Conway's game of life without borders.

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Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by D.J.Peters »

It's not an infinity grid in size but no screen borders.
Maybe you have to use the Sleep command.

If you brake down the rules of Conway's game of life it becomes:

if neighbours=3 or (Cell=1 and neighbours=2) then newCell=1 else newCell=0

Or with other words a cell with 3 neighbours wins every game cycle, independent the cell was died before or not. ;-)

By the way it's a good example that an short/optimized term must not be the fastes !
(For the code/CPU it's faster to ask if the cell is alive=1 or died=0 before.)


file: game_of_life.bas

Code: Select all

sub GameOfLife(oldGenerationImage as any ptr, _
               newGenerationImage as any ptr)
  dim as integer iW,iH,iPitch
  dim as ubyte ptr pI,pO
  imageinfo oldGenerationImage,iw,ih,,iPitch,pI
  imageinfo newGenerationImage,iw,ih,,      ,pO
  dim as ubyte ptr ri0=pI+(iH-1)*iPitch ' input row[last]
  dim as ubyte ptr ri1=pI               ' input row[0]
  dim as ubyte ptr ri2=ri1+iPitch       ' input row[1]
  dim as ubyte ptr ro1=pO               ' output row[0] 
  dim as ubyte cell
  dim as integer neighbours,iLeft,iMidle,iRight

#macro one_cell
  neighbours  = ri0[iLeft]: neighbours += ri0[iMidle]: neighbours += ri0[iRight]
  neighbours += ri1[iLeft]:        cell = ri1[iMidle]: neighbours += ri1[iRight]
  neighbours += ri2[iLeft]: neighbours += ri2[iMidle]: neighbours += ri2[iRight]
  if cell=1 then
    if (neighbours<2 orelse neighbours>3) then ro1[iMidle]=0 else ro1[iMidle]=1
  elseif neighbours=3 then 

#macro one_row 
  for x as integer = 1 to iW-1
  iRight=0 : one_cell

  for y as integer = 1 to iH-1
    ri0=ri1 : ri1=ri2 : ri2+=iPitch : ro1+=iPitch
  ri2=pI ' last row becomes row[0]
end sub

' main
dim as integer iW,iH
screeninfo iW,iH
randomize timer()
' 1/2 size
iW=(iW\2) : iH=(ih\2)
' 3/4 size
'iW=(iW\4)*3 : iH=(ih\4)*3

screenres iW,iH,8
palette 1,255,255,255

var oldPopulation = ImageCreate(iW,iH,0)
var newPopulation = ImageCreate(iW,iH,0)

for i as integer = 1 to 100000
  pset oldPopulation,(100+rnd*(iW-200),100+rnd*(iH-200)),1

dim as integer fps,frames
dim as double tStart = timer()
while inkey()=""
  put (0,0),newPopulation,PSET
  draw string (0,0),"fps: " & fps
  swap oldPopulation,newPopulation
  if (frames mod 60)=0 then
    dim as double tNow=timer()
  end if
  'sleep 1
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Joined: May 28, 2005 3:28

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by D.J.Peters »

This are the same but without allocated images it used the hidden and visible page of the ScreenSet() command.
Note I don't use Flip() instead ScreenSet() is the key for flicker free blitting.


Code: Select all

sub GameOfLife(pI as ubyte ptr, _
               pO as ubyte ptr, _
               iW as integer, _
               iH as integer, _
               iP as integer)
  dim as ubyte ptr ri0=pI+(iH-1)*iP ' input row[last]
  dim as ubyte ptr ri1=pI           ' input row[0]
  dim as ubyte ptr ri2=ri1+iP       ' input row[1]
  dim as ubyte ptr ro1=pO           ' output row[0] 
  dim as ubyte cell=any
  dim as integer neighbours=any,iLeft=any,iMidle=any,iRight=any

#macro one_cell
  neighbours  = ri0[iLeft]: neighbours += ri0[iMidle]: neighbours += ri0[iRight]
  neighbours += ri1[iLeft]:        cell = ri1[iMidle]: neighbours += ri1[iRight]
  neighbours += ri2[iLeft]: neighbours += ri2[iMidle]: neighbours += ri2[iRight]  
  if cell=1 then
    if (neighbours<2 orelse neighbours>3) then ro1[iMidle]=0 else ro1[iMidle]=1
  elseif neighbours=3 then 

