Parse string to tree structure (solved)

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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by dodicat »

That's nice grindstone.
I hope your little friend returns this Spring.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

I changed my version, but it still crashes on Windows. It seems I cannot use redim. says:
"Using Redim within a member procedure with an array that contains the instance of the object class is undefined, and will [hopefully] result in horrible crashes (if array data are shifted in memory, the This reference becomes incoherent, similarly to a dangling pointer)."
So, re-write to pointers and classic memory allocation...

Code: Select all

function countInStr(text as string, char as string) as integer
	dim as integer count = 0
	for i as integer = 0 to len(text) - 1
		if text[i] = asc(char) then count += 1
	return count
end function


type tree_fwd as tree_type 'forward declaration

type sub_tree
	dim as string path
	dim as tree_fwd ptr pChild
end type

type tree_type
	dim as string item(any)
	dim as sub_tree subTree(any)
	declare sub addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
	declare sub show(depth as integer = 0)
	declare sub cleanup()
end type

'object = item or tree
sub tree_type.addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
	dim as integer i, j
	if objectStr[0] <> asc(sepChar) then
		print "Fail: Bad input"
		exit sub
	end if
	if countInStr(objectStr, sepChar) = 1 then
		dim as string itemStr = mid(objectStr, 2) 'all after "/"
		dim as integer ub = ubound(item)
		redim preserve item(ub + 1)
		'find insert location
		for i = 0 to ub
			if itemStr < item(i) then exit for
		'move other items below
		for j = ub to i step -1
			item(j + 1) = item(j)
		'insert new item
		item(i) = itemStr
		dim as integer nextSepPos = instr(2, objectStr, sepChar)
		dim as string pathStr = mid(objectStr, 2, nextSepPos - 2)
		dim as string remObjStr = mid(objectStr, nextSepPos)
		for i = 0 to ubound(subTree)
			if subTree(i).path = pathStr then exit for
		if i <= ubound(subTree) then 'match found
			subTree(i).pChild->addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
			'add sub tree
			dim as integer ub = ubound(subTree)
			redim preserve subTree(ub + 1)
			'find insert location
			for i = 0 to ub
				if pathStr < subTree(i).path then exit for
			'move other items below
			for j = ub to i step -1
				subTree(j + 1) = subTree(j)
			'insert new item
			subTree(i).path = pathStr
			subTree(i).pChild = allocate(sizeof(tree_type))
			subTree(i).pChild->addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
		end if
	end if
end sub

sub as integer = 0)
	dim as string indentStr = string(depth * 2, " ") + "+ "
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(item)
		color 14, 0 'item in yellow
		print indentStr & item(i)
		color 15, 0
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(subTree)
		color 10, 0 'path in green
		print indentStr & subTree(i).path
		color 15, 0
		subTree(i).pChild->show(depth + 1)
end sub

sub tree_type.cleanup()
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(subTree)
	erase item, subTree
end sub


dim as string inputStr(...) = { _
	"/path1/path2/itemA", _
	"/path1/path2/itemC", _
	"/path1/path2/itemB", _
	"/path2/path2/itemX", _
	"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
	"/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
	"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
	"/path3/itemC", _
	"/path3/itemC", _

dim as tree_type tree

for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inputStr)
	tree.addItem(inputStr(i), "/")
print "end"
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by fxm »

badidea wrote:I changed my version, but it still crashes on Windows. It seems I cannot use redim. says:
"Using Redim within a member procedure with an array that contains the instance of the object class is undefined, and will [hopefully] result in horrible crashes (if array data are shifted in memory, the This reference becomes incoherent, similarly to a dangling pointer)."
No, you are not in such a situation (seeing your code at viewtopic.php?p=269973#p269973), and so the error does not come from that.

But on the other hand, you cannot only allocate (and deallocate at end) memory for creating an instance of tree_type, because this instance must also be built (and destroyed at the end), because it contains three descriptors of dynamic arrays:
  • After:
    pSubTree(ub + 1) = allocate(sizeof(tree_type))
    pSubTree(ub + 1)->constructor()
  • Before:
But the simplest is to use new/delete instead:
  • Instead of:
    pSubTree(ub + 1) = allocate(sizeof(tree_type))
    pSubTree(ub + 1) = new tree_type
  • Instead of:
    delete pSubTree(i)
Your latest version (just above) also crashes on my PC for a similar reason (see tree_type and sub_tree) => similar change (to call the constructors/destructors).
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by UEZ »

My two previous versions don't work properly.

