Easy matrix

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Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote: Aug 07, 2022 10:50 fxm has the patience of a saint, ...
dodicat wrote: Aug 07, 2022 10:50 ... but maybe he did the same as me, run easy_matx.bas plus your test.
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Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Also for fun, my own version where a matrix is defined as an array of vectors of the same size.
This version with two Types (Vector and Matrix) allows to define an operator '[]' in each one, inducing a syntax of access to the elements of a vector ('V') or a matrix ('M') as follows (the arrays themselves being private):
'V[n]' : allows access to the elements of the vector 'V' in read/write mode.
'M[n1][n2]' : allows access to the elements of the matrix 'M' in read/write mode.

Code: Select all

Type Vector
        Declare Constructor()
        Declare Constructor(Byval n As Uinteger)
        Declare Operator [](Byval n As Uinteger) Byref As Double
        Declare Property UpperBound() As Integer
        Dim As Double array(Any)
End Type

Constructor Vector()
End Constructor

Constructor Vector(Byval n As Uinteger)
    If n > 0 Then
        Redim This.array(n - 1)
    End If
End Constructor

Operator Vector.[](Byval n As Uinteger) Byref As Double
    Return This.array(n)
End Operator

Property Vector.UpperBound() As Integer
    Return Ubound(This.array)
End Property

Type Matrix
        Declare Constructor()
        Declare Constructor(Byval n1 As Uinteger, Byval n2 As Uinteger)
        Declare Operator [](Byval n As Uinteger) Byref As Vector
        Declare Property UpperBound1() As Integer
        Declare Property UpperBound2() As Integer
        Dim As Vector array(Any)
End Type

Constructor Matrix()
End Constructor

Constructor Matrix(Byval n1 As Uinteger, Byval n2 As Uinteger)
    If n1 > 0 And n2 > 0 Then
        Redim This.array(n1 - 1)
        For i As Integer = 0 To n1 - 1
            This.array(i) = Vector(n2)
        Next I
    End If
End Constructor

Operator Matrix.[](Byval n As Uinteger) Byref As Vector
    Return This.array(n)
End Operator

Property Matrix.UpperBound1() As Integer
    Return Ubound(This.array)
End Property

Property Matrix.UpperBound2() As Integer
    If Ubound(This.array) >= 0 Then
        Return This.array(0).UpperBound
        Return -1
    End If
End Property

Operator *(Byref M As Matrix, Byref V As Vector) As Vector
    If M.UpperBound2 = V.UpperBound Then
        Dim As Vector R = Vector(M.UpperBound1 + 1)
        For i As Integer = 0 To M.UpperBound1
            For k As Integer = 0 To V.UpperBound
                R[i] += M[i][k] * V[k]
            Next k
        Next i
        Return R
        Error 1
    End If
End Operator

Operator *(Byref M1 As Matrix, Byref M2 As Matrix) As Matrix
    If M1.UpperBound2 = M2.UpperBound1 Then
        Dim As Matrix R = Matrix(M1.UpperBound1 + 1, M2.UpperBound2 + 1)
        For i As Integer = 0 To M1.UpperBound1
            For j As Integer = 0 To M2.UpperBound2
                For k As Integer = 0 To M1.UpperBound2
                    R[i][j] += M1[i][k] * M2[k][j]
                Next k
            Next j
        Next i
        Return R
        Error 1
    End If
End Operator


Dim As Vector V = Vector(3)
V[0] = 1
V[1] = 2
V[2] = 3
For i As Integer = 0 To V.UpperBound
    Print V[i]
Next i

Dim As Matrix M1 = Matrix(3, 2)
M1[0][0]= 1 : M1[0][1] = 2
M1[1][0]= 3 : M1[1][1] = 4
M1[2][0]= 5 : M1[2][1] = 6
For i As Integer = 0 To M1.UpperBound1
    For j As Integer = 0 To M1.UpperBound2
        Print M1[i][j]; " ";
    Next j
Next i

Dim As Matrix M2 = Matrix(2, 3)
M2[0][0]= 1 : M2[0][1] = 2 : M2[0][2] = 3
M2[1][0]= 4 : M2[1][1] = 5 : M2[1][2] = 6
For i As Integer = 0 To M2.UpperBound1
    For j As Integer = 0 To M2.UpperBound2
        Print M2[i][j]; " ";
    Next j
Next i

Dim As Matrix Mx = M1 * M2
For i As Integer = 0 To Mx.UpperBound1
    For j As Integer = 0 To Mx.UpperBound2
        Print Mx[i][j]; " ";
    Next j
Next i

Dim As Vector Vx = Mx * V
For i As Integer = 0 To Vx.UpperBound
    Print Vx[i]
Next i

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Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Thank you for your comments, I'm not always able to immediately action all of your suggestions;
also there may be a delay of 12 to 24 hours before I reply.

