Ascii Library

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Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Ascii Library

Post by NorbyDroid »

Here is something I am working on and I hope someone will find it useful and help improve it. This is early work with more to do, but it is working.

The job of this is to make it so one can use screen 0 and move text around similiar to the way pictures are displayed and moved around.

Commands are:
AsciiLoad - Working and demonstrated
AsciiSave - Working and demonstrated
AsciiGet - Working and demonstrated
AsciiPut - Working and demonstrated
AsciiColor - Coded but untested

There are two Demo routines that shows off the commands:
Demo 1) Displays a ship, saves it (AsciiGet and AsciiSave), loads it (AsciiLoad), and finally displays it (AsciiGet)
Demo 2: Displays a Ship flyin across the screen. Loads it (AsciiLoad), and displays it (AsciiPut). This one shows the Clipping available in AsciiPut.

Code: Select all

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Types

Type ArtData
  ArtC as Integer

  ArtX as Integer
  ArtY as Integer

  ArtW as Integer
  ArtH as Integer
End Type

Dim Shared Ship as ArtData

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Declare Functions

Declare Function AsciiGet(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                          x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer) as String

Declare Function AsciiLoad(tData as ArtData, InFile as String) as String

Declare Function Replace(iMatch as String, iNew as String, _
                         iMain as String) as String

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Declare Subroutines

Declare Sub AsciiDemo1()
Declare Sub AsciiDemo2()

Declare Sub AsciiColor(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                       x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, _
                       iColor as Integer)

Declare Sub AsciiPut(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, tData as ArtData, _
                     ArtStr as String, iFlag as Integer)

Declare Sub AsciiSave(tData as ArtData, ArtStr as String, SaveFile as String)

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Functions

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Get an ASCII Art String      -=- x1, y1 - Starting Position -=-
'         From the Screen          -=- x2, y2 -  Ending  Position -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Function AsciiGet(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                  x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer) as String

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim tArt as String
  Dim tColr as String

  ' Load the Colors and Art from the Screen and return it as a String
  For y=y1 to y2
    For x=x1 to x2
      tArt=tArt+Chr$(Screen(y, x, 0))
      tColr=tColr+Chr$(Screen(y, x, 1))

End Function

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Load AScii Art From a File        -=- InFile - File to Load -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Function AsciiLoad(tData as ArtData, InFile as String) as String
  Dim tFile as Integer

  Dim tLoad as String

  Open InFile for Binary as #tFile

    If LOF(tFile)=0 then
      ' File Error
      ' Header Information
      Get #tFile, 0, tLoad

      If Left$(tLoad, 4)<>"NDAF" then
        ' Bad Header
        ' Width and Height
        tData.ArtW=Asc(Mid$(tLoad, 6, 1))
        tData.ArtH=Asc(Mid$(tLoad, 7, 1))

        ' Art Image
        Get #tFile, 9, tLoad
      End If
    End If

  Close #tFile

End Function

' REPLACE Match String WITH New String IN Main String
' This is a PowerBasic command converted to FreeBasic.
Function Replace (iMatch as String, iNew as String, iMain as String) as String
  Dim t as Integer

  Dim tmp as String

  For t=1 to Len(iMain)
    If Mid$(tmp, t, 1)=iMatch then Mid$(tmp, t, 1)=iNew

End Function

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Subroutines

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Save Ascii Art               -=-  ArtStr  - AsciiArt Image  -=-
' -=-   to a File                  -=- SaveFile - File to Save to -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiSave(tData as ArtData, ArtStr as String, SaveFile as String)
  Dim tFile as Integer

  Dim tHeader as String


  Open SaveFile for Binary as #tFile

    Put #tFile, 0, tHeader
    Put #tFile, , ArtStr

  Close #tFile
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiColor(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
               x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, iColor as Integer)

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  ' Check Location
  If (x1<1 or y1<1) or (x2>80 or y2>25) then Exit Sub

  ' Change Color at Location
  For y=y1 to y2
    For x=x1 to x2
      Color iColor: Locate y, x: Print Screen(y, x);
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiPut(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, tData as ArtData, _
             AsciiStr as String, iFlag as Integer)

