alpha blending

General FreeBASIC programming questions.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

alpha blending

Post by dafhi »

I like Put + Alpha because it's more cpu-friendly than my own alpha sub.
Plus, my sub uses 0-128 for alpha. (it still looks amazing)

But using my sub, I can get away with just having a background image, as my 'foreground' is procedural

Is there a similar approach which FB currently supports?
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Post by angros47 »

I haven't fully understood what you are trying to do (are you going to procedurally generate a background image?)

Anyway, Put function can be customized: ... gCustomgfx
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

To be more clear, I am curious if the alpha blend that Put uses might also be accessible at the pixel level

Here is my sans-Put method:

Code: Select all

scrPTR = ScreenPtr
For y = 0 To HgtM
	Dim row As UInteger Ptr = pixels_BG + y * pitch_BG
	For x = 0 To WidM
		AlphaColor *scrPTR, mPalette(),sngMap(x,y), row[x]
		scrPTR += 1
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Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Post by angros47 »

With the RGBA macro, you can define colors that include alpha channel; and you can use them with all freebasic commands (line, circle, pset....); so, all freebasic commands can use alpha level.

On the graphic page, the alpha level is stored (as red, green and blue), but not used; anyway, it could be useful if you are going to change the page into a texture (in my OpenB3d, it just happens: you can draw on a 2d screen, and section with alpha level 0 will allow you to see the 3d image behind it: if you increase alpha level, the 2d screen will cover the 3d rendered image).

Also, you can use it in custom ways: look at this:
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

I had thought of the inverse-alpha assigned to background, but wanted to explore other possibilities. I like my code to be as straight-forward as possible. Thanks for the links.

What I think I might do, as power-meter-friendly engine is my goal (I will take a peek at your engine) is use Rel's EasyGl with fb image support. Even with all that's going on there, my laptop barely heats up.

Also I'm tempted to run some tests on the fast blend codes I've seen. They say for example Red * (Alpha+ 1) Shr 8 but all that does is shift the un-evenness upward like a slide rule.

That's why I use 0 - 128. Of course you can have a whole separate array for the alpha channel.. I'm exploring my options atm
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Post by dafhi »

Atm custom Put would simply be a re-hash of what I already have. What I need is the speed of the FB's internal alpha blending at the pixel level.
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Post by 1000101 »

gfxlib2's alpha blender is not the fastest and it very easy to write your own faster one. It will require learning a lot about low-level assembler coding but after 4-5 years of experience at that you should be able to do it. No method you try to do written in a HLL will beat gfxlib2's underlying mmx blitters though. Simply put, you need to know how to code asm.

For reference, gfxlib2's alpha blitter uses dst += src - alpha.
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

I wondered if FB's blend used mmx..

I coded 2 alpha subs .. my d*a + s*(255-a) is faster than my s + a*(d-s).

FB's blit seems to be about 15% faster than my fastest ..

Anyway, thanks for the input.

My goal is to have most cpu-friendly version, and if I need an extra buffer to have my routine use Put, then that is what will happen
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Post by TJF »

dafhi wrote:My goal is to have most cpu-friendly version, ...
The most CPU friendly blending will be hardware accellerated by the GPU. Have you considered using CAIRO?
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Post by dafhi »


I've wanted to try Cairo, and just now got it to work! However it seems to be utilizing only the cpu
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Post by TJF »

dafhi wrote:@TJF

... However it seems to be utilizing only the cpu wrote:Cairo is designed to produce consistent output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension).
You may have to finetune your installation to make hardware acceleration available.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

@ TJF - could you check this out and give pointers? (no pun intended)


Code: Select all

'' pre-release

' +--------------------------------------------------+ '
' | v0.98 by cRex    (2011 Aug 03) | '
' +----------------------------------------------=---+ '
' | palettizer writes multiple gradients  | '
' | to a 32bpp palette                               | '
' +--------------------------------------------------+ '

Type GradientRibbon
	As UShort							Sections
	As UShort							widBase,widVari
	As Integer							UBPix
	As Single							Shatter
End Type
Type zTileAnimProperties
	As Single							x1,x2,A0,A1,iA0,iA1,tile,xStep,rotRadi
End type

Type ComponentAnimProps
	As Single							clipLo,clipHi,alphaLo,alphaHi
	As GradientRibbon					infoRibbon
	As zTileAnimProperties			tile
End Type

Dim Shared As UShort					mWidth()
Dim Shared As Byte					mShatter()
Dim Shared As Single					m_yStart()
Dim Shared As Single					m_yEnd()
Dim Shared As Single					mStart,mSng,mStep,mDelta
Dim Shared As Integer				mX1,mX2
Dim Shared As UInteger				mPalUB_, Tmp__, mAlpha

