Physics question

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Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

deltarho[1859] wrote:
badidea wrote:but the whole structure is a bit of a mess.
I think that Vincent van Gogh's paintings are a bit of a mess but some folk have parted with some serious money to get their hands on them. One thing is for sure and that is dodicat is not a John Constable. <smile>
Yes, they both all three might have produced master pieces worth millions, but are the the pieces good starting points to learn (painting or coding)?
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Re: Physics question

Post by deltarho[1859] »

badidea wrote:but are the pieces good starting points to learn (painting or coding)?
Probably not. If van Gogh and Constable got into programming I'd reckon van Gogh would plug for Top-Down programming and Constable would plug for Bottom-Up programming. <smile> Both methods have their pros and cons, best bet is to study both.

dodicat does not write code to educate, he writes code to solve a problem. If we posed a programming challenge dodicat would be one of the first, if not the first, to produce working code and then take his dogs out for a walk whilst the rest of us probably haven't passed the half-way mark. I write to get code working but I then sit back and work on it so that if I ever return to it I would be up to speed fairly quickly and not have to spend time wondering what the blazes I was up to. That takes time but I reckon it is worth it. Not everyone works like that, many are not interested in hanging their code on a wall, they get it working and move on to the next challenge. There is room for both types.
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Re: Physics question

Post by BasicCoder2 »

deltarho[1859] wrote:dodicat does not write code to educate, he writes code to solve a problem.
I have a special folder called the dodicat folder because I find his examples so useful and/or entertaining.
My favourite pieces are his 3d stuff using fast code to place dots in 3d space.

His bit in this thread on implementing the vector products to deduce an angle in the range 0 to 360 was educational but it is really up to anyone interested the subject to learn all those things from the many web resources on the subject and of course the FreeBasic manual on how to implement the more advanced programming techniques.
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Re: Physics question

Post by deltarho[1859] »

BasicCodr2 wrote:I have a special folder called the dodicat folder because I find his examples so useful and/or entertaining.
Snap! My folder is called 'DodicatGems'.
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Re: Physics question

Post by srvaldez »

I ran your program from post viewtopic.php?p=262619#p262619 on macOS, it flickers a lot
in line 132, if you place clearscreen(0) after screenlock then it's ok
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Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

Yes, an error, I'll fix later...
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Re: Physics question

Post by dodicat »

Badidea, I hope you are not procrastinating your camping.
It has been raining here all day.
Your demo runs OK here.
Thank you everybody for your comments.
I have gathered up everything and put it all inside one sub to return the required angle and direction after a kick on one thruster.
This makes the sub innards a bit gobbledygook, (macros), but apart from the sub it should be readable.
The shape is a polygon which can be given an eccentricity (0 to 1], (but not 0).

Code: Select all


Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
End Type
Const pi=4*Atn(1)
Dim Shared As Double systemconstant

Sub createpolygon(p() As pt,n As Long,cx As Single,cy As Single,size As Single,angle As Single=0,ecc As Single=1)
    If ecc>1 Then ecc=1
    Var slug =2*pi/n
    Var count =0
    Redim p(1 To n)
    For z As Single=0 To 2*pi+.1 Step slug
        If count>n Then Exit For
    Next z
End Sub

Sub drawpolygon(p() As Pt,col As Ulong)
    Dim As Single cx=p(Lbound(p)).x,cy=p(Lbound(p)).y
    For n As Long=Lbound(p)+1 To Ubound(p)
        Line -(p(n).x,p(n).y),col
    Next n
    Paint (cx,cy),col,col
End Sub

