csg dev framework

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csg dev framework

Post by dafhi »


Oct 27 - new RNG

Code: Select all

    Low-Granularity Complex Sequence Generator dev framework - 2018 Oct 27 - by dafhi
    - primarily
    lets you "zoom out" of basic 'Random Number Generators' like LCG.
    - how
    Built on top of my n-bit integer class MiniBits, the 'csg framework'
    relies on the shift amount and its relationship to state size.
    Five models are provided - LCG, PCG, csg_ii, dodicat_4 and xorShift128p
      - updates
    re-introduced source information
    License:  Use and abuse

type seq_state       as ulongint
type seq_return      as ulong

type MiniBits
    /'  n-bit integer class - 2018 Sep 15 - by dafhi
        - code sample
      dim as MiniBits a = type(1,8)
      a.rotate -4
      print a.hi ': 2
      a.cbits = 16
      a = -1
      print a    ': 65535
        - useful bits
      u = full bit mask (2^cBits - 1)
      mask_lo = bit mask of "low word"
      mask_hi = bit mask ..
      lo_shift = cBits / 2
    declare constructor( as seq_state = 0, as ubyte = 0)
    declare constructor( as MiniBits)
    declare operator    let( as seq_state)
    declare operator    let( as MiniBits)
    declare operator    cast as seq_state
    declare operator    cast as string
    declare property    cBits as ubyte
    declare property    cBits( as ubyte)
    declare property    lo as seq_return ' 2018 Sep 11
    declare property    hi as seq_return
    declare property    lo( as seq_return) ' 2018 Sep 14 (untested)
    declare property    hi( as seq_return)
    declare function    ror(as byte) as seq_state
    declare sub         rotate(as byte)  '2018 Sep 14 - renamed from ror
    '' meh.  read-only
    as seq_state        u
    as seq_state        mask_lo, mask_hi  '2018 Sep 14
    as integer          lo_shift          '2018 Sep 14
    as seq_state        b, _cbits, temp
    as integer          hi_shift
End Type

constructor MiniBits(i as seq_state, b as ubyte)
    cBits = b:  this = i
End Constructor

constructor MiniBits(i as MiniBits)
    constructor i.b
End Constructor

operator MiniBits.let(i as MiniBits)
    if _cBits = 0 then cBits = i.cBits '' 2018 Sep 13
    this = i.b
End Operator

operator MiniBits.let(i as seq_state)
    b = i and u
End Operator

operator MiniBits.cast as seq_state
    return b
End Operator

operator MiniBits.cast as string
    return str(type<seq_state>(this))
End Operator

property MiniBits.lo as seq_return
    return b and mask_lo              '2018 Sep 14
End Property

property MiniBits.hi as seq_return
    return b shr hi_shift             '2018 Sep 14
End Property

property MiniBits.lo(i as seq_return) '2018 Sep 14
    b = b and mask_hi or i and mask_lo
End Property

property MiniBits.hi(i as seq_return) '2018 Sep 14
    b = ( (i shl lo_shift) and mask_hi or (b and mask_lo) )and u
End Property

property MiniBits.cBits(i as ubyte)   '2018 Sep 14 - update 2
    _cbits = i:   u = ( culngint(1)shl (_cbits-1) ) * 2 - 1
    lo_shift = _cbits \ 2
    hi_shift = _cbits - lo_shift
    mask_lo = 2 ^ lo_shift - 1
    mask_hi = u xor mask_lo
End Property

property MiniBits.cBits as ubyte
    return _cbits
End Property

function MiniBits.ror(i as byte) as seq_state
    i -= _cbits * int(i / _cbits)
    return (b shl(_cbits-i)or b shr i)and u
End Function

sub MiniBits.rotate(i as byte)
    i -= _cbits * int(i / _cbits)           '2018 Sep 15
    b = (b shl(_cbits-i)or b shr i)and u
End Sub

/' -------------------------------------------
    Complex Sequence Generator - 2018 Sep 16

type csg_vars extends object
      useful bits
      seed = .u * rnd
    declare operator        cast as seq_return
    declare operator        cast as minibits
    declare operator        cast as string
    declare property        name( as string)
    declare property        name as string
    as double               scale ' 2018 Sep 15
    as seq_state            u     ' 2018 Sep 15
    as MiniBits             m_return, state '' likely to be used in most algorithms

