
General FreeBASIC programming questions.
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Post by srvaldez »

hi dodicat
that's a clever example :)

you misunderstood, i am translating from PowerBasic to FB and PowerBasic has the Remove function, the first remove function I wrote does indeed remove any substring whereas the second removes any characters that are in the list.
I have an idea about a math parser, that would parse and byte code compile the expression and then you would call the evaluator with the compiled expression, also to make it useful it would need to be able to access variables declared in FB passed to the parser as pointers.
one hurdle that comes to mind is how to store literal numbers in the compiled expression, I guess you could use MKD.
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Location: California, USA

Post by albert »

@SRValdez @Dodicat

what i was implying in my post was a method kind of like:

Code: Select all

INSTR(1 , str, ANY "+-*\/" ) but to evaluate a single CHR(?)

char = mid( str , loc , 1 )  :  if char = ANY "-+*\/" then  ??  
char = str[ loc ]               :  if char = ANY "65 , 66 , 67" then ?? 

Rather than:  IF char=65 OR char=66 OR char=67 then ???
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Post by dodicat »

I have seen some parsers use mkd.
I have a bit of a quandry at the moment, not code, but hardware.
A vista machine 2.5Gb, twin dual core does in .08 second what my machine does in 4 seconds.
My machine is 3.0 Gb, twin dual core, xp pro.
Strange and annoying.
Albert registers about 30 seconds for 360 x 360 evals (the VB one), I gave up waiting after 20 minutes, and the fans were going like fury.

So that's my excuse for lack of progress.
Back to Ebay maybe!
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Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Post by srvaldez »

to my understanding

Code: Select all

INSTR(1 , str, ANY "+-*\/" )
will be true if any of the characters in "+-*\/" are present in str, so it should do what you want.
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Post by albert »


The thing that is; is that its not a string , but a variable.

I just thought it would be nice to have in FB.
Where you could use ANY with a variable to check its value or character.
Instead of a SELECT CASE or a bunch of OR's or AND's..
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Post by dodicat »

Hi Albert.
You can try Randy keeling's rpn parser, it is quite fast on this machine.
Functions are quite easy to add, there are three places in the code to add to, you'll see quite easily where they are.

Code: Select all

'R. KEELING'S RPN PARSER,(From jdebord's mathlib website)
'others can be added

CONST FALSE as Byte = 0 
CONST TRUE as byte = not FALSE 

const MaxOperators as integer = 100 
const MaxExpressions as integer = 100 

'Operator Constants 
const rpnNAO               as Integer = 0         'NOT AN OPERATOR 
CONST rpnLeftParenthesis   as Integer = 1 
CONST rpnRightParenthesis  as Integer = 2 
Const rpnPlus              As integer = 3         '+ 
Const rpnMinus             As integer = 4         '- 
Const rpnMultiply          As integer = 5         '* 
Const rpnDivide            As integer = 6         '/ 
Const rpnPercent           As integer = 7        '% percentage 
Const rpnIntegerDivision   As integer = 8         '\ integer division 
Const rpnPow               As integer = 9         '^ 
Const rpnAbs               As integer = 10         '"abs", "|.|" 
Const rpnAtn               As integer = 11         '"atn" 
Const rpnCos               As integer = 12        '"cos" 
Const rpnSin               As integer = 13        '"sin" 
Const rpnExp               As integer = 14        '"exp" 
Const rpnFix               As integer = 15        '"fix" 
Const rpnInt               As integer = 16        '"int" 
Const rpnLn                As integer = 17        '"ln" 
Const rpnLog               As integer = 18        '"log" 
Const rpnRnd               As integer = 19        '"rnd" 
Const rpnSgn               As integer = 20        '"sgn" 
Const rpnSqr               As integer = 21        '"sqr" 
Const rpnTan               As integer = 22        '"tan" 
Const rpnAcos              As integer = 23        '"acos" 
Const rpnAsin              As integer = 24        '"asin" 
Const rpnCosh              As integer = 25        '"cosh" 
Const rpnSinh              As integer = 26        '"sinh" 
Const rpnTanh              As integer = 27        '"tanh" 
Const rpnAcosh             As integer = 28        '"acosh" 
Const rpnAsinh             As integer = 29        '"asinh" 
Const rpnAtanh             As integer = 30        '"atanh" 
Const rpnmod               As integer = 31        '"mod" 
Const rpnFact              As integer = 32        '"fact", "!" 