sub push(pg() As pt,p1 As pt,p2 As pt,dirn As pt,Byref angle As Single,impulsefactor as single=1)
    #define dot(v1,v2) (v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y+v1.z*v2.z)
    #define dist(p1,p2) Sqr((p1.x-p2.x)^2 + (p1.y-p2.y)^2)
    #define length(p1) Sqr(p1.x^2 + p1.y^2) 
    #define cross(v1,v2) Type<pt>(v1.y*v2.z-v2.y*v1.z,-(v1.x*v2.z-v2.x*v1.z),v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y) 
    #define normalize(p1)  Type<pt>(p1.x/Length(p1),p1.y/Length(p1),p1.z/Length(p1))
    #macro get_angle(_p_,ret1)
        Dim As pt L1=(_p_(1).x-_p_(2).x,_p_(1).y-_p_(2).y)'leg 1
        Dim As pt L2=(_p_(3).x-_p_(2).x,_p_(3).y-_p_(2).y)'leg 2
        Var NL1=normalize(L1)
        Var NL2=normalize(L2)
        ret1= Acos(dot(NL1,NL2))
        Dim As pt cr =cross(L1,L2)
        If cr.z>0 Then ret1=2*pi-ret1
    End Scope
    #define drawto(x,y,angle,dst) Type<pt>(x+dst*Cos(angle),y+dst*Sin(angle))
    #macro shortline(fp,p ,Ln,ret2) 
        Dim As Single diffx=p.x-fp.x,diffy=p.y-fp.y
        Dim As Single L=Sqr(diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy)
        Ret2= Type(fp.x+Ln*diffx/L,fp.y+Ln*diffy/L)
    End Scope
    #macro inpolygon(p1,p2,ret3)
        #macro Winder(L1,L2,p)
        Dim As Long index,nextindex,k=Ubound(p1)+1,wn
        For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(p1)
            index=n Mod k:nextindex=(n+1) Mod k
            If nextindex=0 Then nextindex=1
            If p1(index).y<=p2.y Then
                If p1(nextindex).y>p2.y Andalso  Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)>0 Then wn+=1
                If p1(nextindex).y<=p2.y Andalso Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)<0 Then wn-=1
            End If
        Next n
        Ret3= wn
    End Scope
    Dim As Long ic
    If ic Then return  'if mouse in in the shape
    Dim As pt c
    Dim As Single size=-1e6
    For n As Long=Lbound(pg) To Ubound(pg)  'get centre
    Next n
    For n As Long=Lbound(pg) To Ubound(pg)  'get size
        Var l=dist(pg(n),c)
        If size<l Then size=l
    Next n
    Var L=dist(p1,p2)
    Var ang=Atan2(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x)
    Dim As pt p=p1
    Dim As Long ctr
    Loop Until ic Or ctr>L 'when hits the polygon or misses
    If ic=0 Then return 
    Dim As pt eq=drawto(c.x,c.y,ang,-200)
    Dim As pt q=Type(c.x,c.y)
    Loop Until ic=0 Or ctr>1000 'when exits the polygon or an escape
    Dim As pt leg1=Type(c.x+(c.x-q.x),c.y+(c.y-q.y))
    Dim As pt leg2=Type(c.x+(c.x-p.x),c.y+(c.y-p.y))
    Dim As pt pq(1 To 3)={leg1,c,leg2}
    Dim As pt d1=Type(c.x-p.x,c.y-p.y) 'centre to edge intersection
    'angle and dirn to be altered to suit.
    Var mass= systemconstant*size^2*Ubound(pg)*Sin(2*pi/Ubound(pg))/2
    Var anginertia=systemconstant*((mass*size^2)/6)*(1+2*(Cos(pi/Ubound(pg))^2))
    If angle>pi/2 And angle<3*pi/2 Then dirn.x=-dirn.x:dirn.y=-dirn.y
    Var impulse=impulsefactor*dist(p1,p2)
    Var linearimpulse=impulse*Cos(angle)/mass
    angle=-impulse*Sin(angle)/anginertia  'out
    dirn.x=dirn.x*linearimpulse           'out
End sub

Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As Long,Byref fps As Long=0) As Long
    Static As Double timervalue,_lastsleeptime,t3,frames
    Var t=Timer
    If (t-t3)>=1 Then t3=t:fps=frames:frames=0
    Var sleeptime=_lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-T+timervalue)*1000
    If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
    Return sleeptime
End Function

Function Getline(x As Long,y As Long,angle As Single,dist As Long) As pt'line by angle
    Var x2=x+dist*Cos(angle)
    Var y2=y+dist*Sin(angle)
    Return Type(x2,y2)
End Function

