CPU % usage meter.

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CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

As a follow up to the Windows stability thread and my for fun contribution in that thread:

Code: Select all

#include "windows.bi"

Function getSystemCPUTime(Byref totalTime  As Ulongint, Byref idleTime As Ulongint)As boolean
      Dim As FILETIME ftSysIdle, ftSysKernel, ftSysUser
      If (GetSystemTimes(@ftSysIdle, @ftSysKernel, @ftSysUser))=0 Then Return false
      Dim As  ULARGE_INTEGER sysKernel, sysUser, sysIdle
      sysKernel.HighPart = ftSysKernel.dwHighDateTime
      sysKernel.LowPart = ftSysKernel.dwLowDateTime
      sysUser.HighPart = ftSysUser.dwHighDateTime
      sysUser.LowPart = ftSysUser.dwLowDateTime
      sysIdle.HighPart = ftSysIdle.dwHighDateTime
      sysIdle.LowPart = ftSysIdle.dwLowDateTime
      totalTime = sysKernel.QuadPart + sysUser.QuadPart
      idleTime = sysIdle.QuadPart
      Return true
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
      Var f=Freefile
      Dim As String tmp
      Open Pipe s For Input As #f 
      Do Until Eof(f)
            Line Input #f,tmp
      Close #f
      Return s
End Function 

Function map(a As Double,b As Double,x As Double,c As Double,d As Double) As Double
      Return (d-c)*(x-a)/(b-a)+c
End Function

Sub Line_To(x1 As Long,y1 As Long,x2 As Long,y2 As Long,d As Single,Byref x As Long=0,Byref y As Long=0,i As Any Ptr=0) 
End Sub

Sub thick_line(x1 As Long,y1 As Long,x2 As Long,y2 As Long,thickness As Single, colour As Ulong,im As Any Ptr=0)
      If thickness<2 Then
            Line im,(x1,y1)-(x2,y2),colour
            Var h=Sqr((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2) 
            If h=0 Then h=1e-6
            Var s=(y1-y2)/h               
            Var c=(x2-x1)/h 
            Line im,(x1+s*thickness/2,y1+c*thickness/2)-(x2+s*thickness/2,y2+c*thickness/2),colour
            Line im,(x1-s*thickness/2,y1-c*thickness/2)-(x2-s*thickness/2,y2-c*thickness/2),colour
            Line im,(x1+s*thickness/2,y1+c*thickness/2)-(x1-s*thickness/2,y1-c*thickness/2),colour
            Line im,(x2+s*thickness/2,y2+c*thickness/2)-(x2-s*thickness/2,y2-c*thickness/2),colour
            Paint im,((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2), colour, colour
      End If
End Sub

Sub drawline(x As Long,y As Long,angle As Single,lngth As Double,Byref x2 As Long=0,Byref y2 As Long=0)
End Sub

Sub digits(t As String,x As Long,y As Long,clr As Ulong,sz As Single,gap As Long=1,img As Any Pointer=0)
      Dim As Single s=Any,c=Any
      Dim As Single  d =Iif(gap, sz/10,0)
      #macro thickline(x1,y1,x2,y2)
      Line img,(x1-s,y1-c)-(x2+s,y2+c),clr,bf
      #macro display(_a,_b,_c,_d,_e,_f,_g)
      If _a=1 Then :thickline(x+d,y,(x-d+sz),y):End If 
      If _b=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),y+d,(x+sz),(y-d+sz)):End If
      If _c=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),(y+d+sz),(x+sz),(y-d+2*sz)):End If 
      If _d=1 Then :thickline((x-d+sz),(y+2*sz),x+d,(y+2*sz)):End If ''
      If _e=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+2*sz),x,(y+d+sz)):End If
      If _f=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+sz),x,y+d):End If
      If _g=1 Then :thickline(x+d,(y+sz),(x-d+sz),(y+sz)):End If 
      For z As Long=0 To Len(t)-1
            Select Case As Const t[z]
            Case 48 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,0)             '"0"
            Case 49 :display(0,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"1"
            Case 50 :display(1,1,0,1,1,0,1)             '"2"
            Case 51 :display(1,1,1,1,0,0,1)             '"3"
            Case 52 :display(0,1,1,0,0,1,1)             '"4"
            Case 53 :display(1,0,1,1,0,1,1)             '"5"
            Case 54 :display(1,0,1,1,1,1,1)             '"6"
            Case 55 :display(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"7"
            Case 56 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)             '"8"
            Case 57 :display(1,1,1,1,0,1,1)            '"9"
            Case 58                                     '":"                   
                  Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+sz/2)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
                  Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.5*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
            Case 45 :display(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)              '"-"                       
            Case 46                                      '"."                       
                  Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.9*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
            Case 32                                      '" "
            End Select
      Next z
End Sub  

