FB syntax highlighting for GtkSourceView based editors: Xed, Pluma, GEdit, etc.

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FB syntax highlighting for GtkSourceView based editors: Xed, Pluma, GEdit, etc.

Post by gothon »

Recently I built a new computer running Linux Mint and was looking for a program to edit FreeBasic code on it and I noticed that the default text editor that is builtin to Linux Mint (a program called Xed) has a decent set of code editing features. However FreeBasic was not listed in the 'highlight mode' drop down box. After selecting VB.NET from the same drop down, Xed failed even to highlight my 'if...then' statements correctly despite my belief that VB.NET would be close enough for that.

After some investigation I learned that Xed is a fork of Pluma which in turn is a fork of Gedit and is using a GTK (Gnome Tool Kit) based widget called GtkSourceView for syntax highlighting. The language definition files that tell it how to highlight the languages it lists are located in the folder `/usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs` on my system.

I went online to see if some one had made a language file for FreeBasic that I could put in that folder. I could not find one, so I made one myself:

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gotho ... basic.lang


Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 FreeBasic Language Definition  <https://www.freebasic.net>
   for GtkSourceView            <https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GtkSourceView>
   Created: Feb-2024

 Author: Alex Thomson
 Copyright (C) 2024 Alex Thomson

 This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


<language id="freebasic" name="FreeBasic" version="2.0" _section="Source">
    <property name="mimetypes">text/x-fb;text/x-freebasic</property>
    <property name="globs">*.bas;*.bi</property>
    <property name="line-comment-start">'</property>
    <property name="block-comment-start">/'</property>
    <property name="block-comment-end">'/</property>

    <style id="comment"           name="Comment"            map-to="def:comment"/>
    <style id="string"            name="String"             map-to="def:string"/>
    <style id="escaped-character" name="Escaped Character"  map-to="def:special-char"/>
    <style id="preprocessor"      name="Preprocessor"       map-to="def:preprocessor"/>
    <style id="included-file"     name="Included File"      map-to="def:string"/>
    <style id="common-defines"    name="Common Defines"     map-to="def:special-constant"/>
    <style id="floating-point"    name="Floating Point"     map-to="def:floating-point"/>
    <style id="hexadecimal"       name="Hexadecimal number" map-to="def:number"/>
    <style id="decimal"           name="Decimal"            map-to="def:decimal"/>
    <style id="octal"             name="Octal number"       map-to="def:number"/>
    <style id="binary"            name="Binary number"      map-to="def:number"/>
    <style id="boolean"           name="Boolean value"      map-to="def:boolean"/>
    <style id="type"              name="Data Type"          map-to="def:type"/>
    <style id="keyword"           name="Keyword"            map-to="def:keyword"/>
    <style id="intrinsic"         name="Builtin function"   map-to="def:builtin"/>
    <style id="identifier"        name="Identifier"         map-to="def:identifier"/>

  <default-regex-options case-sensitive="false"/>


    <!-- Reusable Regular Expressions -->
    <define-regex id="integer-prefix">(const\s+)?(u|(unsigned\s\s*))?</define-regex>
    <define-regex id="integer-lit-suffix">(ull|ul|ll|u|l|&amp;|%)?</define-regex>
    <define-regex id="float-exponent">([de]([-+]?[0-9]+)?)</define-regex>

    <!-- https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/TblEscapeSequences -->
    <define-regex id="escaped-character" extended="true">
      \\(                    # leading backslash
      [\\\"\'abflnrtv] |     # escaped character
      u.{4} |                # unicode char in 4 hex digits (also gets non hex chars (fbc bug?))
      [0-9]{1,3} |           # ascii char in decimal
      &amp;h[0-9a-f]{1,2} |  # ascii char in hex
      &amp;o[0-7]{1,3} |     # ascii char in octal
      &amp;b[0-1]{1,8} )     # ascii char in binary

    <context id="freebasic" class="no-spell-check">

        <context id="comment-multiline" style-ref="comment">
            <context id="comment-in-comment">
                <context ref="comment-in-comment"/>
                <context ref="def:in-comment"/>
            <context ref="def:in-comment"/>

        <context id="metacommands" style-ref="comment" extend-parent="false">
            <context id="metacommand" sub-pattern="2" style-ref="keyword"/>