#Macro zPieceVal(Valu)
	Valu = alphaLo + Rnd * (alphaHi-alphaLo)
#Macro zComponent_Start_PrvEnd(I_,mX1_)
	If mShatter(mX1_) Then
		m_yEnd(mX1_) = mSng
	m_yStart(I_) = mSng
	mX1_ = I_
Sub zDefComp_retval(ByRef retVal As Single)
	retVal = mSng
	mX1 += 1
	mSng += mStep
End Sub
Sub Pal_AnimProperties(pComp As ComponentAnimProps,incAngle1 As Single = 0.003,incAngle2 As Single = 0.007, pTile As Single=2.1*(0.1 + Rnd),rotRadius As Single = 0.36,clipHi As Single = 0,clipLo As Single = 0)
	pComp.tile.a0 = Rnd * 6.28
	pComp.tile.a1 = Rnd * 6.28
	pComp.tile.iA0 = incAngle1
	pComp.tile.iA1 = incAngle2
	pComp.tile.rotRadi = rotRadius * pTile
	pComp.clipHi = clipHi
	pComp.clipLo = clipLo
'	pComp.alphaHi = alphaHi
'	pComp.alphaLo = alphaLo
'	pComp.infoRibbon = pRibbon
End Sub
Sub DefComponent(pComp As ComponentAnimProps,pRibbon As GradientRibbon, retGradient() As Single,alphaHi As Single = 1, alphaLo As Single = 0,incAngle1 As Single = 0.003,incAngle2 As Single = 0.007, pTile As Single=2.1*(0.1 + Rnd),rotRadius As Single = 0.36,ClipHi As Single = 0,ClipLo As Single = 0)
	mX1 = 1
	For I As Integer = 2 To pRibbon.Sections
	mX1 = 0
	If UBound(retGradient) <> pRibbon.UBPix Then ReDim retGradient(pRibbon.UBPix)
	For J As Integer = 1 To pRibbon.Sections
		mSng = m_yStart(J)
		mStep = ( m_yEnd(J) - m_yStart(J) ) / mWidth(J)
		zDefComp_retval retGradient(mX1)',clipHi,clipLo
		For K As Integer = mX1 To mX1 + ( mWidth(J) - 2 )
			zDefComp_retval retGradient(K)',clipHi,clipLo
	Pal_AnimProperties pComp,incAngle1,incAngle2,pTile,rotRadius,clipHi,clipLo
	pComp.alphaHi = alphaHi
	pComp.alphaLo = alphaLo
	pComp.infoRibbon = pRibbon
End Sub
Sub Gradient(retINFO As GradientRibbon,WidBase As UShort = 2,WidVari As UShort = 50,Sections As UByte=5+Rnd*15,Shatter As UByte=0)
	retInfo.Sections = Sections
	ReDim m_yStart(Sections)
	ReDim m_yEnd(Sections)
	ReDim mShatter(Sections)
	ReDim mWidth(Sections)
	retINFO.UBPix = 0
	For I As Integer = 1 To Sections
		mWidth(I) = widBase + Rnd * widVari
		mShatter(I) = Rnd * 255 < Shatter 
		retINFO.UBPix += mWidth(I)
	retINFO.Shatter = Shatter
End Sub

#Macro zGradientModulus(pOutput,pInput,pInfo)
	pOutput = pInput - pInfo.UBPix * Int(pInput / pInfo.UBPix)
Function GradientVal(pInput As Single, pInfo As GradientRibbon,pGradient() As Single) As Single
	Dim As Single	SngLo = Int(pInput)
	Dim As Single	SngHi = SngLo + 1
	Function = pGradient(SngLo) + (pInput - SngLo) * (pGradient(SngHi) - pGradient(SngLo))
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------
' ================================
'  hsv palettizer
' ================================
' ------------------------------------------------------

Type RGBQUAD2 ''RGBQUAD defined in
	Blue									As UByte
	Green									As UByte
	Red									As UByte
	Alpha									As UByte
End Type
	Val8									As UByte
	Sat8									As UByte
	Hue16									As Short ''0 to 1529 is a complete cycle.  1530 is a repeat of 0 [red]
End Type