Sub createdial(i As Any Ptr)
      Circle i,(400,300),265,Rgb(110,110,110),,,,f
      Circle i,(273,443),2,0,,,,f
      Circle i,(524,439),2,0,,,,f
      Dim As Any Ptr i2=Imagecreate(30,30,Rgb(110,110,110))
      Circle i2,(15-4,5),3,Rgb(200,200,200)
      Circle i2,(15+4,25),3,Rgb(200,200,200)
      Put i,(435-10,345),i2,Pset
      Dim As Long a,b,x,y
      Var z=6
      For n As Single=-40-z To 220+z Step 1.7
            Dim As Long k=map(-40-z,220+z,n,100,0)
            If k Mod 10=0 Then
                  Line i,(a,b)-(x,y),Rgb(0,0,0)
            End If
            If k Mod 5=0 And n Mod 10<>0  Then
                  Line i,(a,b)-(x,y),Rgb(0,0,0)
            End If
      Next n
      Imagedestroy i2
End Sub

Sub rotateimage(Byref dest As Any Ptr=0,im As Any Ptr,angle As Single,shiftx As Long=0,shifty As Long=0,sc As Single=1,miss As Ulong=Rgb(255,0,255),fixedpivot As boolean=false)
    Static As Integer pitch,pitchs,xres,yres,runflag
    Static As Any Ptr row,rows
    Static As Integer ddx,ddy,resultx,resulty
    Imageinfo im,ddx,ddy,,pitch,row
    If dest=0 Then
    Screeninfo xres,yres,,,pitchS
    If sc<>1 Then 
        Dim As Integer x,y
        Imageinfo dest,x,y
    Imagedestroy dest:dest=0: dest=Imagecreate(x*sc,y*sc)
    End If
    Imageinfo dest, xres,yres,,pitchS,rows
    End If
    Dim As Long centreX=ddx\2,centreY=ddy\2
    Dim As Single sx=Sin(angle)
    Dim As Single cx=Cos(angle)
    Dim As Long mx=Iif(ddx>=ddy,ddx,ddy),shftx,shfty
    Var fx=sc*.7071067811865476,sc2=1/sc
    If fixedpivot=false Then
     End If
    For y As Long=centrey-fx*mx+1 To centrey+ fx*mx 
        Dim As Single sxcy=Sx*(y-centrey),cxcy=Cx*(y-centrey)
        For x As Long=centrex-mx*fx To centrex+mx*fx 
                 If x+shiftx >=0 Then 'on the screen
                    If x+shiftx <xres Then
                        If shfty >=0 Then
                            If shfty<yres Then
            resultx=sc2*(Cx*(x-centrex)-Sxcy) +centrex:resulty=sc2*(Sx*(x-centrex)+Cxcy) +centrey
                If resultx >=0 Then 'on the image
                    If resultx<ddx Then
                        If resulty>=0 Then
                            If resulty<ddy Then
    Dim As Ulong u=*Cast(Ulong Ptr,row+pitch*((resultY))+((resultX)) Shl 2 ) 'point(image)
   If u<>miss Then *Cast(Ulong Ptr,rowS+pitchS*(y+shifty)+(x+shiftx) Shl 2)= u 'pset (screen)
      End If:End If:End If:End If
      End If:End If:End If:End If
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Function odometer(v As Long) As Long
      Const pi=4*Atn(1)
      Static As Long s=0
      Static As Any Ptr tmp,hnd
      If tmp=0 Then tmp=Imagecreate(1600,100,Rgb(255,255,255))
      If hnd=0 Then 
            Var dx=20
            Line hnd,(dx,10)-(15+dx,0),Rgb(200,00,00)
            Line hnd,(dx,10)-(15+dx,20),Rgb(200,00,00)
            Line hnd,(15+dx,0)-(15+dx,20),Rgb(200,00,00)
            Paint hnd,(10+dx,10),Rgb(200,00,00),Rgb(200,00,00)
            circle hnd,(230,10),10,rgb(200,200,200),,,.9,f
      End If
      Static As Any Ptr strip
      If strip=0 Then 
            For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
                  Line strip,(0,n)-(1600,n),Rgb(220,220,220)
            Next n
      End If
      Dim As Long w,h,ctrx,ctry
      Imageinfo hnd,w,h
      Dim As Double k=map(100,0,v,-46,226)
      Var ypos=map(0,100,v,99,0)
      If s>=800 Then 
            Get strip,(800,0)-(1600-1,100-1),tmp
            Line strip,(0,0)-(1600,100),Rgb(255,255,255),bf
            For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
                  Line strip,(0,n)-(1600,n),Rgb(220,220,220)
            Next n
            Put strip,(0,0),tmp,Pset
      End If
      Put (0-s,600),strip,Pset
      For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
      Next n
      Return v
End Function