You don't need to construct a library from this code, mostly I wanted to see if it was possible to do so,
looks tidier too.

The compilation with the -exx option is something new to me, with this option enabled I'm going to
examine all of the code again.
If you're using a single column matrix, rather than, or as a vector; I'd like to know how you do that within

In reply to the m_seq() issue, this is my reworked code.

Code: Select all

'  matx_smv.bas
'   Successive matrix vector multiplications .

'' compile with: fbc matx_test.bas

#include once "easy_matx.bi"

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim as integer m_seq(0 to 3)={8,6,3,5}
dim as integer lms,nx,ny,i
'    Matrix of matrices
dim as Matrix z(1 to lms)
'   Vector of vectors
dim as Vector u(0 to lms)
'   Dimension matrices and vectors .
for i=0 to lms-1
   z(i+1) = Matrix(ny , nx)
   u(i) = Vector(nx) ' subtract bias vector, apply threshold function; return ?
next i
'  ............... Assign values to input vector & matrices ............
gen_v(u(), 0)
print " Input vector, a matrix in another version ? "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
print   " matrix of matrices values "
for i=1 to lms
    gen_z(z() , i)
    prt_z(z() , i)
next i
print " sucessive vectors , matrices & vector x matrix calculations"
print " u(i) = z(i) * u(i - 1) "
print " u(0) "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
for i=1 to lms 
   print " z(";i;") "
   prt_z(z() , i)
   u(i) = z(i)*u(i-1)
   print " u(";i;") "
   prtv_v(u(), i)   
next i

'  end command acts as global destructor 
' of allocated memory ?

' ======================================================================

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Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

A little while ago, I rewrote some of the code, resurrected this as a large file and checked everything
whilst using #cmdline "-exx" at the start of all of the code.

No error messages were produced.

Here is the most recent code, hope the message system can handle this.

Code: Select all

'  matx_lrg.bas
'   Successive matrix vector multiplications .

'' compile with: fbc matx_lrg.bas

#cmdline "-exx"

type Matrix
    dim as double m( any , any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
end type
type Vector
dim as double v( any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger )
end type

' ---------------------------- operators -------------------------------
declare operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator - ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator - ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator + ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator + ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator / ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator / ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

'   The rest from luxan, sciwiseg@gmail.com
'  Probably need to make this content
'  available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 
' ............................. procedures .............................
declare sub gen_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
declare sub gen_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)

declare sub prtv_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)

declare sub prt_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
declare sub prt_m(z as Matrix)
declare sub Vect_x_Matrix(M1 as Matrix, V1 as Vector, V3 as Vector)

declare sub prt_v(z as Vector)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim as integer m_seq(0 to 3)={8,6,3,5}
dim as integer lms,nx,ny,i
'    Matrix of matrices
dim as Matrix z(1 to lms)
'   Vector of vectors
dim as Vector u(0 to lms)
'   Dimension matrices and vectors .
for i=0 to lms-1
   z(i+1) = Matrix(ny , nx)
   u(i) = Vector(nx) ' subtract bias vector, apply threshold function; return ?
next i
'  ............... Assign values to input vector & matrices ............
gen_v(u(), 0)
print " Input vector, a matrix in another version ? "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
print   " matrix of matrices values "
for i=1 to lms
    gen_z(z() , i)
    prt_z(z() , i)
next i
print " sucessive vectors , matrices & vector x matrix calculations"
print " u(i) = z(i) * u(i - 1) "
print " u(0) "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
for i=1 to lms 
   print " z(";i;") "
   prt_z(z() , i)
   u(i) = z(i)*u(i-1)
   print " u(";i;") "
   prtv_v(u(), i)   
next i
'  end command acts as global destructor 
' of allocated memory ?
' With -exx option, no error messages, with or without end command.
' ======================================================================
'   Matrix math
'  1. dim as Matrix a
'  2. redim a.m( x1 to x2 , y1 to y2 )
'  3. dim as Matrix z(z1 to z2)  ?
'  4. redim z.m(w1 to w2)  ?
'     Matrix(x , y) ~= redim (0 to x-1, 0 to y-1) ?

