From the execution time point of view, the more penalizing item is traversing the nodes from a known position to the targeted position, for large lists.
Unfortunately the traversing task itself can not be parallelized by using several threads because the address of each node is determined from the previous or the next one.
The single case of possible parallelization is for the Swap method because two node traversing must be executed, and those can be executed in parallel by using two threads.
1. Multi-threading constraints:
- The thread synchronization latency must be taken into account to determine the parallelization conditions inducing a gain in execution time and not the opposite.
- If T1 and T2 are the corresponding execution times of each traversing and T the thread synchronization latency, the total execution time improvement is obtained only for T + T1 < T1 + T2 and T + T2 < T1 + T2, so only for T1 > T and T2 > T.
- Therefore the thread synchronization latency must be minimized.
2. Multi-threading design principle chosen:
- A single child thread is launched by the constructor and runs a permanent waiting loop (to avoid a thread launching latency at each time).
- Synchronization between main and child thread to start the two traversing procedures is triggered by means of one mutex (unlock in main thread and lock in child thread) .
- The detection of the traversing procedure end in the thread is marked by means of a simple flag set by the child thread and a flag test loop in the main thread (this waiting time in the main thread is nul or negligible if the procedure of longer time is always executed by the main thread, thus the latency brought by a second mutex can be avoided).
- So using a single mutex and a simple flag, the thread synchronization latency is optimized and corresponds to the execution time for traversing about 250 nodes (on average) in the traversing procedure (about 0.8 µs on average for my PC). The final threshold is set at 500 nodes after testing (probably to account for execution time fluctuation).
3. Thread synchronization code principle:
Code: Select all
#include ""
Dim Shared As Any Ptr mutex0, mutex, pt
Dim Shared As Integer flag, quit
Dim As Double t
Sub ThreadMutexFlag(Byval p As Any Ptr)
Mutexunlock(mutex0) '' unlock mutex for main thread
For I As Integer = 1 to 100000
Mutexlock(mutex) '' wait for mutex unlock from main thread
' child thread task executed concurrently with main thread task
flag = 1 '' set flag for main thread
Next I
End Sub
mutex0 = Mutexcreate()
mutex = Mutexcreate()
pt = ThreadCreate(@ThreadMutexFlag)
Mutexlock(mutex0) '' wait for thread launch (mutex unlock from child thread)
Print "Thread synchronization latency by mutex and flag:"
t = Timer
For I As Integer = 1 To 100000
Mutexunlock(mutex) '' mutex unlock for child thread
' main thread task executed concurrently with child thread task
While flag = 0 '' wait for flag set from child thread
flag = 0
Next I
t = Timer - t
Print Using "####.### microseconds per double synchronization (round trip)"; t * 10
Sub PrintList(Byref dal As DynamicArrayList)
Print " list:";
If dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() = 0 Then
Print " empty";
Elseif dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() <= 10 Then
For I As Integer = 1 To dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition()
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
For I As Integer = 1 To 5
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
Print " .....";
For I As Integer = dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() - 4 To dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition()
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
End If
End Sub
Print "Creating a list of 1000000 with 1000000 pre-allocated nodes:"
Dim As DynamicArrayList dal = DynamicArrayList(1000000)
For I As Integer = 1 To 1000000
dal.InsertInNthPosition(New Long(I), 0)
Next I
Print "Accessing the element at position 250000 from first dummy node:"
t = Timer
Dim As Any Ptr p = dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(250000)
t = Timer - t
Print Using " element: #########"; *Cptr(Long Ptr, p)
Print Using " runtime:####.### milliseconds"; t * 1000
Print Using " ==>:####.### microseconds for traversing 250 nodes"; t * 1000
Print "Suppressing all 1000000 elements:"
While dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() > 0
Delete Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.SuppressTheNthPosition(1))
Print "If execution time of child thread procedure <= that of main thread procedure,"
Print "then thread synchronization by mutex and flag (no CPU overload in this case):"
