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- Joined: Nov 04, 2023 1:37
Dim Pointrs(25) As Integer ptr
create an array of pointers or a pointer to an array?
Dim Pointrs(25) As Integer ptr
create an array of pointers or a pointer to an array?
Re: pointers
It creates an array of pointers to integers.
Re: pointers
It creates an array of 25(26) pointers to integer memory locations - which aren't allocated this way. I dunno why you should do this. I'd simply make an array of integers and hand their address(pointer) wherever needed - for C library functions for instance. Using BYREF makes it automatically in FreeBASIC.
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Re: pointers
FreeBASIC arrays start at 0, so it creates an array of 26 integer pointers. Because 0 to 25 is 26 positions as we include 0.
The array of 26 integer pointers is allocated perfectly fine. What else would you expect it to do?
There are many reasons to want an array of pointers, for example sometimes you want a subset of a larger set without copying data around.
That is something completely different. An array of integers is not the same as an array of integer pointers. By using pointers you can reference things without creating a copy.
Does what automatically? BYREF is not the same thing as a pointer, it just passes parameters by reference instead of by value when using methods.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Nov 04, 2023 1:37
Re: pointers
Thanks for your replies. I want to create an array of 26 pointers to memory locations where I will load bitmaps. (I'm working on a card game for personal use. [The only way I can get a fair deal.]) So I don't want a pointer to an integer but rather a 24K bitmap. Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Re: pointers
Ah, I see. Then you can use Fb.Image pointers, and you can do it this way:
Code: Select all
#include once "fbgfx.bi" '' Contains needed definitions
dim as Fb.Image ptr cards( 25 )
'' Load your images
for i as integer = 0 to 25
cards( i ) = imageCreate( bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight ) '' Replace these with your sizes
bload( "card-image.bmp", cards( i ) ) '' Or any other way to load the file into the image
'' Run your program
'' ...
'' Then, when you finish, you dispose of the images like this
for i as integer = 0 to 25
imageDestroy( cards( i ) )
Code: Select all
#include once "file.bi"
function loadBMP( path as const string ) as Fb.Image ptr
#define __BM_WINDOWS__ &h4D42
type __BITMAPFILEHEADER__ field = 1
as ushort id
as ulong size
as ubyte reserved( 0 to 3 )
as ulong offset
end type
type __BITMAPINFOHEADER__ field = 1
as ulong size
as long width
as long height
as ushort planes
as ushort bpp
as ulong compression_method
as ulong image_size
as ulong h_res
as ulong v_res
as ulong color_palette_num
as ulong colors_used
end type
dim as any ptr img = 0
if( fileExists( path ) ) then
dim as __BITMAPFILEHEADER__ header
dim as __BITMAPINFOHEADER__ info
dim as long f = freeFile()
open path for binary as f
get #f, , header
get #f, sizeof( header ) + 1, info
close( f )
'' Check if the file is indeed a Windows bitmap
if( header.id = __BM_WINDOWS__ ) then
img = imageCreate( info.width, abs( info.height ) )
bload( path, img )
end if
end if
return( img )
end function
Code: Select all
#include once "fbgfx.bi" '' Contains needed definitions
'' Include or paste the bitmap loading code here
dim as Fb.Image ptr cards( 25 )
'' Load your images
for i as integer = 0 to 25
cards( i ) = loadBMP( "card-image.bmp" )
'' Run your program
'' ...
'' Then, when you finish, you dispose of the images like this
for i as integer = 0 to 25
imageDestroy( cards( i ) )
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Nov 04, 2023 1:37
Re: pointers
Image pointers! Who woulda thunk it? Many thanks!!!
Re: pointers
To avoid loads of files, as an example use the six faces of a single dice (a die i think is the correct terminology)
Use a dedicated folder to get two code snippets and the bitmaps inside.
code snippet 1
Second code snippet
This is OK for Windows, not tested on Linux.
You have two methods to play with now.
Use a dedicated folder to get two code snippets and the bitmaps inside.
code snippet 1
Code: Select all
Sub setdice(i() As Any Ptr,size As Long) 'create bitmaps
Type v
As Long x,y
End Type
Dim As v p(1 To 7)
Redim i(1 To 6)
Dim As Long sz=size,dt=sz/12
For n As Long=1 To 6
Select Case n
Case 1
Circle i(1),(p(7).x,p(7).y),dt,0,,,,f
Case 2
Circle i(2),(p(1).x,p(1).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(2),(p(6).x,p(6).y),dt,0,,,,f
Case 3
Circle i(3),(p(1).x,p(1).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(3),(p(7).x,p(7).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(3),(p(6).x,p(6).y),dt,0,,,,f
Case 4
Circle i(4),(p(1).x,p(1).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(4),(p(3).x,p(3).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(4),(p(4).x,p(4).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(4),(p(6).x,p(6).y),dt,0,,,,f
Case 5
Circle i(5),(p(1).x,p(1).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(5),(p(3).x,p(3).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(5),(p(4).x,p(4).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(5),(p(6).x,p(6).y),dt,0,,,,f
Circle i(5),(p(7).x,p(7).y),dt,0,,,,f
Case 6
For z As Long=1 To 6
Circle i(6),(p(z).x,p(z).y),dt,0,,,,f
Next z
End Select
Bsave "face"+Str(n)+".bmp",i(n)
End Sub
Screenres 300,300,32
Width 300\8,300\16 'for bigger print
Dim As Any Ptr f()
setdice f(),200
For n As Long= Lbound(f)To Ubound(f)
Print "bitmaps created"
Print "press a key"
Code: Select all
Screen 20,32
#define range(f,l) Int(Rnd*(((l)+1)-(f))+(f))
Dim As Any Pointer face(1 To 6)
For n As Long=1 To 6
face(n)= Imagecreate(200,200)
Bload "face"+Str(n)+".bmp",face(n)
Next n
print "press escape to end"
Var i=range(1,6)
Sleep 500
Loop Until Inkey=Chr(27)
For n As Long= Lbound(face)To Ubound(face)
You have two methods to play with now.