Dim Shared As Integer				mHueBase, mValue, mSatu, mValue_, mHue

#Macro zHSV2RGB(pCompA,pCompB,pMeas_)
  If mHue < pMeas_ Then
    pCompA = mValue
    pCompB = mValue - mSatu * (pMeas_ - mHue) / 255&
    pCompA = mValue - mSatu * (mHue - pMeas_) / 255&
    pCompB = mValue
  End If
  mHue = pSrc.Hue16 - 1530& * Int(pSrc.Hue16 / 1530&)
  mValue = pSrc.Val8
  mSatu = mValue * CInt(pSrc.Sat8) / 255&
  If mHue < 511& Then
    pDest.Blue = mValue - mSatu
    zHSV2RGB(pDest.Red, pDest.Green, 255&)
  ElseIf mHue < 1021& Then
    pDest.Red = mValue - mSatu
    zHSV2RGB(pDest.Green, pDest.Blue, 765&)
    pDest.Green = mValue - mSatu
    zHSV2RGB(pDest.Blue, pDest.Red, 1275&)
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub zPaletteStream_animDefaults(pAnimHSV As ComponentAnimProps, pCase As Integer)
	Select Case pCase
		Case 1
	Pal_AnimProperties pAnimHSV,0.0042,0.00377
		Case 2
	Pal_AnimProperties pAnimHSV,0.00431,0.00317
		Case 3
	Pal_AnimProperties pAnimHSV,0.0037,0.006
		Case 4
	Pal_AnimProperties pAnimHSV,0.0041,0.005
		Case 5
	Pal_AnimProperties pAnimHSV,0.0031,0.0029
	End Select
End Sub
Private Sub zPaletteStream_gradientizerDefaults(pInfo As GradientRibbon, pGradient() As Single, pCase As Integer)
	Select Case pCase
		Case 1
'	DefGradient pInfo,pGradient(),1530,,,,1,200,1 + Rnd*3,50
		Case 2
'	DefGradient pInfo,pGradient(),1530,,,,1,200,2 + Rnd*3,63
		Case 3
'	DefGradient pInfo,pGradient(),305,-50,255,,,,,31
		Case 4
'	DefGradient pInfo,pGradient(),305,-10,255,,,,,63
		Case 5
'	DefGradient pInfo,pGradient(),158,-150,128,,1,150,10+Rnd*25,31
	End Select
End Sub
Private sub zPaletteStream_EndPoints(pAnimHSV As ComponentAnimProps,pGradient() As Single, pSng As Single,DoIncrement As Integer,DefaultCase As Integer)
	''Initializations if user hasn't requested any
'	If pAnimHSV.infoRibbon.UBPix = 0 Then
'		zPaletteStream_gradientizerDefaults pAnimHSV.infoRibbon,pGradient(),DefaultCase
'	EndIf
'	If pAnimHSV.tile = 0 Then
'		zPaletteStream_animDefaults pAnimHSV,DefaultCase
'	EndIf
	pAnimHSV.tile.x1 = (pAnimHSV.tile.rotRadi * Sin(pAnimHSV.tile.A0)) * pAnimHSV.infoRibbon.UBPix
	pAnimHSV.tile.x2 = (pAnimHSV.tile.tile + pAnimHSV.tile.rotRadi * Cos(pAnimHSV.tile.A1)) * pAnimHSV.infoRibbon.UBPix
	If DoIncrement Then
		pAnimHSV.tile.A0 += pAnimHSV.tile.iA0
		pAnimHSV.tile.A1 += pAnimHSV.tile.iA1
	End If
	pAnimHSV.tile.xStep = (pAnimHSV.tile.x2 - pAnimHSV.tile.x1) * pSng 
	If pAnimHSV.clipLo = pAnimHSV.clipHi Then
		pAnimHSV.clipHi = pAnimHSV.alphaHi
		pAnimHSV.clipLo = pAnimHSV.alphaLo
End Sub
#Macro zPalStream_HHSV(pS1,pS2,pS3,pS4,sS1,sS2,sS3,sS4,Def1,Def2,Def3,Def4)

	if UBound(pPalette) < 2 then redim pPalette(255)
	mPalUB_ = UBound(pPalette)
Dim As Single	sng1,sng2

	sng1 = 1 / mPalUB_

	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pS1,sS1(),sng1,DoIncrement,Def1
	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pS2,sS2(),sng1,DoIncrement,Def2
	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pS3,sS3(),sng1,DoIncrement,Def3
	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pS4,sS4(),sng1,DoIncrement,Def4

#Macro zClip(retVal,clipLo,clipHi)
	If retVal > clipHi Then
		retVal = clipHi
	ElseIf RetVal < clipLo Then
		retVal = clipLo
	End if
#Macro zPaletteStream_Component(pSng,pComp,pG)
	pSng = GradientVal(pComp.tile.x1,pComp.InfoRibbon,pG())
	pComp.tile.x1 += pComp.tile.xStep
Sub PalStream_RGBAA(pPalette() As UInteger, pR_ As ComponentAnimProps,pG_ As ComponentAnimProps,pB_ As ComponentAnimProps,pA1 As ComponentAnimProps,pA2 As ComponentAnimProps,sR_() As Single,sG_() As Single,sB_() As Single,sA1() As Single,sA2() As Single,DoIncrement As Integer = -1)

	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pA2,sA2(),sng1,DoIncrement,5
	Dim As Single	sng3,sng4,sng5

	For I As UInteger Ptr = @pPalette(0) To @pPalette(mPalUB_)
		*I = RGBA(sng1,sng2,sng3,sng4+sng5)

