sorry for my poor english!
I've written a new freebasic IDE is called -- poseidonFB
code by D programming language and IUP framework and based on Scintilla component
(Windows: LDC 1.39.0 + IUP rev5947 )
(Windows XP: D 1.076 + Tango 0.99.9 +IUP 3.27 )
(Linux: LDC 1.39.0 + IUP rev5943 )
*IUP build using Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 - standalone C++ tools on Windows, so we need install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages(x86)(x64 )
*The modified IUP dynamic libraries had include in 7z / AppImage, no need to install IUP
*Since rev.505 using D 2.x, the compiler support Windows operating system, Windows 7 or later, 32 or 64 bit, the XP system won't work anymore
PoseidonFB support:
1. Syntax highlighting
2. Project manager
3. Autocompletion & Calltip
4. Function / Type / Variable... treeview
5. Find / Replace in document or project
6. Jump to defintion
7. Utf-8/16/32 decode & encode
8. Debug
9. Compile / Quick run / Build project
10. etc......
Please enjoy it!
Japanese translated intro: ... donFB.html
Source Code:
poseidonFB Manual:
Download: Bitbucket Download -> Download repository
Win32 / Win64:poseidonFB.7z V0.552(2024/11/10)
Linux 64bit:poseidonFB_x64 V0.552(Built and tested at Linuxmint XFCE 21.3)(2024/11/10)
Since 2021.08.14, just commit new release using AppImage package for linux, no need to install IUP libraries
Plugin: ... rc/master/
Window 10:
Window 7:
Linux 64:( Linux Mint 17.3 Xfce 64bit )
( V0.552: Fixed 'New Folder' icon on 'Project Panel'; added search path of includes in project dir )
( V0.551: Fixed the first -d( preprocessor's define ) in 'Compile Opts' not working bugs; fixed 'Show Type' at extends member only show once bug; added 'Project Reparse' )
( V0.550: Fixed infinite loop crash bug while variable's type is same as name )
( V0.549: Many bugs fixed )
( V0.548: Fixed codecompletion error in member function blocks )
( V0.547: Fixed member-function codecompletion bug( about nested TYPE )
( V0.546: Added Protected / Private outline items color settings on Windows )
( V0.545: Modified TYPE(alias) parser and autocomplete )
( V0.544: Added Integer<bit> parser; added TYPE AS parser; made outline selected node highlight color more clear(Windows); added experimental 'MACRO Concatenation ' parser option )
( V0.543: Modified to show Macro 'Function Title' and correct autocomplete )
( V0.542: Re-Enabled Macro in autocomplete(Outline / Calltip / ShowType ) )
( V0.541: Fixed 'Keyword case conversion' not work bug; added ilya-master's new color templates )
( V0.540: Deprecated 'Use Autocomplete Manually", use setting 'Autocompletion Trigger' = 0 instead; fixed built-in function calltip disappear bug; fixed TLS variables bug )
( V0.539: Reduce parse action to speed up; added 'Use Autocomplete Manually' option, the complete list and calltip will not show automatically; modified parser to show correct protection of use 'dim' variable in TYPE body )
( V0.538: Fixed extends class infinite loop bugs )
( V0.537: Fixed 'Outline Seach' crashed bug while no result; added 'Conditional Compilation' options in preference dialog )
( V0.536: Fixed dialog gone bug while closing poseidon in minimized status; modified 'Function Title'; modified searching rule for parsed nodes )
( V0.535: V0.535: Added more editable keys and new item in 'Short-Cut'; modified 'Outline Search' on linux )
( V0.534: For linux 'Outline' quick search fixed )
( V0.533: Modified 'Left-View HLT' in Preference and fixed scrollbar color bug in darkmode )
( V0.532: Windows darkmode theme modified )
( V0.531: Modified 'Quick Run' saved temp file using document encoding; modified Darkmode )
( V0.530: Fixed autocomplete list show type error )
( V0.529: Modified autocomplete dialog position )
( V0.528: Windows fixes about dark mode colors( like title bar.....etc ) )
( V0.527: Fixed "Delete Existed Execute File" crash bug while the file is running; modified "exit poseidon" behave )
