Bug with BSAVE?
Bug with BSAVE?
My chm help file (for version 1.0.5) says on BSAVE:
Declare Function BSave ( ByRef filename As Const String, ByVal source As Any Ptr, ByVal size As Ulong = 0, ByVal pal As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal bitsperpixel As Long = 0 ) As Long
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][,[ pal ][, bitsperpixel ]]] )
So if that if want to save a BMP file, 'size' and 'pal' can be left empty while choosing a value for 'bitsperpixel':
bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , , 32)
But this results in:
No matching overloaded function, BSAVE() in 'bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , , 32)'
The following is allowed:
bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , 0, 32)
But shouldn't the first form be ok as well?
Declare Function BSave ( ByRef filename As Const String, ByVal source As Any Ptr, ByVal size As Ulong = 0, ByVal pal As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal bitsperpixel As Long = 0 ) As Long
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][,[ pal ][, bitsperpixel ]]] )
So if that if want to save a BMP file, 'size' and 'pal' can be left empty while choosing a value for 'bitsperpixel':
bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , , 32)
But this results in:
No matching overloaded function, BSAVE() in 'bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , , 32)'
The following is allowed:
bsave ("bla.bmp", img.pFbImg, , 0, 32)
But shouldn't the first form be ok as well?
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
I'll makes some test code...
This input image:
This code:
Code: Select all
const as integer SCREEN_W = 800
const as integer SCREEN_H = 600
#include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "file.bi"
type int2d
dim as integer x, y
end type
type bitmap_header field = 1
bfType as ushort
bfsize as ulong
bfReserved1 as ushort
bfReserved2 as ushort
bfOffBits as ulong
biSize as ulong
biWidth as ulong
biHeight as ulong
biPlanes as ushort
biBitCount as ushort
biCompression as ulong
biSizeImage as ulong
biXPelsPerMeter as ulong
biYPelsPerMeter as ulong
biClrUsed as ulong
biClrImportant as ulong
end type
type image_type
dim as any ptr pFbImg
dim as int2d size
declare sub create(sizeInit as int2d, colorInit as ulong)
declare function createFromBmp(fileName as string) as integer
declare sub destroy()
declare destructor()
end type
sub image_type.create(sizeInit as int2d, colorInit as ulong)
pFbImg = imagecreate(sizeInit.x, sizeInit.y, colorInit)
size = sizeInit
end sub
function image_type.createFromBmp(fileName as string) as integer
dim as bitmap_header bmp_header
dim as int2d bmpSize
if fileExists(filename) then
open fileName for binary as #1
get #1, , bmp_header
close #1
bmpSize.x = bmp_header.biWidth
bmpSize.y = bmp_header.biHeight
create(bmpSize, &hff000000)
bload fileName, pFbImg
'print "Bitmap loaded: " & filename
return 0
end if
'print "File not found: " & filename
return -1
end function
sub image_type.destroy()
if (pFbImg <> 0) then
pFbImg = 0
end if
end sub
destructor image_type()
end destructor
screenres SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, 32
width SCREEN_W \ 8, SCREEN_H \ 16
dim as image_type img
'fix color where alpha is zero (error in this bmp)
for y as integer = 0 to img.size.y-1
for x as integer = 0 to img.size.x-1
if (point (x, y, img.pFbImg) and &hff000000) = 0 then
pset img.pFbImg, (x, y), 0
end if
line(0, 0) - (SCREEN_W-1, SCREEN_H-1), &h004080a0, bf
put(0, 0), img.pFbImg, alpha
bsave ("bla123out.bmp", img.pFbImg, , 0, 32)
EDIT: Sorry, I does seems to save the alpha-channel, but other programs display the newly created image different. E.g. 'Gimp' does not recognise the alpha channel.
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
It might be a bug or a documentation issue.
If you include the bit depth you have to include at least a null(0) for palette or you get that error.
There is no matching bug report as yet.
If you include the bit depth you have to include at least a null(0) for palette or you get that error.
There is no matching bug report as yet.
Code: Select all
Dim As Any ptr t
'Bsave("bla.bmp", t,,,32) ' error
Bsave("bla.bmp", t,,,) ' no error
Bsave("bla.bmp", t,,0,32) ' no error
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Yes, it seems that currently, the syntax allowed for BSave use (due to existing overload procedures) is rather:
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][, pal | , pal, bitsperpixel ]] )
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][,[ pal | pal, bitsperpixel ]]] )
(maybe more clear)
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][, pal | , pal, bitsperpixel ]] )
result = BSave( filename, source [,[ size ][,[ pal | pal, bitsperpixel ]]] )
(maybe more clear)
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
I ran into this issue again. Of the 5 graphics programs that I have installed, only 1 understands that the image contains alpha data. Also firefox & chromium do not accept the alpha channel in a image saved with freebasic's bsave.badidea wrote:EDIT: Sorry, I does seems to save the alpha-channel, but other programs display the newly created image different. E.g. 'Gimp' does not recognise the alpha channel.