' These declarations from :
'  http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#FreeBASIC
' That content is available under
'  Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
'   Using Geany, Build, Set Build Commands
'   Compile                fbc -w all "%f" 
'   Execute                "./%e" 
' Preliminary results checked using Maxima CAS
' also at, especially for vector by matrix calculations.
' https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/15052033860538
' https://matrix.reshish.com/multCalculation.php
' https://elsenaju.eu/Calculator/matrix-vector-product.htm
'type Matrix
'    dim as double m( any , any )
'    declare constructor ( )
'    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
'end type
constructor Matrix ( )
end constructor
constructor Matrix ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
    redim this.m( x - 1 , y - 1 )
end constructor

'type Vector
'dim as double v( any )
'    declare constructor ( )
'    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger )
'end type

constructor Vector ( )
end constructor

constructor Vector ( byval x as uinteger )
    redim this.v( x - 1 )
end constructor
' ====================================================================
Public operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
'  Only applicable to square matrices or arrays.
' This routine from :
'  http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#FreeBASIC
' Dodicat suggests only using: if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 )
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    'if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
     if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                for k = 0 to ubound( b.m , 1 )
                    ret.m( i , j ) += a.m( i , k ) * b.m( k , j )
                next k
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
'   Vector multiplied by a matrix, maybe correct .
   dim as Vector ret
   dim as uinteger i, j, k
   if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 )  then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.m , 1 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
                for k = 0 to ubound( b.v , 1 )
                    ret.v( i ) += a.m( i , k ) * b.v( k  )
                next k
        next i
    end if   
   return ret
end operator
Public operator - ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                ret.m( i , j ) = a.m( i , j ) - b.m( i , j )
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator - ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 )  )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
            ret.v( i  ) = a.v( i  ) - b.v( i  )
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator + ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
               ret.m( i , j ) = a.m( i , j ) + b.m( i , j )
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator + ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 )  )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
            ret.v( i  ) = a.v( i  ) + b.v( i  )
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator / ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    dim as double x, y, z
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                x = a.m( i , j )
                y = b.m( i , j )
                y = sgn(x)*10^32 ' assume y = 0
             if y <> 0 then z = x/y
                ret.m( i , j ) = z
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator / ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    dim as double x, y, z
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
                x = a.v( i )
                y = b.v( i )
                y = sgn(x)*10^32 ' assume y = 0
             if y <> 0 then z = x/y
                ret.v( i  ) = z
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
'     Matrix of Matrix, index and print .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,1)
 for j=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,2) 
    print Using "###.####";z(idx).m(i,j);" ";
  next j
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_m(z as Matrix)
'  Print elements from rectangular matrix .
dim as integer i,j

print ubound(z.m,1);" ";ubound(z.m,2)
 for i=0 to ubound(z.m,1) 
  for j=0 to ubound(z.m,2)  
    print Using "###.####";z.m(i,j);" ";
  next j
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_v(z as Vector)
'  Print elements from vector .
dim as integer i
for i=0 to ubound(z.v,1)
    print Using "###.####";z.v(i);" ";
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub Vect_x_Matrix(M1 as Matrix, V1 as Vector, V3 as Vector)
'     Multiply vector by matrix .
dim as integer i,j,ub1, ub2
dim as single x,y,s
    redim V3.v(0 to ub1)
        for j=0 to ub1
         for i=0 to ub2
         next i
      next j
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub gen_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
'     Matrix of Matrix, index and generate values .
dim as integer i,j
  for j=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,2) 
   for i=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,1)
      z(idx).m(i,j) = -1 + 2*rnd
  next i
next j

end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub gen_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and generate values .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
      u(idx).v(i) = -1 + 2*rnd
next i

end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prtv_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and print values .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
   print Using "###.####";u(idx).v(i)
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................