End Sub
Sub PalStream_HHSV(pPalette() As UInteger, pH1 As ComponentAnimProps,pH2 As ComponentAnimProps,pS_ As ComponentAnimProps,pV_ As ComponentAnimProps,sH1() As Single,sH2() As Single,sS_() As Single,sV_() As Single,DoIncrement As Integer = -1)


	For I As RGBQUAD2 Ptr = @pPalette(0) To @pPalette(mPalUB_)

		'' Two hue streams combined look way gooder
		HSV_.Hue16 = sng1+sng2



End Sub
Sub PalStream_HHSVA(pPalette() As UInteger, pH1 As ComponentAnimProps,pH2 As ComponentAnimProps,pS_ As ComponentAnimProps,pV_ As ComponentAnimProps,pA_ As ComponentAnimProps,sH1() As Single,sH2() As Single,sS_() As Single,sV_() As Single,sA_() As Single,DoIncrement As Integer = -1)

	zPaletteStream_EndPoints pA_,sA_(),sng1,DoIncrement,5

	For I As RGBQUAD2 Ptr = @pPalette(0) To @pPalette(mPalUB_)

		HSV_.Hue16 = sng1+sng2

		zPaletteStream_Component(HSV_.Sat8, pS_,sS_)
		zPaletteStream_Component(HSV_.Val8, pV_,sV_)

		zPaletteStream_Component(I->Alpha, pA_,sA_)


End Sub

' ================================
' gradient value after calculation
' ================================

#Macro Modulus(pValue,pModulus)
	If pValue >= pModulus Then
		pValue -= pmodulus * Int(pValue / pModulus)
	End If
Sub AlphaColor(ByRef RetPixel As UInteger, pPalette() As UInteger, pMu As Single)

Dim As UInteger		base = Int(pMu)
	Tmp__ = RetPixel ''Tmp__ is a shared var

	''This first section interpolates a color
	''between 2 adjacent values in the palette

	Dim As UInteger lAlph = 256 * (pMu - base)
	RetPixel = pPalette(base + 1)
	Dim As UInteger MaskRB = (RetPixel And &H00FF00FF) * lAlph
	Dim As UInteger MaskAG = ((RetPixel And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * lAlph
	lAlph = 256 - lAlph
	RetPixel = pPalette(base)
	MaskRB += (RetPixel And &H00FF00FF) * lAlph
	MaskAG += ((RetPixel And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * lAlph

	''This section calculates the transparency,
	lAlph = MaskAG Shr 24

	MaskRB And= &HFF00FF00
	MaskAG And= &H0000FF00
	MaskRB Shr= 8
	MaskRB *= lAlph
	MaskAG *= lAlph

	lAlph = 255 - lAlph
	RetPixel = Tmp__
	MaskRB += (RetPixel And &H00FF00FF) * lAlph
	MaskAG += (RetPixel And &H0000FF00) * lAlph
'	MaskRB += &H800080
'	MaskAG += &H8000
	MaskRB Shr= 8
	MaskAG Shr= 8

	RetPixel = (MaskRB And &HFF00FF) Or (MaskAG And &HFF00)

End Sub
Sub SmoothColor(ByRef dest As UInteger, pPalette() As UInteger, pMu As Single)
Dim As UInteger      MaskRB,MaskAG,Pixel_,Alpha_

	dest = Int(pMu)
	Alpha_ = 256 * (pMu - dest)
	Pixel_ = pPalette(dest + 1)
	MaskRB = (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
	MaskAG = ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_
	Alpha_ = 256 - Alpha_
	Pixel_ = pPalette(dest)
	MaskRB += (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
	MaskAG += ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_

	MaskRB And= &HFF00FF00
	MaskAG And= &HFF00FF00
	dest = (MaskRB Shr 8) Or MaskAG

End Sub
Sub AlphaColor2(ByRef dest As UInteger, pPalette() As UInteger, pMu As Single)

	'' Step 1 of 2
	''interpolate ARGB betweeen 2 adjacent palette entries

	Dim As UInteger BG_ = Int(pMu)
	Dim As UInteger lAlph = 256 * (pMu - BG_)
	Tmp__ = pPalette(BG_ + 1) ''Tmp__ will be foreground
	BG_ = pPalette(BG_)
	Dim As UInteger OFOF = (BG_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
	Dim As UInteger FOFO = (Tmp__ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
	FOFO *= lAlph
'	FOFO += &H800080	'' "0.5" -> Int(sng + 0.5)
	FOFO += OFOF Shl 8
	FOFO And= &HFF00FF00
	BG_ And= &H00FF00FF
	OFOF = Tmp__ And &H00FF00FF
	OFOF -= BG_			'' RB channels
	OFOF *= lAlph
'	OFOF += &H800080	'' "0.5" -> Int(sng + 0.5)
	OFOF Shr= 8
	OFOF += BG_
	OFOF And= &H00FF00FF