Sub Remove(Text As String,Char As String)
      Var index = 0,asci=Asc(char)
      For i As Integer = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
            If Text[i] <> asci Then Text[index] = Text[i] : index =index+ 1
      Next : Text = Left(Text,index)
End Sub

Sub title()
      Dim As String g
      Var s=pipeout("wmic cpu get maxclockspeed")
      s=pipeout("wmic cpu get numberofcores")
      Screenres 800,700,32
      Color ,Rgb(170,170,170)
      Width 800\8,700\14
      Windowtitle g+s+" Close window to finish"
End Sub

Function GetCPU() As Long
      Static As Any Ptr im 
      If im=0 Then 
      End If
      Dim As Ulong interval = 1000
      Dim As ULONGLONG totalPrev = 0, totalCurr = 0
      Dim As ULONGLONG idlePrev = 0, idleCurr = 0
      Dim As ULONGLONG tmp
      Dim As String key
      Dim As Ulong totalCPUUsage = 0
      Dim As Long result = getSystemCPUTime(totalPrev, idlePrev)
      While true
            If (getSystemCPUTime(totalCurr, idleCurr)) Then
                  Dim As  LONGLONG total = totalCurr - totalPrev
                  If (total > 0) Then
                        Dim As  LONGLONG idle = idleCurr - idlePrev
                        totalCPUUsage = (100 * (total - idle) / (total))
                        If key=Chr(27) Or key=Chr(255)+"k" Then Return 0
                  End If
                  totalPrev = totalCurr
                  idlePrev = idleCurr
            End If
      Return 0
End Function

End GetCPU()

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Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by deltarho[1859] »


I have noticed, of late, that your 'listings' are much tidier than they used to be – formerly reminding me of a dog's hind leg. :)

Having said that, the indentation is a little aggressive for my taste.

Nice meter by the way.
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by srvaldez »

I think the indentation is exaggerated by the forum, a tab is translated into 6 spaces rather 4
a workaround would be to replace tabs with spaces before posting
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by srvaldez »

dodicat, I hope won't mind, I edited your code a bit for consistent indentation replacing tabs with spaces and where you had 3 spaces into 4

Code: Select all

#include "windows.bi"

Function getSystemCPUTime(Byref totalTime  As Ulongint, Byref idleTime As Ulongint)As boolean
    Dim As FILETIME ftSysIdle, ftSysKernel, ftSysUser
    If (GetSystemTimes(@ftSysIdle, @ftSysKernel, @ftSysUser))=0 Then Return false
    Dim As  ULARGE_INTEGER sysKernel, sysUser, sysIdle
    sysKernel.HighPart = ftSysKernel.dwHighDateTime
    sysKernel.LowPart = ftSysKernel.dwLowDateTime
    sysUser.HighPart = ftSysUser.dwHighDateTime
    sysUser.LowPart = ftSysUser.dwLowDateTime
    sysIdle.HighPart = ftSysIdle.dwHighDateTime
    sysIdle.LowPart = ftSysIdle.dwLowDateTime
    totalTime = sysKernel.QuadPart + sysUser.QuadPart
    idleTime = sysIdle.QuadPart
    Return true
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
    Open Pipe s For Input As #f
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function

