Anybody can Check this example? I wanted to find Out what is poke Statement? i know its built-in function for freebasic.. but how does its working?
' test for "what is poke" without built-in function ?
' anybody can check this code example if that's correct?
' thanks loewenherz
#Include ""
#ifndef __crt_stddef_bi__
#define __crt_stddef_bi__
type ptrdiff_t as integer
#ifdef __FB_DOS__
type size_t as ulong
#ifndef ssize_t
type ssize_t as long
type size_t as uinteger
#ifndef ssize_t
type ssize_t as integer
#ifndef wchar_t
#ifdef __FB_DOS__
type wchar_t as ubyte
#elseif defined( __FB_WIN32__ ) or defined( __FB_CYGWIN__ )
type wchar_t as ushort
type wchar_t as long
#ifndef wint_t
type wint_t as wchar_t
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
'declare function memcpy (byval as any ptr, byval as const any ptr, byval as size_t) as any Ptr
SUB Poke1(address AS ANY PTR, value AS INTEGER)
DIM AS INTEGER PTR valuePtr = @value
memcpy(address, valuePtr, SIZEOF(INTEGER))
' Example test
var1 = 12345
Print "Original value of var: "; var1
Poke1(VARPTR(var1), 65) ' ASCII code for 'A'
Print "Value of var after Poke: "; var1
OK its Not so important how does These both functions are Working.. without built-in function .. my Idea was Peek came First to get the value of an Adress in memory and then Second using poke to assign this value to a Location in memory but thats the contrary way of going If you are using Peek First you will get a value 0 . below its a correct Handling
' peek: Gets the value of an arbitrary type at an address in memory
' poke: Assigns a value to a location in memory.
' 1) -------------------------------- //
Dim As Integer v
' first poke..
Sub MyPoke (Byval po As Integer Ptr)
Print po 'output: 2025
Poke Integer, po, 2025
End Sub
' then peek..
Sub MyPeek (Byval pe As Integer Ptr)
Print pe
Print Peek(Integer, pe)
End sub
MyPoke(@v) '1703648
MyPeek(@v) '1703648
' output: 2025
' 2) -------------------------------- //
Dim i3 As Integer, p2 As Integer Ptr
p2 = @i3
Poke Integer, p2, 2025
Print Peek(Integer, p2)
'output 2025