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Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Now I search for ways to use this structure.
How do I assign values to the Matrix type .
For an array, this is possible :

dim Xa(0 to 5,0 to 2) as integer => {{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}

or this

dim ya(0 to 5) as integer => {(0),(1),(0),(1),(1),(0)}

however, this isn't possible
dim ya(0 to ux) as integer => {(0),(1),(0),(1),(1),(0)}
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Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Only fix-len arrays can be initialized this way.

To construct your matrix, you can use another constructor with a 2D array as parameter, and construct the matrix by passing a 2D fix-len array initialized as desired:

Code: Select all

type Matrix
    dim as double m( any , any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( array( any, any ) as double )
end type

constructor Matrix ( )
end constructor

constructor Matrix ( array( any, any ) as double )
    if ubound(array, 2) > = 0 and lbound(array, 1) = 0 and lbound(array, 2) = 0 Then  '' passed array non-empty with all indexes 0 based
        redim m(ubound(array, 1), ubound(array, 2))
        fb_memcopy(m(0, 0), array(0, 0), (ubound(array, 1) + 1) * (ubound(array, 2) + 1) * sizeof(double)) '' shallow copy because DOUBLE type
    end if
end constructor


dim X(0 to 5,0 to 2) as double => {{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}
dim M as Matrix = Matrix(X())


for I as integer = 0 to ubound(M.m, 1)
    for J as integer = 0 to ubound(M.m, 2)
        print M.m(I, J),
    next J
next I


Similar principle for assignment:
'M = Matrix(X())'
We can not do a direct assignment ('M = X()') because the operator 'let' does not support an array as parameter for the assignment syntax).
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Re: Easy matrix

Post by dodicat »

You can use my initmatrix from a previous post, using 0 to instead of 1 to for zero based arrays.
Here is another way using a macro

Code: Select all

#cmdline "-exx"
Type Matrix
    As Double e(any,any)
End Type

sub show(m as matrix)
    Dim As String ans,comma
     for r as long=0 to ubound(m.e,1)
        for c as long=0 to ubound(m.e,2)
            if c=0 then print "[";
             If c=Ubound(m.e,2) Then comma="" Else comma=","
            print str(m.e(r,c));comma;
            if c=ubound(m.e,2) then print "]";
        next c
    next r
    end sub

#macro setmatrix(m,r,c,d...) 
#macro spl()
For n As Long=0 To Len(s)-1
    If s[n]=44 Then
        Redim Preserve db(Ubound(db)+1)
    End If
Next n
    Dim As String t
    Redim As Double db()
    Dim As Long count
    Var s=#d
    Redim m.e(0 To r,0 To c)
    For r1 As Long=0 To r
        For c1 As Long=0 To c
            m.e(r1,c1)= db(count)
End Scope

 dim as matrix m
    dim as long r=5
    dim as long c=2
    setmatrix(m,r,c,   0,0,1,_
    setmatrix(m,2,2,  4,6.6,7,_
    setmatrix(m,3,0,  8,_
    setmatrix(m,0,3,  8,7,-6,5.5)
Posts: 222
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Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Thanks dodicat, your setmatrix may well be what I require.

Now in the projects, neural network section, I came across, and ran; a Basic program called 'Flappy bird.

This prompted me to find a way to understand neural networks, using matrices and vectors.
The ability to have a matrix of matrices was necessary, this has been mostly resolved.

Looking at the literature, on the internet, there are a lot of diverse interpretations and
approaches, many carry historical baggage in how the programs are constructed.

One almost comprehensible article, that I'm attempting to decipher is here:

https://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/rojas/neur ... ter/K7.pdf

He has included some python code for his, small, neural network, I'm attempting to
translate this to Basic; however the structure and numpy specific routines, make this

and more extensively, at this location


As for a general forward propagation, using my structure, I think that I have this sorted.

Code: Select all

' easy_matx.bas

' On my computer
' cd Downloads/fb/matrices_x/dodicat/merge_1/lib

' ' compile with: fbc -lib easy_matx.bas

'   Matrix math
'  1. dim as Matrix a
'  2. redim a.m( x1 to x2 , y1 to y2 )
'  3. dim as Matrix z(z1 to z2)  ?
'  4. redim z.m(w1 to w2)  ?
'     Matrix(x , y) ~= redim (0 to x-1, 0 to y-1) ?

