I'm sure you are familiar with the cross product in 3D.
Here is the formula as a reminder:
x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y
y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z
z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
in 2D you have only the coords X,Y now take a look at last row of the 3D cross product.
z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
In 2D z is the direction from monitor to you.
If the result of the last row of the cross product (from the triangle edges and the x,y point) is <=0 then x,y are outside the triangle edges.
With this knowledge in mind you can use it in function PontInTriangle2D() also.
It used 3 times: z = ax*by - ay*bx : if z<=0 then return false
Code: Select all
function PointInTriangle2D(byval px as single, byval py as single, _
byref x0 as single, byref y0 as single, _
byref x1 as single, byref y1 as single, _
byref x2 as single, byref y2 as single) as boolean
dim as single ax=any,ay=any,bx=any,by=any
ax=x1-x0:ay=y1-y0:bx=px-x0:by=py-y0 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
ax=x2-x1:ay=y2-y1:bx=px-x1:by=py-y1 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
ax=x0-x2:ay=y0-y2:bx=px-x2:by=py-y2 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
return true
end function
Code: Select all
function PointInTriangle(x as single, y as single, _
x1 as single, y1 as single, _
x2 as single, y2 as single, _
x3 as single, y3 as single) as integer
dim v0 as single = x3 - x1
dim v1 as single = x2 - x1
dim v2 as single = single(x) - x1
dim u0 as single = y3 - y1
dim u1 as single = y2 - y1
dim u2 as single = single(y) - y1
dim dot00 as single = v0 * v0 + u0 * u0
dim dot01 as single = v0 * v1 + u0 * u1
dim dot02 as single = v0 * v2 + u0 * u2
dim dot11 as single = v1 * v1 + u1 * u1
dim dot12 as single = v1 * v2 + u1 * u2
dim invDenom as single = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01)
dim u as single = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom
dim v as single = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom
if (u >= 0) and (v >= 0) and (u + v <= 1) then
PointInTriangle = 1
PointInTriangle = 0
end if
end function
Code: Select all
' 3D cross product
' x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y
' y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z
' z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
' clockwise order
' v0-----------v1 e0 = v1-v0
' \ * / e1 = v2-v1
' \ * / e2 = v0-v2
' \ *p / p0 = p-v0
' \ / p1 = p-v1
' \ / p2 = p-v2
' \/
' v2
function PointInTriangle2D(byval px as single, byval py as single, _
byref x0 as single, byref y0 as single, _
byref x1 as single, byref y1 as single, _
byref x2 as single, byref y2 as single) as boolean
dim as single ax=any,ay=any,bx=any,by=any
ax=x1-x0:ay=y1-y0:bx=px-x0:by=py-y0 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
ax=x2-x1:ay=y2-y1:bx=px-x1:by=py-y1 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
ax=x0-x2:ay=y0-y2:bx=px-x2:by=py-y2 : if ax*by - ay*bx < 0 then return false
return true
end function
dim as long mx,my,colour
dim as boolean IsInside
ScreenRes 640,480,8,2
ScreenSet 1, 0
windowtitle "move the mouse :-)"
while inkey()=""
if getmouse(mx,my)=0 then
IsInside = PointInTriangle2D(mx,my,100,100,400,200,500,400)
pset (100,100),colour
line -(400,200),colour
line -(500,400),colour
line -(100,100),colour
sleep 16