Parse string to tree structure (solved)

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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

fxm wrote:But on the other hand, you cannot only allocate (and deallocate at end) memory for creating an instance of tree_type, because this instance must also be built (and destroyed at the end), because it contains three descriptors of dynamic arrays:
Thanks, switching to new/delete fix the issues. I never knew the real purpose of new/delete until now :-)
Topic marked as solved. For completeness:

Code: Select all

function countInStr(text as string, char as string) as integer
	dim as integer count = 0
	for i as integer = 0 to len(text) - 1
		if text[i] = asc(char) then count += 1
	return count
end function


type tree_fwd as tree_type 'forward declaration

type sub_tree
	dim as string path
	dim as tree_fwd ptr pChild
end type

type tree_type
	dim as string item(any)
	dim as sub_tree subTree(any)
	declare sub addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
	declare sub show(depth as integer = 0)
	declare sub cleanup()
end type

'object = item or tree
sub tree_type.addItem(objectStr as string, sepChar as string)
	dim as integer i, j
	if objectStr[0] <> asc(sepChar) then
		print "Fail: Bad input"
		exit sub
	end if
	if countInStr(objectStr, sepChar) = 1 then
		dim as string itemStr = mid(objectStr, 2) 'all after "/"
		dim as integer ub = ubound(item)
		redim preserve item(ub + 1)
		'find insert location
		for i = 0 to ub
			if itemStr < item(i) then exit for
		'move other items below
		for j = ub to i step -1
			item(j + 1) = item(j)
		'insert new item
		item(i) = itemStr
		dim as integer nextSepPos = instr(2, objectStr, sepChar)
		dim as string pathStr = mid(objectStr, 2, nextSepPos - 2)
		dim as string remObjStr = mid(objectStr, nextSepPos)
		for i = 0 to ubound(subTree)
			if subTree(i).path = pathStr then exit for
		if i <= ubound(subTree) then 'match found
			subTree(i).pChild->addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
			'add sub tree
			dim as integer ub = ubound(subTree)
			redim preserve subTree(ub + 1)
			'find insert location
			for i = 0 to ub
				if pathStr < subTree(i).path then exit for
			'move other items below
			for j = ub to i step -1
				subTree(j + 1) = subTree(j)
			'insert new item
			subTree(i).path = pathStr
			subTree(i).pChild = new tree_type
			subTree(i).pChild->addItem(remObjStr, sepChar)
		end if
	end if
end sub

sub as integer = 0)
	dim as string indentStr = string(depth * 2, " ") + "+ "
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(item)
		color 14, 0 'item in yellow
		print indentStr & item(i)
		color 15, 0
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(subTree)
		color 10, 0 'path in green
		print indentStr & subTree(i).path
		color 15, 0
		subTree(i).pChild->show(depth + 1)
end sub

sub tree_type.cleanup()
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(subTree)
	erase item, subTree
end sub


dim as string inputStr(...) = { _
	"/path1/path2/itemA", _
	"/path1/path2/itemC", _
	"/path1/path2/itemB", _
	"/path2/path2/itemX", _
	"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
	"/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
	"/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
	"/path3/itemC", _
	"/path3/path9/itemY", _
	"/path3/itemC", _

dim as tree_type tree

for i as integer = 0 to ubound(inputStr)
	tree.addItem(inputStr(i), "/")
print "end"
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by UEZ »

@badidea: your list of paths has duplicates.

Anyhow, can you please test this 4th try against your real data? Ist it working or still faulty? :-)
I know that you have a working solution but this problem won't let me go now. ^^

Code: Select all

'Code by UEZ - proof of concept version
'Probaly still not working properly...^^

#Define LF   Chr(10)
#Define CRLF Chr(13) & Chr(10)
#Define INDENT "  "
#Define PREFIX "+ "

Dim Shared As String * 255 u
For n As Long = 0 To 255
    u[n] = Iif(n < 91 Andalso n > 64, n + 32, n)  'lookup string

Sub QuicksortUp(low As String Ptr,high As String Ptr) 'by dodicat
    If (high - low <= 1) Then Return
    Var J = low + 1, I = J, lenb = Cast(Integer Ptr, low)[1], lena=0
    While J <= high
        lena = Cast(Integer Ptr, J)[1] '=Len(*a)
        If lena > lenb Then lena = lenb
        For n As Long = 0 To lena - 1
            If u[(J)[0][n]] < u[(low)[0][n]] Then Swap *J, *I : I += 1 : Exit For
            If u[(J)[0][n]] > u[(low)[0][n]] Then Exit For
        J + =1
    J = I - 1 : Swap *low, *J
    QuicksortUp(low, J)
    QuicksortUp(I, high)
End Sub

