Return value issue

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Return value issue

Post by UEZ »

Is this a bug or am I just silly?

Code: Select all

'Code by UEZ build 2023-03-21

Const DE1976 = 0.0, DE1994_Textiles = 0.0, DE1994_GraphicArts = 0.0, DE2000 = 0.0, DECMC_11 = 0.0, DECMC_21 = 0.0, PI = Acos(-1), _16d116 = 16 / 116, _1d3 = 1 / 3, _2d3 = 2 / 3, _1d6 = 1 / 6

Type Lab
	As Double L, a, b
End Type

Union ColorRGB
	As Ulong rgb
		As Ubyte b, g, r
	End Type
End Union

Type HSL
	As Double H, S, L
End Type

Type HSV
	As Double H, S, V
End Type

	As Double C, M, Y, K
End Type

Type XYZ
	As Double X, Y, Z
End Type

Type ColorConvert
		Declare Constructor ()
		Declare Destructor ()
		Declare Function RGB2LAB(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As Lab
		Declare Function RGB2HSL(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSL
		Declare Function RGB2HSV(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSV
		Declare Function RGB2CMYK(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As CMYK
		Declare Function RGB2XYZ(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As XYZ
		Declare Function HSL2RGB(HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
		Declare Function HSV2RGB(HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB
		Declare Function hueToRgb(v1 As Double, v2 As Double, vh As Double) As Double
		Declare Function pivotRGB(n As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Pow(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Min2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Max2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Min3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Max3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	As Ubyte a
End Type

Constructor ColorConvert()
End Constructor

Destructor ColorConvert()
End Destructor

Function ColorConvert.Pow(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return a ^ b
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Min2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return Iif(a < b, a, b)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Max2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return Iif(a > b, a, b)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Min3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	Return This.Min2(This.Min2(a, b), c)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Max3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	Return This.Max2(This.Max2(a, b), c)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.pivotRGB(n As Double) As Double
	Return IIf(n > 0.04045, This.pow((n + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), n / 12.92) * 100
End Function

Function ColorConvert.hueToRgb(v1 As Double, v2 As Double, vh As Double) As Double
	If (vh < 0.0) Then vh += 1.0
	If (vh > 1.0) Then vh -= 1.0
	If vh < _1d6 Then Return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vh)
	If vh < 0.5 Then Return v2
	If vh < _2d3 Then Return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * (_2d3 - vh) * 6)
	Return v1
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2LAB(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As Lab
	Dim As Double r = RGB1.r / 255, g = RGB1.g / 255, b = RGB1.b / 255, x, y, z
	r = IIf(r > 0.04045, This.Pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), r / 12.92)
	g = IIf(g > 0.04045, This.Pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), g / 12.92)
	b = IIf(b > 0.04045, This.Pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), b / 12.92)
	x = (r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805) / 0.95047
	y = (r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722) / 1.00000
	z = (r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505) / 1.08883

