Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

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Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

A 3D visualization of moving a text around a sphere.

Thanks to dodicat for some functions which I've used. ^^


Code: Select all

'Coded by UEZ build 2020-09-22
'Thanks to dodicat for some funtions I used from his code :-) and Martijn van Iersel for the CreateGradientSphere function. ^^

#include ""
#Include ""
Using FB

Declare Function LZW_Decode Alias "fb_hDecode" (Byval in_buffer As Any Ptr, Byval in_size As Integer, Byval out_buffer As Any Ptr, Byref out_size As Integer) As Integer

#Define Map(Val, source_start, source_stop, dest_start, dest_stop)	((Val - source_start) * (dest_stop - dest_start) / (source_stop - source_start) + dest_start)
#Define Round(x)  						                    		((x + 0.5) Shr 0)

Const w = 1200, h = 800, w2w = w Shl 1, w2 = w \ 2, h2 = h \ 2, pi = Acos(-1), pi2 = Acos(-1) / 2, radius = 350
Const phi0 = 0.0, phi1 = pi, theta0 = 0.0, theta1 = 2.0 * pi, radians = pi / 180, deg = 180 / pi, cc1 = -270 * radians, cc2 = 1025 * radians

Union _Color
	As Ulong argb
		As Ubyte b, g, r, a
	End Type
End Union

Type vec3
	As Single x, y, z 
End Type

Dim Shared As Const vec3 eyepoint = Type(w2, h2, h)

Type vec5
	As Single x, y, z 
	As _Color col
End Type

'Taylor series
'Sum n = 0 to inf (-1)^n * x^(2n) / (2n)! = 1 - x^2 / 2! + x^4 / 4! -x^6 / 6! + ...
Function Cos_(x As Single) As Single
    If x < 0 Then x = -x
    While x >= 3.141592653589793 'pi
        x -= 6.283185307179586 '2 * pi
	Dim As Single xx = x * x
    Return 1.0 - (xx / 2) * (1 - (xx / 12) * (1 - (xx / 30) * (1 - xx / 56))) 'approximation of Taylor serie
End Function

Function Sin_(x As Single) As Single
    Return Cos_(x - 1.570796326794897) 'pi / 2
End Function

Sub Object3Dto2D(wa() As vec5, result() As vec5, angle As vec3, centre As vec3, rad As Single = 1.0, flag As Boolean = True) 'by dodicat
	Dim As Single dx,dy,dz,ww
	Dim As Single SinAX=Sin_(angle.x)
	Dim As Single SinAY=Sin_(angle.y)
	Dim As Single SinAZ=Sin_(angle.z)
	Dim As Single CosAX=Cos_(angle.x)
	Dim As Single CosAY=Cos_(angle.y)
	Dim As Single CosAZ=Cos_(angle.z)
	For z As Uinteger=Lbound(wa) To Ubound(wa)

		If flag Then
			ww = 1 + (result(z).z/eyepoint.z)
			result(z).x = (result(z).x-eyepoint.x)/ww+eyepoint.x
			result(z).y = (result(z).y-eyepoint.y)/ww+eyepoint.y
			result(z).z = (result(z).z-eyepoint.z)/ww+eyepoint.z
	Next z
	result(Ubound(wa)).z = -radius 'center sphere, which is the last entry, always in the middle
End Sub

Sub QsortZ(array() As vec5, begin As Integer, Finish As Uinteger) 'by dodicat
    Dim As Integer i = begin, j = finish
    Dim As vec5 X = array(((I + J) \ 2))
    While I <= J
        While array(I).z > X .z : I += 1 : Wend
        While array(J).z < X .z : J -= 1 : Wend
        If I <= J Then Swap array(I), array(J) : I += 1 : J -= 1
	If J > begin Then QsortZ(array(), begin, J)
	If I < Finish Then QsortZ(array(), I, Finish)
End Sub

