Code: Select all
Dim as String sVer = "v0.0"
Dim As UByte iTab = 25
? "Radio Station " & sVer
? "Radio Station is a simple console app that streams music from"
? "By default it plays songs randomly."
? "Keys:"
? "* Backspace to play current song again"
? "* Space to skip current song"
? "* p to pause or resume current song (toggle)"
? "* e to play current song endless (infinite loop) (toggle)"
? "* g to enable / disable glass effect (only if DWM composition (aka Aero) is enabled) (toggle)"
? "* t to set console window topmost or not (toggle)"
? "* +, -, or up, down to increase / decrease volume level"
? "* 0 to play songs randomly again"
? "* 1 to play from latest to oldest song"
? "* d to download current song to disk ( folder in current dir)"
? "* b to play from current song to oldest song"
? "* f to play from current song to latest song"
? "* z to enable / disable 3-band equilizer"
? "* right to forward song for 5 seconds"
? "* left to rewind song for 5 seconds"
? "* ESC or q to exit"
? "Command-line parameter:"
? "/NoLevel"; Tab(iTab); "-> disable sound level color flash"
? "/Order [0-2]"; Tab(iTab); "-> plays the songs 0 = random, 1 = from latest to oldest, 2 = from oldest to latest"
? "/Cfg [0-15]"; Tab(iTab); "-> set text color"
? "/Cbg [0-15]"; Tab(iTab); "-> set background color"
? "/Number [1-max]"; Tab(iTab); "-> plays the song hosted with the number, max is the latest song number,"
? Tab(iTab); " can be used with /Top50"
? "/NoAutoSwitchDevice"; Tab(iTab); "-> disable automatically switch over when the system's default audio device"
? Tab(iTab); " setting changes"
? "/Proxy [address]"; Tab(iTab); "-> the proxy address to use (either ip adress or DNS name)"
? "/Glass"; Tab(iTab); "-> enables glass effect on console window only if DWM composition (aka Aero) is enabled"
? "/Topmost"; Tab(iTab); "-> places the console window above all non-topmost windows"
? "/Top50"; Tab(iTab); "-> plays the Top50 songs from first to last placed"
? "/Top50Dir [-1, 1]"; Tab(iTab); "-> if 1 (default) plays the titles ascending otherwise descending"
? Tab(iTab); " only available when /Top50 is set!"
? "/PU2R [n]"; Tab(iTab); "-> plays songs only ranked n or better (available only in random play mode)"
? "/Font [""fontname""]"; Tab(iTab); "-> change the default font Consolas to new font"
? "/Font [""fontname""]"; Tab(iTab); "-> change the default font Consolas to new font"
? "/Eq_bass [gain]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer bass gain value. Must be between -15 to 15"
? "/Eq_mid [gain]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer mid gain value. Must be between -15 to 15"
? "/Eq_treb [gain]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer treble gain value. Must be between -15 to 15"
? "/Eq_frb [frequence]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer bass frequence value. Must be between 80 Hz to 16000 Hz"
? "/Eq_frm [frequence]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer mid frequence value. Must be between 80 Hz to 16000 Hz"
? "/Eq_frt [frequence]"; Tab(iTab); "-> equalizer treble frequence value. Must be between 80 Hz to 16000 Hz"
? "Examples: "
? """Radio Station"" /cfg 7 /cbg 1 /order 1 /glass"
? """Radio Station"" /top50 /number 50 /top50dir -1"

With Windows 10 no issues.
My os: Windows 11 23H2 build 22631.4602
Can you please test on your Win11 system if the behavior is the same?
When I run "Dir" in cmd then no issues.