( V0.526: Fixed launch from .bas/.bi incorrect dir issue )
( V0.525: Modified autocomplete about ENUMMEMBER -- FBC can use member of named Enum directly; added show type / autocomplete list information about ENUMMEMBER )
( V0.524: Fixed wrong folder color of 'New Pjoject' bug; modified iup_scintilla.dll to fixed autocomplete list item height on Windows; modified call manual and Goto Definition on includes now can work when 'Enable Parser' is off; modified Descent and Ascent range to -10~10; modified linux default chm viewer, use VANYA's CHMVIEW gtk2 and gtk3 version; modified consoleLauncher output window size on linux )
( V0.523: Fixed 'Focus' action in 'Project Properties' on linux )
( V0.522: Fixed 'Compile' at NONAME#?.bas saveas crash bug; modified linux terminal command )
( V0.521: Modified compile output to more accurate; 'Clear All' added remove *.asm; *.c; *.ll; <source>.pp.bas; <name>.def; lib<name>.dll.a; fixed custom dialog color bug; modified manual dialog )
( V0.520: Fixed ... le-and-run bug; fixed type(Alias) not worked bug; fixed debugger backtrace display error bug )
( V0.519: Fixed READONLY couldn't changed settings in Preference on linux; fixed crash when no project but use 'Build' or 'Build All' bug; fixed include complete not work on source dir bug; fixed Ctrl-Q (Autocomplete) not work for calltip and include complete; improved linux multi-thread stability )
( V0.518: Fixed annotation text message was gone and double-click on output panel not worked error )
( V0.517: Deprecated 'Output Use Scintilla', now output panel is force use scintilla component; added 'Enable Compile at Back Thread' option on linux( modified code to thread safe about using IUP ); modified project files send to compiler using relative path under project dir( avoid arg string too long error ); fixed 'Set As Main Module' was gone error )
( V0.516: Speed up the codecompletion; modified all actions of 'Build' to back thread (while enable on Windows) )
( V0.515: Modified code about debug; little speed up for codecompletion; modified #elseif parser )
( V0.514: Fixed convert string to int error bug on linux; fixed project inc path lost bug )
( V0.513: Fixed convert hex string to unsigned int error bug; added #define symbolname TYPE<typename> parser; fixed exception of execution error when project and single file are coexisting )
( V0.512: Fixed linker error message not display while compile OK but got warning message; added 'Var symbolname = TYPE<typename>' parser; added 'Project TIP' on statusbar )
( V0.511: Fixed statusbar "Mojibake"; fixed key-in 'Using' occur infinite loop alarm; added 'Output Use Scintilla' option; updated English.lng and Traditional Chinese.lng )
( V0.510: Fixed *.lng load crash poseidon error; modified outline real fullpath issue about OS; added scintilla extra ascent/descent settings; updated iup/iup_scintilla version using dll14; updated English.lng and Traditional Chinese.lng )
( V0.509: Remove DarkMode dll dependencies (Windows); fixed hang error while 'Enable Compile At Back Thread' is OFF )
( V0.508: Ready for LDC( llvm based D compiler ) )
( V0.507: Fixed include complete bug; fixed "Mojibake" of tips )
( V0.506: Ready for Win64 and linux64 version; modified message while got warning )
( V0.505: Big change, now poseidon build under D2; added support DarkMode, modified iup_scintilla to support colorize autocomplete popup window on Windows )
( V0.504: Fixed "Mojibake" in 'Preference dialog'; modified iup_scintilla to colorize autocomplete list on Windows )
( V0.503: For winXP, IUP3.27 version; updated Simplified Chinese.lng, thanks to lzw-723 )
( V0.502: Fixed "HTML APP Path" not work at menu item bug (Linux only) )
( V0.501: Modified parser for nested TYPE; added "HTML APP Path" on linux version )
( V0.500: Fixed folding doesn't work properly bug; modified 'ShowType' not worked after 'this.'; modified 'Evaluate' window while debug; fixed 'New / Save As' without ext name bug )