Function map(a As Double,b As Double,x As Double,c As Double,d As Double) As Double
    Return (d-c)*(x-a)/(b-a)+c
End Function

Sub Line_To(x1 As Long,y1 As Long,x2 As Long,y2 As Long,d As Single,Byref x As Long=0,Byref y As Long=0,i As Any Ptr=0)
End Sub

Sub thick_line(x1 As Long,y1 As Long,x2 As Long,y2 As Long,thickness As Single, colour As Ulong,im As Any Ptr=0)
    If thickness<2 Then
        Line im,(x1,y1)-(x2,y2),colour
        Var h=Sqr((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)
        If h=0 Then h=1e-6
        Var s=(y1-y2)/h
        Var c=(x2-x1)/h
        Line im,(x1+s*thickness/2,y1+c*thickness/2)-(x2+s*thickness/2,y2+c*thickness/2),colour
        Line im,(x1-s*thickness/2,y1-c*thickness/2)-(x2-s*thickness/2,y2-c*thickness/2),colour
        Line im,(x1+s*thickness/2,y1+c*thickness/2)-(x1-s*thickness/2,y1-c*thickness/2),colour
        Line im,(x2+s*thickness/2,y2+c*thickness/2)-(x2-s*thickness/2,y2-c*thickness/2),colour
        Paint im,((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2), colour, colour
    End If
End Sub

Sub drawline(x As Long,y As Long,angle As Single,lngth As Double,Byref x2 As Long=0,Byref y2 As Long=0)
End Sub

Sub digits(t As String,x As Long,y As Long,clr As Ulong,sz As Single,gap As Long=1,img As Any Pointer=0)
    Dim As Single s=Any,c=Any
    Dim As Single  d =Iif(gap, sz/10,0)
    #macro thickline(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    Line img,(x1-s,y1-c)-(x2+s,y2+c),clr,bf
    #macro display(_a,_b,_c,_d,_e,_f,_g)
    If _a=1 Then :thickline(x+d,y,(x-d+sz),y):End If
    If _b=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),y+d,(x+sz),(y-d+sz)):End If
    If _c=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),(y+d+sz),(x+sz),(y-d+2*sz)):End If
    If _d=1 Then :thickline((x-d+sz),(y+2*sz),x+d,(y+2*sz)):End If ''
    If _e=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+2*sz),x,(y+d+sz)):End If
    If _f=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+sz),x,y+d):End If
    If _g=1 Then :thickline(x+d,(y+sz),(x-d+sz),(y+sz)):End If
    For z As Long=0 To Len(t)-1
        Select Case As Const t[z]
        Case 48 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,0)             '"0"
        Case 49 :display(0,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"1"
        Case 50 :display(1,1,0,1,1,0,1)             '"2"
        Case 51 :display(1,1,1,1,0,0,1)             '"3"
        Case 52 :display(0,1,1,0,0,1,1)             '"4"
        Case 53 :display(1,0,1,1,0,1,1)             '"5"
        Case 54 :display(1,0,1,1,1,1,1)             '"6"
        Case 55 :display(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"7"
        Case 56 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)             '"8"
        Case 57 :display(1,1,1,1,0,1,1)            '"9"
        Case 58                                     '":"
            Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+sz/2)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
            Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.5*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
        Case 45 :display(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)              '"-"
        Case 46                                      '"."
            Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.9*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
        Case 32                                      '" "
        End Select
    Next z
End Sub

Sub createdial(i As Any Ptr)
    Circle i,(400,300),265,Rgb(110,110,110),,,,f
    Circle i,(273,443),2,0,,,,f
    Circle i,(524,439),2,0,,,,f
    Dim As Any Ptr i2=Imagecreate(30,30,Rgb(110,110,110))
    Circle i2,(15-4,5),3,Rgb(200,200,200)
    Circle i2,(15+4,25),3,Rgb(200,200,200)
    Put i,(435-10,345),i2,Pset
    Dim As Long a,b,x,y
    Var z=6
    For n As Single=-40-z To 220+z Step 1.7
        Dim As Long k=map(-40-z,220+z,n,100,0)
        If k Mod 10=0 Then
            Line i,(a,b)-(x,y),Rgb(0,0,0)
        End If
        If k Mod 5=0 And n Mod 10<>0  Then
            Line i,(a,b)-(x,y),Rgb(0,0,0)
        End If
    Next n
    Imagedestroy i2
End Sub