'CreateGradientSphere function by Martijn van Iersel ->
Function CreateGradientSphere(centerX As Single, centerY As Single, r As Single, longitude As Single, latitude As Single) As Any Ptr
	Dim As Any Ptr pImage, imgData
	Dim As Integer pitch, iw, ih
	pImage = Imagecreate(r Shl 1, r Shl 1, 0, 32)
	Imageinfo(pImage, iw, ih, , pitch, imgData)
	Dim As Single x, y, z, lightx, lighty, lightz, q_cos, light, c, lati1, lati2, longi1, longi2
	lati1 = Cos_(latitude)
	lati2 = Sin_(latitude)
	longi1 = Cos_(longitude)
	longi2 = Sin_(longitude)
	'calculate the light vector
	lightx = longi2 * lati1
	lighty = Sin_(latitude)
	lightz = longi1 * lati1
	For y = -r To r
		q_cos = Cos_(-Asin(y / r)) * r
		For x = -q_cos + 1 To q_cos - 1
			z = Sqr(r * r - x * x - y * y)
			c = (x / r * lightx + y / r * lighty + z / r * lightz)
			light = Iif(c < 0, 0, c) * 255
			Pset pImage, (x + centerX, y + centerY), Rgba(light / 6, light / 4, light, 255 - light)

	Return pImage
End Function

Function Base128Decode(sString As String, Byref iBase128Len as UInteger) As Ubyte Ptr
	If sString = "" Then 
		Error 1
		Return 0
	Dim As String sB128, sDecoded 
	sB128 = "!#$%()*,.0123456789:;=@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎ"
	Dim i As UInteger
	Dim aChr(0 To Len(sString)) As String
	For i = 0 To UBound(aChr)
		aChr(i) = Mid(sString, i + 1, 1)
	Dim As Long r, rs = 8, ls = 7, nc, r1
	For i = 0 To UBound(aChr) - 1
		nc = InStr(sB128, aChr(i)) - 1
		If rs > 7 Then
		   rs = 1
		   ls = 7
		   r = nc
		   Continue For
		r1 = nc
		nc = ((nc Shl ls) And &hFF) or r
		r = r1 Shr rs
		rs += 1
		ls -= 1
		sDecoded &= Chr(nc)
	iBase128Len = Len(sDecoded)
    'workaround For multiple embedded file other crash will occure
    Static As Ubyte aReturn(0 To iBase128Len - 1)
    Redim aReturn(0 To iBase128Len - 1) As Ubyte
	For i = 0 to Len(sDecoded) - 1 'convert result string to ascii code values
		aReturn(i) = Asc(sDecoded, i + 1)
	Return @aReturn(0) 'return pointer to the array
End Function

ScreenSet 1, 0

#Define PixelGet(_x, _y)                   	*Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgDataTxt + (_y) * pitchTxt + (_x) Shl 2)

Dim As Any Ptr pImageTxt = Imagecreate(500, 39), imgDataTxt, pImageSphere = CreateGradientSphere(radius, radius, radius, -pi / 8, -pi / 4)
Dim as string sFile = CurDir & "/Text_500x39.bmp"
If FileExists(sFile) = 0 Then
	Dim As UInteger iLines, iCompression, iFileSize, iCompressedSize
	Dim As String sBaseType, sBase128, aB128(1)
	Restore __Label0:
	Read iLines
	Read iCompression
	Read iFileSize
	Read iCompressedSize
	Read sBaseType

	For i As Ushort = 0 To iLines - 1
	   Read aB128(0)
	   sBase128 &= aB128(0)
	Dim As UInteger l 
	Dim As Ubyte Ptr aBinary = Base128Decode(sBase128, l)

	Dim As Boolean bError = False
	If iCompression Then 
	   If iCompressedSize <> l Then bError = TRUE
	   If iFileSize <> l Then bError = TRUE
	If bError <> False Then 
	   '? "Something went wrong"
	   End -1
	End If

	Dim As Integer hFile
	hFile = Freefile()
	Open sFile For Binary Access Write As #hFile
	If iCompression Then
		Dim As Ubyte Ptr aBinaryC = Allocate(iFileSize) 
		LZW_Decode(aBinary, iCompressedSize, aBinaryC, iFileSize)
		Put #hFile, 0, aBinaryC[0], iFileSize
		Put #hFile, 0, aBinary[0], iFileSize
	Close #hFile
	aBinary = 0
	Bload(sFile, pImageTxt)
	Bload(sFile, pImageTxt)
end if