' These declarations from :
'  http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#FreeBASIC
' That content is available under
'  Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
'   Using Geany, Build, Set Build Commands
'   Compile                fbc -w all "%f" 
'   Execute                "./%e" 
' Preliminary results checked using Maxima CAS
' also at, especially for vector by matrix calculations.
' https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/15052033860538
' https://matrix.reshish.com/multCalculation.php
' https://elsenaju.eu/Calculator/matrix-vector-product.htm
type Matrix
    dim as double m( any , any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
end type
constructor Matrix ( )
end constructor
constructor Matrix ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
    redim this.m( x - 1 , y - 1 )
end constructor

type Vector
dim as double v( any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger )
end type

constructor Vector ( )
end constructor

constructor Vector ( byval x as uinteger )
    redim this.v( x - 1 )
end constructor
' ====================================================================
Public operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
'  Only applicable to square matrices or arrays.
' This routine from :
'  http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#FreeBASIC
' Dodicat suggests only using: if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 )
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    'if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
     if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                for k = 0 to ubound( b.m , 1 )
                    ret.m( i , j ) += a.m( i , k ) * b.m( k , j )
                next k
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
'   Vector multiplied by a matrix, maybe correct .
   dim as Vector ret
   dim as uinteger i, j, k
   if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 )  then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.m , 1 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
                for k = 0 to ubound( b.v , 1 )
                    ret.v( i ) += a.m( i , k ) * b.v( k  )
                next k
        next i
    end if   
   return ret
end operator
Public operator - ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                ret.m( i , j ) = a.m( i , j ) - b.m( i , j )
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator - ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 )  )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
            ret.v( i  ) = a.v( i  ) - b.v( i  )
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator + ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
               ret.m( i , j ) = a.m( i , j ) + b.m( i , j )
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator + ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 )  )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
            ret.v( i  ) = a.v( i  ) + b.v( i  )
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator / ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
    dim as Matrix ret
    dim as uinteger i, j, k
    dim as double x, y, z
    if ubound( a.m , 2 ) = ubound( b.m , 1 ) and ubound( a.m , 1 ) = ubound( b.m , 2 ) then
        redim ret.m( ubound( a.m , 1 ) , ubound( b.m , 2 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.m , 1 )
            for j = 0 to ubound( b.m , 2 )
                x = a.m( i , j )
                y = b.m( i , j )
                y = sgn(x)*10^32 ' assume y = 0
             if y <> 0 then z = x/y
                ret.m( i , j ) = z
            next j
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
Public operator / ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector
    dim as Vector ret
    dim as uinteger i
    dim as double x, y, z
    if ubound( a.v , 1 ) = ubound( b.v , 1 ) then
        redim ret.v( ubound( a.v , 1 ) )
        for i = 0 to ubound( a.v , 1 )
                x = a.v( i )
                y = b.v( i )
                y = sgn(x)*10^32 ' assume y = 0
             if y <> 0 then z = x/y
                ret.v( i  ) = z
        next i
    end if
    return ret
end operator
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
'     Matrix of Matrix, index and print .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,1)
 for j=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,2) 
    print Using "###.####";z(idx).m(i,j);" ";
  next j
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_m(z as Matrix)
'  Print elements from rectangular matrix .
dim as integer i,j

print ubound(z.m,1);" ";ubound(z.m,2)
 for i=0 to ubound(z.m,1) 
  for j=0 to ubound(z.m,2)  
    print Using "###.####";z.m(i,j);" ";
  next j
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prt_v(z as Vector)
'  Print elements from vector .
dim as integer i
for i=0 to ubound(z.v,1)
    print Using "###.####";z.v(i);" ";
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub Vect_x_Matrix(M1 as Matrix, V1 as Vector, V3 as Vector)
'     Multiply vector by matrix .
dim as integer i,j,ub1, ub2
dim as single x,y,s
    redim V3.v(0 to ub1)
        for j=0 to ub1
         for i=0 to ub2
         next i
      next j
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub gen_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
'     Matrix of Matrix, index and generate values .
dim as integer i,j
  for j=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,2) 
   for i=0 to ubound(z(idx).m,1)
      z(idx).m(i,j) = -1 + 2*rnd
  next i
next j

end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub gen_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and generate values .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
      u(idx).v(i) = -1 + 2*rnd
next i

end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub prtv_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and print values .
dim as integer i,j
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
   print Using "###.####";u(idx).v(i)
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub Sigmoid_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and Sigmoid function of values .
dim as integer i,j
dim as single y
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
    u(idx).v(i) = y
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
Public sub dSigmoid_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
'     Vector of Vector, index and Derivative of Sigmoid function of values .
dim as integer i,j
dim as single y
for i=0 to ubound(u(idx).v,1)
    u(idx).v(i) = y
next i
end sub
' ......................................................................
' ---------------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------

