Rutt Etra Izer Effect v0.7

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Rutt Etra Izer Effect v0.7

Post by UEZ »

Here another graphical example to display an image using the Rutt Etra Izer video effect.

If you want to use the predefined image settings than you need first the image. Copy / paste the code to your editor and run it. It will convert the JPG to BMP format and save it to disk (Windows only!). Put it to the same folder as Rutt_Etra_Izer_FX.bas below.


Otherwise you must adjust the settings within the code to run it properly.


Code: Select all

'Coded by UEZ v0.7 build 2019-04-24
'Thanks to eukalyptus for the fast ASM sin / cos functions and vdecampo for the DrawAALine function

#Include ""

Using FB

Declare Function _ASM_Sin6th(fX As Double) As Double 
Declare Function _ASM_Cos6th(fX As Double) As Double 
Declare Sub Translate3Dto2D(fXin As Single, fYin As Single, fZin As Single, _				
					fRotX As Single, fRotY As Single, fRotZ As Single, _
					Byref xout As Single, Byref yout As Single, _
					fCenterX  As Single = 0, fCenterY As Single = 0.0, _
					fScale As Single = 1.0, fZDeepCorrection As Single = 1000.0)
Declare Function ipart(x As Single) As Integer
Declare Function round(x As Single) As Integer
Declare Function fpart(x As Single) As Single
Declare Function rfpart(x As Single) As Single
Declare Sub Plot(x As Short, y As Short, baseclr As Ulong, c As Single)
Declare Sub DrawAALine(x0 As Single,y0 As Single,x1 As Single,y1 As Single, clr As Ulong)

#Define _GetPixel(_x, _y)		*Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgData + (_y) * pitch + (_x) Shl 2)
#Define _SetPixel(_x, _y, iCol)	*Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgData + (_y) * pitch + (_x) Shl 2) = (iCol)
#Define _Red(iCol)				((iCol And &hFF0000) Shr 16)		
#Define _Green(iCol)			((iCol And &h00FF00) Shr 8)		
#Define _Blue(iCol)				((iCol And &h0000FF))		
#Define _Max(a, b)				(Iif(a > b, a, b))				
#Define _Min(a, b)				(Iif(a < b, a, b))	

Dim As Any Ptr pBitmap, pImage
Dim Shared As Integer pitch, pitch2
Dim Shared As Any Pointer imgData, imgData2
Dim Shared As Ushort sw = 1200, sh = 800, bAA = 0
Dim As UShort iw, ih, wh, hh, swh = sw \ 2, shh = sh \ 2, cx, cy, iStepX = 4, iStepY = 4, x, y
Dim As String sImage = "Panda_800x800.bmp"

iw = 800
ih = 800

Screenres sw, sh, 32, 2
Screenset 1, 0

Windowtitle "Rutt Etra Izer Effect v0.7 by UEZ"

pBitmap = Imagecreate(iw, ih, 0, 32)
Bload sImage, pBitmap
Imageinfo(pBitmap, , , , pitch, imgData)
pImage = Imagecreate(sw, sh, 0, 32)
Imageinfo(pImage, , , , pitch2, imgData2)

cx = (sw - iw) \ 2
cy = (sh - ih) \ 2

Type vec4
	As Single x, y, z
	As Ulong col
End Type

Dim As Ushort iUBY = ih \ iStepY + 1, iUBX = iw \ iStepX + 1, xx = 0, yy = 0

wh = iw \ 2
hh = ih \ 2
Dim As vec4 aPixels(iUBY, iUBX)
For y = 0 To ih - 1 Step iStepY
	For x = 0 To iw - 1 Step iStepX
		aPixels(yy, xx).x = x - wh
		aPixels(yy, xx).y = y - hh
		aPixels(yy, xx).col = _GetPixel(x, y)
		aPixels(yy, xx).z = 255 - (_Red(aPixels(yy, xx).col) + _Green(aPixels(yy, xx).col) + _Blue(aPixels(yy, xx).col)) / 6
		xx += 1
	yy += 1
	xx = 0

Dim As Single px1, py1, px2, py2, fPi = Acos(-1), fSpeed = fPi / (8 * 180), fAngle = 0, f2Pi = 2 * fPi, xr, yr, xrot, yrot, dx = cx + wh, dy = cy + hh, fScale = 1.0, s
Dim As Integer mx, my, mb, mw, mc, mwo, mxo, myo
Dim As Ushort iFPS = 0, iFPS_current = 0

