Action animations and agent states

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Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

This is just to demo how I handled the animations (actions) using a user defined type called strips. The strip type holds data for the number the of frames, frame rate, current frame, position in sprite sheet, and size of image which in this case is 64x64.

The agent state transitions is handled by changeState(agent)

Here is a link to the sprite sheet commissioned by Leopardpm that I used.
I downloaded goblin_lumberjack_red.png as I think the red stands out.
Load the sprite sheet into a paint program and resave it as goblinRed.bmp
I loaded them into MS PAINT and the transparency was lost but for this demo I wasn't using the transparency so it didn't matter.

The demo uses a tile world and tile collisions. A red border around the goblin shows the size of the image and the blue box shows the collision box of the sprite which collides with tiles with objects.

The red tiles would hold an image of a tree to be chopped into logs.

Finite State Machine:
The agent walks about in the "walk_with_axe" state until it hit a tile with a tree (red tile). The red tile turns into a walkable tile. It then goes into the "chopping" state for a fixed number of cycles. It then goes into the "walk_with_logs" state until it hits a border tile (pink). It releases the logs (animation not shown yet) and returns to the "walk_with_axe" state.

When I get in the mood I will add the picking up and placing down of logs animations along with an isometric version with images for trees.

Code: Select all

const WORLDW  = 25    'dimensions of world in tiles
const WORLDH  = 25
const TILEW   = 16    'used in collision detection not size of image
const TILEH   = 16
const SCRW    = 1280  'screen dimensions
const SCRH    = 600
const POSX    = 32    'top/left position of 2D display
const POSY    = 32

const WALK_WITH_AXE  = 1
const WALK_WITH_LOGS = 2
const CHOPPING       = 3
const PICK_UP_LOGS   = 4
const PUT_DOWN_LOGS  = 5

dim shared as integer hitItem,hitx,hity  'item hit and tile coordinates
dim shared as integer foundItem
dim shared as integer counter        'count for chopping

screenres SCRW,SCRH,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls

dim shared as any ptr goblinSheet
goblinSheet = imagecreate(2432,512)
bload "goblinRedT.bmp",goblinSheet
put (0,0),goblinSheet,trans

'create a tile world and read data
dim shared as integer world(WORLDW,WORLDH)
for j as integer = 0 to WORLDH-1
    for i as integer = 0 to WORLDW-1
        read world(i,j)
    next i
next j

type AGENT
    as integer x         'current position of image
    as integer y
    as integer w
    as integer h
    as integer hx        'hit and positioning box within image
    as integer hy
    as integer hw
    as integer hh
    as integer xd        'velocity in pixel change
    as integer yd
    as integer d         'direction of travel
    as integer ID
    as integer state     'current state agent is in
    as integer a         'this sprite is being used if a = 1
    as integer item      'item held by agent
end type

dim shared as AGENT ag1
ag1.x = 12*16     'top left corner of image
ag1.y = 12*16
ag1.w = 64      'dimensions of image
ag1.h = 64
ag1.hx = 24     'displacement within image block of collision rectangle
ag1.hy = 44     'of sprite positioning rectangel
ag1.hw = TILEW  'tile collision and sprite postioning rectangle dimensions
ag1.hh = TILEH
ag1.xd = 2
ag1.yd = 2
ag1.d  = 3
ag1.item = 0    'id of item held by agent
ag1.state = 1   'walking with axe

    as integer x,y,w,h '
    as integer f,d     'frame and direction
    as integer tf      'total frames
end type

sub drawStrip(s as STRIPS)
    put (ag1.x,ag1.y),goblinSheet,(s.f*s.w+s.x,ag1.d*s.h)-(s.f*s.w+s.w-1+s.x,ag1.d*s.h+s.h-1),trans
    s.f = s.f + 1
    if s.f >= then s.f = 0
end sub

dim shared as STRIPS strip(0 to 4)

strip(0).tf = 1   'stop
strip(0).f  = 0
strip(0).d  = 0
strip(0).x  = 0
strip(0).y  = 0
strip(0).w  = 64
strip(0).h  = 64