Print " '1': Main thread procedure running"
Print " '2': Child thread procedure running"
Print " '.': Main thread other task running"
Sub Prnt(Byref s As String, Byval n As Integer)
For I As Integer = 1 To n
Sleep 15, 1
Print s;
Next I
End Sub
Sub Thread(Byval p As Any Ptr)
Mutexlock(mutex) '' wait for mutex unlock from main thread
If quit = 1 Then Exit Sub '' exit the threading loop
Prnt("2", 5) '' execute the procedure synchronously with that of the main thread
flag = 1 '' set flag for main thread
End Sub
mutex = Mutexcreate()
pt = ThreadCreate(@Thread)
For I As Integer = 1 To 10
Prnt(".", 10) '' execute other task
Mutexunlock(mutex) '' mutex unlock for child thread
Prnt("1", 5) '' execute the procedure synchronously with that of the child thread
While flag = 0 '' wait for flag set from child thread
flag = 0
Prnt(".", 10) '' execute other task
Next I
quit = 1 '' set flag for child thread
Mutexunlock(mutex) '' mutex unlock for child thread
Threadwait(pt) '' wait for child thread to end
- Example of output:
Code: Select all
Thread synchronization latency by mutex and flag: 0.843 microseconds per double synchronization (round trip) Creating a list of 1000000 with 1000000 pre-allocated nodes: list: 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 999996 999997 999998 999999 1000000 Accessing the element at position 250000 from first dummy node: element: 250000 runtime: 0.819 milliseconds ==>: 0.819 microseconds for traversing 250 nodes Suppressing all 1000000 elements: list: empty If execution time of child thread procedure <= that of main thread procedure, then thread synchronization by mutex and flag (no CPU overload in this case): '1': Main thread procedure running '2': Child thread procedure running '.': Main thread other task running ..........2121122121....................1221121212....................2121121212....................2112212112....................1212122121....................1212121122....................1211212122....................1221212121....................2121212211....................1212112122..........
4. Real example using the present "":
Code: Select all
#include ""
Sub PrintList(Byref dal As DynamicArrayList)
Print " list:";
If dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() = 0 Then
Print " empty";
For I As Integer = 1 To 5
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
Print " .....";
For I As Integer = dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() - 4 To dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition()
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
End If
End Sub
Dim As Integer NbrOfElements = 100000
Dim As Integer NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes = 100000
Dim As Double t
Print "Creating a list of " & NbrOfElements & " elements with " & NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes & " pre-allocated nodes:"
Dim As DynamicArrayList dal = DynamicArrayList(NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes)
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements
dal.InsertInNthPosition(New Long(I), 0)
Next I
Print "Reversing the order of the list by swapping its elements:"
t = Timer
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements \ 2
dal.SwapNthPthPosition(I, NbrOfElements + 1 - I)
Next I
t = Timer - t
Print Using " runtime:####.#### s"; t
Print "Swapping " & NbrOfElements & " elements 2 by 2 at randomly positions:"
t = Timer
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements \ 2
Dim As Integer N1 = Int(Rnd() * NbrOfElements + 1)
Dim As Integer N2 = Int(Rnd() * NbrOfElements + 1)
dal.SwapNthPthPosition(N1, N2)
Next I
t = Timer - t
Print Using " runtime:####.#### s"; t
Print "Suppressing all " & NbrOfElements & " elements:"
While dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() > 0
Delete Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.SuppressTheNthPosition(1))
- Example of output:
Code: Select all
Creating a list of 100000 elements with 100000 pre-allocated nodes: list: 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 99996 99997 99998 99999 100000 Reversing the order of the list by swapping its elements: runtime: 0.0092 s list: 100000 99999 99998 99997 99996 ..... 5 4 3 2 1 Swapping 100000 elements 2 by 2 at randomly positions: runtime: 4.0305 s list: 100000 79377 17538 52609 99996 ..... 74103 4 28938 13046 58351 Suppressing all 100000 elements: list: empty
5. Real example using the modified "" for multi-threading:
Code: Select all
' modified for multi-threading
#if __FB_VERSION__ < "1.10"
Type DoublyLinkedNode
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr prevNodePtr '' previous node pointer