Dim As Double fTimer = Timer

	Line pImage, (0, 0) - (sw - 1, sh - 1), Rgba(0, 0, 0, 200), BF 'clear image
	'helper lines
	'Line pImage, (0, shh) - (sw, shh), Rgba(64, 64, 64, 192)
	'Line pImage, (swh, 0) - (swh, sh), Rgba(64, 64, 64, 192)
	Getmouse mx, my, mw, mb, mc
	If mb = 1 And (mx <> mxo Or my <> myo) Then
		xrot = -(mx / sw) * f2Pi + fPi 
		yrot = (my / sh) * f2Pi + fPi
		mxo = mx
		myo = my
	Elseif mb = 2 Then
		xrot = 0
		yrot = 0
	End If
	If mc = 0 Then mwo = mw
	s = _Min(_Max(fScale + Iif(mc = -1, mwo, mw) / 20, 0.1), 4) 'scale factor
	For y = 0 To Ubound(aPixels) - 1
		For x = 1 To Ubound(aPixels, 2) - 2
			Translate3Dto2D(aPixels(y, x - 1).x, aPixels(y, x - 1).y, aPixels(y, x - 1).z, 	yrot, -xrot, 0, px1, py1, dx, dy, s)
			Translate3Dto2D(aPixels(y, x).x, 	 aPixels(y, x).y, 	  aPixels(y, x).z, 		yrot, -xrot, 0, px2, py2, dx, dy, s)
			If bAA Then 
				DrawAALine(px1, py1, px2, py2, aPixels(y, x).col)
				Line pImage, (px1, py1)-(px2, py2),  aPixels(y, x).col
			End If
	Put (0, 0), pImage, Pset
	Draw String(1, 1), iFPS_current & " fps", Rgb(&h00, &hFF, &h00)

	If Timer - fTimer > 0.99 Then
		iFPS_current = iFPS
		iFPS = 0
		fTimer = Timer
		iFPS += 1
	Sleep(10, 1)
Loop Until Inkey = Chr(27)

Imagedestroy pBitmap
Imagedestroy pImage

Sub Translate3Dto2D(fXin As Single, fYin As Single, fZin As Single, _				
					fRotX As Single, fRotY As Single, fRotZ As Single, _
					Byref xout As Single, Byref yout As Single, _
					fCenterX  As Single = 0, fCenterY As Single = 0, _
					fScale As Single = 1.0, fZDeepCorrection As Single = 1000.0)
	Dim As Single fCosRotX, fSinRotX, fCosRotY, fSinRotY, fCosRotZ, fSinRotZ, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, fXPos, fYPos, fZPos, fZPerspCorrection

	fCosRotX = _ASM_Cos6th(fRotX)
	fSinRotX = _ASM_Sin6th(fRotX)
	fCosRotY = _ASM_Cos6th(fRotY)
	fSinRotY = _ASM_Sin6th(fRotY)
	fCosRotZ = _ASM_Cos6th(fRotZ)
	fSinRotZ = _ASM_Sin6th(fRotZ)

	f1 = fCosRotY * fXin
	f2 = fSinRotX * fYin
	f3 = fCosRotX * fZin
	f4 = fCosRotX * fYin
	f5 = fSinRotX * fZin
	f6 = f1 - fSinRotY * (f2 + f3)
	fXPos = (fCosRotZ * f6 - fSinRotZ * (f4 - f5)) * fScale
	fYPos = (fSinRotZ * f6 + fCosRotZ * (f4 - f5)) * fScale
	fZPos = (fSinRotY * fXin + fCosRotY * (f2 + f3)) * fScale
	fZPerspCorrection = 1 / (fZPos / fZDeepCorrection + 1)
	xout = fXPos * fZPerspCorrection + fCenterX
	yout = fYPos * fZPerspCorrection + fCenterY
	'fZ = fZPos
End Sub

Function _ASM_Sin6th(fX As Double) As Double 
	'By Eukalyptus 
		jmp 0f
		1: .Double 683565275.57643158 
		2: .Double -0.0000000061763971109087229 
		3: .Double 6755399441055744.0 
			movq xmm0, [fX] 
			mulsd xmm0, [1b] 
			addsd xmm0, [3b] 
			movd ebx, xmm0 

			lea  eax, [ebx*2+0x80000000] 
			sar  eax, 2 
			imul eax 
			sar  ebx, 31 
			lea  eax, [edx*2-0x70000000] 
			lea  ecx, [edx*8+edx-0x24000000] 
			imul edx 
			Xor  ecx, ebx 
			lea  eax, [edx*8+edx+0x44A00000]
			imul ecx 

			cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
			mulsd xmm0, [2b] 
			movq [Function], xmm0 
	End Asm 
End Function