declare function ConvertInfixToPostFix(TExpression as String) as string 

declare sub Update(byval _operator as BYTE, ByRef Expression as String, _ 
                        byref OSP as integer,ByRef ESP as integer, _ 
                        OStack() as BYTE, EStack() as String) 

declare Function PushOperator (byval Object as BYTE, _ 
                                 byref StackPointer AS integer, _ 
                                 Stack() as BYTE) as byte 
declare Function PopOperator (byref StackPointer AS integer,_ 
                              Stack() as BYTE) as byte 

declare Function PushExpression (BYREF Object as string, _ 
                           ByRef StackPointer as integer, _ 
                           Stack() as string) as BYTe 

declare Function PopExpression (byref StackPointer AS integer, _ 
                        Stack() as String) as String 

declare FUNCTION GetPriority (_operator AS BYTE) as BYTE 

declare function IsOperator(Item as String) as Byte 

declare function GetOperatorString(_operator as BYTE) as string 

declare function EvalPostFix (PostFixString as String) as double 


function EvalPostFix (PostFixString as String) as double 
'Valid PostFix String is <something><space><something><space>.......<something><space> 
   Dim ExpressionStack (MaxExpressions) as string 
   Dim ESP as integer 
   dim Position as integer 
   dim TokenString as string 
   Dim WorkingString as string 
   dim Var1 as string 
   Dim Var2 as String 
   dim A as double 
   dim B as Double 
   WorkingString = PostFixString 
   ESP = 0 
   Position = instr(WorkingString, " ") 
   If Position = 0 then 
      Print "ERROR" 
   end if 
   do while (Position <> 0) 
      TokenString = Left$(WorkingString,Position-1) 
      WorkingString = mid$(WorkingString, Position+1) 
      Position = instr(WorkingString, " ") 
      select case TokenString 
         case "+" 
            'Pop two values, add them, and then push the answer back 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            Var2 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            B = Val(Var2) 
            PushExpression (str$(B+A), ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
         case "-" 
            'Pop two values, add them, and then push the answer back 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            Var2 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            B = Val(Var2) 
            PushExpression (str$(B-A), ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
         case "*" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            Var2 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            B = Val(Var2) 
            PushExpression (str$(B*A), ESP, ExpressionStack())            
         case "/" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            Var2 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            B = Val(Var2) 
            PushExpression (str$(B/A), ESP, ExpressionStack())            
         case "^" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            Var2 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            B = Val(Var2) 
            PushExpression (str$(B^A), ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
         case "SIN" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(sin(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
         case "COS" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(cos(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
         case "TAN" 
            Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(TAN(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack())
            case "ATN"
           Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(atn(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack())
            case "SQR"
           Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(sqr(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack())
            case "LOG"
           Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(log(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack())
             case "EXP"
           Var1 = PopExpression (ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
            A = val(Var1) 
            PushExpression (str$(exp(a)), ESP, ExpressionStack())
      case else 
         'must be an opperand 
         'when variable and constant support is added, 
         'it could be added here 
         'pass the function and array of variables as strings 
         'i.e Variables(1) might be "x=4.5" 
         '    Variables(2) might be "SigmaZ = 23.55234" 
         'the code would then go through each each index looking for the 
         'variable or constant then replace it on the stack 
         'for now, we'll just push 
         PushExpression (TokenString, ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
      end select    
   EvalPostFix = Val(ExpressionStack(1)) 
end function 