Dim As Any Ptr userPtr '' user pointer
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nextNodePtr '' next node pointer
End Type
Type DynamicArrayList
Declare Function InsertInNthPosition(ByVal p As Any Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
Declare Function SuppressTheNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
Declare Function ReturnFromNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
Declare Function UpdateTheNthPosition(ByVal p As Any Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
Declare Function SwapNthPthPosition(ByVal n1 As Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ShiftTheNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ReverseOrderOfPosition() As Integer
Declare Function ReturnArrayFromPosition(array() As Any Ptr) As Integer
Declare Function LoadArrayIntoPosition(array() As Any Ptr) As Integer
Declare Function SearchForNthPosition(ByVal compare As Function(ByVal p As Any Ptr) As Boolean, ByVal startPosition As Integer = 1) As Integer
Declare Sub DestroyAllNthPosition(ByVal destroy As Sub(ByVal p As Any Ptr) = 0)
Declare Function ReturnNumberOfPosition() As Integer
Declare Constructor()
Declare Constructor(ByVal nbrPreAlloc As Integer)
Declare Property NumberOfPreAllocUsed() As Integer
Declare Property NumberOfPreAllocAvailable() As Integer
Declare Destructor()
#if __FB_VERSION__ >= "1.10"
Type DoublyLinkedNode
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr prevNodePtr '' previous node pointer
Dim As Any Ptr userPtr '' user pointer
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nextNodePtr '' next node pointer
End Type
Declare Function SearchNthPositionNode(ByVal posNodeIndex As Integer) As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr
Declare Function TraverseNodes(ByVal nodePtr As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode dummyNode '' dummy node
Dim As Integer nbrUserNode '' number of user node
Dim As Integer recent1NodeIndex '' recent #1 node index (position)
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr recent1NodePtr '' recent #1 node pointer
Dim As Integer recent2NodeIndex '' recent #2 node index (position)
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr recent2NodePtr '' recent #2 node pointer
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr preAllocPtr '' pre-allocation pointer
Dim As Integer nbrPreAllocDone '' number of pre-allocation done
Dim As Integer preAllocNbr '' pre-allocation number
Dim As Integer nbrPreAllocUsed '' number of pre-allocation used
Declare Sub _Thread() '' looping thread
Dim As Any Ptr _pt '' pointer to looping thread
Dim As Any Ptr _mutex '' mutex for start function in thread
Dim As Integer _flag '' flag for end function in thread
Dim As Byte _end '' end thread looping
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr _nodePtrT '' function parameter 1 in thread
Dim As Integer _nT '' function parameter 2 in thread
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr _returnT '' return from function in thread
End Type
Function DynamicArrayList.InsertInNthPosition(ByVal p As Any Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise the value of the provided user pointer
' Converts index into positive index
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex = IIf(n <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n + 1, n)
' Tests index validity
If (posNodeIndex < 1) Or (posNodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode + 1) Then Return 0
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr newNodePtr
If This.preAllocNbr = This.nbrPreAllocDone Then
' Allocates memory for new node
newNodePtr = Allocate(SizeOf(DoublyLinkedNode))
If newNodePtr = 0 Then Return 0
' Uses pre-allocated memory
newNodePtr = @This.preAllocPtr[This.preAllocNbr]
This.nbrPreAllocUsed += 1
This.preAllocNbr += 1
End If
' Copies user pointer value in new node
newNodePtr->userPtr = p
' Searches for node below insertion
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(posNodeIndex)
' Updates pointers of previous, inserted, and next nodes
newNodePtr->nextNodePtr = searchNodePtr
newNodePtr->prevNodePtr = searchNodePtr->prevNodePtr
searchNodePtr->prevNodePtr = newNodePtr
newNodePtr->prevNodePtr->nextNodePtr = newNodePtr
' Increments the number of user nodes
This.nbrUserNode +=1
' Updates the recent visited node data
If (posNodeIndex > This.recent1NodeIndex) And (This.recent1NodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode Shr 2) Then
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = newNodePtr
Elseif posNodeIndex < This.recent2NodeIndex Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent1NodePtr = newNodePtr
