx
        oy = my
    end if

setmouse mx,my,1   'turn on windows pointer image
Last edited by BasicCoder2 on Feb 15, 2014 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by gothon »

I have modified BasicCoder2's example to use a cubic spline.

Code: Select all

screenres 800,600,32
dim shared as integer mx,my,ox(2),oy(2),btn   'mouse variables

Sub DrawCurve()
    'Determine control points
    var x1 = (ox(0)-ox(2))/6 + ox(1)
    var x2 = (ox(1) - mx) /6 + ox(0)
    var y1 = (oy(0)-oy(2))/6 + oy(1)
    var y2 = (oy(1) - my) /6 + oy(0)
    'Draw curve
    var px = ox(1)
    var py = oy(1)
    For T As Single = 0.0625 To 1.0001 Step 0.0625
        var S = 1 - T
        var x = ox(0)*T^3 + 3*T*S*(x2*T + x1*S) + ox(1)*S^3
        var y = oy(0)*T^3 + 3*T*S*(y2*T + y1*S) + oy(1)*S^3
        Line(px,py)-(x,y),rgb(0,0,255) 'blue color
        px = x
        py = y
    Next T
End Sub

print "mouse button down do draw will exit on release"

'Initialize mouse variables
getmouse mx,my,,btn
For I As Integer = 0 To 2
    ox(I) = mx
    oy(I) = my
Next I

'wait for mouse press
while btn<>1
    getmouse mx,my,,btn
    ox(2) = ox(1): oy(2) = oy(1)
    ox(1) = ox(0): oy(1) = oy(0)
    ox(0) = mx
    oy(0) = my

while btn=1
    getmouse mx,my,,btn
    if mx<>ox(0) or my<>oy(0) then
        Circle (ox(0),oy(0)), 1,rgb(255,0,0),,,,F     'red dot
        Line(ox(1),oy(1))-(ox(0),oy(0)),rgb(0,255,0)  'green line
        DrawCurve                                     'blue curve
        ox(2) = ox(1): oy(2) = oy(1)
        ox(1) = ox(0): oy(1) = oy(0)
        ox(0) = mx
        oy(0) = my
    end if

To draw a segment of a cubic spline 4 input points are needed (2 points on either side of the segment), so I keep track of 3 old points in an array. Because of the symmetry the curve segment needs an input point beyond the segment drawn and is one full segment behind the mouse cursor. However this fact doesn't seem to be very noticeable.

The curve segment is currently drawn using by sampling 16 points on the curve and drawing 16 line segments to connect them. It is drawn on top the lines connecting the input points (and the input points), so that you can compare them. You can modify the code to see the curve alone. Most of the time there is little difference between the curve and the line, but the difference is quite apparent if you are moving the cursor at high speed while changing directions.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Dez »

Thanks for getting back quickly. I had thought this might be a week or so on response and was ready for that. I have played around with both examples. Thank you BasicCoder2 and gothon. The output really isn't as bad as I imagined it would be using the connect the dots method. I can understand how a math function could smooth out corners but i don't understand the exact details of how splines work just yet. I am not trying to sound sarcastic here just curious. Are there other uses for spline math functions in programming outside of graphs or rough lines. Would this be considered Trig ?
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by gothon »

Splines and other piece-wise polynomial functions are widely used in graphics, modeling and CAD/engineering applications for modeling both curves and surfaces. I'm not sure where else they would be used. These functions are entirely polynomial (and sometimes the ratio of polynomials), so you would not normally need to use trig functions to work with them.

You might encounter trig functions if you were to try to compute curve intersections algebraically, but you normally wouldn't do it that way because geometric methods to compute intersections are way less involved. Some generalizations (eg NURBS) can exactly represent conic sections (eg circles) with no approximation error. Conic sections often involve trigonometry when modeled using conventional polar equations, however represented as a properly modeled spline curve everything is a polynomial function and no use of trig is necessary if you are careful.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Zippy »


You've been splined, on your very first day here. Is good, you may use them (splines) later.

