sine fractals

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sine fractals

Post by dafhi »

first version can be found a few posts below

2013 Oct 16 - gcc-friendly
2013 Oct 03 (below) - fixed ( UB1D calculation -> [new] UB1D = h * .. [old] UB1D = w * ..

Code: Select all

'' ---------- ----------- ''

'' changes - 2013 Oct 03 - bugfix

'' Delta Field morphs by dafhi

'  A continuing work inspired by early winamp visual plugins

' Logic from the "FlowField" description ..

' Other plugins of the same type

'#include ""

'' ----------- ------------ ''
#Ifndef TRUE
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE = not FALSE

#Ifndef pi
Const                     TwoPi = 8 * Atn(1)
Const                     pi    = 4 * Atn(1)
const                     piBy2 = 2 * Atn(1)

const as double           sqr2 = sqr(2)

#define r255              rnd * 255
#define rm5               Rnd - 0.5

const                     white = &HFFFFFFFF

#Macro sim_speed(secs_per_frame)
  dim as double   _t = Timer, secperframe = (secs_per_frame)
  dim as integer  nFrames
  while t < _t: t += secperframe: nFrames += 1: Wend
  dim as single gspeed = secperframe * nframes

Type tImage
  As Any ptr              img=0
  as uinteger ptr         topleft,botleft,botright
  As Integer              w,h,wm,hm,pitchm,pitch,bpp,bypp,pitchBy,is_screen,num_pages,UB1D,br_
  As single               midx,midy,diagonal
  Declare Sub             screen_init(pWid As UShort=1,pHgt As UShort=1,numPages as integer=1,Flags as integer=0,bpp_ as UInteger=32)
  Declare Function        create(pWid As UShort=1,pHgt As UShort=1, color_ As UInteger=RGB(127,127,127), NoImage As Integer=0) As Any ptr
  Declare Sub             destroy
  Declare Sub             Cls( ByVal pColor As UInteger=RGB(0,0,0) )
  Declare Sub             blit( dest as tImage ptr, x as integer=0, y as integer=0 )
  Declare Sub             Print(str_ As String, X As Integer=0, Y As Integer=0,Color_ As UInteger = &HFFFFFFFF)
  Declare sub             LoadBMP(ByRef filename As String)
  declare sub             iflip
  declare sub             checker_background(CheckerSize As UInteger = 12,pColor As UInteger=RGBA(145,145,145,255))
  Declare Destructor
  Declare sub             UpdateInfo
  Declare Sub             ScrInfo
  Declare Sub             varsCommon
End Type
  Destructor tImage: Destroy: End Destructor
Sub tImage.Destroy(): If img = 0 Then Exit Sub
  ImageDestroy img: img = 0
End Sub
sub tImage.iflip
  locate 1,1
  if not is_screen then exit sub
  if num_pages > 1 then: flip
  else: screenlock: screenunlock: end if
End Sub
Sub tImage.varsCommon
  wm = w - 1: hm = h - 1
  midx = wm * 0.5: midy = hm * 0.5
  pitchBy = pitch \ bypp
  UB1D = h * pitchBy - 1: pitchm = pitch - 1
  botleft = topleft: botleft += pitchBy * hm
  botright = botleft + wm: br_ = ub1d - pitchBy - 1
  diagonal = Sqr(wm * wm + hm * hm) / 2
End Sub
sub tImage.UpdateInfo: ImageInfo img, w, h, bypp, pitch, topleft: End Sub
Sub tImage.ScrInfo: ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch: topleft = ScreenPtr: varsCommon: End Sub
Sub tImage.screen_init(Wid As UShort,Hgt As UShort,_
                       numPages as integer,Flags as integer,bpp_ as UInteger)
  Destroy: num_pages = numpages: ScreenRes Wid,Hgt,bpp_,numPages,Flags: ScrInfo: img=0: is_screen=TRUE: if numPages > 1 then screenset 0,1
End sub
Function tImage.create(pWid As UShort,_
                       pHgt As UShort,_
                       color_ As UInteger,_
                       NoImage As Integer) As Any Ptr
  Destroy: If NoImage Then
  w = pWid: h = pHgt
  Else: img = ImageCreate( pWid, pHgt, color_, 32 )
  UpdateInfo: EndIf: varsCommon: is_screen=FALSE: Return img
End Function
  Sub tImage.checker_background(CheckerSize As UInteger,pColor As UInteger)
Dim As UInteger SizeDouble=CheckerSize*2,SizeM=CheckerSize-1
For Y as integer = 0 To hm Step CheckerSize
For X as integer = -CheckerSize * ((Y/SizeDouble)=Int(Y/SizeDouble)) To wm Step SizeDouble
Line this.img,(X,Y)-(X+SizeM,Y+SizeM),pColor,BF
End Sub
  Sub tImage.Print(str_ As String, X As Integer, Y As Integer,Color_ As UInteger)
Draw String img,(X,Y),str_,Color_
End Sub
  Sub tImage.Cls( ByVal pColor As UInteger)
Dim As UInteger cpy_ = (pitch * h) \ bypp
Dim As UInteger Ptr dest = topleft ''
Asm mov eax, [pcolor]
Asm mov edi, [dest]
Asm mov ecx, [cpy_]
Asm rep stosd
End Sub
  #Macro cpy_varadd(reg, var, add_to_var, reg_tmp)
    mov reg, [var]
    mov reg_tmp, reg
    add reg_tmp, [add_to_var]
    mov [var], reg_tmp
sub tImage.blit( dest as tImage ptr, _x1 as integer, _y1 as integer )

  dim as integer  x1 = _x1, x2 = x1 + wm:  if x1 < 0 then x1 = 0
  dim as integer  y1 = _y1, y2 = y1 + hm:  if y1 < 0 then y1 = 0
  if x2 > dest->wm then x2 = dest->wm
  if y2 > dest->hm then y2 = dest->hm

  dim as integer      cols = x2 - x1 + 1: if cols < 1 then exit sub
  dim as integer      rows = y2 - y1 + 1: if rows < 1 then exit sub
  dim as integer      qcols = cols \ 4, cols_remainder = cols - qcols * 4 '' unroll variables

  dim as integer      x_sav_ecx, y_sav_ecx '' ASM loops
  dim as integer      _pitch = pitch, pitch_dst = dest->pitch
  dim as uinteger ptr src = topleft, dst = dest->topleft + y1 * dest->pitchBy + x1