I am pretty sure that it is actually is a bug in freebasic. Bsave does not seem to follow the specification at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format (assuming that this wiki-page is correct). At file position 1E (hex) bsave writes the value 0. This means that "BI_RGB" compression / format is used, where the location of the alpha byte "A" is just padding for 32-bit alignment. For RGBA data, value 3 (BI_BITFIELDS) at location 1E should be used with an additional header (OS22XBITMAPHEADER or BITMAPINFOHEADER2) section to further specify the encoding.
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
BSAVE with alpha (32 bit only):
Code: Select all
#include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "file.bi"
const BI_RGB = 0
const BI_BITFIELDS = 3
type bitmap_file_header field = 1
bfType as ushort
bfSize as ulong
bfReserved1 as ushort
bfReserved2 as ushort
bfOffBits as ulong
end type
type bitmap_info_header_v5 field = 1
biSize as ulong
biWidth as ulong
biHeight as ulong
biPlanes as ushort
biBitCount as ushort
biCompression as ulong
biSizeImage as ulong
biXPelsPerMeter as ulong
biYPelsPerMeter as ulong
biClrUsed as ulong
biClrImportant as ulong
redMask as ulong
greenMask as ulong
blueMask as ulong
alphaMask as ulong
csType as ulong
endPoints(0 to 8) as ulong '36 bytes (CIEXYZTRIPLE)
gammaRed as ulong
gammaGreen as ulong
gammaBlue as ulong
intent as ulong 'Rendering intent enum
profileData as ulong
profileSize as ulong
reserved as ulong
end type
function image2bitmap(filename as const string, pImg as any ptr) as integer
dim as integer w, h, bypp, pitch
dim as any ptr pPixData
if imageInfo (pImg, w, h, bypp, pitch, pPixData) <> 0 then return -1
if bypp <> 4 then return -2 'for 32 bit only
dim as bitmap_file_header bmpFileHdr
dim as bitmap_info_header_v5 bmpInfoHdr
with bmpFileHdr
.bfType = &h4D42
.bfSize = sizeof(bmpFileHdr) + sizeof(bmpInfoHdr) + w * h * bypp
.bfOffBits = sizeof(bmpFileHdr) + sizeof(bmpInfoHdr)
end with
with bmpInfoHdr
.biSize = sizeof(bmpInfoHdr)
.biWidth = w
.biHeight = h '-h 'up-side-down
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 32
.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS
.biSizeImage = w * h * bypp
.biXPelsPerMeter = 2835 '72 DPI
.biYPelsPerMeter = 2835 '72 DPI
.redMask = &h00FF0000 'big-endian
.greenMask = &h0000FF00 'big-endian
.blueMask = &h000000FF 'big-endian
.alphaMask = &hFF000000 'big-endian
.csType = &h73524742 'sRGB
.intent = 0
end with
if fileExists(fileName) then return -3 'don't overwrite
dim as integer f = freeFile()
if open(fileName, for binary, as #f) <> 0 then return -4 'file open error
put #f, ,bmpFileHdr
put #f, ,bmpinfoHdr
'write rows in reverse order w.r.t image in memory
pPixData += (h * pitch)
for row as integer = 0 to h - 1
pPixData -= pitch
put #f, ,*cptr(ulong ptr, pPixData), w
'put #f, ,*cptr(ulong ptr, pPixData), w * h
close #f
return 0 'ok
end function
const SCR_W = 640, SCR_H = 480, SCR_BPP = 32
screenres SCR_W, SCR_H, SCR_BPP,,FB.GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES 'to make circle work with alpha???