Code: Select all

' easy_matx.bi

#inclib "easy_matx"

'  For some reason, may need to duplicate types, but not constructors,
' in this *.bi

type Matrix
    dim as double m( any , any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger , byval y as uinteger )
end type
type Vector
dim as double v( any )
    declare constructor ( )
    declare constructor ( byval x as uinteger )
end type

' ---------------------------- operators -------------------------------
declare operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator * ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator - ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator - ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator + ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator + ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

declare operator / ( byref a as Matrix , byref b as Matrix ) as Matrix
declare operator / ( byref a as Vector , byref b as Vector ) as Vector

'   The rest from luxan, sciwiseg@gmail.com
'  Probably need to make this content
'  available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 
' ............................. procedures .............................
declare sub gen_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
declare sub gen_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)

declare sub prtv_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)

declare sub prt_z(z() as Matrix, idx as Integer)
declare sub prt_m(z as Matrix)
declare sub Vect_x_Matrix(M1 as Matrix, V1 as Vector, V3 as Vector)

declare sub prt_v(z as Vector)
declare sub Sigmoid_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)
declare sub dSigmoid_v(u() as Vector, idx as Integer)

' --------------------------------------- 3 --------------------------------------

Code: Select all

'  matx_smv.bas
'   Successive matrix vector multiplications .

'' compile with: fbc matx_test.bas

#include once "easy_matx.bi"

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim as integer m_seq(0 to 3)={8,6,3,5}
dim as integer lms,nx,ny,i
'    Matrix of matrices
dim as Matrix W(1 to lms)
dim as Matrix X = Matrix(6,3)

dim as integer j,ux,uy

'dim as Matrix X = Matrix((0, 0, 1),(0, 1, 1),(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(1,1,1))


dim  Xa(0 to 5,0 to 2) as integer => {{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}

X.m={{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}

for j=0 to uy
 for i=0 to ux
   X.m(i,j) = Xa(i,j)
 next i
next j 
print " ux = ";ux
dim as Vector y = Vector(ux+1)
'dim ya(0 to ux+1) as integer
dim ya(0 to 5) as integer  => {(0),(1),(0),(1),(1),(0)}

'redim ya(0 to ux) as integer  => {0,1,0,1,1,0}
'ya(0 to ux) => {0,1,0,1,1,0}

for i=0 to ux+1
   y.v(i) = ya(i)
 next i


'   Vector of vectors
dim as Vector u(0 to lms)  ' input and layer vectors, store activation function values.
dim as Vector up(0 to lms) ' layer vectors, store activation function derivative values.
dim as Vector ub(0 to lms) ' bias vectors, associated with each layer .
'   Dimension matrices and vectors .
for i=0 to lms-1
   W(i+1) = Matrix(ny , nx)
   u(i) = Vector(nx)    ' subtract bias vector, apply threshold function; return ?
   up(i) = Vector(nx)   ' subtract bias vector, apply derivative of threshold function; return ?
   ub(i+1) = Vector(ny) ' bias vector . 
   gen_v(ub(), i+1)     ' bias vector[s], random values [-1,1] . 
next i
'  ............... Assign values to input vector & matrices ............
gen_v(u(), 0)
'print " Input vector, a matrix in another version ? "
'prtv_v(u(), 0)
'print   " matrix of matrices values "
for i=1 to lms
    gen_z(W() , i)
    'prt_z(W() , i)
next i
print " sucessive vectors , matrices & vector x matrix calculations"
print " u(0) is the input vector "
print " u(i) = W(i) * u(i - 1) "
print " u(0) "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
for i=1 to lms 
   print " W(";i;") "
   prt_z(W() , i)
   u(i) = W(i)*u(i-1)
   u(i) = u(i) - ub(i)
   up(i) = u(i)
   Sigmoid_v(u(), i)
   dSigmoid_v(up(), i)
   print " u(";i;") "
   prtv_v(u(), i) 
   print " u(";i;")' "
   prtv_v(up(), i) 
next i

'  end command acts as global destructor 
' of allocated memory ?