  '' shortcut of saying "if _y1 < 0 then _y1 = 0"
  src += _y1 * (_y1 < 0) * pitchBy + _x1 * (_x1 < 0)


    mov ecx, [rows]

    yLoopBlit:                                '' unique labels across app
      mov [y_sav_ecx], ecx                    '' prepare to use ecx for anything

      '' will use this macro in future projects
      cpy_varadd( esi, src, _pitch, edx )      '' esi = [src], increase src by pitch, edx is temp
      cpy_varadd( edi, dst, pitch_dst, edx )  '' edi = [dst], increase dst by pitch_dst, ..

      mov ecx, [qcols]                        '' column quad rollout
      cmp ecx, 0
      jle xLoopRemainder                      '' if ecx <= 0 jump xLoopRemainder

      xLoopBlitQuad:                          '' all ASM labels in one app must be unique

        mov eax, [esi]                        '' mov [edi], [esi] is not acceptable in asm
        mov [edi], eax                        ''
        mov eax, [esi+4]                      '' src
        mov [edi+4], eax                      '' dst
        mov eax, [esi+8]                      '' src
        mov [edi+8], eax                      '' dst
        mov eax, [esi+12]                     '' src
        mov [edi+12], eax                     '' dst

        add esi, 16                           '' src ptr
        add edi, 16                           '' dst ptr
      dec ecx                                 '' end xLoop
      jnz xLoopBlitQuad

      mov ecx, [cols_remainder]               '' done with quads, now process remaining pixels
      cmp ecx, 0                              ''
      jle yLoopEnd                            '' skip xLoopBlit if ecx <= 0

      xLoopBlit:                              '' all ASM labels in one app must be unique
        mov eax, [esi]                        '' mov [edi], [esi] is not acceptable in asm
        mov [edi], eax                        ''
        add esi, 4                            '' src
        add edi, 4                            '' dst
      dec ecx                                 '' end xLoop
      jnz xLoopBlit

    mov ecx, [y_sav_ecx]                      '' end yLoop
    dec ecx
    jnz yLoopBlit

  end asm

end sub
Sub tImage.LoadBMP(ByRef filename As String)
  Open filename For Input As #1
  If Lof(1) = 0 Then
    Close #1
    Exit sub
  Dim As Integer w,h
  Open filename For Binary As #1
  Get #1, 19, w
  Get #1, 23, h
  Close #1
  Create w,h
  Bload filename,Img
End Sub

#Macro Alpha256(ret,back, fore, am, a256)
    (fore And &Hff00ff) * a256 + _
    (back And &Hff00ff) * am + &H800080) And &Hff00ff00 Or (_
    (fore And &H00ff00) * a256 + _
    (back And &H00ff00) * am + &H008000) And &H00ff0000) Shr 8

type tFPU     ''
              '' 0=nearest
              '' 1=round down
              '' 2=round up
              '' 3=truncate
  as integer    original
  declare sub   set_rounding_mode(mode as integer)
  declare sub   restore:declare constructor:declare destructor
End Type
constructor tFPU: dim as integer ori: asm fstcw [ori]
  original=ori: set_rounding_mode 1: End Constructor
destructor tFPU: restore: End Destructor
sub tFPU.restore
  dim as integer ori = original:  asm fldcw [ori]
End Sub
Sub tFPU.set_rounding_mode(mode as integer)
  dim As integer ori: asm fstcw [ori]
  mode=ori and &hf3ff or (mode and 3)shl 10: asm fldcw [mode]
end Sub

Type tFPS
  As String               report
  As Single               target = 50.0, fps_report_every = 1.0
  As Single               fps_low_limit = 0.05, sFPS,sSPF,secs_per_frame,target_prev
  As Double               time_delta,time_old,time_now,time_sum,fps_trig_next
  As integer              new_report,Frame_,fTurbo, Turbo = 1 '' Experimental .. for FPS > 999
  Declare sub             Tick(target_fps As Single = 0.0)
  Declare Sub             DecPlaces(pInput As Single, Places As UByte =1)
End Type
  #Macro tFPS_LimFPS_Init()
If target_fps = 0 Then: target_fps = target
Else: target = target_fps: EndIf
If target <> target_prev Then target_prev = target: secs_per_frame = 1 / target
If time_now = 0 Then time_now = Timer: fps_trig_next = time_now + secs_per_frame/2: Frame_ = -1
  #Macro FPS_CALC()
Frame_ += 1:time_sum += time_delta:new_report = 0
  If time_sum >= fps_report_every Then
sSPF = time_sum / Frame_:sFPS = Frame_ / time_sum
DecPlaces( Int(sFPS*10 + 0.5) / 10, 1 )
Frame_ = 0: time_sum = 0: new_report = 1: EndIf
  Sub tFPS.DecPlaces(pInput As Single, Places As UByte)
If Places > 5 Then Places = 5
report = Str( pInput )
For I As Integer = 0 To Len(report)-1
  If report[I] = 46 Then report = Left(report,I+Places+1): Exit For
Next: report = Left( report + "   ", 6 ): End Sub
Sub tFPS.Tick(target_fps As Single)
  time_old = time_now: time_now = Timer
  time_delta = time_now - time_old
  If target_fps > fps_low_limit Then
    If time_now < fps_trig_next Then
      Sleep 1000 * (fps_trig_next - time_now): fps_trig_next += secs_per_frame
    Else: If fTurbo = Turbo Then Sleep 1,1: fTurbo = 0
      fTurbo += 1: fps_trig_next = secs_per_frame * Int(1.0+time_now / secs_per_frame)
    End If
  Else: Sleep 1,1 '' low fps target, just sleep 1
  EndIf: Locate 1,1 ''print pos
End Sub

Type SineCandy
  as single         bas,vari,angle,iangle,usr_tick,usr_tock=piBy2
  declare sub       set_vals(base as single=1,vari as single=0.5,iangle as single=0)
  declare function  usr_detect(reset_val as integer=2) as integer
  declare Operator  cast as single
End Type
function SineCandy.usr_detect(reset_val as integer) as integer
  dim as integer ret
  if usr_tick >= usr_tock then
    dim as single   udiv = angle / piBy2
    dim as integer  i = udiv
    if i and 1 then usr_tick = angle: usr_tock = piBy2 + pi * reset_val
    ret = -1
  end if: return ret
end function
sub SineCandy.set_vals(base_ as single,vari_ as single,iangl as single)
  vari=vari_: iangle=iangl: bas=base_
End Sub
Operator SineCandy.Cast as single
  return bas + Sin(angle)*vari
End Operator
'' -------------- end of ----------------- ''

