MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Headers, Bindings, Libraries for use with FreeBASIC, Please include example of use to help ensure they are tested and usable.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

angros47 wrote: Oct 24, 2023 17:34 You might need to disable GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_LIGHTING before glBegin
Thank you for the quick replay.
Disable GL_LIGHTING works.

after some research i found out a other solution.

Code: Select all

	glEnable( gl_Color_Material )
		glColor4f .5,-1,1,1 ' not working
	glDisable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL )		   
here the color and alpha blend works also keeping lightning.
To bad i had to learn some OpenGL stuff...
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Oke here i'm again trying to translate a BlitzBasic/BlitxMax openb3d code at
i have a problem getting terrainsize in openb3d for freebasic.
My idea to use MESHWIDTH or MESHDEPTH to get the terrain size becouse terrainsize in not in freebasic translation
But i do get strange results.

Exaple code:

Code: Select all

#include once "" '64bit windows version
screenres 1024,768,32,1, &h10002
Graphics3D 1024,768,32,1

var mesh = Createterrain(10)
var obj = Createcube(mesh)
dim as long MESH_WIDTH = MESHWIDTH(mesh)
dim as long MESH_WIDTHo = MESHWIDTH(obj)

screen 0 'for console print
print str(MESH_WIDTH)
print str(MESH_WIDTHo)

Conversion with shadow not working (wip):

Code: Select all

#include once "" '
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB '' Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB
screenres 1024,768,32,2 , &h10002
Graphics3D 1024,768,32,2
'var SetBuffer = BackBuffer()
'var WBuffer = 1

' ----- main camera and player pivot -----
dim shared as any ptr camera: camera=CreateCamera()
CameraRange camera,0.01,2000
CameraClsColor camera,100,150,200
dim shared as any ptr player
TranslateEntity camera,0,5,0
EntityParent camera,player
MoveEntity player,0,100,0
EntityRadius player,5
EntityType player,2

' -----shadow camema -----
dim shared as any ptr ShadowCam: ShadowCam=CreateCamera()
CameraProjMode ShadowCam,2
HideEntity Shadowcam

' ----- a lit terrain -----
dim shared as any ptr terrain: terrain=LoadTerrain("myhmap1.png")
dim shared as long towel_scale_Y=10
ScaleEntity terrain,10, towel_scale_Y, 10
'PositionEntity terrain,-TerrainSize(terrain)*5,0,-TerrainSize(terrain)*5
PositionEntity terrain,-256*5, 0, 256*5
var terrtex=LoadTexture("rock1.jpg")
EntityTexture terrain,terrtex
ScaleTexture terrtex,10,10
EntityType terrain,1
var light=CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,-45,45,0
'TerrainShading terrain,1
'TerrainDetail terrain,1000

' ----- init shadow texture -----
dim shared as long ShadowTexSize=512 ' defines the resolution of the shadow texture
dim shared as any ptr ShadowTex: ShadowTex=CreateTexture(ShadowTexSize,ShadowTexSize,8+1)
dim shared as long shadow_Towel_Yoffset=0.7 ' used to prevent "blinking" towel
' NOTE to make sure the offset is not so obvious, you should use characters with dark shoes 
' or trees with a darkish trunk etc.

' ----- create Shadow Towel -----
dim shared as long towel_size=32 ' defines the number of segments
dim shared as any ptr cam_towel
EntityFX cam_towel,1
var cam_towel_piv=CreatePivot()
dim shared as long towel_scale_XZ=12 ' defines the XZ scale factor
ScaleEntity cam_towel,towel_scale_XZ,towel_scale_Y,towel_scale_XZ
PositionEntity cam_towel,(-towel_size*towel_scale_XZ)/2.0,0,(-towel_size*towel_scale_XZ)/2.0,1
EntityParent cam_towel,cam_towel_piv
EntityTexture cam_towel,ShadowTex
TextureBlend shadowtex,2
EntityBlend cam_towel,2
ScaleTexture shadowtex,-towel_size,-towel_size
'TerrainDetail cam_towel,1000

