VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
I found one issue. When the editor is not running and *.bas is assigned to VisualFBEditor and I double click on a *.bas file then only the file will be loaded not the other opened files which are saved in the session file. No issue when the editor is running.
- Posts: 845
- Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
Fixed: Opening the last opened file when specifying a file on the command line: ... 1b7b587690
- Posts: 845
- Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
Corrected to add last: ... 3bd2c8436a ... 3bd2c8436a
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
Looks good now but when editor window is minimized (invisible) only and double click on a *.bas file will load the file and bring the editor to the front (restore window) - not when it is already visible then only icon on the taskbar is flashing.
- Posts: 845
- Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
If the IDE window is visible then the file will open and the IDE window will become active. I have Windows 10 so the window title will turn blue.
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
How to add new Tabpages dynamically to a TabControl and be able to update controls in them.
not through the Toolbox/containers
How to add new Tabpages dynamically to a TabControl and be able to update controls in them.
not through the Toolbox/containers
- Posts: 845
- Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
This is how you can do it:
Code: Select all
'#Region "Form"
#if defined(__FB_MAIN__) AndAlso Not defined(__MAIN_FILE__)
#define __MAIN_FILE__
#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
#cmdline "Form1.rc"
Const _MAIN_FILE_ = __FILE__
#include once "mff/"
#include once "mff/"
#include once "mff/"
Using My.Sys.Forms
Type Form1Type Extends Form
Declare Sub CommandButton1_Click(ByRef Sender As Control)
Declare Constructor
Dim As TabControl TabControl1
Dim As CommandButton CommandButton1
End Type
Constructor Form1Type
#if _MAIN_FILE_ = __FILE__
With App
.CurLanguagePath = ExePath & "/Languages/"
.CurLanguage = My.Sys.Language
End With
' Form1
With This
.Name = "Form1"
.Text = "Form1"
.Designer = @This
.SetBounds 0, 0, 350, 300
End With
' TabControl1
With TabControl1
.Name = "TabControl1"
.Text = "TabControl1"
.TabIndex = 0
.SetBounds 20, 50, 240, 150
.Designer = @This
.Parent = @This
End With
' CommandButton1
With CommandButton1
.Name = "CommandButton1"
.Text = "Add Tab Page"
.TabIndex = 1
.Caption = "Add Tab Page"
.SetBounds 10, 210, 120, 30
.Designer = @This
.OnClick = Cast(Sub(ByRef Designer As My.Sys.Object, ByRef Sender As Control), @CommandButton1_Click)
.Parent = @This
End With
End Constructor
Dim Shared Form1 As Form1Type
#if _MAIN_FILE_ = __FILE__
App.DarkMode = True
Form1.MainForm = True
'#End Region
Private Sub NewCommandButton_Click(ByRef Designer As My.Sys.Object, ByRef Sender As Control)
MsgBox Sender.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Form1Type.CommandButton1_Click(ByRef Sender As Control)
Var NewTabPage = TabControl1.AddTab("New Tab 1")
Var NewCommandButton = New CommandButton
NewCommandButton->Text = "New CommandButton"
NewCommandButton->SetBounds 10, 10, 150, 30
NewCommandButton->OnClick = @NewCommandButton_Click
NewTabPage->Add NewCommandButton
Var NewTabPage2 = TabControl1.AddTab("New Tab 2")
End Sub
Re: VisualFBEditor - IDE for FreeBasic
Many Thanks