	'' Step 2 of 2
	''blend using alpha onto dest
	'' G channel
	lAlph = FOFO Shr 24
	BG_ = dest And &H0000FF00
	Dim As UInteger OOFO = ((FOFO And &H0000FF00) - BG_) * lAlph '+ &H8000
	OOFO Shr= 8
	OOFO += BG_
	OOFO And= &H0000FF00
	'' R B channels
	dest And= &H00FF00FF
	OFOF -= dest
	OFOF *= lAlph
'	OFOF += &H800080
	OFOF Shr= 8
	OFOF += dest
	OFOF And= &H00FF00FF
	dest = OOFO Or OFOF

End Sub
Sub SmoothColor2(ByRef dest As UInteger, pPalette() As UInteger, pMu As Single)
Dim As UInteger      BG_,FOF

	BG_ = Int(pMu)
	mAlpha = 256 * (pMu - BG_)
	Tmp__ = pPalette(BG_ + 1) ''Tmp__ will be foreground
	BG_ = pPalette(BG_)
	FOF = (BG_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
	dest = (Tmp__ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
	dest -= FOF		'' AG channels
	dest *= mAlpha
'	dest += &H800080
	dest += FOF Shl 8
	dest And= &HFF00FF00
	BG_ And= &H00FF00FF
	FOF = Tmp__ And  &H00FF00FF
	FOF -= BG_	'' RB channels
	FOF *= mAlpha
'	FOF += &H800080	'' "0.5" -> Int(sng + 0.5)
	FOF Shr= 8
	FOF += BG_	
	dest Or= FOF And &H00FF00FF

End Sub
Sub Alpha257(ByRef dest As UInteger,foreground As UInteger,alph As UInteger)
Dim As UInteger temp_ = (dest And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
Dim As UInteger rb_ = dest And &H00FF00FF

	''This sub interprets alpha from 0 to 256


	dest = (foreground And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8
	dest -= temp_	'' AG channels
	dest *= alph
	dest += &H800080	'' "0.5" -> Int(sng + 0.5)
	dest += temp_ Shl 8
	dest And= &HFF00FF00
	temp_ = foreground And &H00FF00FF
	temp_ -= rb_	'' RB channels
	temp_ *= alph
	temp_ += &H800080	'' "0.5" -> Int(sng + 0.5)
	temp_ Shr= 8
	temp_ += rb_

	dest Or= temp_ And &H00FF00FF 

End Sub

'' =================================================
''      Run-time sample 2 (copy to a new file)
''	Tip: Replace all [apostrophe][space] with [empty]
'' =================================================

Code: Select all

#Include "cairo/"

#Include once ""

#If __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using fb
Dim e As EVENT

Type ImageInfo
	As Any ptr							img,pixels
	As cairo_surface_t Ptr			cs
	As Integer							pitch
End Type

Dim Shared As Integer				SCR_W = 480
Dim Shared As Integer				SCR_H = 360

Dim Shared As Integer				WidM: WidM = SCR_W - 1
Dim Shared As integer				HgtM: HgtM = SCR_H - 1
Dim Shared As Single					sngMidx: sngMidx = WidM/2
Dim Shared As Single					sngMidy: sngMidy = HgtM/2
Dim Shared As Single					SCR_DIAGONAL: SCR_DIAGONAL = Sqr(sngMidx^2+sngMidy^2)

#Include ""
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_R()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_G()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_B()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_A1()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_A2()
Dim Shared As GradientRibbon		mGInfo
Dim Shared As ComponentAnimProps	PS_R,PS_G,PS_B,PS_A1,PS_A2

Dim Shared As Single					SuperSample = 2
Dim Shared As Integer				PaletteSize: PaletteSize = SuperSample*Sqr(sngMidx^2+sngMidy^2)
Dim Shared As UInteger				mPalette(PaletteSize)
Dim Shared As Integer 				X,Y
Dim Shared As Single					m_Sng

Dim Shared As Single					sngMap(WidM,HgtM)

Dim Shared As cairo_t Ptr 			cr
Dim Shared As ImageInfo				img_B,img_F,img_Wnd

Sub Cre8(pInfo As ImageInfo)
	pInfo.img = ImageCreate( SCR_W, SCR_H, RGB(255,255,255))
	ImageInfo pInfo.img, ,,, pInfo.pitch, pInfo.pixels
	pInfo.cs = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(pInfo.pixels, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, SCR_W, SCR_H, SCR_W*4)
End Sub
Sub Destr0y(pInfo As ImageInfo)
	cairo_surface_destroy pInfo.cs
	ImageDestroy pInfo.img
End Sub