strip(1).tf = 8   'walk with axe
strip(1).f  = 0
strip(1).d  = 0
strip(1).x  = 4*64
strip(1).y  = 0
strip(1).w  = 64
strip(1).h  = 64

strip(2).tf = 8   'walk with logs
strip(2).f  = 0
strip(2).d  = 0
strip(2).x  = 12*64
strip(2).y  = 0
strip(2).w  = 64
strip(2).h  = 64

strip(3).tf = 6   'chop logs state
strip(3).f  = 0
strip(3).d  = 0
strip(3).x  = 20*64
strip(3).y  = 0
strip(3).w  = 64
strip(3).h  = 64

strip(4).tf = 4   'pick up logs
strip(4).f  = 0
strip(4).d  = 0
strip(4).x  = 26*64
strip(4).y  = 0
strip(4).w  = 64
strip(4).h  = 64

function spriteCollision(b1 as AGENT,b2 as AGENT) as boolean
    return (b2.y) < (b1.y + b1.h) and (b2.y + b2.h) > (b1.y) and (b2.x) < (b1.x + b1.w) and (b2.x + b2.w) > (b1.x)
end function

function tileCollision(ag as AGENT) as integer
    dim as integer hit = 0
    dim as integer TILEX,TILEY
    dim as integer px,py
    px = ag.x+ag.hx-POSX   'displacement within image of hit block
    py = ag.y+ag.hy-POSY
    'test overlap of another tile
    TILEX = int(px/TILEW)
    TILEY = int(py/TILEH)
    if world(TILEX,TILEY)<>0 then
        hit = world(TILEX,TILEY)
        hitx = TILEX
        hity = TILEY
    end if

    TILEX = int((px+TILEW-1)/TILEW)
    TILEY = int((py)/TILEH)
    if world(TILEX,TILEY)<>0 then
        hit = world(TILEX,TILEY)
        hitx = TILEX
        hity = TILEY
    end if

    TILEX = int((px)/TILEW)
    TILEY = int((py+TILEH-1)/TILEH)
    if world(TILEX,TILEY)<>0 then
        hit = world(TILEX,TILEY)
        hitx = TILEX
        hity = TILEY
    end if
    TILEX = int((px+TILEW-1)/TILEW)
    TILEY = int((py+TILEH-1)/TILEH)
    if world(TILEX,TILEY)<>0 then
        hit = world(TILEX,TILEY)
        hitx = TILEX
        hity = TILEY
    end if
    return hit
end function

function outOfBounds(ag as AGENT) as boolean
    dim as integer px,py
    px = ag.x+ag.hx
    py = ag.y+ag.hy  'top/left corner of collision box
    return (px < POSX) or (px >= WORLDW*TILEW-TILEW+POSX) or (py < POSY) or (py >= WORLDH*TILEH-TILEH+POSY) 'then
end function

sub setDirection(ag as AGENT)
    If ag.xd < 0 and ag.yd = 0 then ag.d = 6 'left
    If ag.xd > 0 and ag.yd = 0 then ag.d = 2 'right
    If ag.yd < 0 and ag.xd = 0 then ag.d = 0 'up
    If ag.yd > 0 and ag.xd = 0 then ag.d = 4 'down

    If ag.xd < 0 and ag.yd < 0 then ag.d = 7  'W up/left
    If ag.xd > 0 and ag.yd > 0 then ag.d = 3  'A down/right
    If ag.yd < 0 and ag.xd > 0 then ag.d = 1  'S down/left
    If ag.yd > 0 and ag.xd < 0 then ag.d = 5  'D up/right
end sub

sub makeMove(ag as AGENT)
    ag.x = ag.x + ag.xd
    ag.y = ag.y + ag.yd
end sub

sub undoMove(ag as AGENT)
    ag.x = ag.x - ag.xd 'undo move
    ag.y = ag.y - ag.yd
end sub
sub changeDirection(ag as AGENT)
    ag.xd = int(rnd(1)*3)-1
    ag.yd = int(rnd(1)*3)-1
    while ag.xd = 0 and ag.yd = 0 '(ag.dx and ag.dy) or (ag.dx=0 and ag.dy=0)
        ag.xd = int(rnd(1)*3)-1
        ag.yd = int(rnd(1)*3)-1 
    ag.xd = ag.xd * 2
    ag.yd = ag.yd * 2
end sub

