Poisson disk sampling

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paul doe
Posts: 1733
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Poisson disk sampling

Post by paul doe »

Interestingly enough, there's no FreeBasic implementation for this. Since I needed one for my fetish project, here it is:


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#include once "fb-linkedlist.bi"
#include once "fb-vector.bi"

namespace Poisson
  '' Just a coordinate that represents a sample
  type SamplePoint
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor( byval as single, byval as single )
    as single x, y
  end type
  constructor SamplePoint() : end constructor
  constructor SamplePoint( byval nx as single, byval ny as single )
    x = nx : y = ny
  end constructor
    Like a normal queue or stack, just returns a random element.
    Dynamically grows but never shrinks.
  type RandomQueue
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor( byval as uinteger )
    declare destructor()
    declare property count() as uinteger
    declare sub push( byref as SamplePoint )
    declare function pop() as SamplePoint
      declare sub resize( byval as uinteger )
      as SamplePoint _rqueue( any )
      as uinteger _
        _size, _initialSize, _count
  end type
  constructor RandomQueue()
    constructor( 256 )
  end constructor
  constructor RandomQueue( byval aSize as uinteger )
    _size = iif( aSize < 16, 16, aSize )
    _initialSize = _size
    redim _rqueue( 0 to _size - 1 )
  end constructor
  destructor RandomQueue()
  end destructor
  property RandomQueue.count() as uinteger
    return( _count )
  end property
  sub RandomQueue.resize( byval newSize as uinteger )
    _size = iif( newSize < _initialSize, _initialSize, newSize )
    redim preserve _rqueue( 0 to _size - 1 )
  end sub
  sub RandomQueue.push( byref value as SamplePoint )
    _count += 1
    if( _count > _size - 1 ) then
      resize( _size + _initialSize )
    end if
    _rqueue( _count - 1 ) = value
  end sub
  function RandomQueue.pop() as SamplePoint
    dim as SamplePoint item = SamplePoint( infinity, infinity )
    if( _count > 0 ) then
      dim as uinteger index = cuint( rnd() * ( _count - 1 ) )
      item = _rqueue( index )
      _rqueue( index ) = _rqueue( _count - 1 )
      _count -= 1
    end if
    return( item )
  end function
    Accelerator grid structure.
    Used to accelerate lookups for closest points when looking
    for the next sample.
  type AccelGrid
    declare constructor( byval as uinteger, byval as uinteger )
    declare destructor()
    declare property width() as uinteger
    declare property height() as uinteger
    declare function points( _
      byval as uinteger, byval as uinteger ) byref as Fb.LinkedList
    declare sub add( byref as SamplePoint, byref as SamplePoint )
    as Fb.LinkedList _grid( any, any )
    as uinteger _w, _h, _cellSize
  end type
  constructor AccelGrid( byval w as uinteger, byval h as uinteger )
    _w = iif( w < 1, 1, w )
    _h = iif( h < 1, 1, h )
    redim _grid( 0 to w - 1, 0 to h - 1 )
  end constructor
  destructor AccelGrid()
    for y as integer = 0 to _h - 1
      for x as integer = 0 to _w - 1
        do while( _grid( x, y ).count > 0 )
          delete( cast( SamplePoint ptr, _grid( x, y ).removeFirst() ) )
  end destructor
  property AccelGrid.width() as uinteger
    return( _w )
  end property
  property AccelGrid.height() as uinteger
    return( _h )
  end property
  function AccelGrid.points( _
    byval x as uinteger, byval y as uinteger ) byref as Fb.LinkedList
    return( _grid( x, y ) )
  end function
  sub AccelGrid.add( byref l as SamplePoint, byref p as SamplePoint )
    _grid( int( l.x ), int( l.y ) ).addLast( new SamplePoint( p.x, p.y ) )
  end sub
  '' Returns a sample in the accelerator grid coordinates
  function sampleToGrid( _
    byref p as SamplePoint, byval cellSize as single ) as SamplePoint
    return( SamplePoint( int( p.x / cellSize ), int( p.y / cellSize ) ) )
  end function
  '' Generates a random point within the anulus of the given point and
  '' the given radius.
  function generateRandomPointAround( _
    byref p as SamplePoint, byval minDist as single ) as SamplePoint
    static as const single cPi = 4.0f * atn( 1.0f )
    dim as single _
      r1 = rnd(), r2 = rnd(), _
      radius = minDist * ( r1 + 1 ), _
      angle = 2 * cPi * r2
    return( SamplePoint( _
      p.x + radius * cos( angle ), _
      p.y + radius * sin( angle ) ) )
  end function
  '' Returns the squared distance between two sample points
  function distanceSq( _
    byref p1 as SamplePoint, byref p2 as SamplePoint ) as single
    return( ( ( p2.x - p1.x ) ^ 2 + ( p2.y - p1.y ) ^ 2 ) )
  end function
  function inNeighborhood( _
      byref g as AccelGrid, _
      byref p as SamplePoint, _
      byval minDist as single, _
      byval cellSize as single ) _
    as boolean
    for y as integer = -2 to 2
      for x as integer = -2 to 2
        with sampleToGrid( p, cellSize )
          dim as integer _
            xx = .x + x, _
            yy = .y + y
          if( _
            xx >= 0 andAlso xx <= g.width - 1 andAlso _
            yy >= 0 andAlso yy <= g.height - 1 ) then
            var byref cell = g.points( xx, yy )
            var n = cell.first
            do while( n <> 0 )
              dim as SamplePoint ptr cp = *n
              if( distanceSq( *cp, p ) <= minDist ^ 2 ) then
                return( true )
              end if
              n = n->forward
          end if
        end with
    return( false )
  end function
  function sample( _
      byval w as integer, _
      byval h as integer, _
      byval min_dist as single, _
      byval new_points_count as integer ) _
    as Fb.Vector ptr
    dim as single cellSize = min_dist / sqr( 2 )
    var g = AccelGrid( _
      cuint( w / cellSize ) + 1, cuint( h / cellSize ) + 1 )
    var processList = RandomQueue()
    var samplePoints = new Fb.Vector()
    var firstPoint = SamplePoint( _
      int( rnd() * ( w - 1 ) ), int( rnd() * ( h - 1 ) ) )
    processList.push( firstPoint )
    samplePoints->add( new SamplePoint( firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y ) )
    g.add( sampleToGrid( firstPoint, cellSize ), firstPoint )
    do while( processList.count > 0 )
      var p = processList.pop()
      for i as integer = 0 to new_points_count - 1
        var newPoint = generateRandomPointAround( p, min_dist )
        if( cbool( _
          newPoint.x >= 0 andAlso newPoint.x <= w - 1 andAlso _
          newPoint.y >= 0 andAlso newPoint.y <= h - 1 ) andAlso _
          not inNeighborhood( g, newPoint, min_dist, cellSize ) ) then
          processList.push( newPoint )
          samplePoints->add( new SamplePoint( newPoint.x, newPoint.y ) )
          g.add( sampleToGrid( newPoint, cellSize ), newPoint )
        end if
    return( samplePoints )
  end function
end namespace