' ----- create some dummy scene objects -----
var testtex=LoadTexture("colors.jpg")
dim shared as long num_o=50
Dim shared as any ptr c(num_o),c_brush(num_o)
For i as long=0 To num_o
 ScaleEntity c(i),2,20,2
 PositionEntity c(i),(Rnd-.5)*2560,0,(Rnd-.5)*2560
 var y=TerrainY(terrain,EntityX(c(i)),0,EntityZ(c(i)) )*10 'crash line
 PositionEntity c(i),EntityX(c(i)),y+5+Rnd,EntityZ(c(i))
 EntityTexture c(i),testtex
 RotateEntity c(i),Rnd(360),Rnd(360),Rnd(360)
 EntityColor c(i),100,100,100
' NOTE: all meshes and their brushes etc. (but the terrain) need to be indexed in this arrays to make 
' them cast shadows!

var bol = createsphere()
ScaleEntity bol,10,10,10

' --------- several brushes used to paint background and shadow casters during shadow map rendering
'var whitebrush=CreateBrush(255,255,255)
dim shared as any ptr whitebrush
whitebrush=CreateBrush(255,0,255) ' use this to make the towel visible (for debugging)
BrushFX whitebrush,1
dim shared as any ptr shadowbrush
shadowbrush=CreateBrush(140,140,140) ' defines the darkness of the shadows
BrushFX shadowbrush,1
dim shared as any ptr terrainbrush: terrainbrush=GetEntityBrush(terrain)

Collisions 2,1,2,2
Dim As Longint x, y, buttons, res, oldx, oldy
dim as double t = timer()
' Set video mode and enter loop

declare sub UpdateShadowmap()
Declare sub UpdateShadows(ground as any ptr,towel as any ptr,piv as any ptr)

While MultiKey(SC_ESCAPE)=0 'KeyDown(1)=0
	For i as long =0 To num_o
		TurnEntity c(i),1,2,3 ' show that it's dynamic 

	If MultiKey(SC_W) then MoveEntity player,0,0,1
	If MultiKey(SC_S) then MoveEntity player,0,0,-1
	If MultiKey(SC_D) then MoveEntity player,1,0,0
	If MultiKey(SC_A) then MoveEntity player,-1,0,0

	res = GetMouse (x, y, , buttons)
	var msx=0.25 * ((1024/2)-x)
	var msy=0.25 * ((768/2)-y)
	SetMouse 1024/2, 768/2
	TurnEntity player,0,msx,0
	TurnEntity camera,msy,0,0
	If MultiKey(SC_SPACE)=0 then
		TranslateEntity player,0,-.5,0' gravity
		TranslateEntity player,0,.5,0' allow to fly with space key

	UpdateShadows(terrain, cam_towel, cam_towel_piv)
	var old_t=t
	var t=timer()
	'locate 1,1
	windowtitle (1000.0/(t-old_t)) & " fps"
	'print "Tris rendered: "'; 'TrisRendered()
	sleep 1

sub UpdateShadows(ground as any ptr, towel as any ptr, piv as any ptr)
	dim as long x=EntityX(player, 1)
	dim as long z=EntityZ(player, 1)
	PositionEntity piv, x, shadow_Towel_Yoffset, z, 1
	RotateEntity piv,0,180,0,1
	'align the shadow towel to the underlying terrain
	For i as long = 0 To towel_size-1 ' terrainsize
		var xx=EntityX(towel,1)-(i*towel_scale_XZ)
		For j as long =0 To towel_size-1
			var zz=EntityZ(towel,1)-(j*towel_scale_XZ)
			var tyl=TerrainY(ground,xx,0,zz)
			var ty=((TerrainY(ground,xx,0,zz))/towel_scale_Y)
			ModifyTerrain towel,i,j,ty