This.recent2NodeIndex += 1 ' recent #2 node position shifted by the insertion
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = newNodePtr
End If
Return p
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.SuppressTheNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise the value of the provided user pointer
' Converts index into positive index
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex = IIf(n <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n + 1, n)
' Tests index validity
If (posNodeIndex < 1) Or (posNodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode) Then Return 0
' Searches for node to suppress
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(posNodeIndex)
' Updates of previous and next nodes
searchNodePtr->prevNodePtr->nextNodePtr = searchNodePtr->nextNodePtr
searchNodePtr->nextNodePtr->prevNodePtr = searchNodePtr->prevNodePtr
' Updates the recent visited node data
If (posNodeIndex < This.nbrUserNode) And (posNodeIndex <> This.recent2NodeIndex) Then
If (posNodeIndex > This.recent1NodeIndex) And (This.recent1NodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode Shr 2) Then
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr->nextNodePtr
Elseif posNodeIndex < This.recent2NodeIndex Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent1NodePtr = searchNodePtr->nextNodePtr
This.recent2NodeIndex -= 1 ' recent #2 node position shifted by the suppression
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr->nextNodePtr
End If
' Resets the recent visited node data
This.recent1NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.recent1NodeIndex = 0
This.recent2NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.recent2NodeIndex = 0
End If
' Saves user pointer of the node
Dim As Any Ptr searchUserPtr = searchNodePtr->userPtr
If (This.nbrPreallocDone = 0) Orelse ((searchNodePtr < @This.preAllocPtr[0]) Or (searchNodePtr > @This.preAllocPtr[This.nbrPreAllocDone - 1])) Then
' Deallocates memory for the node
' Frees the node from the preallocated memeory
This.nbrPreAllocUsed -= 1
If This.nbrPreAllocUsed = 0 Then
This.preAllocNbr = 0
If searchNodePtr = @This.preAllocPtr[This.preAllocNbr - 1] Then This.preAllocNbr -= 1
End If
End If
' Decrements the number of user nodes
This.nbrUserNode -= 1
Return searchUserPtr
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.ReturnFromNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise the value of the provided user pointer
' Converts index into positive index
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex = IIf(n <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n + 1, n)
' Tests index validity
If (posNodeIndex < 1) Or (posNodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode) Then Return 0
' Searches for user node
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(posNodeIndex)
' Updates the recent visited node data
If (posNodeIndex > This.recent1NodeIndex) And (This.recent1NodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode Shr 2) Then
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr
Elseif posNodeIndex < This.recent2NodeIndex Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent1NodePtr = searchNodePtr
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr
End If
Return searchNodePtr->userPtr
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.UpdateTheNthPosition(ByVal p As Any Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As Any Ptr
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise the value of the provided user pointer
' Converts index into positive index
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex = IIf(n <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n + 1, n)
' Tests index validity
If (posNodeIndex < 1) Or (posNodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode) Then Return 0
' Searches for user node
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(posNodeIndex)
' Updates user pointer of the node
searchNodePtr->userPtr = p
' Updates the recent visited node data
If (posNodeIndex > This.recent1NodeIndex) And (This.recent1NodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode Shr 2) Then
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr
Elseif posNodeIndex < This.recent2NodeIndex Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent1NodePtr = searchNodePtr
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr
End If
Return p
End Function
#macro SearchOffsetRecentPositionNode(posNodeIndex, recentNodePtr, offset)
' The node (among these 3) memorized closest to the targeted position
' is chosen as starting point of the iteration (forward or backward) through the nodes