function ConvertInfixToPostFix(TExpression as String) as string 
   Dim OperatorStack (MaxOperators) as BYTE 
   Dim ExpressionStack (MaxExpressions) as String 
   dim OSP as integer 
   dim ESP as integer 
   Dim TokenString as String 
   Dim Token as BYTE 
   dim Position as integer 
   dim Offset as BYTE 
   dim Length as integer 
   Dim Expression as string 
   Dim VariableBuffer as string 
   dim _operator as Byte 
   Dim ErrorCode as Byte 
   dim CheckLeft as string 
   dim Counter as integer 
   dim ReturnAnswer as string 
   Dim TempExpression as string 
   OSP = 0 
   ESP = 0 
   VariableBuffer = "" 
   Expression = Lcase$(TExpression) 
   Length = Len(Expression) 
   Offset = 1 
   Position = 1 
   TokenString = LEFT$(Expression, Offset) 
   'Main loop 
   Do WHILE (NOT ErrorCode) AND (Position <= Length) 
      _operator = FALSE 
      Offset = 1 
         select case TokenString 
         case "+" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnPlus 
         case "-" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnMinus 
         case "*" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnMultiply 
         case "/" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnDivide 
         case "^" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnPow 
         case "(" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnLeftParenthesis 
         case ")" 
            _operator = True 
            Token = rpnRightParenthesis 
         case "a" 
           if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "atn" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnatn 
            end if   
         case "b" 
         case "c" 
            if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "cos" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnCos 
            end if            
         case "e"
           if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "exp" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnexp 
            end if   
         case "f" 
         case "h" 
         case "i" 
         case "j" 
         case "k" 
         case "l"
             if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "log" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnlog 
            end if 
         case "m" 
         case "n" 
         case "o" 
         case "p" 
         case "q" 
         case "r" 
         case "s" 
            if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "sin" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnSin 
            end if 
            if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "sqr" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnSqr 
            end if 
         case "t" 
            if mid$(TExpression,position,3) = "tan" then 
               _operator = True 
               Offset = 3 
               Token = rpnTan 
            end if            
         case "u" 
         case "v" 
         case "w" 
         case "x" 
         case "y" 
         case "z" 
         case else 
      end select    
      IF _operator THEN 
         'check + and - to see if they are unary or binary 
         select case Token 
            case rpnPlus, rpnMinus 
               select case Position 
                  case 1 
                     'if its the first character, then it has to be unary 
                     'in that cass just make it part of the variable 
                     VariableBuffer = VariableBuffer + TokenString 
                  case 2 
                     if left$(Expression,1) = "(" then 
                        'its unary 
                        VariableBuffer = VariableBuffer + TokenString 
                        Update Token, VariableBuffer, OSP,ESP, OperatorStack(),ExpressionStack() 
                     end if 
                  case is > 2 
                     'This could be either one 
                     CheckLeft = MID$(Expression,Position-2,2) 
                     if IsOperator(CheckLeft) then 
                        VariableBuffer = VariableBuffer + TokenString 
                        Update Token, VariableBuffer, OSP,ESP, OperatorStack(),ExpressionStack() 
                     end if 
               end select 
            case else 
               Update Token, VariableBuffer, OSP,ESP, OperatorStack(),ExpressionStack() 
         end select 
         if TokenString <> " " then VariableBuffer = VariableBuffer + TokenString 
      END IF 
      Position = Position + Offset 
      TokenString = MID$(Expression, Position, 1) 

   PushExpression (VariableBuffer, ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
   dim ReturnOperator as BYTE 
   dim ReturnString as String 
   do while OSP <> 0 
      ReturnOperator = PopOperator(OSP,OperatorStack()) 
      ReturnString = GetOperatorString(ReturnOperator) 
      PushExpression (ReturnString, ESP, ExpressionStack()) 
   ReturnAnswer = "" 
   for Counter = 1 to ESP 
      TempExpression = trim$(ExpressionStack(Counter)) 
      if TempExpression <> "" then ReturnAnswer = ReturnAnswer + TempExpression + " " 
   next Counter 
   ConvertInfixToPostFix = ReturnAnswer 
end function 

Function PushOperator (byval Object as BYTE, byref StackPointer AS integer, _ 
                        Stack() as BYTE) as byte 

   StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 
   IF StackPointer > MaxOperators THEN 
     PushOperator = False 
     Stack(StackPointer) = Object 
     PushOperator = True 
   END IF 