        <context id="comment" style-ref="comment">
            <context ref="def:in-comment"/>

        <context id="include" style-ref="preprocessor">
            <context id="included-file" sub-pattern="2" style-ref="included-file" class="path"/>

        <context id="preprocessor" style-ref="preprocessor">

          <keyword>#else(if(n?def)?)?</keyword> <!-- #ElseIfNDef https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/KeyPgPpelseifndef -->
        <context id="defined" style-ref="preprocessor">

        <context id="escaped-string" end-at-line-end="true" style-ref="string">
            <context id="escaped-character" style-ref="escaped-character">

        <context id="string" end-at-line-end="true" style-ref="string">
        <!-- https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/CatPgDddefines -->
        <context id="common-defines" style-ref="common-defines">
          <keyword>NULL</keyword> <!-- is NULL really an FB define?  Maybe not, but it will likely be used when pointers are used -->





            Event types for Event UDT from ScreenEvent https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/KeyPgEvent

        <!-- https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/KeyPgInteger -->

        <context id="integer-types" style-ref="type">
        <context id="function-pointers" style-ref="type">
            <context id="as-keyword" sub-pattern="1" style-ref="keyword"/>
        <context id="types" style-ref="type">






        <!-- Numeric Literals https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/ProPgLiterals -->
        <context id="float" style-ref="floating-point">
          <!-- uses 3 patterns to avoid matching integer literals -->
          <match extended="true">
            ( [0-9]*(\. [0-9]+) \%{float-exponent}? [!f#]?  # [number].fraction [exponent] [suffix]
            | [0-9]+ \%{float-exponent} [!f#]?              # number  exponent [suffix]
            | [0-9]+ \%{float-exponent}? [!f#] )            # number [exponent] suffix
        <context id="hexadecimal" style-ref="hexadecimal">
        <context id="decimal" style-ref="decimal">
        <context id="octal" style-ref="octal">
        <context id="binary" style-ref="binary">
        <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean">

        <!-- https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/CatPgFunctIndex -->

        <context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword">
          <!-- Arrays -->
          <!-- Compiler Switches -->

          <!-- Data types and declarations -->
          <!-- Types Futureproofing see https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/KeyPgImplements https://www.freebasic.net/wiki/KeyPgClass -->

          <!-- Error handling -->
          <!-- Keyword based operators -->

          <!-- Miscellaneous-->

          <!-- Modularizing -->

          <!-- Pointers -->

          <!-- Procedures -->

          <!-- Variadic procedures -->

          <!-- Program flow -->

          <!-- Type casting/conversion -->

        <context id="builtin-functions" style-ref="intrinsic">
          <!-- Bit Manipulation -->

          <!-- Console -->

          <!-- Date and time -->

          <!-- Debug support -->

          <!-- Hardware access -->

          <!-- Files -->

          <!-- Graphics -->

          <!-- Math -->

          <!-- Memory -->

          <!-- Multithreading -->

          <!-- OS / shell -->

          <!-- String functions -->

          <!-- String and number conversion -->

          <!-- User input -->

        <context id="identifier" style-ref="identifier">

It is basically an XML file that uses PCRE regular expressions from a hierarchy of contexts to match patterns and determine which style to use. I was able to get it to correctly parse: recursive multi-line comments, literals: string, float, integer and boolean with prefixes and suffixes, pre-processor statements and builtin defines. I was also able to break down the remaining keyword list into three more categories, builtin data types, regular keywords, and builtin runtime library functions.

While I was making this, I also tweaked the included cobalt.xml theme thus making my own new color theme newcobalt.xml. Essentially I first changed the colors in an attempt to increase the saturation and contrast to better distinguish things until my eyes couldn't handle it anymore, then I scaled it back a bit.

newcobalt.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gotho ... cobalt.xml

I am releasing both files under the same LGPL2.1+ license that gtkSourceView is using in the hope that they may be useful to people and might spread as far as gtkSourceView itself possibly even be included with it one day.

Posts: 58
Joined: Nov 23, 2019 17:30
Location: Minnesota

Re: FB syntax highlighting for GtkSourceView based editors: Xed, Pluma, GEdit, etc.

Post by SamL »

nice, i'm looking to switch to neo vim for an ide and i been looking around for something like this for tree sitter, I might have to make my own but i could use this as a reference!
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