' (3 * 2 = 6 cases)
If posNodeIndex < This.recent1NodeIndex Then
If posNodeIndex <= This.recent1NodeIndex - posNodeIndex Then
' dummy node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
offset = posNodeIndex
' recent #1 visited node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = This.recent1NodePtr
offset = posNodeIndex - This.recent1NodeIndex
End If
ElseIf posNodeIndex < This.recent2NodeIndex Then
If posNodeIndex - This.recent1NodeIndex <= This.recent2NodeIndex - posNodeIndex Then
' recent #1 visited node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = This.recent1NodePtr
offset = posNodeIndex - This.recent1NodeIndex
' recent #2 visited node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = This.recent2NodePtr
offset = posNodeIndex - This.recent2NodeIndex
End If
If posNodeIndex - This.recent2NodeIndex <= This.nbrUserNode + 1 - posNodeIndex Then
' recent #2 visited node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = This.recent2NodePtr
offset = posNodeIndex - This.recent2NodeIndex
' dummy node closest to targeted position
recentNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
offset = posNodeIndex - This.nbrUserNode - 1
End If
End If
Function DynamicArrayList.SwapNthPthPosition(ByVal n1 As Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer) As Integer
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise -1
' Converts indexes into positive indexes
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex1 = IIf(n1 <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n1 + 1, n1)
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex2 = IIf(n2 <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n2 + 1, n2)
' Tests index validity
If (posNodeIndex1 < 1) Or (posNodeIndex1 > This.nbrUserNode) Or (posNodeIndex2 < 1) Or (posNodeIndex2 > This.nbrUserNode) Or (posNodeIndex1 = posNodeIndex2) Then Return 0
' search for the 2 user nodes
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr1
Dim As Integer offset1
SearchOffsetRecentPositionNode(posNodeIndex1, searchNodePtr1, offset1)
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr searchNodePtr2
Dim As Integer offset2
SearchOffsetRecentPositionNode(posNodeIndex2, searchNodePtr2, offset2)
' sorts the searches by offset in ascending order (in absolute value)
If Abs(offset1) > Abs(offset2) Then
Swap posNodeIndex1, posNodeIndex2
Swap searchNodePtr1, searchNodePtr2
Swap offset1, offset2
End If
' lunches the shorter search from the threading loop if its offset is greater than a threshold (in absolute value)
' offset threshold corresponding to the thread synchronization latency
If Abs(offset1) > 500 Then
This._nodePtrT = searchNodePtr1
This._nT = offset1
MutexUnlock(This._mutex) '' unlock mutex for child thread
searchNodePtr2 = This.TraverseNodes(searchNodePtr2, offset2)
While This._flag = 0 '' wait for flag set from child thread
This._flag = 0 '' reset flag
searchNodePtr1 = This._returnT
searchNodePtr1 = This.TraverseNodes(searchNodePtr1, offset1)
searchNodePtr2 = This.TraverseNodes(searchNodePtr2, offset2)
End If
' swaps the 2 user pointers
Swap searchNodePtr1->userPtr, searchNodePtr2->userPtr
' Updates the recent visited node data
If posNodeIndex2 > posNodeIndex1 Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex1
This.recent1NodePtr = searchNodePtr1
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex2
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr2
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex2
This.recent1NodePtr = searchNodePtr2
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex1
This.recent2NodePtr = searchNodePtr1
End If
Return -1
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.ShiftTheNthPosition(ByVal n As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) As Integer
' Returns 0 on error, otherwise -1
' Converts index into positive index
Dim As Integer posNodeIndex = IIf(n <= 0, This.nbrUserNode + n + 1, n)
' Tests index and offset validity
If (posNodeIndex < 1) Or (posNodeIndex > This.nbrUserNode) Or (posNodeIndex + offset < 1) Or (posNodeIndex + offset > This.nbrUserNode) Or (offset = 0) Then Return 0
' search for the user node
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr2 = This.SearchNthPositionNode(posNodeIndex)
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr1
' Updates the recent visited node data
If offset > 0 Then
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent1NodePtr = nodePtr2
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex
This.recent2NodePtr = nodePtr2
End If
' Shifts the user pointer by using a repeated swapping process
If offset > 0 Then