Sub StringSplit(sString As String, aResult() As String, sDelimiter As String = "/")
   Dim As Uinteger j = 0, i, ii = 1
   If Left(sString, 1) = sDelimiter Then sString = Ltrim(sString, "/")
   For i = 1 To Len(sString)
      If Mid(sString, i, 1) = sDelimiter Then
         Redim Preserve aResult(Ubound(aResult) + 1)
         aResult(j) = Mid(sString, ii, i - ii)
         j += 1
         i += 1
         ii = i
      End If
   If ii < i Then
      aResult(j) = Mid(sString, ii, i - ii)
      Redim Preserve aResult(j - 1)
   End If
End Sub

Sub PrintDirStructure(sPaths As String, sepChar As String)
   ReDim As String aPaths(1000)
   Dim As String char
   Dim As Integer i = 1, ii = 1, c = 0, d = 0, x, y, dimx = 0

   While i <= Len(sPaths) 'loop all characters
      char = Mid(sPaths, i, 1)
      If char = sepChar Then d += 1 'current depth
      If Asc(char) = 10 Then 'LF
         aPaths(c) = Mid(sPaths, ii, i - ii) 'one complete line
         c += 1 'line count
         i += 1 'input iterator
         ii = i 'previous
         If dimx < d Then dimx = d 'increase max depth
         d = 0 'reset current depth
         i += 1 'No LF
      End If   
   If ii < i Then 'add the last line
      aPaths(c) = Mid(sPaths, ii, i - ii)
      c -= 1 'correct line count
   End If
   Redim Preserve aPaths(c) 'shrink array size
   QuicksortUp(@aPaths(0), @aPaths(c))
	'make input of Paths unique
 	Dim As String aPathsUnique(c)
	Dim As Ubyte bIsEqual
	c = 0
	y = 0
	While y < Ubound(aPaths)
		If Len(aPaths(y)) = Len(aPaths(y + 1)) Then
			bIsEqual = 1
			For x = 1 To Len(aPaths(y))
				If Mid(aPaths(y), x, 1) <> Mid(aPaths(y + 1), x, 1) Then
					bIsEqual = 0
					Exit For
				End If
			If bIsEqual = 0 Then 
				aPathsUnique(c) = aPaths(y)
				c += 1
			End If
			aPathsUnique(c) = aPaths(y)
			c += 1
		End If
		y += 1
	If bIsEqual = 0 Then 
		aPathsUnique(c) = aPaths(y)
		Redim Preserve aPathsUnique(c)
		Redim Preserve aPathsUnique(c - 1)
	End If 
   ? "Input Paths sorted:"
   For i = 0 To Ubound(aPathsUnique)
      ? aPathsUnique(i)
   ? "Formatted:" : ? 
   Dim As String aTree(dimx * c, dimx - 1) 'allocate for worst case
   Dim As String aLine()
   Dim As Integer px, py = 0, found, yy

   For i = 0 To Ubound(aPathsUnique) 'loop all full paths
      Redim aLine(0) 'reset aLine array
      StringSplit(aPathsUnique(i), aLine(), sepChar) 'split path into segments
      px = 0
      For x = 0 To Ubound(aLine) 'loop path segments
         y = py - 1
         found = 0
		 While y > -1
			 If aLine(x) = aTree(y, px) Then
				If x > 0 Then
					yy = py
					While yy >= y - 1
						If aTree(yy, px - 1) = aLine(x - 1) Then Exit While
						yy -= 1
					If yy > y - 1 Then
						found = 0
						found = 1
					End If
					found = 1
				End If
				Exit While
			 End If
			y -= 1
         If found = 1 Then
            px += 1
            aTree(py, px) = aLine(x)
            px += 1
            py += 1
         End if
   Dim As String sOutput, tc, tn  
   Dim As Uinteger iUBy = py, iUBx = Ubound(aTree, 2)
   'Redim Preserve aTree(iUBy, iUBx) ' doesn't work
   For y = 0 To iUBy
      For x = 0 To iUBx
         sOutput &= Iif(aTree(y, x) <> "", PREFIX + aTree(y, x), "") + INDENT
      sOutput &= CRLF
   ? sOutput
End Sub

