How to get the monitor id (at mouse pointer)?

Windows specific questions.
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: How to get the monitor id (at mouse pointer)?

Post by Tourist Trap »

D.J.Peters wrote:With lpmi_ = new LPMONITORINFOEX you create a pointer that points to a pointer that points to nothing !!!
Yes you are right I was half sleeping! MONITORINFOEX seems to work just fine by the way.

I'm trying to get a step further right here with the system metrics call that returns directly the monitor count. I hope I'll find how to loop over the monitors without moving the mouse next.

Code: Select all

 #include ""
#include ""

dim as HWND					hwnd_
dim as LPMONITORINFOEX 		lpmi_
dim as HMONITOR				hMonitor_

lpmi_->cbSize = sizeOf(MONITORINFOEX)

screenRes 800, 600, 32
dim as fb.IMAGE ptr	shot
shot = imageCreate(800,600)

screenControl	fb.GET_WINDOW_HANDLE, _ 
				cast(integer, hwnd_)

dim as string	monitorNameArray(1 to GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS))
for arrayIndex as integer = lBound(monitorNameArray) to uBound(monitorNameArray)
	monitorNameArray(arrayIndex) = "name not discovered - move the app window"
next arrayIndex

GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(hwnd_, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST), lpmi_)
monitorNameArray(lBound(monitorNameArray)) = lpmi_->szDevice

		color rgb(255,0,255)
		? "number of avaiable monitors = "; GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS)
		GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(hwnd_, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST), lpmi_)
		var currentMonitorName = lpmi_->szDevice
		for arrayIndex as integer = lBound(monitorNameArray) to uBound(monitorNameArray)
			if "name not discovered - move the app window"=monitorNameArray(arrayIndex) then
				var nameAlreadyExists = FALSE
				for subArrayIndex as integer = arrayIndex to lBound(monitorNameArray) step -1
					if monitorNameArray(subArrayIndex)=currentMonitorName then
						nameAlreadyExists = TRUE
						exit for
					end if
				next subArrayIndex
				if not nameAlreadyExists then 
					monitorNameArray(arrayIndex) = currentMonitorName
				end if
			end if
			? arrayIndex, monitorNameArray(arrayIndex)
		next arrayIndex
		'text display -> dirty zoom feature
		get (0,0)-(800 - 1,600 - 1), shot
		var n = 2
		for x as integer = 0 to 400
			for y as integer = 0 to 300
				if point(x, y, shot)=rgb(255,0,255) then 
					circle (x*n, y*n + 100), n/2
				end if
			next y
		next x
	sleep 25
loop until inkey()=chr(27)

delete lpmi_
imageDestroy shot

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