For I As Integer = 1 To Offset
nodePtr1 = nodePtr2
nodePtr2 = nodePtr2->nextNodePtr
Swap nodePtr1->userPtr, nodePtr2->userPtr
Next I
For I As Integer = -1 To Offset Step -1
nodePtr1 = nodePtr2
nodePtr2 = nodePtr2->prevNodePtr
Swap nodePtr1->userPtr, nodePtr2->userPtr
Next I
End If
' Updates the recent visited node data
If offset > 0 Then
This.recent2NodeIndex = posNodeIndex + offset
This.recent2NodePtr = nodePtr2
This.recent1NodeIndex = posNodeIndex + offset
This.recent1NodePtr = nodePtr2
End If
Return -1
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.ReverseOrderOfPosition() As Integer
' Returns 0 on empty list, otherwise -1
' Tests empty list
If This.nbrUserNode = 0 Then Return 0
' Swaps user pointers from the ends up to the middle
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr leftNodePtr = @This.dummyNode, rightNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode \ 2
leftNodePtr = leftNodePtr->nextNodePtr
rightNodePtr = rightNodePtr->prevNodePtr
Swap rightNodePtr->userPtr, leftNodePtr->userPtr
Next I
Return -1
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.ReturnArrayFromPosition(array() As Any Ptr) As Integer
' Returns the number of elements
If This.nbrUserNode = 0 Then Return 0
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr = @This.dummyNode
' sizes the passed array
Redim array(1 To This.nbrUserNode)
' fills in the array with the user pointers
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
array(I) = nodePtr->userPtr
Next I
Return This.nbrUserNode
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.LoadArrayIntoPosition(array() As Any Ptr) As Integer
' Return 0 if the list is not empty, otherwise returns the number of loaded elements
If This.nbrUserNode > 0 Then Return 0
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr = @This.dummyNode
For I As Integer = Lbound(array) To Ubound(array)
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr newNodePtr
If This.preAllocNbr = This.nbrPreAllocDone Then
' Allocates memory for new node
newNodePtr = Allocate(SizeOf(DoublyLinkedNode))
If newNodePtr = 0 Then Return 0
' Uses pre-allocated memory
newNodePtr = @This.preAllocPtr[This.preAllocNbr]
This.nbrPreAllocUsed += 1
This.preAllocNbr += 1
End If
' Copies user pointer value in new node
newNodePtr->userPtr = array(I)
' Updates pointers of previous and inserted nodes
nodePtr->nextNodePtr = newNodePtr
newNodePtr->prevNodePtr = nodePtr
' Inserted node becomes previous node
nodePtr = newNodePtr
' Increments the number of user nodes
This.nbrUserNode += 1
Next I
' Updates pointer of last node and dummy node
nodePtr->nextNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.dummyNode.prevNodePtr = nodePtr
Return This.nbrUserNode
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.SearchForNthPosition(ByVal compare As Function(ByVal p As Any Ptr) As Boolean, ByVal startPosition As Integer = 1) As Integer
' Return 0 if the search failed, otherwise returns the position index of the first occurence found
' If startPosition > 0 (set of positive index used), the search begins at the startPosition index then continues in the increasing index order
' If startPosition < 0 (set of negative index used), the search begins at the startPosition index then continues in the decreasing index order (reverse order)
' The returned index uses the same set (positive or negative) of index than the one used for startPosition
If compare = 0 Then Return 0
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr
' set of positive index used
If (startPosition >= 1) And (startPosition <= This.nbrUserNode) Then
' search start node
nodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(startPosition)
For I As Integer = startPosition To This.nbrUserNode
If compare(nodePtr->userPtr) = True Then Return I
' next node
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
Next I
' set of negative index used
ElseIf (startPosition <= -1) And (startPosition >= -This.nbrUserNode) Then
' search start node
nodePtr = This.SearchNthPositionNode(This.nbrUserNode + startPosition + 1)
For I As Integer = startPosition To -This.nbrUserNode Step -1
If compare(nodePtr->userPtr) = True Then Return I
' previous node
nodePtr = nodePtr->prevNodePtr
Next I
End If
Return 0
End Function
Sub DynamicArrayList.DestroyAllNthPosition(ByVal destroy As Sub(ByVal p As Any Ptr) = 0)
' Deallocates memory used by user nodes one by one by transverse access, including user data in the loop if destroy <> 0 is passed
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr = This.dummyNode.nextNodePtr
If This.nbrPreAllocDone = 0 Then
If destroy <> 0 Then
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