	' hide borders
	For i as long = 0 To towel_size
		ModifyTerrain towel,i,towel_size,0
	For j as long = 0 To towel_size
		ModifyTerrain towel,towel_size,j,0
End sub

sub UpdateShadowmap()
	' hide the towel, make the terrain white and all meshes grey
	For i as long =0 To num_o
		PaintEntity c(i), shadowbrush
		EntityFX c(i),1
	HideEntity cam_towel
	PaintEntity terrain, whitebrush
	' toggle shadow camera (orthographic)
	HideEntity camera
	CameraClsColor shadowcam,255,255,255
	CameraZoom shadowcam,(.031 /towel_scale_XZ)/(towel_size/64.0) ' .028
	ShowEntity ShadowCam
	CameraProjMode ShadowCam,2
	' take a render from above
	PositionEntity shadowcam, EntityX(player,1),1000,EntityZ(player,1)
	RotateEntity shadowcam,90,0,0
	CameraViewport shadowcam,0,0,ShadowTexSize,ShadowTexSize
	' copy that render to the shadow texture buffer
	'CopyRect 0,0,ShadowTexSize,ShadowTexSize,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(ShadowTex)
	'restore camera
	ShowEntity camera
	'HideEntity ShadowCam
	ShowEntity cam_towel
	' restore object materials
	PaintEntity terrain, terrainbrush
	for i as long=0 To num_o
		PaintEntity c(i),c_brush(i)
		EntityFX c(i),0
End sub
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Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

MeshWidth and MeshDepth do no apply to a terrain, because a terrain is not a mesh.
TerrainSize is not implemented in OpenB3D; it could be implemented by reading the member "size" of the class "Terrain", if would likely be something like:

Code: Select all

float TerrainSize (Terrain* terr){
	return terr->size;
By the way, the example you are trying to port is not written in BlitzMax OpenB3D (not even the BlitzMax version supports TerrainSize): it is written in Blitz3D, that is not based on OpenB3D. Also, you actually don't need to use that trick: in fact, original Blitz3D has no default way to implement shadows, so tricks like the one you linked were required, while OpenB3D already provides shadows, and they can be rendered on terrains with no need of that trick.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Thanks for the information. I already had the impression it was almost the same as shadow in openB3D.
I really do like to have a shader for shadow rendering, something like this: ... .vert.glsl
I cant find any good examples for shaders that are a bit more complex with openB3D.

For start how to read the depth buffer texture and pase to frag shared.
I use to have some good examples but lost them.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Some examples of shader for OpenB3D can be found in the package OB3DPlus. There is a PBR shader, a bump mapping one, an interior mapping one, a glass one, a shadow mapping one, and several post processing ones (including SSAO , Depth of Field, and more), and even an experimental (barely working) example of deferred lighting.

The shadow mapping shader does more or less what you want.

Using a shader, for shadow rendering, has some issues: in fact, all the receiving entities (terrains, or meshes) where the shadow is cast on must be rendered with that specific shader, and that prevents using a different one: so, what if someone wants to use a fur shader to simulate the grass on a terrain, and at the same time wants to cast shadow on the same terrains? It can surely be achieved (by compiling a shader that includes both features, for example, or by using two terrains rendered in the same place, one with the grass, one with the shadow), but it is not always so immediate.


The solution implemented by default by OpenB3D is stencil shadows: those shadows have some limits (the main one is that they cannot take in account a mask texture), but they are pretty fast, work everywhere, even on the old fixed pipeline, and can be cast on any surface, regardless of the shader used. Of course, shadow mapping can still be used if for any reason you don't like stencil shadows.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by D.J.Peters »

I played a litle bit with Open3DJS here are a template for a resizable window/cannvas.


Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>OpenB3BJS template of resizable  window.</title>
    <script src="OpenB3D.js"></script>
    <script src="OpenB3DJS.js"></script>

'use strict'; // <- Always better than trouble with undeclared variable. ;-) 

Module.onRuntimeInitialized = _ => {
  // create a canvas
  var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  // resize it to the client region of the web page
  canvas.width  = window.innerWidth;
  canvas.height = window.innerHeight; 
  // add it to the DOM of the web page
  // store the WebGL context in the global var 'GLctx'
  GLctx = canvas.getContext("webgl");
  // use the dimension of the canvas to init the engine
  Graphics3D(canvas.width, canvas.height,0,0,0);
  // build the scene
  let cam   = CreateCamera(0);
  let cube  = CreateCube(0);
  let light = CreateLight(1,0);

  function doFrame(){
  function onResize() {
    // resize the canvas
    canvas.width  = window.innerWidth;
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
    // tell the active camera the new size
    CameraViewport(cam,0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height)
  // watch for browser/canvas resize
  window.onresize = onResize;
  // start the show ;-)
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Oke i like some help with animate sprite render.
Wrote some test code for this.

Code: Select all

#include ""
screen 18, 32, , &h10002 
Graphics3d 640,480,32,1,1

var camera=createcamera(0)
CAMERARANGE (camera,.1,1000)
'CAMERAZOOM(camera, 0.25)
positionentity camera, 0,-3,-2

var tex=LOADANIMTEXTURE("0011_player1.png", 4+2, 40, 40, 0, 6) 'flag 4 is Masked
'var spr = LOADSPRITE("0011_player1.png",4+2)
var spr = CREATESPRITE()
'TextureBlend(spr, 1)
entitytexture(spr, tex, 0, 0)
'entityfx (spr, 1+2+4+8)

'empty background sprite
var tex2 = CREATETEXTURE(40, 40, 0, 0)
var spr2 = CREATESPRITE()
entitytexture(spr2, tex2, 0, 0)

var light=createlight()
turnentity light,45,45,0

dim key as string
wireframe 0
	entitytexture(spr, tex, TIMER*10 MOD 6)
		if key=chr(255)+"H" then moveentity camera,0,0,0.1
		if key=chr(255)+"P" then moveentity camera,0,0,-.1
		if key=chr(255)+"M" then turnentity camera,0,-1,0,0
		if key=chr(255)+"K" then turnentity camera,0,1,0,0
	updateworld 1
	sleep 10
loop until key=chr(27)
You can download the png file i use here.
if you ignore the non-https warnings.

The sprite is only 40x40 pixels with 6 frames.
my problem is that it is very blurred. i have tried everything as texture filter setting.
wonder if it's my vide card settings?
I like to force it to pixels with blurred smooth look.

Last edited by Gunslinger on Jan 03, 2024 15:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Gunslinger wrote: Dec 17, 2023 19:50 my problem is that it is very blurred. i have tried everything as texture filter setting.
wonder if it's my vide card settings?
I like to force it to pixels with blurred smooth look.
It's not your video card. The issue is that the starting picture is too small (the picture you have rendered is more or less 5 times wider than the original one, and it's usually not recommended to upscale a picture more than twice). OpenGL can use some algorithms to interpolate the missing pixels, but the result is not good; there are basically nearest interpolation, that produces large, square pixels, and linear interpolation, that blurs between a pixel and the adiacent one (in OpenB3D the interpolation algorithm is always linear, and this is hard-coded in the library); there are also algorithm based on mip maps, but they are used only to downscale a picture, not to upscale it.

You should use a picture with higher resolution (if you don't want to redraw it, you can try to upscale it: image editors have a better upscaling algorithm, since it doesn't need to work in real time)
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Thank for your quick anwser.

I was going for the low pixel look.
Upscale 3 times did the trick and looks good for now.
Still think it is a waste of memory, how cares.

