Reading Child Process Output Three Ways

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Reading Child Process Output Three Ways

Post by adeyblue »

Since there seems to be an abundance of people writing this type of thing and not managing to do it without some sort of issue, here's some fancy ways to do it quickly and safely.
Simple class to ensure you can't forget to close or free some resource

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#macro GEN_WIN_WRAP(WinType)
#define TypeName WinType##Wrap

Type TypeName
    as WinType _data
    as Function stdcall(ByVal as WinType) as BOOL _deleter

    Declare Constructor(ByVal d as WinType, ByVal deleter as Function stdcall(ByVal as WinType) as BOOL)
    Declare Destructor()
    Declare Function Release() as WinType
    Declare Operator @() as WinType Ptr
End Type

Private Constructor TypeName(ByVal d as WinType, ByVal deleter as Function stdcall(ByVal as WinType) as BOOL)
    _data = d
    _deleter = deleter
End Constructor

Private Destructor TypeName()
    If _deleter Then _deleter(_data)
End Destructor

Private Operator *(ByRef t as Const TypeName) as WinType
    Return t._data
End Operator

Private Operator TypeName.@() as WinType Ptr
    Return @_data
End Operator

Private Function TypeName.Release() as WinType
    _deleter = NULL
    Return _data
End Function

#undef TypeName

#define WIN_WRAP(WinType) WinType##Wrap
- pipes_tempfile.bas
The easiest way is perhaps to output to a file and map it back in. Files created with FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY keep their contents in the file cache as much as possible so while it does create a file name in a directory, the contents aren't likely to be written to disk. And unlike pipes, files don't get full... unless you run out of disk space, but then you have other issues.

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#include ""
#include ""
#include "crt/"

type ProcessOutput
   as string output, errorOutput
   as Ulong exitCode
end type


Declare Function ReadStringfromFile(ByVal h as HANDLE, ByVal output as String Ptr) as Boolean
Declare Function CreatePipeFile(ByRef filename as Const String) as HANDLE
Declare Function GetFileContents(ByVal h as HANDLE, ByVal contents as String Ptr) as DWORD

#macro FAIL_IF(cond)
    If cond Then
        Print "Condition " #cond " failed"
        Return GetLastError()
    End If

Function RunPipeProcess(ByRef cmdLine as string, ByVal procOutput as ProcessOutput Ptr) as DWORD

    If procOutput = NULL Then Return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
    dim as string stdoutFile = *_tempnam(NULL, "pipeout")
    dim as string stderrFile = *_tempnam(NULL, "pipeerr")
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdOut = type(CreatePipeFile(stdoutFile), @CloseHandle)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdErr = type(CreatePipeFile(stderrFile), @CloseHandle)

    dim as STARTUPINFO si = type(SizeOf(si))
    si.hStdOutput = *hStdOut
    si.hStdError = *hStdErr

    FAIL_IF(CreateProcessA(NULL, StrPtr(cmdLine), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, @si, @pi) = 0)
    WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE)
    GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, @procOutput->exitCode)

    FAIL_IF(GetFileContents(*hStdOut, @procOutput->output) <> ERROR_SUCCESS)
    FAIL_IF(GetFileContents(*hStdErr, @procOutput->errorOutput) <> ERROR_SUCCESS)

End Function

Function GetFileContents(ByVal h as HANDLE, ByVal contents as String Ptr) as DWORD

    dim as Ulong fileSize = GetFileSize(h, NULL)
    If fileSize <> 0 Then
        dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hMap = type(CreateFileMapping(h, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL), @CloseHandle)
        FAIL_IF(*hMap = NULL)
        dim as WIN_WRAP(PVOID) pFileData = type(MapViewOfFile(*hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0), @UnmapViewOfFile)
        FAIL_IF(*pFileData = NULL)
        *contents = Left(*cast(ZString Ptr, *pFileData), fileSize)
    End If

End Function

Private Function CreatePipeFile(ByRef filename as Const String) as HANDLE
    dim as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = type(SizeOf(sa), NULL, TRUE)
    Return CreateFileA( _
        StrPtr(filename), _
        0, _
        @sa, _
        CREATE_ALWAYS, _
        NULL _
End Function