Dim As Integer pitchTxt, iw, ih
Imageinfo(pImageTxt, iw, ih, , pitchTxt, imgDataTxt)

Dim As Uinteger particles = 10000, i, ub
Dim As Single x, y, theta, rho, phi, f1, f2, ang, z1, z2, px, py, pz, c1, zoom = 1.0
Dim As Ulong iCol, iCounter = 0
Dim As vec5 aParticles(particles - 1), aResult(particles - 1)
Dim As Boolean b1 = False, b2 = False

Dim As Single dimx = 0, dimy = 0

For xx As Short = 0 To iw - 1
	For yy As Short = 0 To ih - 1
		If PixelGet(xx, yy) <> &hFF000000 Then
			If xx > dimx Then dimx = xx
			If yy > dimy Then dimy = yy
		End If

'Map string to sphere form
For xx As Short = dimx To 0 Step -1
	theta = Map(-cc2 + xx / 4, 0, dimx, theta0, theta1)
	For yy As Short = dimy To 0 Step -1
		iCol = PixelGet(xx, yy)
		If iCol <> &hFF000000 Then		
			phi = Map(cc2 + yy / 16, 0, dimy, phi0, phi1)
			c1 = radius * Sin_(phi)
			px = c1 * Cos_(theta) 
			py = c1 * Sin_(theta)
			pz = radius * Cos_(phi)
			aParticles(iCounter).x = w2 + px
			aParticles(iCounter).y = h2 + py
			aParticles(iCounter).z = pz
			aParticles(iCounter).col.argb = iCol
			iCounter += 1
		End If

'blue sphere coordinate
aParticles(iCounter).col.argb = 0

Redim Preserve aParticles(iCounter)
Redim Preserve aResult(iCounter)
ub = Ubound(aParticles)

Dim As String sWintitle = "Around the Sphere coded by UEZ"
Windowtitle(sWintitle & " / " & Str(ub) & " Pixel")


Dim As Ulong iFPS
Dim As Uinteger cfps = 0, s = 4
Dim As Single fTimer = Timer

	Line (0, 0) - (w, h * 0.75), &hFF404040, BF
	Line (0, h * 0.75 + 1) - (w, h), &hFF808080, BF
	ang += .0033
	Object3Dto2D(aParticles(), aResult(), Type<vec3>(cc1, 2 * ang, 0), Type<vec3>(w2, h2, 0), zoom)
	Qsortz(aResult(), 0, ub)
	For i = 0 To ub
		If aResult(i).col.argb <> 0 Then aResult(i).col.a = Map(aResult(i).z, -2500, 600, &hF0, &h02)
		Line (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y) - (aResult(i).x + s, aResult(i).y + s), aResult(i).col.argb, BF
'		aResult(i).col.a \= 2
'		aResult(i).col.r \= 1
'		aResult(i).col.g \= 1
'		aResult(i).col.b \= 1
'		Line (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y) - (aResult(i).x + s, aResult(i).y + s), aResult(i).col.argb, B
		'Pset (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), aResult(i).col.argb
		'If aParticles(iCounter).col.r < &hC0 Andalso aParticles(iCounter).col.g < &hC0 Andalso aParticles(iCounter).col.b < &hC0 Then
		'	Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), 2.5, aResult(i).col.argb, , , , F
		'	Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), 5, aResult(i).col.argb, , , , F
		'End If
'		If aResult(i).z < -radius Then Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), s, Rgba(&h20, &h20, &h20, Map(aResult(i).z, -2500, -radius, &hF0, &h20))
		If aResult(i).col.argb = 0 Then Put (w2 - radius, h2 - radius), pImageSphere, Alpha

	Draw String(1, 1), iFPS & " fps", Rgb(&hFF, &hFF, &hFF)
	cfps += 1
	If Timer - fTimer > 0.99 Then
		iFPS = cfps
		cfps = 0
		fTimer = Timer
	End If
Loop Until Len(Inkey())


'Code below was generated by: FB File2Bas Code Generator v1.05 build 2020-08-08 beta

Data 24,8,20578,10151,"Base128"
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Data "$KªºÉa|Î6l"
Please use ISO-8859-1 or try UTF-8 format in the code editor otherwise base128 decode will probably fail.

