Numerical optimizer

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Numerical optimizer

Post by sean_vn »

Code: Select all

function hash64(h as ulongint) as ulongint
	h = ( h xor ( h shr 30 ) ) * &hBF58476D1CE4E5B9
	h = ( h xor ( h shr 27 ) ) * &h94D049BB133111EB
	return h xor ( h shr 31 )
end function

type rnd256
	as ulongint s0,s1,s2,s3
	declare sub init()
	declare function next64() as ulongint
	declare function nextinc (max as ulong) as ulong
	declare function nextinc (min as long, max as long) as long
	declare function nextex (max as ulong) as ulong
	declare function nextex (min as long, max as long) as long
	declare function nextsingle() as single
	declare function nextsinglesym() as single
end type	

function rnd256.next64() as ulongint
	dim as ulongint res=hash64(s0)
	dim as ulongint t = s1 shl 17
	s2 xor= s0
	s3 xor= s1
	s1 xor= s2
	s0 xor= s3
	s2 xor= t
	s3=(s3 shl 45) or (s3 shr 19)
	return res
end function

sub rnd256.init()
end sub

function rnd256.nextinc (max as ulong) as ulong
        dim as ulongint r = next64() and &hffffffff
        r *= CULngInt(max) + 1
        r = r shr 32
        return  r
end function

function rnd256.nextinc (min as long, max as long) as long
        dim as ulongint r = next64() and &hffffffff
        r *= CULngInt(max-min) + 1
        r = r shr 32
        return  r+min
end function

function rnd256.nextex overload (max as ulong) as ulong
        dim as ulongint r = next64() and &hffffffff
        r *= CULngInt(max)
        r = r shr 32
        return  r
end function

function rnd256.nextex overload (min as long, max as long) as long
        dim as ulongint r = next64() and &hffffffff
        r *= CULngInt(max-min)
        r = r shr 32
        return  r+min
end function

function rnd256.nextsingle() as single
	return next64()*(0.99999997!/&hffffffffffffffffULL)
end function
function rnd256.nextsinglesym() as single
    dim as longint r=next64()
	return r*(-0.99999997!/&h8000000000000000)
end function

type mutator
    as rnd256 rand
	as ulongint positions(any)
	as single values(any),prec
	declare sub init(size as ulong,precision as single)
	declare sub mutate(x() as single)
	declare sub undo(x() as single)
end type

sub mutator.init(size as ulong,precision as single)
	redim positions(size-1),values(size-1)
end sub

sub mutator.mutate(x() as single)
    dim as ulongint m=ubound(x)
	for i as ulong=0 to ubound(positions)
		dim as ulongint idx=rand.nextinc(m)
		dim as single m=2!*exp(-prec*rand.nextsingle()),v=x(idx)
		m*=1-(culng(rand.next64()) and 2)
		while (v+m)>1! orelse (v+m)<-1! 
end sub

sub mutator.undo(x() as single)
	for i as long=ubound(positions) to 0 step -1
end sub

function test(x() as single) as single
dim as single cost,dx,dy
dim as ulong n=ubound(x)+1
for i as ulong=0 to ubound(x) step 2
  dx=x(i)-x((i+2) mod n)
  dy=x(i+1)-x((i+3) mod n)
return cost
end function 

screenres 640,480,32
dim as single parent(99),parentcost=1!/0!
for i as long=0 to ubound(parent):parent(i)=2*rnd()-1:next
dim as mutator mut
  dim as single cost=test(parent())
  if cost<parentcost then
   line (320+200*parent(0),240+200*parent(1))-(320+200*parent(2),240+200*parent(3))
   for i as ulong=4 to ubound(parent) step 2
     line -(320+200*parent(i),240+200*parent(i+1))
   print parentcost
  end if
loop until inkey=chr(27)

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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Tips and Tricks popup: "Post your FreeBASIC tips and tricks here. Please don't post your code without including an explanation."

Did a Compile and Quick Run - Screenres opened and shortly after the code closed. Before publishing code, it is worthwhile to do a final compile and run just to make sure an edit has not screwed things up.

A few views before mine and not a word. I suppose it is possible that without an explanation folk went back a page and moved on which is a pity because you have obviously put a fair amount of work into your code.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by sean_vn »

I didn't put any work into it. Maybe this business between 32 and 64 bit systems again. Who knows.
Anyway on my computer it does some mutations, sees if that makes an improvement, if not undoes. I need to decide an optimizer for something I'm doing. I'm not very happy with the code anyway, also I think the built in FB RNG would suffice for it.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by jj2007 »

deltarho[1859] wrote:don't post your code without including an explanation
Exactly. And don't post code that isn't thoroughly tested. This code compiles in 32-bit land but then throws exceptions, definitely no good for the Tips & Tricks section.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Actually, I did not write that and is within inverted commas. We get that on hovering on 'Tips and Tricks'.