	x = Iif(x > 0.008856, This.Pow(x, _1d3), (7.787 * x) + _16d116)
	y = IIf(y > 0.008856, This.Pow(y, _1d3), (7.787 * y) + _16d116)
	z = IIf(z > 0.008856, This.Pow(z, _1d3), (7.787 * z) + _16d116)
	Dim As Lab Lab
	Lab.L = (116 * y) - 16
	Lab.a = 500 * (x - y)
	Lab.b = 200 * (y - z)
	Return Lab
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2HSL(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSL
	Dim As Double var_r = RGB1.r / 255, var_g = RGB1.g / 255, var_b = RGB1.b / 255 , _
				  H, S, L, var_Min, var_Max, del_Max, del_Max2, del_R, del_G, del_B
    var_Min = This.Min3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    var_Max = This.Max3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    del_Max = var_Max - var_Min
    L = (var_Max + var_Min) / 2	
    If del_Max = 0 Then
        H = 0
        S = 0
        S = Iif(L < 0.5, del_Max / (var_Max + var_Min), del_Max / (2 - var_Max - var_Min))
        del_Max2 = del_Max / 2
        del_R = (((var_Max - var_R) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_G = (((var_Max - var_G) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_B = (((var_Max - var_B) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        If (var_R = var_Max) Then
            H = del_B - del_G
        Elseif var_G = var_Max Then
            H = 0.333333333333333 + del_R - del_B
        Elseif var_B = var_Max Then
            H = 0.666666666666667 + del_G - del_R
        If H < 0 Then H += 1
        If H > 1 Then H -= 1
	? "HSL: " & H * 360, S, L
	Return Type(H * 360, S, L)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2HSV(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSV
	Dim As Double var_r = RGB1.r / 255, var_g = RGB1.g / 255, var_b = RGB1.b / 255 , _
				  H, S, V, var_Min, var_Max, del_Max, del_Max2, del_R, del_G, del_B
    var_Min = This.Min3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    var_Max = This.Max3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    del_Max = var_Max - var_Min
    V = var_Max	
    If del_Max = 0 Then
        H = 0
        S = 0
        S = del_Max / var_Max
        del_Max2 = del_Max / 2
        del_R = (((var_Max - var_R) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_G = (((var_Max - var_G) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_B = (((var_Max - var_B) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        If var_R = var_Max Then
            H = del_B - del_G
        ElseIf var_G = var_Max Then
            H = 0.333333333333333 + del_R - del_B
        ElseIf var_B = var_Max Then
            H = 0.666666666666667 + del_G - del_R
        If H < 0 Then H += 1
        If H > 1 Then H -= 1
	? "HSV: " & H * 360, S, V
	Return Type(H * 360, S, V)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2CMYK(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As CMYK
	Dim As Double r = RGB1.r, g = RGB1.g, b = RGB1.b, _
				  C = 1 - (r / 255), M = 1 - (g / 255), Y = 1 - (b / 255), K = 1
	If (C < K) Then K = C
	If (M < K) Then K = M
	If (Y < K) Then K = Y
	If (K = 1) Then 'Black only
		C = 0
		M = 0
		Y = 0
		C = (C - K) / (1 - K)
		M = (M - K) / (1 - K)
		Y = (Y - K) / (1 - K)
	Return Type(C, M, Y, K)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2XYZ(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As XYZ
	Dim As Double r = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.r / 255), g = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.g / 255), b = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.b / 255)
	Return Type(r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805, r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722, r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.HSL2RGB(HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
	Dim As Double r, g, b
	Dim As Double var_1 = 0, var_2 = 0
	HSL1.H /= 360
	If HSL1.S = 0 Then
		r = Fix(HSL1.L * 255)
		g = r
		b = r
		var_2 = Iif(HSL1.L < 0.5, HSL1.L * (1 + HSL1.S), HSL1.L + HSL1.S - HSL1.S * HSL1.L)
		var_1 = 2 * HSL1.L - var_2
		r = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H + _1d3)
		g = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H)
		b = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H - _1d3)
	Dim As ColorRGB c
	c.r = r : c.g = g : c.b = b
	Return c
End Function

Function ColorConvert.HSV2RGB(HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB
	Dim As Double var_h, var_i, var_1, var_2, var_3, var_r, var_g, var_b
	Dim As Long i
	Dim As ColorRGB c
	If HSV1.S = 0 Then
		c.r = HSV1.V * 255
		c.g = c.r
		c.b = c.r
		Return c
	HSV1.H /= 360
	var_h = HSV1.H * 6
	If (var_h = 6) Then var_h = 0
	var_i = Int(var_h)
	var_1 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S)
	var_2 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S * (var_h - var_i))
	var_3 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S * (1 - (var_h - var_i)))
	Select Case var_i
		Case 0
			var_r = HSV1.V
			var_g = var_3 
			var_b = var_1
		Case 1
			var_r = var_2
			var_g = HSV1.V
			var_b = var_1
		Case 2
			var_r = var_1
			var_g = HSV1.V
			var_b = var_3
		Case 3
			var_r = var_1
			var_g = var_2
			var_b = HSV1.V
		Case 4
			var_r = var_3
			var_g = var_1
			var_b = HSV1.V
		Case Else
			var_r = HSV1.V
			var_g = var_1
			var_b = var_2
	End Select
	c.r = var_r * 255
	c.g = var_g * 255
	c.b = var_b * 255
	Return c
End Function

Type ColorDiff
		Declare Constructor ()
		Declare Destructor ()
		Declare Function DeltaE1976(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaE1994(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, textiles As Boolean = False) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaE2000(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaECMC(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, Lightness As Double = 1.0, Chroma As Double = 1.0) As Double
		Declare Function Euclidean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
		Declare Function Manhattan(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Ulong
		Declare Function Redmean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	As Ubyte a
End Type