END function 

Function PopOperator (byref StackPointer AS integer, _ 
                        Stack() as BYTE) as Byte 

   IF StackPointer = 0 THEN 
      PopOperator = FALSE 
     PopOperator = Stack(StackPointer) 
     StackPointer = StackPointer - 1 
   END IF 

END Function 

Function PushExpression (BYREF Object as string, _ 
                           ByRef StackPointer as integer, _ 
                           Stack() as string) as byte 

   StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 
   IF StackPointer > MaxExpressions THEN 
     PushExpression = False 
     Stack(StackPointer) = Object 
     PushExpression = True 
   END IF 

end function 

Function PopExpression (byref StackPointer AS integer, _ 
                        Stack() as String) as String 

   IF StackPointer = 0 THEN 
      PopExpression = "FALSE" 
     PopExpression = Stack(StackPointer) 
     StackPointer = StackPointer - 1 
   END IF 

END Function 

sub Update(byval _operator as BYTE, ByRef Expression as String, _ 
                        byref OSP as integer,ByRef ESP as integer, _ 
                        OStack() as BYTE, EStack() as String) 
   Dim ReturnPriority as BYTE 
   dim ReturnAnswer as byte 
   dim ReturnOperator as byte 
   dim ReturnString as string 
   ReturnAnswer = PushExpression (Expression, ESP, EStack()) 
   Expression = "" 
   select case _operator 
      case rpnLeftParenthesis 
         ReturnAnswer = PushOperator (_operator, OSP, OStack()) 
      case rpnRightParenthesis 
         ReturnOperator = PopOperator(OSP,OStack()) 
         do while ReturnOperator<>rpnLeftParenthesis 
            ReturnString = GetOperatorString(ReturnOperator) 
            PushExpression (ReturnString, ESP, EStack()) 
            ReturnOperator = PopOperator(OSP,OStack()) 
      case ELSE 
         if OSP = 0 then 
            PushOperator (_operator, OSP, OStack()) 
            ReturnPriority = GetPriority(_operator) 
            if (ReturnPriority > GetPriority(OStack(OSP))) then 
               PushOperator (_operator, OSP, OStack()) 
               Do While (ReturnPriority <= GetPriority(OStack(OSP)) And (OSP <> 0)) 
                  ReturnOperator = PopOperator(OSP,OStack()) 
                  ReturnString = GetOperatorString(ReturnOperator) 
                  PushExpression (ReturnString, ESP, EStack()) 
               PushOperator (_operator, OSP, OStack()) 
            end if 
         end if 
   end select 

end sub 

sub UpdateExpressionStack (Variable as String,StackPointer as integer,Stack() as BYTE) 
end sub 

FUNCTION GetPriority (_operator AS BYTE) as BYTE 
  SELECT CASE _operator 
    CASE rpnLeftParenthesis 
      GetPriority = 10 
    CASE rpnPlus, rpnMinus 
      GetPriority = 30 
    CASE rpnMultiply, rpnDivide, rpnIntegerDivision 
      GetPriority = 40 
    CASE rpnPow            
      GetPriority = 50 
   case else 
      GetPriority = 60 


function IsOperator(Item as String) as Byte 
   select case Right$(Item,1) 
   case "+","-","*","/","\","(" 
   case "e" 
      select case LEFT$(Item,1) 
         case "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","." 
      end select 
   end select 