Dim As String sPaths = _
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target" & LF & _
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target" & LF & _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit" & LF & _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit" & LF & _
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target" & LF & _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/MagnetCoil1" & LF & _

'Dim As String sPaths
'Dim As Long filenum = FreeFile()
'Open "Paths.txt" For Binary Access Read As #filenum 'only Chr(10) for line feed is accepted
'If Lof(filenum) > 0Then
'	sPaths = String(LOF(filenum), 0)
'	Get #filenum, , sPaths
'End If
'Close #filenum

PrintDirStructure(sPaths, "/")

I've added also the file load code at the end of the file. So, if you have the paths saved to a text file and the line break is only LF aka Chr(10) then it will work, too.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by grindstone »

badidea wrote:One small issue: It does not display all items in a path before all sub-paths ("files before folders").
This can easily be fixed by a slight modification of the printTree sub:

Code: Select all

Sub printTree(tp As tDirTreeNode Ptr)
	Print String(tp->depth, " "); "+ "; tp->fname 'print the name of the current node
	If tp->noChild Then
	Else 'call sub recursively
		For x As Integer = 0 To UBound(tp->child) 'print all items
			If (tp->child(x)->attr And fbDirectory) = 0 Then
		For x As Integer = 0 To UBound(tp->child) 'print all paths
			If (tp->child(x)->attr And fbDirectory) <> 0 Then
End Sub
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by dodicat »

Hello UEZ.
I think yours is good.
Here is my check (windows)
Save and run in a dedicated folder
It the literal thing.

Code: Select all

#include ""
Sub string_split(byval s As String,chars As String,result() As String)
    redim result(0)
    Dim As String var1,var2
Dim As long pst,LC=len(chars)
      #macro split(stri)
    If pst<>0 Then
End if
    if len(var1) then 
    redim preserve result(1 to ubound(result)+1)
    end if
Loop Until var2=""
End Sub

Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String)
    Dim As Integer n
    If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #n)=0 Then
        Put #n,,p
        Print "Unable to save " + filename
    End If
End Sub

Function Remove(Byval Text As String,Char As String) As String
    Dim As Long i
    For n As Long = 0 To Len(Text)-1
        If Text[n]<> Asc(char) Then Text[i]= Text[n]:i+=1
    Return Left(Text,i)
End Function

Function FindAndReplace(InString As String,Find As String,Replace As String) As String
    Dim s As String=InString
    var position=Instr(s,Find)
    While position>0
        s=Mid(s,1,position-1) & Replace & Mid(s,position+Len(Find))
    return s
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
    Open Pipe s For Input As #f
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function

Dim As String sPaths(...) = {_
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target", _
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/MagnetCoil1", _

dim as string inputStr(1 to 11) = { _
   "/path1/path2/itemA", _
   "/path1/path2/itemC", _
   "/path1/path2/itemB", _
   "/path2/path2/itemX", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
   "/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
   "/path3/itemC", _
   "/path3/itemC", _

sub gettree(p() as string)
shell "mkdir "+curdir+"\tmp"
for n as long=1 to ubound(p)
    redim as string a()
    if ubound(a)=1 then 
        dim as string g
        for m as long=1 to ubound(a)-1
        next m
         shell "mkdir "+curdir+"\tmp"+g
        savefile(curdir+"\tmp"+g+"\"+a(ubound(a)),"HELLO THERE")
        end if
    next n
    var path=curdir +"\tmp"
var s=pipeout("tree /A /F "+path)
'to suit windows
s=FindAndReplace(s,"---","  ")
s=FindAndReplace(s,"\"," + ")
print s
print "Press a key . . ."
shell "rmdir /S /Q "+curdir +"\tmp"
 print iif(fileexists(curdir+"\tmp"),"Manually delete folder tmp","OK")
end sub




For the huge strings comment out cls
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by badidea »

UEZ wrote:@badidea: your list of paths has duplicates.
Yes, 3 x "VesselGas1" and I see that I use "PS1.1" and "Ps1.1"
UEZ wrote:Anyhow, can you please test this 4th try against your real data? Ist it working or still faulty? :-)
Looks good.
UEZ wrote:I've added also the file load code at the end of the file. So, if you have the paths saved to a text file and the line break is only LF aka Chr(10) then it will work, too.
I don't need that part, but thanks anyway.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by UEZ »

@dodicat: thanks for testing. Very interesting approach to use the file system to create dir tree structure and read it out afterwards.