This is now my 3rd and maybe last attempt:

Code: Select all

#Define LF   Chr(10)
#Define CRLF Chr(13) & Chr(10)
#Define INDENT "  "
#Define PREFIX "+ "

Dim Shared As String * 255 u
For n As Long = 0 To 255
    u[n] = Iif(n < 91 Andalso n > 64, n + 32, n)  'lookup string

Sub QuicksortUp(low As String Ptr,high As String Ptr) 'by dodicat
    If (high - low <= 1) Then Return
    Var J = low + 1, I = J, lenb = Cast(Integer Ptr, low)[1], lena=0
    While J <= high
        lena = Cast(Integer Ptr, J)[1] '=Len(*a)
        If lena > lenb Then lena = lenb
        For n As Long = 0 To lena - 1
            If u[(J)[0][n]] < u[(low)[0][n]] Then Swap *J, *I : I += 1 : Exit For
            If u[(J)[0][n]] > u[(low)[0][n]] Then Exit For
        J + =1
    J = I - 1 : Swap *low, *J
    QuicksortUp(low, J)
    QuicksortUp(I, high)
End Sub

Sub StringSplit(sString As String, aResult() As String, sDelimiter As String = "/")
   Dim As Uinteger j = 0, i, ii = 1
   If Left(sString, 1) = sDelimiter Then sString = Ltrim(sString, "/")
   For i = 1 To Len(sString)
      If Mid(sString, i, 1) = sDelimiter Then
         Redim Preserve aResult(Ubound(aResult) + 1)
         aResult(j) = Mid(sString, ii, i - ii)
         j += 1
         i += 1
         ii = i
      End If
   If ii < i Then
      aResult(j) = Mid(sString, ii, i - ii)
      Redim Preserve aResult(j - 1)
   End If
End Sub

Sub PrintDirStructur(sPathes As String, sepChar As String)
   ReDim As String aPathes(1000)
   Dim As String char
   Dim As Integer i = 1, ii = 1, c = 0, d = 0, x, y, dimx = 0

   While i <= Len(sPathes) 'loop all characters
      char = Mid(sPathes, i, 1)
      If char = sepChar Then d+= 1 'current depth
      If Asc(char) = 10 Then 'LF
         aPathes(c) = Mid(sPathes, ii, i - ii) 'one complete line
         c += 1 'line count
         i += 1 'input iterator
         ii = i 'previous
         If dimx < d Then dimx = d 'increase max depth
         d = 0 'reset current depth
         i += 1 'No LF
      End If   
   If ii < i Then 'add the last line
      aPathes(c) = Mid(sPathes, ii, i - ii)
      c -= 1 'correct line count
   End If
   Redim Preserve aPathes(c) 'shrink array size
   QuicksortUp(@aPathes(0), @aPathes(c))
   ? "Input pathes sorted:"
   For i = 0 To Ubound(aPathes)
      ? aPathes(i)
   ? "Formatted:" : ? 
   Dim As String aTree(dimx * c, dimx - 1) 'allocate for worst case
   Dim As String aLine()
   Dim As Integer px, py = 0, found, yy

   For i = 0 To Ubound(aPathes) 'loop all full paths
      Redim aLine(0)
      StringSplit(aPathes(i), aLine(), sepChar) 'split path into segments
      px = 0
      For x = 0 To Ubound(aLine) 'loop path segments
         y = py - 1
         found = 0
		 While y > -1
			 If aLine(x) = aTree(y, px) Then
				If x > 0 Then
					yy = py
					While yy >= y
						If aTree(yy, px - 1) <> "" Then Exit While
						yy -= 1
					If yy > y Then
						found = 0
						found = 1
					End If
					found = 1
				End If
			 End If
			y -= 1
         If found = 1 Then
            px += 1
            aTree(py, px) = aLine(x)
            px += 1
            py += 1
         End if
   Dim As String sOutput, tc, tn
   For y = 0 To py
      For x = 0 To Ubound(aTree, 2)
         sOutput &= Iif(aTree(y, x) <> "", PREFIX + aTree(y, x), "") + INDENT
      sOutput &= CRLF
   ? sOutput
End Sub