#undef FAIL_IF

dim as ProcessOutput po
dim as DWORD ret = RunPipeProcess("cmd /c type C:\windows\Ultimate.xml", @po)
Print "PipeProcess returned with status " & Hex(po.exitCode)
Print "Output was:"
Print po.output
- pipes_peek.bas
Since pipes can get full you need to keep reading from them so the child process doesn't hang. If you redirect both stdout and stderr, then with the simple ReadFile loop, your app can get stuck trying to read from one of those while the app is hung trying to write to the other. which ends in deadlock. The simplest way around that is to loop on the process exit and checking every loop if the pipes have any data in them before reading. Polling is never elegant and increases the amonut of work your app has to do CPU wise but it works.

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#define _WIN32_WINNT &h0601
#include ""
#include ""

type ProcessOutput
   as string output, errorOutput
   as Ulong exitCode
end type


#macro FAIL_IF(cond)
    If cond Then
        Print "Condition " #cond " failed"
        Return GetLastError()
    End If

Sub ReadFromPipe(ByVal hPipe as HANDLE, ByVal dataString as String Ptr)

    dim as ZString*1024 buffer
    dim as DWORD toRead
    PeekNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, @toRead, NULL)
    While toRead > 0
        dim as DWORD bytesToRead = min(SizeOf(buffer), toRead)
        dim as DWORD bytesRead
        If ReadFile(hPipe, @buffer, bytesToRead, @bytesRead, NULL) = FALSE Then
            Exit While
        End If
        *dataString += Left(buffer, bytesRead)
        toRead -= bytesRead

End Sub

Function RunPipeProcess(ByRef cmdLine as string, ByVal procOutput as ProcessOutput Ptr) as DWORD

    If procOutput = NULL Then Return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
    dim as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = type(SizeOf(sa), NULL, TRUE)
        '' CloseHandle(NULL) isn't allowed, so these start as INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE which is
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdOutWrite = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdOutRead = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    FAIL_IF(CreatePipe(@hStdOutRead, @hStdOutWrite, @sa, 0) = FALSE)

    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdErrWrite = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdErrRead = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    FAIL_IF(CreatePipe(@hStdErrRead, @hStdErrWrite, @sa, 0) = FALSE)

    dim as STARTUPINFO si = type(SizeOf(si))
    si.hStdOutput = *hStdOutWrite
    si.hStdError = *hStdErrWrite

    FAIL_IF(CreateProcessA(NULL, StrPtr(cmdLine), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, @si, @pi) = 0)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hProcess = type(pi.hProcess, @CloseHandle)

    dim as Boolean keepLooping = True

    While keepLooping
        keepLooping = (WaitForSingleObject(*hProcess, 10) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0)
        ReadFromPipe(*hStdOutRead, @procOutput->output)
        ReadFromPipe(*hStdErrRead, @procOutput->errorOutput)
    GetExitCodeProcess(*hProcess, @procOutput->exitCode)


End Function

#undef FAIL_IF
#undef WIN_WRAP

dim as ProcessOutput po
dim as DWORD ret = RunPipeProcess("cmd /c type C:\windows\Ultimate.xml", @po)
Print "PipeProcess returned with status " & Hex(po.exitCode)
Print "Output was:"
Print po.output
Print "Error output was:"
Print po.errorOutput
-' pipes_async.bas
This version uses overlapped (asynchronous) reads. A little downside is that to enable overlapped for pipes, you have to create both ends of it yourself rather than just CreatePipe()-ing it.
On the plus side:
Overlapped can do multiple reads at once!
Overlapped doesn't hang your code!
Overlapped doesn't poll!
Overlapped will probably make you a cup of tea if you ask it nicely!

