GNU toolchain linker script writer for STM32F1xx MCU's

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GNU toolchain linker script writer for STM32F1xx MCU's

Post by D.J.Peters »

If you need for your STM32F1xx MCU gnu toolchain a linker script don't pull your hair out like me use this little tool instead.

add it with : -Wl,-TMCU.ld to your makefile or in your IDE linker settings

I self use code::blocks vor ATMEL AVR's and STM32 MCU's


Code: Select all

' fill in your MCU specs
const as string   MCU = "STM32F103C8T6"
const as uinteger FLASH_SIZE = 1024 * 64 ' size of read only programm memory 
const as uinteger SRAM_SIZE  = 1024 * 20 ' size of data ram 
const as uinteger STACK_SIZE = 1024      ' size of stack 
const as uinteger FLASH_BASE = &H8000000 ' start of read only programm memory 
const as uinteger SRAM_BASE  = &H2000000 ' start of data ram 
' end of your MCU specs

' don't change
const as uinteger STACK_TOP  = SRAM_BASE + SRAM_SIZE
const as uinteger STACK_BASE = STACK_TOP - STACK_SIZE
const as uinteger STACK_MIN  = STACK_SIZE \ 4
const as uinteger TUMB_ALIGN = 4

' optional for debuging -g
#define USE_GDB

' write out the linker script
open MCU & ".ld" for output as #1
'open cons for output as #1

print #1,"/* linker script for MCU " & MCU & " */"
print #1,""
print #1,"PROVIDE( _Stack_Size = 0x" & hex(STACK_SIZE,8) & ");"
print #1,"PROVIDE( _Stack_Init = 0x" & hex(STACK_BASE,8) & ");"
print #1,""
print #1,"/* for the startup code stack init */"
print #1,"_estack = 0x" & hex(STACK_TOP) & ";"
print #1,""
print #1,"MEMORY {"
print #1,"  FLASH (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x" & hex(FLASH_BASE,8) & ", LENGTH = 0x" & hex(FLASH_SIZE,8)
print #1,"  RAM   (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x" & hex(SRAM_BASE ,8) & ", LENGTH = 0x" & hex(SRAM_SIZE ,8)
print #1,"}"
print #1,""
print #1,"SECTIONS {"
print #1,"  /* begin of the startup code in FLASH */"
print #1,"  .isr_vector : {"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(4);"
print #1,"    KEEP(*(.isr_vector))"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"  } >FLASH"
print #1,""
print #1,"  /* program code in FLASH */"
print #1,"  .text : {"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    *(.text)"
print #1,"    *(.text.*)"
print #1,"    *(.rodata)"
print #1,"    *(.rodata*)"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _etext = .;"
print #1,"    _sidata = _etext;"
print #1,"  } >FLASH"
print #1,""
print #1,"  /* initialized data FLASH->SRAM */"
print #1,"  .data  : AT ( _sidata ) {"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _sdata = . ;"
print #1,"    KEEP( *(.data) )"
print #1,"    KEEP( *(.data.*) )"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _edata = . ;"
print #1,"  } >RAM"
print #1,""
print #1,"  /* uninitialized data in SRAM */"
print #1,"  .bss : {"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _sbss = .;"
print #1,"    *(.bss)"
print #1,"    *(COMMON)"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _ebss = . ;"
print #1,"  } >RAM"
print #1,"  PROVIDE ( end = _ebss);"
print #1,"  PROVIDE (_end = _ebss);"
print #1,"  /* error check for user stack */"
print #1,"  ._usrstack : {"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _susrstack = . ;"
print #1,"    . = . + 0x" & hex(STACK_MIN) & ";"
print #1,"    . = ALIGN(" & TUMB_ALIGN & ");"
print #1,"    _eusrstack = . ;"
print #1,"  } >RAM"
#ifdef USE_GDB
print #1," /* remove stabs from default libs */"
print #1,"  DISCARD : {"
print #1,"    libc.a ( * )"
print #1,"    libm.a ( * )"
print #1,"    libgcc.a ( * )"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .comment 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.comment)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,""
print #1,"/* -g stab's */"
print #1,"  .stab 0 : {" 
print #1,"    *(.stab)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .stabstr 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.stabstr)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .stab.excl 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.stab.excl)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .stab.exclstr 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.stab.exclstr)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .stab.index 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.stab.index)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"  .stab.indexstr 0 : {"
print #1,"    *(.stab.indexstr)"
print #1,"  }"
print #1,"/* end of sections */"
print #1,"}"

close #1
print "done wait for key ..."
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