3D Geometry , basics
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
That's very creative, clouds are a nice addition.
I'm attempting to print large text to a screen, the Draw String example, from the FB documentation, runs
using the default font size beyond that there no options.
The myfont.bmp is generated and saved, this can be manipulated using Gimp ; I scaled the font image to a height
of 32 pixels. The put(x,y),image command works with this, the Draw String doesn't.
Yet all of this appears to be the most direct way to implement large fonts.
I'm attempting to print large text to a screen, the Draw String example, from the FB documentation, runs
using the default font size beyond that there no options.
The myfont.bmp is generated and saved, this can be manipulated using Gimp ; I scaled the font image to a height
of 32 pixels. The put(x,y),image command works with this, the Draw String doesn't.
Yet all of this appears to be the most direct way to implement large fonts.
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
Here are some fonts for draw string built on the system fonts.
Code: Select all
'============= FONTS SET UP ==========================
Function Filter(Byref tim As Ulong Pointer,_
rad As Single,_
destroy as long=1,_
fade as long=0) As Ulong Pointer
#define map(a,b,_x_,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((_x_)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
if fade<0 then fade=0:if fade>100 then fade=100
Type p2
As long x,y
As Ulong col
End Type
#macro ppoint(_x,_y,colour)
#macro ppset(_x,_y,colour)
#macro average()
xmin=x:If xmin>rad Then xmin=rad
xmax=rad:If x>=(_x-1-rad) Then xmax=_x-1-x
ymin=y:If ymin>rad Then ymin=rad
ymax=rad:If y>=(_y-1-rad) Then ymax=_y-1-y
For y1 As long=-ymin To ymax
For x1 As long=-xmin To xmax
ar=ar+(NewPoints(x+x1,y+y1).col Shr 16 And 255)
ag=ag+(NewPoints(x+x1,y+y1).col Shr 8 And 255)
ab=ab+(NewPoints(x+x1,y+y1).col And 255)
Next x1
Next y1
if fade=0 then
end if
dim as single fd=map(0,100,fade,1,0)
Dim As long _x,_y
Imageinfo tim,_x,_y
Dim As Ulong Pointer im=Imagecreate(_x,_y)
Dim As long pitch
Dim As Any Pointer row
Dim As Ulong Pointer pixel
Dim As Ulong col
Imageinfo tim,,,,pitch,row
Dim As p2 NewPoints(_x-1,_y-1)
For y As long=0 To (_y)-1
For x As long=0 To (_x)-1
Next x
Next y
Dim As Ulong averagecolour
Dim As long ar,ag,ab
Dim As long xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,inc
Imageinfo im,,,,pitch,row
For y As long=0 To _y-1
For x As long=0 To _x-1
Next x
Next y
if destroy then ImageDestroy tim: tim = 0
Function= im
End Function
'basic dos fonts
Sub drawstring(xpos As long,ypos As long,text As String,colour As Ulong,size As Single,im As Any Pointer=0)
Type D2
As Double x,y
As Ulong col
End Type
Static As d2 cpt(),XY()
Static As long runflag
If runflag=0 Then
Redim XY(128,127)
Redim cpt(1 To 64*2)
screen 12
dim as ulong pointer img
Dim count As long
For ch As long=1 To 127
Draw String img,(1,1),Chr(ch)
For x As long=1 To 8
For y As long=1 To 16
If Point(x,y,img)<>0 Then
End If
Next y
Next x
imagedestroy img
Next ch
End If
If size=0 Then Exit Sub
Dim As D2 np,t
#macro Scale(p1,p2,d)
Dim As D2 c=Type<D2>(xpos,ypos)
Dim As long dx=xpos,dy=ypos
For z6 As long=1 To Len(text)
Var asci=text[z6-1]
For _x1 As long=1 To 64*2
If XY(_x1,asci).x<>0 Then
If Abs(size)>1 Then
Line im,(cpt(_x1).x-size/2,cpt(_x1).y-size/2)-(cpt(_x1).x+size/2,cpt(_x1).y+size/2),cpt(_x1).col,bf
Pset im,(cpt(_x1).x,cpt(_x1).y),cpt(_x1).col
End If
End If
Next _x1
Next z6
End Sub
Sub initfont Constructor 'automatic loader
SCREEN 0, , , &h80000000
End Sub
function Colour(im as any pointer,newcol as ulong,tweak as long,fontsize as long) as any pointer
#macro ppset2(_x,_y,colour)
#macro ppoint(_x,_y,colour)
dim as long grade
select case as const fontsize
case 1:grade=200
case 2:grade=225
case 3:grade=200
case 4:grade=190
case 5:grade=165
case else: grade=160
end select
dim as long w,h
Dim As long pitch,pitch2
Dim As Any Pointer row,row2
Dim As Ulong Pointer pixel,pixel2
Dim As Ulong col
dim as long dpp,dpp2
Imageinfo im,w,h,dpp,pitch,row
dim as any pointer temp
Imageinfo temp,,,dpp2,pitch2,row2
for y as long=0 to h-1
for x as long=0 to w-1
Var v=.299*((col Shr 16)And 255)+.587*((col Shr 8)And 255)+.114*(col And 255)
if v>(grade+tweak) then
end if
next x
next y
return temp
end function
sub CreateFont(byref myfont as any pointer,fontsize as long,col as ulong,tweak as long=0)
Dim As ubyte Ptr p
dim as any pointer temp
Dim As long i
temp = ImageCreate(NUMCHARS*8*FontSize,16*FontSize,rgb(255,0,255))
drawstring ((i - FIRSTCHAR) * 8*FontSize, 1,chr(i),rgb(255,255,255),FontSize,temp)
Next i
if fontsize<=0 then fontsize=1
if fontsize>1 then
for n as long=0 to fontsize-2
next n
end if
put myfont,(0,0),temp,trans
ImageInfo( myfont,,,,, p )
next i
end sub
'=================== END FONT SETUP ========================================
screen 20,32
color , rgb(0,100,100)
dim as any ptr f0,f1,f2
createfont f0, 4,rgb(255,255,0)
createfont f1,3,rgb(0,0,100)
createfont f2,2,rgb(0,200,0)
dim as long x
if x>1024 then x=0
draw string(50,50),str(timer),,f0
draw string (x,200),__function__,,f1
draw string (x-1024,200),__function__,,f1
draw string (50,500),"Press escape to end . . .",,f2
sleep 1
loop until inkey=chr(27)
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
A bit slow in my reply.
Yes, your fonts are almost spectacular.
