FB debugger is back (only windows sry)

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FB debugger is back (only windows sry)

Post by SARG »

A new version using the -g option


Include files , DLL could be used.
See the file txt for more informations

Comments are welcome.

Known limitations :
bugs in the compilator (please developpers do something)
- redim global variables
- include files when lines are not inside a proc (subroutines)

Current conception
- the number of modules, variables, proc etc... is fixed (easy to involve)
- No free bugs ;-)
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Re: FB debugger is back (only windows sry)

Post by cha0s »

SARG wrote:bugs in the compilator (please developpers do something)
Well, you have to help us out, there will always be bugs but you could do us a service by defining them for us.
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Post by SARG »

Yes you're right but it's an old problem.
The stabs data for redim global variable are not well defined so not possible to acces to the name and address. See this topic

I have looked in the source of FBC but not easy to find a solution.

The second issue is new when you use include files there's only stabs data with procedure. In the other case the debugger can't find information about the source.

Hope that's a bit more clear.

By the way in the future will the stabs data be the same ?

Thanks for your reply.

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Post by bigsofty »

Thanks for he debugger Sarg, any help with my debugging is always appreciated! ;)
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Post by cha0s »

I thought I fixed that... I'll have to take another look at it this weekend if I have time. The line number fix was just a guess, I figured it was better than '-1'.
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Post by SARG »

@AGS and Hard soon an improved version. Sry to be so late again but i spent many time studying the compiler, not so easy.

@AGS to see all the breakpoints right click on the surces windows and select breakpoints manage.
Not sure you can reuse my code : poor in comments and some times in french!!!! But if you get some trouble (or evolution) post examples and i'll try to fix it. By the way the new version of Fbdebugger can be used to trace FBC when compiling.

Could you take into account a fix in the edbg_stab to solve the issue with stabs of redim shared (see the first post).
It's just a workaround but simple and effective. As i can trace now the compiler I'll perhaps find a "cleaner" way.

Change between ''SARG BEGIN and ''SARG END.

Code: Select all

sub edbgEmitGlobalVar _
	( _
		byval sym as FBSYMBOL ptr, _
		byval section as integer _
	) static

	dim as integer t, attrib
	dim as string desc
	dim as zstring ptr sname

	if( env.clopt.debug = FALSE ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	'' temporary?
	if( symbIsTemp( sym ) ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	'' really global? (because the static local vars)
	if( symbIsLocal( sym ) ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	'' depends on section
	select case section
	end select

    '' allocation type (static, global, etc)
    desc = *symbGetDBGName( sym )
    attrib = symbGetAttrib( sym )
    if( (attrib and (FB_SYMBATTRIB_PUBLIC or FB_SYMBATTRIB_COMMON)) > 0 ) then
    	desc += ":G"
    elseif( (attrib and FB_SYMBATTRIB_STATIC) > 0 ) then
        desc += ":S"
    	desc += ":"
    end if

    '' data type
    desc += hGetDataType( sym )

	'' workaround in case redim shared : use of back link !!!
If Right(desc,2)=":S" Then
	 desc = *symbGetDBGName( sym->var_.desc.array )+":S"+hGetDataType( sym->var_.desc.array )

    if( symbIsDynamic( sym ) ) then
    	sname = symbGetMangledName( symbGetArrayDescriptor( sym ) )
    	sname = symbGetMangledName( sym )
    end if

    hEmitSTABS( t, desc, 0, 0, *sname )

end sub
Code for test and the obtained asm

Code: Select all

Namespace testing
	Type toto
		titi As longint
	End Type
	Dim As toto tata 
End Namespace

type tudt
	udt1 as short
	udt2 as ulongint
end type

sub gg()
	static as integer subsimple

	redim as integer subredim(99)

	dim as integer subarray(5)
end sub

ReDim  As testing.toto nsredim(4,7,9)