'' -------------- continued ----------------- ''
type rotation_grid
  as double           pixdist, angle, cosa,sina, gcos,gsin, cosa_dith,sina_dith
  as double           tlx,tly, posx,posy
  declare sub         tl_incr
end type
sub rotation_grid.tl_incr
  posx = tlx: posy=tly: tlx += sina: tly -= cosa
end sub

type vec2d
  as single           x,y
end Type

type dfpixel
  as integer          a,b,c,d,off
end type

type delta_field
  as integer          w,h, wm,hm, x,y, x0,y0, x1,y1, wm_,hm_, frame
  as double           field_view = twopi*10, _tick, morph_trigger
  as single           midx, midy, OneOverBig
  as single           morph, morph_prev
  as string ptr       d0,d1,dresult,_df_newform
  as tImage ptr       _back, _fore
  as byte             border = 0
  declare sub         dims(w as integer = 100, h as integer = 100)
  declare sub         pos(x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0)
  declare sub         set_clipper(_w as integer, _h as integer)
  declare sub         tl_calc(byref g as rotation_grid, cx as double=0,cy as double=0, field_rad as double=1, angle as single=0, g_ang_delta as single=0)
  declare sub         next_formula()
  declare sub         morph_speed(increment as single = 0.01, time_before_new as single = 15)
  declare sub         render(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer=0, _y as integer=0)
  declare sub         renderMMX(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer=0, _y as integer=0)
  declare sub         render_one_frame(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer=0, _y as integer=0)
  declare sub         trigger_morph
  declare sub         _morph
  declare constructor
  as rotation_grid    g0, g1, g2
  as integer          img_pitch, img_wm,img_hm, img_tl, bor, bor_img_tl, bor_img_br
  as integer          _dither, _dswitch, one_more_dither, do_not_blit
  declare sub         checkswap
  as string           df(2)
  as tImage           img(1)
end type
constructor delta_field: _back=@img(0):_fore=@img(1): d0=@df(0): d1=@df(1): dresult = @df(2): end constructor
sub delta_field.set_clipper(_w as integer, _h as integer):  img_wm = _w-1: img_hm = _h-1: end sub
sub delta_field.tl_calc(byref g as rotation_grid, cenx as double, ceny as double, rad as double, angl as single, g_ang_delta as single)
  dim as double dx = x - x0 + midx
  dim as double dy = y - y0 + midy
  g.pixdist = rad * OneOverBig: g_ang_delta += angl
  g.gcos = cos(g_ang_delta): g.gsin = sin(g_ang_delta)
  g.cosa = g.pixdist * cos(angl) = g.pixdist * sin(angl)
  g.tly = ceny + dy * g.cosa + dx *
  g.tlx = cenx + dy * - dx * g.cosa =
end sub
sub delta_field.dims(_w as integer, _h as integer)
  w = _w: wm = w-1: midx = wm/2
  h = _h: hm = h-1: midy = hm/2
  OneOverBig = 1 / ( sqr2 * sqr( midx*midx + midy*midy ) )
  df(0) = string( w*h*len(vec2d), 0 )
  df(1) = df(0): df(2) = string( w*h*len(dfpixel), 0 )
  bor = cint(border)
  img(0).create w+2*bor, h+2*bor
  img(1).create img(0).w, img(0).h
  set_clipper img(0).w, img(0).h
  img_pitch = _fore->pitch
  pos border,border
  morph = 0: next_formula: morph = 1: next_formula: morph_prev = 0
end sub
sub delta_field.pos(_x as integer, _y as integer)
  x = _x: x0 = x: x1 = x + wm: if x0 < 0 then x0 = 0
  y = _y: y0 = y: y1 = y + hm: if y0 < 0 then y0 = 0
  if x1 > img_wm then x1 = img_wm
  if y1 > img_hm then y1 = img_hm
  wm_ = x1 - x0: hm_ = y1 - y0
  img_tl = y0 * img_pitch + x0
  bor_img_tl = -y0 * img_pitch - x0
  bor_img_br = _fore->br_ + bor_img_tl
end sub
sub delta_field.trigger_morph
  morph = 0: next_formula: _tick = 0: morph_prev = 1
end sub
sub delta_field.morph_speed(increment as single, time_before_new as single)
  _tick += increment
  if _tick < 1 then
    frame += 1
    if frame = 2 then
      morph = _tick
      frame = 0
    end if: morph_trigger = Timer + time_before_new
  elseif Timer >= morph_trigger then
  end if
end sub
sub delta_field.checkswap
  if abs(0 - morph) < abs(1 - morph) then: _df_newform = d0
  else _df_newform = d1
  end if
  if abs(morph - morph_prev) >= 0.5 then swap d0, d1
end sub
sub delta_field.next_formula()
  dim as single r2
  #macro grid_topleft( g, cenx, ceny, rad )
    g.angle = Rnd*TwoPi
    tl_calc g, (cenx), (ceny), (rad), g.angle
    r2 = _fore->diagonal*(.15+rnd)/22
    g.gcos = r2: g.gsin = r2
  grid_topleft( g0, rm5, rm5, (.15+rnd)*field_view )
  grid_topleft( g1, rm5, rm5, (.15+rnd)*field_view )
  grid_topleft( g2, rm5, rm5, (.15+rnd)*field_view )
  dim as single     off_y
  dim as vec2d ptr  topleft = @(*_df_newform)[0], botleft = @topleft[hm_ * w]
  for py as vec2d ptr = topleft to botleft step w
    g0.tl_incr: g1.tl_incr: g2.tl_incr
    dim as single       off_x
    for p as vec2d ptr = py to @py[wm_]
      #Macro whatev(off,xy,gcs,func,posxy,incr)
        p->xy = (off) + g0.gcs*func(g0.posxy) + g1.gcs*func(g1.posxy) + g2.gcs*func(g2.posxy)
        g0.posxy += g0.incr: g1.posxy += g1.incr: g2.posxy += g2.incr
      off_x += 1
    next: off_y += 1
end sub
sub delta_field._morph

  if morph = morph_prev then
    if one_more_dither then
      one_more_dither = false
      exit sub
    end if
  else one_more_dither = true: morph_prev = morph
  end if

  dim as tFPU         FPU '' fpu round down

  const               a_max = 256

  dim as integer      scan_dith = _dswitch
  dim as single       min_ = -bor
  dim as single       maxx = min_ + img_wm - 1
  dim as single       maxy = min_ + img_hm - 1
  dim as single       dx,dy,idx,idy,a,b,c,d