You code for this incorporates a number of ideas , some that aren't that obvious.
With my coding I attempt to utilise the existing commands, sometimes in a round
about way.
I'm going to be busy for a week or so, therefore don't expect messages from me.
Yes, your fonts are almost spectacular.
You code for this incorporates a number of ideas , some that aren't that obvious.
With my coding I attempt to utilise the existing commands, sometimes in a round
about way.
I'm going to be busy for a week or so, therefore don't expect messages from me.
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
I'm busy with other software and I'm learning about a
quite involved topic; therfore:
Just an illustration of a volume cloud quickly rendered;
from back to front.
This also uses alpha blending and the spectrum function
from dodicat.
quite involved topic; therfore:
Just an illustration of a volume cloud quickly rendered;
from back to front.
This also uses alpha blending and the spectrum function
from dodicat.
Code: Select all
' xyz_8acolour.bas
' x, y, z planes .
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' My graf 3d
' (c) copyright 2022 , sciwiseg@gmail.com ,
' Edward.Q.Montague. [ alias]
' Just use BLOAD and PCOPY to bring in extensive text and images from elsewhere!
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type point
x as single
y as single
z as single
u as single ' possible extension for special coord system
end type
const Pi = 4*atn(1)
dim as single x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
dim as integer i,j,k
dim as point p1(1 to 8)
dim as integer edge(1 to 12,0 to 1)
' Looking at a cube .
' -1,1 _______<_______ 1,1 start z = -1
' | | back face.
' | |
' v ^
' | |
' |_______________|
' -1,-1 > 1,-1
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
declare function rotx(q as point,angx as single) as point
declare function roty(q as point,angy as single) as point
declare function rotz(q as point,angz as single) as point
declare function tranx(q as point,movx as single) as point
declare function trany(q as point,movy as single) as point
declare function tranz(q as point,movz as single) as point
declare function persp(q as point,d as single) as point
declare function Trall( p1() as point,n as integer,edge() as integer, div as integer ) as integer
declare sub drw_vertices(p1() as point, thi as single, colour as single, al as single)
declare sub drw_cube(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single)
declare Function spectrum(x As Single,al As Ubyte=255) As Ulong
declare sub spectra()
declare sub drw_cube2(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single,c1 as point)
declare sub Px1(edge() as integer, p1() as point, theta as single)
declare sub Px3(edge() as integer, p1() as point,p3() as point,p4() as point,p5() as point, theta as single)
declare sub Px4(edge() as integer, p1() as point,p3() as point,p4() as point,p5() as point, theta as single)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Pi=4*atn(1)
' ================================================================
'dim as point p1(1 to 8)
'dim as integer edge(1 to 12)
restore store1
for i=1 to 8
read p1(i).x
read p1(i).y
read p1(i).z
next i
restore store2
for i=1 to 12
read edge(i,0)
read edge(i,1)
next i
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Screen 20,32,4,64
window (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5)
'line (-1,-1)-(1,1),rgb(12,200,200),b
'line (0,-1)-(0,1),rgb(12,200,200)
'line (-1,0)-(1,0),rgb(12,200,200)
' ------------------------------------------------------
dim as point p2(1 to 8)
dim as single theta,thi
dim as integer i1,j1,k1
theta = Pi/5
thi=0.32 ' [-1,1]
dim as point p3(1 to 5)
dim as point p4(1 to 5)
dim as point p5(1 to 5)
restore planexy
for i=1 to 5
read p3(i).x
read p3(i).y
read p3(i).z
next i
restore planeyz
for i=1 to 5
read p4(i).x
read p4(i).y
read p4(i).z
next i
restore planexz
for i=1 to 5
read p5(i).x
read p5(i).y
read p5(i).z
next i
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenSet 1, 0
print" "
print" "
print " We control the y"
print " We control the z"
print " We control the x"
line (-1.46,1.4)-(-1.03,1.15),rgb(12,200,200),b
PCopy 1, 0
' -------------------- call various routines ---------------------------
spectra() ' using adjusted dodicat spectrum code .
'''Px1(edge() , p1() , theta ) ' voxel rapdly moving through cube .
''Px3(edge(),p1(),p3(),p4(),p5(),theta) ' 0.06s to render a pixel volume, cloud white only.
Px4(edge(), p1(),p3(),p4(),p5(), theta) ' 0.355s to render a coloured pixel volume, cloud
' ===================================
' vertex data , easier to keep track of
' data when we use multiple data statements.
store1: ' --> p1() , global
data 1,1,1
data -1,1,1
data 1,-1,1
data 1,1,-1
data -1,1,-1
data -1,-1,-1
data 1,-1,-1
' edge data
store2: ' --> edge()
data 1,2
data 1,4
data 1,5
data 2,3
data 2,6
data 3,4
data 3,7
data 4,8
data 5,6
data 5,8
data 6,7
data 7,8
' vertex data
planexy: ' [-1,-1,0],[-1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0] --> P3() , global
data -1,-1,0
data -1,1,0
data 1,1,0
data 1,-1,0
data -1,-1,0
planeyz: ' [0,1,1],[0,-1,1],[0,-1,-1],[0,1,-1],[0,1,1] --> P4() , global
data 0,-1,-1
data 0,1,-1
data 0,1,1
data 0,-1,1
data 0,-1,-1
'data 0,1,1
planexz: ' [-1,0,-1],[-1,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,0,-1],[-1,0,-1] --> P5() , global
data -1,0,-1
data -1,0,1
data 1,0,1
data 1,0,-1
data -1,0,-1
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rotx(q as point,angx as single) as point
' Rotate around x axis .
static as point p
p.x = q.x
p.y= q.y*cos(angx)-sin(angx)*q.z
p.z= q.z*cos(angx)+sin(angx)*q.y
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function roty(q as point,angy as single) as point
' Rotate around y axis .
static as point p
p.x = sin(angy)*q.z + cos(angy)*q.x
p.y = q.y
p.z = cos(angy)*q.z -sin(angy)*q.x
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rotz(q as point,angz as single) as point
' Rotate around z axis .
static as point p
p.x = sin(angz)*q.y + cos(angz)*q.x
p.y = cos(angz)*q.y-sin(angz)*q.x
p.z = q.z
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tranx(q as point,movx as single) as point
' Translate point along x axis
static as point p
p.x=q.x + movx
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function trany(q as point,movy as single) as point
' Translate point along y axis
static as point p
p.y=q.y + movy
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tranz(q as point,movz as single) as point
' Translate point along z axis
static as point p
p.z=q.z + movz
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function persp(q as point,d as single) as point
' 3d perspective .