Download source code + compiled exe: Around the Sphere build

2020-09-17: added blurry pixels and fixed issue with depth of sphere (text flew partly thru the sphere on the right side)
2020-09-22: changed from system font to bitmap for cooler look
Last edited by UEZ on Sep 23, 2020 6:51, edited 7 times in total.
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-15

Post by dafhi »

we like dots

Code: Select all

'Coded by UEZ build 2020-09-15
'Thanks to dodicat for some funtions I used from his code :-) and Martijn van Iersel for the CreateGradientSphere function. ^^

/' --  modified by dafhi (2020 Sep 16)
vec5 -> dotvars
col.argb -> col

after  screenres ..  windowtitle ..  particles
you can adjust:  focal length, iris, iris z


type imagevars '2017 Oct 10 - by dafhi
  as integer            w,h,bpp,bypp,pitch,rate,  wm, hm, pitchBy 'helpers
  as any ptr            im, pixels
  as ulong ptr          p32
  as string             driver_name
  declare sub           get_info(im as any ptr=0)
  declare               destructor
  as single             midx, midy, diagonal '2017 Oct 10
end type

  If ImageInfo(im) = 0 Then ImageDestroy im:  im=0
End Destructor

sub imagevars.get_info(im as any ptr)
  if im=0 then
    ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch, rate, driver_name
  elseif Imageinfo(im)=0 then
    ImageInfo im, w, h, bypp, pitch, pixels = im:  bpp = bypp * 8
  endif: wm=w-1: hm=h-1:  pitchBy=pitch\bypp:  p32=pixels
  midx=w/2: midy=h/2:  diagonal = sqr(w*w+h*h)
end sub

#Macro Alpha256(ret,back, fore, a256) '2017 Mar 26
  (fore And &Hff00ff) * a256 + _
  (back And &Hff00ff) * (256-a256) + &H800080) And &Hff00ff00 Or (_
  (fore And &H00ff00) * a256 + _
  (back And &H00ff00) * (256-a256) + &H008000) And &H00ff0000) Shr 8

#define flr(x)        (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)

type DotVars          '2017 Nov 15 - by dafhi
    Type:  As UByte   b,g,r,a
    End Type
    As ULong          col
  end union
  as single           x,y,z
  as single           rad = 1, slope = 2
  as boolean          flag
End Type

type tView3D
  as single           iris
  as single           iris_z '' point z tweak prior to calling defocus_draw
End Type

  namespace AaDot            '2020 Sep 17 - by dafhi

dim as tView3D        vie
dim as dotvars ptr    p
dim as imagevars ptr  im

sub render_target(byref buf as imagevars ptr):  im = buf
end sub

#define sng as single

dim sng               dy,dxLeft,salpha,cone_h,coneSq,sq,salpha0,slope
dim as long           x0,y0,x1,y1,alph,alpha_max

sub draw(x as single, y as single, col as ulong)

  dim as long y0=(y-p->rad):  if y0<0 then y0=0
  dim as long y1=(y+p->rad):  if y1>im->hm then y1=im->hm
  if y1<y0 then exit sub '2017 Nov 10
  salpha0=(col shr 24)/255:  alpha_max=salpha0*256
  slope = p->slope
  '' slope = 1 .. 1 pixel aa edge
  '' slope = 2 .. 1/2 pixel (sharp)
  '' slope = 1/p->rad .. max blur
  '' slope < 1/p->rad .. rendering artifact
  'sq=1/p->rad                   '' clamp prevents artifact
  'slope=iif(slope<sq,sq,slope)  ''
  cone_h=slope*(p->rad+.5)     'pre-inverted aadot imagined as cone \/
  coneSq=cone_h*cone_h    'avoid sqr() at blit corners
  sq=(cone_h-1)*(cone_h-1)'avoid sqr() in dot center at max brightness
  dim as long x0=(x-p->rad):  if x0<0 then x0=0
  dim as long x1=(x+p->rad):  if x1>im->wm then x1=im->wm