  dim as vec2d ptr    _src = @(*d0)[0], __dst = @(*d1)[0]
  dim as dfpixel ptr  _res = @(*dresult)[0]

  for _dst as vec2d ptr = __dst to @__dst[hm_ * w] step w
    dim as vec2d ptr    src = _src + scan_dith
    dim as dfpixel ptr  res = _res + scan_dith
    for dst as vec2d ptr = @_dst[scan_dith] to @_dst[wm_] step 2
      #macro mac_pos_lim(v,max)
        dim as single v = src->v + morph * (dst->v - src->v)
        if v < min_ then: v = min_
        elseif v > max then v = max: end if
      dim as integer intx = x, inty = y
      res->off = inty*img_pitch + intx shl 2
      dx = x - intx: idx = 1 - dx
      dy = y - inty: idy = a_max * (1 - dy): dy *= a_max
      res->a = idx * idy
      res->b = dx * idy
      res->c = idx * dy
      res->d = dx * dy
      src += 2: res += 2
    next: _src += w: _res += w: scan_dith = 1 - scan_dith
  next: _dswitch = 1 - _dswitch

end sub
Sub delta_field.render(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer, _y as integer)

  dim as integer  rows = hm_ + 1, cols = wm_ + 1
  if rows < 2 or cols < 2 then exit sub


  dim as dfpixel ptr        _udt = @(*dresult)[0]
  dim as uinteger ptr       _dst = @_back->topleft[img_tl]
  dim as uinteger ptr       _src = @_fore->topleft[img_tl]
  dim as uinteger           pitch = _fore->pitch, pitch_udt = w * len(dfpixel)
  dim as uinteger           sav_udt, sav_dst, sav_ecx_x, sav_ecx_y

    mov ecx, [rows]                         '' outer loop  For Y = 0 to height - 1

      cpy_varadd( edi, _udt, pitch_udt, ebx ) '' udt: 4 alpha pre-calcs, 1 offset
      cpy_varadd( edx, _dst, pitch, ebx )     '' rect top left

      mov [sav_ecx_y], ecx                    ''  prep. For X = 0 to width - 1
      mov ecx, [cols]

        mov esi, [_src]                       '' [source ptr]
        add esi, [edi + 16]                   '' _src += [_udt->offset]

        mov [sav_dst], edx                    '' restore edx at end of xLoop
        mov [sav_ecx_x], ecx                  '' restore ecx ..

        #Macro mask_then_mul(maskval)
          mov eax, [esi]                      '' eax = source
          and eax, maskval                    '' AG or RB
          imul eax, [edi]                     '' eax by _udt->(alpha)

        mask_then_mul(&HFF00FF00)             '' source pixel "A" (top left)
        mov ecx, eax                          '' store AG in ecx
        mask_then_mul(&H00FF00FF)             '' multiplies by [edi]
        mov ebx, eax                          '' store RB in ebx

        #Macro mask_mul_rb_ag(add_subt_edi, add_subt_esi, edi_amt, esi_amt)
          add_subt_edi edi, edi_amt           '' add/sub edi, 4
          add_subt_esi esi, esi_amt           '' add/sub esi, 4
          mask_then_mul(&HFF00FF00)           '' imul [edi]
          add ecx, eax                        '' AG Sum
          add ebx, eax                        '' RB Sum

        mask_mul_rb_ag(add, add, 4, 4)        '' source pixel "B" (top right)
        mask_mul_rb_ag(add, add, 8, [pitch])  '' source pixel "D" (bot right)
        mask_mul_rb_ag(sub, sub, 4, 4)        '' source pixel "C" (bot left)

        add ebx, &H00800080                   '' " + 0.5"
        add ecx, &H00008000                   '' " + 0.5"
        and ebx, &HFF00FF00
        and ecx, &H00FF0000

        or ebx, ecx
        shr ebx, 8
        mov edx, [sav_dst]                    '' restore dst ptr
        mov [edx], ebx                        '' [_dst] = Red Blue

        add edi, 12                           '' [c]  <skip>  d  <skip>  offset  <skip>  [next udt->a]
        add edx, 4                            '' _dst

      mov ecx, [sav_ecx_x]                    '' inside loop
      dec ecx
      jnz xLoop

    mov ecx, [sav_ecx_y]                      '' restore ecx
    dec ecx                                   '' Decrease ECX
    jnz yLoop                                 '' if ECX <> zero

  end asm

  swap _back, _fore
  if not do_not_blit then _back->blit @buf, _x, _y

End Sub
sub delta_field.renderMMX(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer, _y as integer)

  dim as integer  rows = hm_ + 1, cols = wm_ + 1
  if rows < 2 or cols < 2 then exit sub


  dim as dfpixel ptr        _udt = @(*dresult)[0]
  dim as uinteger ptr       _dst = @_back->topleft[img_tl]
  dim as uinteger ptr       _src = @_fore->topleft[img_tl]
  dim as uinteger           pitch = _fore->pitch, pitch_udt = w * len(dfpixel)
  dim as uinteger           sav_ecx_x, sav_ecx_y
  dim as ulongint           L00FF = &H00FF00FF00FF00FF
  dim as ulongint           LFF00 = &H00000000FF00FF00
  dim as ulongint           L0080 = &H0000000000800080

    mov ecx, [rows]                                 '' outer loop  For Y = 0 to height - 1

      cpy_varadd( edi, _udt, pitch_udt, eax )       '' udt: 4 alpha pre-calcs, 1 offset
      cpy_varadd( edx, _dst, pitch, eax )           '' rect top left

      mov [sav_ecx_y], ecx                          ''  prep. For X = 0 to width - 1
      mov ecx, [cols]

        mov esi, [_src]                             '' esi = [_src]
        add esi, [edi + 16]                         '' _src += [_udt->offset]

        #Macro AB_or_CD(mmAG, mmRB)
          movq mmRB, [esi]                          '' ARGBARGB (top 2 pixels of src quad)
          pand mmRB, [L00FF]                        '' _R_B_R_B
          movq mmAG, [esi]                          '' ARGBARGB
          psrld mmAG, 8                             '' _ARG_ARG (packed shift right dword)
          pand mmAG, [L00FF]                        '' _A_G_A_G

          movq mm7, [edi]                           '' [0000000A][0000000B] (alphas A and B)
          pslld mm7, 16                             '' [000A0000][000B0000]
          por mm7, [edi]                            '' [000A000A][000B000B]

          pmullw mmRB, mm7                          '' RB packed multiply low (4x 16 bits in parallel)
          pmullw mmAG, mm7                          '' AG packed multiply low (4x 16 bits in parallel)