const IMG_W = 300, IMG_H = 200
dim as FB.image ptr pImage = imageCreate(IMG_W, IMG_H, rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)) 'non-transparant black
if pImage = 0 then
print "Image error"
'Draw some transparant circles (on image)
for i as integer = 0 to 99
dim as integer x = int(rnd * (IMG_W - 50)) + 25
dim as integer y = int(rnd * (IMG_H - 50)) + 25
dim as integer radius = int(rnd * 20) + 5
dim as ubyte r = int(rnd * 256)
dim as ubyte g = int(rnd * 256)
dim as ubyte b = int(rnd * 256)
dim as ubyte a = int(rnd * 156) + 50
circle pImage, (x, y), radius, rgba(r, g, b, a),,,,f
'show image on screen
put (150, 100), pImage, alpha
'save to bitmap
dim as integer result
result = image2bitmap("fb_alpha_test_2.bmp", pImage)
select case result
case 0: print "Ok, image saved"
case -1: print "Error, invalid image"
case -2: print "Error, not 32 bit"
case -3: print "Error, file exists"
case -4: print "Error, opening file"
case else: print "Unknown error"
end select
'clean up
end if
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Maybe I am not understanding your idea, but bsave seems to work OK with alpha in win 11, fb 1.10.1
Maybe I am not understanding your idea, but bsave seems to work OK with alpha in win 11, fb 1.10.1
Code: Select all
screen 19,32,,64
dim as any ptr i=imagecreate(800,600,0)
for n as long=1 to 70
circle i,(rnd*800,rnd*600),10+rnd*50,rgba(rnd*255,rnd*255,rnd*255,rnd*255),,,,f
draw string i,(20,20),"press a key to exit FreeBASIC and kill the image and bitmap"
bsave "circles.bmp",i
bload "circles.bmp"
shell "circles.bmp"
kill "circles.bmp"
imagedestroy i
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Your circles are transparent, but the end-result is not. The saves image has no transparency (here).
Also here, your code produces a 40 byte BITMAPINFOHEADER which does not (officially) support per pixel alpha value (although 32 bits per pixel are used). See: https://github.com/freebasic/fbc/blob/m ... fx_bsave.c
My code produces a bitmap with a 124 byte BITMAPV5HEADER, see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format
Also here, your code produces a 40 byte BITMAPINFOHEADER which does not (officially) support per pixel alpha value (although 32 bits per pixel are used). See: https://github.com/freebasic/fbc/blob/m ... fx_bsave.c
My code produces a bitmap with a 124 byte BITMAPV5HEADER, see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Hi badidea.
The ins and out of it may be, but the bitmap shows the transparency here on windows.
If I remember, you use Linux?
It opens with photos here with shell, both the photos and bload look exactly the same here.
The ins and out of it may be, but the bitmap shows the transparency here on windows.
If I remember, you use Linux?
It opens with photos here with shell, both the photos and bload look exactly the same here.
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
You are right, both Windows and freebasic are happy with alpha data, while most linux tools seem more strict and reject the data depending on which header version is used.
Edit: It is actually only freebasic that is happy with 'incorrect' alpha data. This code produces 2 bitmaps "image_bsave.bmp" and "image_badidea.bmp" that look the same in freebasic when loaded, but different in Windows and Linux:
Edit: It is actually only freebasic that is happy with 'incorrect' alpha data. This code produces 2 bitmaps "image_bsave.bmp" and "image_badidea.bmp" that look the same in freebasic when loaded, but different in Windows and Linux:
Code: Select all
#include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "file.bi"
const BI_RGB = 0
const BI_BITFIELDS = 3
type bitmap_file_header field = 1
bfType as ushort
bfSize as ulong
bfReserved1 as ushort
bfReserved2 as ushort
bfOffBits as ulong
end type
type bitmap_info_header_v5 field = 1
biSize as ulong
biWidth as ulong
biHeight as ulong
biPlanes as ushort
biBitCount as ushort
biCompression as ulong
biSizeImage as ulong
biXPelsPerMeter as ulong
biYPelsPerMeter as ulong
biClrUsed as ulong
biClrImportant as ulong
redMask as ulong
greenMask as ulong
blueMask as ulong
alphaMask as ulong
csType as ulong
endPoints(0 to 8) as ulong '36 bytes (CIEXYZTRIPLE)
gammaRed as ulong
gammaGreen as ulong
gammaBlue as ulong
intent as ulong 'Rendering intent enum
profileData as ulong
profileSize as ulong
reserved as ulong
end type
function image2bitmap(filename as const string, pImg as any ptr) as integer
dim as integer w, h, bypp, pitch
dim as any ptr pPixData
if imageInfo (pImg, w, h, bypp, pitch, pPixData) <> 0 then return -1
if bypp <> 4 then return -2 'for 32 bit only
dim as bitmap_file_header bmpFileHdr
dim as bitmap_info_header_v5 bmpInfoHdr
with bmpFileHdr
.bfType = &h4D42
.bfSize = sizeof(bmpFileHdr) + sizeof(bmpInfoHdr) + w * h * bypp
.bfOffBits = sizeof(bmpFileHdr) + sizeof(bmpInfoHdr)
end with
with bmpInfoHdr
.biSize = sizeof(bmpInfoHdr)
.biWidth = w
.biHeight = h '-h 'up-side-down
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 32
.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS
.biSizeImage = w * h * bypp
.biXPelsPerMeter = 2835 '72 DPI
.biYPelsPerMeter = 2835 '72 DPI
.redMask = &h00FF0000 'big-endian
.greenMask = &h0000FF00 'big-endian
.blueMask = &h000000FF 'big-endian
.alphaMask = &hFF000000 'big-endian
.csType = &h73524742 'sRGB
.intent = 0
end with
if fileExists(fileName) then return -3 'don't overwrite
dim as integer f = freeFile()
if open(fileName, for binary, as #f) <> 0 then return -4 'file open error
put #f, ,bmpFileHdr
put #f, ,bmpinfoHdr
'write rows in reverse order w.r.t image in memory
pPixData += (h * pitch)
for row as integer = 0 to h - 1
pPixData -= pitch
put #f, ,*cptr(ulong ptr, pPixData), w
'put #f, ,*cptr(ulong ptr, pPixData), w * h
close #f
return 0 'ok
end function
const SCR_W = 800, SCR_H = 600, SCR_BPP = 32
screenres SCR_W, SCR_H, SCR_BPP,,FB.GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES 'to make circle work with alpha???