  ' iFlag=0: Transparent (Skip Spaces)
  ' iFlag=1: Non-Transparent

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtW as Integer
  Dim ArtH as Integer
  Dim ArtP as Integer

  Dim tmp as String
  Dim tArt as String
  Dim tColr as String

  ' Art Width and Height
  ArtW=tData.ArtW : ArtH=tData.ArtH

  ' Check Location
  If (x1<-ArtW or x1=0 or y1<1) then Exit Sub

  ' Extract Colors and Art Image
  tColr=Left$(AsciiStr, ArtW*ArtH)
  tArt=Right$(AsciiStr, ArtW*ArtH)

  If iFlag=0 then
    ' Place Holder
    tArt=Replace(Chr$(127), Chr$(32), tArt)

    For y=0 to ArtH-1
      tmp=Mid$(tArt, ArtP, ArtW)

      Color Asc(Mid$(tColr, ArtP, 1))

      ' Display partial image on the left
      If x1<1 then
        Locate y1+y, 1, 0 : Print Right$(tmp, ArtW-ArtP);
      End If

      ' Display full image
      If x1>0 and x1+ArtW<81 then
        Locate y1+y, x1, 0 : Print tmp;
      End If

      ' Display partial image on the right
      If x1+ArtW>80 then
        Locate y1+y, x1, 0 : Print Left$(tmp, ArtW-ArtP);
      End If
  End If
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Demo Routines

Sub AsciiDemo1
  Dim t as Integer
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtStr as String

  ' Define Ship Color, Width, and Height
  Ship.ArtC=6 : Ship.ArtW=27 : Ship.ArtH=6

  ' Clear Screen - Set Ship Color
  CLS : Color Ship.ArtC

  ' Read Ship Data and Draw it.
  For t=1 to Ship.ArtH : Read ArtStr : Locate t, 1, 0 : Print ArtStr; : Next

  ' Load the Ship Into ArtStr
  ArtStr=AsciiGet(1, 1, Ship.ArtW, Ship.ArtH)

  ' Save Ship Art Into a File Called
  AsciiSave Ship, ArtStr, ""

  ' Load the Ship
  ArtStr=AsciiLoad(Ship, "")

  ' Display the Ship
  AsciiPut 40, 1, Ship, ArtStr, 1
End Sub

Sub AsciiDemo2
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtStr as String

  ' Load the Ship
  ArtStr=AsciiLoad(Ship, "")

  ' Clear the Screen

  ' Animate a Ship Travelin From Left to Right
  For x=-27 to 80
    AsciiPut x, 1, Ship, ArtStr, 1
    Sleep 20 : If Inkey$=Chr$(27) then End

    ' Clear Screen Area
    For y=0 to Ship.ArtH-1
      Locate y+1, 1 : Print Space$(80);
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-cal clipping availablevertiave =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' Ship Data

Data "_______________ "
Data ",-' ,-' |_-_| |   `--."
Data "/   |    [___] `-------`."
Data "|  ___\___________________\"
Data "\__\_|_________________/"
Data "(______________<||_)"

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

' Commands Used: AsciiSave, AsciiLoad, AsciiGet, AsciiPut

' Commands Used: AsciiPut {Animated}

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Comments welcomed.

I will be adding vertical clipping and some other items and as I get them done, uploading the new code.
Posts: 15
Joined: Sep 04, 2018 18:41

Re: Ascii Library

Post by misterc »

That's pretty neat, I was expecting a landing party to show up after a few seconds. :) Is this meant for games or any particular kind of project?
Posts: 70
Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Re: Ascii Library

Post by NorbyDroid »

misterc wrote: May 21, 2022 1:09 That's pretty neat, I was expecting a landing party to show up after a few seconds.
Maybe in another demo I can add that.
misterc wrote: May 21, 2022 1:09 Is this meant for games or any particular kind of project?
This is for any project that can use it.

I started this because my main programming is done using screen 0 (Text Only). I wanted a way to be able to have text be shown in a similiar way that graphic images are done in other screen modes.

I have more features to add and a few gremlins to remove. I will post more as I get it all done and ready.
Posts: 70
Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Re: Ascii Library

Post by NorbyDroid »


Fixed the clipping issue.
Enabled Transparency effect
Have each demo run twice. Once for transparency off, and once for transparency on.