Constructor ColorDiff()
End Constructor

Destructor ColorDiff()
End Destructor

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE1976(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
	Dim As Double delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L, dela = Lab1.a - Lab2.a, delb = Lab1.b - Lab2.b
	Return Sqr(delL * delL + dela * dela + delb * delb)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE1994(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, textiles As Boolean = False) As Double
	Dim As Single k1 = Iif(textiles, 0.048, 0.045), k2 = Iif(textiles, 0.014, 0.015), kL =  Iif(textiles, 2, 1), kC = 1, kH = 1
	Dim As Double C1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), C2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), _
				  delA = Lab1.a - Lab2.a, delB = Lab1.b - Lab2.b, delC = C1 - C2, delH2 = delA * delA + delB * delB - delC * delC, delH = Iif(delH2 > 0.0, Sqr(delH2), 0), delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L, _
				  sL = 1.0, sC = 1.0 + k1 * C1, sH = 1.0 + k2 * C1, _
				  vL = delL / (kL * sL), vC = delC / (kC * sC), vH = delH / (kH * sH)
	If textiles Then Return Sqr(vL * vL + vC * vC + vH * vH)
	Return Sqr(vL * vL + vC * vC + vH * vH)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE2000(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
	Const kL = 1, kC = 1, kH = 1
	Dim As Double lBarPrime = 0.5 * (Lab1.L + Lab2.L), c1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), c2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), cBar = 0.5 * (c1 + c2), _
				  cBar7 = cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar, g = 0.5 * (1.0 - Sqr(cBar7 / (cBar7 + 6103515625))), a1Prime = Lab1.a * (1.0 + g), a2Prime = Lab2.a * (1.0 + g), _
				  c1Prime = Sqr(a1Prime * a1Prime + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), c2Prime = Sqr(a2Prime * a2Prime + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), cBarPrime = 0.5 * (c1Prime + c2Prime), h1Prime = (Atan2(Lab1.b, a1Prime) * 180.0) / PI, _
				  h2Prime = (Atan2(Lab2.b, a2Prime) * 180.0) / PI, hBarPrime, t, dLPrime, dCPrime, dHPrime, dH2Prime, sL, sC, sH, dTheta, cBarPrime7, rC, rT
	If h1Prime < 0.0 Then h1Prime += 360.0
	If h2Prime < 0.0 Then h2Prime += 360.0
	hBarPrime = Iif(Abs(h1Prime - h2Prime) > 180.0, (0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime + 360.0)), 0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime))
	t = 1.0 - _
			0.17 * Cos(PI * (      hBarPrime - 30.0) / 180.0) + _
			0.24 * Cos(PI * (2.0 * hBarPrime       ) / 180.0) + _
			0.32 * Cos(PI * (3.0 * hBarPrime +  6.0) / 180.0) - _
			0.20 * Cos(PI * (4.0 * hBarPrime - 63.0) / 180.0)
	If (Abs(h2Prime - h1Prime) <= 180.0) Then
		dhPrime = h2Prime - h1Prime
		dhPrime = IIf(h2Prime <= h1Prime, h2Prime - h1Prime + 360.0, h2Prime - h1Prime - 360.0)
	dLPrime = Lab2.L - Lab1.L
	dCPrime = c2Prime - c1Prime
	dH2Prime = 2.0 * Sqr(c1Prime * c2Prime) * Sin(PI * (0.5 * dhPrime) / 180.0)
	sL = 1.0 + ((0.015 * (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)) / Sqr(20.0 + (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)))
	sC = 1.0 + 0.045 * cBarPrime
	sH = 1.0 + 0.015 * cBarPrime * t
	dTheta = 30.0 * Exp(-((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0) * ((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0))
	cBarPrime7 = cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime
	rC = Sqr(cBarPrime7 / (cBarPrime7 + 6103515625.0))
	rT = -2.0 * rC * Sin(PI * (2.0 * dTheta) / 180.0)
	Return Sqr(	(dLPrime / (kL * sL)) * (dLPrime / (kL * sL)) + _
				(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dCPrime / (kC * sC)) + _
				(dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) * (dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) + _
				(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) * rT)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaECMC(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, Lightness As Double = 1.0, Chroma As Double = 1.0) As Double
	Dim As Double c1, c2, sl, sc, h1, t, c4, f, sh, delL, delA, delB, delC, dH2, v1, v2, v3
	c1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b)
	c2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b)
	sl = IIf(Lab1.L < 16.0, 0.511, (0.040975 * Lab1.L) / (1.0 + 0.01765 * Lab1.L))
	sc = (0.0638 * c1) / (1.0 + 0.0131 * c1) + 0.638
	h1 = IIf(c1 < 0.000001, 0.0, (Atan2(Lab1.b, Lab1.a) * 180.0) / PI)
	While h1 < 0
		h1 += 360.0
	while h1 >= 360.0
		h1 -= 360.0
	t = IIf((h1 >= 164.0) And (h1 <= 345.0), 0.56 + Abs(0.2 * Cos((PI * (h1 + 168.0)) / 180.0)), 0.36 + Abs(0.4 * Cos((PI * (h1 + 35.0)) / 180.0)))
	c4 = c1 * c1 * c1 * c1
	f = Sqr(c4 / (c4 + 1900.0))
	sh = sc * (f * t + 1.0 - f)
	delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L
	delC = c1 - c2
	delA = Lab1.a - Lab2.a
	delB = Lab1.b - Lab2.b
	dH2 = delA * delA + delB * delB - delC * delC
	v1 = delL / (Lightness * sl)
	v2 = delC / (Chroma * sc)
	v3 = sh
	If Lightness = 2.0 Then Return Sqr(v1 * v1 + v2 * v2 + (dH2 / (v3 * v3)))
	Return Sqr(v1 * v1 + v2 * v2 + (dH2 / (v3 * v3)))
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Euclidean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	Dim As Long dR = RGB2.r - RGB1.r, dG = RGB2.g - RGB1.g, dB = RGB2.b - RGB1.b
	Return Sqr(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Manhattan(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Ulong
	Return Abs(RGB1.r - RGB2.r) + Abs(RGB1.g - RGB2.g) + Abs(RGB1.b - RGB2.b)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Redmean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	Dim As Double r = 0.5 * (RGB1.r + RGB2.r)
	Dim As Long dR = RGB2.r - RGB1.r, dG = RGB2.g - RGB1.g, dB = RGB2.b - RGB1.b
	Return Sqr((2 + (r / 256)) * dR * dR + 4 * dG * dG + (2 + (255 - r) / 256) * dB * dB)
End Function


