String Function find() - Find the location of the nth instance of a character in a string

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String Function find() - Find the location of the nth instance of a character in a string

Post by dmontaine »

Some additional modifications to the code of the previously uploaded count() function
and we can return the location of the nth instance of a character in a string.

Code: Select all

'Program: FindFunctionExample
' Find() finds the nth occurence of a character in a string 
' and returns the location

' find function

function find(byval SearchString as string,byval SearchChar as string,byval CharNum as integer) as integer
	if len(SearchString) = 0 or len(SearchChar) = 0 or CharNum = 0 then return 0
	dim CharCounter 	as integer
	dim sc 			as integer = asc(SearchChar)
	dim Ctr 			as integer
	dim FoundIt		as byte
	for Ctr = 0 to len(SearchString) - 1
		if SearchString[Ctr] = sc then CharCounter += 1 
		if CharCounter = CharNum then 
			Return Ctr + 1
			exit for
		end if
	Return 0
end function

' Main Program
' Count the occurances of "|"

width 80,24
dim InputString	as string		= "|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|"
dim CharNum		as integer	= 13
dim Delimiter		as string		="|"
dim Location		as integer	= find(InputString,Delimiter,CharNum)

locate 1,1
print "find() function example program"
locate 3,5
print "The original string = " + InputString
locate 5,5
print "Occurrence " + str(CharNum) + " of """ + Delimiter + """"
locate 6,5

if Location = 0 then
	print("was not found!")
	print("was found at position " + str(Location))
end if
locate 8,1
print "Press any key to exit " ;

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Re: String Function find() - Find the location of the nth instance of a character in a string

Post by fxm »

After 'Return Ctr + 1', 'exit for' is useless.

We can also use 'INSTR' to do the job:

Code: Select all

function find(byval SearchString as string,byval SearchChar as string,byval CharNum as integer) as integer
    if len(SearchString) = 0 or len(SearchChar) = 0 or CharNum = 0 then return 0
    dim CharCounter as integer = 0
    dim location as integer = 0
        location = instr(location + 1,SearchString,SearchChar)
        if location = 0 then return 0
        CharCounter += 1
        if CharCounter = CharNum then return location
end function
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Re: String Function find() - Find the location of the nth instance of a character in a string

Post by dodicat »

Extending the string indexing method.
In the function tally, fill an array with all the positions of the string sought.
The sought string can be more than one character long.
Very fast because string indexing is used.

Code: Select all

Function tally(somestring As String,partstring As String,arr() As Long) As Long
      Dim As Long i,j,ln,lnp,count
      If Instr(somestring,partstring)=0 Then Return 0
      Redim arr(1 To ln)'start with a big enough array to handle all circumstances
            If somestring[i] <> partstring[0] Then Continue Do
            If somestring[i] = partstring[0] Then 'might be!
                  For j=0 To lnp-1 
                        If somestring[j+i]<>partstring[j] Then Continue Do 'not this time!
                  Next j
            End If
            ' if got here then a partstring has been found
      Loop Until i>=ln-1 
      Redim Preserve arr(1 To count)'resize the output array
      Return count
End Function

Sub showabit(s As String,position As Long,delim As String) ' only to view some characters.
      Dim As String  g
      Locate Csrlin-1,50
      For n As Long=position-20 To position+20 +Len(delim)
            If n=position-1 Then Color 5
            If n=position+Len(delim)-1 Then Color 15
           if n<=len(s)-1 then Print Chr(s[n]);
      Next n
End Sub

#define range(f,l) Int(Rnd*(((l)+1)-(f))+(f))
#define char iif(rnd>.5,range(97,122),range(97,122)-32) 'any random ucase or lcase character

Dim As String s=String(10000000,0)
dim as double t
      Color 15
      For n As Long=0 To Len(s)-1
      Print "Start of string:"
      Print Mid(s,1,70)+ " . . . to ";Len(s)
      Dim As String LookFor=Chr(char,char,char,char)
      Print "Look for ";LookFor
      Redim As Long i()
      Var num=tally(s,LookFor,i())
      If num Then
            Print "position ","    found";Tab(59);"string near sought string"
            For n As Long=Lbound(i) To Ubound(i)
                  Print i(n);Tab(20);Mid(s,i(n),Len(LookFor)):showabit(s,i(n),LookFor)
            Print "tally = ";num
            Print "not found"
      End If
      print "Total time taken ";timer-t;"  seconds"
      Print "Press any key or Esc key"
      Loop Until Inkey=Chr(27) 
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