ReDim  shared As testing.toto nsredimshared(4,7,9)

dim as testing.toto nssimple
nssimple.titi=17:print "nssimple";nssimple.titi

ReDim Shared As tudt redimshared(7,9)

dim shared as integer sharedarray(7)

dim shared as integer sharedsimple

dim as integer mainlocal

dim as integer mainlocalarray(9)


Code: Select all

	.file "test2.bas"
	.stabs "D:/msys/bin/fbcsvn/fbcsrc/src/compiler/obj/win32/",100,0,0,.Lt_0001
	.stabs "test2.bas",100,0,0,.Lt_0001

.section .text
	.stabs "integer:t1=-1",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "void:t7=-11",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "byte:t2=-6",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "ubyte:t3=-5",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "char:t4=-2",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "short:t5=-3",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "ushort:t6=-7",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "uinteger:t8=-8",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "longint:t9=-31",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "ulongint:t10=-32",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "single:t11=-12",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "double:t12=-13",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "string:t13=s12data:15,0,32;len:1,32,32;size:1,64,32;;",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "fixstr:t14=-2",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "pchar:t15=*4;",128,0,0,0

	.stabs "test2.bas",130,0,0,0
	.intel_syntax noprefix

	#test2.bas' compilation started at 23:30:46 (FreeBASIC v0.20.0b)
	.stabs "GG:F7",36,0,13,_GG@0
.balign 16

.globl _GG@0
	push ebp
	mov ebp, esp
	sub esp, 92
	.stabn 68,0,13,_GG@0-_GG@0
##	static as integer subsimple
##	subsimple=13
	mov dword ptr [_Lt_0009], 13
.stabn 68,0,15,.Lt_0008-_GG@0
##	redim as integer subredim(99)
	mov dword ptr [ebp-36], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-32], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-28], 4
	mov dword ptr [ebp-24], 4
	mov dword ptr [ebp-20], 1
	mov dword ptr [ebp-16], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-12], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-8], 0
	push 99
	push 0
	push 1
	push 0
	push -1
	push 4
	lea eax, [ebp-36]
	push eax
	call _fb_ArrayRedimEx
	add esp, 28
.stabn 68,0,17,.Lt_000A-_GG@0
##	subredim(1)=0
	mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-36]
	mov dword ptr [eax+4], 0
.stabn 68,0,18,.Lt_000B-_GG@0
##	dim as integer subarray(5)
	lea eax, [ebp-60]
	push eax
	push edi
	mov edi, eax
	xor eax, eax
	mov ecx, 6
	rep stosd
	pop edi
	pop eax
	lea eax, [ebp-60]
	mov dword ptr [ebp-92], eax
	lea eax, [ebp-60]
	mov dword ptr [ebp-88], eax
	mov dword ptr [ebp-84], 24
	mov dword ptr [ebp-80], 4
	mov dword ptr [ebp-76], 1
	mov dword ptr [ebp-72], 6
	mov dword ptr [ebp-68], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-64], 5
.stabn 68,0,20,.Lt_000C-_GG@0
##	subarray(1)=1
	mov dword ptr [ebp-56], 1
.stabn 68,0,21,.Lt_000D-_GG@0
	push 0
	lea eax, [ebp-36]
	push eax
	call _fb_ArrayErase@8
	mov esp, ebp
	pop ebp
	.stabn 68,0,22,.Lt_0005-_GG@0
	.stabs "SUBSIMPLE:V1",40,0,0,_Lt_0009
	.stabs "SUBREDIM:16=s256data:17=ar1;0;0;18=*1,0,32;ptr:17=ar1;0;0;18=*1,32,32;size:1,64,32;elen:1,96,32;
	.stabs "SUBARRAY:19=ar1;0;5;1",128,0,0,-60
	.stabn 192,0,0,.Lt_0004-_GG@0
	.stabn 224,0,0,.Lt_0005-_GG@0
	.stabs "",36,0,0,.Lt_000F-_GG@0

