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Post by bplus »

MrSwiss wrote:
bplus wrote:Turns out some Booleans are easier than others. Apparent success with =, >, <, >=, <=, <> but no luck with AND and OR.
And as well as Or (Xor, etc.) are NOT 'Booleans', they are 'Binary' operators,
in contrast to: AndAlso and OrElse (Boolean, short-cut operators).
(If first condition <> match then, the second condition isn't even evaluated.)
Hi MrSwiss,

I guess I meant that the comparing operators return a Boolean or Boolean like value eg if x <> 0 then x is true, else x is false.

I ran into, new to me, AndAlso while trying to get And to work for my purposes (which are to return 0 if false and 1 if Not false).
I read the DOC's to try and learn the difference between And and AndAlso, I am not experienced with bit math.

If you could shed some light on subject, in relation to my purposes with EVAL, my eyes might be ready to see. ;)

Append: Oh dang, I just reread and you have explained short-cut! (embarrassed) Thanks!
Append 2: Oh you added that while I was posting ;-))

Append PS: I think I might have made a bone head mistake trying to get And and Or going as binary operators. Onto checking that...
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Post by MrSwiss »

bplus wrote:which are to return 0 if false and 1 if Not false
First point on Booleans in FB:
FALSE = 0, TRUE = -1 (different, "behind the scenes" where it's equal to C (as you describe it!) )

This is to enable the simple switching mechanism of: state = Not state

Unary/Binary stuff (notice the 'Not' above, actually the only 'Unary' operator):
  • Boolean = Byte (holding only 2 different states)
    TRUE = -1 = all 8 bit's are set (1's) while,
    FALSE = 0 = all 8 bit's are re-set (0's)
The 'Not' inverts every single bit (of the Byte).
As is the case with the 'Binary' operators (working bit-wise also).
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Post by bplus »

Hi MrSwiss and all,

I am not sure what I need bit wise. My goal with EVAL is to be able to use it for a stand alone tiny little interpreter. I want to translate my 100 liner to a stand alone that works without it's bigger brother. So I need to make decisions at an IF line. I thought 1's (or -1's?) and 0's would be good enough since EVAL can only return one type at least if I want to keep it simple (not stupid, just simple).

But I have been thinking: maybe EVAL should be returning strings, that might offer more flexibility, I could even dump the need for a global EvalErr variable that has to be a string. That might allow true and false being returned in string as well. Are there conversion functions from string to Boolean?

Returning strings might give the little guy room to grow in future. :)
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Post by MrSwiss »

Hi bplus,

it'll be far simpler (than to be continuously guessing), if you'd post the code of the EVAL you currently
have (whatever source), to assess what's really needed (decisions on return type etc.).

String/Number to Boolean = CBool(str) --> but very limited to: "1" or "-1" = TRUE (all else = FALSE)
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Post by bplus »

MrSwiss wrote:Hi bplus,

it'll be far simpler (than to be continuously guessing), if you'd post the code of the EVAL you currently
have (whatever source), to assess what's really needed (decisions on return type etc.).

String/Number to Boolean = CBool(str) --> but very limited to: "1" or "-1" = TRUE (all else = FALSE)
Did you miss it? I posted my EVAL in a reply right after I got DJ Peters worked out. Since the replies aren't numbered (that I can see), the date was July 3 at 22:57 in this thread.

Here is link to interpreter written in SmallBASIC:
http://www.thejoyfulprogrammer.com/qb64 ... 0949557448
Nano 3-2 pack.zip in reply #46
It won the contest. :) (barely)

Oh boy! I just got a taste of how s-l-o-w my word tools work, YIKES!