sub drawWorld()
    line (POSX,POSY)-(WORLDW*TILEW+POSX,WORLDH*TILEH+POSY),rgb(181,230,29),bf
    drawStrip(strip(ag1.state)) 'show animation for this state
    for j as integer = 0 to WORLDH-1
        for i as integer = 0 to WORLDW-1
            if world(i,j)=1 then
                line (i*TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+POSY)-(i*TILEW+TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+TILEH+POSY),rgb(200,10,0),bf
            end if
            if world(i,j)=2 then
                line (i*TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+POSY)-(i*TILEW+TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+TILEH+POSY),rgb(20,100,200),bf
            end if
            if world(i,j)=3 then
                line (i*TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+POSY)-(i*TILEW+TILEW+POSX,j*TILEH+TILEH+POSY),rgb(200,100,100),bf
            end if
        next i
    next j
    line (ag1.x,ag1.y)-(ag1.x+ag1.w-1,ag1.y+ag1.h-1),rgb(255,0,0),b  'border image
    line (ag1.x+ag1.hx,ag1.y+ag1.hy)-(ag1.x+ag1.hx+ag1.hw-1,ag1.y+ag1.hy+ag1.hh-1),rgb(0,0,255),b 'border collision box
    locate 2,2
    print "found item ";foundItem
end sub

sub update()
end sub

sub changeState(ag as AGENT)
        Select Case As Const ag.state
        Case WALK_WITH_AXE
            hitItem = tileCollision(ag)
            if hitItem <> 0 then
                if hitItem = 1 then  'hit a pile of logs?
                    ag.state = 3  'chopping
                    counter = 0   'start counter
                end if
                foundItem = hitItem
            end if 
        Case WALK_WITH_LOGS
            hitItem = tileCollision(ag)
            if hitItem <> 0 then
                foundItem = hitItem
                if hitItem = 3 then  'border place down logs
                    ag.state = 1
                end if
            end if 
        Case CHOPPING
            counter = counter + 1
            if counter = 100 then
                ag.state = 2
            end if

        Case PICK_UP_LOGS

        Case PUT_DOWN_LOGS
        End Select

end sub


dim as single now1
now1 = timer


    if timer > now1 + 0.05 then
        now1 = timer
    end if
    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)


'0 = walkable tile, 1 = logs, 2 = unwalkable tile, 3 = border tile

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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by leopardpm »

Nice Job, BC! Luv seeing that little guy walk around doing things... he has been virtually unused for the 5 years I have had him!

Using the transparency adds virtually no code to the program, only need the ability to resave as a 32-bit BMP instead of the standard BMP that most paint programs use... for those that are interested, I use Paint.Net and there is a plug-in available (search these forums, I put out the link a few times) to save an image with transparency as a 32 bit BMP (BMPX) that freebasic can easily read with its standard BLOAD command. Then just use the 'ALPHA' option instand of PSET in the PUT commands in BasicCoders code...
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

leopardpm wrote: Luv seeing that little guy walk around doing things... he has been virtually unused for the 5 years I have had him!
Really! I had the impression it was a recent acquisition.
As I was getting back to the mechanics of such simulations the actual display used at this stage was immaterial.
It is one thing to have nice graphics it is another to be able to actually write a full sized simulation that can be easily edited and extended without the whole thing being full of bugs which seems to be what happened to itomi.
Your goblins would come into their own with a nice isometric display.
I use Paint.Net and there is a plug-in available (search these forums, I put out the link a few times)
But how to find them? Often a google search for forum topics is faster and better than the Forum search engine!