.section .bss
.balign 4
	.lcomm	_Lt_0009,4

.section .text
	.stabs "{MODLEVEL}:f7",36,0,1,_fb_ctor__test2
.balign 16
	push ebp
	mov ebp, esp
	sub esp, 148
	.stabn 68,0,1,_fb_ctor__test2-_fb_ctor__test2
##Namespace testing
##	End Type
##	Type toto
##		titi As longint
##	Dim As toto tata 
##End Namespace
##end type
##type tudt
##	udt1 as short
##	udt2 as ulongint
##ReDim  As testing.toto nsredim(4,7,9)
	mov dword ptr [ebp-64], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-60], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-56], 8
	mov dword ptr [ebp-52], 8
	mov dword ptr [ebp-48], 3
	lea eax, [ebp-44]
	push eax
	push edi
	mov edi, eax
	xor eax, eax
	mov ecx, 9
	rep stosd
	pop edi
	pop eax
	push 9
	push 0
	push 7
	push 0
	push 4
	push 0
	push 3
	push 0
	push -1
	push 8
	lea eax, [ebp-64]
	push eax
	call _fb_ArrayRedimEx
	add esp, 44
.stabn 68,0,24,.Lt_0016-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov eax, 0
	sal eax, 3
	add eax, dword ptr [ebp-64]
	mov dword ptr [eax], 12
	mov dword ptr [eax+4], 0
.stabn 68,0,25,.Lt_0017-_fb_ctor__test2
##ReDim  shared As testing.toto nsredimshared(4,7,9)
	push 9
	push 0
	push 7
	push 0
	push 4
	push 0
	push 3
	push 0
	push -1
	push 8
	push offset _Lt_0011
	call _fb_ArrayRedimEx
	add esp, 44
.stabn 68,0,27,.Lt_0018-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov eax, 0
	sal eax, 3
	add eax, dword ptr [_Lt_0011]
	mov dword ptr [eax], 12
	mov dword ptr [eax+4], 0
.stabn 68,0,28,.Lt_0019-_fb_ctor__test2
##dim as testing.toto nssimple
	mov dword ptr [ebp-72], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-68], 0
.stabn 68,0,30,.Lt_001A-_fb_ctor__test2
##nssimple.titi=17:print "nssimple";nssimple.titi
	mov dword ptr [ebp-72], 17
	mov dword ptr [ebp-68], 0
	push 0
	push 8
	push offset _Lt_0012
	call _fb_StrAllocTempDescZEx@8
	push eax
	push 0
	call _fb_PrintString@12
	push 1
	push dword ptr [ebp-68]
	push dword ptr [ebp-72]
	push 0
	call _fb_PrintLongint@16
.stabn 68,0,31,.Lt_001B-_fb_ctor__test2
##ReDim Shared As tudt redimshared(7,9)
	push 9
	push 0
	push 7
	push 0
	push 2
	push 0
	push -1
	push 16
	push offset _Lt_0013
	call _fb_ArrayRedimEx
	add esp, 36
.stabn 68,0,33,.Lt_001C-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov eax, dword ptr [_Lt_0013+32]
	sal eax, 4
	add eax, dword ptr [_Lt_0013]
	mov word ptr [eax+16], 12345
.stabn 68,0,34,.Lt_001D-_fb_ctor__test2
##dim shared as integer sharedarray(7)
	mov dword ptr [_SHAREDARRAY+28], 87
.stabn 68,0,37,.Lt_001E-_fb_ctor__test2
##dim shared as integer sharedsimple
	mov dword ptr [_SHAREDSIMPLE], 79
.stabn 68,0,40,.Lt_001F-_fb_ctor__test2
##dim as integer mainlocal
	mov dword ptr [ebp-76], 0
.stabn 68,0,42,.Lt_0020-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov dword ptr [ebp-76], 5
.stabn 68,0,43,.Lt_0021-_fb_ctor__test2
##dim as integer mainlocalarray(9)
	lea eax, [ebp-116]
	push eax
	push edi
	mov edi, eax
	xor eax, eax
	mov ecx, 10
	rep stosd
	pop edi
	pop eax
	lea eax, [ebp-116]
	mov dword ptr [ebp-148], eax
	lea eax, [ebp-116]
	mov dword ptr [ebp-144], eax
	mov dword ptr [ebp-140], 40
	mov dword ptr [ebp-136], 4
	mov dword ptr [ebp-132], 1
	mov dword ptr [ebp-128], 10
	mov dword ptr [ebp-124], 0
	mov dword ptr [ebp-120], 9
.stabn 68,0,45,.Lt_0022-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov dword ptr [ebp-80], 77
.stabn 68,0,46,.Lt_0023-_fb_ctor__test2
	mov dword ptr [__ZN7TESTING4TATAE], 99
	mov dword ptr [__ZN7TESTING4TATAE+4], 0
.stabn 68,0,48,.Lt_0024-_fb_ctor__test2
	push 0
	lea eax, [ebp-64]
	push eax
	call _fb_ArrayErase@8
	mov esp, ebp
	pop ebp
	.stabn 68,0,49,.Lt_0003-_fb_ctor__test2
	.stabs "TOTO:Tt23=s8TITI:9,0,64;;",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "NSREDIM:20=s448data:21=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;22=*23,0,32;ptr:21=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;22=*23,32,32;size:1,64,32;elen:1,96,32;
	.stabs "NSSIMPLE:23",128,0,0,-72
	.stabs "MAINLOCAL:1",128,0,0,-76
	.stabs "MAINLOCALARRAY:24=ar1;0;9;1",128,0,0,-116
	.stabn 192,0,0,.Lt_0002-_fb_ctor__test2
	.stabn 224,0,0,.Lt_0003-_fb_ctor__test2
	.stabs "",36,0,0,.Lt_0026-_fb_ctor__test2
	#test2.bas' compilation took 0.1455707359534415 secs

