3D animated Christmas Tree Intro build 2020-12-21

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3D animated Christmas Tree Intro build 2020-12-21

Post by UEZ »

I know it is still too early, but here is a little "Merry Christmas" intro which can let be run on Christmas or earlier. ;-)


Source code, needed files and compiled exe can be downloaded here: FB Merry Christmas build 2020-12-21.zip

I don't know if it is working with Linux.

The 3d animation code is based on this:

Code: Select all

'Coded by UEZ build 2020-10-13
'Thanks To dodicat for some funtions I used from his code :-) and to Joshy for the ImageScale function. ^^

#Include "file.bi"
#Include "fbgfx.bi"
Using FB

#Define Map(Val, source_start, source_stop, dest_start, dest_stop)   ((Val - source_start) * (dest_stop - dest_start) / (source_stop - source_start) + dest_start)
#Define Round(x)                                             		 ((x + 0.5) Shr 0)

Const w = 1200, h = 800, w2 = w \ 2, h2 = h \ 2, pi = Acos(-1), pi2 = Acos(-1) / 2
Const radians = pi / 180, deg = 180 / pi

Union _Color
	As Ulong argb
		As Ubyte b, g, r, a
	End Type
End Union

Type vec3
	As Single x, y, z
End Type

Dim Shared As Const vec3 eyepoint = Type(w2, h2, h)

Type vec6
	As Boolean bTrunk, bRibbon
	As Single x, y, z
	As _Color col
End Type

'Taylor series
'Sum n = 0 To inf (-1)^n * x^(2n) / (2n)! = 1 - x^2 / 2! + x^4 / 4! -x^6 / 6! + ...
Function Cos_(x As Single) As Single
    If x < 0 Then x = -x
    While x >= 3.141592653589793 'pi
        x -= 6.283185307179586 '2 * pi
   Dim As Single xx = x * x
    Return 1.0 - (xx / 2) * (1 - (xx / 12) * (1 - (xx / 30) * (1 - xx / 56))) 'approximation of Taylor serie
End Function

Function Sin_(x As Single) As Single
    Return Cos_(x - 1.570796326794897) 'pi / 2
End Function

Sub Object3Dto2D(wa() As vec6, result() As vec6, angle As vec3, centre As vec3, rad As Single = 1.0, flag As Boolean = True) 'by dodicat
   Dim As Single dx,dy,dz,ww
   Dim As Single SinAX=Sin_(angle.x)
   Dim As Single SinAY=Sin_(angle.y)
   Dim As Single SinAZ=Sin_(angle.z)
   Dim As Single CosAX=Cos_(angle.x)
   Dim As Single CosAY=Cos_(angle.y)
   Dim As Single CosAZ=Cos_(angle.z)
   For z As Uinteger=Lbound(wa) To Ubound(wa)

      If flag Then
         ww = 1 + (result(z).z/eyepoint.z)
         result(z).x = (result(z).x-eyepoint.x)/ww+eyepoint.x
         result(z).y = (result(z).y-eyepoint.y)/ww+eyepoint.y
         result(z).z = (result(z).z-eyepoint.z)/ww+eyepoint.z
   Next z
End Sub

Sub QsortZ(array() As vec6, begin As Integer, Finish As Uinteger) 'by dodicat
    Dim As Integer i = begin, j = finish
    Dim As vec6 X = array(((I + J) \ 2))
    While I <= J
        While array(I).z > X .z : I += 1 : Wend
        While array(J).z < X .z : J -= 1 : Wend
        If I <= J Then Swap array(I), array(J) : I += 1 : J -= 1
   If J > begin Then QsortZ(array(), begin, J)
   If I < Finish Then QsortZ(array(), I, Finish)
End Sub

Function Regulate(TargetFPS As Long, Byref fps As Long) As Long 'by dodicat
	Static As Double timervalue, _lastsleeptime, t3, frames
	Var t = Timer
	frames += 1
	If (t - t3) >= 1 Then t3 = t : fps = frames : frames = 0
	Var sleeptime =_lastsleeptime + ((1 / TargetFPS) - t + timervalue) * 1000
	If sleeptime < 1 Then sleeptime = 1
	_lastsleeptime = sleeptime
	timervalue = t
	Return sleeptime
End Function