Function inpolygon(p1() As Pt,Byval p2 As Pt) As Long
    #macro Winder(L1,L2,p)
    Dim As Integer index,nextindex,k=Ubound(p1)+1,wn
    For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(p1)
        index=n Mod k:nextindex=(n+1) Mod k
        If nextindex=0 Then nextindex=1
        If p1(index).y<=p2.y Then
            If p1(nextindex).y>p2.y Andalso  Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)>0 Then wn+=1
            If p1(nextindex).y<=p2.y Andalso Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)<0 Then wn-=1
        End If
    Next n
    Return wn
End Function

function OutOfBounds(p() as pt) as long  'going off the screen
    dim as integer sx,sy
    screeninfo sx,sy
    #define outside(x,y) x>sx or x<0 or y>sy or y<0
    for n as long=lbound(p) to ubound(p)
        if outside(p(n).x,p(n).y) then return 1
    return 0
end function

Redim As pt p() 'a polygon
Dim As Long mx,my,wheel,btn,flag 'for mouse
Dim As Single x=400,y=300  'start position
Dim As pt getdirection,lastdirection
Dim As Single getangle,TurnAngle,lastangle
Dim As Single size=100
Dim As Long numsides=30
dim as single eccentricity=.5
dim as single impulsefactor=1
dim as long getfps
dim as long length=100

Screen 19,32
    Getmouse mx,my,wheel,btn
    draw string (20,10),"Mouse wheel for impulse direction, left button to fire"
    draw string(20,30),"framerate "&getfps
    Dim As pt x1=Type(mx,my)
    Dim As pt x2=Getline(mx,my,wheel/5,length)
    if btn=1 and flag=0 and inpolygon(p(),x2) and inpolygon(p(),x1)=0 then 'fire impulse from outside polygon
    push (p(),x1,x2,getdirection,getangle,impulsefactor)
         end if
    if OutOfBounds(p()) then 
     end if
    Sleep regulate(60,getfps),1
Loop Until Len(Inkey)

Last edited by dodicat on Jul 22, 2019 9:08, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2594
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

A real camping experince requires at least one rainy morning at near zero temperatures. Currently in Belgium and I haven't seen a simple drop however and the forcast is 35 degC.
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Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

Writing some quick code before a vacation and think that you can continue smoothly a few weeks later, is an illusion.

Anyway, the case where one off-axis thruster is continuously active:

Code: Select all

const as single PI = 4 * atn(1)
const as single PPM = 3 'pixels per meter
const SW = 800, SH = 600

screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 16, SH \ 8


type sgl2d
	dim as single x, y
	declare constructor
	declare constructor(x as single, y as single)
	declare operator cast () as string
end type

constructor sgl2d
end constructor

constructor sgl2d(x as single, y as single)
	this.x = x : this.y = y
end constructor

operator sgl2d.cast () as string
	return str(x) & "," & str(y)
end operator

operator +(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
end operator

operator -(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
end operator

operator /(a as sgl2d, div as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x / div, a.y / div)
end operator

operator *(a as sgl2d, mul as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
end operator

function cross(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
end function


function polarToCartesian(angle as single, radius as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius)
end function

function degToRad(degrees as single) as single
	return (degrees / 180) * PI
end function

function rotatedVector(v as sgl2d, rotAngle as single) as sgl2d
	dim as sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = cos(rotAngle) * v.x - sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = sin(rotAngle) * v.x + cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	return tmp
end function

sub clearScreen(c as ulong)
	line(0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), c, bf
end sub

'scaled circle using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawCircle(p as sgl2d, r as single, c as ulong)
	circle(SW \ 2 + p.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p.y * PPM), r * PPM, c
end sub

'scaled line using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawLine(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	line(SW \ 2 + p1.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p1.y * PPM)-_
		(SW \ 2 + p2.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p2.y * PPM), c
end sub

sub drawArrow(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	dim as sgl2d posVector = p2 - p1
	posVector /= 3 '1/3 length
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(+30)), c)
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(-30)), c)
end sub


type disc_object
	dim as single radius '[m]
	dim as single height '[m]
	dim as single density '[kg/m^3]
	dim as ulong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	dim as sgl2d position 'position [m]
	dim as single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	dim as sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	dim as single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	dim as single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	dim as single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	dim as single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	dim as single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	declare sub init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	declare sub update(dt as double)
end type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
sub disc_object.init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
end sub