The EVAL code the little Interpreter is using was posted right at the beginning of this thread, basically it has SmallBASIC doing all the heavy lifting.
Posts: 56
Joined: May 01, 2017 15:57


Post by bplus »

Ah, it was a bone head mistake I was making! Now EVAL 2 bplus.bas has and, or and not working:

Code: Select all

' EVAL  2 bplus.bas for FB (B+=MGA) 2017-07-04
'based on successful: evalW 2.txt for JB [B+=MGA] 2017-03-11 repost with edits
' EVAL 1 - Just Basic Eval code translated and = > < >= <= <> binary's added
'EVAL  2 - add And and Or, Not   

Const XMAX = 1200
Const YMAX = 720
Const PI = Acos(-1)
Const RAD = PI/180.0
Const DEG = 180/PI

ScreenRes XMAX, YMAX
Width XMAX\8, YMAX\16      ' Use 8*16 font

Declare Function Evaluate(e As String) As Double
Declare Function evalW(s As String) As Double
Declare Function wPrep(s As String) As String
Declare Function Wrd(s As String, wNumber As Integer)  As String
Declare Function wCnt(s As String) As Integer
Declare Function wIn(s As String, Wrd As  String) As Integer
Declare Function wSubst(s As String, first As Integer, last As Integer ,subst As String) As String

Common Shared As String EvalErr
Common Shared As Double DFlag, GlobalX

DFlag = 1 : GlobalX = 5  'changeable
Dim As String e
Dim As Double r

'  tests
'e = "log(0)"  'err
'e = "exp(-694) " 'err
'e = "exp(-693) "     ' 1.0812... E-301 bottom limit no error on my system, -708 on another test
'e = "exp( 709) "    ' 8.21840... E+307no error on my system
'e = "sqr(-10)" 'err
'e = "-5 ^ 1.9" 'err
'e = "2*-3 - -4+-0.25" ' returns -2.25 OK but must  isolate - meant for subtraction
'e = "1 + 2 * (3 + (4 * 5 + 6 * 7 * 8) - 9) / 10" ' returns 71 OK
'e = " 1 + 2*(3 - 2*(3 - 2)*((2 - 4)*5 - 22/(7 + 2*(3 - 1)) - 1)) + 1"   ' returns 60 OK
'e = "1+1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+1/15)/14)/13)/12)/11)/10)/9)/8)/7)/6)/5)/4)/3)/2"
' returns euler's 2.718 281 828 458 994 464 285 469 58 OK for as far as it goes 2.718 281 828 458 995 last digit off by 1
'e = "(1.4 + 2^(19%4))/2"        ' > 4.7 OK
'e = "e^2"                       ' > 7.3890...
'e = "PI/6"                      ' > .52...
'e = "x ^ (200/400)"             ' > 2.23606 when sqr(x) x = 5
'e = "x^2 - 2*x - 15"            ' > 0 when x = 5 good!
'e = "e^ 8"                      ' > 2980.958
'e = " log(2980.958)"            ' > 8.000..
'e = "sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2"       ' > 1
'e = "atan(sin(30)/cos(30))"      ' > 30 with DFlag = 1
'e = ".3 + 2*10^-8"
'e = "pi/6 < pi"         'yeah my first Boolean!
'e = "99 % 11 = 99 % 9"
'e = "23 >= 22"
e = "(99 % 9 = 0) and (not 23 < 22 or 5 < 3)"

'IMPORTANT NOTE: wrap - sign with spaces if meant for subtraction, 
'if meant to signal neg number leave no space between it and number

Print e
r = Evaluate(e)
If EvalErr <> "" Then Print "Error: ";EvalErr Else Print "Expression = ";r
? "Done"

'this preps e string for actual evaluation function and makes call to it,
'checks results for error returns that or number if no error.
Function Evaluate(e As String) As Double
	Dim As String c, b, subst
	Dim As Integer i, po, p
	b = ""  'rebuild string with padded spaces
	'this makes sure ( ) + * / % ^ are wrapped with spaces, on your own with - sign 
	For i = 1 To Len(e)   'filter chars and count ()		
		c = LCase(Mid(e, i, 1))		
		If c = ")" Then
			po = po - 1 : b = b + " ) "
		ElseIf c = "(" Then
			po = po + 1 : b = b + " ( "
		ElseIf InStr("+*/%^", c) > 0 Then
			b = b + " " + c + " "
		ElseIf InStr(" -.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<>=", c) > 0 Then
			b = b + c
		If po < 0 Then EvalErr = "Too many )" : Exit Function		
	If po <> 0 Then EvalErr = "Unbalanced ()" : Exit Function
	e = wPrep(b) 
	For i = 1 To 3
		p = wIn(e, Wrd("x e pi", i))
		While p > 0
			Select Case i
				Case 1 : subst = Str(GlobalX)
				Case 2 : subst = Str(Exp(1))
				Case 3 : subst = Str(PI)
			End Select
			e = wSubst(e, p, p, subst)
			p = wIn(e, Wrd("x e pi", i))
	Evaluate = evalW(e)
End Function