' The numerator must always be positive.
static as point p
p.x = d*q.x/(q.z*0.25+1)
p.y = d*q.y/(q.z*0.25+1)
p.z = d
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Trall( p1() as point,n as integer,edge() as integer, div as integer ) as integer
' Translate and rotate all vertices .
' as an animation , for n cycles .
' With div number of angle divisions .
static as point p2(1 to 8)
static as single theta,thi,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
static as integer i,j,k
static as integer i1,j1,k1
theta = Pi/div
for i=1 to n
for j = 0 to div
thi = j*theta
for k = 1 to 8
p2(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
next k
for i1 = 1 to 12
j1 = edge(i1,0)
k1 = edge(i1,1)
x1 = p2(j1).x
y1 = p2(j1).y
' z1 = p2(j1).z
x2 = p2(k1).x
y2 = p2(k1).y
' z2 = p2(k1).z
next i1
sleep 100
next j
next i
return 0
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub drw_cube(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single)
' draw encompassing cube .
static as integer lv, k
static as single x1, y1, x2, y2
static as integer i1,j1,k1
lv = ubound(p1,1)
dim p2(1 to lv) as point
for k = 1 to 8
p2(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
p2(k) = rotx(p2(k),-thi/4)
p2(k) = persp(p2(k),0.8)
next k
for i1 = 1 to 12
j1 = edge(i1,0)
k1 = edge(i1,1)
x1 = p2(j1).x
y1 = p2(j1).y
' z1 = p2(j1).z
x2 = p2(k1).x
y2 = p2(k1).y
' z2 = p2(k1).z
next i1
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub drw_cube2(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single,c1 as point)
' draw encompassing cube .
static as integer lv, k
static as single x1, y1, x2, y2
static as integer i1,j1,k1
lv = ubound(p1,1)
dim p2(1 to lv) as point
for k = 1 to 8
p2(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
p2(k) = rotx(p2(k),-thi/4)
p2(k) = persp(p2(k),0.8)
next k
for i1 = 1 to 12
j1 = edge(i1,0)
k1 = edge(i1,1)
x1 = p2(j1).x
y1 = p2(j1).y
' z1 = p2(j1).z
x2 = p2(k1).x
y2 = p2(k1).y
' z2 = p2(k1).z
next i1
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub drw_vertices(p1() as point, thi as single, colour as single, al as single)
' draw a connected set of vertices, without using edge data .
static as integer lv, k
static as single x1, y1, x2, y2
static as ulong pxc
lv = ubound(p1,1)
static p8(1 to lv) as point
for k = 1 to lv
p8(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
p8(k) = rotx(p8(k),-thi/4)
p8(k) = persp(p8(k),0.8)
next k
pxc = spectrum(colour,al) ' [colour,[0,1]] , [al,[0,255]] ?
for k = 1 to lv-1
x1 = p8(k).x
y1 = p8(k).y
x2 = p8(k+1).x
y2 = p8(k+1).y
next k
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' 0.51 yellow , 0.0 green
sub spectra()
' Colours from function spectrum .
static as single x1,y1,x2,y2
for x1=-1 to 1-0.001 step 0.001
next x1
locate 14,55
print " Colour palette used "
locate 34,20
print "-1"
locate 34,55
print " some variable "
locate 34,107
print "+1"
PCopy 1, 0
sleep 12000
exit sub
for x1=-1 to 1-0.01 step 0.001
if (y1>1) then
line(x1,-0.5)-(x1+0.01,0.5),spectrum(1.65,abs(y1-1)*127),bf ' 1.5
line(x1,-0.5)-(x1+0.01,0.5),spectrum(5.85,abs(y1-1)*127),bf ' -1.4
end if
next x1
' x 1.5 , -1.4 , red , blue .
sleep 2022
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Function spectrum(x As Single,al As Ubyte=255) As Ulong
' from dodicat, FreeBasic community .
' [x, [-1, 1]]
' a = -2.528
' b = 3.808
' y = a*x + b
' purple,blue,cyan,green,yellow,orange,red .
x = -2.528*x + 3.808
return rgba((Sin(x)*127+128),_
End Function
' ---------------------------------------------------------
sub Px1(edge() as integer, p1() as point, theta as single)
' voxel rapdly moving through cube .
dim as single movy,movx,movz,dm
dim as integer snooze,i
dim as point c1
ScreenSet 1, 0
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
dim p1a(1 to 8) as point
for i=1 to 8
p1a(i).x = p1(i).x*0.02
p1a(i).y = p1(i).y*0.02
p1a(i).z = p1(i).z*0.02
next i
drw_cube(p1a(), edge(), theta)
'dim as single t1, t2
dim as point q1(1 to 8)
for movz=-1 to 1.01 step dm
for movy=-1.0 to 1.01 step dm
' drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
for movx=-1.0 to 1.01 step dm
line (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5),rgb(0,0,0),bf
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
for i=1 to 8
next i
drw_cube2(q1(), edge(), theta,c1)
PCopy 1, 0
sleep snooze
next movx
sleep snooze
'PCopy 1, 0
next movy
sleep snooze
next movz
'print " elapsed time = ";t2-t1
sleep 2022
end sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------
sub Px3(edge() as integer, p1() as point,p3() as point,p4() as point,p5() as point, theta as single)
' Render a pixel volume .
dim as integer i, j, k, idx, jdx, kdx
dim as ulong axv(1 to 64,1 to 64,1 to 64), cxv
dim as point pxv, qxv
dim as single x,y
dim as point c1
for k=1 to 64
for j=1 to 64
for i=1 to 64
next i
next j
next k
for k=20 to 30
for j=10 to 30
for i=15 to 38
next i
next j
next k
dim as single movy,movx,movz,dm
'drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
dim as integer snooze
ScreenSet 1, 0
locate 4,44
print " Draw a volume comprised of pixels "
locate 5,44
print " White base colour "
PCopy 1, 0
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
dim p1a(1 to 8) as point
dim q5(1 to 5) as point
dim q4(1 to 5) as point
dim q3(1 to 5) as point
for i=1 to 8
p1a(i).x = p1(i).x*0.02
p1a(i).y = p1(i).y*0.02
p1a(i).z = p1(i).z*0.02
next i
'drw_cube(p1a(), edge(), theta)
dim as double t1, t2
dim as point q1(1 to 8)
for movz=1 to -1.0 step -dm
for movy=-1.0 to 1.0 step dm
for movx=-1.0 to 1.0 step dm
' drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
for i=1 to 8
next i
if cxv>0 then drw_cube2(q1(), edge(), theta,c1)
' if cxv>0 then pset(q1(1).x,q1(1).y),rgba(255*cxv,255*cxv,255*cxv,127)
if idx>64 then idx=64
next movx
if jdx>64 then jdx=64
next movy
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
PCopy 1, 0
if kdx>64 then kdx=64
next movz
locate 46,2
print " elapsed time = ";t2-t1
PCopy 1, 0
sleep 2022
end sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------
sub Px4(edge() as integer, p1() as point,p3() as point,p4() as point,p5() as point, theta as single)
' Draw a volume of pixels, colour from rgb .