  dy=(y0-y)*slope: dxLeft=(x0-x)*slope
  for py as long ptr = @im->p32[ y0*im->pitchBy ] to @im->p32[ y1*im->pitchBy ] step im->pitchBy
    dim as single dx=dxleft, dySq=dy*dy
    for px as ulong ptr = @py[x0] to @py[x1]
      salpha = dx*dx+dySq
      if salpha<sq then
      elseif salpha<=coneSq then
      endif:  dx+=slope
    next: dy+=slope

end sub

dim sng               r_expan
dim as dotvars        q

sub defocus_draw(byref pdv as dotvars ptr)
  p = @q '' result -> q

  with *pdv
    r_expan = vie.iris * abs(.z)
    q.rad = .rad + r_expan
    q.slope = .slope / q.rad
    q.col = .col
    q.a = -.5 + 256 * .rad * .rad / (q.rad * q.rad)
    draw .x, .y, q.col
  End With

End Sub

end namespace
' --------------------------------

#Include ""
Using FB

#Define Map(Val, source_start, source_stop, dest_start, dest_stop)   ((Val - source_start) * (dest_stop - dest_start) / (source_stop - source_start) + dest_start)
#Define Max(a, b)   (Iif(a > b, a, b))

Const w = 1200, h = 800, w2w = w Shl 1, w2 = w \ 2, h2 = h \ 2, pi = Acos(-1), pi2 = Acos(-1) / 2, radius = 350
Const phi0 = 0.0, phi1 = pi, theta0 = 0.0, theta1 = 2.0 * pi, radians = pi / 180, deg = 180 / pi, cc1 = -270 * radians

Union _Color
   As Ulong argb
      As Ubyte b, g, r, a
   End Type
End Union

Type vec3
   As Single x, y, z
End Type

Dim Shared As Const vec3 eyepoint = Type(w2, h2, h)

Type vec5
   As Boolean flag
   As Single x, y, z
   As _Color col
End Type

'Taylor series
'Sum n = 0 to inf (-1)^n * x^(2n) / (2n)! = 1 - x^2 / 2! + x^4 / 4! -x^6 / 6! + ...
Function Cos_(x As Single) As Single
    If x < 0 Then x = -x
    While x >= 3.141592653589793 'pi
        x -= 6.283185307179586 '2 * pi
   Dim As Single xx = x * x
    Return 1.0 - (xx / 2) * (1 - (xx / 12) * (1 - (xx / 30) * (1 - xx / 56))) 'approximation of Taylor serie
End Function

Function Sin_(x As Single) As Single
    Return Cos_(x - 1.570796326794897) 'pi / 2
End Function

Sub Object3Dto2D(wa() As dotvars, result() As dotvars, angle As vec3, centre As vec3, rad As Single = 1.0, flag As Boolean = True) 'by dodicat
   Dim As Single dx,dy,dz,ww
   Dim As Single SinAX=Sin_(angle.x)
   Dim As Single SinAY=Sin_(angle.y)
   Dim As Single SinAZ=Sin_(angle.z)
   Dim As Single CosAX=Cos_(angle.x)
   Dim As Single CosAY=Cos_(angle.y)
   Dim As Single CosAZ=Cos_(angle.z)
   For z As Uinteger=Lbound(wa) To Ubound(wa)

      If flag Then
         ww = 1 + (result(z).z/eyepoint.z)
         result(z).x = (result(z).x-eyepoint.x)/ww+eyepoint.x
         result(z).y = (result(z).y-eyepoint.y)/ww+eyepoint.y
         result(z).z = (result(z).z-eyepoint.z)/ww+eyepoint.z
   Next z
End Sub

Sub QsortZ(array() As dotvars, begin As Integer, Finish As Uinteger) 'by dodicat
    Dim As Integer i = begin, j = finish
    Dim As dotvars X = array(((I + J) \ 2))
    While I <= J
        While array(I).z > X .z : I += 1 : Wend
        While array(J).z < X .z : J -= 1 : Wend
        If I <= J Then Swap array(I), array(J) : I += 1 : J -= 1
   If J > begin Then QsortZ(array(), begin, J)
   If I < Finish Then QsortZ(array(), I, Finish)
End Sub