Dim As String sPathes = _
   "/itemE" & LF & _
   "/path1/path2/itemA" & LF & _
   "/path1/path2/itemC" & LF & _
   "/path1/path2/itemB" & LF & _
   "/path2/path2/itemX" & LF & _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ" & LF & _
   "/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR" & LF & _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP" & LF & _
   "/path3/itemC" & LF & _

PrintDirStructur(sPathes, "/")

Edit: still not working properly :-(

Last edited by UEZ on Mar 24, 2020 15:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by dodicat »

badidea -- From your first code.
1) create static path() and pSubTree() to avoid pointers and keep the ubounds the same for bubblesort.
2) tweak bubblesort to standard layout and sort up
3) supply a get out for recursive sub .show.

Code: Select all

function countInStr(text as string, char as string) as integer
   dim as integer count = 0
   for i as integer = 0 to len(text) - 1
      if text[i] = asc(char) then count += 1
   return count
end function

function findInList(list() as string, find as string) as integer
   for i as integer = 0 to ubound(list)
      if list(i) = find then return i
   return -1
end function

sub bubbleSort(list() as string)
   for i as integer = lbound(list) to ubound(list)-1
      for j as integer = i+1 to ubound(list)
         if list(i) > list(j) then
            swap list(i), list(j)
         end if
end sub


type tree_type
   dim as string item(any)
   static as string path(any)
   static as tree_type pSubTree(any)
   declare sub addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
   declare sub show(depth as integer = 0)
   declare sub cleanup()
end type
redim tree_type.pSubTree(0)
redim tree_type.path(0)

'object = item or tree
sub tree_type.addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
   if objectStr[0] <> asc(sepChar) then
      print "Fail: Bad input"
      exit sub
   end if
   if countInStr(objectStr, sepChar) = 1 then
      dim as integer ub = ubound(item)
      redim preserve item(ub + 1)
      item(ub + 1) = mid(objectStr, 2) 'note mid starts at 1
      dim as integer nextSepPos = instr(2, objectStr, sepChar)
      dim as string pathStr = mid(objectStr, 2, nextSepPos - 2)
      dim as string remObjStr = mid(objectStr, nextSepPos)
      dim as integer index = findInList(path(), pathStr)
      if index >= 0 then
         pSubTree(index).addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
         'add sub tree
         dim as integer ub = ubound(pSubTree)
         redim preserve path(ub + 1)
         path(ub + 1) = pathStr
         redim preserve pSubTree(ub + 1)
        ' pSubTree(ub + 1) = allocate(sizeof(tree_type)) <<<--- use the static array instead
         pSubTree(ub + 1).addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
         'bubble sort with 2nd array
        ' print ubound(path),ubound(psubtree) 'ok  they are equal
         for i as integer = lbound(path) to ubound(path)-1 'STANDARD BUBBLESORT -- up
            for j as integer = i+1 to ubound(path)
               if path(i) > path(j) then
                  swap path(i), path(j)  'no problem, both ubounds are equal
                  swap pSubTree(i), pSubTree(j)
               end if
      end if
   end if
end sub

sub as integer = 0)
    static as long start=-1
   dim as string indentStr = string(depth * 2, " ") + "+ "
   for i as integer = 0 to ubound(item)
      color 14, 0 'item in yellow
      print indentStr & item(i)
      color 15, 0
   for j as integer = start to ubound(path)
      color 10, 0 'path in green
      print indentStr & path(j)
      color 15, 0
      pSubTree(j).show(depth + 1)
   next j
end sub

sub tree_type.cleanup()
   'for i as integer = 0 to ubound(pSubTree)  <<-- not needed
   erase item, path, pSubTree
end sub


dim as string inputStr(...) = { _
   "/path1/path2/itemA", _
   "/path1/path2/itemC", _
   "/path1/path2/itemB", _
   "/path2/path2/itemX", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
   "/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
   "/path3/itemC", _
   "/path3/itemC", _

dim as tree_type tree

for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inputStr)
   tree.addItem(inputStr(i), "/")
print "end"
tested Win 10
Last edited by dodicat on Mar 23, 2020 14:35, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by grindstone »

@badidea: With that "double - typing" you're making it unnecessary complicated. You can simply put it all in a single type...