        AB_or_CD(mm0,mm2)                           '' AB
        add edi, 8                                  '' _udt->c
        add esi, [pitch]                            '' _src += pitch
        AB_or_CD(mm1,mm3)                           '' CD

        #Macro combine_top_bot_left_right(top, bot, reg)
          paddd top, bot                            '' A with C, B with D
          movq  bot, top                            '' combine dwords of Top - step 1 of 3
          psrlq bot, 32                             '' step 2
          paddd top, bot                            '' step 3
          paddd top, [L0080]                        '' + 00800080 integer round before mask
          movd reg, top                             '' reg = result
          and reg, &HFF00FF00                       ''

        combine_top_bot_left_right( mm0, mm1, eax ) '' AG
        combine_top_bot_left_right( mm2, mm3, ebx ) '' RB

        shr ebx, 8                                  '' RB
        or eax, ebx                                 '' ARGB
        mov [edx], eax                              '' tada!!

        add edi, 12                                 '' udt ptr
        add edx, 4                                  '' dst ptr

      dec ecx                                       '' inside loop
      jnz xLoop2                                    ''

    mov ecx, [sav_ecx_y]                      '' restore ecx
    dec ecx                                   '' Decrease ECX
    jnz yLoop2                                '' if ECX <> zero

    emms                              '' empty mmx state

  end asm

  swap _back, _fore
  _back->blit @buf, _x, _y

end sub
sub delta_field.render_one_frame(byref buf as tImage, _x as integer, _y as integer)
'  trigger_morph
: _morph
  do_not_blit = -1: render( buf, _x, _y ): do_not_blit = 0
  swap _back, _fore: _back->blit @buf, _x, _y
end sub

Code: Select all

#include ""
type aaLine_UsrVars
  as single         angle,iangle,len
  as SineCandy      x,y,sclen,scwid,sclum
  As UInteger       color,color2
End Type

Sub NewRectParms(byref buf as tImage, byref auv as aaLine_UsrVars, wsize as single = 1)
  #define       sr Rnd*255
  #define       sg Rnd*255
  #define       sb Rnd*255
  dim as single wid_base = 2.75 + rnd * 17.5
  dim as single wid_vari = wid_base * 0.2 * (1-rnd*rnd)
  dim as single wid_iAngle = 0.01 * (rnd + 0.1)
  auv.scwid.set_vals wid_base*wsize, wid_vari*wsize, wid_iangle
  dim as single len_base = 25 + 300 * Rnd '* Rnd
  dim as single len_vari = Rnd * 8
  dim as single len_iAngle = 0.06 * (rnd + 0.1)
  auv.sclen.set_vals len_base*wsize, len_vari*wsize, len_iAngle
  auv.x.set_vals buf.midx, buf.midx * 1.1, 0.001 * (rnd + 1.5)
  auv.y.set_vals buf.midy, buf.midy * 1.1, 0.001 * (rnd + 1.5)
  auv.x.angle = rnd * twopi
  auv.y.angle = rnd * twopi
  auv.angle = Rnd * pi
  auv.iangle = 0.05 * (0.2 + Rnd * Rnd * (Rnd-0.5))
  auv.Color = RGB(sr,sg,sb)
  if rnd < 0.5 then
    auv.Color2 = &HFFFFFFFF
    auv.Color2 = &HFF000000
  end if
  auv.sclum.set_vals 128.5, 128, 0.04 * (rnd + 0.1)
  auv.sclum.angle = rnd*twopi
end sub

#Macro NewCircles()
  dim as single wsize = buf.diagonal / 500
  NewRectParms( buf, MyData(1), wsize )
  for i as aaLine_UsrVars ptr = @MyData(2) to @MyData(Rectangles)
    if rnd < 0.3 then NewRectParms( buf, *i, wsize )
  trigger_new_lines = FPS.time_old + time_new_lines

#Macro UpdateCircles(dest)
  dim as single rot_spd = gspeed * TwoPi * 10
  for i as aaLine_UsrVars pointer = @MyData(1) to @MyData(Rectangles)
      dim as integer  alpha = i->sclum, am = 256 - alpha
      dim as uinteger col
      Alpha256( col, i->Color, i->Color2, am, alpha )
      circle dest, (i->x, i->y), i->scwid, col', , , , F
      i->x.angle += i->x.iangle * rot_spd
      i->y.angle += i->y.iangle * rot_spd
      i->sclen.angle += i->sclen.iangle * rot_spd
      i->scwid.angle += i->scwid.iangle * rot_spd
      i->sclum.angle += i->sclum.iangle * rot_spd
      i->angle += i->iangle * rot_spd

sub Main

  Dim As Single         tDemoSecs = 240
  #Define               time_new_lines  8

  Dim As Integer        Rectangles = 250
  Dim As aaLine_UsrVars MyData(1 To Rectangles)

  dim as tFPS           FPS
  dim as delta_field    df
  dim as tImage         buf
  dim as integer        Border = 1
  dim as integer        BorX2 = 2 * Border
  dim as single         angle

  buf.screen_init 640, 520, 2
  df.dims buf.w-BorX2, buf.h-BorX2

  Dim As Single         tDemoExit, trigger_new_lines: tDemoExit = Timer + tDemoSecs

  dim as double         t = Timer
  while 1

    FPS.Tick 23
    If FPS.time_now >= tDemoExit Then locate 3,2: ? "demo finished.  exiting ..": flip: sleep 1600: Exit while

    dim as string kstr = inkey
    if kstr = chr(27) then exit while
    kstr = lcase(kstr)
    if kstr = "f" then df.trigger_morph: angle = 0
    if kstr = "k" then df.morph = 4 * (rnd - 0.5)

    If FPS.time_now >= trigger_new_lines Then

    df.render buf, Border, Border


    dim as any ptr  des = df._fore->img
    dim as double time_before_new = 23
    df.morph_speed gspeed * .82, time_before_new


end sub

Last edited by dafhi on Aug 08, 2016 3:14, edited 26 times in total.
Posts: 722
Joined: Dec 11, 2005 22:46

Re: sine fractals

Post by Gonzo »

if you used a different seed for each "area" you could create a fractal system that creates continental boundries
very nice demo though =)
i am hoping for a 3d function out of this!
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: sine fractals

Post by dafhi »