The getmouse() function is quick enough for most purposes. The combination of getmouse(), pset(), and line() should work for whatever draw functions you wish to implement.

This below is the shortest "draw" code I have that uses getmouse(). Short but somewhat convoluted. I present it for your amusement. It accomodates both single-point "draws" and non-contiguous lines.

Code: Select all

'getmouse() "Draw": inline : reqs gfx mode
dim as integer bdown,buttons,x,y,ox,oy
screenres 640,480,32
WindowTitle "Hold Left mouse button to draw, Right-click to EXIT"
'          these are "short circuits" 
'          are we in client window     and    click!    and     has mouse moved
    while (getmouse(x,y,,buttons)=0) andAlso (buttons) andAlso (ox<>x orElse oy<>y)
        if buttons=1 then
            if bdown=0 then
                while bdown=1
                    line -(x,y)
                    if buttons<>1 then bdown=0
                    sleep 1 'save cpu cycles
            ox=x:oy=y 'movement test for while loop
        end if
        if buttons=2 then exit do
    sleep 1 'don't remove sleep in loops
while inkey<>"":wend
WindowTitle "Done, sleeping..."
locate 1,1
print "Done, sleeping..."
If you were coding 100% Windows API then you could (would) check for mouse status messages in the main WinProc message pump. You CAN hook those Windows mouse messages directly (?) from a "normal" FreeBASIC program using a "mousehook" API procedure, probably a bit faster than getmouse(), but here we go from semi-intelligble code to gibberish if you aren't familiar with it. I'll post an example just... as an example.

Code: Select all

'On_Mouse in fb GFX (not console), Windows only
' "Draw Test" - hold left-mouse down to draw...
' tested last using fb v0.90.1 (07-17-2013) for win32
#include once ""
#include once ""
    Using fb
declare function On_Mouse(lpfn as HOOKPROC) as integer
declare function MSProc1(ByVal Code As integer,_
                 ByVal wParam As integer,_
                 ByVal lParam As integer) As integer
'mousehook vars
dim shared MSHandle as HHOOK
dim shared hwnd as HANDLE
dim shared as integer xoff,yoff
'GFX setup
screenres 640,480,32
ScreenControl (GET_WINDOW_HANDLE,cast(integer,hwnd))
windowtitle "Left-mouse down to draw, <Esc> to Quit.."
'this determines the client window offsets
'invoke the mouse hook
while inkey<>chr(27)' <Esc> to end
    sleep 500
'release the mouse hook
locate 1,1
print       "Sleeping to Exit.. press a key"
windowtitle "Sleeping to Exit.. press a key"
function On_Mouse(lpfn as HOOKPROC) as integer
    return 0
End function
function MSProc1(ByVal Code As integer, _
         ByVal wParam As integer,_
         ByVal lParam As integer) As integer
    static as integer mdown
        if mdown<0 then mdown=0
    if (Code=HC_ACTION) then
        dim MStruct as MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT ptr
        MStruct=cast(MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT ptr,lparam)
        dim as integer x,y,absy
        dim as RECT rc
        x=MStruct->pt.x - rc.left
        y=MStruct->pt.y -
        x-=xoff 'force to client window coords
        y-=yoff 'ditto
        select case wparam
            case 513
                'left down
                if mdown=0 then
                end if
            case 514
                'left up
        end select
        if mdown=1 then line -(x,y)' try: pset(x,y)
    end if
    'pass-on all other mouse messes
            Code, wParam, lParam)
End Function
Now you've been splined and hooked ;-)

ETA to correct my mangling of Dez's handle.
And please see my FINAL getmouse() version below...
Last edited by Zippy on Feb 14, 2014 22:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Dez »

Interesting. I know different forms of basic pretty well but when it get's to Object Oriented Programming, calling function library's ect, I have a lot to learn. This is getting a little bit complex. Here i was thinking i would just jump right into to plotting the mandlebrot set after learning the difference in QB to FB math functions. I think I'll hold off a bit on that heh.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by cha0s »

Don't worry, that second example is WinAPI, an elaborate trap set out by Microsoft to ensnare unwitting developers who are unfortunate enough to walk over it.