'update position and angle
sub disc_object.update(dt as double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
end sub


dim as disc_object disc
dim as single thrusterForceMagnitude = 1e4 'N
dim as sgl2d thrusterRelPos, thrusterForceVector

disc.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), rgb(127, 255, 0))

dim as double tNow = timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
while inkey() <> chr(27)
	thrusterRelPos = polarToCartesian(disc.angle - pi/4, disc.radius)
	thrusterForceVector = polarToCartesian(disc.angle + pi/2, thrusterForceMagnitude)
	disc.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0) 'reset
	disc.lin_F += thrusterForceVector
	disc.ang_F = 0 'reset
	disc.ang_F += cross(thrusterRelPos, disc.lin_F)
	locate 1,1 : print "<ESC> to exit";
	dim as sgl2d thrusterAbsPos = disc.position + thrusterRelPos
	drawCircle(disc.position, disc.radius, disc.colour) 'flying saucer
	drawArrow(thrusterAbsPos, thrusterAbsPos - disc.lin_F / 1e3, rgb(255, 127, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
	drawLine(disc.position, thrusterAbsPos, rgb(255, 255, 0)) 'rotation indicator
	'time update
	sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
screen 0
print "End"

There is a lot of calls to sin() and cos(), but that can be reduced later...
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Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

With 2 forward facing thrusters, individually controlled, one can navigate a spacecraft. Making a quick u-turn however, is quite a challenge.

Code: Select all

#include ""

const as single PI = 4 * atn(1)
dim shared as single PPM = 3 'pixels per meter
const SW = 800, SH = 600

const K_ESC = chr(27)
const K_MIN = chr(45)
const K_UND = chr(95)
const K_PLU = chr(61)
const K_EQU = chr(43)

screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16


type sgl2d
	dim as single x, y
	declare constructor
	declare constructor(x as single, y as single)
	declare operator cast () as string
end type

constructor sgl2d
end constructor

constructor sgl2d(x as single, y as single)
	this.x = x : this.y = y
end constructor

operator sgl2d.cast () as string
	return str(x) & "," & str(y)
end operator

operator +(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
end operator

operator -(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
end operator

operator /(a as sgl2d, div as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x / div, a.y / div)
end operator

operator *(a as sgl2d, mul as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
end operator

function cross(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
end function


type polar
	dim as single angle
	dim as single magnitude
end type

function polarToCartesian(angle as single, radius as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius)
end function

function degToRad(degrees as single) as single
	return (degrees / 180) * PI
end function

function rotatedVector(v as sgl2d, rotAngle as single) as sgl2d
	dim as sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = cos(rotAngle) * v.x - sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = sin(rotAngle) * v.x + cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	return tmp
end function

sub clearScreen(c as ulong)
	line(0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), c, bf
end sub

'scaled circle using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawCircle(p as sgl2d, r as single, c as ulong)
	circle(SW \ 2 + p.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p.y * PPM), r * PPM, c
end sub

'scaled line using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawLine(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	line(SW \ 2 + p1.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p1.y * PPM)-_
		(SW \ 2 + p2.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p2.y * PPM), c
end sub

sub drawArrow(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	dim as sgl2d posVector = p2 - p1
	posVector /= 3 '1/3 length
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(+30)), c)
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(-30)), c)
end sub


type disc_object
	dim as single radius '[m]
	dim as single height '[m]
	dim as single density '[kg/m^3]
	dim as ulong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	dim as sgl2d position 'position [m]
	dim as single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	dim as sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	dim as single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	dim as single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	dim as single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	dim as single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	dim as single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	declare sub init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	declare sub update(dt as double)
end type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
sub disc_object.init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
end sub