I recently had a look at Ryan Geiss' 3d terrains write-up. Fascinating stuff.
Posts: 722
Joined: Dec 11, 2005 22:46

Re: sine fractals

Post by Gonzo »

if you are interested in 3d terrain i would love to have you on my project =)
in whatever capacity you want.. i have an external generator that creates compressed terrain which can run using my voxel engine

i have recently created a new type of noise called cosnoise, which if you combine it with gfreq noise can be used to cut into 3d terrain
as you can see theres overhangs and ridged cuts over that example island
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: sine fractals

Post by dafhi »

original Sine Fractals post

Code: Select all

'' 2012 Feb 21 - sine fractals  by dafhi

#Include ""
#Include ""

#Ifndef TRUE
#Define TRUE -1
#Ifndef FALSE
#Define FALSE 0

Dim Shared As Integer               SCR_W = 400
Dim Shared As Integer               SCR_H = 300

Dim Shared As Integer               WidM: WidM = SCR_W - 1
Dim Shared As Integer               HgtM: HgtM = SCR_H - 1

Dim Shared As Double                SCR_DIAGONAL:SCR_DIAGONAL = Sqr(WidM^2+HgtM^2)
Dim Shared As Double                ar_x: ar_x = WidM / SCR_DIAGONAL
Dim Shared As Double                ar_y: ar_y = HgtM / SCR_DIAGONAL
Dim Shared As Single                mcenterx, mcentery, mfield_view

Dim Shared As Double                fps_timer = 1,starting_time, primary_time, prev_time
Dim Shared As Double                delta_sum, delta_time
Dim Shared As String                fps_string: fps_string = "0"
Dim Shared As Integer               FrameN,Flipper,FlipBright

Dim Shared As Single                mAngle ''general purpose sine variable

Dim Shared As Const Double          TwoPi = 8 * Atn(1)
Dim Shared As Const UInteger        GrayScaleRGB = 1 + 256 + 65536

Type FieldSpecs
   As Single                        freqX1,freqX2,freqY1,freqY2
   As Single                        amp2, field_view
   As Single                        x1,y1,xstep,ystep
End Type

Type DeltaPel
   As Single                        x,y
End Type

Dim Shared As DeltaPel              dp()
Dim Shared As FieldSpecs            fsp(1)

Type PelPelQuad
   As UInteger                      A
   As UInteger                      AMUL,BMUL,CMUL,DMUL
End Type

Dim Shared As PelPelQuad            fmap(WidM,HgtM)

Type ImageInfo
   As Any ptr                       img,pixels,topleft
   As Integer                       pitch,wid,hgt,bypp,pitchBy4,widM,hgtM,UB1D,pitchm
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal pWid As UShort=SCR_W,ByVal pHgt As UShort=SCR_H,ByVal pRed As UByte=127,ByVal pGrn As UByte=127,ByVal pBlu As UByte=127,ByVal pAph As UByte=255)
   Declare Sub Destroy
End Type

Sub ImageInfo.Create(ByVal pWid As UShort,ByVal pHgt As UShort,ByVal pRed As UByte,ByVal pGrn As UByte,ByVal pBlu As UByte,ByVal pAph As UByte)
   img = ImageCreate( pWid, pHgt, RGBA(pRed,pGrn,pBlu,pAph))
   ImageInfo img,wid ,hgt,bypp, pitch, pixels
   pitchBy4 = pitch \ 4
   widM = wid - 1
   hgtM = hgt - 1
   UB1D = wid * hgt - 1
   topleft = pixels + pitch * hgtm
   pitchm = pitch - 1
End Sub
Sub ImageInfo.Destroy()
   ImageDestroy img
End Sub

Dim Shared As ImageInfo            img(1)

' ----------------- Float-To-Int Begin ------------------ '
'                                                         '
'  '
'                                                         '
'                                                         '
#Macro SCW(i)
  sub esp,2
  fnstcw    [esp]
  mov   ax, [esp]
  and   ax, &HF3FF
  or    ax, &H0400
  mov   [i],ax
  fldcw [i]
#Macro RCW()
  fldcw [esp]
  add   esp, 2
  end asm
#Macro CIntF(i,f)
  asm fld   dword ptr [f]
  asm fistp dword ptr [i]
#Macro FloorF(i,d)
  fld   dword ptr [d]
  fistp dword ptr [i]
'                                    '
'                                    '
' -------- Float-To-Int End -------- '

' +--------------------------------------------+ '
' |                                            | '
' |               Helpers Begin                | '
' |                                            | '
' |                                            | '
Sub Blit(img As ImageInfo,ByVal ResetPrint_ As Integer = FALSE)
   Put (0,0),img.img,PSet
   If ResetPrint_ Then Locate 1,1
End Sub
Dim Shared As Single            mValByMod
Dim Shared As Integer           mIValByMod
#Define floor(x) ((x*2.0-0.5)shr 1) ''
#define ceil(x) (-((-x*2.0-0.5)shr 1))
#Macro Modulus(pValue,pModulus)
   mValByMod = floor(pValue / pModulus)
   pValue -= pmodulus * mValByMod
Sub CheckerBoard(ByRef pImg As ImageInfo,ByVal CheckerSize As UInteger = 12,ByVal pColor As UInteger=RGBA(145,145,145,255),ByVal pWidM As Integer=WidM,ByVal pHgtM As Integer=HgtM)
Dim As Integer X, Y
   Dim As UInteger SizeDouble=CheckerSize*2,SizeM=CheckerSize-1
   For Y = 0 To pHgtM Step CheckerSize
      For X = -CheckerSize * ((Y/SizeDouble)=Int(Y/SizeDouble)) To pWidM Step SizeDouble
         Line pImg.img,(X,Y)-(X+SizeM,Y+SizeM),pColor,BF
End Sub
Sub Cls2(pColor As UInteger=RGBA(0,0,0,0),dest As UInteger Ptr=ScreenPtr)
Dim As UInteger local_pitch
ScreenInfo ,,,,local_pitch
Dim As UInteger cpy_ = (local_pitch * Scr_H) Shr 2

   Asm mov eax, [pcolor]
   Asm mov edi, [dest]
   Asm mov ecx, [cpy_]
   Asm rep stosd
   Locate 1,1 'Reset print pos