Dim As Lab Lab1, Lab2, Lab3
Lab1.L = 97.1789076082764
Lab1.a = -1.34309795259852
Lab1.b = -4.27311913960891
Lab2.L = 92.0361537198478
Lab2.a = -45.5207306155178
Lab2.b = 9.71168146921029

Dim As ColorConvert CC
Dim As ColorDiff CD
Dim As ColorRGB c1, c2, cHSL, cHSV
c1.rgb = &hF0F8FF
c2.rgb = &h7FFFD4



? "Color1 = " & Hex(c1.rgb, 6), "Color1 = " & Hex(c2.rgb, 6)
? "DeltaE1976:", CD.DeltaE1976(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaE1994:", CD.DeltaE1994(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaE2000:", CD.DeltaE2000(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaECMC:", CD.DeltaECMC(Lab1, Lab2)
? "Euclidean:", CD.Euclidean(c1, c2)
? "Manhattan:", CD.Manhattan(c1, c2)
? "Redmean:", CD.Redmean(c1, c2)
? "HSL color1:", HSL.H, HSL.S, HSL.L
? "HSV color1:", HSV.H, HSV.S, HSV.V
? "CMYK color1:", CMYK.C, CMYK.M, CMYK.Y, CMYK.K
? "XYZ color1:", XYZ.X, XYZ.Y, XYZ.Z
? "HSL To RGB: ", Hex(cHSL.rgb, 6)
? "HSV To RGB: ", Hex(cHSV.rgb, 6)
Output is:

Code: Select all

HSL: 208.0000000000002       1             0.9705882352941176
HSV: 208.0000000000002       0.05882352941176472         1
Color1 = F0F8FF             Color1 = 7FFFD4

DeltaE1976:    46.6228033619302
DeltaE1994:    39.79612502629343
DeltaE2000:    25.02230217180139
DeltaECMC:     52.74967855792082

Euclidean:     121.1073903607868
Manhattan:    163
Redmean:       197.7402316645502

HSL color1:    0.5777777777777783          1             0.9705882352941176
HSV color1:    0.5777777777777783          0.05882352941176472         1
CMYK color1:   0.05882352941176472         0.02745098039215688         0             0
XYZ color1:    87.55258164541247           92.88006825347458           107.9208724232717

I expect the first value of HSL color1 and HSV color1 to be 208 and not 0.5777777777777783, although within the appropriate function it is 208.

Any idea?
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Return value issue

Post by dodicat »

You should make the parameters byval here
Declare Function HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
Declare Function HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB

Function ColorConvert.HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB

Function ColorConvert.HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB

Code: Select all

 HSL: 208.0000000000002       1             0.9705882352941176
HSV: 208.0000000000002       0.05882352941176472         1
Color1 = F0F8FF             Color1 = 7FFFD4

DeltaE1976:    46.6228033619302
DeltaE1994:    39.79612502629343
DeltaE2000:    25.02230217180139
DeltaECMC:     52.74967855792082

Euclidean:     121.1073903607868
Manhattan:    163
Redmean:       197.7402316645502

HSL color1:    208.0000000000002           1             0.9705882352941176
HSV color1:    208.0000000000002           0.05882352941176472         1
CMYK color1:   0.05882352941176472         0.02745098039215688         0             0
XYZ color1:    87.55258164541247           92.88006825347458           107.9208724232717

Posts: 994
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Return value issue

Post by UEZ »

Thank you dodicat for your fast reply but I'm still getting the same output. Btw, Byref is default, isn't it?