    '' if 2nd parameter unused, assume seed as first parameter
    declare sub             if_seed_request(as ubyte = 32, as ubyte = 0)
    as string               _name
    declare abstract sub    iterate
End Type

operator csg_vars.cast as seq_return
    iterate:  return m_return
End Operator

operator csg_vars.cast as minibits
    iterate:  return m_return
End Operator

operator csg_vars.cast as string
    iterate:  return str(m_return)
End Operator
property csg_vars.name as string
    return _name
End Property

property csg_vars.name(i as string)
    _name = i
End Property

sub csg_vars.if_seed_request(seed_or_cbits_of_return as ubyte, state_cbits as ubyte)
    ' Determine whether first parm is a seed, and poke accordingly
    ' - 2018 Sep 14 -
    if state.cbits = 0 then
      if state_cbits = 0 then
        state.cBits = 64:  m_return.cBits = 32
        state = seed_or_cbits_of_return
        state.cBits = state_cbits:  m_return.cBits = seed_or_cbits_of_return
    elseif state_cbits = 0 then
      state = seed_or_cbits_of_return

    '' 2018 Sep 15
    u = state.u:  scale = state.cBits / 64

End Sub

namespace CSG_Collection
  type LCG extends csg_vars
      declare constructor   ( as seq_state = 32, as ubyte )
      as longint            mul '' unsigned messes up custom while
      as longint            add
      declare sub           iterate
  End Type
  constructor LCG(seed_or_retval_cbits as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request seed_or_retval_cbits, state_cbits
      if mul = 0 then mul = 6364136223846793005ull '' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permuted_congruential_generator
      if add = 0 then add = 1442695040888963407ull
      base.name = "LCG"
  End Constructor
  sub LCG.iterate
      state = mul * state + add
      m_return = state
  End Sub
  type PCG extends csg_vars  ''  pcg-random.org

      declare constructor( as seq_state = 32, as ubyte = 0)
      as longint          mul '' 2018 Sep 12 .. unsigned messes up custom while
      as longint          add
      declare sub         iterate
      as minibits         x
      as ubyte            count
      ' precalcs
      as ubyte            hi_shr, lo_shr, xor_shr
  end type
  constructor PCG(seed_or_cbits_of_return as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request seed_or_cbits_of_return, state_cbits
      x = state
      if state = 0 then state = &h4d595df4d0f33173
      if mul = 0 then mul = 6364136223846793005ull
      if add = 0 then add = 1442695040888963407ull
      count = sqr(m_return.cbits) - .5 ' '59' from c source
      hi_shr = state.cbits - count
      lo_shr = m_return.cbits - count
      xor_shr = (state.cbits - lo_shr) \ 2
      base.name = "PCG"
  End Constructor
  sub PCG.iterate
      x = state
      count = x shr hi_shr
      state = mul * x + add
      x xor= x shr xor_shr
      x shr= lo_shr
      m_return = x
      m_return.rotate count
  End Sub
  ' 2018 Oct 20 - Complex Sequenge Generator II - by dafhi
  type CSG_ii extends csg_vars
      declare constructor     ( as seq_state, as ubyte)
      as longint              mul
      as longint              add
      as byte                 ror
      declare sub             iterate
      as minibits             a
      as minibits             b
  End Type
  constructor CSG_ii(seed_or_cbits_of_return as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request seed_or_cbits_of_return, state_cbits
      a = state
      b = a
      if mul = 0 then mul = 6364136223846793005ull
      if add = 0 then add = 1442695040888963407ull
      if ror = 0 then ror = 1
      base.name = "CSG ii"
  End Constructor
  sub CSG_ii.iterate
      a += 1 - (state = 0) ''2018 Sep 13  - (state = 0)
'      state.rotate ror    ''2018 Oct 20
      state = mul * state + add
      state xor= a
      m_return = state
          CSG ver 1:
         state = mul * ( state.ror( n ) + add )

  End Sub

  /'  csg 3 - by dafhi 
    pro:  avg period ~2^68
    con:  multiplier search given seed mechanics
  type CSG_3 extends csg_vars '  2018 Oct 27
      declare constructor     ( as seq_state, as ubyte)
      as longint              mul, seed
      declare sub             iterate
      as minibits             a
  End Type
  constructor CSG_3(seed_or_cbits_of_return as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request seed_or_cbits_of_return, state_cbits
      a = state
      if state = 0 then state = &h4d595df4d0f33173
      if mul = 0 then mul = 107 '' good result across different scales
      base.name = "CSG 3"
  End Constructor
  sub CSG_3.iterate
      a += 1 - (state = seed) '' high period even without  - (state = seed)
      state xor= a
      state *= mul
      state xor= state shr 1
      m_return = state