' the recursive part of EVAL
Function evalW(s As String) As Double
	Dim As Integer pop, lPlace, i, rPlace, wc, po, funPlace, recurs, p, o
	Dim As String fun, w, test, inner, ops, op, middle
	Dim As Double a, b, innerV, m
	? "EvalW gets: ";s  'debug or fun to watch recursive calls in reverse
	pop = wIn(s, "(") 'parenthesis open place
	While pop > 0
		If pop = 1 Then
			fun = "" : lPlace = 1
			test = Wrd(s, pop - 1)
			funPlace = wIn("sin cos tan asin acos atan log exp sqr rad deg", test)
			If funPlace > 0 Then
				fun = test : lPlace = pop - 1
				fun = "" : lPlace = pop
			End If
		End If
		wc = wCnt(s) : po = 1
		For i = pop + 1 To wc
			If Wrd(s, i) = "(" Then po = po + 1
			If Wrd(s, i) = ")" Then po = po - 1
			If po = 0 Then rPlace = i : Exit For
		inner = ""
		For i = (pop + 1) To (rPlace - 1)
			w = Wrd(s, i)
			inner = inner + w + " "
			If wIn("( and or = < > <= >= <> + - * / % ^", w) > 0 Then recurs = 1
		If recurs Then innerV = evalW(inner) Else innerV = Val(inner)
		Select Case fun
			Case "" : m = innerV
			Case "sin" : If DFlag Then m = Sin(RAD * innerV) Else m = Sin(innerV)
			Case "cos" : If DFlag Then m = Cos(RAD * innerV) Else m = Cos(innerV)
			Case "tan" : If DFlag Then m = Tan(RAD * innerV) Else m = Tan(innerV)
			Case "asin" : If DFlag Then m = DEG * (Asin(innerV)) Else m = Asin(innerV)
			Case "acos": If DFlag Then m = DEG * (acos(innerV)) Else m = acos(innerV)
			Case "atan": If DFlag Then m = DEG * (Atn(innerV)) Else m = Atn(innerV)
			Case "log"
				If innerV > 0 Then
					m = Log(innerV)
					EvalErr = "LOG only works on numbers > 0." : Exit Function
				End If
			Case "exp"  'the error limit is inconsistent in JB
				If -693 <= innerV And innerV <= 709 Then 'your system may have different results
					m = Exp(innerV)
					' what the heck???? 708 works fine all alone as limit ?????
					EvalErr = "EXP only works for ABS(number) <= ??? using 693." : Exit Function
				End If
			Case "sqr"
				If innerV >= 0 Then
					m = Sqr(innerV)
					EvalErr = "SQR only works for numbers >= 0." : Exit Function
				End If
			Case "rad" : m = innerV * RAD
			Case "deg" : m = innerV * DEG
			Case Else : EvalErr = "Unidentified function " + fun : Exit Function
		End Select
		s = wSubst(s, lPlace, rPlace, Str(m))
		pop = wIn(s, "(")
	ops = "% ^ / * - + = < > <= >= <> and or not"   'all () cleared, now for binary ops (not not binary but is last!)
	For o = 1 To 15
		op = Wrd(ops, o)
		p = wIn(s, op)
		While p > 0
			a = Val(Wrd(s, p - 1))
			b = Val(Wrd(s, p + 1))
			Select Case op
				Case "%"
					If b >= 2 Then
						middle = Str(Int(a) Mod Int(b))
						EvalErr = "For a Mod b, b value < 2."
						Exit Function
					End If
				Case "^"
					If Int(b) = b Or a >= 0 Then
						middle = Str(a ^ b)
						EvalErr = "For a ^ b, a needs to be >= 0 when b not integer."
						Exit Function
					End If
				Case "/"
					If b <> 0 Then
						middle = Str(a / b)
						EvalErr = "Div by 0"
						Exit Function
					End If
				Case "*" : middle = Str(a * b)
				Case "-" : middle = Str(a - b)
				Case "+" : middle = Str(a + b)
				Case "=" : If a = b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case "<" : If a < b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case ">" : If a > b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case "<=" : If a <= b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case ">=" : If a >= b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case "<>" : If a <> b Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0" 
				Case "and" : If a <> 0 And b <> 0 Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case "or" : If a <> 0 Or b <> 0 Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"
				Case "not" : If b = 0 Then middle = "1" Else middle = "0"  'use b as nothing should be left of not
			End Select
			s = wSubst(s, p - 1, p + 1, middle)
			p = wIn(s, op)
	evalW = Val(s)
End Function