Which FB version are you using? I'm using v1.09.0 (2021-12-31).
Last edited by UEZ on Mar 21, 2023 23:57, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Return value issue

Post by dodicat »

OK here

Code: Select all

'Code by UEZ build 2023-03-21

Const DE1976 = 0.0, DE1994_Textiles = 0.0, DE1994_GraphicArts = 0.0, DE2000 = 0.0, DECMC_11 = 0.0, DECMC_21 = 0.0, PI = Acos(-1), _16d116 = 16 / 116, _1d3 = 1 / 3, _2d3 = 2 / 3, _1d6 = 1 / 6

Type Lab
	As Double L, a, b
End Type

Union ColorRGB
	As Ulong rgb
		As Ubyte b, g, r
	End Type
End Union

Type HSL
	As Double H, S, L
End Type

Type HSV
	As Double H, S, V
End Type

	As Double C, M, Y, K
End Type

Type XYZ
	As Double X, Y, Z
End Type

Type ColorConvert
		Declare Constructor ()
		Declare Destructor ()
		Declare Function RGB2LAB(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As Lab
		Declare Function RGB2HSL(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSL
		Declare Function RGB2HSV(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSV
		Declare Function RGB2CMYK(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As CMYK
		Declare Function RGB2XYZ(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As XYZ
		Declare Function HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
		Declare Function HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB
		Declare Function hueToRgb(v1 As Double, v2 As Double, vh As Double) As Double
		Declare Function pivotRGB(n As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Pow(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Min2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Max2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Min3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
		Declare Function Max3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	As Ubyte a
End Type

Constructor ColorConvert()
End Constructor

Destructor ColorConvert()
End Destructor

Function ColorConvert.Pow(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return a ^ b
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Min2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return Iif(a < b, a, b)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Max2(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
	Return Iif(a > b, a, b)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Min3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	Return This.Min2(This.Min2(a, b), c)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.Max3(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double
	Return This.Max2(This.Max2(a, b), c)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.pivotRGB(n As Double) As Double
	Return IIf(n > 0.04045, This.pow((n + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), n / 12.92) * 100
End Function

Function ColorConvert.hueToRgb(v1 As Double, v2 As Double, vh As Double) As Double
	If (vh < 0.0) Then vh += 1.0
	If (vh > 1.0) Then vh -= 1.0
	If vh < _1d6 Then Return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vh)
	If vh < 0.5 Then Return v2
	If vh < _2d3 Then Return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * (_2d3 - vh) * 6)
	Return v1
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2LAB(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As Lab
	Dim As Double r = RGB1.r / 255, g = RGB1.g / 255, b = RGB1.b / 255, x, y, z
	r = IIf(r > 0.04045, This.Pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), r / 12.92)
	g = IIf(g > 0.04045, This.Pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), g / 12.92)
	b = IIf(b > 0.04045, This.Pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), b / 12.92)
	x = (r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805) / 0.95047
	y = (r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722) / 1.00000
	z = (r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505) / 1.08883

	x = Iif(x > 0.008856, This.Pow(x, _1d3), (7.787 * x) + _16d116)
	y = IIf(y > 0.008856, This.Pow(y, _1d3), (7.787 * y) + _16d116)
	z = IIf(z > 0.008856, This.Pow(z, _1d3), (7.787 * z) + _16d116)
	Dim As Lab Lab
	Lab.L = (116 * y) - 16
	Lab.a = 500 * (x - y)
	Lab.b = 200 * (y - z)
	Return Lab
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2HSL(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSL
	Dim As Double var_r = RGB1.r / 255, var_g = RGB1.g / 255, var_b = RGB1.b / 255 , _
				  H, S, L, var_Min, var_Max, del_Max, del_Max2, del_R, del_G, del_B
    var_Min = This.Min3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    var_Max = This.Max3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    del_Max = var_Max - var_Min
    L = (var_Max + var_Min) / 2	
    If del_Max = 0 Then
        H = 0
        S = 0
        S = Iif(L < 0.5, del_Max / (var_Max + var_Min), del_Max / (2 - var_Max - var_Min))
        del_Max2 = del_Max / 2
        del_R = (((var_Max - var_R) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_G = (((var_Max - var_G) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_B = (((var_Max - var_B) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        If (var_R = var_Max) Then
            H = del_B - del_G
        Elseif var_G = var_Max Then
            H = 0.333333333333333 + del_R - del_B
        Elseif var_B = var_Max Then
            H = 0.666666666666667 + del_G - del_R
        If H < 0 Then H += 1
        If H > 1 Then H -= 1
	? "HSL: " & H * 360, S, L
	Return Type(H * 360, S, L)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2HSV(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As HSV
	Dim As Double var_r = RGB1.r / 255, var_g = RGB1.g / 255, var_b = RGB1.b / 255 , _
				  H, S, V, var_Min, var_Max, del_Max, del_Max2, del_R, del_G, del_B
    var_Min = This.Min3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    var_Max = This.Max3(var_r, var_g, var_b)
    del_Max = var_Max - var_Min
    V = var_Max	
    If del_Max = 0 Then
        H = 0
        S = 0
        S = del_Max / var_Max
        del_Max2 = del_Max / 2
        del_R = (((var_Max - var_R) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_G = (((var_Max - var_G) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        del_B = (((var_Max - var_B) / 6) + del_Max2) / del_Max
        If var_R = var_Max Then
            H = del_B - del_G
        ElseIf var_G = var_Max Then
            H = 0.333333333333333 + del_R - del_B
        ElseIf var_B = var_Max Then
            H = 0.666666666666667 + del_G - del_R
        If H < 0 Then H += 1
        If H > 1 Then H -= 1
	? "HSV: " & H * 360, S, V
	Return Type(H * 360, S, V)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2CMYK(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As CMYK
	Dim As Double r = RGB1.r, g = RGB1.g, b = RGB1.b, _
				  C = 1 - (r / 255), M = 1 - (g / 255), Y = 1 - (b / 255), K = 1
	If (C < K) Then K = C
	If (M < K) Then K = M
	If (Y < K) Then K = Y
	If (K = 1) Then 'Black only
		C = 0
		M = 0
		Y = 0
		C = (C - K) / (1 - K)
		M = (M - K) / (1 - K)
		Y = (Y - K) / (1 - K)
	Return Type(C, M, Y, K)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.RGB2XYZ(RGB1 As ColorRGB) As XYZ
	Dim As Double r = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.r / 255), g = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.g / 255), b = This.pivotRgb(RGB1.b / 255)
	Return Type(r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805, r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722, r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505)
End Function