dim as integer i, j, k, idx, jdx, kdx, n, m, p
dim as point pxv, qxv
dim as single x,y,z
dim as point c1
dim as ubyte red,grn,blue,flg1,flg2,flg3
dim as ulong axv(1 to n,1 to m,1 to p), cxv
for k=1 to p
for j=1 to m
for i=1 to n
next i
next j
next k
for k=1 to p
if (z>-0.3) and (z< 0.2) then flg1=1
for j=1 to m
if (y>-0.147) and (y< 0.253) then flg2=1
for i=1 to n
if (x>-0.4) and (x< 0.36) then flg3=1
if (flg1=1) and (flg2=1) and (flg3=1) then
red=200*((k-1)/p) +50
blue=200*((i-1)/n) +50
grn=200*((j-1)/m) +50
end if
next i
next j
next k
dim as single movy,movx,movz,dm
dim as integer snooze
dim p1a(1 to 8) as point
dim q5(1 to 5) as point
dim q4(1 to 5) as point
dim q3(1 to 5) as point
dim as double t1, t2
dim as point q1(1 to 8)
dim as point pd, qd
for i=1 to 8
p1a(i).x = p1(i).x*0.02
p1a(i).y = p1(i).y*0.02
p1a(i).z = p1(i).z*0.02
next i
ScreenSet 1, 0
line (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5),rgb(0,0,0),bf
locate 4,44
print " Draw a volume comprised of pixels "
locate 5,44
print " Spectra base colours "
PCopy 1, 0
'drw_cube(p1a(), edge(), theta)
for movz=1 to -1.0 step -dm
for movy=-1.0 to 1.0 step dm
for movx=-1.0 to 1.0 step dm
' drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
qd = roty(qd,theta)
qd = rotx(qd,-theta/4)
qd = persp(qd,0.8)
if cxv>0 then pset(qd.x,qd.y),cxv
if idx>n then idx=n
next movx
if jdx>m then jdx=m
next movy
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
PCopy 1, 0
if kdx>p then kdx=p
next movz
locate 46,2
print " elapsed time = ";t2-t1
PCopy 1, 0
sleep 4022
end sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
I'm working on a few projects now, while attempting to recover from a minor injury.
In the GUI section, I recently posted a file for a very basic console gui ; the fonts are too small for my likening.
The fonts from your draw string example are either small or too large, might you produce a greater variety of sizes.
I'm working on a few projects now, while attempting to recover from a minor injury.
In the GUI section, I recently posted a file for a very basic console gui ; the fonts are too small for my likening.
The fonts from your draw string example are either small or too large, might you produce a greater variety of sizes.
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
A little graphics plotting program I've been writing,
with the help [65%] of ChatGPT and hindrance [30%]; my contribution
is indeterminate.
To get specular reflection from the surface of the [sinc] function,
the calculation of normal's is most likely required.
with the help [65%] of ChatGPT and hindrance [30%]; my contribution
is indeterminate.
To get specular reflection from the surface of the [sinc] function,
the calculation of normal's is most likely required.
Code: Select all
' Freebasic : luxan
' sciwiseg@gmail.com
#Include Once "GL/gl.bi"
#Include Once "GL/glu.bi"
#Include Once "GL/glut.bi"
#include once "math.bi"
Declare Sub doMain()
Declare Sub doShutdown()
Declare Sub drawCube()
Declare Sub drawSincFunctionSurface()
Declare Sub drawSincFunctionSurfaceG()
Declare Sub drawSincFunction(ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByRef z As Single)
Declare sub minmax_z(min_z as single,max_z as single)
Declare Sub GetSincColor(ByVal z As Single, color1() As Single)
Declare Sub createLightSpectrumColormap(colormap() As Single)
Declare Sub createColorMap(colormap() As Single)
Declare Sub mapValueToColor(value As Single, colormap() As Single)
Dim shared As Single angleX = 0.0
Dim shared As Single angleY = 0.0
Dim shared As Integer lastMouseX, lastMouseY
Dim shared As Integer isMouseDragging = False
' Global variable for limit
Dim shared As Single limit = 1.0
ReDim As Single colormap(24) ' declare a variable length array .