Code: Select all

type tree_type
   dim as string path
   dim as string item(any)
   dim as tree_type ptr pChild(any)
   declare sub addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
   declare sub show(depth as integer = 0)
   declare sub cleanup()
end type
...and avoid the sub_tree type as well as the forward referencing.

And if you make the cleanup sub a destructor it will be automatically called if you delete an instance of tree-type.

Furthermore: From my experience mixing up record access (by dot) and pointer access (by arrow) is begging for trouble. You should consequently use one method or the other. For a tree structure I would strongly recommend the pointer access.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by dodicat »

badidea -- from your second code, and agreeing with grindstone about using only one type structure, but disagreeing about using pointers.

Code: Select all

function countInStr(text as string, char as string) as integer
   dim as integer count = 0
   for i as integer = 0 to len(text) - 1
      if text[i] = asc(char) then count += 1
   return count
end function


type tree_type 
    as string path
   dim as string item(any)
   static as tree_type subTree(any)
   declare sub addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
   declare sub show(depth as integer = 0)
   declare sub cleanup()
end type
redim tree_type.subTree(0)
'object = item or tree
sub tree_type.addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
   dim as integer i, j
   if objectStr[0] <> asc(sepChar) then
      print "Fail: Bad input"
      exit sub
   end if
   if countInStr(objectStr, sepChar) = 1 then
      dim as string itemStr = mid(objectStr, 2) 'all after "/"
      dim as integer ub = ubound(item)
      redim preserve item(ub + 1)
      'find insert location
      for i = 0 to ub
         if itemStr < item(i) then exit for
      'move other items below
      for j = ub to i step -1
         item(j + 1) = item(j)
      'insert new item
      item(i) = itemStr
      dim as integer nextSepPos = instr(2, objectStr, sepChar)
      dim as string pathStr = mid(objectStr, 2, nextSepPos - 2)
      dim as string remObjStr = mid(objectStr, nextSepPos)
      for i = 0 to ubound(subTree)
         if subTree(i).path = pathStr then exit for
      if i <= ubound(subTree) then 'match found
         subTree(i).addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
         'add sub tree
         dim as integer ub = ubound(subTree)
         redim preserve subTree(ub + 1)
         'find insert location
         for i = 0 to ub
            if pathStr < subTree(i).path then exit for
         'move other items below
         for j = ub to i step -1
            subTree(j + 1) = subTree(j)
         'insert new item
         subTree(i).path = pathStr
        ' subTree(i).pChild = allocate(sizeof(tree_type))
         subTree(i).addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
      end if
   end if
end sub

sub as integer = 0)
    static as long start=-1
   dim as string indentStr = string(depth * 2, " ") + "+ "
   for i as integer = 0 to ubound(item)
      color 14, 0 'item in yellow
      print indentStr & item(i)
      color 15, 0
   for i as integer = start to ubound(subTree)
      color 10, 0 'path in green
      print indentStr & subTree(i).path
      color 15, 0
      subTree(i).show(depth + 1)
end sub

sub tree_type.cleanup()
   'for i as integer = 0 to ubound(subTree)
   erase item, subTree
end sub


dim as string inputStr(...) = { _
   "/path1/path2/itemA", _
   "/path1/path2/itemC", _
   "/path1/path2/itemB", _
   "/path2/path2/itemX", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
   "/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
   "/path3/itemC", _
   "/path3/itemC", _

dim as tree_type tree

for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inputStr)
   tree.addItem(inputStr(i), "/")
print "end"
results are the same as your first code.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by Lost Zergling »

@Badidea.I feel badly placed to take a look at your approach and that is not my goal. Without offense, it seems to me that the problem you are facing is somewhat of a nature comparable to that which I was faced with during the long-term design of LZLE: the memory management of a tree. Suppose that the choice is based on a recursive technique: you are going to encapsulate the function calls according to a variable structure and with variable volumetries. This will have major consequences: perhaps avoidable loading of the stack, delegation to the system of the management of the constraints due to the fragmentation of the memory induced by this conceptual architecture, and very delicate management of the conditional outputs of loops and of the navigation . Conversely, an architecture based on linearization and logical standardization of memory blocks (we create a logical abstraction layer to be able to reduce fragmentation in two ways: linearization and "logical" reallocation) will impose serious consequences: code complexity ( which must support memory virtualization operations) and counter-intuitive logical constraints or behaviors as soon as recursive operation by essence must be simulated.
Neither of these two approaches can in itself be satisfactory. For example, in case of batch processing, the second option will be the best. Conversely, getting rid of recursion completely could prove to be prohibitively complex in some cases.
These issues are not technical but conceptual and linked to the low level intrinsic architecture (processor, memory) of the system on the one hand, to the logic of the tree on the other, which implies that whatever the technical solution implemented (object design, pointers or other), these constraints are likely to resurface in different ways depending on the technique used.
Depending on what exactly you want your code to do and how you want to design it, this task may be more or less considerable.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

