mouse pointer hit box via fb and sdl part 2

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mouse pointer hit box via fb and sdl part 2

Post by thrive4 »

Expanding on a earlier posting:

- slight customized placement and style of boxes in a grid
- additional haptics or in other words keyboard and gamepad support very basic.
- some tricks for a dynamic mouse pointer
- very elementary animation
- rounded box, fb versions only, with many thanks to coderjeff

The code is rather fluffy and not as clear as I had
hoped for but roughly there are three parts:
core - init and subroutine box (hit detection, etc)
define - define boxes subroutine numpad, etc
main - main loop with navigation and render defined boxes

Some stats:
hitbox 32 bit color fb ~ 12MB memory / ~1% cpu usage / gpu usage ~20% - 140Mhz
hitbox 8 bit color fb ~ 13MB memory / ~0% cpu usage / gpu usage ~20% - 140Mhz
hitbox 32 bit color sdl ~ 7MB memory* / ~ up to 14% cpu usage / gpu ~10% - 140Mhz
Tested on 15-6600T / 1050ti / win7(x64)

*) initial memory usage, sdl_ttf causes a slight memory leak
tried to reduce it but still....

usage mouse movement plus wheel and right / left / middle click
keyboard arrow keys and enter
gamepad dpad for direction mouse pointer
and A button for enter

fb 8 bit color version

Code: Select all

' expanded example hitbox detection by thrive4 2022
' see
' navigate with mouse, keyboard or gamepad

' init screen
dim screenwidth  As integer  = 1280
dim screenheight As integer  = 720
dim aspectratio  as single   = screenwidth / screenheight
dim shared foregroundcolor as integer = 15
dim shared backgroundcolor as integer = 0

' init mouse coordinates
Type mousecoord
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
End Type

' init hit box and coordinates
Type hitboxcoord
    x       As integer
    y       As integer
    w       As integer
    h       As integer
    ofset   as integer
    label   as string
    misc    as string
End Type

' used to set first box origin and size
Type hbinit
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
    w  As integer
    h  As integer
    o  as integer ' offset between boxes
    v  as integer
End Type

' init hit box attributes
type hitboxattributes
    linecolor           as integer = 15     ' line
    hovercolor          as integer = 8      ' hover
    buttonleftcolor     as integer = 2      ' left button
    buttonrightcolor    as integer = 4      ' right button
    buttonmiddlecolor   as integer = 3      ' middle button
    fillcolor           as integer = 7      ' fill color
    textcolor           as integer = 1      ' text color
    linesize            as integer = 0
    rounded             as boolean = false  ' rounded box true or false 
    filled              as boolean = false  ' filled box true or false
    shadow              as boolean = false  ' 3d effect true or false
    hoverfx             as string = ""      ' hover
    buttonleftfx        as string = ""      ' left button
    buttonrightfx       as string = ""      ' right button
    buttonmiddlefx      as string = ""      ' middle button
    id                  as string  = ""     ' id name for box
end type
dim attributes as hitboxattributes

' init hit box
type hitboxtype
    id(1 to 10) as hitboxcoord
end type
' match maxcols to id(1 to 10) 
dim maxcols as integer = 10
dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
dim col as integer = 1
dim hitboxinit as hbinit
dim shared hboutput as string
hboutput = ""
dim shared hbid as string
hbid = ""
dim keybbuffer as string = ""
dim text as string = "T"

' init mouse feedback
dim mouse as mousecoord
Dim As Integer x, y, wheel, wheelup, buttons, buttonsup, res 
mouse.x = 0
mouse.y = 0

' init gamepad
dim resgp       as integer
dim swapgamepad as boolean = false
dim gpbuttons   as integer
dim hatlr       as single
dim hatud       as single
dim chkgp       as boolean = false
Const JoystickID = 0
if GetJoystick(JoystickID) then
    ' no gamepad reversed logic..
    chkgp = false
    chkgp = true
end if

' create curved boxes
' lifted from by coderjeff
' see
'roundbox x loc,y loc, height, width, arc size, fill color
sub roundbox _
  ( _
    byval x as integer, _
    byval y as integer, _
    byval w as integer, _
    byval h as integer, _
    byval r as integer, _
    byval c as integer _

  circle (x + r    , y + r        ), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + r    , y + h - r - 1), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + w - r - 1, y + r    ), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + w - r - 1, y + h - r - 1), r, c, , , , f

  line (x, y + r) - (x + w - 1, y + h - r), c, bf
  line (x + r, y) - (x + w - r, y + h - 1), c, bf

end sub

' cheap way to alter mousepointer 
sub fakepointer(p as mousecoord)
    ' hide hardware mouse pointer
    SetMouse(p.x, p.y, 0)
    Line(p.x, p.y) - step(20, 20), 15, b
    'Circle (p.x, p.y), 8, 15
end sub

' draw and detect hitboxes
sub box(hitboxinit as hbinit, p as mousecoord, buttons as integer, maxcols as integer, attributes as hitboxattributes)