  End Sub
  '' https://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26996&start=210#p252076
  type dodicat_4 extends csg_vars
      declare constructor     (as seq_state=32, as ubyte=0)
      as longint              mul '' unsigned messes up custom while
      as longint              add
      as byte                 b_ror
      as byte                 c_ror
      as byte                 d_ror
      as MiniBits             a,b,c,d,e
      declare sub             seed(i as seq_state)
      declare sub             iterate
  End Type
  constructor dodicat_4(ret_bits as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request ret_bits, state_cbits
      a = state
      b = a
      c = a
      d = a
      e = a
      b_ror = 25 * scale
      c_ror = 53 * scale
      base.name = "dodicat 4"
  End Constructor
  sub dodicat_4.seed(i as seq_state)
      a = 40538668781 * scale
      b = i
      c = i
      d = i
      for i = 1 to 20
  End Sub
  sub dodicat_4.iterate
      e = a - b.ror( b_ror )
      a = b xor c.ror( c_ror )
      b = c + d
      c = d + e
      d = e + a
      m_return = d
  End Sub

  type xorShift128p extends csg_vars
      declare constructor           (as seq_state=32, as ubyte=0)
      as longint                    mul '' unsigned messes up custom while
      as longint                    add
      as ubyte                      x_shl
      as ubyte                      x_shr
      as ubyte                      y_shr
      as MiniBits                   m_x, m_y
      as MiniBits                   sta(1)
      declare sub                   iterate
  End Type
  constructor xorShift128p(ret_bits as seq_state, state_cbits as ubyte)
      if_seed_request ret_bits, state_cbits
      m_x = state 'bit length
      m_y = state
      x_shl = 23 * scale
      x_shr = 18 * scale '' 2018 Sep 16
      y_shr = 5 * scale ''
      for i as integer = 0 to ubound( sta )
        sta(i) = state
        sta(i) = rnd() * state.u
      for i as integer = 1 to 100
      base.name = "xorShift128p"
  End Constructor
  sub xorShift128p.iterate
      m_x = sta( 0 )
      m_y = sta( 1 )
      sta( 0 ) = m_y
      m_x xor= m_x shl x_shl
      sta( 1 ) = m_x xor m_y xor ( m_x shr x_shr ) xor ( m_y shr y_shr )
      m_return = ( sta( 1 ) + m_y )
  End Sub
End Namespace

/' -----------------------------------------------------
    By the way ..
   I currently know of only 2 ways of obtaining output
   1. cast(csg_vars, LCG)
   2. use wrapper procedures like the two below

 ------------------------------------------------------ '/

sub test_print(_algo as csg_vars, c as ushort = 100)
    ? _algo.name
    for i as long = 1 to c
      ? _algo; " ";
    Next: ?: ?
End Sub

sub test_gfx(_algo as csg_vars, dummy as integer=0)
    const GrayScale = 1 + 256 + 65536
    dim as integer w,h
    dim as single mul = 185 / _algo.m_return.u
    ScreenInfo w,h', bpp,num_pages, pitch, rate, driver_name
    '' 2018 Sep 15
    'if _algo.m_return.cBits = _algo.state.cBits then mul *= 2
    for y as integer = 0 to h-1
      for x as integer = 0 to w-1
        dim as ulong c = _algo * mul
        pset (x,y), c * grayscale
    locate 70, 45
    ? _algo.name
    sleep 4000
End Sub

' --------------

using CSG_Collection

var                       state_bits = 6

var                       out_bits = state_bits / 2

? state_bits; "-bits"
? " CSG_Collection"
var                       print_len = 80

#if 0
  #define test test_print
  #define test test_gfx
  screenres 800,600,32
  print_len = 0

var key = "", j=0, Nr = 3


for i as long = 1 to 20 * Nr
    j = (j + 1) mod (Nr + 1)
    select case j
    case 1
      var csg = csg_3(out_bits, state_bits)
      csg.state = rnd * (csg.u+1) - .5
      csg.seed = rnd * (csg.u+1) - .5
      csg.mul = 1 + 2 * int(rnd * (csg.u-1))
      test csg, print_len
    case 2
      var pcg = PCG(out_bits, state_bits)
      pcg.state = rnd * pcg.u
      test pcg, print_len
    case 3
      var d4 = dodicat_4(out_bits, state_bits)
      d4.seed rnd * d4.u
      test d4, print_len
    end select
    key = inkey
    if key=chr(27) then exit for