' Deallocates memory for the node
Next I
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
' Deallocates memory for the node
Next I
End If
If destroy <> 0 Then
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
If (nodePtr->prevNodePtr < @This.preAllocPtr[0]) Or (nodePtr->prevNodePtr > @This.preAllocPtr[This.nbrPreAllocDone - 1]) Then
' Deallocates memory for the node
End If
Next I
For I As Integer = 1 To This.nbrUserNode
nodePtr = nodePtr->nextNodePtr
If (nodePtr->prevNodePtr < @This.preAllocPtr[0]) Or (nodePtr->prevNodePtr > @This.preAllocPtr[This.nbrPreAllocDone - 1]) Then
' Deallocates memory for the node
End If
Next I
End If
End If
' Clears the number of user nodes
This.nbrUserNode = 0
' Loops the dummy node on itself
This.dummyNode.nextNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.dummyNode.prevNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
' Initializes the two recent visited nodes memory with the dummy node
This.recent1NodeIndex = 0
This.recent1NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.recent2NodeIndex = 0
This.recent2NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
' Initializes the preallocated memory use
This.nbrPreAllocUsed = 0
This.preAllocNbr = 0
End Sub
Function DynamicArrayList.ReturnNumberOfPosition() As Integer
Return This.nbrUserNode
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.SearchNthPositionNode(ByVal posNodeIndex As Integer) As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr
Dim As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr nodePtr
Dim As Integer n
SearchOffsetRecentPositionNode(posNodeIndex, nodePtr, n)
Return This.TraverseNodes(nodePtr, n)
End Function
Function DynamicArrayList.TraverseNodes(ByVal nodePtr As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr, ByVal n As Integer) As DoublyLinkedNode Ptr
If n > 0 Then
' forward iteration
#define NP nextNodePtr
For I As Integer = n To 0 Step -25
Select Case As Const I
Case 0 : Return nodePtr
Case 1 : Return nodePtr->NP
Case 2 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP
Case 3 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP
Case 4 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 5 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 6 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 7 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 8 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 9 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 10 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 11 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 12 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 13 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 14 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 15 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 16 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 17 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 18 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 19 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 20 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 21 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 22 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 23 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case 24 : Return nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
Case Else : nodePtr = nodePtr->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP->NP
End Select
Next I
Elseif n < 0 Then
' backward iteration
#define PP prevNodePtr
For I As Integer = n To 0 Step +25
Select Case As Const I
Case - 0 : Return nodePtr
Case - 1 : Return nodePtr->PP
Case - 2 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP
Case - 3 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP
Case - 4 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case - 5 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case - 6 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case - 7 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case - 8 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case - 9 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -10 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -11 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -12 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -13 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -14 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -15 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -16 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -17 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -18 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -19 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -20 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -21 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -22 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -23 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case -24 : Return nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