end function 

function GetOperatorString(_operator as BYTE) as string 
   select case _operator 
   case rpnPlus 
      GetOperatorString = "+" 
   case rpnMinus 
      GetOperatorString = "-" 
   case rpnMultiply 
      GetOperatorString = "*" 
   case rpnDivide 
      GetOperatorString = "/" 
   case rpnPow 
      GetOperatorString = "^" 
   case rpnSin 
      GetOperatorString = "SIN" 
   case rpnCos 
      GetOperatorString = "COS" 
   case rpnTan 
      GetOperatorString = "TAN" 
  case rpnatn
      GetOperatorString = "ATN"
      case rpnsqr
    GetOperatorString = "SQR"
     case rpnlog
    GetOperatorString = "LOG"
    case rpnexp
    GetOperatorString = "EXP"
   case else 
      GetOperatorString = "ERROR" 
   end select 
end function 
#define StrLen(s) *Cast(Integer Ptr,Cast(Integer,@s)+4)
Sub Setvariable(s As String,REPLACE_THIS As String,WITHTHIS As Double)' As String
    var position=Instr(s,REPLACE_THIS)
    While position>0
        s=Mid(s,1,position-1) & WITH_THIS & Mid(s,position+StrLen(REPLACE_THIS))
End Sub
function eval(s as string) as double
       dim as string postfix=ConvertInfixToPostFix (s)
       return EvalPostFix(postfix)
   end function

'_____________ END EVAL _________________________________  
Type bar
    As Integer x,y,l,d,percent
    As Uinteger col
End Type
Dim As Integer percentage
#define progress(value,lower,upper) 100*(value-lower)/(upper-lower)

Sub progressbar(b As bar)
    Line(b.x+1,b.y+1)-( (b.l*b.percent/100+b.x),b.y+b.d-1),b.col,bf
End Sub
Dim  As bar b
'end progress

Screen 19,32
Dim As String main1,work1
Print main1
Dim deg1 As Double
Dim deg2 As Double
Dim deg3 As Double 

#macro _update()


Print "formatted1"
Print work1    
Print eval(work1), Sin(.5)*Cos(.007)+Tan(.009)+Atn(deg1/3)+deg3


Print "formatted2"
Print work1
Print eval(work1), Sin(13)*Cos(13)+Tan(13)+Atn(13/3)+deg3

Dim As Double value,t1,t2,loopsize=50

For deg1 =1 To loopsize
    For deg2=1 To loopsize
        For deg3=1 To loopsize
        Next deg3
    Next deg2
Next deg1

Print "time for ";loopsize^3;" evals = ";t2-t1
''print eval("exp(1)")

Posts: 6000
Joined: Sep 28, 2006 2:41
Location: California, USA

Post by albert »


The jdebord library is the "fbeval.bi" it seem that Keeling added the arc functions and hyperbolics ..

It ran in 22 seconds for 125000 counts..
but thats just for one formula, and i got x1,x2,y1,y2 and z1.. so it would work out to 100 seconds and longer formula would be longer time.

What i'm working on is a way to preparse each fromula and set it up into an array of execution orders. and then just plug the vars in with the function calls..


I figure; if the formula is static and only the var values change then there is no need to parse the whole formula each iteration.


array(1) = c2*r2*s2 -> array(2)
array(2) = sin( <- array(1) *c2) -> array(3) )
array(3) = cos( d1*r1* <-array(2) ) -> array(4)
array(4) = array(3) * log(d2*r2*c2)

something like the above!!! ??? !!!
Posts: 547
Joined: May 27, 2005 6:20
Location: Limoges, France

Post by jdebord »

Did you try SEE (Simple Expression Evaluator) by krcko ?

I store a copy on my website:

http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/jean.d ... th/see.zip

It has a very nice mechanism to add functions from the calling program.
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Post by dodicat »

Mouse wheel surface with floating points, put in perspective.

Code: Select all

Dim Shared As Integer xres,yres
Screen 20,32
Screeninfo xres,yres
Type vector3d
    As Single x,y,z
End Type
#define vct type<vector3d>

Dim Shared As vector3d eyepoint
Dim Shared Rx(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared Ry(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared Rz(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared pivot_vector(1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared new_pos(1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared temp1(1 To 3) As Single
Dim Shared temp2(1 To 3) As Single
Operator + (v1 As vector3d,v2 As vector3d) As vector3d
Return Type<vector3d>(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z)
End Operator

Operator -(v1 As vector3d,v2 As vector3d) As vector3d
Return Type<vector3d>(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z)
End Operator

Operator * (f As Single,v1 As vector3d) As vector3d
Return Type<vector3d>(f*v1.x,f*v1.y,f*v1.z)
End Operator
Function r(first As Double, last As Double) As Double
    Function = Rnd * (last - first) + first
End Function

