I've tried various solutions including changing the character set in the terminal, but in the end it still doesn't work.
The characters I use for DOS and Windows are not displayed under Linux, and even creating the same interface with "LINE" this works in a graphical environment but does not show anything if run without X running, therefore I try to find a character set that is in common between DOS and Linux.
Is there anything?
Thank you for your attention.
ps this is the char code
Code: Select all
dim as integer STopLeft = 218,SVerLine = 179, STopRight = 191, SBottLeft = 192, SBottTLine = 193, STopTLin = 194
dim as integer SOriLine = 196, SCrossLin = 197, SBottRight = 217
dim as integer SLeftTLine = 180, SRightTLine = 195
dim as integer DRightTLine = 185, DVerLine = 186, DTopRight = 187, DBottRight = 188
dim as integer DBottLeft = 200, DTopLeft = 201, DBottTLine = 202, DTopTLine = 203
dim as integer DLeftTLine = 204, DOriLine = 205, DCrosLine = 206
dim as integer CursA = 176, CursB = 177, CursC = 178, CursD = 219
dim as integer ShadowADown = 220, ShadowAUp = 223, ShadowVert = 219