Case Else : nodePtr = nodePtr->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP->PP
End Select
Next I
Return nodePtr
End If
End Function
Constructor DynamicArrayList()
' Loops the dummy node on itself
This.dummyNode.nextNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.dummyNode.prevNodePtr = @This.dummyNode
' Initializes the two recent visited nodes memory with the dummy node
This.recent1NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
This.recent2NodePtr = @This.dummyNode
' Initializes the threading loop
This._mutex = MutexCreate() '' create mutex
MutexLock(This._mutex) '' lock mutex
This._pt= ThreadCreate(Cptr(Any Ptr, @DynamicArrayList._Thread), @This) '' launch child thread
End Constructor
Constructor DynamicArrayList(ByVal nbrPreAlloc As Integer)
If nbrPreAlloc > 0 Then
' Pre-allocates memory for nbrPreAlloc nodes
This.preAllocPtr = Allocate(nbrPreAlloc * Sizeof(DoublyLinkedNode))
If This.preAllocPtr > 0 Then This.nbrPreAllocDone = nbrPreAlloc
End If
End Constructor
Property DynamicArrayList.NumberOfPreAllocUsed() As Integer
Return This.nbrPreAllocUsed
End Property
Property DynamicArrayList.NumberOfPreAllocAvailable() As Integer
Return This.nbrPreAllocDone - This.preAllocNbr
End Property
Sub DynamicArrayList._Thread()
' Threading loop
MutexLock(This._mutex) '' wait for mutex unlock from main thread
If This._end = 1 Then Exit Sub '' exit the threading loop
This._returnT = This.TraverseNodes(This._nodePtrT, This._nT)
This._flag = 1 '' set flag for main thread
End Sub
Destructor DynamicArrayList()
' Deallocates memory used by user nodes one by one by transverse access
If This.nbrPreAllocDone > 0 Then
' Deallocates the pre-allocated memory
This.nbrPreAllocDone = 0
End If
' Ends the threading loop
This._end = 1 '' set _end for chimld thread
MutexUnlock(This._mutex) '' unlock mutex for child thread
ThreadWait(This._pt) '' wait for child thread end
MutexDestroy(This._mutex) '' destroy mutex
End Destructor
Sub PrintList(Byref dal As DynamicArrayList)
Print " list:";
If dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() = 0 Then
Print " empty";
For I As Integer = 1 To 5
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
Print " .....";
For I As Integer = dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() - 4 To dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition()
Print *Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.ReturnFromNthPosition(I));
Next I
End If
End Sub
Dim As Integer NbrOfElements = 100000
Dim As Integer NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes = 100000
Dim As Double t
Print "Creating a list of " & NbrOfElements & " elements with " & NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes & " pre-allocated nodes:"
Dim As DynamicArrayList dal = DynamicArrayList(NbrOfPreAllocatedNodes)
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements
dal.InsertInNthPosition(New Long(I), 0)
Next I
Print "Reversing the order of the list by swapping its elements:"
t = Timer
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements \ 2
dal.SwapNthPthPosition(I, NbrOfElements + 1 - I)
Next I
t = Timer - t
Print Using " runtime:####.#### s"; t
Print "Swapping " & NbrOfElements & " elements 2 by 2 at randomly positions:"
t = Timer
For I As Integer = 1 To NbrOfElements \ 2
Dim As Integer N1 = Int(Rnd() * NbrOfElements + 1)
Dim As Integer N2 = Int(Rnd() * NbrOfElements + 1)
dal.SwapNthPthPosition(N1, N2)
Next I
t = Timer - t
Print Using " runtime:####.#### s"; t
Print "Suppressing all " & NbrOfElements & " elements:"
While dal.ReturnNumberOfPosition() > 0
Delete Cptr(Long Ptr, dal.SuppressTheNthPosition(1))
- Example of output:
Runtime improvement of about 25 %, only for the 'Swapping 100000 elements 2 by 2 at randomly positions' test (only this one really uses the multi-threading).
Code: Select all
Creating a list of 100000 elements with 100000 pre-allocated nodes: list: 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 99996 99997 99998 99999 100000 Reversing the order of the list by swapping its elements: runtime: 0.0090 s list: 100000 99999 99998 99997 99996 ..... 5 4 3 2 1 Swapping 100000 elements 2 by 2 at randomly positions: runtime: 3.0543 s list: 100000 79377 17538 52609 99996 ..... 74103 4 28938 13046 58351 Suppressing all 100000 elements: list: empty