End Sub

Sub FramesPerSecond(ByVal sine_speed As Double = 0, ByVal SetPrintPos As Integer = FALSE)
   If delta_sum > fps_timer Then
      fps_string = Format( FrameN / delta_sum , "###.#" )
      FrameN = 0: delta_sum = 0
   prev_time = primary_time
   primary_time = timer
   delta_time = primary_time - prev_time
   FrameN += 1
   delta_sum += delta_time
   If SetPrintPos Then Locate 1,1
   If sine_speed <> 0 Then
      mAngle += sine_speed * delta_time
   End If
End Sub
''                              ''
''         Helpers End          ''
''                              ''
'' ============================ ''

'' =========================================== ''
''                                             ''
''             Screen Melts Begin              ''
''                                             ''
''                                             ''
Sub Pixellate(img As ImageInfo,ByVal fullness As Single = 1)
Dim As Integer IU_ = img.UB1D * fullness
Dim As UInteger Ptr pixel
Dim As Single sng_, sngU = img.UB1D + 1
Dim As UInteger Int_
Dim As Single dx,dy,dySq,dist
Dim As Single midx = img.widM * 0.5
Dim As Single midy = img.HgtM * 0.5

      dySq = dy * dy
      For I As Integer = 1 To IU_
         sng_ = Rnd * sngU
         pixel = img.pixels
         pixel += Int_
         dist = Rnd * 16777216
         *pixel = Int_
         pixel += 1

End Sub

#Macro CalcShr()
   Dim As Integer ShrAmt
ShrAmt = PelGrid * PelGrid
For A = 1 To 16
   ShrAmt Shr= 1
   If ShrAmt And &H1 Then ShrAmt = A: Exit For
Dim Shared As Integer               PelGrid
Dim Shared As Single BorderX = 0,BorderY = 0

Sub Melt(dst As ImageInfo,src As ImageInfo)
   Dim As PelPelQuad Ptr pfmap
   Dim As Integer X1=BorderX, Y1=BorderY
   Dim As Integer X2=dst.widM-X1
   Dim As Integer Y2=dst.hgtM-Y1
   Dim As UInteger AG, RB, R,G,B,A
   Dim As UInteger Ptr psrc,pdst
   For Y As Integer = Y1 To Y2
      pdst = dst.pixels
      pdst += dst.pitchBy4 * Y + X1
      pfmap = @fmap(X1,Y)
      For X As Integer = X1 To X2
         psrc = src.pixels
         psrc += pfmap->A
         RB = pfmap->AMUL * (*psrc And &H00FF00FF)
         AG = pfmap->AMUL * ((*psrc And &HFF00FF00) Shr ShrAmt)
         psrc += 1
         RB += pfmap->BMUL * (*psrc And &H00FF00FF)
         AG += pfmap->BMUL * ((*psrc And &HFF00FF00) Shr ShrAmt)
         psrc += src.pitchBy4
         RB += pfmap->CMUL * (*psrc And &H00FF00FF)
         AG += pfmap->CMUL * ((*psrc And &HFF00FF00) Shr ShrAmt)
         psrc -= 1
         RB += pfmap->DMUL * (*psrc And &H00FF00FF)
         AG += pfmap->DMUL * ((*psrc And &HFF00FF00) Shr ShrAmt)
         RB += &H00400040
         AG += &H00400040
         *pdst = ((RB Shr ShrAmt) And &H00FF00FF) Or (AG And &HFF00FF00)
         pdst += 1
         pfmap += src.hgt
End Sub
#Macro FieldFormComm_Constrain(pVal,LimLo,LimHi)
   If pVal < LimLo Then
      pVal = LimLo
   ElseIf pVal > LimHi Then
      pVal = LimHi
   End If
#Macro AAPel_CornerA(sample_,RetAlph,Samp)
   pelLeft = sample_ - 0.5
   Samp = floor(sample_)
   pelboun = Samp + 0.5
   sAlph = sMul * (pelboun - pelLeft) + 0.5
   RetAlph = Floor(sAlph)
Sub zFieldPelsToInt(map_() As PelPelQuad,imgRef As ImageInfo)
   Dim As UInteger MUL_Xi,MUL_Yi
   Dim As Single sx, sy
   Dim As Single sx_,sy_
   Dim As Single sx_FN, sy_FN
   Dim As Single x1=BorderX,y1=BorderY
   Dim As Single x2=imgRef.widM - x1
   Dim As Single y2=imgRef.hgtM - y1
   Dim As Single pelLeft,pelboun,sAlph
   Dim As Integer Mul_X,Mul_Y,X,Y,IncrPtrNested = 2 * imgRef.hgt
   Dim As Single sng_xi,sng_yi
   Dim As PelPelQuad Ptr pfmap
   Dim As UInteger Ptr pdst
   Dim As DeltaPel Ptr pdpA,pdpB
   Dim As Single XMAX = imgRef.widM - 1,YMAX = imgRef.hgtM - 1
   PelGrid = 16
   Dim As Single sMul = PelGrid,alph =60 '* Sin(mAngle) + 30.0

   For sy_FN = y1 To y2
      pfmap = @map_(x1,sy_FN)
      pdpA = @dp(x1,sy_FN,0)
      pdpB = @dp(x1,sy_FN,1)
      For sx_FN = x1 To x2

         sx_ = pdpA->x + alph * (pdpB->x - pdpA->x)
         sy_ = pdpA->y + alph * (pdpB->y - pdpA->y)

         MUL_Xi = PelGrid - MUL_X
         MUL_Yi = PelGrid - MUL_Y
         pfmap->AMUL = MUL_X * MUL_Y
         pfmap->BMUL = MUL_Xi * MUL_Y
         pfmap->CMUL = MUL_Xi * MUL_Yi
         pfmap->DMUL = MUL_X * MUL_Yi

         pfmap->A = Y * imgRef.pitchBy4 + X
         pfmap += imgRef.hgt
         pdpA += IncrPtrNested
         pdpB += IncrPtrNested
End Sub
Sub FieldPelsToInt(map_() As PelPelQuad)
   zFieldPelsToInt map_(), img(0)
End Sub
Dim Shared As Integer FieldsThrottle_FRAME
Sub LerpThrottle(ByVal Every_N_Frames As UInteger = 0)
   If Every_N_Frames <> 0 Then
      FieldsThrottle_FRAME += 1
      If FieldsThrottle_FRAME >= Every_N_Frames Then
         FieldPelsToInt fmap()
         FieldsThrottle_FRAME = 0
   End If
End Sub