Screenset 1, 0

Dim As Ulong particles = 10000, i, j = 30, k, l, ub
Dim As Single ang, zoom = 1.0
Dim As Ulong iCounter = 0
Dim As vec6 aParticles(particles - 1), aResult(particles - 1)


For i = 1 To 100
	If Rnd() > 0.10 Then 
		aParticles(iCounter).x = w2 + Rnd() * 2 - 1
		aParticles(iCounter).y = -250 + h2 + i * 4.5
		aParticles(iCounter).z = Rnd() * 5 - 10
		aParticles(iCounter).bTrunk = True
		aParticles(iCounter).col.argb = Rgba(&h49 + Rnd() * 10 - 5, &h3D + Rnd() * 10 - 5, &h26 + Rnd() * 10 - 5, 255)
		iCounter += 1

Dim As Single parts = 7, angle

For l = 1 To 34
	angle = Rnd() * 360 * radians
	For k = 1 To parts
		angle += (360 / parts + Rnd() * 15 - 7.5) * radians
		For i = 3 To Sqr(l * 10)
			If Rnd() > 0.3333333 Then 
				aParticles(iCounter).x = w2 - (i)^1.70 * Cos(angle) + Rnd() * 6 - 3
				aParticles(iCounter).z = (i)^1.70 * Sin(angle) + Rnd() * 6 - 3
				aParticles(iCounter).y = -20 + aParticles(0).y + aParticles(iCounter).y + j + Rnd() * 8 - 4
				aParticles(iCounter).col.argb = Rgba(&h25 + Rnd() * 10 - 5, &h41 + Rnd() * 10 - 5, &h17 + Rnd() * 10 - 5, &hF0)
				iCounter += 1
	j += 12

angle = Rnd() * 360 * radians
For i = 1 To 400
	aParticles(iCounter).x = w2 - (i)^0.825 * Cos(angle)
	aParticles(iCounter).y = aParticles(0).y + i 
	aParticles(iCounter).z = (i)^0.825 * Sin(angle)
	aParticles(iCounter).bRibbon = True
	aParticles(iCounter).col.argb = Rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)
	angle += (360 / 100) * radians
	iCounter += 1

Redim Preserve aParticles(iCounter - 1)
Redim Preserve aResult(iCounter - 1)
ub = Ubound(aParticles)

Dim As String sWintitle = "3D Christmas Tree coded by UEZ"
Windowtitle(sWintitle & " / " & Str(ub) & " pixels")

Dim As Ulong iFPS, s1, s2
Dim As Uinteger dh = h * 0.75
Dim As Double fTimer = Timer

	Line (0, 0) - (w, h), &hF0F0F0F0, BF

	ang += .003
	Object3Dto2D(aParticles(), aResult(), Type<vec3>(0, 2 * ang, 0), Type<vec3>(w2, h2, 0), zoom)
	'Object3Dto2D(aParticles(), aResult(), Type<vec3>(pi / 2, 0, ang), Type<vec3>(w2, h2, 0), zoom) 'top view
	Qsortz(aResult(), 0, ub)

	For i = 0 To ub
		If aResult(i).bTrunk Then 
			s1 = Map(aResult(i).y, -120, h2, 1, 10)
			Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), s1, aResult(i).col.argb,,,, F
		Elseif aResult(i).bRibbon Then 
			s2 = map(aResult(i).z, -800, 0, 20, 10)
			Line (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y) - (aResult(i).x + s2, aResult(i).y + s2), aResult(i).col.argb, BF
			aResult(i).col.a Shr= 1
			aResult(i).col.r Shr= 1
			aResult(i).col.g Shr= 1
			aResult(i).col.b Shr= 1				
			Line (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y) - (aResult(i).x + s2, aResult(i).y + s2), aResult(i).col.argb, B
			s2 = map(aResult(i).z, -800, 0, 20, 10)
			Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), s2, aResult(i).col.argb,,,, F
			aResult(i).col.a Shr= 2
			aResult(i).col.r Shr= 1
			aResult(i).col.g Shr= 1
			aResult(i).col.b Shr= 1
			Circle (aResult(i).x, aResult(i).y), s2, aResult(i).col.argb

	Draw String(1, 1), iFPS & " fps", &hFF000000


	Sleep(Regulate(60, iFPS), 1)
Loop Until Len(Inkey())

PS: if you have additional ideas which I can add to the scene, please let me know.
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