Now i'm looking at the animated texture.
I keep setting the frame number in mainloop in my last code.
Sure must be a beter way with al the animation functions in openb3d.
Most animation functions seem to be for 3d model, not for the texture on models.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Actually, no, there isn't a better way in OpenB3D (nor in the original Blitz3D) to animate a texture. There are commands to translate, rotate or scale a texture (they might be useful when the animation is just a movement in one direction), otherwise you have to set the frame manually.

Other solutions to animate a texture are using the command BufferToTex (that allows to use a video stream, or a picture generated on the fly, too), or CameraToTex (that allows to use the image rendered by another camera), or it's possible to use a custom shader to procedurally generate the texture on the GPU, and that's all
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Oke i got a bit more done now.
I have a little man walking on a mini plannet.
The basic openb3d physics are not good.
Seem to go wrong by collisions with 2 or more bodies.
I have to look at a other physics library as i done in the past.

I found some small bugs in current openb3d version.
FreeAction function declaration is missing in bi file. (Can easy be added and works fine)
And createcylinder the second parameter in not behaving as a boolean.
Needs a positief number or leave empty to have the top and botem caps. Not true or false.

I'll keep working on my little game for now.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

What issues did you encounter with the collisions?

About CreateCylinder, it happens because that parameter is checked with "if(solid==true)", internally, and "true" is defined as 1. I guess it could be replaced with something like "if(solid!=false)" if it's needed to be true boolean
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

About the collisions probleems. Is was about to share my code.
But i made a mase simplifing the probleem. You have to wait a bit.

Let say countCollisions for the player object only works is there is only 1 object added to collision. Adding more it reports only 0.
But collision with multiple spheres mesh kinda works.
Exept for clipping into them, that is mabye becouse of me using the function pointEntity on the player. To the center of earth.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

This code will do.
It's not very hard to clip inside the planet with use of the blue stars close to the surface.
At line 59 you van disable the stars, the function countCollisions is outputed to console.
Only work correct with stars disabled.

I like to use countCollisions to see if he can jump.
First the collisions have to work correct.

Code: Select all

'#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB '' Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB
randomize 1234

screenres 1920, 1080, 32, , &h10002
dim as ulong scr_h, scr_w
screeninfo(scr_h, scr_w)
Graphics3d scr_h,scr_w,32,1,1
var mousezoom =150
var camera=createcamera(0)
	CAMERARANGE (camera,.1,1000)
	CAMERAZOOM(camera, 1/mousezoom)
	positionentity camera, 0, 0, -10

var player1 = createpivot
var p1 = createcylinder(16, 1, player1)
	'entityfx player1, 4
	entityalpha p1, 0.5
	rotateentity p1, -90, 0, 0
	scaleentity p1, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5
'dim as any ptr tex = LOADANIMTEXTURE("0011_Hplayer1 animation.png", 4, 120, 120, 0, 6)
'var spr = CREATESPRITE(p1)
	'positionentity(spr, 0, -1, -.5)
	'SCALESPRITE spr, 1.5, 1.5
	'rotateentity spr, 90, 0, 0
	'entitytexture(spr, tex, 0, 0)
	'entityfx (spr, 1+4+16+32)
	'entityorder spr, 0
var light=createlight()
	turnentity light, -45, -45, 0
	lightcolor light, 255, 127, 255
'var earth = createmesh
var earth = createsphere(16)
	positionentity earth, -5, -1, 0
	scaleentity earth, 4, 4, 4
	entitycolor earth, 0, 255, 0
	EntityAlpha earth, 0.5
'var earthShadow = CREATESHADOW(earth, false)
var collision_player1 = 99
var collision_earth = 98
ENTITYTYPE player1, collision_player1
entityRadius player1, 0.5
ENTITYTYPE earth, collision_earth
collisions collision_player1, collision_earth, 2, 2
dim as double xx,yy
var addStars = true                                      'add the stars
if addStars then
	var numberOfStars = 95 'max = 97
	dim as any ptr star(numberOfStars)
	dim as any ptr shadow(numberOfStars)
	for i as ulong = 1 to numberOfStars
		star(i) = createsphere(6,earth)
		'star(i) = createcube(earth)
		scaleentity star(i), .05, .05, .05
			xx = (rnd-.5)*4
			yy = (rnd-.5)*4
		loop until sqr(xx^2+yy^2) > 1.2
		positionentity star(i), xx, yy, 0
		entitycolor star(i), 0,127,255
		'shadow(i) = CREATESHADOW(star(i),false)
		ENTITYRADIUS star(i),1
		ENTITYTYPE star(i), i
		collisions collision_player1, i, 2, 2
	next i
end if