Sub rotateimage(Byref dest As Any Ptr=0,im As Any Ptr,angle As Single,shiftx As Long=0,shifty As Long=0,sc As Single=1,miss As Ulong=Rgb(255,0,255),fixedpivot As boolean=false)
    Static As Integer pitch,pitchs,xres,yres,runflag
    Static As Any Ptr row,rows
    Static As Integer ddx,ddy,resultx,resulty
    Imageinfo im,ddx,ddy,,pitch,row
    If dest=0 Then
    Screeninfo xres,yres,,,pitchS
    If sc<>1 Then
        Dim As Integer x,y
        Imageinfo dest,x,y
        Imagedestroy dest:dest=0: dest=Imagecreate(x*sc,y*sc)
    End If
    Imageinfo dest, xres,yres,,pitchS,rows
    End If
    Dim As Long centreX=ddx\2,centreY=ddy\2
    Dim As Single sx=Sin(angle)
    Dim As Single cx=Cos(angle)
    Dim As Long mx=Iif(ddx>=ddy,ddx,ddy),shftx,shfty
    Var fx=sc*.7071067811865476,sc2=1/sc
    If fixedpivot=false Then
    End If
    For y As Long=centrey-fx*mx+1 To centrey+ fx*mx
        Dim As Single sxcy=Sx*(y-centrey),cxcy=Cx*(y-centrey)
        For x As Long=centrex-mx*fx To centrex+mx*fx
            If x+shiftx >=0 Then 'on the screen
                If x+shiftx <xres Then
                    If shfty >=0 Then
                        If shfty<yres Then
                            resultx=sc2*(Cx*(x-centrex)-Sxcy) +centrex:resulty=sc2*(Sx*(x-centrex)+Cxcy) +centrey
                            If resultx >=0 Then 'on the image
                                If resultx<ddx Then
                                    If resulty>=0 Then
                                        If resulty<ddy Then
                                            Dim As Ulong u=*Cast(Ulong Ptr,row+pitch*((resultY))+((resultX)) Shl 2 ) 'point(image)
                                            If u<>miss Then *Cast(Ulong Ptr,rowS+pitchS*(y+shifty)+(x+shiftx) Shl 2)= u 'pset (screen)
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next x
    Next y
End Sub

Function odometer(v As Long) As Long
    Const pi=4*Atn(1)
    Static As Long s=0
    Static As Any Ptr tmp,hnd
    If tmp=0 Then tmp=Imagecreate(1600,100,Rgb(255,255,255))
    If hnd=0 Then
        Var dx=20
        Line hnd,(dx,10)-(15+dx,0),Rgb(200,00,00)
        Line hnd,(dx,10)-(15+dx,20),Rgb(200,00,00)
        Line hnd,(15+dx,0)-(15+dx,20),Rgb(200,00,00)
        Paint hnd,(10+dx,10),Rgb(200,00,00),Rgb(200,00,00)
        circle hnd,(230,10),10,rgb(200,200,200),,,.9,f
    End If
    Static As Any Ptr strip
    If strip=0 Then
        For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
            Line strip,(0,n)-(1600,n),Rgb(220,220,220)
        Next n
    End If
    Dim As Long w,h,ctrx,ctry
    Imageinfo hnd,w,h
    Dim As Double k=map(100,0,v,-46,226)
    Var ypos=map(0,100,v,99,0)
    If s>=800 Then
        Get strip,(800,0)-(1600-1,100-1),tmp
        Line strip,(0,0)-(1600,100),Rgb(255,255,255),bf
        For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
            Line strip,(0,n)-(1600,n),Rgb(220,220,220)
        Next n
        Put strip,(0,0),tmp,Pset
    End If
    Put (0-s,600),strip,Pset
    For n As Long=10 To 90 Step 10
    Next n
    Return v
End Function