Function ColorConvert.HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
	Dim As Double r, g, b
	Dim As Double var_1 = 0, var_2 = 0
	HSL1.H /= 360
	If HSL1.S = 0 Then
		r = Fix(HSL1.L * 255)
		g = r
		b = r
		var_2 = Iif(HSL1.L < 0.5, HSL1.L * (1 + HSL1.S), HSL1.L + HSL1.S - HSL1.S * HSL1.L)
		var_1 = 2 * HSL1.L - var_2
		r = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H + _1d3)
		g = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H)
		b = 255 * This.hueToRgb(var_1, var_2, HSL1.H - _1d3)
	Dim As ColorRGB c
	c.r = r : c.g = g : c.b = b
	Return c
End Function

Function ColorConvert.HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB
	Dim As Double var_h, var_i, var_1, var_2, var_3, var_r, var_g, var_b
	Dim As Long i
	Dim As ColorRGB c
	If HSV1.S = 0 Then
		c.r = HSV1.V * 255
		c.g = c.r
		c.b = c.r
		Return c
	HSV1.H /= 360
	var_h = HSV1.H * 6
	If (var_h = 6) Then var_h = 0
	var_i = Int(var_h)
	var_1 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S)
	var_2 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S * (var_h - var_i))
	var_3 = HSV1.V * (1 - HSV1.S * (1 - (var_h - var_i)))
	Select Case var_i
		Case 0
			var_r = HSV1.V
			var_g = var_3 
			var_b = var_1
		Case 1
			var_r = var_2
			var_g = HSV1.V
			var_b = var_1
		Case 2
			var_r = var_1
			var_g = HSV1.V
			var_b = var_3
		Case 3
			var_r = var_1
			var_g = var_2
			var_b = HSV1.V
		Case 4
			var_r = var_3
			var_g = var_1
			var_b = HSV1.V
		Case Else
			var_r = HSV1.V
			var_g = var_1
			var_b = var_2
	End Select
	c.r = var_r * 255
	c.g = var_g * 255
	c.b = var_b * 255
	Return c
End Function

Type ColorDiff
		Declare Constructor ()
		Declare Destructor ()
		Declare Function DeltaE1976(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaE1994(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, textiles As Boolean = False) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaE2000(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
		Declare Function DeltaECMC(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, Lightness As Double = 1.0, Chroma As Double = 1.0) As Double
		Declare Function Euclidean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
		Declare Function Manhattan(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Ulong
		Declare Function Redmean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	As Ubyte a
End Type