    'dim attributes as hitboxattributes
    dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
    dim col as integer
    dim i as integer = 1
    dim tempcolor as integer

    for col = 1 to maxcols    
        hitbox(col).id(col).x = hitboxinit.x
        hitbox(col).id(col).y = hitboxinit.y
        hitbox(col).id(col).w = hitboxinit.w
        hitbox(col).id(col).h = hitboxinit.h
        hitbox(col).id(col).ofset = hitboxinit.o
        hitbox(col).id(col).label = chr$(hitboxinit.v + col)
        WITH hitbox(col).id(col)
            .x = .x + ((.w + .ofset) * (col - 1))
            ' detect mouse button within set boundry
            if ((p.x >= .x) and (p.x < (.x + .w)) and (p.y >= .y) and (p.y < (.y + .h))) then
                select case buttons
                    ' left
                    case 1
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonleftcolor
                        hboutput = .label
                        select case attributes.buttonleftfx
                            case "bounce"
                                ' cheap animation bounce box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 20
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                    ' right
                    case 2
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonrightcolor
                    ' middle
                    case 4
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonmiddlecolor
                    ' hover
                    case else
                        tempcolor = attributes.hovercolor
                        hbid =
                        hboutput = ""
                        select case attributes.hoverfx
                            case "balloon"
                                ' cheap animation balloon box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 10
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                end select
                ' debug
                if attributes.filled then
                    tempcolor = attributes.fillcolor
                    tempcolor = attributes.linecolor
                end if
            end if
            ' draw boxes
            if attributes.rounded then
                'roundbox x loc, y loc, height, width, arc size, fill color
                if attributes.filled then
                    roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 8, .h - 8, 4, tempcolor
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, attributes.textcolor
                    roundbox .x, .y, .w, .h, 8, tempcolor
                    ' 3d effect
                    if attributes.shadow then
                        roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 4, .h - 4, 4, attributes.fillcolor
                        ' standard needs background color roundbox fills the button
                        roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 8, .h - 8, 4, backgroundcolor
                    end if
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, tempcolor
                end if
                ' line size rounded not working
                if attributes.linesize > 0 then
                        'Line (.x - i, .y - i) - (.x + i + .w, .y + i + .h), tempcolor, b
                        'roundbox 10, 10, 128, 128, 8, hitboxcolor.hbline
                        i += 1
                    loop until i > attributes.linesize 
                    i = 1
                end if
                if attributes.filled then
                    Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, bf
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, attributes.textcolor
                    ' 3d effect
                    if attributes.shadow then
                        Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, b
                        Line (.x + 4, .y + 4) - (.x + .w - 4, .y + .h - 4), attributes.fillcolor, bf
                        Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, b
                    end if
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, tempcolor
                end if
                ' line size
                if attributes.linesize > 0 then
                        Line (.x - i, .y - i) - (.x + i + .w, .y + i + .h), tempcolor, b
                        i += 1
                    loop until i > attributes.linesize 
                    i = 1
                end if
            end if
        end with
end sub

' define boxes
sub numpad(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = 15
        .hovercolor          = 8
        .buttonleftcolor     = 2
        .buttonrightcolor    = 4
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = 3
        .fillcolor           = 7
        .textcolor           = 1
        .linesize            = 0
        .rounded             = false
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "numpad"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 100, 50, 50, 5, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 160, 50, 50, 5, 51)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 220, 50, 50, 5, 54)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(755, 280, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes)
end sub

sub keyboard(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = 15
        .hovercolor          = 8
        .buttonleftcolor     = 2
        .buttonrightcolor    = 4
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = 3
        .fillcolor           = 7
        .textcolor           = 1
        .linesize            = 0
        .rounded             = true
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = true
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "keyboard"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(100, 100, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 160, 50, 50, 5, 64)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 220, 50, 50, 5, 74)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(212, 280, 50, 50, 5, 84)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 6, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(256, 340, 250, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes)
end sub

sub grid(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    ' not visible match colors with backgroundcolor
    with attributes
        .linecolor           = backgroundcolor
        .hovercolor          = backgroundcolor
        .buttonleftcolor     = backgroundcolor
        .buttonrightcolor    = backgroundcolor
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = backgroundcolor
        .fillcolor           = backgroundcolor
        .textcolor           = backgroundcolor
        .linesize            = 0
        .rounded             = false
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "grid"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(10, 430, 450, 100, 1, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(10, 530, 450, 100, 1, 49)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)

    ' draw bound box for invisble grid as illustration
    Draw String (5, 405), "Below is a invisble box divided into four segements", 15
    Line(5, 420) - (920, 640), 15, b
end sub

sub launchbar(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = 15
        .hovercolor          = 8
        .buttonleftcolor     = 2
        .buttonrightcolor    = 4
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = 3
        .fillcolor           = 7
        .textcolor           = 1
        .linesize            = 0
        .rounded             = true
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = false
        .hoverfx             = "balloon"
        .buttonleftfx        = "bounce"
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "launchbar"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(20, 660, 50, 50, 15, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
end sub

' main
ScreenRes screenwidth, screenheight, 8
Color (foregroundcolor, backgroundcolor)
' hack needed otherwise boxes and bg and fg colors
' are not visible on startup
SetMouse(screenwidth * 0.5, screenheight * 0.5)
    ' note check is needed otherwise calling getjoystick with no gamepad can crash application
    if chkgp then
        resgp = GetJoystick(JoystickID, gpbuttons,,,,,,, hatlr, hatud)
        ' reinit gamepad not supported
        if gpbuttons = -1 then
            swapgamepad = true
            exit do
        end if
    end if

    buttonsup = buttons
    wheelup = wheel    
    res = GetMouse (x, y, wheel, buttons)
    Locate 1, 1
    If res <> 0 Then '' Failure
        #ifdef __FB_DOS__
            Print "Mouse or mouse driver not available"
            Print "Mouse not available or not on window"
        ' debug
        'Print Using "mouse position: ###:###  buttons: "; x; y;
        'If buttons And 1 Then Print "l";" hitbox output ";hboutput
        'If buttons And 2 Then Print "r";"                "
        'If buttons And 4 Then Print "m";"                "