Sub Remove(Text As String,Char As String)
    Var index = 0,asci=Asc(char)
    For i As Integer = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
        If Text[i] <> asci Then Text[index] = Text[i] : index =index+ 1
    Next : Text = Left(Text,index)
End Sub

Sub title()
    Dim As String g
    Var s=pipeout("wmic cpu get maxclockspeed")
    s=pipeout("wmic cpu get numberofcores")
    Screenres 800,700,32
    Color ,Rgb(170,170,170)
    Width 800\8,700\14
    Windowtitle g+s+" Close window to finish"
End Sub

Function GetCPU() As Long
    Static As Any Ptr im
    If im=0 Then
    End If
    Dim As Ulong interval = 1000
    Dim As ULONGLONG totalPrev = 0, totalCurr = 0
    Dim As ULONGLONG idlePrev = 0, idleCurr = 0
    Dim As ULONGLONG tmp
    Dim As String key
    Dim As Ulong totalCPUUsage = 0
    Dim As Long result = getSystemCPUTime(totalPrev, idlePrev)
    While true

        If (getSystemCPUTime(totalCurr, idleCurr)) Then
            Dim As  LONGLONG total = totalCurr - totalPrev
            If (total > 0) Then
                Dim As  LONGLONG idle = idleCurr - idlePrev
                totalCPUUsage = (100 * (total - idle) / (total))
                If key=Chr(27) Or key=Chr(255)+"k" Then Return 0
            End If
            totalPrev = totalCurr
            idlePrev = idleCurr
        End If
    Return 0
End Function

End GetCPU()
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Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by deltarho[1859] »

I don't know about other IDEs, but WinFBE has an option to 'Treat Tab as spaces'. I have always used that.

WinFBE 3.0.0 has a 'Extra line spacing' option which does wonders for readability. Unfortunately, the forum software rips that out on Pasteing. :x
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

Thanks for testing.
fbide's auto indent is thrown completely off by the rotateimage sub.
I removed the rotateimage sub temporarily, got fbide to auto indent (I use a tab size of 6), then popped rotateimage back in at the last.
fbgfx could really do with an antialiasing option, the rough edges spoil the graphics, they can look primitive and clumsy.
Posts: 4308
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Location: UK

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by deltarho[1859] »


Have another look at WinFBE - it has moved on a bit. :)

Version 3.0.0
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

Hi deltarho.
I cannot set my compiler path in the version 3.0.0
I have the file->preferences->Environment Options -> Compiler setup, but I can only choose the help file location.
I cannot select under Toolchains, is there a way around this?
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Joined: Jan 02, 2017 0:34
Location: UK

Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by deltarho[1859] »


Prior to 3.0.0 we put the toolchains in the WinFBE_Suite folder. With 3.0.0 we put the toolchains in the WinFBE_Suite/toolchains folder. That is the only change regarding toolchains.

Have a look at SetCompilerSwitchesII - we are now ruined for options. :)
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

I still cannot chose a compiler in Compiler setup.
I am stuck with 1.09.0
You can now put your switches into code since 1.09.0
#cmdline "-gen gcc -Wc -O3"
Also I have an empty line after each line of code in the ide??
How do I know which compiler I am using, did I choose WinFBE32.exe or WinFBE64.exe at the start?
(I do forget sometimes while writing and testing code)
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by srvaldez »

Hi dodicat
press shift-F7, select Themes and Fonts
select the theme from the right pane and near the bottom you will have an Extra line spacing box, set it to your liking, I set mine to 0

press F7 to get the build configurator dialog where you can select a number of options
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by deltarho[1859] »


I had forgotten that 3.0.0 comes with "FreeBASIC-1.09.0-winlibs-gcc-9.3.0" in the toolchains folder.

> I am stuck with 1.09.0

Just drop others into the toolchains folder.

This is my working toolchains folder. I have another one with more toolchains than we can shake a stick at, but is a bit over-the-top.


> You can now put your switches into code since 1.09.0

I know but clicking on a radio button is a hell of a lot faster giving access to gas/gas64 and gcc 32/64. It is also easy to add -exx for development. Switching between 32-bit mode and 64-bit mode is easy with the '-arch ?' Check 3 State Box. The options are not carved in stone. We can remove/add by editing "SetCompilerSwitchesII.ini" in the Tools folder.