Print " Overture, curve the lights"
Sub doRender CDecl
Static rtri As Single
Static rqud As Single
glTranslatef 0.0, 0.0, -5.0
glRotatef angleX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
glRotatef angleY, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
' Draw the cube
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
' Draw the sinc function surface within the cube
' reDraw the cube
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
rtri = rtri + 2.0
rqud = rqud + 1.5
End Sub
Sub drawCube()
Dim As Single limit = 1.0
' Front face
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, limit)
' Back face
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, -limit)
' Connecting lines
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, -limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, -limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(limit, limit, -limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, limit)
glVertex3f(-limit, limit, -limit)
End Sub
Sub GetSincColor(ByVal z As Single, color1() As Single)
Dim As Single t = z
If t < -1.0 Then t = -1.0
If t > 1.0 Then t = 1.0
If t < 0 Then
color1(0) = 0.0
color1(1) = 0.0
color1(2) = -t ' Blue component
color1(0) = t ' Red component
color1(1) = 0.0
color1(2) = 0.0
End If
End Sub
Sub drawSincFunction(ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single, ByRef z As Single)
Dim As Single r = Sqr(x * x + y * y)
If r < 0.001 Then
z = 1.0
z = Sin(10.0 * r * M_PI) / (10.0 * r * M_PI) + Cos(x*M_PI*5)*0.035
End If
End Sub
Sub createLightSpectrumColormap(colormap() As Single)
ReDim As Single colormap(24) ' 8 colors x 3 components (RGB) = 24 values
' Define colors for different parts of the spectrum (ROYGBIV)
' Red
colormap(0) = 1.0
colormap(1) = 0.0
colormap(2) = 0.0
' Orange
colormap(3) = 1.0
colormap(4) = 0.5
colormap(5) = 0.0
' Yellow
colormap(6) = 1.0
colormap(7) = 1.0
colormap(8) = 0.0
' Green
colormap(9) = 0.0
colormap(10) = 1.0
colormap(11) = 0.0
' Blue
colormap(12) = 0.0
colormap(13) = 0.0
colormap(14) = 1.0
' Indigo
colormap(15) = 0.294
colormap(16) = 0.0
colormap(17) = 0.51
' Violet
colormap(18) = 0.6
colormap(19) = 0.0
colormap(20) = 1.0
' Ultraviolet
colormap(21) = 0.65
colormap(22) = 0.0
colormap(23) = 0.65
End Sub
Sub createColorMap(colormap() As Single)
ReDim As Single colormap(8) ' 3 colors x 3 components (RGB) = 9 values
' Define your colormap here, for example:
' R, G, B values for 0.0 to 1.0 magnitude
colormap(0) = 0.0
colormap(1) = 0.0
colormap(2) = 1.0 ' Blue for low magnitude
colormap(3) = 0.0
colormap(4) = 1.0
colormap(5) = 0.0 ' Green for medium magnitude
colormap(6) = 1.0
colormap(7) = 0.0
colormap(8) = 0.0 ' Red for high magnitude
End Sub
Sub mapValueToColor(value As Single, colormap() As Single)
Dim numColors As Integer
numColors = UBound(colormap) \ 3 + 1
Dim index As Integer
index = Int(value * (numColors - 1))
If index < 0 Then
glColor3f(colormap(0), colormap(1), colormap(2))
ElseIf index >= numColors - 1 Then
glColor3f(colormap((numColors - 1) * 3), colormap((numColors - 1) * 3 + 1), colormap((numColors - 1) * 3 + 2))
Dim t As Single
t = value * (numColors - 1) - index
Dim r As Single
Dim g As Single
Dim b As Single
r = (1.0 - t) * colormap(index * 3) + t * colormap((index + 1) * 3)
g = (1.0 - t) * colormap(index * 3 + 1) + t * colormap((index + 1) * 3 + 1)
b = (1.0 - t) * colormap(index * 3 + 2) + t * colormap((index + 1) * 3 + 2)
glColor3f(r, g, b)
End If
End Sub
Sub doInput CDecl(ByVal kbcode As Unsigned Byte, ByVal mousex As Long, ByVal mousey As Long)
If (kbcode = 27) Then
End 0
End If
End Sub
Sub mouseMotion(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
If (isMouseDragging) Then
Dim deltaX As Integer = x - lastMouseX
Dim deltaY As Integer = y - lastMouseY
angleX += deltaY * 0.5
angleY += deltaX * 0.5
lastMouseX = x
lastMouseY = y
End If
End Sub
Sub mouse(ByVal button As Long, ByVal state As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
If (button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) Then
If (state = GLUT_DOWN) Then
isMouseDragging = True
lastMouseX = x
lastMouseY = y
ElseIf (state = GLUT_UP) Then
isMouseDragging = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub doReshapeGL(ByVal w As Long, ByVal h As Long)
glViewport 0, 0, w, h
If (h = 0) Then
gluPerspective(45.0, w, 1.0, 100.0)
gluPerspective(45.0, w / h, 1.0, 100.0)
End If
End Sub
Sub initGLUT()
glutInit(1, StrPtr(" "))
glutInitWindowPosition 0, 0
glutInitWindowSize 800, 600
glutCreateWindow("Wireframe Cube with Sinc Function")
' Register mouse callback functions
End Sub
Sub doInit()
End Sub
Sub shutdownGLUT()
' GLUT shutdown will be done automatically by atexit()...
End Sub
Sub doShutdown()
End Sub
Sub doMain()
End Sub
Sub drawSincFunctionSurface()
Dim As Single limit = 1.0
Dim As Integer numSegments = 100
' Find min, max for function defined at drawSincFunction.
Dim As Single min_z, max_z, max_m
minmax_z(min_z ,max_z )
if abs(max_z)>max_m then max_m=abs(max_z)
if max_m = 0 then max_m=1
Dim colormap() As Single
For i As Integer = 0 To numSegments - 1
Dim x0 As Single = -limit + i * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
Dim x1 As Single = -limit + (i + 1) * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
For j As Integer = 0 To numSegments
Dim y As Single = -limit + j * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
' Calculate z values using drawSincFunction
Dim z0 As Single, z1 As Single
drawSincFunction(x0, y, z0)
drawSincFunction(x1, y, z1)
' Calculate magnitude of sinc function
Dim magnitude0 As Single = (z0 + 0.5) / 1.5 ' Normalize to [0, 1]
Dim magnitude1 As Single = (z1 + 0.5) / 1.5
' Map magnitude to color using the colormap
mapValueToColor(1 - magnitude0, colormap())
glVertex3f(x0, z0, y)
mapValueToColor(1 - magnitude1, colormap())
glVertex3f(x1, z1, y)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
' .....................................................................
Sub drawSincFunctionSurfaceG()
dim as integer i,j,numSegments
dim as single y
Dim As Single z0, z1, z2, z3
Dim As Single y0, y1
Dim As Single x0, x1
' Find min, max for function defined at drawSincFunction.
Dim As Single min_z, max_z, max_m
minmax_z(min_z ,max_z )
if abs(max_z)>max_m then max_m=abs(max_z)
if max_m = 0 then max_m=1
'Exit sub
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
For j = 0 To numSegments step 10
y0 = -limit + j * 2 * limit / (numSegments)
For i = 0 To numSegments - 1
x0 = -limit + i * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
x1 = -limit + (i + 1) * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
drawSincFunction(x0, y0, z0) ' <<
glVertex3f(x0, z0, y0) ' Bottom-left vertex
drawSincFunction(x1, y0, z1) ' <<
glVertex3f(x1, z1, y0) ' Bottom-right vertex
Next i
Next j
' glEnd()
' Exit sub
For i = 0 To numSegments step 10
x0 = -limit + i * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
For j = 0 To numSegments-1
y0 = -limit + j * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
y1 = -limit + (j + 1) * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
drawSincFunction(x0, y0, z0)
glVertex3f(x0, z0, y0) ' Bottom-left vertex
drawSincFunction(x0, y1, z3)
glVertex3f(x0, z3, y1) ' Top-left vertex
Next j
Next i
End Sub
' ______________________________________________________________________
sub minmax_z(min_z as single,max_z as single)
' Find the minimum and maximum magnitudes of the function
' within the default x and y ranges .