.section .bss
.balign 4
	.lcomm	__ZN7TESTING4TATAE,8
	.stabs "__ZN7TESTING4TATAE:S23",40,0,0,__ZN7TESTING4TATAE

.section .data
	.stabs "NSREDIMSHARED:S25=s448data:26=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;27=*23,0,32;ptr:26=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;
.balign 4
.long 0
.long 0
.int 8
.int 8
.int 3
.skip 36,0
.balign 4
_Lt_0012:	.ascii	"nssimple\0"
	.stabs "TUDT:Tt31=s16UDT1:5,0,16;UDT2:10,64,64;;",128,0,0,0
	.stabs "REDIMSHARED:S28=s352data:29=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;30=*31,0,32;ptr:29=ar1;0;0;ar1;0;0;30=*31,32,32;size:1,64,32;elen:1,96,32;dims:1,128,32;
.balign 4
.long 0
.long 0
.int 16
.int 16
.int 2
.skip 24,0

.section .bss
.balign 4
	.lcomm	_SHAREDARRAY,32
	.stabs "SHAREDARRAY:S32=ar1;0;7;1",40,0,0,_SHAREDARRAY
.balign 4

.section .ctors
.int _fb_ctor__test2

.section .text
	.stabs "",100,0,0,.Lt_0027

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Joined: May 27, 2005 7:15
Location: FRANCE

Post by SARG »

Last edited by SARG on Jun 02, 2009 20:47, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Galeon »

Been waiting for this.
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Post by counting_pine »

OK, I've submitted this to SVN now.
I'm not overly happy about it because I don't understand that area of the compiler well, and I'm also not happy with the way it uses a string comparison to accomplish what it does. So a cleaner solution would still be nice.
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Location: FRANCE

Post by SARG »

The compiler is globally complicated and without any documentation it's really a pain for understanding how it works. I spent a lot of time trying to understand only the stabs emiter and the variables management.

As the solution is just a workaround I agree to spend a bit of time to find a best way but what will become the current stabs informations with the use of GCC ?
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Joined: Feb 08, 2006 16:58

Post by TheMG »

IIRC, the plan was for FB to emit its own debug info into the C code.
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