extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

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extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by VANYA »

I know about dynamic string Roca. But I needed an implementation for my library, without looking at the license and without unnecessary functions. I wrote my own implementation, which I have already implemented in my library window9 (today I will release an announcement of updating library). The code itself contains macros, but nevertheless it seems to me not difficult to understand. Macros, of course, ultimately increase the size of the code, but they also significantly increase the speed of my implementation as a whole (and speed is a fact that outweighs all others).

License MIT

windows version:

Code: Select all

#define UNICODE
#include "windows.bi"
type extWstring extends wstring
	dim pPointerWstr as wstring ptr ' Pointer to the data
	dim iLen as Long ' Length line
	dim iSize as Long ' allocated bytes
	declare constructor()
	declare Constructor(byref as Const Wstring ptr)
	declare Constructor(byref as Const extWstring)
	declare Constructor(byref as Const string)		
	declare Constructor(as Long)
	declare Destructor()
	declare operator let(byref as Const wstring ptr)
	declare operator let(byREF as const extWstring)
	declare operator let(byREF as const string)
	Declare Operator &=(ByRef As Const wString ptr)
	Declare Operator &=(ByRef As Const String)
	Declare Operator &=(ByRef As const extWstring)
	Declare Operator &=(Byval As const Longint)
	Declare Operator &=(Byval As const DOUBLE)
	Declare Operator +=(ByRef As Const wString ptr)
	Declare Operator +=(ByRef As Const String)
	Declare Operator +=(ByRef As const extWstring)
	Declare Operator Cast() ByRef As Const wString
	Declare Operator [](as Long) ByRef As USHORT
	declare property UTF8() as string
	declare property UTF8(ByRef As const string)
	const SZW as Long = sizeof(wstring) ' size wstring (linux - 4 , windows - 2)
	Const SIZEALLOC As Long = 30*SZW
End Type

' init default
PRIVATE constructor extWstring()
	dim as long iSize = SIZEALLOC
	this.pPointerWstr = allocate( iSize )
	this.iLen = 0
	this.iSize = iSize
	(this.pPointerWstr)[0] = 0
End Constructor

' init assign , let operators , &= operators
#macro MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING(operations , macrotype , macrotypeSTR , flagConcatOrPlus , Specifier)
	#if operations = "ASSIGN"	
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ constructor extWstring
		#define	__END_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ End Constructor
	#elseif operations = "LET"
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.Let
		#define	__END_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ End Operator
	#elseif operations = "&="
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.&=
	#elseif operations = "+="
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.+=			
	PRIVATE __BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__(Specifier s as Const macrotype)
		#if macrotypeSTR = "WSTRING PTR"
			dim as Long iLen = len(*s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "EXTWSTRING"
			dim as Long iLen = s.iLen
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "STRING"
			dim as Long iLen = len(s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "NUMERIC"
			#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
				dim sz as Wstring*30 = wstr(s)
				dim as Long iLen = len(sz)
		dim as Long iSize = iLen * SZW + SZW
		dim as Long iLenTemp = this.iLen
		#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
			if this.iSize < this.iLen * SZW + iSize then
				iSize = this.iLen * SZW + iSize + SIZEALLOC
				this.pPointerWstr = reallocate(this.pPointerWstr , iSize)
				this.iSize = iSize
			this.iLen = iLen + this.iLen
			if iSize > this.iSize orelse (iSize + SIZEALLOC) < this.iSize then
				iSize +=SIZEALLOC
				this.pPointerWstr = allocate(iSize)
				this.iSize = iSize
			this.iLen = iLen		
		dim as short ptr pDest , pSource 
		dim as BOOLEAN bFlagDeallocate
		#if macrotypeSTR = "WSTRING PTR"
			pSource = cast(short ptr,s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "EXTWSTRING"
			pSource = cast(short ptr,s.pPointerWstr)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "STRING"
			dim as Long iBlen = iLen*SZW+SZW
			Dim As WString Ptr pwBuf
			pwBuf  = Allocate( iBlen )
			MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, StrPtr(s) , -1, pwBuf, iBlen)
			pSource = cast(short ptr, pwBuf)
			bFlagDeallocate = TRUE
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "NUMERIC"
			#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1		
				pSource = cast(short ptr, @sz)
		#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
			pDest = cast(short ptr,this.pPointerWstr) + iLenTemp
			pDest = cast(short ptr,this.pPointerWstr)
		if pDest andalso pSource then
			memcpy(pDest , pSource, iLen * SZW)
			cast(short ptr ,(this.pPointerWstr))[this.iLen] = 0
		if bFlagDeallocate then
			if pSource then deallocate(pSource)

MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("ASSIGN" , Wstring ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 0 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("ASSIGN" , string , "STRING" , 0 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , Wstring ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 0 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 0 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , string , "STRING" , 0 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , Wstring ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 1 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 1 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , string , "STRING" , 1 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , longint , "NUMERIC" , 1 , byval)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , Wstring ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 1 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 1 , byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , string , "STRING" , 1 , byref)

' init fix size
PRIVATE Constructor extWstring(byval iNumberSimbols as long)
	this.iLen = iNumberSimbols * SZW
	this.iSize = this.iLen * SZW + SZW
	this.pPointerWstr = callocate(this.iSize)
End Constructor

PRIVATE Destructor extWstring()
End Destructor

PRIVATE Operator extWstring.Cast() ByRef As Const WString
	Return *(This.pPointerWstr)
End Operator

PRIVATE Operator extWstring.[](iIndex as Long) ByRef As USHORT
	Return (This.pPointerWstr)[iIndex]	
End Operator

PRIVATE Operator *(ByRef extWS As const extWstring) As const wString ptr
	return extWS.pPointerWstr
End Operator

PRIVATE operator len(w as extWstring) as integer
	return w.iLen
End Operator

PRIVATE property extWstring.UTF8() as string
	dim as Long iBlen 
	Dim As zString Ptr szBuf
	dim as string sRet
	iBlen = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8  , 0 , this.pPointerWstr , -1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0)
	szBuf  = CAllocate( iBlen + 1 )
	WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8 , 0 , this.pPointerWstr , -1 , Cast( LPSTR ,szBuf) , iBlen , 0 , 0)
	sRet = *szBuf
	if szBuf then deallocate szBuf
	return sRet
End Property

PRIVATE property extWstring.UTF8(ByRef s As const string)
	dim as Long iLen = Len(s) , iSize
	dim as Long iBlen
	Dim As WString Ptr pwBuf
	pwBuf  = Allocate( iLen*SZW + SZW)
	iBlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(s) , -1, 0 , iBLen)
	if iBlen > 0 then
		iBlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(s) , -1, pwBuf, iBLen)
		if iBlen > 0 then
			iSize = iBlen*SZW
			If iSize > This.iSize Orelse (iSize + SIZEALLOC) < This.iSize Then
				iSize += SIZEALLOC
				this.pPointerWstr = allocate(this.iSize)
			This.iLen = iBlen - 1
			memcpy( this.pPointerWstr , pwBuf , iSize )
			cast(short ptr ,(this.pPointerWstr))[this.iLen] = 0
	if pwBuf then deallocate pwBuf 
End Property

PRIVATE function val (w as extWstring) as double
	return val(**w)
End function

PRIVATE function valint (w as extWstring) as integer
	return valint(**w)
End function

PRIVATE function right (w as extWstring , n as integer) as extWstring
	dim sRet as extWstring
	sRet = right(**w ,  n )
	return sRet
End function

PRIVATE function left (w as extWstring , n as integer) as extWstring
	dim sRet as extWstring
	sRet = left(**w ,  n )
	return sRet	
End Function
Linux version:

Code: Select all

#include "crt.bi"
Type extWstring Extends Wstring
	Dim pPointerWstr As Wstring Ptr ' Pointer to the data
	Dim iLen As Long ' Length line
	Dim iSize As Long ' allocated bytes
	Declare Constructor()
	Declare Constructor(Byref As Const Wstring Ptr)
	Declare Constructor(Byref As Const extWstring)
	Declare Constructor(Byref As Const String)		
	Declare Constructor(As Long)
	Declare Destructor()
	Declare Operator Let(Byref As Const Wstring Ptr)
	Declare Operator Let(Byref As Const extWstring)
	Declare Operator Let(Byref As Const String)
	Declare Operator &=(Byref As Const Wstring Ptr)
	Declare Operator &=(Byref As Const String)
	Declare Operator &=(Byref As Const extWstring)
	Declare Operator &=(Byval As Const Longint)
	Declare Operator &=(Byval As Const Double)
	Declare Operator +=(Byref As Const Wstring Ptr)
	Declare Operator +=(Byref As Const String)
	Declare Operator +=(Byref As Const extWstring)
	Declare Operator Cast() Byref As Const Wstring
	Declare Operator [](As Long) Byref As Ulong
	Declare Property UTF8() As String
	Declare Property UTF8(Byref As Const String)
	Declare Function EncodeUTF8ToUnicode(sTextUtf8 As Const String) As Wstring Ptr
	Declare Function EncodeUnicodeToUTF8(wsText As Wstring Ptr) As String
	Declare Function CalculateUTF8ToUnicode(sTextUtf8 As Const String) As Long
	Const SZW As Long = Sizeof(Wstring) ' size wstring (linux - 4 , windows - 2)
	Const SIZEALLOC As Long = 30*SZW
End Type

' init default
Private Constructor extWstring()
	Dim As Long iSize = SIZEALLOC
	This.pPointerWstr = Allocate( iSize )
	This.iLen = 0
	This.iSize = iSize
	(This.pPointerWstr)[0] = 0
End Constructor

' init assign , let operators , &= operators
#macro MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING(operations , macrotype , macrotypeSTR , flagConcatOrPlus , Specifier)
	#if operations = "ASSIGN"	
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Constructor extWstring
		#define	__END_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ End Constructor
	#elseif operations = "LET"
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.Let
		#define	__END_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ End Operator
	#elseif operations = "&="
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.&=
	#elseif operations = "+="
		#define	__BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__ Operator extWstring.+=			
	Private __BEGIN_MACROCLASS_BLOCK__(Specifier s As Const macrotype)
		#if macrotypeSTR = "WSTRING PTR"
			Dim As Long iLen = Len(*s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "EXTWSTRING"
			Dim As Long iLen = s.iLen
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "STRING"
			Dim As Long iLen = CalculateUTF8ToUnicode(s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "NUMERIC"
			#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
				Dim sz As Wstring*30 = Wstr(s)
				Dim As Long iLen = Len(sz)
		Dim As Long iSize = iLen * SZW + SZW
		Dim As Long iLenTemp = This.iLen
		#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1			
			If This.iSize < This.iLen * SZW + iSize Then				
				iSize = This.iLen * SZW + iSize + SIZEALLOC
				This.pPointerWstr = Reallocate(This.pPointerWstr , iSize)
				This.iSize = iSize
			If iSize > This.iSize Orelse (iSize + SIZEALLOC) < This.iSize Then
				iSize += SIZEALLOC
				This.pPointerWstr = Allocate(iSize)
				This.iSize = iSize
		Dim As Long Ptr pDest , pSource 
		Dim As Boolean bFlagDeallocate
		#if macrotypeSTR = "WSTRING PTR"
			pSource = Cast(Long Ptr,s)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "EXTWSTRING"
			pSource = Cast(Long Ptr,s.pPointerWstr)
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "STRING"
			Dim As Wstring Ptr pwBuf
			pwBuf  = EncodeUTF8ToUnicode(s)
			iLen = Len(*pwBuf)
			pSource = Cast(Long Ptr, pwBuf)
			bFlagDeallocate = TRUE
		#elseif macrotypeSTR = "NUMERIC"
			#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
				pSource = Cast(Long Ptr, @sz)
		#if flagConcatOrPlus = 1
			This.iLen = iLen + This.iLen
			pDest = Cast(Long Ptr,This.pPointerWstr) + iLenTemp
			This.iLen = iLen
			pDest = Cast(Long Ptr,This.pPointerWstr)
		If pDest Andalso pSource Then
			memcpy(pDest , pSource, iLen * SZW)
			Cast(Long Ptr ,(This.pPointerWstr))[This.iLen] = 0
		If bFlagDeallocate Then
			If pSource Then Deallocate(pSource)

MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , Wstring Ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 0 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 0 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("LET" , String , "STRING" , 0 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , Wstring Ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 1 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 1 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , String , "STRING" , 1 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , Longint , "NUMERIC" , 1 , Byval)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("&=" , Double , "NUMERIC" , 1 , Byval)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , Wstring Ptr , "WSTRING PTR" , 1 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , extWstring , "EXTWSTRING" , 1 , Byref)
MACRO_ASSIGN_LET_STRING("+=" , String , "STRING" , 1 , Byref)

' init fix size
Private Constructor extWstring(Byval iNumberSimbols As Long)
	This.iLen = iNumberSimbols * SZW
	This.iSize = This.iLen * SZW + SZW
	This.pPointerWstr = Callocate(This.iSize)
End Constructor

Private Destructor extWstring()
End Destructor

Private Operator extWstring.Cast() Byref As Const Wstring
	Return *(This.pPointerWstr)
End Operator

Private Operator extWstring.[](iIndex As Long) Byref As Ulong
	Return (This.pPointerWstr)[iIndex]	
End Operator

Private Operator *(Byref extWS As Const extWstring) As Const Wstring Ptr
	Return extWS.pPointerWstr
End Operator

Private Operator Len(w As extWstring) As Integer
	Return w.iLen
End Operator

Private Property extWstring.UTF8() As String
	Return EncodeUnicodeToUTF8(This.pPointerWstr)
End Property

Private Property extWstring.UTF8(Byref s As Const String)
	Dim As Long iLen = Len(s) , iSize
	Dim As Wstring Ptr pwBuf
	If iLen > 0 Then
		pwBuf = EncodeUTF8ToUnicode(s)
		If pwBuf Then
			This.iLen = Len(*pwBuf)
			iSize = This.iLen*SZW+SZW
			If iSize > This.iSize Orelse (iSize + SIZEALLOC) < This.iSize Then
				iSize += SIZEALLOC
				This.pPointerWstr = Allocate(This.iSize)
			memcpy( This.pPointerWstr , pwBuf , iSize )
			Cast(Long Ptr ,(This.pPointerWstr))[This.iLen] = 0
	If pwBuf Then Deallocate pwBuf 
End Property

Private Function Val (w As extWstring) As Double
	Return Val(**w)
End Function

Private Function Valint (w As extWstring) As Integer
	Return Valint(**w)
End Function

Private Function Right (w As extWstring , n As Integer) As extWstring
	Dim sRet As extWstring
	sRet = Right(**w ,  n )
	Return sRet
End Function

Private Function Left (w As extWstring , n As Integer) As extWstring
	Dim sRet As extWstring
	sRet = Left(**w ,  n )
	Return sRet	
End Function

Private Function extWstring.CalculateUTF8ToUnicode(sTextUtf8 As Const String) As Long
	Dim As Long iIndex
	For i As Long = 0 To Len(sTextUtf8) -1
		If (sTextUtf8[i] And &hF0)  = &hE0 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+1] And &hC0) = &h80 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+2] And &hC0) = &h80 Then
		Elseif (sTextUtf8[i] And &hC0)  = &hC0 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+1] And &hC0) = &h80 Then
	Return iIndex
End Function

Private Function extWstring.EncodeUTF8ToUnicode(sTextUtf8 As Const String) As Wstring Ptr
	Dim As Long iIndex
	Dim As Long shUnicodeSymbol
	Dim As Wstring Ptr ws = Callocate(Len(sTextUtf8)*SZW+SZW)
	For i As Long = 0 To Len(sTextUtf8) -1
		If (sTextUtf8[i] And &hF0)  = &hE0 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+1] And &hC0) = &h80 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+2] And &hC0) = &h80 Then
			shUnicodeSymbol = ((sTextUtf8[i] And &hF) Shl 12) Or (((sTextUtf8[i+1] And &h3F) Shl 6) Or (sTextUtf8[i+2] And &h3F))
		Elseif (sTextUtf8[i] And &hC0)  = &hC0 Andalso (sTextUtf8[i+1] And &hC0) = &h80 Then
			shUnicodeSymbol = ((sTextUtf8[i] And &h1F) Shl 6) Or ((sTextUtf8[i+1] And &h3F))
		Elseif (sTextUtf8[i] And &h80)  = &h0 Then
			shUnicodeSymbol = sTextUtf8[i]
			shUnicodeSymbol = &hFFFD
		(*ws)[iIndex] = shUnicodeSymbol
	(*ws)[iIndex] = 0
	Return ws
End Function