        ' navigate with mouse wheel
        if wheel <> wheelup then
            if wheel > wheelup then
                ' scroll up
                y = y - 10
                ' scroll down
                y = y + 10
            end if
            ' nop stationary
        end if

        ' naviagte with mouse
        mouse.x = x
        mouse.y = y
            ' keep navigation in lock ~ unlock otherwise there will be issues
            ' with the dynamic mouse pointer
            if hbid = "grid" then
                SetMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y, 1)
            end if

            ' navigate with keyboard arrow keys a bit klunky
            ' scancode constants need #include "" and using FB
            If MultiKey(&h4B) And mouse.x > 0 Then
                SetMouse mouse.x - 20, mouse.y
                'print "left"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h4D) And mouse.x < screenwidth Then
                SetMouse mouse.x + 20, mouse.y
                'print "right"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h48) And mouse.y > 0 Then 
                SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y - 20
                'print "up"
            end if    
            If MultiKey(&h50) And mouse.y < screenheight Then
                SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y + 20
                'print "down"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h1C)Then
                ' fake mouse button left
                buttons = 1
                'print "enter"
            end if

            ' naviagte with gamepad dpad input and button A
            select case hatud
                ' hat down
                case 1
                    SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y + 20
                ' hat up
                case -1
                    SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y - 20
            end select
            select case hatlr
                ' hat right
                case 1
                    SetMouse mouse.x + 20, mouse.y
                ' hat left
                case -1
                    SetMouse mouse.x - 20, mouse.y
            end select
            select case gpbuttons
                ' dinput A
                case 2
                    buttons = 1
                ' xinput A
                case 1
                    buttons = 1
            end select

            ' draw boxes and strings
            Draw String (600, 650), keybbuffer, 15
            numpad(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 3, attributes)
            keyboard(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 10, attributes)
            grid(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 2, attributes)
            launchbar(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 7, attributes)

        ' example feedback from invisible grid
        if hbid = "grid" then
            select case hboutput
                case "0"
                    print "square  "
                case "1"
                    print "triangle"
                case "2"
                    print "circle  "
                case "3"
                    print "shape   "
            end select
        end if

        ' mouse button up see
        ' comment coderjeff
        if ((buttons And 1) = 1) And ((buttonsup And 1) = 0) then 
            keybbuffer = keybbuffer + hboutput
        end if
        Print "                                         "
    End If
    Print "                                         "

    ' use sleep to keep cpu usage low

Loop While Inkey <> chr$(27)

if swapgamepad then
    print "gamepad swap or hot plugin not supported press key to exit..."
end if

' cleanup not sure if needed
Erase hitbox
fb 32 bit color version

Code: Select all

' expanded example hitbox detection by thrive4 2022
' see
' navigate with mouse, keyboard or gamepad

' init screen 32 bits
dim screenwidth  As integer  = 1280
dim screenheight As integer  = 720
dim aspectratio  as single   = screenwidth / screenheight
dim shared foregroundcolor as ulong = RGB(255, 255, 255)
dim shared backgroundcolor as ulong = RGB(75, 85, 95)

' init mouse coordinates
Type mousecoord
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
End Type

' init hit box and coordinates
Type hitboxcoord
    x       As integer
    y       As integer
    w       As integer
    h       As integer
    ofset   as integer
    label   as string
    misc    as string
End Type

' used to set first box origin and size
Type hbinit
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
    w  As integer
    h  As integer
    o  as integer ' offset between boxes
    v  as integer
End Type

' init hit box attributes

type hitboxattributes
    linecolor           as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' line
    hovercolor          as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' hover
    buttonleftcolor     as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' left button
    buttonrightcolor    as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' right button
    buttonmiddlecolor   as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' middle button
    fillcolor           as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' fill color
    textcolor           as ulong = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)   ' text color
    linesize            as integer = 0
    rounded             as boolean = false  ' rounded box true or false 
    filled              as boolean = false  ' filled box true or false
    shadow              as boolean = false  ' 3d effect true or false
    hoverfx             as string = ""      ' hover
    buttonleftfx        as string = ""      ' left button
    buttonrightfx       as string = ""      ' right button
    buttonmiddlefx      as string = ""      ' middle button
    id                  as string  = ""     ' id name for box
end type
dim attributes as hitboxattributes

' init hit box
type hitboxtype
    id(1 to 10) as hitboxcoord
end type
' match maxcols to id(1 to 10) 
dim maxcols as integer = 10
dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
dim col as integer = 1
dim hitboxinit as hbinit
dim shared hboutput as string
hboutput = ""
dim shared hbid as string
hbid = ""
dim keybbuffer as string = ""
dim text as string = "T"

' init mouse feedback
dim mouse as mousecoord
Dim As Integer x, y, wheel, wheelup, buttons, buttonsup, res 
mouse.x = 0
mouse.y = 0

' init gamepad
dim resgp       as integer
dim swapgamepad as boolean = false
dim gpbuttons   as integer
dim hatlr       as single
dim hatud       as single
dim chkgp       as boolean = false
Const JoystickID = 0
if GetJoystick(JoystickID) then
    ' nop no gamepad reversed logic..
    chkgp = false
    chkgp = true
end if

' create curved boxes
' lifted from by coderjeff
' see
'roundbox x loc,y loc, height, width, arc size, fill color
sub roundbox _
  ( _
    byval x as integer, _
    byval y as integer, _
    byval w as integer, _
    byval h as integer, _
    byval r as integer, _
    byval c as integer _

  circle (x + r    , y + r        ), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + r    , y + h - r - 1), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + w - r - 1, y + r    ), r, c, , , , f
  circle (x + w - r - 1, y + h - r - 1), r, c, , , , f

  line (x, y + r) - (x + w - 1, y + h - r), c, bf
  line (x + r, y) - (x + w - r, y + h - 1), c, bf

end sub

' cheap way to alter mousepointer 
sub fakepointer(p as mousecoord)
    ' hide hardware mouse pointer
    SetMouse(p.x, p.y, 0)
    Line(p.x, p.y) - step(20, 20), rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), b
    'Circle (p.x, p.y), 8, rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
end sub