Code: Select all

#define _WIN32_WINNT &h0601
#include ""
#include ""

type ProcessOutput
   as string output, errorOutput
   as Ulong exitCode
end type


#macro FAIL_IF(cond)
    If cond Then
        Print "Condition " #cond " failed"
        Return GetLastError()
    End If

Function CreateAPipe(ByRef suffix as Const String, ByVal phRead as HANDLE Ptr, ByVal phWrite as HANDLE Ptr) As DWORD

    dim as string pipeName = "\\.\pipe\" + Str(GetCurrentProcessId()) + "-" + Str(GetCurrentThreadId()) + suffix
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hPipeRead = type( _
        CreateNamedPipeA( _
            StrPtr(pipeName), _
            1, _
            4096, 4096, _
            1000, _
            NULL _
        ), _
        @CloseHandle _
    dim as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = type(SizeOf(sa), NULL, TRUE)
    dim as HANDLE hPipeWrite = CreateFileA( _
        StrPtr(pipeName), _
        GENERIC_WRITE, _
        0, _
        @sa, _
        OPEN_EXISTING, _
        NULL _
    *phRead = hPipeRead.Release()
    *phWrite = hPipeWrite
End Function

Type ReadStruct
   as HANDLE hPipe
   as String Ptr pStringOutput
   as ZString*1024 pReadBuffer
End Type

'' This is called automatically on a thread pool thread when a ReadFile completes
Private Sub ReadComplete stdcall (ByVal readError as DWORD, ByVal bytes as DWORD, ByVal pOverlapped as OVERLAPPED ptr)

    dim as ReadStruct ptr pReadStruct = cast(ReadStruct ptr, pOverlapped)
    If bytes > 0 Then
        *pReadStruct->pStringOutput += Left(pReadStruct->pReadBuffer, bytes)
    End If
    '' If this read succeeded, start the next one
    If readError = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        dim as BOOL bRead = ReadFile( _
            pReadStruct->hPipe, _
            @pReadStruct->pReadBuffer, _
            SizeOf(pReadStruct->pReadBuffer), _
            NULL, _
            pOverlapped _
        dim as DWORD lastErr = GetLastError()
        If bRead = FALSE AndAlso lastErr <> ERROR_IO_PENDING Then
            Print "No more reading, ReadFile error " & Str(lastErr)
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Function RunPipeProcess(ByRef cmdLine as string, ByVal procOutput as ProcessOutput Ptr) as DWORD

    If procOutput = NULL Then Return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
    '' CloseHandle(NULL) isn't allowed, so these start as INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE which is
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdOutWrite = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdOutRead = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    FAIL_IF(CreateAPipe("stdout", @hStdOutRead, @hStdOutWrite) <> ERROR_SUCCESS)

    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdErrWrite = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hStdErrRead = type(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @CloseHandle)
    FAIL_IF(CreateAPipe("stderr", @hStdErrRead, @hStdErrWrite) <> ERROR_SUCCESS)
    '' This puts the thread pool in charge of our overlapped reads
    '' when one completes, it uses one of its threads to call the function
    '' meaning we don't have to keep checking if they've finished
    BindIoCompletionCallback(*hStdOutRead, @ReadComplete, 0)
    BindIoCompletionCallback(*hStdErrRead, @ReadComplete, 0)

    dim as ReadStruct stderrData, stdoutData
    stderrData.pStringOutput = @procOutput->errorOutput
    stderrData.hPipe = *hStdErrRead
    stdoutData.pStringOutput = @procOutput->output
    stdoutData.hPipe = *hStdOutRead

    '' do the bizzo, Solly
    dim as STARTUPINFO si = type(SizeOf(si))
    si.hStdOutput = *hStdOutWrite
    si.hStdError = *hStdErrWrite