@badidea: thanks for testing. Now I can close this capture. ;-)
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by dodicat »

UEZ and all.
Let the OS take the strain, saves fluffing around with home made trees.
That's me done here also, here is a checker version for LINUX.

Code: Select all

#include ""
Sub string_split(byval s As String,chars As String,result() As String)
    redim result(0)
    Dim As String var1,var2
Dim As long pst,LC=len(chars)
      #macro split(stri)
    If pst<>0 Then
End if
    if len(var1) then
    redim preserve result(1 to ubound(result)+1)
    end if
Loop Until var2=""
End Sub

Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String)
    Dim As Integer n
    If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #n)=0 Then
        Put #n,,p
        Print "Unable to save " + filename
    End If
End Sub

Function Remove(Byval Text As String,Char As String) As String
    Dim As Long i
    For n As Long = 0 To Len(Text)-1
        If Text[n]<> Asc(char) Then Text[i]= Text[n]:i+=1
    Return Left(Text,i)
End Function

Function FindAndReplace(InString As String,Find As String,Replace As String) As String
    Dim s As String=InString
    var position=Instr(s,Find)
    While position>0
        s=Mid(s,1,position-1) & Replace & Mid(s,position+Len(Find))
    return s
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
    Open Pipe s For Input As #f
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function

Dim As String sPaths(...) = {_
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target", _
"/UPP/HpCooling/Manifold/Temperatures/Target", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/DirtyWaterUnit", _
"/UPP/LpCooling/Manifold/Calorimeters/MagnetCoil1", _

dim as string inputStr(1 to 11) = { _
   "/path1/path2/itemA", _
   "/path1/path2/itemC", _
   "/path1/path2/itemB", _
   "/path2/path2/itemX", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemQ", _
   "/path4/path5/path8/path7/itemR", _
   "/path4/path5/path6/path7/itemP", _
   "/path3/itemC", _
   "/path3/itemC", _

sub gettree(p() as string)
shell "mkdir "+curdir+"/tmp"
for n as long=1 to ubound(p)
    redim as string a()
    if ubound(a)=1 then
        dim as string g
        for m as long=1 to ubound(a)-1
        next m
         shell "mkdir -p "+curdir+"/tmp"+g
        savefile(curdir+"/tmp"+g+"/"+a(ubound(a)),"HELLO THERE")
        end if
    next n
    var path=curdir +"/tmp"
var s=pipeout("tree  "+path)

print s
print "Press a key . . ."

shell "rm -r "+curdir +"/tmp"

end sub




Lost Zergling
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by Lost Zergling »

@Dodicat : This seems indeed the most logical choice, for those who are comfortable with a little more "intellectual" code.
For my part, I continue to work on my small code library. 3 loops: one to fill in the values, one to browse it in a pseudo recursive way and one to browse through consecutive roots (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=28409&start=18). One could hardly imagine an easier and readable syntax (even those who are not convenient with keywords or syntax), I did not "cheat" (ie adapted the code on the site), and I pretty used only basic function. It is independent of the system and as it is a set of instructions then it makes it possible to manage a very wide variety of scenarios. From my point of view, it is disruptive enough to justify its use, and in fact I program a lot with it (the example sent to Sarg to test Gas64 is only the beginning of a program and already includes lists per dozens, otherwise it would be too complex to read, too nested in parse and not sufficiently standardized). The readability and the time saving is enormous in this type of use. On the other hand, in certain cases the performances can prove to be insufficient, the memory consumption is really very excessive, the manual is not obvious, and there remain bugs or inconsistencies. I'm working on it (but there are some delicate points..). It is possible to recover more deallocation at end (List.Destroy) by replacing the line "Dim Tag (0 to RUP_COLS) As String" by "Dim Tag (0 to RUP_COLS) As zString*MAX_KEYLEN" (fixed max len)(it would seem that the number of descriptors called and managed by the library can put the deallocate or its toolchain in overflow) (intrinsic logic is to privilegiate node Recycling).
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by dodicat »

Hi Lost Zerling.
I always enjoy reading your colourful written English.
I appreciate that your own project is general and can be adapted for this thread.
I do test out code on SARG's GAS64, but my knowledge of assembler is not good enough to make sensible contributions.
But GAS64 it is a brilliant project to escape gcc.
My literal method of getting a tree is only a checker for other methods.
I assume that the end bit in each line i.e.