'CreateGradientSphere function by Martijn van Iersel ->
Function CreateGradientSphere(cx As Ushort, cy As Ushort, r As Ushort, lx As Single, ly As Single) As Any Ptr
   Dim As Any Ptr pImage, imgData
   Dim As long pitch
   pImage = Imagecreate(r Shl 1, r Shl 1, 0, 32)
   Imageinfo(pImage, , , , pitch, imgData)
   #Define PixelSet(_x, _y, colour)              *Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgData + (_y) * pitch + (_x) Shl 2) = (colour)
   Dim As Single x, y, z, lightx, lighty, lightz, q_cos, light, c, c1 = Cos(ly)
   lightx = Sin(lx) * c1
   lighty = Sin(ly)
   lightz = Cos(lx) * c1
   For y = -r To r
      q_cos = Cos(-Asin(y / r)) * r
      For x = -q_cos To q_cos
         z = Sqr(r * r - x * x - y * y)
         c = (x / r * lightx + y / r * lighty + z / r * lightz)
         light = Iif(c < 0, 0, c) * 255
         Pset pImage, (Cshort(x) + cx, Cshort(y) + cy), Rgba(light / 3, light / 2, light, 255 - light)
   Return pImage
End Function

ScreenSet 1, 0

  dim as imagevars  buf:  buf.get_info
  aadot.render_target @buf

Dim As String sWintitle = "Around the Sphere coded by UEZ"

#Define PixelGet(_x, _y)                      *Cptr(Ulong Ptr, imgDataTxt + (_y) * pitchTxt + (_x) Shl 2)

Dim As Any Ptr pImageTxt = Imagecreate(320, 20, 0, 32), imgDataTxt, pImageSphere = CreateGradientSphere(radius, radius, radius, -pi / 8, -pi / 4)
Dim As long pitchTxt
Imageinfo(pImageTxt, , , , pitchTxt, imgDataTxt)  'earth map

Draw String pImageTxt, (0, 0), sWintitle, &hFFFFFFFF

Dim As Uinteger particles = 5000, i, ub
Dim As Single x, y, theta, rho, phi, f1, f2, CamRotX, CamRotY, CamRotZ, ang, z1, z2, px, py, pz, c1, zoom = 1
Dim As Ulong iCol, iCounter = 0
Dim As dotvars aParticles(particles - 1), aResult(particles - 1)
Dim As Boolean b1 = False, b2 = False

  aadot.vie.iris_z = eyepoint.z * .99 '' added to z prior to defocus_draw
  aadot.vie.iris = .002 * eyepoint.z / radius

Dim As Ushort dimx = 0, dimy = 0
For xx As Short = 0 To 319
   For yy As Short = 0 To 19
      If PixelGet(xx, yy) > 0 Then
         If xx > dimx Then dimx = xx
         If yy > dimy Then dimy = yy
      End If

'Map string to sphere form
For xx As Short = dimx To 0 Step -1
   For yy As Short = dimy To 0 Step -1
      iCol = PixelGet(xx, yy)
      If iCol > 0 Then
         theta = Map(dimx - xx / 4, 0, dimx, theta1, theta0)
         phi = Map(dimy / 2 + yy / 30, 0, dimy, phi0, phi1)
         c1 = (radius + 1) * Sin_(phi)
         px = c1 * Cos_(theta)
         py = c1 * Sin_(theta)
         pz = (radius + 1) * Cos_(phi)
         aParticles(iCounter).x = w2 + px
         aParticles(iCounter).y = h2 + py
         aParticles(iCounter).z = pz
         aParticles(iCounter).col = &hE0FFFFFF
         iCounter += 1
      End If
'blue sphere coordinate
aParticles(iCounter).x = w2
aParticles(iCounter).y = h2
aParticles(iCounter).z = 0 '-radius
'aParticles(iCounter).col = 0

Redim Preserve aParticles(iCounter)
Redim Preserve aResult(iCounter)
ub = Ubound(aParticles)