I would rather see the two comments in a sticky and as the first post. That way we can simply say "Please read the first post"; when needed.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by dodicat »

The problem in 32 bits is

Code: Select all

 var n= &hffffffff 
var m= 4294967295
print n
print m
#print typeof(n)
#print typeof(m)
if you substitute the number instead of the hex in rnd256.nextinc , it doesn't overflow the array in mutator.mutate()
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by jj2007 »

deltarho[1859] wrote:Actually, I did not write that
Sorry, I quoted badly - of course, I support the spirit of your comment.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by sean_vn »

You can't expect people to maintain 2 systems and two compilers before they post some code. If you want to loosen up maybe the Dandy Warhols are a good band to listen to. Or is it roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and oxo every Sunday.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by jj2007 »

sean_vn wrote:You can't expect people to maintain 2 systems and two compilers before they post some code.
You can expect people who post here in the Tips & Tricks section that they compile their code at least with standard Gas, Gcc32 and Gcc64. It's only a mouseclick or a keystroke away, right?

People who come here are mostly n00bs, and if they see code crash with an exception, as does happen with your code, that throws a really bad light on the language FreeBasic. That's why the administrators of this forum imposed that rule. So, please relax, fix your code, add an explanation and some comments (good practice anyway), and all will be fine.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by deltarho[1859] »

sean_vn wrote:If you want to loosen up
I am from Yorkshire and "roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and oxo every Sunday" is not my idea of loosening up. On the other hand this is. Twenty minutes of that, with a decent volume, is the polar opposite to a twenty-minute cardiovascular workout on an exercise bike and brings blood pressure down like a stone.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by dodicat »

This is for nostalgic purposes only, a 32 bit debug macro I made up years ago.
Purportedly catches early signs of bugs.
Windows only.
(Only 32 bits due to a bug in 64 bits)

Code: Select all


#macro debug
#if sizeof(integer)=4
Declare Function ScaleWindow Alias "MoveWindow"(As Any Ptr,As Integer=0,As Integer=0,As Integer,As Integer,As Integer=1) As Integer

    dim as string s,t
    #macro rd(a)
    s=string(ubound(a)," ")
    for n as integer=1 to ubound(a)
    next n
    screen 0
dim as integer desktopW,desktopH,xres,yres
screeninfo desktopW,desktopH
screenres DesktopW/1.8,DesktopH/1.8,32,,64 or 8
color rgb(200,200,200),rgb(0,0,200)
screeninfo xres,yres
width xres\8,yres\16
Dim As Integer I
ScaleWindow(Cast(Any Ptr,I),0,0,desktopW,desktopH)
dim as ubyte a1(1 to 68)={65,32,102,97,116,97,108,32,101,120,99,101,112,116,105,111,110,32,79,69,32,104,97,_
dim as ubyte a2(1 to 58) ={32,32,32,32,48,48,48,49,48,69,51,54,46,32,84,104,101,32,99,117,114,114,101,110,116,32,97,112,_
dim as ubyte a3(1 to 2)= {10,10}
dim as ubyte a4(1 to 57)= {32,32,32,32,42,32,80,114,101,115,115,32,97,110,121,32,107,101,121,32,116,111,32,_
dim as ubyte a5(1 to 69)= {32,32,32,32,42,32,80,114,101,115,115,32,67,84,82,76,32,43,32,65,76,84,32,43,32,68,_
dim as ubyte a6(1 to 56)= { 32,32,32,32,32,32,108,111,111,115,101,32,97,110,121,32,117,110,115,97,118,101,100,_
dim as ubyte a7(1 to 2)= {10,10}
dim as ubyte a8(1 to 56)= { 32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,_
locate 10,5
print t
end scope
print "Sorry, can't debug in 64 bits"
 screen 19,32
 locate 20,20
 print "Press a key to debug"
 var t=1/0
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by jj2007 »

Code: Select all

TmpFb.bas(62) error 57: Type mismatch, at parameter 2
Is this a demo why code should be thoroughly tested for T+T?
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by sean_vn »

I was just starting to get back to coding after a break. This forum got very unfriendly very quick. Maybe Brexit is causing a general increase in grumpiness and a lack of movement. Maybe a chia seed and prune juice pudding would help? if not consult your doctor.
While not an OAP like some of you guys, I am getting along a bit. I should really be using modern languages like python and javascript.
The problem is I tend not to get a lot done in those languages. Then there is a tension between getting at least something done with FB and doing what I should be doing with modern languages.
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by sancho3 »

Here is the post that has been alluded to.
Since you have been away, you should know that there has been tension in forums. Enough so that a moderator has been brought on to aid in administering the forum. Here is that forum topic.
I have to admit that the first thing I thought when I saw the title was "what is this code about?". And then disappointment when it was code with no explanation.
I am not the moderator nor am I chastising. I recommend that you can avoid the tension by one or two lines explaining at least what the code is doing.
And then posting "Tested on 32bits only". This makes your post more "friendly".
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Re: Numerical optimizer

Post by deltarho[1859] »

In sancho3's first link the thread terminates with "Shouldn't this topic be a sticky one (always on top)?" by badidea. Personally, I think that is a brilliant idea but only for counting_pine's opening post. <smile>
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