'update position and angle
sub disc_object.update(dt as double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
end sub


type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	dim as polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	dim as polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	dim as sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	dim as sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	dim as integer active
	declare sub init(forceMagnitude as single, forceDirection as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	declare sub updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
end type

sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection as single, forceMagnitude as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	polarForce = type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
end sub

sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
end sub


const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster

dim as string key
dim as disc_object disc
dim as thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)

disc.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), rgb(127, 255, 0))
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1e4, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1e4, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)

dim as double tNow = timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
while key <> chr(27)
	'reset stuff
	disc.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	disc.ang_F = 0
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	'do always for display
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(disc.position, disc.angle)

	if multikey(FB.SC_K) then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if multikey(FB.SC_L) then
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if key = K_MIN or key = K_UND then ppm /= 1.1 'zoom out
	if key = K_PLU or key = K_EQU then ppm *= 1.1 'zoom in

	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(disc.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude)
			disc.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			disc.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		end if
	locate 1,1 : print "<K> & <L> for thrusters";
	locate 2,1 : print "<+> & <-> for zoom in/out";
	locate 3,1 : print "<ESC> to exit";
	drawCircle(disc.position, disc.radius, disc.colour) 'flying saucer
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		drawLine(disc.position, thruster(i).absPos, rgb(255, 255, 0)) 'rotation indicator
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			drawArrow(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, rgb(255, 127, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		end if

	'time update
	key = inkey()
	sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
screen 0
print "End"
Posts: 3917
Joined: Jan 01, 2009 7:03
Location: Australia

Re: Physics question

Post by BasicCoder2 »


I like it!

Now maybe make it into some kind of game?
Perhaps manoeuvring through an asteroid belt looking for natural resources or combat with opponents?
With asteroids to give a sense of relative motion I would suggest if you can make the origin always be on the space ship?
Maybe manoeuvre to lock onto a mother ship?
Of course in real space craft all this fine control will be done by computers rather than by manual control.
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

BasicCoder2 wrote:Now maybe make it into some kind of game?
That is the plan, that is also why this 'physics question' is in the 'Game Dev' section :-)

First, I will try to make something for the The 50 years ago moon landing 4K contest!
Current code however is already > 4kB.

Spaceship control with dedicated side thrusters (and confusing velocity indicator):

Code: Select all

#include ""

const as single PI = 4 * atn(1)
dim shared as single PPM = 3 'pixels per meter
const SW = 800, SH = 600

const K_ESC = chr(27)
const K_MIN = chr(45)
const K_UND = chr(95)
const K_PLU = chr(61)
const K_EQU = chr(43)

screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16


type sgl2d
	dim as single x, y
	declare constructor
	declare constructor(x as single, y as single)
	declare operator cast () as string
end type

constructor sgl2d
end constructor

constructor sgl2d(x as single, y as single)
	this.x = x : this.y = y
end constructor

operator sgl2d.cast () as string
	return str(x) & "," & str(y)
end operator

operator +(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
end operator

operator -(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
end operator

operator /(a as sgl2d, div as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x / div, a.y / div)
end operator

operator *(a as sgl2d, mul as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
end operator

function cross(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
end function


type polar
	dim as single angle
	dim as single magnitude
end type

function polarToCartesian(angle as single, radius as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius)
end function

function degToRad(degrees as single) as single
	return (degrees / 180) * PI
end function

function rotatedVector(v as sgl2d, rotAngle as single) as sgl2d
	dim as sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = cos(rotAngle) * v.x - sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = sin(rotAngle) * v.x + cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	return tmp
end function

sub clearScreen(c as ulong)
	line(0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), c, bf
end sub

'scaled circle using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawCircle(p as sgl2d, r as single, c as ulong)
	circle(SW \ 2 + p.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p.y * PPM), r * PPM, c
end sub

'scaled line using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawLine(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	line(SW \ 2 + p1.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p1.y * PPM)-_
		(SW \ 2 + p2.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p2.y * PPM), c
end sub

sub drawArrow(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	dim as sgl2d posVector = p2 - p1
	posVector /= 3 '1/3 length
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(+30)), c)
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(-30)), c)
end sub


type disc_object
	dim as single radius '[m]
	dim as single height '[m]
	dim as single density '[kg/m^3]
	dim as ulong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	dim as sgl2d position 'position [m]
	dim as single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	dim as sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	dim as single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	dim as single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	dim as single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	dim as single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	dim as single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	declare sub init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	declare sub update(dt as double)
end type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
sub disc_object.init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
end sub