Dim as integer i,j
Dim As Single limit = 1.0
Dim As Integer numSegments = 100
Dim as Single x0,y,z0
For i = 0 To numSegments
x0 = -limit + i * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
For j = 0 To numSegments
y = -limit + j * 2 * limit / (numSegments )
' Calculate z values using drawSincFunction
drawSincFunction(x0, y, z0)
if z0<min_z then min_z=z0 end if
if z0>max_z then max_z=z0 end if
Next j
Next i
end sub
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
This doesn't appear to do much; yet.
I found I was westling with a lot of other issues before I had the right
mind set to do this little bit of coding.
I corrected a bug where I was indexing arrays starting from 0,
whereas the first element is indexed with 1 .
Removing all of the clutter was also important.
There's no ChatGPT content in this code.
I found I was westling with a lot of other issues before I had the right
mind set to do this little bit of coding.
I corrected a bug where I was indexing arrays starting from 0,
whereas the first element is indexed with 1 .
Removing all of the clutter was also important.
There's no ChatGPT content in this code.
Code: Select all
' x, y, z planes .
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' cube_3d4.bas
' (c) copyright 2024 , sciwise@ihug.co.nz ,
' Edward.Q.Montague. [ alias]
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type point
x as single
y as single
z as single
u as single ' possible extension for special coord system
end type
const Pi = 4*atn(1)
dim as single x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
dim as integer i,j,k
dim as point p1(1 to 8)
dim as integer edge(1 to 12,0 to 1)
dim as integer edge5(1 to 4,0 to 1)
' Looking at a cube .
' -1,1 _______<_______ 1,1 start z = -1
' | | back face.
' | |
' v ^
' | |
' |_______________|
' -1,-1 > 1,-1
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
declare Function spectrum(x As Single,al As Ubyte=255) As Ulong
declare sub spectra()
declare function rotx(q as point,angx as single) as point
declare function roty(q as point,angy as single) as point
declare function rotz(q as point,angz as single) as point
declare function tranx(q as point,movx as single) as point
declare function trany(q as point,movy as single) as point
declare function tranz(q as point,movz as single) as point
declare function persp(q as point,d as single) as point
declare sub drw_vertices(p1() as point, thi as single, colour as single, al as single)
declare sub drw_cube(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single)
declare sub rotate_x(p5a() as point, p5() as point,thi as single)
declare sub rotate_y(p5() as point, theta as single)
declare sub rotate_z(p5a() as point, p5() as point, theta as single)
' ================================================================
' Make sure to read data correctly, observing bounds and limits .
restore store1
for i=1 to 8
read p1(i).x
read p1(i).y
read p1(i).z
next i
restore store2
for i=1 to 12
read edge(i,0)
read edge(i,1)
next i
restore store5
for i=1 to 4
read edge5(i,0)
read edge5(i,1)
next i
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Screen 20,32,2,64
window (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5)
line (-1.4,-1.4)-(1.4,1.4),11,b
' ------------------------------------------------------
dim as point p2(1 to 8)
dim as single theta,thi
dim as integer i1,j1,k1
theta = Pi/5
dim as point p3(1 to 5)
dim as point p4(1 to 5)
dim as point p5(1 to 5)
dim as point p5a(1 to 5)
restore planexy
for i=1 to 5
read p3(i).x
read p3(i).y
read p3(i).z
next i
restore planeyz
for i=1 to 5
read p4(i).x
read p4(i).y
read p4(i).z
next i
restore planexz
for i=1 to 5
read p5a(i).x
read p5a(i).y
read p5a(i).z
next i
print" "
print" "
print " We control the y"
print " We control the z"
print " We control the x"
line (-1.5,1.4)-(-1.0,1.1),rgb(12,200,200),b
dim as single movy,movx,movz
ScreenSet 1, 0
' ..................
for thi=-pi/8 to pi/8 step pi/64
line (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5),rgb(0,0,0),bf
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
rotate_x(p5a() ,p5(), thi) ' y x
drw_cube(p5(), edge5(), theta)
sleep 400 ' mSec ?
PCopy 1, 0
next thi
sleep 1200
' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
for thi=-pi/8 to pi/8 step pi/64
line (-1.5,-1.5)-(1.5,1.5),rgb(0,0,0),bf
drw_cube(p1(), edge(), theta)
rotate_z(p5a() ,p5(), thi)
drw_cube(p5(), edge5(), theta)
sleep 400
PCopy 1, 0
next thi
' ======================================================================
' DATA statements for vertex data (store1)
data 1, 0, 1
data -1, 0, 1
data -1, 0, -1
data 1, 0, -1
data 1, 0, 1
data 1, 1, -1
data -1, 1, -1
data -1, -1, -1
data 1, -1, -1
' ===================================
' vertex data , easier to keep track of
' data when we use multiple data statements.
store1: ' --> p1() , global
data 1,1,1
data -1,1,1
data 1,-1,1
data 1,1,-1
data -1,1,-1
data -1,-1,-1
data 1,-1,-1
' edge data
store2: ' --> edge()
data 1,2
data 1,4
data 1,5
data 2,3
data 2,6
data 3,4
data 3,7
data 4,8
data 5,6
data 5,8
data 6,7
data 7,8
data 1,2
data 2,3
data 3,4
data 4,1
' vertex data
planexy: ' [-1,-1,0],[-1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0] --> P3() , global
data -1,-1,0
data -1,1,0
data 1,1,0
data 1,-1,0
data -1,-1,0
planeyz: ' [0,1,1],[0,-1,1],[0,-1,-1],[0,1,-1],[0,1,1] --> P4() , global
data 0,-1,-1
data 0,1,-1
data 0,1,1
data 0,-1,1
data 0,-1,-1
'data 0,1,1
planexz: ' [-1,0,-1],[-1,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,0,-1],[-1,0,-1] --> P5() , global
data -1,0,-1
data -1,0,1
data 1,0,1
data 1,0,-1
data -1,0,-1
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rotx(q as point,angx as single) as point
' Rotate around x axis .
dim as point p
p.x = q.x
p.y= q.y*cos(angx)-sin(angx)*q.z
p.z= q.z*cos(angx)+sin(angx)*q.y
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function roty(q as point,angy as single) as point
' Rotate around y axis .
static as point p
p.x = sin(angy)*q.z + cos(angy)*q.x
p.y = q.y
p.z = cos(angy)*q.z -sin(angy)*q.x
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function rotz(q as point,angz as single) as point
' Rotate around z axis .
static as point p
p.x = sin(angz)*q.y + cos(angz)*q.x
p.y = cos(angz)*q.y-sin(angz)*q.x
p.z = q.z
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tranx(q as point,movx as single) as point
' Translate point along x axis
static as point p
p.x=q.x + movx
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function trany(q as point,movy as single) as point
' Translate point along y axis
static as point p
p.y=q.y + movy
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tranz(q as point,movz as single) as point
' Translate point along z axis
static as point p
p.z=q.z + movz
return p
end function
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function persp(q as point,d as single) as point
' 3d perspective .