Sub SawWave(ByRef ret As Single,ByVal in_ As Single)
   ret = in_ - Int(in_)
   ret -= 0.5
End Sub
Function SawW(ByVal in_ As Single) As Single
   in_ -= Int(in_)
   return in_ - 0.5
End Function
#Macro FormulaCommon()
   pdpA->x += xDbInt
   pdpA->y += yDbInt
   pdpA += IncrPtrNested
   x += pfsp->xstep
Sub Splash(img As ImageInfo, ByVal Pixellate_ As Integer = FALSE, ByVal pixRate As Single = 0.002, ByVal DoCheckers As Integer = FALSE)
   Dim As UInteger Gray_ = FlipBright + 0: FlipBright = 255 - FlipBright
   If Pixellate_ Then Pixellate img, pixRate
   If DoCheckers Then CheckerBoard img, 5, RGBA(Gray_,Gray_,Gray_,128)
End Sub
Sub Formula(ByVal Page_ As Integer = 0)
   Dim As Single xend = WidM
   Dim As Integer yInt,IncrPtrNested = 2 * SCR_H
   Dim As Single dx,dy
   Dim As FieldSpecs Ptr pfsp = @fsp(Page_)
   Dim As Single freqX1 = pfsp->freqX1 * TwoPi
   Dim As Single freqY1 = pfsp->freqY1 * TwoPi
   Dim As Single freqX2 = pfsp->freqX2 * TwoPi
   Dim As Single freqY2 = pfsp->freqY2 * TwoPi
   Dim As Single amp1 = 0.3 / pfsp->field_view
   Dim As Single amp2 = pfsp->amp2
   Dim As Single x, y = pfsp->y1
   Dim As DeltaPel Ptr pdpA

   For yDbInt As Single = 0 To HgtM
      pdpA = @dp(0,yInt,Page_)
      x = pfsp->x1
      For xDbInt As Single = 0 To xend
         pdpA->x = amp1 * Sin(freqY1 * (y + amp2 * Sin(y*freqY2) ))
         pdpA->y = amp1 * Sin(freqX1 * (x + amp2 * Sin(x*freqX2) ))
      yInt += 1
      y += pfsp->ystep
End Sub

Dim Shared As Integer FF
Sub FormulaBoth()
   Formula FF
   Formula 1-FF
   FieldPelsToInt fmap()
End Sub
Sub zField_AmpFreq(ByVal scalar As Single, ByRef freqX As Single,ByRef freqY As Single,ByVal pVari As Single=1,pBase As Single= 1)
   freqX = (pbase + Rnd * pVari) * scalar
   freqY = (pbase + Rnd * pVari) * scalar
End Sub
Sub zFieldOfView(ByVal xcenter As Single,ByVal ycenter As Single, _
   ByVal DoRnd As Integer, FSPEC As FieldSpecs, _
   ByVal vari1 As Single,ByVal vari2 As Single, _
   ByVal base1 As Single,ByVal base2 As Single, _
   ByVal amp_ As Single,ByVal field_view As Single)

   With FSPEC
      .field_view = field_view
      Dim As Single scalar_ = Any
      If DoRnd Then
         scalar_ = 1
         zField_AmpFreq scalar_,.freqX1,.freqY1,vari1,base1
         zField_AmpFreq scalar_,.freqX2,.freqY2,vari2,base2
         .amp2 = amp_
      End If
      scalar_ = ar_x * field_view
      .x1 = xcenter - 0.5 * scalar_
      .xstep = scalar_ / WidM
      scalar_ = ar_y * field_view
      .y1 = ycenter - 0.5 * scalar_
      .ystep = scalar_ / HgtM
   End With
End Sub
Sub FieldOfView(ByVal xcenter As Single,ByVal ycenter As Single, _
   ByVal DoRnd As Integer = FALSE, ByVal field_view As Single = 1, _
   ByVal vari1 As Single = 1,ByVal vari2 As Single = 2, _
   ByVal base1 As Single = 2,ByVal base2 As Single = 10, _
   ByVal amp_ As Single = 0.01 + 0.5 * Rnd)
   zFieldOfView xcenter,ycenter,DoRnd,fsp(0),vari1,vari2,base1,base2,amp_,field_view
   zFieldOfView xcenter,ycenter,DoRnd,fsp(1),vari1,vari2,base1,base2,amp_,field_view

End Sub
Sub ViewCenter()
   FieldOfView mcenterx, mcentery,,mfield_view
End Sub
' |                                      | '
' |          Screen Melts End            | '
' +--------------------------------------+ '

Using FB
Dim As EVENT e



Splash img(1),TRUE,1,TRUE

ReDim fmap(WidM,HgtM)
ReDim dp(WidM,HgtM,1)

Dim As Single pan

Dim Shared As Integer               EveryNthFrame = 2

For i As Integer = 1 To 1 'seed
   mcenterx = Rnd
mcenterx = 0
mcentery = 0

mfield_view = 0.5
FieldOfView(mcenterx,mcentery,TRUE,mfield_view, 0, 0.9, 2, 1, 1.2)

Dim As Integer Paused
Dim As Double splash_time = .95, t = Timer

Do While 1

   If paused Then

      FramesPerSecond 0.5, TRUE

      LerpThrottle 0'EveryNthFrame
      Melt img(Flipper),img(1-Flipper)

      Blit img(Flipper)
      ? "FPS: "; fps_string
      If Timer > t Then
         Splash(img(Flipper), ,0.004,TRUE)
         t = Timer + splash_time
   pan = 0.12 * mfield_view

   If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
      if e.type = EVENT_KEY_PRESS Then
         Select Case e.scancode
            Case SC_ESCAPE
         Exit Do
            Case SC_G
            Case SC_1 To SC_9
            Case SC_SPACE, SC_P
         Paused = Not Paused
            Case SC_CONTROL
         FF = 1 - FF
            Case SC_UP
         mcentery -= pan
            Case SC_DOWN
         mcentery += pan
            Case SC_LEFT
         mcenterx -= pan
            Case SC_RIGHT
         mcenterx += pan
            Case SC_PAGEUP
         mfield_view *= 0.8: ViewCenter
            Case SC_PAGEDOWN
         mfield_view /= 0.8: ViewCenter
         End Select
      End If
   End If

   Flipper = 1 - Flipper
   Sleep 20

Last edited by dafhi on Aug 08, 2016 3:14, edited 8 times in total.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: sine fractals

Post by dafhi »

Feb 21 Update
Posts: 722
Joined: Dec 11, 2005 22:46

Re: sine fractals

Post by Gonzo »

looks nice, and continous.. nD functions must be continous =)
if you wanna talk further join #textella on EFnet irc network
Post Reply