#macro one_row 
  for x as integer = 1 to iW
    one_cell : iLeft=iMidle:iMidle=iRight:iRight+=1
  ' last cell in a row becomes first cell in the same row !
  iRight=0 : one_cell
  for y as integer = 1 to iH
    one_row : ri0=ri1 : ri1=ri2 : ri2+=iP : ro1+=iP
  ' last row becomes first row !
  ri2=pI : one_row
end sub

' main
dim as integer iW,iH
screeninfo iW,iH
randomize timer()
' 1/2 size
iW=(iW\2) : iH=(ih\2)
' 3/4 size
'iW=(iW\4)*3 : iH=(ih\4)*3
dim as ubyte ptr pOld,pNew
dim as integer iP

screenres iW,iH,8,2
screenset 0
screenset 1,0
screeninfo iW,iH,,,iP
palette 1,255,255,255
for i as integer = 1 to 100000
  pset (100+rnd*(iW-200),100+rnd*(iH-200)),1
dim as integer fps,frames
dim as double tStart = timer()
while inkey()=""
  ' pNew is the hidden page
  draw string (0,0),"fps: " & fps
  screenset 1,0 ' show pNew
  ' after screenset pOld is the hidden page
  draw string (0,0),"fps: " & fps
  screenset 0,1 ' show pOLd

  frames+=2 ' count two frames
  if (frames mod 60)=0 then
    dim as double tNow=timer()
    fps=60/(tNow-tStart): tStart=tNow
  end if
  'sleep 1
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Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by srvaldez »

nice Joshy :-)
I get about 630+ fps
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by badidea »

A version, not optimised for speed, but with colors. White for newborn cells, Red for cells that had 3 neighbours, Green for cells that had 2 neighbours.

Code: Select all

const as long SW = 800, SH = 600 'screen width & height
screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16

const as long CSZ = 10 'cell size
const as long NCX = SW \ CSZ, NCY = SH \ CSZ 'number of cells in x & y direction

dim as long cell(0 to 1, 0 to NCX - 1, 0 to NCY - 1) '2 cell grids

const as long ALIVE = 1
const as long DEAD = 0

dim shared as long colour(0 to 7) = {_
	&hff000000, &hff0000ff, &hff00ff00, &hffff0000, _
	&hff00ffff, &hffffff00, &hffff00ff, &hffffffff}

sub init_cells(cell() as long, layer as long)
	for x as long = 0 to NCX - 1
		for y as long = 0 to NCY - 1
			cell(layer, x, y) = iif(rnd < 0.2, ALIVE, DEAD)
end sub

sub draw_cells(cell() as long, layer as long)
	dim as long c
	for x as long = 0 to NCX - 1
		for y as long = 0 to NCY - 1
			'c = iif(cell(layer, x, y) = DEAD, &hff000000, &hffffffff)
			c = colour(cell(layer, x, y))
			line(x * CSZ, y * CSZ)-step(CSZ - 2, CSZ - 2), c, bf
end sub

function count_neighbours(cell() as long, x as long, y as long, layer as long) as long
	dim as long x_nb, y_nb 'neighbour x & y
	dim as long sum = 0
	for xi as long = -1 to +1
		x_nb = x + xi
		if x_nb < 0 then
			x_nb = NCX - 1
		elseif x_nb >= NCX then
			x_nb = 0
		end if
		for yi as long = -1 to +1
			if xi = 0 and yi = 0 then continue for 'skip self
			y_nb = y + yi
			if y_nb < 0 then
				y_nb = NCY - 1
			elseif y_nb >= NCY then
				y_nb = 0
			end if
			'sum += cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb)
			if cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb) <> DEAD then sum +=1
	return sum
end function

sub update_cells(cell() as long, from_layer as long)
	dim as long neighbours, to_layer = from_layer xor 1
	for x as long = 0 to NCX - 1
		for y as long = 0 to NCY - 1
			neighbours = count_neighbours(cell(), x, y, from_layer)
			if cell(from_layer, x, y) = DEAD then
				if neighbours = 3 then
					cell(to_layer, x, y) = 7 'ALIVE
					cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
				end if
			else 'cell is alive
				if neighbours < 2 or neighbours > 3 then
					cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
					cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE
				end if
			end if
end sub