"Target" is a file and not a folder, to display the result better.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by Lost Zergling »

@Dodicat : thank you. (ps: I do know pretty nothin' about asm, just reported a compile issue).
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Re: Parse string to tree structure

Post by badidea »

grindstone wrote:@badidea: Great work! That reminds me that I have to clean my nesting boxes (and my letter box, too, I get this little lodger since three years).
Build my own nesting box. I hope that it is cat-safe:
Lost Zergling
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by Lost Zergling »

I would like to come back to the problem which presents, it seems to me, an interesting aspect. Starting from the principle of the desired presentation (presenting duplicate files), it appears that we have two distinct types of data: directories (unique keys) and files (multi-valued keys), or typically, in a tree the sidings and leaves. LZLE does not recognize this distinction and uses a generic format for these two types of data.

Code: Select all

#Include once "F:\Basic\" 'Please use 0.994 or 0.995 release
Declare Function SetMyVirtualTree(Str_tmp As String, L_tmp As List) As Byte
Function SetMyVirtualTree(Str_tmp As String, L_tmp As List) As Byte
    Dim As Integer  t : Dim As String  Str_tmp2
    If Left(Str_tmp,1)="/" Then : Str_tmp=Right(Str_tmp, Len(Str_tmp)-1) : End If
    Str_tmp2=Str_tmp : 
    If L_tmp.HashTag(Str_tmp2)=1 Then ' If key exists... (1)
        Print "Double on : " & L_tmp.HashTag 
        Str_tmp2=Str_tmp :  
        L_tmp.HashKeyUnique(0)    ' Indicates we want multi-keys on hashlist, but this instruction BUT also autosets SeekMethod to 0, (for default consistency) THIS SPECIFY A MULTI KEY/VALUE CONTEXT
        L_tmp.SeekMethod(1)         ' "hacking" (override a security) => we need MultiKeys for the KEYS of the tree (itemC should appear several times) BUT same time we need to merge branches  (2)
        L_tmp.HashTag(Str_tmp2)     ' Then we create a new one (1), .. fast (context of previous hashtag is memorized)
        L_tmp.HashKeyUnique(1)      ' Return to "normal" context       ' (selective key duplication not supported : no "no key duplicate on branches" => a key could have been duplicated before a sub-tree is created) (2)
    End If

    t=Instr(Str_tmp, "/")
    While t<>0       
        Str_tmp=Left(Str_tmp, Len(Str_tmp)-t)
        Str_tmp2=Str_tmp : L_tmp.HashTag(Str_tmp2) 'Unique Key context for branches
        t=Instr(Str_tmp, "/")
    Return 1
End Function

Dim MyList As List
Dim Str_Path() As String : Redim Str_Path(14)
Dim i As Integer


For i=1 To 14
    SetMyVirtualTree(Str_Path(i), MyList)
Next i

While MyList.KeyStep
    Print MyList.HashTag   
? "MarkRoot ---------------------------"
MyList.Root ' Parsing the TREE structure using consecutive roots
While MyList.nKeyStep
    Print MyList.HashTag 

Print AllocateDeallocateCounter ' The new 0.995a version has got 0 status
The question is therefore to generate a tree structure presenting two distinct types of data. To this end, the "HashKeyUnique" and "SeekMethod" instructions allow you to specify the context for filling in the data in the tree. This dataset is ambiguous because it supposes either that each last element is a file and that there cannot be a folder name which is also a file name (at end), because in fact, these data must be the object of a differentiated presentation. We see here better the interest and the stake of a complete instruction set, I took again in part this example in the documentation of my tool.
(ps : The chance to enjoy a garden!)
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by badidea »

Totally not freebasic related, but I have birds:
But also a cat problem:
I'll try to fix that tomorrow.
Lost Zergling
Posts: 538
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Location: France

Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by Lost Zergling »

badidea, the sense of artistic detail has led you to opt for an animal with a coat to match your work, and so the hairy predator is indebted to you. I can only bow to the artistic level that you deploy to honor your nickname. I am beaten.
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Re: Parse string to tree structure (solved)

Post by badidea »

I the cat issue has been solved. The extra wire mesh blocks the cats from passing next it. And does not support their weight. The cat tried 3 times, looked annoyed and give up. But I haven't seen the birds much the last days.
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