' draw and detect hitboxes
sub box(hitboxinit as hbinit, p as mousecoord, buttons as integer, maxcols as integer, attributes as hitboxattributes)

    'dim attributes as hitboxattributes
    dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
    dim col as integer
    dim i as integer = 1
    dim tempcolor as integer

    for col = 1 to maxcols    
        hitbox(col).id(col).x = hitboxinit.x
        hitbox(col).id(col).y = hitboxinit.y
        hitbox(col).id(col).w = hitboxinit.w
        hitbox(col).id(col).h = hitboxinit.h
        hitbox(col).id(col).ofset = hitboxinit.o
        hitbox(col).id(col).label = chr$(hitboxinit.v + col)
        WITH hitbox(col).id(col)
            .x = .x + ((.w + .ofset) * (col - 1))
            ' detect mouse button within set boundry
            if ((p.x >= .x) and (p.x < (.x + .w)) and (p.y >= .y) and (p.y < (.y + .h))) then
                select case buttons
                    ' left
                    case 1
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonleftcolor
                        hboutput = .label
                        select case attributes.buttonleftfx
                            case "bounce"
                                ' cheap animation bounce box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 20
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                    ' right
                    case 2
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonrightcolor
                    ' middle
                    case 4
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonmiddlecolor
                    ' hover
                    case else
                        tempcolor = attributes.hovercolor
                        hbid =
                        hboutput = ""
                        select case attributes.hoverfx
                            case "balloon"
                                ' cheap animation balloon box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 10
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                end select
                ' debug
                if attributes.filled then
                    tempcolor = attributes.fillcolor
                    tempcolor = attributes.linecolor
                end if
            end if
            ' draw boxes
            if attributes.rounded then
                'roundbox x loc, y loc, height, width, arc size, fill color
                if attributes.filled then
                    roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 8, .h - 8, 4, tempcolor
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, attributes.textcolor
                    roundbox .x, .y, .w, .h, 8, tempcolor
                    ' 3d effect
                    if attributes.shadow then
                        roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 4, .h - 4, 4, attributes.fillcolor
                        ' standard needs background color roundbox fills the button
                        roundbox .x + 4, .y + 4, .w - 8, .h - 8, 4, backgroundcolor
                    end if
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, tempcolor
                end if
                ' line size rounded not working
                if attributes.linesize > 0 then
                        'Line (.x - i, .y - i) - (.x + i + .w, .y + i + .h), tempcolor, b
                        'roundbox 10, 10, 128, 128, 8, hitboxcolor.hbline
                        i += 1
                    loop until i > attributes.linesize 
                    i = 1
                end if
                if attributes.filled then
                    Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, bf
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, attributes.textcolor
                    ' 3d effect
                    if attributes.shadow then
                        Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, b
                        Line (.x + 4, .y + 4) - (.x + .w - 4, .y + .h - 4), attributes.fillcolor, bf
                        Line (.x, .y) - (.x + .w, .y + .h), tempcolor, b
                    end if
                    Draw String ((.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.45), .label, tempcolor
                end if
                ' line size
                if attributes.linesize > 0 then
                        Line (.x - i, .y - i) - (.x + i + .w, .y + i + .h), tempcolor, b
                        i += 1
                    loop until i > attributes.linesize 
                    i = 1
                end if
            end if
        end with
end sub

' define boxes
sub numpad(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .hovercolor         = rgba(55, 55, 55, 255)
        .buttonleftcolor    = rgba(0, 255, 0, 255)
        .buttonrightcolor   = rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)
        .buttonmiddlecolor  = rgba(0, 0, 255, 255)
        .fillcolor          = rgba(155, 155, 155, 255)
        .textcolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .linesize           = 0
        .rounded            = false  ' rounded box true or false 
        .filled             = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow             = false  ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                 = "numpad"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 100, 50, 50, 5, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 160, 50, 50, 5, 51)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 220, 50, 50, 5, 54)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(755, 280, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes)
end sub

sub keyboard(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .hovercolor         = rgba(55, 55, 55, 255)
        .buttonleftcolor    = rgba(0, 255, 0, 255)
        .buttonrightcolor   = rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)
        .buttonmiddlecolor  = rgba(0, 0, 255, 255)
        .fillcolor          = rgba(155, 155, 155, 255)
        .textcolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .linesize           = 0
        .rounded            = true   ' rounded box true or false 
        .filled             = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow             = true   ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                 = "keyboard"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(100, 100, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 160, 50, 50, 5, 64)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 220, 50, 50, 5, 74)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(212, 280, 50, 50, 5, 84)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 6, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(256, 340, 250, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes)
end sub

sub grid(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    ' not visible match colors with backgroundcolor
    with attributes
        .linecolor          = backgroundcolor
        .hovercolor         = backgroundcolor
        .buttonleftcolor    = backgroundcolor
        .buttonrightcolor   = backgroundcolor
        .buttonmiddlecolor  = backgroundcolor
        .fillcolor          = backgroundcolor
        .textcolor          = backgroundcolor
        .linesize           = 0
        .rounded            = false  ' rounded box true or false 
        .filled             = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow             = false  ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                 = "grid"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(10, 430, 450, 100, 1, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
    hitboxinit = type(10, 530, 450, 100, 1, 49)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)