'init cells
dim as long layer = 0
randomize timer
init_cells(cell(), layer)

while not multikey(1) 'escape key
	update_cells(cell(), layer)
	layer xor= 1
	draw_cells(cell(), layer)
	sleep 100
A bit sad that this game of life often (always?) ends up in a pretty dead state with only some 3 cell blinkers remaining.
Posts: 8586
Joined: May 28, 2005 3:28

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by D.J.Peters »

@badidea I made some small changes to your code it's more 32/64-bit friendly and a cellsize of 1 is legal now also :-)


Code: Select all

type tIndex as uinteger ' the native is fast for 32/64-bit
type tColor as ulong ' use ulong allways
type tCell  as ubyte 

const as tCell ALIVE = 1
const as tCell DEAD  = 0
const as integer CELLSIZE = 3 
const as integer SW = 800, SH = 600 'screen width & height

dim shared as tCell cell(1,SW \ CELLSIZE, SH \ CELLSIZE) '2 cell grids
dim shared as tColor colors(0 to 7) = {_
   &hff000000, &hff0000ff, &hff00ff00, &hffff0000, _
   &hff00ffff, &hffffff00, &hffff00ff, &hffffffff}

sub init_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    cell(layer, x, y) = iif(rnd < 0.2, ALIVE, DEAD)
  next y,x
end sub

sub draw_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  dim as tColor c
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    c = colors(cell(layer, x, y))
    line(x * CELLSIZE, y * CELLSIZE) - step(CELLSIZE - 1, CELLSIZE - 1), c, bf
  next y,x
end sub

function count_neighbours(cell() as tCell, x as tIndex, y as tIndex, layer as tIndex) as integer
  dim as integer x_nb, y_nb 'neighbour x & y
  dim as integer sum = 0
  for xi as integer = -1 to +1
    x_nb = x + xi
    if x_nb < 0 then
      x_nb = ubound(cell,2)
    elseif x_nb > ubound(cell,2) then
      x_nb = 0
    end if
    for yi as integer = -1 to +1
      if xi = 0 and yi = 0 then continue for 'skip self
      y_nb = y + yi
      if y_nb < 0 then
        y_nb = ubound(cell,3)
      elseif y_nb >ubound(cell,3) then
        y_nb = 0
      end if
      if cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb) <> DEAD then sum +=1
  return sum
end function

sub update_cells(cell() as tCell, from_layer as integer)
  dim as integer neighbours, to_layer = from_layer xor 1
  for x as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
    for y as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
      neighbours = count_neighbours(cell(), x, y, from_layer)
      if cell(from_layer, x, y) = DEAD then
        if neighbours = 3 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = 7 'ALIVE
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
        end if
      else 'cell is alive
        if neighbours < 2 or neighbours > 3 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE
        end if
      end if
end sub
' main
screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16

dim as tIndex layer = 0
randomize timer()
init_cells(cell(), layer)
while not multikey(1) 'escape key
  update_cells(cell(), layer)
  layer xor= 1
  draw_cells(cell(), layer)
  'sleep 1
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by badidea »

yes, that is better. I was tired of typing 'integer' so many times.
With slightly modified 'game rules' you gets some structures that look like grain boundaries (

Code: Select all

type tIndex as uinteger ' the native is fast for 32/64-bit
type tColor as ulong ' use ulong allways
type tCell  as ubyte

const as tCell ALIVE = 1
const as tCell DEAD  = 0
const as integer CELLSIZE = 3
const as integer SW = 800, SH = 600 'screen width & height

dim shared as tCell cell(1,SW \ CELLSIZE - 1, SH \ CELLSIZE - 1) '2 cell grids
dim shared as tColor colors(0 to 7) = {_
   &hff000000, &hff0000ff, &hff00ff00, &hffff0000, _
   &hff00ffff, &hffffff00, &hffff00ff, &hffffffff}

sub init_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    cell(layer, x, y) = iif(rnd < 0.2, ALIVE, DEAD)
  next y,x
end sub

sub draw_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  dim as tColor c
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    c = colors(cell(layer, x, y))
    line(x * CELLSIZE, y * CELLSIZE) - step(CELLSIZE - 1, CELLSIZE - 1), c, bf
  next y,x
end sub

