Expected ')', found ','

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Expected ')', found ','

Post by badidea »

The compiler rejects my code:

Code: Select all

hexagon_02.bas(340) error 7: Expected ')', found ',' in 'dim as hex_layout layout = type(layout_pointy, type(30, 30), type(100, 100))'
Definition of hex_layout is on line 237
Does anyone know how to make the compiler eat my code?

Code: Select all



#define sqrt sqr
#define max(a, b) (iif((a) > (b), (a), (b)))
#define min(a, b) (iif((a) < (b), (a), (b)))
#define lerp(a, b, t) ((a) + ((b) - (a)) * t) 'linearly interpolation
#define M_PI (atn(1) * 4)

'---------------------------- hex cube coordinates -----------------------------

type hex_cube
	dim as integer x 'pointing right/up
	dim as integer y 'pointing left/up
	dim as integer z 'pointing down
end type

function hex_equal(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube) as boolean
	if a.x <> b.x then return false
	if a.y <> b.y then return false
	if a.z <> b.z then return false
	return true
end function

function hex_add(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube) as hex_cube
	return type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z)
end function

function hex_substract(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube) as hex_cube
	return type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z)
end function

dim shared as const hex_cube hex_cube_direction(0 to 5) = {_
	type(+1, -1, 0), type(+1, 0, -1), type(0, +1, -1), _
	type(-1, +1, 0), type(-1, 0, +1), type(0, -1, +1) }

function hex_neighbor(hc as hex_cube, direction as integer) as hex_cube
	return hex_add(hc, cast(hex_cube, hex_cube_direction(direction)))
end function

dim shared as const hex_cube hex_cube_diagonal(0 to 5) = {_
	type(+2, -1, -1), type(+1, +1, -2), type(-1, +2, -1), _
	type(-2, +1, +1), type(-1, -1, +2), type(+1, -2, +1) }

function hex_neighbor_diagonal(hc as hex_cube, direction as integer) as hex_cube
	return hex_add(hc, cast(hex_cube, hex_cube_diagonal(direction)))
end function

function hex_distance(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube) as integer
	return (abs(a.x - b.x) + abs(a.y - b.y) + abs(a.z - b.z)) \ 2
end function
'Note: cube_distance also possible with max(dx, dy, dx)

'60° rotation
function hex_rotate_left(a as hex_cube) as hex_cube
    return type(-a.z, -a.x, -a.y)
end function

function hex_rotate_right(a as hex_cube) as hex_cube
    return type(-a.y, -a.z, -a.x)
end function

'For 60° rotation around other hex: translate, rotate, translate back: TODO
'Use add and substract for translation

function hex_reflect_x(h as hex_cube) as hex_cube
	return type(h.x, h.z, h.y)
end function

function hex_reflect_y(h as hex_cube) as hex_cube
	return type(h.z, h.y, h.y)
end function

function hex_reflect_z(h as hex_cube) as hex_cube
	return type(h.x, h.y, h.z)
end function

'--------------------------- hex axial coordinates -----------------------------

type hex_axial
	dim as integer q 'pointing right/up
	dim as integer r 'pointing down
end type

function hex_axial_add(a as hex_axial, b as hex_axial) as hex_axial
	return type(a.q + b.q, a.r + b.r)
end function

function hex_axial_substract(a as hex_axial, b as hex_axial) as hex_axial
	return type(a.q - b.q, a.r - b.r)
end function

dim shared as const hex_axial hex_axial_direction(0 to 5) = {_
	type(+1, 0), type(+1, -1), type(0, -1), _
	type(-1, 0), type(-1, +1), type(0, +1) }

function hex_axial_neighbor(ha as hex_axial, direction as integer) as hex_axial
	return hex_axial_add(ha, cast(hex_axial, hex_axial_direction(direction)))
end function

function hex_axial_distance(a as hex_axial, b as hex_axial) as integer
    return (abs(a.q - b.q) + abs(a.q + a.r - b.q - b.r) + abs(a.r - b.r)) \ 2
end function
'Note: Or convert to hex_cube first