Re: pointers
Here is how to get all bitmaps in a folder into an array of pointers, and show them.
Code: Select all
sub pipeout(array() as string,Byval s As String)
Var f=Freefile
Dim As String tmp
dim as long counter
Open Pipe s For Input As #f
Do Until Eof(f)
Line Input #f,tmp
redim preserve array(1 to counter)
Close #f
End sub
sub getsize(bmp As String,byref w as long,byref h as long)
Open bmp For Binary As #1
Get #1, 19, w
Get #1, 23, h
Close #1
End sub
redim as string s()
pipeout(s(),"dir /b") 'get all files into the array
screen 20,32
redim as any ptr img()
dim as long counter
for n as long=lbound(s) to ubound(s)
var ext=lcase(right(s(n),4))
if ext=".bmp" then 'only use .bmp files
dim as long w,h
getsize s(n),w,h
print s(n),w;" by ";h
redim preserve img(1 to counter)
end if
next n
print "press any key"
for n as long=lbound(img) to ubound(img)
print n;" of ";ubound(img)
print "press escape to end, or any other key to continue"
if inkey=chr(27) then exit for
next n
for n as long=lbound(img) to ubound(img)
- Posts: 49
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Re: pointers
Please stop spamming random topics in an attempt to derail them.
Makes it real difficult to look things up when everything is full of random-, vaguely related-, and often poor-, code that lead beginners astray.
If you want to post about your die stuff or poor attempt at a directory browser make a new topic in the Projects section so it can be found for those interested. At this point you're just cluttering everything and it's annoying.
Your code is poor and misleading, and will lead beginners down the wrong path for critical code.
Re: pointers
@Jattenalle: are you the new Mr. Swiss?
You shouldn't dictate to long-time members what they post and how, and you should show more respect.
The tone makes the music...
dodicat is one of the members who always helps others!
You shouldn't dictate to long-time members what they post and how, and you should show more respect.
The tone makes the music...
dodicat is one of the members who always helps others!
- Posts: 1188
- Joined: May 08, 2006 21:58
- Location: Crewe, England
Re: pointers
You can also declare the lower bound of an array as non-zero, and the compiler will adjust (unlike C). For example
Code: Select all
Dim a(Asc("A") to Asc("Z")) as integer POINTER
- Posts: 49
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Re: pointers
I'm not dictating anything, I made a request and laid out my reasoning.
Arguments to seniority are not only not valid to begin with, but also completely moot in this case. I've been around longer than dodicat. He might even know who I am. Hell, I have been around longer than most people still in the FB community. My main FB game project alone has been around longer than dodicat.
You're right, and since dodicat is a "long-time member" I hold him to a higher standard. I expect him to know better. If my tone is harsh it is because I am disappointed.
Posting a lot is not the same as posting helpful-, insightful-, or good-, things. If a post is poor or outright wrong it should be pointed out, to avoid passing on the poor information to someone who might not yet know the pitfalls the poor code opens up.
Unfortunately, it is the case that poor code might only be detectable as poor code by someone experienced. Leaving beginners, and those still learning the foundations, to blindly trust that what was posted is good and proper.
Re: pointers
The thread belongs to creekside_miller.
What is Jattenalle gibbering about?
Anyway, water off a duck's back to me, I hope creekside_miller can, as a beginner, get some way towards his/her goal with bitmaps.
What is Jattenalle gibbering about?
Anyway, water off a duck's back to me, I hope creekside_miller can, as a beginner, get some way towards his/her goal with bitmaps.
Re: pointers
That's what "25(26)" means...Jattenalle wrote: ↑Sep 12, 2024 16:19FreeBASIC arrays start at 0, so it creates an array of 26 integer pointers.
But not the memory locations. Using pointers without allocating the memory where to point to...
But an integer pointer array seems not to be sensible in any way.Jattenalle wrote: ↑Sep 12, 2024 16:19 There are many reasons to want an array of pointers, for example sometimes you want a subset of a larger set without copying data around.
"Reference" means a pointer to a variable on the stack instead of a value, but it's hidden behind the code therefore it's not the same, just in principle. - And it spares to use pointer hacking.Jattenalle wrote: ↑Sep 12, 2024 16:19 BYREF is not the same thing as a pointer, it just passes parameters by reference instead of by value when using methods.