ImageInfo parameter type mismatch in 32 bit. Not a bug

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ImageInfo parameter type mismatch in 32 bit. Not a bug

Post by xlucas »

Hi! I can't be completely sure of what exactly is going on, as I've been compiling my programs on a 64 bit Linux only, but other people compiling my source are reporting an issue that I did have some time ago, when I was using a 32 bit Linux.

It appears that while ImageInfo is documented as having all of its numeric parameters of type Integer, parameter 5 (pitch) would not really be an Integer, but probably a LongInt, so sources fail to compile in 32 bit Linux systems. I am not sure if the same thing would happen for Windows, so I'm posting in General, in case it would. Can anybody confirm this is so? Cheers!

EDIT: I'm leaving this because I can't delete it and at least if you can read it, you will know why it's there. I've just read in the wiki that this depends on the version of FB and that newer versions actually have all its parameters at fixed width. I think this is a very good change, so I'm going to adapt my sources accordingly. Also, please note that some libraries, like FBImage, include files that still Dim parameters as Integer for ImageInfo.
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