> Also I have an empty line after each line of code in the ide??

In 'Environment Options > Themes and Fonts' there is 'Extra line spacing'. The default is 10. Weird! Choose 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., <whatever> to find one which suits you. Actually it is more like vertical pixel spacing than line spacing. srvaldez beat me to it. :) I find code more readable with a few extra pixels.

> How do I know which compiler I am using, did I choose WinFBE32.exe or WinFBE64.exe at the start?

WinFBE32.exe is 32-bit WinFBE and WinFBE64.exe is 64-bit WinFBE - nothing to do with the compiler. Some folk only have a 32-bit OS so WinFBE64.exe ain't going to work for them. The 'About' dialog tells you which you are using.

Added: I have my build fixed at Win64 GUI (Release). I also use '#Console On as the first line with new code. That overrides GUI with Console; if I don't need Console I just add another comment character. If I use -arch ? with the black square, that overrides the 64-bit to 32-bit. An empty square gives 64-bit. A ticked square gives native, but I never use that. The only time I change Win64 GUI (Release) is when writing libraries, which is rare.
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

Thanks deltarho, I have it fixed now via the options.

I got caught out initially, in my downloads folder I already had WinFBESuite.zip
version 3.0.0 was put into WinFBS_Suite (1).zip by Win 10.
I copied this across into my working folder and expanded into WinFBE_Suite (1)
No good of course, a space in the path name.
I did the obvious and renamed to WinFBE_Suite1.
Then winFBE.ini was out.
Then I couldn't set a new compiler path from the ide, as I could in my previous WinFBE_suite, so I had to alter the .ini file.
You say:
"WinFBE32.exe is 32-bit WinFBE and WinFBE64.exe is 64-bit WinFBE - nothing to do with the compiler"
But in fact the 32 bit and 64 bit are two distinct compilers, although in WinFBE_Suite they share the same inc folder, which I must admit I thought some 64 and 32 bit .bi files were slightly different.

I now have from https://winlibs.com/
gcc (MinGW-W64 x86_64-posix-seh, built by Brecht Sanders) 12.1.0
Which I use for my Dev-Cpp, but not for freebasic.

Anyway, WinFBE is an ongoing project, with the visual editor and things. An editor to me is just something to write code into, notepad actually does the job, so fbide has been my way since I started freebasic.
It does sometimes choke for no apparent reason, but not often.
Now with the #cmdline option the uppercase problem has evaporated away.
It has the option of tab sizes and auto indent which sometimes screws up, but not often.
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by PaulSquires »

dodicat wrote: May 31, 2022 6:17 "WinFBE32.exe is 32-bit WinFBE and WinFBE64.exe is 64-bit WinFBE - nothing to do with the compiler"
But in fact the 32 bit and 64 bit are two distinct compilers, although in WinFBE_Suite they share the same inc folder, which I must admit I thought some 64 and 32 bit .bi files were slightly different.
Hi dodicat, just to clarify a bit, WinFBE32.exe is the 32-bit version of the editor while WinFBE64.exe is the 64-bit version. The compilers are named fbc32.exe and fbc64.exe. So, for example, you can easily use the WinFBE32.exe editor to compile your source code using the fbc64.exe compiler, etc.
Also, I have never had any issue with the combining of the inc folders and have never seen a compatibility issue but if you (or anyone else reading this) ever see one then please let me know.
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Re: CPU % usage meter.

Post by dodicat »

Thanks PaulSquires.
and deltarho
Thanks for clearing up exactly what WinFBE32.exe and WinFBE64.exe are.

It is quite a new thing in fb having fb32.exe and fb64.exe.
Regarding the shared .bi files I remember dkl saying that the .bi files should be checked for compatibility with 64 bits (64 bits was new back then).
I had always assumed they differed, but seemingly not so.
Would it be troublesome to fix the (path names with spaces )?
I got caught out straight off, as I explained above.
And I am sure other simpletons like myself will be likewise.
It would be a tedious job ensuring everything is within double quotes at the right places in your source code, and I guess you always meant to do it some day?
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