'update position and angle
sub disc_object.update(dt as double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
end sub


type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	dim as polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	dim as polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	dim as sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	dim as sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	dim as integer active
	declare sub init(forceMagnitude as single, forceDirection as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	declare sub updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
end type

sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection as single, forceMagnitude as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	polarForce = type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
end sub

sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
end sub


const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
const L_LO_THR = 2
const R_LO_THR = 3
const L_HI_THR = 4
const R_HI_THR = 5

dim as string key
dim as disc_object disc
dim as thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)

disc.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), rgb(127, 255, 0))
'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 2e4, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 2e4, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 1e4, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 1e4, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 1e4, +0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 1e4, +0.25 * pi, disc.radius)

dim as double tNow = timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
while key <> chr(27)
	'reset stuff
	disc.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	disc.ang_F = 0
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	'do always for display
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(disc.position, disc.angle)

	if multikey(FB.SC_UP) then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if multikey(FB.SC_LEFT) then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if multikey(FB.SC_RIGHT) then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if key = K_MIN or key = K_UND then ppm /= 1.1 'zoom out
	if key = K_PLU or key = K_EQU then ppm *= 1.1 'zoom in

	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(disc.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude)
			disc.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			disc.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		end if
	locate 1,1 : print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters";
	locate 2,1 : print "<+>, <-> for zoom in/out";
	locate 3,1 : print "<ESC> to exit";
	drawCircle(disc.position, disc.radius, disc.colour) 'flying saucer
	drawArrow(disc.position + disc.lin_v / 1, disc.position, rgb(255, 0, 127)) 'lin. speed ind.
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		dim as ulong c = iif(i < 4, rgb(255, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255))
		drawLine(disc.position, thruster(i).absPos, c) 'rotation indicator
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			drawArrow(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, rgb(255, 127, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		end if

	'time update
	key = inkey()
	sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
screen 0
print "End"
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Physics question

Post by dodicat »

One of the astronauts has unfortunately passed away.
But that is not the end of the story, he must now be laid to rest on a nearby asteroid.
The resting place has been prepared.

Code: Select all


Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
End Type
Const pi=4*Atn(1)
Dim Shared As Double systemconstant

Sub createpolygon(p() As pt,n As Long,cx As Single,cy As Single,size As Single,angle As Single=0,ecc As Single=1)
    If ecc>1 Then ecc=1
    Var slug =2*pi/n
    Var count =0
    Redim p(1 To n)
    For z As Single=0 To 2*pi+.1 Step slug
        If count>n Then Exit For
    Next z
End Sub

Sub drawpolygon(p() As Pt,col As Ulong,flag As Long=0)
    Dim As Single cx=p(Lbound(p)).x,cy=p(Lbound(p)).y
    For n As Long=Lbound(p)+1 To Ubound(p)
        Line -(p(n).x,p(n).y),col
    Next n
    If flag=0 Then Paint (cx,cy),col,col
End Sub