var gravity = ACTTRACKBYPOINT (player1, earth, 0, 0, 0, 0.01)
var moment = ACTNEWTONIAN(player1, .95)
var rotPlayerToGrav = ACTTURNto(player1, -5, -1, 0, 0.1)

dim key as string
dim as long mx, my, mousewheel
wireframe 0
var ani_speed = 0
var jumpActive = 0

	dim As Long res = getmouse(mx, my, mousewheel)
	mousezoom = mousewheel*10 +150
	'mousewheel = 0
	CAMERAZOOM(camera, 1/mousezoom)
	PRINTf (chr(13))
	printf (str(countCollisions(player1))+"   "+str(ENTITYCOLLIDED(player1, collision_earth))+"             ")
	'printf str(EntityRoll(player1))
	moveentity player1, 0, 0, -entityZ(player1) 'keep the player1 z at 0
	'entitytexture(spr, tex, TIMER*ani_speed MOD 6)
		if key=chr(255)+"H" then moveentity camera,0, 0, 0.5
		if key=chr(255)+"P" then moveentity camera,0, 0,-0.5
		if key=chr(255)+"M" then turnentity camera,0,-5, 0, 0
		if key=chr(255)+"K" then turnentity camera,0, 5, 0, 0
		if multikey(SC_A) or multikey(SC_D) then
			'collisions collision_player1, collision_earth, 2, 2 ' set sliding on
			ani_speed = 10
			if multikey(SC_A) then moveentity player1, -0.02, 0, 0':rotateentity spr, 270, 0, 180
			if multikey(SC_D) then moveentity player1,  0.02, 0, 0':rotateentity spr, 90,  0, 0
			'collisions collision_player1, collision_earth, 2, 2 ' set to no slide
			ani_speed = 0
		end if
		if multikey(SC_W) then 'jump test
			'if jumpActive = 0 then moveentity player1, 0, 0.4, 0
			jumpActive = 1
			jumpActive = 0 ' work around fix becouse countCollisions(player1) not working with stars
			if countCollisions(player1) <> 0 then JumpActive = 0
		end if
		if multikey(SC_S) then moveentity player1, 0, -0.02, 0
		if multikey(SC_W) then moveentity player1, 0, 0.02, 0
	updateworld 1
	sleep 10
loop until key=chr(27)

Last edited by Gunslinger on Dec 24, 2023 13:03, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2326
Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

There is no need to assign a different collision type to each star. You can just replace the lines 76-77 with:

Code: Select all

		ENTITYTYPE star(i), collision_earth
		'collisions collision_player1, collision_earth, 2, 2   'not needed anymore
and everything will work. You will still be able to detect which entity is the player touching, thanks to EntityCollided (its returned value is the collided entity)

The only reason to use different collision types is when you need a different method, or response for different objects (and in this case, CountCollision will refer to the last collision algorithm set). In the example, you use ellipsoid to polygon method, and sliding response, both with player-with-earth and player-with-stars collisions, so you have no reasons to use different collision .
The reason you get CountCollisions returning zero is that it refers to the last collision rule declared for player, that is with the star number 97, so it will return a positive value only if you hit star 97. If you move the line:

Code: Select all

collisions collision_player1, collision_earth, 2, 2
after the block that draws the star (after the "end if") the program will work, but CountCollision will return 1 only when player hits the earth, not when it hits star.
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