Last edited by dafhi on Oct 28, 2018 3:20, edited 43 times in total.
paul doe
Posts: 1738
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Location: Argentina

Re: csg dev framework - pre-release

Post by paul doe »

dafhi wrote:let me know if you find hiccups!
If I can figure out the purpose of the framework, since it looks more like something deltarho[1859] would understand/enjoy =D

Your coding style however, improved drastically on this one. Nice work! BTW, I saw your post on the other thread (before you deleted it). Hang on, we'll discuss those matters (and several more) in it's own topic soon enough. I think you'll find it interesting =D
paul doe
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Location: Argentina

Re: csg dev framework - pre-release

Post by paul doe »


As we talked, I took a look at your code. Seems like the limit is in 54 state_bits. With 53 state_bits, you start to see anomalies in the output:

Code: Select all



57114959 12217650 41058585 52468148 36098547 13694470 61717085 8808104 62710999 38102042 23396321 51256028 37838331 2697
0990 15766949 16230992 16654687 49053698 61145001 60442884 51598083 12228054 35062253 39348984 5986023 352490 60792945 1
3878316 9359627 27112766 35659573 6375584 11052399 12166866 33948217 12397652 42596371 46696870 42929533 67035976 481149
35 8843706 38618369 30220668 20899867 5419790 65727685 30530288 43519359 29286818 53381321 24003492 30130467 40358262 37
674253 11456408 43411207 464522 52882833 41890508 45261611 63407326 26869333 1990976 20797839 47788146 16225113 64130804
 5877299 4549958 42954909 48050152 18154775 184154 2464289 45021212 25887291 55126702 45503461 22797200
31381713 37913420 0 26205595 25544268 39271575 0 61743597 20440157 57150032 58927325 59393360 34294787 54232947 36688242
 66694077 11101634 46655369 6358737 0 55062528 28064038 22244511 1822959 46499201 61518696 7140212 30875115 4198100 2297
8979 10106569 7170095 58286645 0 0 18913818 0 32264092 51212781 2639669 0 21640942 61959758 37880948 0 56304255 42969965
 1511042 38558452 23887166 15037535 27244971 54690528 0 4068799 60724964 2167865 15498384 43771545 9212944 44872075 2257
3910 21475675 0 51059015 63561011 0 30113077 63320612 58872163 4851337 32238879 0 35353450 21171206 18794089 36275059 0
45269550 11215153
It's very unlikely that PCG will return so many zeros. With 54 state_bits, zeros everywhere:

Code: Select all



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
What do you mean with 'investigate the period of a 'random number generator' on a micro scale'? I'm unfortunately very ill positioned on this one, but I'll try to help anyway <:whispers: we should try to draw deltarho's attention here!> =D
Posts: 1650
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: csg dev framework - pre-release

Post by dafhi »

paul doe wrote:Dafhi:

As we talked, I took a look at your code. Seems like the limit is in 54 state_bits. With 53 state_bits, you start to see anomalies in the output:
hmm .. thank you for your time. I'll have a think
paul doe wrote:Dafhi:
What do you mean with 'investigate the period of a 'random number generator' on a micro scale'? I'm unfortunately very ill positioned on this one, but I'll try to help anyway <:whispers: we should try to draw deltarho's attention here!> =D

Code: Select all

var                       state_bits = 10

var                       out_bits = state_bits / 2

? state_bits; "-bits"
? " CSG_Collection"
var                       print_len = 80

#if 0  ' < ----------------
  #define test test_print
  #define test test_gfx
  screenres 800,600,32
  print_len = 0
paul doe
Posts: 1738
Joined: Jul 25, 2017 17:22
Location: Argentina

Re: csg dev framework - pre-release

Post by paul doe »

Ah, I see now. You're seeing the effect the period has in the PD. I was looking at the MiniBits class and try to figure it out. If I understand correctly, you're essentially using it for doing the operations on a bit by bit basis. Did you checked the equivalence of the output from the generators with the output from your CSG, with the same bitness?
Posts: 1650
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: csg dev framework - pre-release

Post by dafhi »

early on, i did find a winner and period wise, it smokes
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