Sub Checkerboard(pInfo As ImageInfo,CheckerSize As UInteger = 16,pWidM As Integer=WidM,pHgtM As Integer=HgtM,pCheckGray As Byte = 64)
	Dim As UInteger SizeDouble=CheckerSize*2,SizeM=CheckerSize-1
	For Y = 0 To pHgtM Step CheckerSize
		For X = -CheckerSize * ((Y/SizeDouble)=Int(Y/SizeDouble)) To pWidM Step SizeDouble
			Line pInfo.img,(X,Y)-(X+SizeM,Y+SizeM),RGB(pCheckGray,pCheckGray,pCheckGray),BF
End Sub

Sub Blit(cr As cairo_t Ptr, pInfo As ImageInfo)
	cairo_set_source_surface (cr, pInfo.cs, 0, 0)
	cairo_paint (cr)
End Sub
Private Sub NewPal(yBase As Integer=0,yHeight As Integer=19)
	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_R,mGInfo,gradient_R(),305,-50,0.003,0.0041,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_G,mGInfo,gradient_G(),305,-50,0.004,0.0051,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_B,mGInfo,gradient_B(),305,-50,0.005,0.0061,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,3,30,25+Rnd*55,31
	DefComponent PS_A1,mGInfo,gradient_A1(),415,-300,0.0071,0.0079,,,127

	Gradient mGInfo,3,30,25+Rnd*55,31
	DefComponent PS_A2,mGInfo,gradient_A2(),415,-300,0.0057,0.0053,,,128
End Sub

Sub Render(dest As UInteger Ptr)
	Dim As UInteger     	MaskRB,MaskAG,Pixel_,Alpha_

	For y = 0 To HgtM
		For x = 0 To WidM
			''Interpolated color based on 2 adjacent palette entries
			m_Sng = sngMap(x,y)
			*dest = Int(m_Sng)
			Alpha_ = 256 * (m_Sng - *dest)
			Pixel_ = mPalette(*dest + 1)
			MaskRB = (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
			MaskAG = ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_
			Alpha_ = 256 - Alpha_
			Pixel_ = mPalette(*dest)
			MaskRB += (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
			MaskAG += ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_
			MaskRB And= &HFF00FF00
			MaskAG And= &HFF00FF00
			*dest = (MaskRB Shr 8) Or MaskAG
			dest += 1

End Sub

' ------------------------------------------------------
' ================================
' ================================
' ------------------------------------------------------

Dim As Single							xDelt,yDsq,xyDist
For Y = 0 To HgtM
	yDsq = (y-sngMidy)^2
	For x = 0 To WidM
		xDelt = x - sngMidx
		sngMap(x,y) = SuperSample*Sqr(yDsq + xDelt * xDelt)

ScreenRes SCR_W, SCR_H, 32

Cre8 img_F
Cre8 img_B

Checkerboard img_B,,,,0

img_Wnd.cs = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(ScreenPtr, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, SCR_W, SCR_H, SCR_W*4)



	PalStream_RGBAA mPalette(),PS_R,PS_G,PS_B,PS_A1,PS_A2, _

	cr = cairo_create(img_Wnd.cs)
	Blit cr,img_B

	Render img_F.pixels

	Blit cr,img_F
	cairo_destroy cr

	If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
		if e.type = EVENT_KEY_PRESS Then
			Select Case e.scancode
				Case SC_ESCAPE
			Exit Do
				Case Else
			End Select
		End If
	End If

	Sleep 30,1

cairo_surface_destroy img_Wnd.cs
Destr0y img_B
Destr0y img_F


Code: Select all

'' include needed libs

#include once ""
'#include once "/gl/" 
'#include once "/gl/"   

'#include once ""   
'#include once "fbgl2d.bas" 

#If __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using fb

Dim e As EVENT

Dim As Integer							SCR_W = 480
Dim As Integer							SCR_H = 360

Dim Shared As Integer				WidM			:WidM = SCR_W - 1
Dim Shared As integer				HgtM			:HgtM = SCR_H - 1
Dim As Single							sngMidx = WidM/2
Dim As Single							sngMidy = HgtM/2

#Include ""
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_R()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_G()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_B()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_A1()
Dim Shared As Single					gradient_A2()
Dim Shared As GradientRibbon		mGInfo
Dim Shared As ComponentAnimProps	PS_R,PS_G,PS_B,PS_A1,PS_A2

Dim Shared As Single					SuperSample = 2
Dim Shared As Integer				PaletteSize: PaletteSize = SuperSample*Sqr(sngMidx^2+sngMidy^2)
Dim Shared As UInteger				mPalette(PaletteSize)
Dim Shared As Integer 				X,Y
Dim Shared As Single					m_Sng

ScreenRes SCR_W,SCR_H,32
'gl2d.screen_init( SCR_W, SCR_H )