Private Function extWstring.EncodeUnicodeToUTF8(wsText As Wstring Ptr ) As String
	Dim As Long iSimbol
	Dim As String sRet
	For i As Long = 0 To Len(*wsText)-1
		iSimbol = wsText[i]
		If iSimbol < &h80 Then
			sRet &= Chr(iSimbol)
		Elseif iSimbol < &h800 Then
			sRet &= Chr(&hC0 Or (iSimbol Shr 6)) & Chr(&h80 Or (iSimbol And &h3f))
		Elseif iSimbol < &h10000 Andalso (iSimbol < &hD800 Orelse iSimbol > &hDFFF) Then
			sRet &= Chr((&he0 Or (&hF And (iSimbol Shr 12)))) & Chr(&h80 Or (&h3f And (iSimbol Shr 6))) & Chr(&h80 Or (iSimbol And &h3F))
			sRet &= Chr(&hEF) & Chr(&hBF) & Chr(&hBD)
		End If
	Return sRet
End Function
Work with extWstring is the same as with STRING
Last edited by VANYA on May 08, 2021 13:42, edited 4 times in total.
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Location: Switzerland

Re: extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by MrSwiss »


really cool. There are however, some #include "..." files missing (to get it "up and running"):
On my WIN10 PRO 64-bit sytem:
  • #Include "crt/string.bi" ' for memcpy
    #Include "windows.bi" ' for WideCharToMultiByte, MultiByteToWideChar
No idea what Linux equivalents might be but, I don't think that it'll run in it's current state???
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Re: extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by VANYA »

MrSwiss wrote:@VANYA,

really cool. There are however, some #include "..." files missing (to get it "up and running"):
On my WIN10 PRO 64-bit sytem:
  • #Include "crt/string.bi" ' for memcpy
    #Include "windows.bi" ' for WideCharToMultiByte, MultiByteToWideChar
No idea what Linux equivalents might be but, I don't think that it'll run in it's current state???
Sorry, I forgot the code at the beginning of the header file to specify #include "windows.bi". I fully copied the code from my library, and there is an instruction #include "windows.bi" need not. Now everything corrected, see the first post.
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Location: Switzerland

Re: extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by MrSwiss »


thanks for the update.
One more question, if I may: why do you use size = 30, which is unusual (from a binary point of view)
and not a bigger size like: 256 or 512 or 1024 to reduce a lot of resizing?
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Re: extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by VANYA »

MrSwiss wrote:why do you use size = 30, which is unusual (from a binary point of view)
and not a bigger size like: 256 or 512 or 1024 to reduce a lot of resizing?
I was afraid to do the large size due to the fact that there may be many lines in the program and this can have a bad effect on memory consumption. However, the source is open, anyone can put any number for himself :) As for why exactly 30 ..., but at that moment it seemed to me a good number :)

I supplemented the code (in first post) at the beginning with the #define UNICODE instruction, otherwise there may be those who do not know that this instruction allows you to declare UNICODE WinApi functions.

A small example:

Code: Select all

dim as extWstring ws = "Русский" & "English" & "日本人" & "عرب"

dim as extWstring wsLen = wstr(len(ws))

messageBox(0 , *ws , *wsLen , 0)
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Re: extWstring - Dynamic string Unicode

Post by VANYA »

I also added a Linux version. It has almost the same code as on windows (the only difference is in the UTF8 <-> UNICODE conversion functions). The interface is the same. That is, in fact, it is a cross-platform version of the dynamic UNICODE string
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