    FAIL_IF(CreateProcessA(NULL, StrPtr(cmdLine), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, @si, @pi) = 0)
    dim as WIN_WRAP(HANDLE) hProcess = type(pi.hProcess, @CloseHandle)
    '' start the reads
    dim as BOOL bRead = ReadFile( _
        *hStdOutRead, _
        @stdoutData.pReadBuffer, _
        SizeOf(stdoutData.pReadBuffer), _
        NULL, _
        @stdoutData.ol _
    dim as DWORD lastError = GetLastError()
    FAIL_IF((bRead = FALSE) AndAlso (lastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING))
    bRead = ReadFile( _
        *hStdErrRead, _
        @stderrData.pReadBuffer, _
        SizeOf(stderrData.pReadBuffer), _
        NULL, _
        @stderrData.ol _
    lastError = GetLastError()
    FAIL_IF((bRead = FALSE) AndAlso (lastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING))
    '' and then have a rest
    WaitForSingleObject(*hProcess, INFINITE)
    GetExitCodeProcess(*hProcess, @procOutput->exitCode)
    '' if we started another read after the child apps final write completed, stop it
    CancelIoEx(*hStdErrRead, @stderrData.ol)
    CancelIoEx(*hStdOutRead, @stdoutData.ol)


End Function

#undef FAIL_IF

dim as ProcessOutput po
dim as DWORD ret = RunPipeProcess("cmd /c type C:\windows\Ultimate.xml", @po)
Print "PipeProcess returned with status " & Hex(po.exitCode)
Print "Output was:"
Print po.output
Print "Error output was:"
Print po.errorOutput
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Re: Reading Child Process Output Three Ways

Post by dodicat »

Thanks adeyblue.
I expanded with -pp flag to see better what is going on.
I think the code is very well written, and I believe when you say it is safe.
A while back we were experimenting with compiler outputs, fbc to stdout, c to stderr.
Since open pipe cannot get stderr, and open err I cannot get to get to work, I settled for a slog using files.
(although another member wrote a win api example which was much neater).
Here is my slog, but I experimented with _tempnam ( to create a temp file, assuming TMP is a valid place on your system.

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#include ""
#include ""
function console(compiler As String,source As String) as string
    If Instr(source," ") Then source=Chr(34)+source+Chr(34)
    If Instr(compiler," ") Then compiler=Chr(34)+compiler+Chr(34)
    dim as string File = *_tempnam(NULL, "testcode")
    var t=timer
     var e =Shell (compiler+" "+source+" >>"+file+" 2>&1")'both
    Var f=Freefile,txt="",L=0
    Open file For Binary As #f
    If L>0 Then 
        txt = String(L,0)
        Get #f, , txt
    End If
    Close #f
    txt=" "+txt
    if fileexists(File) then Kill File
    If len(L)=0 Then return "Error"
    if e=0 then txt="compiled in " & t & " seconds" else txt+=chr(13,10)+"Fail!"
    return txt
End function

dim as string stream= console("C:\mingw64\bin\gcc -c ","nonesuch.c")
print stream

My result

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 cc1.exe: fatal error: nonesuch.c: No such file or directory
compilation terminated. 
With your method
RunPipeProcess("C:\mingw64\bin\gcc -c nonesuch.c",@po)

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PipeProcess returned with status 1
Output was:

I tried other things like
"cmd /c echo hello"
Which works fine.
Which is equivalent to

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Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
 Open Pipe s For Input As #f  
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function 

var p= pipeout("cmd /c echo hello")
print p

I wonder if somebody could give a working open err to catch gcc error output (stderr)
Last edited by dodicat on Feb 06, 2023 21:54, edited 1 time in total.
Roland Chastain
Posts: 1007
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Location: France

Re: Reading Child Process Output Three Ways

Post by Roland Chastain »


Thanks for sharing. Please do the Linux version! :)


Why not create a batch file from your program and execute it?

I cannot test here since I am on Linux, but something like this:

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REM build.cmd
gcc.exe program.c -o program.exe 2> gcc.err > gcc.out
And read gcc.err and gcc.out?

Or maybe

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REM build.cmd
gcc.exe program.c -o program.exe 2> %2 > %1
so that you can do this in your program:

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Shell("build.cmd filename.out filename.err")
Sorry if I didn't correctly understand what you wish to do.

P.-S. Otherwise do it in Pascal! :wink:
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Reading Child Process Output Three Ways

Post by dodicat »

Hi Roland, I've altered my code above to put both stdout and stderr on the console in a better way..
stderr from c or ld.exe in fb, stdout from fbc.exe
I am not sure if runcommand in pascal will handle both, I'll test out later.
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