Dim As Ulong iFPS
Dim As Uinteger cfps = 0
Dim As Single fTimer = Timer

   Line (0, 0) - (w, h * 0.75), &hFF404040, BF
   Line (0, h * 0.75 + 1) - (w, h), &hFF808080, BF
   ang += .0033
   Object3Dto2D(aParticles(), aResult(), Type<vec3>(cc1, 2 * ang, 0), Type<vec3>(w2, h2, 0), zoom)
   Qsortz(aResult(), 0, ub)
   For i = 0 To ub   
      'Pset (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), aResult(i).col.argb
      'Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), 1 - aResult(i).z / 800, aResult(i).col, , , , F
      aResult(i).z += aadot.vie.iris_z
      aadot.defocus_draw @aResult(i)
      If aResult(i).col = 0 Then Put (w2 - radius, h2 - radius), pImageSphere, Alpha 'Circle (w2, h2), radius, &hA04040A0, , , , F
   Draw String(1, 1), iFPS & " fps", Rgb(&hFF, &hFF, &hFF)
   cfps += 1
   If Timer - fTimer > 0.99 Then
      iFPS = cfps
      cfps = 0
      fTimer = Timer
   End If
Loop Until Len(Inkey())

Last edited by dafhi on Jun 05, 2023 1:06, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-15

Post by UEZ »

@dafhi: I had the same idea after I finished this part to make the circles blurry according to their z value. ^^ Anyhow, thanks for your version - very smooth movement. :-)
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-15

Post by dafhi »

updates: removed FL (focal length)
aadot namespace
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Location: Germany

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-17

Post by UEZ »

Thanks you again dafhi for your contribution.

Meanwhile I finished also my depth of field simulation of the text pixels. imho, it's very simple but it looks nice, too (see 1st post).
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-17

Post by dafhi »

thanks for the inspiration!

didn't know my depth-of-field dots wanted to be worked on. also been overhauling my 3d system
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Location: Germany

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

Small update: added now a bitmap font with anti aliasing for a better look. If you are interested have a look to the first post.

The bitmap is integrated into the code which should be unpacked and saved to the disk.
Last edited by UEZ on Sep 22, 2020 12:27, edited 1 time in total.
Roland Chastain
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Location: France

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by Roland Chastain »

Hello! Unfortunately for me the program stops here:

Code: Select all

If FileExists(sFile) = 0 Then
  ' ...
   If bError <> False Then
      '? "Something went wrong"
      End -1 ' <---
   End If
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Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

Roland Chastain wrote:Hello! Unfortunately for me the program stops here:

Code: Select all

If FileExists(sFile) = 0 Then
  ' ...
   If bError <> False Then
      '? "Something went wrong"
      End -1 ' <---
   End If
The code editor must support UTF-8 format otherwise it will not decompress the base128 string properly.
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Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by dodicat »

Works great here and I use fbide.
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Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

dodicat wrote:Hi UEZ.
Works great here and I use fbide.
Thanks dodicat for your feedback.

I'm not 100% sure if you must save the source code in UTF-8 format because it seems to run properly also with ANSI saved source code. Anyhow, I added a download link to the first post.

Btw, thank you for the functions I used in this code. :-)
Roland Chastain
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Location: France

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by Roland Chastain »

I use Geany and the encoding is UTF-8. Even with the file from the ZIP, it doesn't work for me. The program exits as soon as I start it. I am on Linux 64.
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Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

Roland Chastain wrote:I use Geany and the encoding is UTF-8. Even with the file from the ZIP, it doesn't work for me. The program exits as soon as I start it. I am on Linux 64.
What is the timestamp of the both files within the zip? I had accidentally uploaded a not working version first.

If it is not

Code: Select all

22.09.2020  15:41            25.317 Around the Sphere.bas
22.09.2020  15:42           186.368 Around the Sphere.exe
then please download and try again.

I'm not on Linux, thus I cannot test.
Roland Chastain
Posts: 1002
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Location: France

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by Roland Chastain »

Thank you for your answer. I have the good file. When I have time, I will try to understand what happens. For the moment, I am on another project that I would like to finish.

By the way (I know this isn't my onions, as we say in french), but why don't you upload your files on FB Portal? Just a question. Feel free to ignore it. :)
Posts: 988
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Location: Germany

Re: Around the Sphere build 2020-09-22

Post by UEZ »

Roland Chastain wrote: By the way (I know this isn't my onions, as we say in french), but why don't you upload your files on FB Portal? Just a question. Feel free to ignore it. :)
I'm not aware that I can upload files to the (German?) FB Portal. All the better if I could.
Post Reply