const IMG_W = 300, IMG_H = 200
dim as FB.image ptr pImage = imageCreate(IMG_W, IMG_H, rgba(255, 0, 0, 100)) 'red
'Draw checker board
for x as integer = 0 to (SCR_W - 1) \ 10
for y as integer = 0 to (SCR_H - 1) \ 10
dim as ulong c = iif((x+y) and 1, rgba(200, 200, 200, 255), rgba(50, 50, 50, 255))
'Draw some transparant circles (on image)
circle pImage, (IMG_W\2, IMG_H\2), IMG_H\3, rgba(255, 0, 0, 200),,,,f 'red
'show image on screen
put (50, 50), pImage, alpha
'save to bitmap
bsave("image_bsave.bmp", pImage)
dim as integer result
result = image2bitmap("image_badidea.bmp", pImage)
select case result
case 0: print "Ok, image saved"
case -1: print "Error, invalid image"
case -2: print "Error, not 32 bit"
case -3: print "Error, file exists"
case -4: print "Error, opening file"
case else: print "Unknown error"
end select
'clean up
dim as FB.image ptr pImage1 = imageCreate(IMG_W, IMG_H)
bload("image_bsave.bmp", pImage1)
put (50, 350), pImage1, alpha
dim as FB.image ptr pImage2 = imageCreate(IMG_W, IMG_H)
bload("image_badidea.bmp", pImage2)
put (450, 350), pImage2, alpha
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Do you mean the OS viewers give different images of fb origin, photo/gimp ...?
But fb behaves as expected with bsave/bload without using external apps.
But fb behaves as expected with bsave/bload without using external apps.
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Yes, the 2 images ("image_bsave.bmp" and "image_badidea.bmp") are different when viewed with .e.g MS paint or Gimp. (I don't have the possibility any more to quickly link an image for clarification).
I think that freebasic does not follow the specification for BMP file format (how to interpret the data). But at the same time, there is not really a strict specification for the BMP file format, I guess. It can cause confusing situations. A case of 'what you see, is not what you get'.
I think that freebasic does not follow the specification for BMP file format (how to interpret the data). But at the same time, there is not really a strict specification for the BMP file format, I guess. It can cause confusing situations. A case of 'what you see, is not what you get'.
Re: Bug with BSAVE?
Using the text mode _bload and _bsave doesn't seem to use .bmp header at all, nothing from photos here, and the getsize sub gets zero when it reads the header.
Windows of course here.
Code: Select all
'from help file:
Sub _bsave( file As String, p As Any Ptr, sz As Integer )
Dim As Long ff
ff = Freefile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileput( ff, 0, Byval p, sz )
End Sub
Sub _bload( file As String, p As Any Ptr )
Dim As Long ff
ff = Freefile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileget( ff, 0, Byval p, Lof( ff ) )
End Sub
Sub getsize(bmp As String,Byref w As Long,Byref h As Long)
Open bmp For Binary As #1
Get #1, 19, w
Get #1, 23, h
Close #1
End Sub
Screen 19,32,,64
Dim As Any Ptr i=Imagecreate(800,600,rgb(0,20,50))
Dim As Long sz
Imageinfo i,,,,,,sz
Print"image size ";sz
Circle i,(300,300),200,Rgba(Rnd*255,Rnd*255,Rnd*255,100),,,,f
Circle i,(500,300),200,Rgba(Rnd*255,Rnd*255,Rnd*255,100),,,,f
Print "press a key"
Screen 0
Print "using _bsave now"
Dim As Long w,h
Print w,h
Print "press a key"
Screen 19,32
Dim As Any Ptr p=Imagecreate(800,600)
_bload "twocircles.bmp",p