Dim As UInteger Ptr					mPTR
Dim Shared As Integer				pitch_FG
Dim Shared As Any Ptr				pixels_FG
Dim Shared image_BG As Any Ptr:  image_BG = ImageCreate( SCR_W, SCR_H, RGB(255, 255, 255) )
Dim Shared image_FG As Any Ptr:	image_FG = ImageCreate( SCR_W, SCR_H )

ImageInfo image_FG, ,,, pitch_FG, pixels_FG

Sub Checkerboard(CheckerSize As UInteger = 16,pImg_ As Any Ptr, pWidM As Integer,pHgtM As Integer,pCheckGray As Byte = 64)
	Dim As UInteger SizeDouble=CheckerSize*2,SizeM=CheckerSize-1
	For Y = 0 To pHgtM Step CheckerSize
		For X = -CheckerSize * ((Y/SizeDouble)=Int(Y/SizeDouble)) To pWidM Step SizeDouble
			Line pImg_,(X,Y)-(X+SizeM,Y+SizeM),RGB(pCheckGray,pCheckGray,pCheckGray),BF
End Sub

Private Sub NewPal(yBase As Integer=0,yHeight As Integer=19)
	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_R,mGInfo,gradient_R(),305,-50,0.003,0.0041,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_G,mGInfo,gradient_G(),305,-50,0.004,0.0051,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,2,20,25+Rnd*25,0
	DefComponent PS_B,mGInfo,gradient_B(),305,-50,0.005,0.0061,,,255

	Gradient mGInfo,3,30,25+Rnd*55,31
	DefComponent PS_A1,mGInfo,gradient_A1(),415,-300,0.0071,0.0079,,,127

	Gradient mGInfo,3,30,25+Rnd*55,31
	DefComponent PS_A2,mGInfo,gradient_A2(),415,-300,0.0057,0.0053,,,128
End Sub

'gl2d.load_image_to_HW(Cast(gl2d.image Ptr, image_BG))



Dim As Single							xDelt,yDsq,xyDist
Dim Shared As Single							sngMap(WidM,HgtM)
For Y = 0 To HgtM
	yDsq = (y-sngMidy)^2
	For x = 0 To WidM
		xDelt = x - sngMidx
		sngMap(x,y) = SuperSample*Sqr(yDsq + xDelt * xDelt)

Sub Render
Dim As UInteger      MaskRB,MaskAG,Pixel_,Alpha_
Dim dest As UInteger Ptr = pixels_FG

	For y = 0 To HgtM
		For x = 0 To WidM

			''Interpolated color based on 2 adjacent palette entries
			m_Sng = sngMap(x,y)
			*dest = Int(m_Sng)
			Alpha_ = 256 * (m_Sng - *dest)
			Pixel_ = mPalette(*dest + 1)
			MaskRB = (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
			MaskAG = ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_
			Alpha_ = 256 - Alpha_
			Pixel_ = mPalette(*dest)
			MaskRB += (Pixel_ And &H00FF00FF) * Alpha_
			MaskAG += ((Pixel_ And &HFF00FF00) Shr 8) * Alpha_
			MaskRB And= &HFF00FF00
			MaskAG And= &HFF00FF00
			*dest = (MaskRB Shr 8) Or MaskAG
			dest += 1
End Sub


	PalStream_RGBAA mPalette(),PS_R,PS_G,PS_B,PS_A1,PS_A2, _

	Put (0,0),image_BG,PSET


	Put (0,0),image_FG,Alpha

	If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
		if e.type = EVENT_KEY_PRESS Then
			Select Case e.scancode
				Case SC_ESCAPE
'			gl2d.destroy_image image_BG
			ImageDestroy image_BG
			ImageDestroy image_FG
'			GL2D.destroy()
				Case Else
			End Select
		End If
	End If

'	Flip
	Sleep 30,1

'	mPTR = ScreenPtr
'	ScreenLock
'	Put (0,0),image_BG,PSET
'	For y = 0 To HgtM
'		For x = 0 To WidM
''			SmoothColor *mPTR,mPalette(),sngMap(x,y)
'			AlphaColor *mPTR, mPalette(),sngMap(x,y)
'			mPTR += 1
'		Next
'	Next
'	screenunlock

'Back val 0
'Fore val 1
'Alpha [0 31 63 95 127 159 191 223 255]  Result [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
Posts: 2556
Joined: Jun 13, 2005 23:14
Location: SK, Canada

Post by 1000101 »

TJF wrote:The most CPU friendly blending will be hardware accellerated by the GPU. Have you considered using CAIRO?
The most platform friendly version would be to not use proprietary libs. On win32 use either Direct3D or OpenGL. Both require a little bit of setup but unless you are making the next version in the Fallout series you don't need the extra bloated crap they add in all the wrapper libs (cairo, irrlitchit, etc). The only advantage to those libraries is that they generally they have written most of the container structures and graphics interface code for you. But, why waste (and require) space for 25MB of bloat for your tetris clone?