Sub push(pg() As pt,p1 As pt,p2 As pt,dirn As pt,Byref angle As Single,impulsefactor As Single=1)
    #define dot(v1,v2) (v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y+v1.z*v2.z)
    #define dist(p1,p2) Sqr((p1.x-p2.x)^2 + (p1.y-p2.y)^2)
    #define length(p1) Sqr(p1.x^2 + p1.y^2)
    #define cross(v1,v2) Type<pt>(v1.y*v2.z-v2.y*v1.z,-(v1.x*v2.z-v2.x*v1.z),v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y)
    #define normalize(p1)  Type<pt>(p1.x/Length(p1),p1.y/Length(p1),p1.z/Length(p1))
    #macro get_angle(_p_,ret1)
        Dim As pt L1=(_p_(1).x-_p_(2).x,_p_(1).y-_p_(2).y)'leg 1
        Dim As pt L2=(_p_(3).x-_p_(2).x,_p_(3).y-_p_(2).y)'leg 2
        Var NL1=normalize(L1)
        Var NL2=normalize(L2)
        ret1= Acos(dot(NL1,NL2))
        Dim As pt cr =cross(L1,L2)
        If cr.z>0 Then ret1=2*pi-ret1
    End Scope
    #define drawto(x,y,angle,dst) Type<pt>(x+dst*Cos(angle),y+dst*Sin(angle))
    #macro shortline(fp,p ,Ln,ret2)
        Dim As Single diffx=p.x-fp.x,diffy=p.y-fp.y
        Dim As Single L=Sqr(diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy)
        Ret2= Type(fp.x+Ln*diffx/L,fp.y+Ln*diffy/L)
    End Scope
    #macro inpolygon(p1,p2,ret3)
        #macro Winder(L1,L2,p)
        Dim As Long index,nextindex,k=Ubound(p1)+1,wn
        For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(p1)
            index=n Mod k:nextindex=(n+1) Mod k
            If nextindex=0 Then nextindex=1
            If p1(index).y<=p2.y Then
                If p1(nextindex).y>p2.y Andalso  Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)>0 Then wn+=1
                If p1(nextindex).y<=p2.y Andalso Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)<0 Then wn-=1
            End If
        Next n
        Ret3= wn
    End Scope
    Dim As Long ic
    If ic Then Return  'if mouse in in the shape
    Dim As pt c
    Dim As Single size=-1e6
    For n As Long=Lbound(pg) To Ubound(pg)  'get centre
    Next n
    For n As Long=Lbound(pg) To Ubound(pg)  'get size
        Var l=dist(pg(n),c)
        If size<l Then size=l
    Next n
    Var L=dist(p1,p2)
    Var ang=Atan2(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x)
    Dim As pt p=p1
    Dim As Long ctr
    Loop Until ic Or ctr>L 'when hits the polygon or misses
    If ic=0 Then Return
    Dim As pt eq=drawto(c.x,c.y,ang,-200)
    Dim As pt q=Type(c.x,c.y)
    Loop Until ic=0 Or ctr>1000 'when exits the polygon or an escape
    Dim As pt leg1=Type(c.x+(c.x-q.x),c.y+(c.y-q.y))
    Dim As pt leg2=Type(c.x+(c.x-p.x),c.y+(c.y-p.y))
    Dim As pt pq(1 To 3)={leg1,c,leg2}
    Dim As pt d1=Type(c.x-p.x,c.y-p.y) 'centre to edge intersection
    'angle and dirn to be altered to suit.
    Var mass= systemconstant*size^2*Ubound(pg)*Sin(2*pi/Ubound(pg))/2
    Var anginertia=systemconstant*((mass*size^2)/6)*(1+2*(Cos(pi/Ubound(pg))^2))
    If angle>pi/2 And angle<3*pi/2 Then dirn.x=-dirn.x:dirn.y=-dirn.y
    Var impulse=impulsefactor*dist(p1,p2)
    Var linearimpulse=impulse*Cos(angle)/mass
    angle=-impulse*Sin(angle)/anginertia  'out
    dirn.x=dirn.x*linearimpulse           'out
End Sub

Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As Long,Byref fps As Long=0) As Long
    Static As Double timervalue,_lastsleeptime,t3,frames
    Var t=Timer
    If (t-t3)>=1 Then t3=t:fps=frames:frames=0
    Var sleeptime=_lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-T+timervalue)*1000
    If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
    Return sleeptime
End Function

Function Getline(x As Long,y As Long,angle As Single,dist As Long) As pt'line by angle
    Var x2=x+dist*Cos(angle)
    Var y2=y+dist*Sin(angle)
    Return Type(x2,y2)
End Function

Function inpolygon(p1() As Pt,Byval p2 As Pt) As Long
    #macro Winder(L1,L2,p)
    Dim As Integer index,nextindex,k=Ubound(p1)+1,wn
    For n As Integer=1 To Ubound(p1)
        index=n Mod k:nextindex=(n+1) Mod k
        If nextindex=0 Then nextindex=1
        If p1(index).y<=p2.y Then
            If p1(nextindex).y>p2.y Andalso  Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)>0 Then wn+=1
            If p1(nextindex).y<=p2.y Andalso Winder(p1(index),p1(nextindex),p2)<0 Then wn-=1
        End If
    Next n
    Return wn
End Function