' Add 2 to the numerator when using any negative z value.
static as point p
p.x = d*q.x/(q.z*0.25+1)
p.y = d*q.y/(q.z*0.25+1)
p.z = d
return p
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub drw_cube(p1() as point,edge() as integer, thi as single)
' draw encompassing cube .
static as integer lv, k , ev
static as single x1, y1, x2, y2
static as integer i1,j1,k1
lv = ubound(p1,1)
'print " drw_cube , lv "; lv
dim p2(1 to lv) as point
for k = 1 to lv ' 8
p2(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
p2(k) = rotx(p2(k),-thi/4)
p2(k) = persp(p2(k),0.8)
next k
'print " ev =";ev
for i1 = 1 to ev ' 12
j1 = edge(i1,0)
k1 = edge(i1,1)
x1 = p2(j1).x
y1 = p2(j1).y
' z1 = p2(j1).z
x2 = p2(k1).x
y2 = p2(k1).y
' z2 = p2(k1).z
next i1
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub drw_vertices(p1() as point, thi as single, colour as single, al as single)
' draw a connected set of vertices, without using edge data .
static as integer lv, k
static as single x1, y1, x2, y2
static as ulong pxc
lv = ubound(p1,1)
static p8(1 to lv) as point
for k = 1 to lv
p8(k) = roty(p1(k),thi)
p8(k) = rotx(p8(k),-thi/4)
p8(k) = persp(p8(k),0.8)
next k
pxc = spectrum(colour,al) ' [colour,[0,1]] , [al,[0,255]] ?
for k = 1 to lv-1
x1 = p8(k).x
y1 = p8(k).y
x2 = p8(k+1).x
y2 = p8(k+1).y
next k
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function spectrum(x As Single,al As Ubyte=255) As Ulong
' from dodicat, FreeBasic community .
return rgba((Sin(x)*127+128),_
End Function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub spectra()
static as single x1,y1,x2,y2
for x1=-1 to 1-0.01 step 0.01
' line(x1,-0.5)-(x1+0.01,0.5),spectrum((-x1+0.5)*3,200),bf
' abs(y1-1)*127
next x1
' red 1.65, blue 5.85
' green 3.45, yellow/orange 2.1
' purple 0.12, cyan 4.8
sleep 18022
exit sub
x1=-0.45 ' red
print " "
print " "
print " ";(1+x1)*3 ' 1.65 red
print " "; (1+x1)*3 ' 5.85 blue
' red 1.65, blue 5.85
x1=0.15 ' green
print " "; (1+x1)*3 ' 3.45
x1=-0.3 ' yellow/orange
print " "; (1+x1)*3 ' 2.1
' green 3.45, yellow/orange 2.1
x1=-0.96 ' purple
print " "; (1+x1)*3 ' 0.12
x1=0.6 ' cyan
print " "; (1+x1)*3 ' 4.8
' purple 0.12, cyan 4.8
sleep 2022
for x1=-1 to 1-0.01 step 0.001
if (y1>1) then
line(x1,-0.5)-(x1+0.01,0.5),spectrum(1.65,abs(y1-1)*127),bf ' 1.5
line(x1,-0.5)-(x1+0.01,0.5),spectrum(5.85,abs(y1-1)*127),bf ' -1.4
end if
next x1
' x 1.5 , -1.4 , red , blue .
sleep 2022
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rotate_x(p5a() as point, p5() as point,thi as single)
' Rotate all available vertices around the x axis .
dim as point q
dim as integer i
for i=1 to ubound(p5,1)
q=rotx(q , thi)
next i
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rotate_y(p5() as point, theta as single)
' Rotate all available vertices around the x axis .
dim as point q
dim as integer i
for i=1 to ubound(p5,1)
q=roty(q , theta)
next i
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rotate_z(p5a() as point, p5() as point, theta as single)
' Rotate all available vertices around the x axis .
dim as point q
dim as integer i
for i=1 to ubound(p5,1)
q=rotz(q , theta)
next i
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
The correct email address , in the copyright notice, is sciwiseg@gmail.com ; this being my current address.
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
Henceforth, I intend to have six coding threads :
1. Freebasic code, exclusively developed by myself.
2. Freebasic code, exclusively developed by myself, that also includes contributions from ChatGPT, or
3. Freebasic code generated solely through ChatGPT, directed by myself.
Similar to previous, with the inclusion of code from collaborators.
1. Freebasic code, exclusively developed by myself.
2. Freebasic code, exclusively developed by myself, that also includes contributions from ChatGPT, or
3. Freebasic code generated solely through ChatGPT, directed by myself.
Similar to previous, with the inclusion of code from collaborators.