'--------------------------- coordinate conversion -----------------------------

function hex_cube_to_axial(hc as hex_cube) as hex_axial
	return type(hc.x, hc.z) 'ignore y
end function

function hex_axial_to_cube(ha as hex_axial) as hex_cube
	return type(ha.q, ha.r, -(ha.q + ha.r))
end function

'------------------------- a simple hex <vextor> class -------------------------

type hex_list
	dim as hex_cube h(any)
	declare function push(h as hex_cube) as integer
	declare function pop() as hex_cube
	declare sub del_()
	declare function size() as integer
	declare function last_index() as integer
end type

'add to end of list
function hex_list.push(h_ as hex_cube) as integer
	dim as integer ub = ubound(h) + 1
	redim preserve h(ub)
	h(ub) = h_
	return ub
end function

'remove from end of list
function hex_list.pop() as hex_cube
	dim as hex_cube h_
	dim as integer ub = ubound(h)
	if ub >= 0 then
		h_ = h(ub)
		if ub = 0 then
			erase h
			redim preserve h(ub - 1)
		end if
	end if
	return h_
end function

sub hex_list.del_()
end sub

function hex_list.size() as integer
	return ubound(h) + 1
end function

function hex_list.last_index() as integer
	return ubound(h)
end function

'------------------------ a simple point <vextor> class ------------------------

type pt_dbl
	dim as double x, y
end type

type pt_list
	dim as pt_dbl pt(any)
	declare function push(pt_ as pt_dbl) as integer
	declare function pop() as pt_dbl
	declare sub del_()
	declare function size() as integer
	declare function last_index() as integer
end type

'add to end of list
function pt_list.push(pt_ as pt_dbl) as integer
	dim as integer ub = ubound(pt) + 1
	redim preserve pt(ub)
	pt(ub) = pt_
	return ub
end function

'remove from end of list
function pt_list.pop() as pt_dbl
	dim as pt_dbl pt_
	dim as integer ub = ubound(pt)
	if ub >= 0 then
		pt_ = pt(ub)
		if ub = 0 then
			erase pt
			redim preserve pt(ub - 1)
		end if
	end if
	return pt_
end function

sub pt_list.del_()
end sub

function pt_list.size() as integer
	return ubound(pt) + 1
end function

function pt_list.last_index() as integer
	return ubound(pt)
end function

'--------------------------------- hex layout ----------------------------------

type hex_orientation
	dim as const double f0, f1, f2, f3
	dim as const double b0, b1, b2, b3
	dim as const double start_angle 'in multiples of 60°
end type

dim shared as const hex_orientation layout_pointy = type( _
	sqrt(3), sqrt(3)/2, 0, 3/2, _
	sqrt(3)/3, -1/3, 0, 2/3, _

dim shared as const hex_orientation layout_flat = type( _
	3/2, 0, sqrt(3)/2, sqrt(3), _
	2/3, 0, -1/3, sqrt(3)/3, _

type hex_layout
	dim as const hex_orientation orientation
	dim as const pt_dbl size
	dim as const pt_dbl origin
end type

'Hex to Pixel
function hex_to_pixel(layout as hex_layout, h as hex_axial) as pt_dbl
	dim byref as const hex_orientation M = layout.orientation
	dim as double x = (M.f0 * h.q + M.f1 * h.r) * layout.size.x
	dim as double y = (M.f2 * h.q + M.f3 * h.r) * layout.size.y
	return type(x + layout.origin.x, y + layout.origin.y)
end function

type hex_cube_frac
    dim as double x, y, z
end type

'Pixel to Hex (fractional)
function pixel_to_hex_frac(layout as hex_layout, p as pt_dbl) as hex_cube_frac
	dim byref as const hex_orientation M = layout.orientation
	dim as pt_dbl pt = type(_
		(p.x - layout.origin.x) / layout.size.x, _
		(p.y - layout.origin.y) / layout.size.y)
    dim as double q = M.b0 * pt.x + M.b1 * pt.y
    dim as double r = M.b2 * pt.x + M.b3 * pt.y
    return type(q, r, -(q + r))
end function

