Adapting to change

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Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

You said you use mp4 for meditation. I'm not sure I Can Say I'm using meditation or not.
The efforts to approach the goal might be as important as the goal itself.
This is a spirit from 'Star Trek' : quest is at least as important than result.
Zen music, in particular I like this one
Its a little bit famous.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Removing negative blocks use either 417Hz or 528Hz.

This one unusually uses both frequencies.

To benfit we need to get into our meditation posture. :)

I grab mp4s from YouTube using 4K Video Downloader.

Added: I usually meditate for twenty minutes. If I am really 'wound up' I'll push that to thirty minutes.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Out of curiosity, I tried to redo the test with another state of mind, but quickly, I could not maintain an overall coherence, it was not me, and it was no one. Impossible even to go beyond the 50th question, invalid consistency and/or integrity check. Zergling won by KO.
I am left with the slightly bitter taste of doubt to tell myself that a few decades ago, I could or should have done better.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Lost Zergling wrote:Out of curiosity, I tried to redo the test with another state of mind...
In other words, you were lying; and asking for trouble. :)

The opposite to that was noted by Oscar Wilde: "If you always tell the truth, sooner or later you will get found out."
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

About twenty years ago, I showed strong symptoms of multiple personality disorder, or so it seems to me. I tried to find one of these people again. The “lie” was a consequence of the failure to recreate that person. I live today with the memory of others myself that I cannot recreate. It's a bit strange to say that, but it's perfectly logical.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

@Lost Zergling

I don't mind being an introvert. However, I sometimes wish my introversion metric wasn't so high; 95% is a bit much, but I cope.
I showed strong symptoms of multiple personality disorder

Your 'Thinking 53% - Feeling 47%' are so close you may have had difficulties copy with that, leading you to think that you had a multiple personality disorder. I don't know - perhaps it is a mild form. Most people have a clearly defined preference for thinking or feeling.

You do manage nowadays, but I don't know how. You have clearly developed a technique. People born without legs for example develop a technique.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Right brained (52%), right handed, thinking (53%).
It is possible or suspected that when feelings become too intense (rage, love), my ethical choices shift towards a preference for feelings and since I nevertheless remain a also thinker, I may have the feeling of personality conflicts.
I do not experience it as a handicap but as a strength. Would you renounce maths because it is hard ?
I have a conviction: love is close to honor because there can be no true love without honor and no true honor without love.
I also believe that feelings, however powerful they may be, cannot harm the integrity of conscience.
They have the power to make us suffer terribly, but what is the point of experiencing them if the integrity of conscience is renounced ?
Anyway thanks for your interest :)
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Thanks for your input. :wink:
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

For those of you sceptical about meditation, my set-up is a PC on a desk and an office chair. Mid-afternoon, I decided to 'wind down'. I was not tired - I just wanted to relax. My chair was moved to be parallel with my desk. I loaded the above mp4 and sat back.

Fifteen minutes in, I was so relaxed I fell asleep and onto the floor.

Falling asleep was not my intention.

I won't do that again. I have a long lead on my headphones and will 'park up' on an easy chair in future. I don't have a foot rest, but that would be ideal. Amazon should have one at a reasonable price.

If you are sceptical, there is only one way to find out. Try it. :)
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