FB 1.03 Linux to Win/Dos difference.

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Re: FB 1.03 Linux to Win/Dos difference.

Post by caseih »

I would think that if a variable is defined as string*7, then it shouldn't matter what those bytes are. They should copy, print, etc. Of course passing a string with nulls to a C routine that expects a null-terminated string will truncate of course. But the "s2=s1" line should give you a full copy, nulls and all! At least in the case of copying the string to another variable, I'd say that's a bug in the runtime.
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Re: FB 1.03 Linux to Win/Dos difference.

Post by counting_pine »

There are several cases of less than well-defined behaviour in FB's String*N.
Ideally they should look in memory like an array of exactly N bytes, behave functionally like a String of length N, and on assigning as if LSet were called.
But internally they use - and often rely on - a null terminator, which breaks all these assumptions.
Additionally, I think it pads with nulls rather than spaces on assignment.

In their current state, I can't think of any case I'd suggest using them. Particularly if it depends on behaviour we might fix in a later release.
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