Seriously though, you'll be able to go pretty far by keeping it much simpler than that. :)
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Zippy »


Heh. The Microsoft mystique. Mystifies me.

In the interest (no one cares, surely) of completeness I'll add a "Draw" version that subclasses the fbGFX WndProc. This - after I stumbled about a bit - is simpler than using a MOUSEHOOK.

Code: Select all

'"Draw" using WinAPI and subclassed WndProc
#include once ""
#include once ""
using fb
dim shared as HWND hwnd
dim shared as WNDPROC OrgWndProc
'used to subclass the fbGFX WndProc
declare function _
        hWnd   as HWND,_
        uMsg   as uinteger,_
        wParam as WPARAM,_
        lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT
screenres 640,480,32
windowtitle "Left-mouse to draw, <Esc> to exit"
ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_HANDLE,cast(integer,hwnd)
'now we subclass the fbGFX WndProc...
while inkey<>chr(27)
    sleep 100
function _
        hWnd   as HWND,_
        uMsg   as uinteger,_
        wParam as WPARAM,_
        lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT
    static as integer mdown=0
    dim as integer x,y
    select case uMsg
        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN
            if mdown=0 then
                x=LOWORD (lParam)
                y=HIWORD (lParam)
            end if
        case WM_LBUTTONUP
        case WM_MOUSEMOVE
            if mdown=1 then
                x=LOWORD (lParam)
                y=HIWORD (lParam)
                if x<64000 and y<64000 then
                    line -(x,y)
                end if
            end if
    end select
    return CallWindowProc(OrgWndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end function

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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Zippy »

[note I got your handle correct this time... I had been channeling "Dexter"]

I now have a truly SIMPLE "Draw" using getmouse(). Using ONE getmouse() [every invocation of getmouse() slows down the polling loop]. I've tried to do this (using ONE...) in the past but the logic has always escaped me. This will allow single-pixel "plots" and non-contiguous lines.

Code: Select all

'getmouse() "Draw": inline : reqs gfx mode
' the FINAL & simplest version, using a single getmouse()
dim as integer buttons,lastbutton,x,y
screenres 640,480,32
WindowTitle "Hold Left mouse button to draw, Right-click to EXIT"
SetMouse(320,240,1,1) 'init & keep mouse in client area - needed!
sleep 100 'let the window settle down...
while (GetMouse(x,y,,buttons)=0)
    if buttons=1 then
        if lastbutton=1 then
            line -(x,y)
        end if
    end if
    if buttons=2 then exit while
    sleep 1
sleep 100
Now I'm done.
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by dodicat »

Something slightly different.
I use this to draw polygons, and write the points to a file (not here).
Not a smooth drawing here, but a sharp click where you want a point.
Right click if you change your mind.
(I've included a spline to spice it up a bit, it is VERY boring otherwise, or maybe still.)

Please note that the spline requires a next click point in order to calculate the last, sorry, that's just the way of it!

Code: Select all


Type Point
    As Single x,y,z
    as integer counter
End Type
'======= Basic operations with type point ==============
Operator * (f As Single,v1 As Point) As Point 
Return type<point>(f*v1.x,f*v1.y,f*v1.z)
End Operator
operator *(V1 as point,f as single) as point
return f*v1
end operator
Operator + (v1 As Point,v2 As Point) As Point
Return type<point>(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z)
End Operator
Operator -(v1 As Point,v2 As Point) As Point
Return type<point>(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z)
End Operator

'==================  Spline functions and drawing =================
Function catmull(p() As Point,t As Single) As Point
    Return 0.5 *(     (2 * P(2)) +_
    (-1*P(1) + P(3)) * t +_
    (2*P(1) - 5*P(2) + 4*P(3) - P(4)) * t*t +_
    (-1*P(1) + 3*P(2)- 3*P(3) + P(4)) * t*t*t)
End Function