Constructor ColorDiff()
End Constructor

Destructor ColorDiff()
End Destructor

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE1976(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
	Dim As Double delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L, dela = Lab1.a - Lab2.a, delb = Lab1.b - Lab2.b
	Return Sqr(delL * delL + dela * dela + delb * delb)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE1994(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, textiles As Boolean = False) As Double
	Dim As Single k1 = Iif(textiles, 0.048, 0.045), k2 = Iif(textiles, 0.014, 0.015), kL =  Iif(textiles, 2, 1), kC = 1, kH = 1
	Dim As Double C1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), C2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), _
				  delA = Lab1.a - Lab2.a, delB = Lab1.b - Lab2.b, delC = C1 - C2, delH2 = delA * delA + delB * delB - delC * delC, delH = Iif(delH2 > 0.0, Sqr(delH2), 0), delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L, _
				  sL = 1.0, sC = 1.0 + k1 * C1, sH = 1.0 + k2 * C1, _
				  vL = delL / (kL * sL), vC = delC / (kC * sC), vH = delH / (kH * sH)
	If textiles Then Return Sqr(vL * vL + vC * vC + vH * vH)
	Return Sqr(vL * vL + vC * vC + vH * vH)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaE2000(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab) As Double
	Const kL = 1, kC = 1, kH = 1
	Dim As Double lBarPrime = 0.5 * (Lab1.L + Lab2.L), c1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), c2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), cBar = 0.5 * (c1 + c2), _
				  cBar7 = cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar, g = 0.5 * (1.0 - Sqr(cBar7 / (cBar7 + 6103515625))), a1Prime = Lab1.a * (1.0 + g), a2Prime = Lab2.a * (1.0 + g), _
				  c1Prime = Sqr(a1Prime * a1Prime + Lab1.b * Lab1.b), c2Prime = Sqr(a2Prime * a2Prime + Lab2.b * Lab2.b), cBarPrime = 0.5 * (c1Prime + c2Prime), h1Prime = (Atan2(Lab1.b, a1Prime) * 180.0) / PI, _
				  h2Prime = (Atan2(Lab2.b, a2Prime) * 180.0) / PI, hBarPrime, t, dLPrime, dCPrime, dHPrime, dH2Prime, sL, sC, sH, dTheta, cBarPrime7, rC, rT
	If h1Prime < 0.0 Then h1Prime += 360.0
	If h2Prime < 0.0 Then h2Prime += 360.0
	hBarPrime = Iif(Abs(h1Prime - h2Prime) > 180.0, (0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime + 360.0)), 0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime))
	t = 1.0 - _
			0.17 * Cos(PI * (      hBarPrime - 30.0) / 180.0) + _
			0.24 * Cos(PI * (2.0 * hBarPrime       ) / 180.0) + _
			0.32 * Cos(PI * (3.0 * hBarPrime +  6.0) / 180.0) - _
			0.20 * Cos(PI * (4.0 * hBarPrime - 63.0) / 180.0)
	If (Abs(h2Prime - h1Prime) <= 180.0) Then
		dhPrime = h2Prime - h1Prime
		dhPrime = IIf(h2Prime <= h1Prime, h2Prime - h1Prime + 360.0, h2Prime - h1Prime - 360.0)
	dLPrime = Lab2.L - Lab1.L
	dCPrime = c2Prime - c1Prime
	dH2Prime = 2.0 * Sqr(c1Prime * c2Prime) * Sin(PI * (0.5 * dhPrime) / 180.0)
	sL = 1.0 + ((0.015 * (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)) / Sqr(20.0 + (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)))
	sC = 1.0 + 0.045 * cBarPrime
	sH = 1.0 + 0.015 * cBarPrime * t
	dTheta = 30.0 * Exp(-((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0) * ((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0))
	cBarPrime7 = cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime
	rC = Sqr(cBarPrime7 / (cBarPrime7 + 6103515625.0))
	rT = -2.0 * rC * Sin(PI * (2.0 * dTheta) / 180.0)
	Return Sqr(	(dLPrime / (kL * sL)) * (dLPrime / (kL * sL)) + _
				(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dCPrime / (kC * sC)) + _
				(dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) * (dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) + _
				(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dH2Prime / (kH * sH)) * rT)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.DeltaECMC(Lab1 As Lab, Lab2 As Lab, Lightness As Double = 1.0, Chroma As Double = 1.0) As Double
	Dim As Double c1, c2, sl, sc, h1, t, c4, f, sh, delL, delA, delB, delC, dH2, v1, v2, v3
	c1 = Sqr(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b)
	c2 = Sqr(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b)
	sl = IIf(Lab1.L < 16.0, 0.511, (0.040975 * Lab1.L) / (1.0 + 0.01765 * Lab1.L))
	sc = (0.0638 * c1) / (1.0 + 0.0131 * c1) + 0.638
	h1 = IIf(c1 < 0.000001, 0.0, (Atan2(Lab1.b, Lab1.a) * 180.0) / PI)
	While h1 < 0
		h1 += 360.0
	while h1 >= 360.0
		h1 -= 360.0
	t = IIf((h1 >= 164.0) And (h1 <= 345.0), 0.56 + Abs(0.2 * Cos((PI * (h1 + 168.0)) / 180.0)), 0.36 + Abs(0.4 * Cos((PI * (h1 + 35.0)) / 180.0)))
	c4 = c1 * c1 * c1 * c1
	f = Sqr(c4 / (c4 + 1900.0))
	sh = sc * (f * t + 1.0 - f)
	delL = Lab1.L - Lab2.L
	delC = c1 - c2
	delA = Lab1.a - Lab2.a
	delB = Lab1.b - Lab2.b
	dH2 = delA * delA + delB * delB - delC * delC
	v1 = delL / (Lightness * sl)
	v2 = delC / (Chroma * sc)
	v3 = sh
	If Lightness = 2.0 Then Return Sqr(v1 * v1 + v2 * v2 + (dH2 / (v3 * v3)))
	Return Sqr(v1 * v1 + v2 * v2 + (dH2 / (v3 * v3)))
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Euclidean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	Dim As Long dR = RGB2.r - RGB1.r, dG = RGB2.g - RGB1.g, dB = RGB2.b - RGB1.b
	Return Sqr(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Manhattan(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Ulong
	Return Abs(RGB1.r - RGB2.r) + Abs(RGB1.g - RGB2.g) + Abs(RGB1.b - RGB2.b)
End Function