Function apply_perspective(p As vector3d) As vector3d
    Dim As Single   w=(p.z*(-1)/300+1)*.75
    Return vct((p.x-eyepoint.x)/w+eyepoint.x,(p.y-eyepoint.y)/w+eyepoint.y,(p.z-eyepoint.z)/w+eyepoint.z)
End Function
Sub framecounter
    Static As Double frame,fps
    Static As Double t1,t2
    If frame>=fps Then
        t1 = Timer
        fps = frame/(t1-t2)
        Windowtitle "Frames per second = " & fps
    End If
End Sub
Function rotatepoint3d(Byval pivot As vector3d,_  
    Byval pt As vector3d,_  
    Byval angle As vector3d,_ 
    Byval dilator As Single=1) As vector3d  
    #macro mv(m1,v,ans)
    For i As Integer=1 To 3
        For k As Integer = 1 To 3
        Next k
    Next i
    #define cr 0.0174532925199433
    Dim angle_radians As vector3d=Type<vector3d>(cr*angle.x,cr*angle.y,cr*angle.z)
    Dim s As Single=Any
    'rotat1on matrices about the three axix
    mv (Rx,pivot_vector,temp1)           
    mv (Ry,temp1,temp2)
    mv (Rz,temp2,new_pos)
    Return Type<vector3d>(new_pos(1),new_pos(2),new_pos(3))
End Function

Sub blow(a() As vector3d,mag As Single)
    For z As Integer=1 To Ubound(a)
    Next z
End Sub

Sub translate(a() As vector3d,pt As vector3d)
    For z As Integer=1 To Ubound(a)
    Next z
End Sub

Function vertex(piv As vector3d,p1 As vector3d,ang As vector3d,dil As Single,col As Uinteger) As Single
    var _temp1=rotatepoint3d(piv,p1,ang,dil)
    Return _temp1.z
End Function

Sub set_perspective(x As Single,y As Single,z As Single,minz As Single,maxz As Single)
End Sub
#macro combsort(array,comp)
    var size=Ubound(array),switch=0,j=0
    Dim As Single void=size
        void=void/1.3: If void<1 Then void=1
        For i As Integer =1 To size-void
            If comp(i)>comp(j) Then 
                Swap array(i),array(j): switch=1
                Swap comp(i),comp(j)
                Swap col(i),col(j)
            End If
    Loop Until  switch =0 And void=1
End Scope

Redim Shared As vector3d e(0)
Dim count As Integer
Redim Shared As Uinteger col(0)
For x As Single=-1 To 1 Step .02
    For y As Single=-1 To 1 Step .02
        Redim Preserve e(count)
        Redim Preserve col(count)
    Next y
Next x


Dim As Single dilation=.2
Dim As vector3d piv,ang

Dim As String i
Dim As Single zeds(Ubound(e)),_mw
Dim As Uinteger colour
Dim As Integer mx,my,mw
Dim As Single startdilation=.2
    Getmouse mx,my,mw
    For z As Integer=1 To Ubound(e)
    Next z
    Sleep 1,1
Loop Until i=Chr(27)

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Joined: Sep 28, 2006 2:41
Location: California, USA

Post by albert »

I put the SEE into Trigonometry_Designer_Windows_V1 on the projects page. it does okay in 2D mode but in GL mode it just stops.
We had to fill an array with the outputs and then hand the array off to GL

But it takes 1 minute to 10 minutes to fill the array depending on the 5 formulas lengths.
So i figured the formulas need to be preparsed, into simple execution orders and then plug the variable values in. JIT parsing is just too slow.


@Dodicat I get 10 to 12 frames a second. its kinda of like open GL.
Posts: 6000
Joined: Sep 28, 2006 2:41
Location: California, USA

Post by albert »

I'm making progress on the preparser..