dodicat wrote:badidea -- from your second code, and agreeing with grindstone about using only one type structure, but disagreeing about using pointers.
results are the same as your first code.
I do know what you did, but the output is completely different here.
I could work with 1 list with a flag per entry is_dir like actual filesystems.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by UEZ »

@badidea: just for curiosity - does my 3rd attempt work now with you real data properly?
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by dodicat »

Hello UEZ.
Run this in a dedicated folder, it is literally the path instructions set alive(folders and files are created in a folder tmp then tree is called then everything is deleted)

Code: Select all

Sub string_split(Byval s As String,chars As String,result() As String)
    Redim result(0)
    Dim As String var1,var2
    Dim As Long pst,LC=Len(chars)
    #macro split(stri)
    If pst<>0 Then
    End If
    If Len(var1) Then 
        Redim Preserve result(1 To Ubound(result)+1)
    End If
    Loop Until var2=""
End Sub

Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String)
    Dim As Integer n
    If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #n)=0 Then
        Put #n,,p
        Print "Unable to save " + filename
    End If
End Sub

Function Remove(Byval Text As String,Char As String) As String
    Dim As Long i
    For n As Long = 0 To Len(Text)-1
        If Text[n]<> Asc(char) Then Text[i]= Text[n]:i+=1
    Return Left(Text,i)
End Function

Function FindAndReplace(InString As String,Find As String,Replace As String) As String
    Dim s As String=InString
    Var position=Instr(s,Find)
    While position>0
        s=Mid(s,1,position-1) & Replace & Mid(s,position+Len(Find))
    Return s
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
    Open Pipe s For Input As #f
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function

Dim As String inputStr(1 To 11) = { _
"/path1/path2/itemA", _
"/path1/path2/itemC", _
"/path1/path2/itemB", _
"/path2/path2/itemX", _
"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
"/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
"/path3/itemC", _
"/path3/itemC", _

Shell "mkdir "+Curdir+"\tmp"

Dim As Long p
For n As Long=1 To Ubound(inputstr)
    Redim As String a()
    If Ubound(a)=1 Then 
        For m As Long=1 To Ubound(a)-1
            Shell "mkdir "+Curdir+"\tmp"+"\"+ a(m)
        Next m
    End If
Next n

Var path=Curdir +"\tmp"

Var s=pipeout("tree /A /F "+path)
'to suit windows
s=FindAndReplace(s,"---","  ")
s=FindAndReplace(s,"\"," + ")
Print s
Shell "rmdir /S /Q "+Curdir +"\tmp"
#include ""
Print Iif(Fileexists(Curdir +"\tmp"),"Delete foldet tmp manually","OK")

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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

UEZ wrote:@badidea: just for curiosity - does my 3rd attempt work now with you real data properly?
It does not look good. Items are not grouped, see e.g. "Thermocouples" at the end.
Part of real data:

Code: Select all

Input pathes sorted:

Code: Select all

+ UPP          
  + Diagnostics        
    + IonBeamDet1      
      + CooledPower    
      + WaterFlow    
      + WaterTemp    
  + HpCooling        
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + SourceAnode  
        + SourceCathodeHouse  
        + SourceCathode  
        + SourceNozzle  
        + SourcePlate1  
        + SourcePlate2  
        + SourcePlate3  
        + SourcePlate4  
        + SourcePlate5  
        + SourcePlate6  
        + Target  
      + Temperatures    
        + SourceAnode  
        + SourceCathode  
        + SourceCathodeHouse  
        + SourceNozzle  
        + SourcePlate1  
        + SourcePlate2  
        + SourcePlate3  
        + SourcePlate4  
        + SourcePlate5  
        + SourcePlate6  
        + Supply  
        + Target  
  + LpCooling        
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + DirtyWaterUnit  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + IonBeamDetector  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + MagnetCoil1  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + MagnetCoil2  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + MagnetCoil3  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + MagnetPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + PlasmaPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourceAnode  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourceCathode  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourceFlange  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourceHouse  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourceNozzle  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate1  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate2  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate3  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate4  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate5  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + SourcePlate6  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + Target  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + Total  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + Total  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + VacuumPorts  
    + Manifold      
      + Calorimeters    
        + VacuumVessel  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + DirtyWaterUnit  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + IonBeamDetector  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + MagnetCoil1  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + MagnetCoil2  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + MagnetCoil3  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + MagnetPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + PlasmaPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + SourceFlange  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + VacuumPorts  
    + Manifold      
      + Flows    
        + VacuumVessel  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + DirtyWaterUnit  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + IonBeamDetector  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + MagnetCoil1  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + MagnetCoil2  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + MagnetCoil3  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + MagnetPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + PlasmaPS  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + SourceFlange  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + Supply  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + VacuumPorts  
    + Manifold      
      + Temperatures    
        + VacuumVessel  
  + Magnet        
    + Coil1      
      + ConnectedPsNr    
      + CooledPower    
      + CurrentPv    
      + WaterFlow    
      + WaterTemp    
    + Coil2      
      + ConnectedPsNr    
      + CooledPower    
      + CurrentPv    
      + WaterFlow    
      + WaterTemp    
    + Coil3      
      + ConnectedPsNr    
      + CooledPower    
      + CurrentPv    
      + WaterFlow    
      + WaterTemp    
    + PowerSupply      
      + CooledPower    
      + StatusRegisterRack    
      + StatusRegisterUnit12    
      + StatusRegisterUnit34    
      + Unit1    
        + CurrentPv  
        + CurrentSp  
      + Unit2    
        + CurrentPv  
        + CurrentSp  
      + Unit3    
        + CurrentPv  
        + CurrentSp  
      + Unit4    
        + CurrentPv  
        + CurrentSp  
      + WaterFlow    
      + WaterTemp    
  + Plasma        
    + ControlSystem      
      + ExperimentConfigFileName    
      + ExpWaterFlowEnBits    
      + ExpWaterTempEnBits    
      + PlasmaShutdown    
      + SourceVoltEnBits    
      + SourceWaterFlowEnBits    
      + SourceWaterTempEnBits    
      + ThermocoupleEnBits    
      + UplaMode    
      + UplaPlcState    
    + GasInlet      
      + Cylinders    
        + Cyl1GasType  
        + Cyl2GasType  
        + Cyl3GasType  
        + Cyl4GasType  
        + Cyl6GasType  
      + Mfc1    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc2    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc3    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc4    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc5    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc6    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
      + Mfc7    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
      + Mfc8    