' ======================================================================
' Input data set includes expected output value[s]
' These expected values are used in calculations, including those for backpropagation.

Posts: 12131
Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Please stop posting code that doesn't work.
Two errors: compilation + execution.
(otherwise I will soon stop reading your posts!)
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Hi fxm

The code is in a state of flux, comment out 'X.m={{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}} and try again.

I tidied up the code a bit too,

Here are the two pieces of code that utilize easy_matx.bas and easy_matx.bi, in the
investigation of NN . Both compile and run upon my computer, I also used #cmdline "-exx"
at the beginning of the library and code files, and by implication the header file.

Code: Select all

'  bp_smv.bas
'   Successive matrix vector multiplications .
'   back propagation preliminaries.
'' compile with: fbc  bp_smv.bas

#cmdline "-exx"
#include once "easy_matx.bi"

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim as integer m_seq(0 to 3)={8,6,3,5}
dim as integer lms,nx,ny,i
'    Matrix of matrices
dim as Matrix W(1 to lms)
dim as Matrix X = Matrix(6,3)

dim as integer j,ux,uy

'dim as Matrix X = Matrix((0, 0, 1),(0, 1, 1),(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(1,1,1))


dim  Xa(0 to 5,0 to 2) as integer => {{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}

'X.m={{0, 0, 1},{0, 1, 1},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}

for j=0 to uy
 for i=0 to ux
   X.m(i,j) = Xa(i,j)
 next i
next j 
print " ux = ";ux
dim as Vector y = Vector(ux+1)
'dim ya(0 to ux+1) as integer
dim ya(0 to 5) as integer  => {(0),(1),(0),(1),(1),(0)}

'redim ya(0 to ux) as integer  => {0,1,0,1,1,0}
'ya(0 to ux) => {0,1,0,1,1,0}

for i=0 to ux+1
   y.v(i) = ya(i)
 next i


'   Vector of vectors
dim as Vector u(0 to lms)  ' input and layer vectors, store activation function values.
dim as Vector up(0 to lms) ' layer vectors, store activation function derivative values.
dim as Vector ub(0 to lms) ' bias vectors, associated with each layer .
'   Dimension matrices and vectors .
for i=0 to lms-1
   W(i+1) = Matrix(ny , nx)
   u(i) = Vector(nx)    ' subtract bias vector, apply threshold function; return ?
   up(i) = Vector(nx)   ' subtract bias vector, apply derivative of threshold function; return ?
   ub(i+1) = Vector(ny) ' bias vector . 
   gen_v(ub(), i+1)     ' bias vector[s], random values [-1,1] . 
next i
'  ............... Assign values to input vector & matrices ............
gen_v(u(), 0)
'print " Input vector, a matrix in another version ? "
'prtv_v(u(), 0)
'print   " matrix of matrices values "
for i=1 to lms
    gen_z(W() , i)
    'prt_z(W() , i)
next i
print " sucessive vectors , matrices & vector x matrix calculations"
print " u(0) is the input vector "
print " u(i) = W(i) * u(i - 1) "
print " u(0) "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
for i=1 to lms 
   print " W(";i;") "
   prt_z(W() , i)
   u(i) = W(i)*u(i-1)
   u(i) = u(i) - ub(i)
   up(i) = u(i)
   Sigmoid_v(u(), i)
   dSigmoid_v(up(), i)
   print " u(";i;") "
   prtv_v(u(), i) 
   print " u(";i;")' "
   prtv_v(up(), i) 
next i

'  end command acts as global destructor 
' of allocated memory ?

' ======================================================================
' Input data set includes expected output value[s]
' These expected values are used in calculations, including those for backpropagation.