Found these from your posts:

Here is link to download Paint.Net:
This link should be for the plugin: ... hp?id=3846
Here is the plugin for Paint.Net for Icons, Cursors, and Animated Cursor files: ... p?id=10208
I bet there is a 'batch conversion' plugin also... I just haven't searched for it yet... that is handy, especially if going to wholesale convert all the PNG files to BMPX files...
I just downloaded a Sprite Animation plugin for PDN... will try it out as well... I can't believe the amount of the plugins available for PDN... lots of interesting and useful stuff in there! ... on-plugin/
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by leopardpm »

I just downloaded a Sprite Animation plugin for PDN... will try it out as well... I can't believe the amount of the plugins available for PDN... lots of interesting and useful stuff in there!
LOL! I guess you didn't see all the posts between Boromir and I where I had discovered the Sprite Animation plugin and alot of others - yes, the plugins really do extend and enhance Paint.Net, an already good tool for dealing with bitmaps anyways... much better than MS-Paint.... glad you have joined the crowd - now lets see some transparency going on there! lol!
I had the impression it was a recent acquisition.
that goblin is old (5+ yrs), recently (1 yr or so) I had purchased the two 3D models with animations, which I still have not been able to convert into usable format (would like both a 2D isometric spritesheet, as well as the 3D format - I forget right now which - that I can use to create voxel models from to test out my IsoVox stuff with).
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by MrSwiss »

leopardpm wrote:now lets see some transparency going on there! lol!
Well, why not use, what is already available in FB?
Have a good look at the latest version of FBImage (static-lib, by D.J.Peters).
About ~5 new Commands (to learn): supports save as PNG (from file as well as from memory).

Can eliminate the need for BMP's all together and, compression is 'for free' ...

(isn't it that, what you've been looking for, all the time? without: DLL-hell)
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

MrSwiss wrote:Have a good look at the latest version of FBImage (static-lib, by D.J.Peters). ... 14&t=24105
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by MrSwiss »

Yes, that's the one ...

I've given it a quick try-out, and it seems to work, as advertised. (mainly: save PNG)
Unlike the first version, which was only made for loading various formats.
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

All this is a question of is there any FreeBasic programmer able to write a simulated world?

The actual display isn't of immediate concern for it cannot work until a suitable computer representation is contructed. The display could use simple text based graphics, be 2D images, isometric, or better still 3D.

It is the representation and logic of such a simulation that has to be worked out first. The display is only for the viewer as the simulation itself doesn't use it.

It all started for me when Leopardpm posted this: ... ated+world

A nice example was on the news today,

About 23 minutes into this program they cover work being done by researchers at Monash University of a virtual replicator of Angkor Wat with 25000 characters to interact with each other according to their social functions and the time of day.

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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by Dr_D »

I really want to try this, but I don't have time to set everything up right now. Is there any way you can zip it up or something please?
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by MrSwiss »


your link doesn't work: the link itself is OK, but subject to *Geo-Blocking* can't be used,
outside of Australia ... (without using VPN or similar).

@Dr_D, maybe you'll write your comments better *understandable* next time?!?
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by Dr_D »

MrSwiss wrote:@BasicCoder2,

your link doesn't work: the link itself is OK, but subject to *Geo-Blocking* can't be used,
outside of Australia ... (without using VPN or similar).

@Dr_D, maybe you'll write your comments better *understandable* next time?!?
In my code? Yeah... Sorry about that. :p
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Dr_D wrote:Is there any way you can zip it up or something please?
Have never zipped anything up before and have no where to put anything apart from this forum for access anyway.
Are you referring to the program, the bitmap, or to the news item?
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by BasicCoder2 »

MrSwiss wrote:@BasicCoder2,
your link doesn't work: the link itself is OK, but subject to *Geo-Blocking* can't be used,
outside of Australia ... (without using VPN or similar).
Something I didn't know. Why ABC TV news should be blocked I don't know.
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by MrSwiss »

BasicCoder2 wrote:Something I didn't know. Why ABC TV news should be blocked I don't know.
They claim it to be, for Copyright reasons ...
At least, that's what one sees, when trying to access it, from abroad.
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Re: Action animations and agent states

Post by sancho2 »

BasicCoder2 wrote:Have never zipped anything up before and have no where to put anything apart from this forum for access anyway.
Zipping is a piece of cake. You simply select the files you want to add to the zip file and give it a file name.

As for storing the file; GIT is my suggestion. Reading through this thread, this project is ideal for GIT content management system.
GIT has a short tutorial for you to learn the basics. I highly recommend it.
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