    ' draw bound box for invisble grid as illustration
    Draw String (5, 405), "Below is a invisble box divided into four segements", rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
    Line(5, 420) - (920, 640), rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), b
end sub

sub launchbar(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes)

    with attributes
        .linecolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .hovercolor         = rgba(55, 55, 55, 255)
        .buttonleftcolor    = rgba(0, 255, 0, 255)
        .buttonrightcolor   = rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)
        .buttonmiddlecolor  = rgba(0, 0, 255, 255)
        .fillcolor          = rgba(155, 155, 155, 255)
        .textcolor          = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
        .linesize            = 0
        .rounded             = true
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = false
        .hoverfx             = "balloon"
        .buttonleftfx        = "bounce"
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "launchbar"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(20, 660, 50, 50, 15, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes)
end sub

' main
ScreenRes screenwidth, screenheight, 32
Color (foregroundcolor, backgroundcolor)
' hack needed otherwise boxes and bg and fg colors
' are not visible on startup
SetMouse(screenwidth * 0.5, screenheight * 0.5)
    ' note check is needed otherwise calling getjoystick with no gamepad can crash application
    if chkgp then
        resgp = GetJoystick(JoystickID, gpbuttons,,,,,,, hatlr, hatud)
        ' reinit gamepad not supported
        if gpbuttons = -1 then
            swapgamepad = true
            exit do
        end if
    end if

    buttonsup = buttons
    wheelup = wheel    
    res = GetMouse (x, y, wheel, buttons)
    Locate 1, 1
    If res <> 0 Then '' Failure
        #ifdef __FB_DOS__
            Print "Mouse or mouse driver not available"
            Print "Mouse not available or not on window"
        ' debug
        'Print Using "mouse position: ###:###  buttons: "; x; y;
        'If buttons And 1 Then Print "l";" hitbox output ";hboutput
        'If buttons And 2 Then Print "r";"                "
        'If buttons And 4 Then Print "m";"                "
        ' navigate with mouse wheel
        if wheel <> wheelup then
            if wheel > wheelup then
                ' scroll up
                y = y - 10
                ' scroll down
                y = y + 10
            end if
            ' nop stationary
        end if

        ' naviagte with mouse
        mouse.x = x
        mouse.y = y
            ' keep navigation in lock ~ unlock otherwise there will be issues
            ' with the dynamic mouse pointer
            if hbid = "grid" then
                SetMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y, 1)
            end if

            ' navigate with keyboard arrow keys a bit klunky
            ' scancode constants need #include "" and using FB
            If MultiKey(&h4B) And mouse.x > 0 Then
                SetMouse mouse.x - 20, mouse.y
                'print "left"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h4D) And mouse.x < screenwidth Then
                SetMouse mouse.x + 20, mouse.y
                'print "right"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h48) And mouse.y > 0 Then 
                SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y - 20
                'print "up"
            end if    
            If MultiKey(&h50) And mouse.y < screenheight Then
                SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y + 20
                'print "down"
            end if
            If MultiKey(&h1C)Then
                ' fake mouse button left
                buttons = 1
                'print "enter"
            end if

            ' naviagte with gamepad dpad input and button A
            select case hatud
                ' hat down
                case 1
                    SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y + 20
                ' hat up
                case -1
                    SetMouse mouse.x, mouse.y - 20
            end select
            select case hatlr
                ' hat right
                case 1
                    SetMouse mouse.x + 20, mouse.y
                ' hat left
                case -1
                    SetMouse mouse.x - 20, mouse.y
            end select
            select case gpbuttons
                ' dinput A
                case 2
                    buttons = 1
                ' xinput A
                case 1
                    buttons = 1
            end select

            ' draw boxes and strings
            Draw String (600, 650), keybbuffer, rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
            numpad(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 3, attributes)
            keyboard(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 10, attributes)
            grid(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 2, attributes)
            launchbar(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 7, attributes)

        ' example feedback from invisible grid
        if hbid = "grid" then
            select case hboutput
                case "0"
                    print "square  "
                case "1"
                    print "triangle"
                case "2"
                    print "circle  "
                case "3"
                    print "shape   "
            end select
        end if

        ' mouse button up see
        ' comment coderjeff
        if ((buttons And 1) = 1) And ((buttonsup And 1) = 0) then 
            keybbuffer = keybbuffer + hboutput
        end if
        Print "                                         "
    End If
    Print "                                         "

    ' use sleep to keep cpu usage low

Loop While Inkey <> chr$(27)

if swapgamepad then
    print "gamepad swap or hot plugin not supported press key to exit..."
end if

' cleanup not sure if needed
Erase hitbox
Last edited by thrive4 on Jun 19, 2022 9:48, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 72
Joined: Jun 25, 2021 15:32

Re: mouse pointer hit box via fb adn sdl part 2

Post by thrive4 »

( needed a separate posting)

sdl version 32 bit color
if needed download
sdl ttf
either copy a ttf font from
<os drive>:\windows\fonts
or download a ttf font


in the same folder as the compiled exe
either rename the ttf to 'gisha.ttf'
or change line 77:
Dim ttffont as string = exepath + "\gisha.ttf"
Dim ttffont as string = exepath + "\<fontname>.ttf"

Code: Select all

' sdl2 version
' expanded example hitbox detection by thrive4 2022
' see
' navigate with mouse, keyboard or gamepad

#include once "SDL2/"
#include once "SDL2/"

' init screen
dim screenwidth  As integer  = 1280
dim screenheight As integer  = 720
dim aspectratio  as single   = screenwidth / screenheight