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
For fun Luxan, cube factory:
Code: Select all
Type v3
As Double x,y,z
End Type
'standard opengl type cube faces used as the base cube
Dim Shared As V3 basecube(1 To 6,1 To 4)= _
{(1,-1,-1),(1,-1,1),(1,1,1),(1,1,-1)},_ 'right
Type cube
As v3 p(1 To 6,0 To 4)
As v3 v1,v2 'ends of cube diagonals
As v3 centre
As Long painter(1 To 6)
Declare Constructor
Declare Constructor(() As v3)
As Ulong col(1 To 6)'colour each of six faces
End Type
Constructor cube
End Constructor
Constructor cube(a() As v3)
For r As Long=1 To 6
For c As Long=1 To 4
'two corner diagonals
End Constructor
Sub CubeSort(c() As cube)
For n As Long=Lbound(c) To Ubound(c)-1
For m As Long=n+1 To Ubound(c)
If c(n).centre.z<c(m).centre.z Then
Swap c(n),c(m)
End If
End Sub
Function Expand(p() As V3,b As Single,shift As V3,i As Integer) As cube
For n As Integer=Lbound(p,2) To Ubound(p,2)
Next n
Return cube(p())
End Function
Function createcube(size As Double,centre As v3)As cube
Dim As v3 a(1 To 6,1 To 4)
For i As Integer=Lbound(basecube,1) To Ubound(basecube,1)
Expand (a(),size,centre,i)
Next i
Var k=cube(a())
For n As Long=1 To 6
Next n
Return k
End Function
Function Rotate(c As V3,p As V3,angle As V3,scale As V3=Type<V3>(1,1,1)) As V3
Dim As Single sx=Sin(angle.x),sy=Sin(angle.y),sz=Sin(angle.z)
Dim As Single cx=Cos(angle.x),cy=Cos(angle.y),cz=Cos(angle.z)
Dim As Single dx=p.x-c.x,dy=p.y-c.y,dz=p.z-c.z
Return Type<V3>((scale.x)*((cy*cz)*dx+(-cx*sz+sx*sy*cz)*dy+(sx*sz+cx*sy*cz)*dz)+c.x,_
End Function
Function perspective(p As V3,eyepoint As V3) As V3
Dim As Double w=1+(p.z/eyepoint.z)
Return Type<V3>((p.x-eyepoint.x)/w+eyepoint.x,_
End Function
Function rotatecube(g1 As cube,angle As v3) As cube
Dim As v3 fulcrum=Type<v3>((g1.v1.x+g1.v2.x)/2,(g1.v1.y+g1.v2.y)/2,(g1.v1.z+g1.v2.z)/2)
Dim As cube tmp1=g1
Dim As v3 eye=Type(512,678/2,3000)
Dim As Double cx,cy,cz
For m As Integer=1 To 6
For n As Integer=1 To 4
tmp1.p(m,n)=perspective(tmp1.p(m,n),eye) 'apply the eye (perspective)
'accumulate cx,cy,cz
Next n
'get face centroid into zero'th index of 2nd. dimension
Next m
'rotate the diagonal ends also
Return tmp1
End Function
Sub movecubes(c() As cube)
Dim As v3 fulcrum
For k As Long=1 To Ubound(c)
For n As Long=1 To 6
For m As Long=1 To 4
Next m
Next n
Next k
For k As Long=1 To Ubound(c)
If c(k).centre.z<-2700 Then
End If
Next k
End Sub
Sub fill(p() As v3,c As Ulong,im As Any Ptr=0)
#define ub Ubound
Dim As Long Sy=1e6,By=-1e6,i,j,y,k
Dim As Single a(Ub(p)+1,1),dx,dy
For i =0 To Ub(p)
If Sy>p(i).y Then Sy=p(i).y
If By<p(i).y Then By=p(i).y
Next i
Dim As Single xi(Ub(a,1)),S(Ub(a,1))
a(Ub(a,1),0) = a(0,0)
a(Ub(a,1),1) = a(0,1)
For i=0 To Ub(a,1)-1
If dy=0 Then S(i)=1
If dx=0 Then S(i)=0
If dy<>0 Andalso dx<>0 Then S(i)=dx/dy
Next i
For y=Sy-1 To By+1
For i=0 To Ub(a,1)-1
If (a(i,1)<=y Andalso a(i+1,1)>y) Orelse _
(a(i,1)>y Andalso a(i+1,1)<=y) Then
End If
Next i
For j=0 To k-2
For i=0 To k-2
If xi(i)>xi(i+1) Then Swap xi(i),xi(i+1)
Next i
Next j
For i = 0 To k - 2 Step 2
Line im,(xi(i)+0,y)-(xi(i+1)+1-0,y),c
Next i
Next y
End Sub
Sub DrawCubeFace(c As cube,i As Integer,colour As Ulong)
Static As v3 p0(3)
For n As Long=1 To 4 'p0 is zero based array, so fill it correctly
fill(p0(),colour)'colour each face
End Sub
Sub FaceSort(array As cube,painter() As Long)
For p1 As Integer = 1 To 5
For p2 As Integer = p1 + 1 To 6
If array.p(p1,0).z<array.p(p2,0).z Then Swap painter(p1),painter(p2):Swap array.p(p1,0),array.p(p2,0)
Next p2
Next p1
End Sub
Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As Long,Byref fps As Long) As Long
Static As Double timervalue,lastsleeptime,t3,frames
Var t=Timer
If (t-t3)>=1 Then t3=t:fps=frames:frames=0
Var sleeptime=lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-T+timervalue)*1000
If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
Return sleeptime
End Function
Sub drawfaces(tmp As cube,painter() As Long,x() As Ulong)
Dim As Ulong colour
For z As Integer=Lbound(tmp.p,1)+3 To Ubound(tmp.p,1)'Paint only the closest three faces of each
Var p=painter(z)
Select Case p
Case 1: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
Case 2: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
Case 3: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
Case 4: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
Case 5: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
Case 6: DrawCubeFace(tmp,p,colour)
End Select
Next z
End Sub
Dim As Long numcubes=100
Dim As cube c(1 To numcubes)
Dim As cube tmp(1 To numcubes)
Randomize 2
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
Next n
'start setting face painting order to default
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
For m As Long=1 To 6
Next m
Next n
Dim As Long fps
Dim As Double a
Dim As v3 angle(1 To numcubes)
Dim As Double rnds(1 To numcubes)
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
Next n
Screenres 1024,768,32
width 1024\8,768\16
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
Next n
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
tmp(n)= rotatecube(c(n),angle(n))
Next n
'reset face painting order
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
For m As Long=1 To 6
Next m
Next n
Draw String(10,30),"Frame Rate = " & fps,rgb(255,255,255)
'sort the face centriods and cubes by .z value of centriods
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
Next n
For n As Long=1 To numcubes
drawfaces(tmp(n),tmp(n).painter(),tmp(n).col()) 'c(2) is the moveable cube, so it is sent for adjustment
Next n
'drawfaces(c(2),tmp(2),tmp(2).painter(),m,tmp(2).col()) 'm is the mouse
Sleep regulate(60,fps),1
Loop Until Inkey=Chr(27)
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- Joined: Sep 17, 2024 6:33
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Re: 3D Geometry , basics
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
nice formatting
nice formatting
Re: 3D Geometry , basics
Yes, the many cubes is nice.
However the tilting plane , of my program, is a representation of the mechanism used for cyro-electron
tomography; without all of the details.
This representation may differ from the usual though, as my plane tilts in two directions.
One might imagine extra actuators to accomplish this.
However the tilting plane , of my program, is a representation of the mechanism used for cyro-electron
tomography; without all of the details.
This representation may differ from the usual though, as my plane tilts in two directions.
One might imagine extra actuators to accomplish this.