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Re: Squares

Post by jj2007 »

If instr() takes several minutes, then you have a serious design problem. Can you post your code?

Code: Select all

93 ms for finding 195400 occurrences of 'Jesus' in a 777 MB file composed of 200x 'bible.txt'
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


Whats the opposite of the "Big Bang"?
What do they call it , when the universe compresses back to a single star?

That's what i want to call my Data Compressor..
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

I heard a voice in the wind that said the word for the opposite of the "Big Bang" was called the "Singularity" , is that correct??

I kinda like
"Black Hole" compressor
"Nemesis" compressor

"Singularity" sounds kinda odd..

I've been calling all my other compressors "Binary Data Compressor" and the output *.BDC files , instead of *.ZIP

I still need to write the output , to see if it compresses or expands the data.
All my other compressors expanded the data. So it might not work.
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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Albert wrote:Whats the opposite of the "Big Bang"?
What do they call it , when the universe compresses back to a single star?
The Big Crunch.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

I think when you compress a fairy tale you get a one liner.
So the universe implodes – no matter
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

I think I'll stick with "Binary Data Compressor" BDC for short...
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Re: Squares

Post by badidea »

The "Big Crunch" is one of the theories, there is also the "Big Rip", the "Big Freeze", the "Big Chill" (sound more comfortable then "Big Freeze"), "Big Bounce", "Big Snap" and more.

To be sure, reserve a table at "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", or if you don't want to wait so long, maybe the upcoming Marvel movie "Avengers: Endgame" will tell you.

Anyway, a data compression/deflation tool based on the Big Bang / Big Crunch sounds bad. Not much information will survive this cycle, I think.
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

While i was playing around with my latest compressor algo.
I went off on a side program to analyze the numbers..

Out of ( 000_000 to 255_255 ) there's only 26 + 30 + 100 unique values.

When you look at those possible combinations ( 0 to 25 ) x ( 0 to 29 ) x ( 0 to 99 ) = 71,775 = 16 bits..
Or 25,29,99 = > 16 bits

I thought maybe you could record the 0 to 99 , and then add 100 for the 0 to 29 and then add 100 for the 0 to 25 .. I'll run some tests to see.
So you could split a number ( maybe 1 byte ) , into 3 ranges , so that one number would hold all 3 values.
Maybe that number would be smaller than 32,768 ??

Code: Select all

screen 19

    dim as ulongint vals1(0 to 99)
    dim as ulongint vals2(0 to 99)
    dim as ulongint vals3(0 to 99)
    dim as string insa
    dim as string insb
    dim as string checka
    dim as string checkb
    dim as string checkc
    dim as string outs
    for a as longint = 0 to 255
        for b as longint = 0 to 255
            'record digits 1 & 2
            checka = mid(outs,1,2)
            vals1(val(checka)) = 1
            'record digits 3 & 4
            checkb = mid(outs,3,2)
            vals2(val(checkb)) = 1
            'record digits 5 & 6
            checkc = mid(outs,5,2)
            vals3(val(checkc)) = 1
    dim as longint count1
    dim as longint count2
    dim as longint count3
    for a as longint = lbound(vals1) to ubound(vals1)
        if vals1(a) = 1 then count1+=1
        if vals2(a) = 1 then count2+=1
        if vals3(a) = 1 then count3+=1
    print "checking values 000,000 to 255,255"
    print "places 1 & 2 tot = " ; count1
    print "places 3 & 4 tot = " ; count2
    print "places 5 & 6 tot = " ; count3

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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


I think you already wrote it , but i need a converter , to convert base 256 ascii , to base 10.
Can you give me a link to it?
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Re: Squares

Post by MrSwiss »


seems, you are looking for a BCD encoder (binary coded decimal).
You may want to look at: Union as 'own' data-type which is only at byte level currently,
but can be extended by yourself, if needed/wanted ...
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Re: Squares

Post by fxm »


Code: Select all

Function Base256asciiToBase10 (Byref s As String, Byref u As Ulongint) As Integer  '' return value = 1 if conversion overflows (Len(s) > 8)
  Dim As Ubyte Ptr p = Cptr(Ubyte Ptr, @u)
  Function = 0
  For I As Integer = Len(s) - 1 To 0 Step -1
    If p = @u + 1 Then
      Function = 1
      Exit For
    End If
    *p = s[I]
    p += 1
  Next I
End Function

Dim As Ulongint u1
Dim As String s1 = Chr(1) & Chr(0)
Print Base256asciiToBase10(s1, u1), u1

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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


Your code returns an integer , instead of a base 10 string.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

Have you got gmp Albert?
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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Albert wrote:I think you already wrote it , but i need a converter , to convert base 256 ascii , to base 10.
Can you give me a link to it?
I don't know exactly what you mean.
My converters go both ways so you need to accurately and separately describe the two formats you are converting between.
Is the data in a string or an array ?
What is base 256 ascii ?
Is “base 10” a string of ascii numeric digits { “0” – “9” } ?

Maybe; https://freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... 26#p253026
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

My compressor almost does 1:1 compression.

1,000 bytes in converts to 1,044 bytes out. My best yet!!
No matter what the input data is , it always outputs 1,044 bytes..

Code: Select all

screen 19

dim as string num=""
dim as string outputs=""
    dim as longint size = 1000
    for a as longint = 1 to size
    'print "converting number to decimal"
    dim as string decimal = ""'num
    for a as longint = 0 to len(num)-1 step 1
    dim as string _12  = ""
    dim as string _45 = ""
    dim as string _36 = ""
    for a as longint = 1 to len(decimal) step 6
        _12+= mid(decimal,a+0,2)
        _45+= mid(decimal,a+3,2)
        _36+= mid(decimal,a+2,1) + mid(decimal,a+5,1)
    'print "12 = " ; _12
    'print "45 = " ; _45
    'print "36 = " ; _36 
    dim as string bin_12 = ""
    dim as string bin_45 = ""
    for a as longint = 1 to len(_12) step 2
        bin_12+= right(string(5,"0") + bin(val(mid(_12,a,2))),5)
        bin_45+= right(string(5,"0") + bin(val(mid(_45,a,2))),5)
    dim as string bin_36 = ""
    for a as longint = 1 to len(_36) step 3
       bin_36+= right(string(10,"0") + bin(val(mid(_36,a,3))),10)
    dim as string out_12 = ""
    dim as string out_45 = ""
    for a as longint = 1 to len(bin_12) step 8
        out_12+= chr(valulng("&B" + mid(bin_12,a,8)))
        out_45+= chr(valulng("&B" + mid(bin_45,a,8)))
    dim as string out_36 = ""
    for a as longint = 1 to len(bin_36) step 8
        out_36+= chr(valulng("&B" + mid(bin_36,a,8)))
    outputs = out_12 + out_45 + out_36
    print "input  digits = " ; size
    print "output digits = " ; len(outputs)
    print "compression   = " ; 100 - ( 100 / (size / len(outputs)) )
loop until inkey = chr(27)