Sub FetchCatmull(v() As Point,outarray() As Point,arraysize As Integer=500)
    Dim As Point p(1 To 4)
    Redim outarray(0)
    Dim As Single stepsize=(Ubound(v)-1)/(arraysize)
    If stepsize>1 Then stepsize=1
    For n As Integer=2 To Ubound(v)-2
        For t As Single=0 To 1 Step stepsize
            Var temp=catmull(p(),t)
            Redim Preserve outarray(1 To Ubound(outarray)+1)
        Next t
    Next n
End Sub

Sub DrawCatmullPoints(a() As Point,col As Uinteger,ydisp As Integer=0)
    For z As Integer=Lbound(a)+1 To Ubound(a)
    Next z
End Sub
'============= SET UP DRAWING LOOP =============
Redim As Point s(0)
Redim As Point catmullpts(0)

Dim As Integer xres,yres
Screeninfo xres,yres
Screenres xres,yres,32,,64

Dim As Integer mx,my,mb,flag1,counter,flag2
    Getmouse mx,my,,mb
    '================= GRID =======================
    For x As Integer=0 To xres Step 50
    Next x
    For y As Integer=0 To yres Step 50
    Next y
    '============  Text ===========================
    draw string(xres/3,20),"mouse " & mx &"   " & my
    draw string(10,10),"Points"
    for n as integer=1 to ubound(s)
        'edge of screen
        draw string(20,20+12*n),"  " & s(n).counter &"  " &s(n).x & " , " &s(n).y
        'At circles
        draw string(s(n).x,s(n).y-16),"" &s(n).counter
    next n
    '======= Mouse events ================================
    If mb=1 And flag1=0 Then
        Redim Preserve s(1 To Ubound(s)+1)
        'redo the spline at a change of s()
    End If
    if mb=2 and flag2=0 then
       if counter>1 then redim preserve s(1 to ubound(s)-1):counter-=1
       if counter=1 then redim s(0):counter=0
       'redo the spline at a change of s()
    end if
   '================== Lines and circles ============
    If Ubound(s) Then Circle(s(1).x,s(1).y),2,,,,,f
    For n As Integer=2 To Ubound(s)
        Line -(s(n).x,s(n).y),rgba(200,200,200,100)'optional straight lines
        circle (s(n).x,s(n).y),2,,,,,f 'the points
    Next n
    'Draw the spline
    Sleep 1,1
Loop Until Len(Inkey)

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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Dez »


I've played around with all the programs here zippy. It is extremely simple to copy and paste something then compile it to see if there is any difference in performance while coding something one way over another. I'm impressed with the last program because I understand it and it's very efficient. When I run your last program and the first one posted by BasicCoder2, there is quite a difference in response time, even without calling outside library functions.


Your program nicely illustrates spline curves. Very sharp looking demo. What I didn't realize before this demo was that the spline curves seem to be dynamic. If i click a spiral design, I notice all the spline curves changing subtly. Was it coded to be dynamic on the splines or does the math for splines automatically make them all dynamic ? I'm not a math wiz but i see array's in your code. If i had to guess, you are using array's to track all points along the splines in order to make all the curves dynamic ?
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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by dodicat »

Hi Dez.
Yes, the points are dynamic, they are re-formulated at each extra point clicked on or off.
The Catmull Rom type of spline is well known and easy to implement:

There are loads of different splines, all based on polynomial interpolation.

However, here's one based on asteroids, but with a slight difference.
This asteroid travels from the first point, attracted by a gravity of sorts towards the next point, but when it gets a certain distance from the next point, it switches it's attention to the next next point, and heads for it instead, it does this with all points.
In this way it doesn't actually pass through each point, but has a close approach.
All asteroids should behave like this IMHO, it would save all these ugly pock marks on the planets and moons.

A word of warning though, if the curvature is set too high, it might just go into orbit around a point in ever decreasing circles.
In this case you must minimize the window and close the console.