Reference link:

EDIT: small bug fix. Should not try to generate invalid (out of range) samples when the minimum distance is too large relative to the sample area.
Last edited by paul doe on Oct 15, 2020 21:12, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Poisson disk sampling

Post by UEZ »

Very interesting stuff - thanks for sharing.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
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Re: Poisson disk sampling

Post by dodicat »

Thanks paul doe.
I got it up and running OK
A Poisson distribution example is frequently quoted as being the pattern of destruction caused by doodlebugs in London in WW2.
I cannot argue with this, in fact I cannot dwell too long thinking about it.
However another example often quoted is (cowpats in a grass field), which obviously must have been thought up by city dwellers because I definitely disagree with that.
Anybody living in the countryside knows that there are far greater concentrations of pats (of you know what) at troughs and gates.
Maybe Poisson throughout the rest of the field, but where do you draw the field border?
But that problem in Scotland has been solved, there are no longer cowpats in fields.
The dairy cattle are kept inside all year now in most farms, the grass fields are now devoted to silage crops with the pats going back as slurry.
Thus of course I have stopped consuming Scottish dairy products.
I have probably drifted off topic, but statistics is there to represent bits of the real world.
Anyway thanks paul doe.
paul doe
Posts: 1733
Joined: Jul 25, 2017 17:22
Location: Argentina

Re: Poisson disk sampling

Post by paul doe »

@UEZ: you're welcome. You might find a use for it, since you're interested in graphical demos (it can provide a nicer looking stochastic sampling than 'pure' random.
dodicat wrote:...
I have probably drifted off topic, but statistics is there to represent bits of the real world.
Anyway thanks paul doe.
You're welcome. These kind of distributions do tend to appear in a lot of places in the real world, indeed. There's also some nice ideas I'd like to try (like combining it with Perlin Noise for natural looking clumps of vegetation, say).

Here's a little noise framework I did a while ago:

And some examples of mixing them to create your own noise functions can be found on FreeBasic's Discord server:
https://discord.com/channels/4561680068 ... 3728203876
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