        + FlowPv  
        + FlowSp  
        + ValveEnabled  
    + PowerSupply      
      + CooledPower    
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.1    
        + CurrentPv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.1    
        + CurrentSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.1    
        + IgnitionMode  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.1    
        + SourceConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.1    
        + Status  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.1    
        + TargetConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.1    
        + VoltagePv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.1    
        + VoltageSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.2    
        + CurrentPv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.2    
        + CurrentSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.2    
        + IgnitionMode  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.2    
        + SourceConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.2    
        + Status  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.2    
        + TargetConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.2    
        + VoltagePv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.2    
        + VoltageSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.3    
        + CurrentPv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.3    
        + CurrentSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.3    
        + IgnitionMode  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.3    
        + SourceConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.3    
        + Status  
    + PowerSupply      
      + PS1.3    
        + TargetConnection  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.3    
        + VoltagePv  
    + PowerSupply      
      + Ps1.3    
        + VoltageSp  
    + PowerSupply      
      + StatusRegister    
    + PowerSupply      
      + WaterFlow    
    + PowerSupply      
      + WaterTemp    
    + Source      
      + Anode    
        + CooledPower  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Cathode    
        + CooledPower  
        + CurrentPs  
        + Voltage  
        + VoltagePs  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + CathodeHouse    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Config    
        + Comment  
        + Description  
        + DrawingName  
        + FileName  
        + Id  
        + NumPlates  
      + Gas    
        + ChannelPressure  
        + FlowAr  
        + FlowCh4  
        + FlowD2  
        + FlowH2  
        + FlowHe  
        + FlowN2  
        + FlowNe  
        + FlowXe  
        + Valve  
      + Nozzle    
        + CooledPower  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate1    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate2    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate3    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate4    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate5    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Plate6    
        + CooledPower  
        + Voltage  
        + WaterFlow  
        + WaterTemp  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc1  
        + Tc2  
      + Voltages    
        + Cathode  
        + CathodeHouse  
        + Plate1  
        + Plate2  
        + Plate3  
        + Plate4  
        + Plate5  
        + Plate6  
  + Target        
    + Bias      
      + CurrentPs    
      + PositivePolarity    
      + PsConnected    
      + VoltagePs    
      + VoltagePv    
    + Calorimeter      
      + CooledPower    
      + HeaterCurrent    
      + HeaterPower    
      + HeaterVoltage    
      + WaterTempDiff    
    + Cooling      
      + CooledPowerMf    
      + WaterFlowMf    
      + WaterTempMf    
    + Thermocouple      
      + Tc1    
      + Tc2    
  + Vacuum        
    + Cooling      
      + Ports    
        + CooledPower  
    + Cooling      
      + Ports    
        + WaterFlow  
    + Cooling      
      + Ports    
        + WaterTemp  
    + Cooling      
      + SourceFlange    
        + CooledPower  
    + Cooling      
      + SourceFlange    
        + WaterFlow  
    + Cooling      
      + SourceFlange    
        + WaterTemp  
    + Cooling      
      + Vessel    
        + CooledPower  
    + Cooling      
      + Vessel    
        + WaterFlow  
    + Cooling      
      + Vessel    
        + WaterTemp  
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowAr    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowCh4    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowD2    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowH2    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowHe    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowN2    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowNe    
    + GasInlet      
      + FlowXe    
    + GasInlet      
      + Valve    
    + Vessel      
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc1  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc2  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc3  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc4  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc6  
      + Thermocouple    
        + Tc5  
Posts: 2591
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