Few little things here and there.

ToDo: Add Verticle clipping

Code: Select all

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Types

Type ArtData
  ArtC as Integer

  ArtX as Integer
  ArtY as Integer

  ArtW as Integer
  ArtH as Integer
End Type

Dim Shared Ship as ArtData

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Declare Functions

Declare Function AsciiGet(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                          x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer) as String

Declare Function AsciiLoad(tData as ArtData, InFile as String) as String

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Declare Subroutines

Declare Sub AsciiDemo1()
Declare Sub AsciiDemo2()

Declare Sub AsciiColor(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                       x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, _
                       iColor as Integer)

Declare Sub AsciiPut(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, tData as ArtData, _
                     ArtStr as String, iFlag as Integer)

Declare Sub AsciiSave(tData as ArtData, ArtStr as String, SaveFile as String)

Declare Sub AsciiType(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, iText as String)

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Functions

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Get an ASCII Art String      -=- x1, y1 - Starting Position -=-
'         From the Screen          -=- x2, y2 -  Ending  Position -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Function AsciiGet(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
                  x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer) as String

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim tArt as String
  Dim tColr as String

  For y=y1 to y2
    For x=x1 to x2
      tArt=tArt+Chr(Screen(y, x, 0))
      tColr=tColr+Chr(Screen(y, x, 1))

End Function

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=-                                 -=-  tData - Holds Art Data -=-
' -=- Load ASCII Art From a File      -=- InFile -  File to Load  -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Function AsciiLoad(tData as ArtData, InFile as String) as String
  Dim tFile as Integer

  Dim tLoad as String

  Open InFile for Binary as #tFile

    If LOF(tFile)=0 then
      ' File Error
      ' Header Information
      Get #tFile, 0, tLoad

      If Left(tLoad, 4)<>"NDAF" then
        ' Bad Header
        ' Width and Height
        tData.ArtW=Asc(Mid(tLoad, 6, 1))
        tData.ArtH=Asc(Mid(tLoad, 7, 1))

        ' Art Image
        Get #tFile, 9, tLoad
      End If
    End If

  Close #tFile

End Function

' REPLACE Match String WITH New String IN Main String
' This is a PowerBasic command converted to FreeBasic.
Function Replace (iMatch as String, iNew as String, iMain as String) as String
  Dim t as Integer

  Dim tmp as String

  For t=1 to Len(iMain)
    If Mid(tmp, t, 1)=iMatch then Mid(tmp, t, 1)=iNew

End Function

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Subroutines

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Draw a Background to Show Transparency Effect               -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub Background
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim tStr as String

  For y=1 to 6
    Color 7: Locate 3+y, 1, 0 : Print String$(80, 46);
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=-                             -=- x1, y1 -  Starting Position -=-
' -=- Change Text Colors          -=- x2, y2 - Finishing Position -=-
' -=-                             -=- iColor -    Color to Use    -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiColor(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, _
               x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, iColor as Integer)

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  ' Check Location
  If (x1<1 or y1<1) or (x2>80 or y2>25) then Exit Sub

  ' Change Color at Location
  For y=y1 to y2
    For x=x1 to x2
      Color iColor: Locate y, x: Print Screen(y, x);
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=-                         -=-  x1, y1  - Position to Draw Art -=-
' -=- Draw ASCII Art          -=-  tData   - Art Data             -=-
' -=- to the Screeen          -=- AsciiStr - ASCII Art String     -=-
' -=-                         -=- iFlag    - Transparency Effect  -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiPut(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, tData as ArtData, _
             AsciiStr as String, iFlag as Integer)

  ' iFlag=0: Transparent
  ' iFlag=1: Non-Transparent

  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtW as Integer
  Dim ArtH as Integer
  Dim ArtP as Integer

  Dim tmp as String
  Dim tArt as String
  Dim tColr as String

  ' Art Width and Height
  ArtW=tData.ArtW : ArtH=tData.ArtH

  ' Check Location
  If (x1<-ArtW+1 or x1>79) or (y1<1 or y1>25) then Exit Sub

  ' Extract Colors and Art Image
  tColr=Left(AsciiStr, ArtW*ArtH)

  tArt=Right(AsciiStr, ArtW*ArtH)
  If iFlag=0 then tArt=Replace(Chr(127), Chr(32), tArt)