Function OutOfBounds(p() As pt) As Long  'going off the screen
    Dim As Integer sx,sy
    Screeninfo sx,sy
    #define outside(x,y) x>sx Or x<0 Or y>sy Or y<0
    For n As Long=Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
        If outside(p(n).x,p(n).y) Then Return 1
    Return 0
End Function

Function measure(p() As pt,q() As pt) As Long
    For n As Long=Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
        If inpolygon(q(),p(n))=0 Then Return 0
    Return -1
End Function

Sub make(p() As Pt)
    Dim As pt c
    Dim As Long ct,n,p1,p2
    For n=Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
    Next n
    For p1=Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)-1
        For p2=p1+1 To Ubound(p)
            If Atan2(p(p1).y-c.y,p(p1).x-c.x)< Atan2(p(p2).y-c.y,p(p2).x-c.x) Then
                Swap p(p1),p(p2)
            End If
        Next p2
    Next p1
End Sub

Sub set(p() As pt)
    Randomize 2
    For n As Long=Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
End Sub

Function start As Long
    Redim As pt p(),q() ' polygons
    Dim As Long mx,my,wheel,btn,flag,life 'for mouse
    Dim As Single x=700,y=300  'start position
    Dim As pt getdirection,lastdirection
    Dim As Single getangle,TurnAngle,lastangle
    Dim As Single size=100
    Dim As Long numsides=6
    Dim As Single eccentricity=.5
    Dim As Single impulsefactor=1
    Dim As Long getfps
    Dim As Long length=100
    Dim As String msg
    Dim As Long roomforerror=10
    Redim As pt a(20)
    Screen 20,32
        Getmouse mx,my,wheel,btn
        Draw String (20,10),"Mouse wheel for impulse direction, left button to nudge"
        Draw String(20,30),"framerate "&getfps
        Draw String(20,60),"Mistakes so far "+Str(life) +" of 4"
        Draw String(20,79),msg
        If msg="Done" Then
            Locate 15,15
            Print "You have won, press a key to end"
        End If
        If life>3 Then
            Locate 15,15
            Print "You have lost, press a key to end"
        End If  
        Dim As pt x1=Type(mx,my)
        Dim As pt x2=Getline(mx,my,wheel/5,length)
        If btn=1 And flag=0 And inpolygon(p(),x2) And inpolygon(p(),x1)=0 Then 
            push (p(),x1,x2,getdirection,getangle,impulsefactor)
        End If
        If OutOfBounds(p()) Then
        End If
        Sleep regulate(60,getfps),1
    Loop Until Len(Inkey)
    Return 0
End Function

End start

Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

dodicat wrote:One of the astronauts has unfortunately passed away.
But that is not the end of the story, he must now be laid to rest on a nearby asteroid.
The resting place has been prepared.
Sorry, my dead astronaut took his last intergalactic voyage.
Posts: 3917
Joined: Jan 01, 2009 7:03
Location: Australia

Re: Physics question

Post by BasicCoder2 »

badidea wrote:
BasicCoder2 wrote:Now maybe make it into some kind of game?
That is the plan, that is also why this 'physics question' is in the 'Game Dev' section :-)
I must say I find controlling the ship frustratingly impossible!

Of course fun retro computer games usually don't use real physics.

These 2d games can always be given a retro pseudo 3d view which I find more immersing.
The polygon version can always be shown at the same time maybe as a radar view.
For example the retro pseudo 3d view such as this one,
I started writing code for a spaceship in an asteroid field using the retro pseudo 3d view by replacing the bushes with asteroid images and using a milky way background as shown below.
You could make this a window view from the inside of a space ship.
You would of course have different shaped asteroids and be able to vaporise them, or collect them, and so on maybe with other space ships to fight or compete with.

Asteroid belts as shown below are in fact just a work of fiction like a lot of the rubbish you see in science fiction films. Spacecraft can pass through the asteroid belt with virtually no chance of a collision. Space junk around the Earth however may be another issue over time.
Last edited by BasicCoder2 on Aug 19, 2019 9:28, edited 6 times in total.
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