'return trimmed  source string s with one space between each word
 Function  wPrep(s As String) As String
  	Dim p As Integer
  	s = Trim(s)
  	If Len(s) = 0 Then wPrep = "" : Exit Function 
  	'remove all double or more spaces
  	p = InStr(s, "  ")
  	While  p > 0
    		s = Mid(s, 1, p) + Mid(s, p + 2, Len(s) - p - 1)
    		p = InStr(s, "  ")
  	wPrep = s
 End Function
' This duplicates JB word(string, wordNumber) base 1, space as default delimiter 
' by returning the Nth word of source string s
' this function assumes s has been through wPrep
Function  Wrd(s As String, wNumber As Integer)  As String 
	Dim As String w 
  	Dim As Integer i, c
  	's = wPrep(s)
	If Len(s) = 0 Then Return "" 
 	w = "" : c = 1
  	For i = 1 To Len(s)
	  	If Mid(s, i, 1) = " " Then 
	      		If c = wNumber Then Return w
	      		w = "" : c += 1
	      		w = w + Mid(s, i, 1)
	  	End If
  	If c <> wNumber Then Return " " Else Return w
End Function 

'This function counts the words in source string s
'this function assumes s has been thru wPrep
 Function  wCnt(s As String) As Integer
 	Dim As Integer c, p, ip
 	's = wPrep(s)
  	If Len(s) = 0 Then wCnt = 0 : Exit Function 
  	c = 1 : p = 1 : ip = InStr(p, s, " ")
  	While ip
    		c += 1 : p = ip + 1 : ip = InStr(p, s, " ")
  	wCnt = c
 End Function 

'Where is word In source s, 0 = Not In source
'this function assumes s has been thru wPrep
 Function  wIn(s As String, wd As  String) As Integer
  	Dim As Integer wc, i 
  	wc = wCnt(s) : wIn = 0
  	For i = 1 To wc
    		If Wrd(s, i) = wd Then wIn = i : Exit Function 
 End Function 

' substitute string in s to replace section first to last words inclusive
 'this function assumes s has been thru wPrep
 Function  wSubst(s As String, first As Integer, last As Integer ,subst As String) As String
 	Dim As Integer wc, i, subF 
 	Dim b As String
  	wc = wCnt(s) : b = ""
  	For i = 1 To wc
    		If first <= i And i <= last Then 'do this only once!
      			If subF = 0 Then b = b + subst + " " : subF = 1
      			b = b + Wrd(s, i) + " " 
    		End If
  	wSubst = trim(b)
 End Function 

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Post by MrSwiss »

[off topic] "sensless contests"
I would not ever take part in such a contest (it's a "cheat", from the beginning, to the end).
bplus wrote:It won the contest. :) (barely)
Congrats (...)

If I was the judge of the contest, you (all, I suppose) where "disqualified",
for using far more than 100 code lines (explanation of why, below):
  • "included files" line count, would be added
    every colon, would also be counted (as a line)
My verdict would be: you all, are just fooling yourself (into: believing the 100 lines lie).
[/off topic]
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Joined: May 01, 2017 15:57


Post by bplus »

MrSwiss wrote:[off topic] "sensless contests"
I would not ever take part in such a contest (it's a "cheat", from the beginning, to the end).
bplus wrote:It won the contest. :) (barely)
Congrats (...)

If I was the judge of the contest, you (all, I suppose) where "disqualified",
for using far more than 100 code lines (explanation of why, below):
  • "included files" line count, would be added
    every colon, would also be counted (as a line)
My verdict would be: you all, are just fooling yourself (into: believing the 100 lines lie).
[/off topic]
;-)) I guess you didn't read the rules, it was discussed. There was a huge disagreement. It's all water under the bridge...

But you are right we are all (coding) fools!!!
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