grindstone wrote:And here are my two pennies to the tree parser:
Your versions works with the real data above.
Edit: One small issue: It does not display all items in a path before all sub-paths ("files before folders").

Code: Select all

+ root
  + UPP
    + Diagnostics
      + IonBeamDet1
        + CooledPower
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
    + HpCooling
      + Manifold
        + Flows
          + SourceAnode
          + SourceCathode
          + SourceCathodeHouse
          + SourceNozzle
          + SourcePlate1
          + SourcePlate2
          + SourcePlate3
          + SourcePlate4
          + SourcePlate5
          + SourcePlate6
          + Target
        + Temperatures
          + SourceAnode
          + SourceCathode
          + SourceCathodeHouse
          + SourceNozzle
          + SourcePlate1
          + SourcePlate2
          + SourcePlate3
          + SourcePlate4
          + SourcePlate5
          + SourcePlate6
          + Supply
          + Target
    + LpCooling
      + Manifold
        + Calorimeters
          + DirtyWaterUnit
          + IonBeamDetector
          + MagnetCoil1
          + MagnetCoil2
          + MagnetCoil3
          + MagnetPS
          + PlasmaPS
          + SourceAnode
          + SourceCathode
          + SourceFlange
          + SourceHouse
          + SourceNozzle
          + SourcePlate1
          + SourcePlate2
          + SourcePlate3
          + SourcePlate4
          + SourcePlate5
          + SourcePlate6
          + Target
          + Total
          + VacuumPorts
          + VacuumVessel
        + Flows
          + DirtyWaterUnit
          + IonBeamDetector
          + MagnetCoil1
          + MagnetCoil2
          + MagnetCoil3
          + MagnetPS
          + PlasmaPS
          + SourceFlange
          + VacuumPorts
          + VacuumVessel
        + Temperatures
          + DirtyWaterUnit
          + IonBeamDetector
          + MagnetCoil1
          + MagnetCoil2
          + MagnetCoil3
          + MagnetPS
          + PlasmaPS
          + SourceFlange
          + Supply
          + VacuumPorts
          + VacuumVessel
    + Magnet
      + Coil1
        + ConnectedPsNr
        + CooledPower
        + CurrentPv
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
      + Coil2
        + ConnectedPsNr
        + CooledPower
        + CurrentPv
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
      + Coil3
        + ConnectedPsNr
        + CooledPower
        + CurrentPv
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
      + PowerSupply
        + CooledPower
        + StatusRegisterRack
        + StatusRegisterUnit12
        + StatusRegisterUnit34
        + Unit1
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
        + Unit2
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
        + Unit3
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
        + Unit4
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
    + Plasma
      + ControlSystem
        + ExperimentConfigFileName
        + ExpWaterFlowEnBits
        + ExpWaterTempEnBits
        + PlasmaShutdown
        + SourceVoltEnBits
        + SourceWaterFlowEnBits
        + SourceWaterTempEnBits
        + ThermocoupleEnBits
        + UplaMode
        + UplaPlcState
      + GasInlet
        + Cylinders
          + Cyl1GasType
          + Cyl2GasType
          + Cyl3GasType
          + Cyl4GasType
          + Cyl6GasType
        + Mfc1
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc2
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc3
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc4
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc5
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc6
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
        + Mfc7
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
        + Mfc8
          + FlowPv
          + FlowSp
          + ValveEnabled
      + PowerSupply
        + CooledPower
        + PS1.1
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
          + IgnitionMode
          + SourceConnection
          + Status
          + TargetConnection
          + VoltagePv
          + VoltageSp
        + PS1.2
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
          + IgnitionMode
          + SourceConnection
          + Status
          + TargetConnection
          + VoltagePv
          + VoltageSp
        + PS1.3
          + CurrentPv
          + CurrentSp
          + IgnitionMode
          + SourceConnection
          + Status
          + TargetConnection
          + VoltagePv
          + VoltageSp
        + StatusRegister
        + WaterFlow
        + WaterTemp
      + Source
        + Anode
          + CooledPower
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Cathode
          + CooledPower
          + CurrentPs
          + Voltage
          + VoltagePs
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + CathodeHouse
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Config
          + Comment
          + Description
          + DrawingName
          + FileName
          + Id
          + NumPlates
        + Gas
          + ChannelPressure
          + FlowAr
          + FlowCh4
          + FlowD2
          + FlowH2
          + FlowHe
          + FlowN2
          + FlowNe
          + FlowXe
          + Valve
        + Nozzle
          + CooledPower
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate1
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate2
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate3
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate4
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate5
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Plate6
          + CooledPower
          + Voltage
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Thermocouple
          + Tc1
          + Tc2
        + Voltages
          + Cathode
          + CathodeHouse
          + Plate1
          + Plate2
          + Plate3
          + Plate4
          + Plate5
          + Plate6
    + Target
      + Bias
        + CurrentPs
        + PositivePolarity
        + PsConnected
        + VoltagePs
        + VoltagePv
      + Calorimeter
        + CooledPower
        + HeaterCurrent
        + HeaterPower
        + HeaterVoltage
        + WaterTempDiff
      + Cooling
        + CooledPowerMf
        + WaterFlowMf
        + WaterTempMf
      + Thermocouple
        + Tc1
        + Tc2
    + Vacuum
      + Cooling
        + Ports
          + CooledPower
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + SourceFlange
          + CooledPower
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
        + Vessel
          + CooledPower
          + WaterFlow
          + WaterTemp
      + GasInlet
        + FlowAr
        + FlowCh4
        + FlowD2
        + FlowH2
        + FlowHe
        + FlowN2
        + FlowNe
        + FlowXe
        + Valve
      + Vessel
        + Thermocouple
          + Tc1
          + Tc2
          + Tc3
          + Tc4
          + Tc5
          + Tc6
I already spotted a few data mistakes in the input data with this.
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by UEZ »

@badidea: thanks for testing. Sad to hear that it still doesn't work properly... :-(

C'est la vie...

Posts: 2591
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

UEZ wrote:@badidea: thanks for testing. Sad to hear that it still doesn't work properly... :-(

C'est la vie...

No problem, I can use grindstone's tool for now. Meanwhile i'll try to fix my own version.

Revised input data for those who want to test a larger data set:

Code: Select all

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