' setup sdl
dim event as SDL_Event
dim running as boolean = True
dim shared renderpass as boolean = true
dim dummy as string = ""
dim mousebutton as string
Dim shared As SDL_Color backgrondcolor = (75, 85, 95, 0)
Dim shared As SDL_Color boxcolor = (255, 255, 255, 0)
Dim As SDL_Texture Ptr texture
' used for memory management
Dim As SDL_Texture Ptr background_surface
Dim As SDL_Texture Ptr preview_surface
' used to illustrate invisible box
dim boundbox as sdl_rect

' video
If (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) = not NULL) Then
    print "sdl2 video could not be initlized error: " + *SDL_GetError()
    ' audio not used    
    ' render scale quality: 0 point, 1 linear, 2 anisotropic
End If

' gamepad
Dim As SDL_GameController Ptr controller = NULL
    print "sdl2 gamecontroller could not be initlized error: " + *SDL_GetError()
End If
controller = SDL_GameControllerOpen(0)
If (controller = NULL) Then
    print "unable to open gamepad - sdl error: " & *SDL_GetError()
    print "gamepad detected " & *SDL_GameControllerName(controller)
end if

' possible fix for unrecognized gamepad
Dim As ZString Ptr map = SDL_GameControllerMapping(controller)

' gamepad map debug
'Print *SDL_GameControllerName(controller)
'print *map
'sleep 3000

' window
Dim As SDL_Window Ptr glass = SDL_CreateWindow("hitbox sdl2", 100, 100, screenwidth, screenheight, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
dim mousepos as SDL_Point

' renderer
Dim As SDL_Renderer Ptr renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(glass, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED Or SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC)
if (renderer = NULL) Then
    print "sdl2 could not create render"
End If

' init sdl ttf
Dim ttffont as string = exepath + "\gisha.ttf"
Dim As SDL_Color ttffontcolor = (255, 255, 255, 0)
dim ttffontsize as integer = fix(screenheight / 100 * 2) 

if (TTF_Init() = Not 0) Then 
    print "sdl2 could not initilize ttf"
End If

Sub renderTexture OverLoad (  ByVal tex As SDL_Texture Ptr, _
	                          ByVal ren As SDL_Renderer Ptr, _
	                          ByVal x   As Integer, _
	                          ByVal y   As Integer, _
	                          ByVal w   As Integer, _
	                          ByVal h   As Integer)

	Dim As SDL_Rect dst	
	dst.x = x
	dst.y = y
	dst.w = w
	dst.h = h
	SDL_RenderCopy(ren, tex, NULL, @dst)
    SDL_DestroyTexture(tex) ' todo check this
End Sub

Sub renderTexture(  ByVal tex As SDL_Texture Ptr, _
	                ByVal ren As SDL_Renderer Ptr, _ 
	                Byval x   As Integer, _
	                Byval y   As Integer)
    if tex <> null then	
        Dim As Integer w, h
        SDL_QueryTexture(tex, NULL, NULL, @w, @h)
        renderTexture(tex, ren, x, y, w, h)
        SDL_DestroyTexture(tex)' todo check this
    end if	
End Sub

Function renderText( Byval message  As Const String, _
                     Byval fontFile As Const String, _
                     ByVal col      As SDL_Color, _
                     ByVal fontSize As Integer, _
                     ByVal renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr ) As SDL_Texture Ptr

    if message <> "" then
        Dim As TTF_Font Ptr font = TTF_OpenFont(fontFile, fontSize)
        if (font = NULL) Then Return NULL EndIf
        ' load surface into a texture
        Dim As SDL_Surface Ptr surf = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, message, col)
        if (surf = NULL) Then
            Return NULL
        End If
        Dim As SDL_Texture Ptr texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf)
        if (texture = NULL) Then 
            Return NULL 
        End If
        ' clean up
        return texture
        return null
    end if

End Function

' init mouse coordinates
Type mousecoord
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
End Type

' init hit box and coordinates
Type hitboxcoord
    x       As integer
    y       As integer
    w       As integer
    h       As integer
    ofset   as integer
    label   as string
    misc    as string
End Type

' used to set first box origin and size
Type hbinit
    x  As integer
    y  As integer
    w  As integer
    h  As integer
    o  as integer ' offset between boxes
    v  as integer
End Type

' init hit box attributes
type hitboxattributes
    linecolor           as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' line
    hovercolor          as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' hover
    buttonleftcolor     as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' left button
    buttonrightcolor    as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' right button
    buttonmiddlecolor   as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' middle button
    fillcolor           as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' fill color
    textcolor           as SDL_Color = (255, 255, 255, 0)   ' text color
    linesize            as integer = 0
    filled              as boolean = false  ' filled box true or false
    shadow              as boolean = false  ' 3d effect true or false
    hoverfx             as string = ""      ' hover
    buttonleftfx        as string = ""      ' left button
    buttonrightfx       as string = ""      ' right button
    buttonmiddlefx      as string = ""      ' middle button
    id                  as string  = ""     ' id name for box
end type
dim attributes as hitboxattributes

' init hit box
type hitboxtype
    id(1 to 10) as hitboxcoord
end type
' match maxcols to id(1 to 10) 
dim maxcols as integer = 10
dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
dim col as integer = 1
dim hitboxinit as hbinit
dim shared hboutput as string
hboutput = ""
dim shared hbid as string
hbid = ""
dim keybbuffer as string = ""
dim text as string = "T"

' init mouse feedback
dim mouse as mousecoord
Dim As Integer x, y, buttons, buttonsup, res 
mouse.x = 0
mouse.y = 0