I'd say learn the basics of OpenGL as it will be infinitely more useful then learning a specific implementation of an OpenGL wrapper. I'm not saying don't use wrappers just don't get sucked into quick'n'easy unless you want to write $%#@ facebook games.
Posts: 3809
Joined: Dec 06, 2009 22:27
Location: N47°, E15°

Post by TJF »

1000101 wrote:The most platform friendly version would be to not use proprietary libs. On win32 use either Direct3D or OpenGL. Both require a little bit of setup but unless you are making the next version in the Fallout series you don't need the extra bloated crap they add in all the wrapper libs (cairo, irrlitchit, etc). The only advantage to those libraries is that they generally they have written most of the container structures and graphics interface code for you. But, why waste (and require) space for 25MB of bloat for your tetris clone?
Cairo isn't a proprietary lib. It's open source like OpenGl, but much smaller (2D only -- well matching for a tetris clone with advanced grafic capabilities). And unlike Direct3D it's cross-platform. And there's no wrapper. Cairo is written in C and the library (DLL on win32) will be directly included from the FB source (like OpneGl).
dafhi wrote:@ TJF - could you check this out ...
When compiling (on Ubuntu 11.04, fbc 0.22) I get lots of warnings:
$ fbc -w pedantic -exx cairo_test.bas warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pComp) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (incAngle1) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (incAngle2) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (pTile) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (rotRadius) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 6 (clipHi) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 7 (clipLo) of Pal_AnimProperties() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pComp) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pRibbon) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (alphaHi) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (alphaLo) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 6 (incAngle1) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 7 (incAngle2) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 8 (pTile) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 9 (rotRadius) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 10 (ClipHi) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 11 (ClipLo) of DefComponent() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (retINFO) of Gradient() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (WidBase) of Gradient() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (WidVari) of Gradient() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (Sections) of Gradient() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (Shatter) of Gradient() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pInput) of GradientVal() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pInfo) of GradientVal() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pDest) of HSVTYPE_To_RGBQUAD() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pSrc) of HSVTYPE_To_RGBQUAD() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pAnimHSV) of zPaletteStream_animDefaults() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pCase) of zPaletteStream_animDefaults() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pInfo) of zPaletteStream_gradientizerDefaults() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pCase) of zPaletteStream_gradientizerDefaults() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pAnimHSV) of zPaletteStream_EndPoints() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pSng) of zPaletteStream_EndPoints() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (DoIncrement) of zPaletteStream_EndPoints() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (DefaultCase) of zPaletteStream_EndPoints() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pR_) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pG_) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (pB_) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (pA1) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 6 (pA2) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 12 (DoIncrement) of PalStream_RGBAA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pH1) of PalStream_HHSV() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pH2) of PalStream_HHSV() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (pS_) of PalStream_HHSV() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (pV_) of PalStream_HHSV() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 10 (DoIncrement) of PalStream_HHSV() warning 4(1): Suspicious pointer assignment warning 4(1): Suspicious pointer assignment warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pH1) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pH2) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (pS_) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (pV_) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 6 (pA_) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 12 (DoIncrement) of PalStream_HHSVA() warning 4(1): Suspicious pointer assignment warning 4(1): Suspicious pointer assignment warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pMu) of AlphaColor() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pMu) of SmoothColor() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pMu) of AlphaColor2() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pMu) of SmoothColor2() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (foreground) of Alpha257() warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (alph) of Alpha257()
cairo_test.bas(45) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pInfo) of Cre8()
cairo_test.bas(51) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pInfo) of Destr0y()
cairo_test.bas(56) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (pInfo) of Checkerboard()
cairo_test.bas(56) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (CheckerSize) of Checkerboard()
cairo_test.bas(56) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 3 (pWidM) of Checkerboard()
cairo_test.bas(56) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 4 (pHgtM) of Checkerboard()
cairo_test.bas(56) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 5 (pCheckGray) of Checkerboard()
cairo_test.bas(65) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (cr) of Blit()
cairo_test.bas(65) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (pInfo) of Blit()
cairo_test.bas(70) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (yBase) of NewPal()
cairo_test.bas(70) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 2 (yHeight) of NewPal()
cairo_test.bas(87) warning 16(0): No explicit BYREF or BYVAL, at parameter 1 (dest) of Render()
But it runs with a window like (the circles are changing color and moving)
  • Image
dafhi wrote:... and give pointers? (no pun intended)
Sorry, I don't understand this.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

the cairo version runs slower. I was wondering if you are familiar enough with Cairo to suggest speed improvements. Thanks for the compiler warnings list. They don't appear here, but I get 'suspicious pointer assignment' messages.

Yeah I'd like to learn opengl. Relsoft's EasyGL thread suggests "render to texture" is what I need
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