'hex cube rounding
function hex_round(h as hex_cube_frac) as hex_cube
	dim as integer x = int(h.x) 'is this right?
	dim as integer y = int(h.y)
	dim as integer z = int(h.z)
	dim as double x_diff = abs(x - h.x) 'q
	dim as double y_diff = abs(y - h.y) 'r
	dim as double z_diff = abs(z - h.z) 's
	if (x_diff > y_diff) and (x_diff > z_diff) then
		x = -(y + z)
	elseif (y_diff > z_diff) then
		y = -(x + z)
		z = -(x + y)
	end if
	return type(x, y, z)
end function

'Pixel to Hex (integer)
function pixel_to_hex_int(layout as hex_layout, p as pt_dbl) as hex_cube
	return hex_round(pixel_to_hex_frac(layout, p))
end function

function hex_lerp(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube, t as double) as hex_cube_frac
	return type(lerp(a.x, b.x, t), lerp(a.y, b.y, t), lerp(a.z, b.z, t))
end function

'~ 'return list of hex (with cube coordinates)
function hex_line_list(a as hex_cube, b as hex_cube) as hex_list
	dim as integer N = hex_distance(a, b)
	dim as hex_list hexes
	dim as double dist_step = 1.0 / max(N, 1)
	for i as integer = 0 to N
		hexes.push(hex_round(hex_lerp(a, b, dist_step * i)))
	return hexes
end function

'relative corner position from hexagon center
'note: for speed, the corner positions can be precalculated (after setting size)
function hex_corner_offset(layout as hex_layout, corner as integer) as pt_dbl
	dim as pt_dbl size = layout.size
	dim as double angle = 2.0 * M_PI * (layout.orientation.start_angle + corner) / 6
	return type(size.x * cos(angle), size.y * sin(angle))
end function

function hex_corner_list(layout as hex_layout, h as hex_axial) as pt_list
	dim as pt_list corners
	dim as pt_dbl center = hex_to_pixel(layout, h)
	for i as integer = 0 to 5 'loop 6 corners
		dim as pt_dbl offset = hex_corner_offset(layout, i)
		corners.push(type(center.x + offset.x, center.y + offset.y))
	return corners
end function

sub hex_draw_outline(layout as hex_layout, h as hex_axial, colour as ulong)
	dim as pt_list corners = hex_corner_list(layout, h)
	'~ for i as integer = 0 to 5
		'~ dim as integer j = (i + 1) mod 6
		'~ line(corners.pt(i).x, corners.pt(i).y)-_
			'~ (corners.pt(j).x, corners.pt(j).y), colour
	'~ next
	dim as pt_dbl first = corners.pop() 'save for last loop
	dim as pt_dbl b = first
	for i as integer = 0 to 5
		dim as pt_dbl a = b
		b = iif(i = 5, first, corners.pop())
end sub


screenres 800, 600, 32
dim as hex_layout layout = type(layout_pointy, type(30, 30), type(100, 100))
'dim as hex_layout layout = type<hex_layout>(layout_pointy, type(30, 30), type(100, 100))
'dim as hex_layout layout = type(layout_pointy) 'is allowed

'layout.orientation = layout_pointy 'not allowed
'layout.size = type(30, 30) 'not allowed

paul doe
Posts: 1733
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Re: Expected ')', found ','

Post by paul doe »

badidea wrote:...
Does anyone know how to make the compiler eat my code?

Code: Select all

dim as hex_layout layout = type<hex_layout>(layout_pointy, type <pt_dbl>(30, 30), type <pt_dbl>(100, 100))
Posts: 2591
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Re: Expected ')', found ','

Post by badidea »

paul doe wrote:

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dim as hex_layout layout = type<hex_layout>(layout_pointy, type <pt_dbl>(30, 30), type <pt_dbl>(100, 100))
Thanks, I thought that I had tested that, but apparently I did not.
Posts: 2591
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Expected ')', found ','

Post by badidea »

Actually, this is fine for the compiler as well:

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dim as hex_layout layout = type(layout_pointy, (30, 30), (100, 100))
Less typing.
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