Code: Select all

'  matx_smv.bas
'   Successive matrix vector multiplications .
'   And evaluation of sigmoid, derivative of sigmoid.
'' compile with: fbc matx_smv.bas

#cmdline "-exx"
#include once "easy_matx.bi"

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim as integer m_seq(0 to 3)={8,6,3,5}
dim as integer lms,nx,ny,i
'    Matrix of matrices
dim as Matrix W(1 to lms)
'   Vector of vectors
dim as Vector u(0 to lms)  ' input and layer vectors, store activation function values.
dim as Vector up(0 to lms) ' layer vectors, store activation function derivative values.
dim as Vector ub(0 to lms) ' bias vectors, associated with each layer .
'   Dimension matrices and vectors .
for i=0 to lms-1
   W(i+1) = Matrix(ny , nx)
   u(i) = Vector(nx)    ' subtract bias vector, apply threshold function; return ?
   up(i) = Vector(nx)   ' subtract bias vector, apply derivative of threshold function; return ?
   ub(i+1) = Vector(ny) ' bias vector . 
   gen_v(ub(), i+1)     ' bias vector[s], random values [-1,1] . 
next i
'  ............... Assign values to input vector & matrices ............
gen_v(u(), 0)
'print " Input vector, a matrix in another version ? "
'prtv_v(u(), 0)
'print   " matrix of matrices values "
for i=1 to lms
    gen_z(W() , i)
    'prt_z(W() , i)
next i
print " sucessive vectors , matrices & vector x matrix calculations"
print " u(0) is the input vector "
print " u(i) = W(i) * u(i - 1) "
print " u(0) "
prtv_v(u(), 0)
for i=1 to lms 
   print " W(";i;") "
   prt_z(W() , i)
   u(i) = W(i)*u(i-1)
   u(i) = u(i) - ub(i)
   up(i) = u(i)
   Sigmoid_v(u(), i)
   dSigmoid_v(up(), i)
   print " u(";i;") "
   prtv_v(u(), i) 
   print " u(";i;")' "
   prtv_v(up(), i) 
next i

'  end command acts as global destructor 
' of allocated memory ?

' ======================================================================
' Input data set includes expected output value[s]
' These expected values are used in calculations, including those for backpropagation.

Posts: 12131
Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: Easy matrix

Post by fxm »

Luxan wrote: Aug 12, 2022 22:10 Both compile and run upon my computer

Not true for the first:
dim as Vector y = Vector(ux+1)
for i=0 to ux+1 '' <== No
y.v(i) = ya(i)
next i

Aborting due to runtime error 6 (out of bounds array access) at line .....
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

Hi fxm

You're quite right, bp_smv.bas did have that error and was detected just now when
I compiled it through Geany; not sure how I missed that.

Removing the +1 returns a vector of the right length.

I'm attempting to use documentation, and Python code, from :

https://python-course.eu/python_and_mac ... arning.pdf

if you want I can upload the python code I'm using from there.

If I have another look around the internet, I might find an explanation that's
easier for everyone to understand.

The Julia programming language was developed, in part, to address the slow run
times of Python; FreeBasic doesn't have that difficulty.
Also, if properly constructed and documented,, a BASIC program can provide good
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

A little bit of an update.

I found a fragment of python code that kinda illustrated how back propagation
is performed, in a separate for loop, after the forward propagation for loop.
The derivative of the activation function is used in the back propagation loop.

I had difficulty using the python fragment, so I translated it with some difficulty
to Maxima CAS code; it runs to completion, whether the results are sensible is yet
to be determined.
Therefore, worked examples from the internet are necessary for comparison; this
may take awhile.

If I'm satisfied with that, then more coding before I translate this to BASIC, then
more testing, tidy up and a lot of accompanying documentation.
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

I now have code for a NN from Maxima CAS,
translated into FreeBASIC code; tested to some extent
in both.
Also Python code that's similar and another way to
co-develop code and test results.

The FreeBASIC results .

The input for training, in both instances is :

1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
1.0000 0.0000 1.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
0.0000 1.0000 1.0000

And the target data is:


The test data is :

1.0000 0.0000 0.0000

The result is :


meant to be close to 1

With m_seq(1 to 6) = {4,3,4,4,1,4}, that's
three layers .
The NN was trained for 800 epochs and took, at most,
a few seconds ; try a timer eventually.

More testing required, there's bound to be more hidden

For this version I'm only using matrices and all of the
indexing to these starts at 1 .
Posts: 222
Joined: Feb 18, 2009 12:47
Location: New Zealand

Re: Easy matrix

Post by Luxan »

The time to train the three layer Neural Network for 800 epochs, mentioned in my previous post is:

0.02568411827087402 seconds
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