function count_neighbours(cell() as tCell, x as tIndex, y as tIndex, layer as tIndex) as integer
  dim as integer x_nb, y_nb 'neighbour x & y
  dim as integer sum = 0
  for xi as integer = -1 to +1
    x_nb = x + xi
    if x_nb < 0 then
      x_nb = ubound(cell,2)
    elseif x_nb > ubound(cell,2) then
      x_nb = 0
    end if
    for yi as integer = -1 to +1
      if xi = 0 and yi = 0 then continue for 'skip self
      y_nb = y + yi
      if y_nb < 0 then
        y_nb = ubound(cell,3)
      elseif y_nb >ubound(cell,3) then
        y_nb = 0
      end if
      if cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb) <> DEAD then sum +=1
  return sum
end function

sub update_cells(cell() as tCell, from_layer as integer)
  dim as integer neighbours, to_layer = from_layer xor 1
  for x as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
    for y as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
      neighbours = count_neighbours(cell(), x, y, from_layer)
      if cell(from_layer, x, y) = DEAD then
        if neighbours = 4 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = 7 'ALIVE
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
        end if
      else 'cell is alive
        if neighbours < 1 or neighbours > 4 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE
        end if
      end if
end sub
' main
screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16

dim as tIndex layer = 0
randomize timer()
init_cells(cell(), layer)
while not multikey(1) 'escape key
  update_cells(cell(), layer)
  layer xor= 1
  draw_cells(cell(), layer)
  sleep 10
It was drawing 1 row and 1 column off-screen, so I changed line 10 to:

Code: Select all

dim shared as tCell cell(1, SW \ CELLSIZE - 1, SH \ CELLSIZE - 1) '2 cell grids
I did not know the syntax next y,x
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by badidea »

The B3/S12345 'maze generator':

Code: Select all

type tIndex as uinteger ' the native is fast for 32/64-bit
type tColor as ulong ' use ulong allways
type tCell  as ubyte

const as tCell ALIVE = 1
const as tCell DEAD  = 0
const as integer CELLSIZE = 2
const as integer SW = 800, SH = 600 'screen width & height

dim shared as tCell cell(1,SW \ CELLSIZE - 1, SH \ CELLSIZE - 1) '2 cell grids
dim shared as tColor colors(0 to 7) = {_
   &hff000000, &hff0000ff, &hff00ff00, &hffff0000, _
   &hff00ffff, &hffffff00, &hffff00ff, &hffffffff}

sub init_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    cell(layer, x, y) = iif(rnd < 0.02, ALIVE, DEAD)
  next y,x
end sub

sub draw_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  dim as tColor c
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    c = colors(cell(layer, x, y))
    line(x * CELLSIZE, y * CELLSIZE) - step(CELLSIZE - 1, CELLSIZE - 1), c, bf
  next y,x
end sub

function count_neighbours(cell() as tCell, x as tIndex, y as tIndex, layer as tIndex) as integer
  dim as integer x_nb, y_nb 'neighbour x & y
  dim as integer sum = 0
  for xi as integer = -1 to +1
    x_nb = x + xi
    if x_nb < 0 then
      x_nb = ubound(cell,2)
    elseif x_nb > ubound(cell,2) then
      x_nb = 0
    end if
    for yi as integer = -1 to +1
      if xi = 0 and yi = 0 then continue for 'skip self
      y_nb = y + yi
      if y_nb < 0 then
        y_nb = ubound(cell,3)
      elseif y_nb >ubound(cell,3) then
        y_nb = 0
      end if
      if cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb) <> DEAD then sum +=1
  return sum
end function

sub update_cells(cell() as tCell, from_layer as integer)
  dim as integer neighbours, to_layer = from_layer xor 1
  for x as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
    for y as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
      neighbours = count_neighbours(cell(), x, y, from_layer)
      if cell(from_layer, x, y) = DEAD then
        if neighbours = 3 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE '(born)
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
        end if
      else 'cell is alive
        if neighbours >= 1 and neighbours <= 5 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = 2 'neighbours 'ALIVE
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD '(dies)
        end if
      end if
end sub
' main
screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16

dim as tIndex layer = 0
randomize timer()
init_cells(cell(), layer)
while not multikey(1) 'escape key
  update_cells(cell(), layer)
  layer xor= 1
  draw_cells(cell(), layer)
  sleep 10
More Life-like cellular automata: ... r_automata