' cheap way to alter mousepointer 
sub fakepointer(p as mousecoord, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)
        dim fmp as sdl_rect
        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 0)
        fmp.x = p.x
        fmp.y = p.y
        fmp.w = 20
        fmp.h = 20
        SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @fmp)
end sub

' draw and detect hitboxes
sub box(hitboxinit as hbinit, p as mousecoord, buttons as integer, maxcols as integer, attributes as hitboxattributes, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)

    'dim attributes as hitboxattributes
    dim hitbox(1 to maxcols) as hitboxtype
    dim col as integer
    dim i as integer = 1
    dim tempcolor as SDL_Color

    dim boxa as SDL_Rect
    Dim As SDL_Texture Ptr texture
    Dim ttffont as string = exepath + "\gisha.ttf"
    Dim As SDL_Color ttffontcolor = (255, 255, 255, 0)
    'dim ttffontsize as integer = fix(screenheight / 100 * 3) 
    dim ttffontsize as integer = 12 

    for col = 1 to maxcols    
        hitbox(col).id(col).x = hitboxinit.x
        hitbox(col).id(col).y = hitboxinit.y
        hitbox(col).id(col).w = hitboxinit.w
        hitbox(col).id(col).h = hitboxinit.h
        hitbox(col).id(col).ofset = hitboxinit.o
        hitbox(col).id(col).label = chr$(hitboxinit.v + col)
        WITH hitbox(col).id(col)
            .x = .x + ((.w + .ofset) * (col - 1))
            ' detect mouse button within set boundry
            if ((p.x >= .x) and (p.x < (.x + .w)) and (p.y >= .y) and (p.y < (.y + .h))) then
                select case buttons
                    ' left
                    case 1
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonleftcolor
                        hboutput = .label
                        select case attributes.buttonleftfx
                            case "bounce"
                                ' cheap animation bounce box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 20
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                    ' right
                    case 2
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonrightcolor
                    ' middle
                    case 4
                        tempcolor = attributes.buttonmiddlecolor
                    ' hover
                    case else
                        tempcolor = attributes.hovercolor
                        hbid =
                        hboutput = ""
                        select case attributes.hoverfx
                            case "balloon"
                                ' cheap animation balloon box
                                .x = .x - 5
                                .y = .y - 10
                                .w = .w + 10
                                .h = .h + 10
                        end select
                end select
                ' debug
                if attributes.filled then
                    tempcolor = attributes.fillcolor
                    tempcolor = attributes.linecolor
                end if
            end if
            ' draw boxes and labels
            if attributes.filled then
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, tempcolor.r, tempcolor.g, tempcolor.b, tempcolor.a)
                boxa.x = .x
                boxa.y = .y
                boxa.w = .w
                boxa.h = .h
                SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @boxa)
                SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, @boxa)
                texture = renderText(.label, ttffont, attributes.textcolor, ttffontsize, renderer)
                ' 3d effect
                if attributes.shadow then
                    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, tempcolor.r, tempcolor.g, tempcolor.b, tempcolor.a)
                    boxa.x = .x
                    boxa.y = .y
                    boxa.w = .w
                    boxa.h = .h
                    SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @boxa)
                    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, attributes.fillcolor.r, attributes.fillcolor.g, attributes.fillcolor.b, attributes.fillcolor.a)
                    boxa.x = .x + 4
                    boxa.y = .y + 4
                    boxa.w = .w - 4
                    boxa.h = .h - 4
                    SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, @boxa)
                    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, tempcolor.r, tempcolor.g, tempcolor.b, tempcolor.a)
                    boxa.x = .x
                    boxa.y = .y
                    boxa.w = .w
                    boxa.h = .h
                    SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @boxa)
                end if
                texture = renderText(.label, ttffont, tempcolor, ttffontsize, renderer)
            end if
            ' line size
            if attributes.linesize > 0 then
                    boxa.x = .x - i
                    boxa.y = .y - i
                    boxa.w = .w + i * 2
                    boxa.h = .h + i * 2
                    SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @boxa)
                    i += 1
                loop until i > attributes.linesize 
                i = 1
            end if
            renderTexture(texture, renderer, (.x + .w * 0.5) - 3 * len(.label), .y + .h * 0.35)
        end with
end sub

' define boxes
sub numpad(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .hovercolor          = type(150, 150, 150, 0)
        .buttonleftcolor     = type(0, 255, 0, 0)
        .buttonrightcolor    = type(255, 0, 0, 0)
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = type(0, 0, 255, 0)
        .fillcolor           = type(185, 185, 185, 0)
        .textcolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .linesize            = 0
        .filled              = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow              = false  ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "numpad"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 100, 50, 50, 5, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 160, 50, 50, 5, 51)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(700, 220, 50, 50, 5, 54)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(755, 280, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes, renderer)

end sub

sub keyboard(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .hovercolor          = type(150, 150, 150, 0)
        .buttonleftcolor     = type(0, 255, 0, 0)
        .buttonrightcolor    = type(255, 0, 0, 0)
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = type(0, 0, 255, 0)
        .fillcolor           = type(185, 185, 185, 0)
        .textcolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .linesize            = 1
        .filled              = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow              = true   ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "keyboard"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(100, 100, 50, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 160, 50, 50, 5, 64)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(100, 220, 50, 50, 5, 74)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(212, 280, 50, 50, 5, 84)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 6, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(256, 340, 250, 50, 5, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 1, attributes, renderer)

end sub

sub grid(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)