Code: Select all

Declare SUB parse(byval inputs as string )
redim shared as string function_array()

dim as string equation = "Sin(cos(d1*d2*log(r1*r2*c2)*d2*r2)*c2*s2)*tan(d2*r2*s2)"


    for a as integer = 0 to ubound(function_array)
        print function_array(a)


SUB parse(byval inputs as string )
    dim as string formula = inputs
    redim as string function_array( 0 to len(formula) )
    'fill array elements 
    for a as integer = lbound(function_array) to ubound(function_array) step 1
    function_array(0)=string(len(formula)," ")
    dim as ubyte char
    dim as integer indx
    dim as integer l_p = lbound(function_array(0))
    dim as integer r_p = lbound(function_array(0))
    dim as integer elements=0
    for indx = 0 to (len(formula)-1) step 1
        char = formula[indx]
        if char = 40 then l_p+=1
        if char = 41 then l_p-=1:r_p=l_p+1
        if char=40 then
            if l_p>elements then elements=l_p
        elseif char=41 then
            if r_p>elements then elements=r_p
        end if
    'shrink array to smallest possible
    redim preserve function_array(elements)
    'setup parse levels
    dim as string innards
    for a as integer = ubound(function_array(0)) to 1 step -1
        l_p = instr( r_p+1, function_array(a), chr(40) )
        r_p = instr( l_p+1, function_array(a), chr(41) )
        do while (r_p<>0) and (l_p<>0)
            innards = mid(function_array(0), (l_p+1), ((r_p-l_p)-1) )
            mid(function_array(a), (l_p+1), ((r_p-l_p)-1) ) = innards
            mid(function_array(0), (l_p+1), ((r_p-l_p)-1) ) = string(len(innards)," ")
            l_p = instr( r_p+1, function_array(a), chr(40) )
            r_p = instr( l_p+1, function_array(a), chr(41) )
end sub

Its still going down a line with the "("
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Post by srvaldez »

hi dodicat
I think your Setvariable needs work, if you hapen to have a variable n=1 then sin( becomes si1(
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Location: Scotland

Post by dodicat »

srvaldez wrote:hi dodicat
I think your Setvariable needs work, if you hapen to have a variable n=1 then sin( becomes si1(
Hi srvaldez.
Well, you should make the variables a couple or more characters long to avoid clashes with function names.
It just does a find and replace job to try and keep up the speed.
I would have to do a comparison with all names otherwise, and give an error with a clash, easily enough done I suppose with instr.

I think that my VB eval is slow on this machine because I have VB6 installed (Emule)
Can't think of any other reason.
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Location: California, USA


Post by albert »

I ported my "Abstract-147" to openGL with a z_axis.

Code: Select all

'Begin code
#include once "GL/gl.bi"
#include once "GL/glu.bi"

'console printed instructioins.
screen 0
print "Press Esc to EXIT"
print "-----------------------------------------"
print "Press Space-bar to stop all motion       "
print "-----------------------------------------"
print "Left , Right Arrows to rotate on X - Axis"
print "  Up ,  Down Arrows to rotate on Y - Axis"
print " R_Shft to reset U/D , L/R rotate values "
print "-----------------------------------------"
print " (+) , (-) , (Enter) to control spin     "
print " (Q) , (W) , (E) to control zoom level   "
print " (A) , (S) , (D) to control U/D shift    "
print " (Z) , (X) , (C) to control L/R shift    "
print " (R) , (T)       to control RED   LEVEL  "
print " (F) , (G)       to control GREEN LEVEL  "
print " (V) , (B)       to control BLUE  LEVEL  "
print "-----------------------------------------";

'for general trig looping and values
dim as double r1       = atn(1)/45
dim as double d1
dim as double deg1_start =   0
dim as double deg1_end   = 360
dim as double deg1_inc   =   1
dim as double r2       = atn(1)/45
dim as double d2
dim as double deg2_start =   0
dim as double deg2_end   = 360
dim as double deg2_inc   =   1
dim as double c1
dim as double c2
dim as double s1
dim as double s2

dim as double out_x
dim as double out_y
dim as double out_z

'set up data type for x,y,z
Type Vector3D
    As double x1
    as double y1
    as double z1
End Type