This one was missing in the list. I named it the B5678/S5678 'racetrack generator':

Code: Select all

type tIndex as uinteger ' the native is fast for 32/64-bit
type tColor as ulong ' use ulong allways
type tCell  as ubyte

const as tCell ALIVE = 1
const as tCell DEAD  = 0
const as integer CELLSIZE = 2
const as integer SW = 800, SH = 600 'screen width & height

dim shared as tCell cell(1,SW \ CELLSIZE - 1, SH \ CELLSIZE - 1) '2 cell grids
dim shared as tColor colors(0 to 8) = {_
   &hff000000, &hff0000ff, &hff00ff00, &hffff0000, _
   &hff00ffff, &hffffff00, &hffff00ff, &hffffffff, &hff000000}

sub init_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    cell(layer, x, y) = iif(rnd < 0.5, ALIVE, DEAD)
  next y,x
end sub

sub draw_cells(cell() as tCell, layer as tIndex)
  dim as tColor c
  for x as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
  for y as tIndex = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
    c = colors(cell(layer, x, y))
    line(x * CELLSIZE, y * CELLSIZE) - step(CELLSIZE - 1, CELLSIZE - 1), c, bf
  next y,x
end sub

function count_neighbours(cell() as tCell, x as tIndex, y as tIndex, layer as tIndex) as integer
  dim as integer x_nb, y_nb 'neighbour x & y
  dim as integer sum = 0
  for xi as integer = -1 to +1
    x_nb = x + xi
    if x_nb < 0 then
      x_nb = ubound(cell,2)
    elseif x_nb > ubound(cell,2) then
      x_nb = 0
    end if
    for yi as integer = -1 to +1
      if xi = 0 and yi = 0 then continue for 'skip self
      y_nb = y + yi
      if y_nb < 0 then
        y_nb = ubound(cell,3)
      elseif y_nb >ubound(cell,3) then
        y_nb = 0
      end if
      if cell(layer, x_nb, y_nb) <> DEAD then sum +=1
  return sum
end function


sub update_cells(cell() as tCell, from_layer as integer)
  dim as integer neighbours, to_layer = from_layer xor 1
  for x as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,2)
    for y as integer = 0 to ubound(cell,3)
      neighbours = count_neighbours(cell(), x, y, from_layer)
      if cell(from_layer, x, y) = DEAD then
        if neighbours >= 5 and neighbours <= 8 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE '(born)
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD
        end if
      else 'cell is alive
        if neighbours >= 4 and neighbours <= 8 then
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = neighbours 'ALIVE
          cell(to_layer, x, y) = DEAD '(dies)
        end if
      end if
end sub
' main
screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16

dim as tIndex layer = 0
randomize timer()
init_cells(cell(), layer)
while not multikey(1) 'escape key
  update_cells(cell(), layer)
  layer xor= 1
  draw_cells(cell(), layer)
  sleep 10
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Conway's game of life without borders.

Post by Gunslinger »

Hi, i like to share my version of game of life with a little modification.
Looks like a race track generator now because of the modification i did.
Press escape to exit.

Code: Select all

const scr_w = 1920
const scr_h = 1080
screenres scr_w, scr_h, 8, 2, 0
screenset 1

dim shared a(-1 to scr_w, -1 to scr_h) as ubyte ' alive
dim shared n(scr_w-1, scr_h-1) as ubyte             ' neighbors
dim count as ubyte
dim as integer mx, my, mb

for i as integer = 0 to scr_w*scr_h
	a(rnd*scr_w, rnd*rnd*scr_h) = 1

	for y as integer = 0 to scr_h-1
		for x as integer = 0 to scr_w-1
			count = a(x-1, y-1) + a(x  , y-1) + a(x+1, y-1) +_
					a(x-1, y  )               + a(x+1, y  ) +_
					a(x-1, y+1) + a(x  , y+1) + a(x+1, y+1)
			n(x,y) = count
	for y as integer = 0 to scr_h-1
		for x as integer = 0 to scr_w-1
			'pset (x, y), n(x,y)
			if (a(x, y) = 1 and n(x, y) = 2) or n(x, y) < 4 then
				pset (x, y), n(x, y) * 15
				a(x, y) = 1
				pset (x, y), n(x, y) * 15
				a(x, y) = 0
			end if
	screencopy 1, 0
loop while inkey<>chr(27)

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