    ' not visible match colors with backgroundcolor
    with attributes
        .linecolor           = backgrondcolor
        .hovercolor          = backgrondcolor
        .buttonleftcolor     = backgrondcolor
        .buttonrightcolor    = backgrondcolor
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = backgrondcolor
        .fillcolor           = backgrondcolor
        .textcolor           = backgrondcolor
        .linesize            = 0
        .filled              = false  ' filled box true or false
        .shadow              = false  ' 3d effect true or false
        .hoverfx             = ""
        .buttonleftfx        = ""
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "grid"
    end with

    hitboxinit = type(10, 430, 450, 100, 1, 47)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
    hitboxinit = type(10, 530, 450, 100, 1, 49)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)

end sub

sub launchbar(byref hitboxinit as hbinit, byref mouse as mousecoord, byref buttons as integer,_
           byref maxcols as integer, byref attributes as hitboxattributes, renderer As SDL_Renderer Ptr)

    with attributes
        .linecolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .hovercolor          = type(150, 150, 150, 0)
        .buttonleftcolor     = type(0, 255, 0, 0)
        .buttonrightcolor    = type(255, 0, 0, 0)
        .buttonmiddlecolor   = type(0, 0, 255, 0)
        .fillcolor           = type(185, 185, 185, 0)
        .textcolor           = type(255, 255, 255, 0)
        .linesize            = 2
        .filled              = false
        .shadow              = false
        .hoverfx             = "balloon"
        .buttonleftfx        = "bounce"
        .buttonrightfx       = ""
        .buttonmiddlefx      = ""
        .id                  = "launchbar"
    end with

    'hitboxinit = type(x coord, y coord, width, height, ofset between boxes, asc value first char)
    hitboxinit = type(20, 660, 50, 50, 15, 48)
    box(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, maxcols, attributes, renderer)
end sub

' main
while running
    while SDL_PollEvent(@event) <> 0
        ' basic window interaction 
        select case event.type
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_ESCAPE
                running = False
            case SDL_WINDOWEVENT and event.window.event = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE
                running = False
            case SDL_MOUSEMOTION
                mouse.x = event.motion.x 
                mouse.y = event.motion.y
            case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL
                'scroll up
                if event.wheel.y > 0 then  
                    'mouse.y = mouse.y - 20
                    SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y - 20)
                'scroll down
                elseif event.wheel.y < 0 then
                    'mouse.y = mouse.y + 20
                    SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y + 20)
                end if
                'scroll right
                if event.wheel.x > 0 then
                ' scroll left
                elseif event.wheel.x < 0 then
                end if
            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN
                ' button
                select case event.button.button
                    case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT
                        buttons = 1
                        mousebutton = "left"
                    case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE
                        buttons = 4
                        mousebutton = "middle"
                    case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT
                        buttons = 2
                        mousebutton = "right"
                    case else
                end select
            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP
                buttons = 0                    
                mousebutton = ""
                keybbuffer = keybbuffer + hboutput
            ' navigation keyboard arrow keys and select
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_LEFT
                SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x - 50, mouse.y)
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RIGHT
                SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x + 50, mouse.y)
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_DOWN
                SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y + 50)
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_UP
                SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y - 50)
            case SDL_KEYDOWN and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN
                ' fake mouse button left
                buttons = 1
                mousebutton = "left"
            case SDL_KEYUP and event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN
                ' fake mouse button left
                buttons = 0
                mousebutton = ""
                keybbuffer = keybbuffer + hboutput
            ' navigation gamepad dpad and A button
                select case event.cbutton.button    
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT
                        SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x - 50, mouse.y)
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT
                        SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x + 50, mouse.y)
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN
                        SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y + 50)
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP
                        SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(glass, mouse.x, mouse.y - 50)
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A
                        buttons = 1
                        mousebutton = "left"
                end select
                select case event.cbutton.button    
                    case SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A
                        buttons = 0
                        mousebutton = ""
                        keybbuffer = keybbuffer + hboutput
                end select
                controller = SDL_GameControllerOpen(0)
                print "switched to game controller: " & *SDL_GameControllerName(controller)
                map = SDL_GameControllerMapping(controller)
            end select
        renderpass = true

    ' use renderpass to reduce cpu usage
    if renderpass then
        ' background
        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, backgrondcolor.r, backgrondcolor.g, backgrondcolor.b, backgrondcolor.a )
        ' draw boxes and strings
            if hbid = "grid" then
                fakepointer(mouse, renderer)
            end if

            ' display keybuffer
            texture = renderText(keybbuffer, ttffont, ttffontcolor, ttffontsize, renderer)
            renderTexture(texture, renderer, 600, 650)

            numpad(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 3, attributes, renderer)
            keyboard(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 10, attributes, renderer)
            grid(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 2, attributes, renderer)
            launchbar(hitboxinit, mouse, buttons, 7, attributes, renderer)

            ' draw bound box for invisble grid as illustration
            texture = renderText("Below is a invisble box divided into four segements", ttffont, ttffontcolor, ttffontsize, renderer)
            renderTexture(texture, renderer, 5, 400)
            SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 0)
            boundbox.x = 5
            boundbox.y = 420
            boundbox.w = 915
            boundbox.h = 220
            SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, @boundbox)
        ' remove stray textures reduce memory footprint todo evaluate better
        renderpass = false
    end  if

    ' example feedback from invisible grid
    if hbid = "grid" then
        select case hboutput
            case "0"
                dummy = "square  "
            case "1"
                dummy = "triangle"
            case "2"
                dummy = "circle  "
            case "3"
                dummy = "shape   "
            case else
                dummy = ""
        end select
    end if

    SDL_SetWindowTitle(glass, "hitbox sdl2 | coord: " &  mouse.x & ":" & mouse.y & " | button: " + mousebutton + " | invisible box: " + dummy)
    ' use sdl_delay to keep cpu usage low


'clean up sdl
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