  For y=0 to ArtH-1
    ArtP=ArtW*y+1 : x=x1+1
    Color Asc(Mid(tColr, ArtP, 1))

    tmp=Mid(tArt, ArtP, ArtW)
    If x1<1 then x=1 : tmp=Right(tmp, ArtW+x1)

    If x1>80-ArtW and x1<81 then
      ArtP=x1-(80-ArtW) : tmp=Left(tmp, ArtW-ArtP)
    End If

    If iFlag=0 then
      Locate y1+y, x : Print tmp;
      AsciiType x, y1+y, tmp
    End If
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=-                              -=-  ArtStr  - AsciiArt Image  -=-
' -=- Save ASCII Art to a File     -=- SaveFile - File to Save to -=-
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Sub AsciiSave(tData as ArtData, ArtStr as String, SaveFile as String)
  Dim tFile as Integer

  Dim tHeader as String


  Open SaveFile for Binary as #tFile

    Put #tFile, 0, tHeader
    Put #tFile, , ArtStr

  Close #tFile
End Sub

Sub AsciiType(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, iText as String)
  Dim x as Integer

  For x=0 to Len(iText)-1
    If Mid(iText, x+1, 1)<>"" then
      Locate y1, x1+x, 0 : Print Mid(iText, x+1, 1);
    End If
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' -=- Demo Routines

Sub AsciiDemo1
  Dim t as Integer
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtStr as String

  ' Define Ship Color, Width, and Height
  Ship.ArtC=6 : Ship.ArtW=27 : Ship.ArtH=6

  ' Clear Screen - Set Ship Color
  CLS : Color Ship.ArtC

  ' Read Ship Data and Draw it.
  For t=1 to Ship.ArtH : Read ArtStr : Locate t, 1, 0 : Print ArtStr; : Next

  ' Load the Ship Into ArtStr
  ArtStr=AsciiGet(1, 1, Ship.ArtW, Ship.ArtH)

  ' Save Ship Art Into a File Called
  AsciiSave Ship, ArtStr, ""

  ' Load the Ship
  ArtStr=AsciiLoad(Ship, "")

  CLS : Background : Color 9
  Locate 2, 2, 0 : Print "Transparency Off"
  AsciiPut 40-Ship.ArtW\2, 4, Ship, ArtStr, 0

  Color 11
  Locate 12, 2 : Print "Press any key to continue...."; : Sleep

  CLS : Background : Color 9
  Locate 2, 2, 0 : Print "Transparency On"
  AsciiPut 40-Ship.ArtW\2, 4, Ship, ArtStr, 1

  Color 11 : Locate 12, 2 : Print Space$(40);
  Locate 12, 2 : Print "Press any key to continue...."; : Sleep
End Sub

Sub AsciiDemo2
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim y as Integer

  Dim ArtStr as String

  ' Load the Ship
  ArtStr=AsciiLoad(Ship, "")

  CLS : Color 9 : Locate 2, 2, 0
  Print "Ship in Flight with Transparency Off"

  For x=-Ship.ArtW to 80
      Background : AsciiPut x, 4, Ship, ArtStr, 0

    Sleep 20 : If Inkey$=Chr(27) then End

  Color 11 : Locate 12, 2 : Print Space$(40);
  Locate 12, 2 : Print "Press any key to continue...."; : Sleep

  CLS : Color 9 : Locate 2, 2, 0
  Print "Ship in Flight with Transparency On"

  For x=-Ship.ArtW to 80
      Background : AsciiPut x, 4, Ship, ArtStr, 1

    Sleep 20 : If Inkey$=Chr(27) then End
End Sub

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
' Ship Data

Data "_______________"
Data ",-' ,-' |_-_| |   `--."
Data "/   |    [___] `-------`."
Data "|  ___\___________________\"
Data "\__\_|_________________/"
Data "(______________<||_)"

' -=- Notes: The "" character is use for transparency.
' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

' Commands: AsciiSave, AsciiLoad, AsciiPut {Display}

' Commands: AsciiLoad, AsciiPut {Animation}

' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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