Redim As Vector3D points(0)
Dim As Ulongint ub , count 'for putting x,y,z points into type array
    For d1 = deg1_start To deg1_end Step deg1_inc
        For d2 = deg2_start To deg2_end Step deg2_inc
            Redim Preserve points(count)
            points(count).x1 = c1
            points(count).x1+=(   c1*cos(cos(d2*r2)*s2/c1)*cos(d2*r2*(c1*c2)/s1)*cos(s1*d2*r2)*c2*s1*2.7)
            points(count).y1 = s1
            points(count).y1+=(   s1*sin(sin(d2*r2)*c2/s1)*sin(d2*r2*(s1*s2)/c1)*sin(c1*d2*r2)*c2*s1*2.7)
            points(count).z1 = c2+s2
        Next d2
    Next d1
    'setup OpenGL screen
    dim as integer xres,yres
    windowtitle "Abstract-147"
    screen 19
    screeninfo xres,yres
    Screenres xres,yres,24,1,2
    glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
    gluPerspective 18 , xres/yres , .1, 500
    glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
    glblendfunc GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE
    glpointsize 1
    glenable gl_blend
    'for OpenGl transition,rotation
    Dim As double GL_X,GL_Y,GL_Z
    dim as double xt, yt, zt=-15  'transition variables
    dim as double xr, yr, zr      'rotation variables
    dim as double xrs=.5,yrs=.5,zrs=.5' transitions of camera
    dim as ubyte red= 150, green=75, blue=25
    'do loop through points( array )
    dim as ubyte status=1
    DO WHILE status=1
        gltranslatef xt, yt, zt
        glrotatef xr, 1, 0, 0
        glrotatef yr, 0, 1, 0
        glrotatef zr, 0, 0, 1        
        glbegin gl_points
        For loopy As ulongint = 1 To ub
            'map point to screen
            GL_X = -points(loopy).x1 
            GL_Y = -points(loopy).y1
            GL_Z =  points(loopy).z1
            glcolor3ub red , green , blue
            glvertex3f GL_X, GL_Y , GL_Z
        Next loopy
        'check for keys being pressed
        if multikey(&h01) then status = 0 ' esc key to quit
        xrs = xrs + (multikey(&h50)/10) - (multikey(&h48)/10) 'left & right arrows
        yrs = yrs + (multikey(&h4D)/10) - (multikey(&h4B)/10) 'up & down arrows
        zrs = zrs + (multikey(&h0C)/10) - (multikey(&h4E)/10) 'plus & minus on the keypad
        xr = xr - xrs
        yr = yr - yrs
        zr = zr - zrs
        zt = zt + ((multikey(&h10)/2) - (multikey(&h11)/2)) ' q , w zoom in out
        yt = yt + ((multikey(&h1E)/2) - (multikey(&h1F)/2)) ' a , s shift left,right
        xt = xt + ((multikey(&h2C)/2) - (multikey(&h2D)/2)) ' z , x shift up,down
        red   = red   +((multikey(&h13)) - (multikey(&h14))) ' r , t adjust red level
        green = green +((multikey(&h21)) - (multikey(&h22))) ' f , g adjust green level
        blue  = blue  +((multikey(&h2f)) - (multikey(&h30))) ' v , b adjust blue level
        if multikey(&h39) then xrs=0 : yrs=0 : zrs=0  ' SPACE-BAR = stop all transitions
        if multikey(&h1C) then  xr=0 :  yr=0 : zr=0   ' "Enter Key" reset spin to zero
        if multikey(&h36) then 'right_shift key, to reset GL_X,GL_Y rotation values
            xr =0:yr =0
        end if
        if multikey(&h12) then zt=-15        ' "E key" reset zoom level
        if multikey(&h20) then yt= 0         ' "D key" reset UP/DOWN    position to center
        if multikey(&h2E) then xt =0         ' "C key" reset Left/Right position to center


It uses the " fill_array " method and then pases the array to GL.

Those "Golden Dawn" and hermetics orders people might like it..
Posts: 1650
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Post by dafhi »

albert that looks amazing