Function _ASM_Cos6th(fX As Double) As Double 
	'By Eukalyptus 
		jmp 0f 
		1: .Double 683565275.57643158 
		2: .Double -0.0000000061763971109087229 
		3: .Double 6755399441055744.0 

			movq xmm0, [fX] 
			mulsd xmm0, [1b] 
			addsd xmm0, [3b] 
			movd ebx, xmm0 

			Add ebx, 0x40000000 'SinToCos 

			lea  eax, [ebx*2+0x80000000] 
			sar  eax, 2 
			imul eax 
			sar  ebx, 31 
			lea  eax, [edx*2-0x70000000] 
			lea  ecx, [edx*8+edx-0x24000000] 
			imul edx 
			Xor  ecx, ebx 
			lea  eax, [edx*8+edx+0x44A00000] 
			imul ecx 

			cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
			mulsd xmm0, [2b] 
			movq [Function], xmm0 
	End Asm 
End Function


Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm

An algorithm for line antialiasing, 
which was presented in the article 
an efficient antialiasing technique 
in the July 1991 issue of Computer 
Graphics, as well as in the article 
Fast Antialiasing in the June 1992 
issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal.

'// Integer part of x
Function ipart(x As Single) As Integer
    Return Int(x)
End Function

Function round(x As Single) As Integer
    Return ipart(x + 0.5)
End Function

' fractional part of x
Function fpart(x As Single) As Single
    If x < 0 Then Return 1 - (x - Fix(x))
    Return x - Fix(x)
End Function

Function rfpart(x As Single) As Single
    Return 1 - fpart(x)
End Function

Sub Plot(x As Short, y As Short, baseclr As Ulong, c As Single)
	baseclr = (_Red(baseclr) * c) Shl 16 Or (_Green(baseclr) * c) Shl 8 Or (_Blue(baseclr) * c) Shl 0
    *Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgData2 + (Iif(y < 0, 0, Iif(y > sh - 1, sh - 1, y))) * pitch2 + (Iif(x < 0, 0, Iif(x > sw - 1, sw - 1, x))) Shl 2) = baseclr
End Sub
Sub DrawAALine(x0 As Single,y0 As Single,x1 As Single,y1 As Single, clr As Ulong) 
   Dim As Integer steep = Abs(y1 - y0) > Abs(x1 - x0)
   Dim As Single dx,dy,gradient,xend,yend,xgap,xpxl1,ypxl1,xpxl2,ypxl2,intery
    If steep Then
        Swap x0, y0
        Swap x1, y1
    End If
    If x0 > x1 Then
        Swap x0, x1
        Swap y0, y1
    End If
    dx = x1 - x0
    dy = y1 - y0
    gradient = dy / dx
    ' handle first endpoint
    xend = round(x0)
    yend = y0 + gradient * (xend - x0)
    xgap = rfpart(x0 + 0.5)
    xpxl1 = xend ' This will be used in the main Loop
    ypxl1 = ipart(yend)
    If steep Then
        plot(ypxl1,   xpxl1, clr, rfpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(ypxl1+1, xpxl1, clr,  fpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(xpxl1, ypxl1  , clr, rfpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(xpxl1, ypxl1+1, clr,  fpart(yend) * xgap)
    End If
    intery = yend + gradient ' first y-intersection For the main Loop
    ' handle Second endpoint
    xend = round(x1)
    yend = y1 + gradient * (xend - x1)
    xgap = fpart(x1 + 0.5)
    xpxl2 = xend 'This will be used in the main Loop
    ypxl2 = ipart(yend)
    If steep Then
        plot(ypxl2  , xpxl2, clr, rfpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(ypxl2+1, xpxl2, clr,  fpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(xpxl2, ypxl2, clr,  rfpart(yend) * xgap)
        plot(xpxl2, ypxl2+1, clr, fpart(yend) * xgap)
    End If
    ' Line Loop
    For x As Integer = xpxl1 + 1 To xpxl2 - 1 
      If steep Then
          plot(ipart(intery)  , x, clr, rfpart(intery))
          plot(ipart(intery)+1, x, clr,  fpart(intery))
          plot(x, ipart(intery), clr,  rfpart(intery))
          plot(x, ipart(intery)+1, clr, fpart(intery))
      End If
      intery = intery + gradient
End Sub

To rotate the image hold lmb pressed and move your mouse. Mouse wheel will scale and rmb will reset the rotation.
Last edited by UEZ on Apr 24, 2019 7:21, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rutt Etra Izer Effect v0.6

Post by counting_pine »

Wow, that's pretty cool.

What does the effect do? Is it giving a Z coordinate based on the colour value?
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Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Rutt Etra Izer Effect v0.6

Post by UEZ »

counting_pine wrote:Wow, that's pretty cool.

What does the effect do? Is it giving a Z coordinate based on the colour value?
Thank you for your feedback. :-)

Yes, the Z depth is the grey scale of the color. The Z depth can be adjusted by the divider. The less the divider is the more depth will be drawn. To invert the Z depth remove "255 -" in the appropriate line.
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