Function ColorDiff.Redmean(RGB1 As ColorRGB, RGB2 As ColorRGB) As Double
	Dim As Double r = 0.5 * (RGB1.r + RGB2.r)
	Dim As Long dR = RGB2.r - RGB1.r, dG = RGB2.g - RGB1.g, dB = RGB2.b - RGB1.b
	Return Sqr((2 + (r / 256)) * dR * dR + 4 * dG * dG + (2 + (255 - r) / 256) * dB * dB)
End Function


Dim As Lab Lab1, Lab2, Lab3
Lab1.L = 97.1789076082764
Lab1.a = -1.34309795259852
Lab1.b = -4.27311913960891
Lab2.L = 92.0361537198478
Lab2.a = -45.5207306155178
Lab2.b = 9.71168146921029

Dim As ColorConvert CC
Dim As ColorDiff CD
Dim As ColorRGB c1, c2, cHSL, cHSV
c1.rgb = &hF0F8FF
c2.rgb = &h7FFFD4



? "Color1 = " & Hex(c1.rgb, 6), "Color1 = " & Hex(c2.rgb, 6)
? "DeltaE1976:", CD.DeltaE1976(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaE1994:", CD.DeltaE1994(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaE2000:", CD.DeltaE2000(Lab1, Lab2)
? "DeltaECMC:", CD.DeltaECMC(Lab1, Lab2)
? "Euclidean:", CD.Euclidean(c1, c2)
? "Manhattan:", CD.Manhattan(c1, c2)
? "Redmean:", CD.Redmean(c1, c2)
? "HSL color1:", HSL.H, HSL.S, HSL.L
? "HSV color1:", HSV.H, HSV.S, HSV.V
? "CMYK color1:", CMYK.C, CMYK.M, CMYK.Y, CMYK.K
? "XYZ color1:", XYZ.X, XYZ.Y, XYZ.Z
? "HSL To RGB: ", Hex(cHSL.rgb, 6)
? "HSV To RGB: ", Hex(cHSV.rgb, 6)
Default is byref
I don't have any compiler options set, nothing at all.
Posts: 994
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Return value issue

Post by UEZ »

It's too late. I don't know why but I typed Byref instead of Byval :roll:

Yes, it works - thanks.
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Return value issue

Post by dodicat »

It's late and dark and stormy here, It is probably similar in Germany, in the North anyway.
Posts: 1652
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Return value issue

Post by dafhi »

my favorite weather is warm / partly cloudy. anyway, UEZ this is cool. i've been a fan of HCY since paul doe posted. i am going to have a go with what you posted (dodicat's update)
Posts: 12160
Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Return value issue

Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote: Mar 21, 2023 23:32 You should make the parameters byval here
Declare Function HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB
Declare Function HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB

Function ColorConvert.HSL2RGB(byval HSL1 As HSL) As ColorRGB

Function ColorConvert.HSV2RGB(byval HSV1 As HSV) As ColorRGB
Because these two procedures inside their body modify the value of their passed parameter ('HSL1.H /= 360' and 'HSV1.H /= 360').
Posts: 994
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Return value issue

Post by UEZ »

Thank you all for your replies. I thought that ByVal is default which isn't obviously.

@dafhi: when I finish I will release it in Sources, Examples, Tips and Tricks section.

Btw, the weather here in Frankfurt region is nice.
Posts: 4315
Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: Return value issue

Post by deltarho[1859] »

From the manual:

Dialect Differences

In the -lang fb dialect, ByVal is the default parameter passing convention for all built-in types except String and user-defined Type which are passed ByRef by default. The ZString and WString built-in types are also passed ByRef by default, but passing ByVal is forbidden. Arrays are always passed ByRef and the use of the specifier ByRef or ByVal is forbidden.

In -lang qb and -lang fblite dialects, ByRef is the default parameter passing convention.


I learnt that the hard way coming from PowerBASIC because it is ByRef by default.
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