Code: Select all


const curvature=50
Type Point
    As Single x,y,z
    as integer counter
End Type
Type particle
    As Point position,velocity
End Type
'======= Basic operations with type point ==============
Operator * (f As Single,v1 As Point) As Point 
Return type<point>(f*v1.x,f*v1.y,f*v1.z)
End Operator
operator *(V1 as point,f as single) as point
return f*v1
end operator
Operator + (v1 As Point,v2 As Point) As Point
Return type<point>(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z)
End Operator
Operator -(v1 As Point,v2 As Point) As Point
Return type<point>(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z)
End Operator
Function length(v As Point) As Single
    Return Sqr(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)
End Function

Function normalize(v As Point) As Point
    Dim n As Single=length(v)
    If n=0 Then n=1e-20
    Return (1/n)*v
End Function

'==================  Trace functions and drawing =================

Sub trace(In() As Point,Outarray() As Point,roundedness As Single=60)
    Redim Outarray(0)
    Dim As particle p:roundedness=roundedness/10
    If roundedness<1 Then roundedness=1
    If roundedness>100 Then roundedness=10
    Redim Preserve Outarray(1 To Ubound(Outarray)+1)
    Dim As Point f
    For n As Integer=Lbound(In) To Ubound(In)-1
            Var dist=length(p.position-In(n+1))
            p.velocity= roundedness*normalize(p.velocity+f)
            Redim Preserve Outarray(1 To Ubound(Outarray)+1)
            If dist<5*roundedness Then Exit Do
        Loop Until Len(Inkey)
    Next n
    Redim Preserve Outarray(1 To Ubound(Outarray)+1)
End Sub

Sub DrawTracePoints(a() As Point,col As Uinteger,ydisp As Integer=0)
    For z As Integer=Lbound(a)+1 To Ubound(a)
    Next z
End Sub
'============= SET UP DRAWING LOOP =============
Redim As Point s(0)
Redim As Point Tracepts(0)

Dim As Integer xres,yres
Screeninfo xres,yres
Screenres xres,yres,32,,64

Dim As Integer mx,my,mb,flag1,counter,flag2
    Getmouse mx,my,,mb
    '================= GRID =======================
    For x As Integer=0 To xres Step 50
    Next x
    For y As Integer=0 To yres Step 50
    Next y
    '============  Text ===========================
    draw string(xres/3,20),"mouse " & mx &"   " & my
    draw string(xres/3,50),"Number of interpolatein points " &(ubound(Tracepts))
    draw string(10,10),"Points"
    for n as integer=1 to ubound(s)
        'edge of screen
        draw string(20,20+12*n),"  " & s(n).counter &"  " &s(n).x & " , " &s(n).y
        'At circles
        draw string(s(n).x,s(n).y-16),"" &s(n).counter
    next n
    '======= Mouse events ================================
    If mb=1 And flag1=0 Then
        Redim Preserve s(1 To Ubound(s)+1)
        'redo the spline at a change of s()
       if ubound(s)>1 then trace(s(),Tracepts(),curvature)
    End If
    if mb=2 and flag2=0 then
       if counter>1 then redim preserve s(1 to ubound(s)-1):counter-=1
       if counter=1 then redim s(0):counter=0
       'redo the spline at a change of s()
      if ubound(s)>1 then trace(s(),Tracepts(),curvature)
    end if
   '================== Lines and circles ============
    If Ubound(s) Then Circle(s(1).x,s(1).y),2,,,,,f
    For n As Integer=2 To Ubound(s)
        Line -(s(n).x,s(n).y),rgba(200,200,200,100)'optional straight lines
        circle (s(n).x,s(n).y),2,,,,,f 'the points
    Next n
    'Draw the spline
    if ubound(tracepts) then DrawTracePoints(Tracepts(),rgba(200,0,0,255))
    Sleep 1,1
Loop Until Len(Inkey)

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Re: Simple Smooth mouse drawing.

Post by Dez »

I can see the orbits you're talking about if i make a triangle wave stay between two grid lines(one triangle shape per grid box). I find this stuff interesting.
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